Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 12, 1927, p. 6

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talrihft uutuni utd deathe now ehuid or fcl lie following till hlth k uiiua 90i beeth we j mnaorui rj w too ur una for twn vli t st t 1 aol m on hulinduy mil t u 7 lu mi unl mm icuil h wuovut a toil wllllum karl bihd imuul in tull ut welneuluy muy ii id 7 ihoi ut utind 79 thomphov at tl fl coionnlon 4 1 rln tiwnuhlb on wednesday my 4 1037 joseph henry thompson in liln 03rl jwf maw jn trafalgar township on uoiuhy mny d 19zf lullkubrtli sard wl low of tlm into churlc maw it her tilth yur uoillflrthow suddenly on hunduy mny it 1037 ut hr late roeldenoe men mill lluchel wulton uunuy widow of tlm lulrf amhlhal 1 lobert- ki nnkldy at her home jol fit cano6m k iceijueelttg on hundfty may h 137 mary mcartkur bo loved wife of thome w kennedy lit her 40th year mc4cay uuftdonly or uuttday may 8 1937 ut 11 onkwood avenue tor onto june mitchell vrlitow of flu isle john uakay oakvutfc 6nturlo bolovnt itlatvr of margaret muolioll and mr m a hunt bntiril 1 in fcmtuorlam lac memory or our d who departed thlu ufa mny is 30 slio happy hour wer onoa nnjoye 1 aw nwwt ttioee memorle llll fiut tty huvn left an itching void thtf world can never fill the family bwaclcuamfcll in fntid unl loving memory of our dear mother mm ctirutopher uwaekhutiter who dl4- muy 11 1024 we mlsu thee from our home dear mothor j we the tvotn uiy place a shadow oor our life 1 cunt w mis tlm sunshine of thy ftcc w ml thy kind and willing hand thy font und earnest care our homo u dark without the we minx theo- everywhere tiudly mld by family obituary tuomatfj 1 xua wiillc- visiting hi duughti mr j 10 tripp ut 1 resloti mr ihouuiri priut ill fed wuddenly in tlm thll tlott pltul uit wediu duy hif wits for ovif twentyfire yaar a cotillion i ai ton und well known bore tim fun ral will bo held on ivlduy uflhr- noon fr nrt tlm iioido of liu duuhtr in lvt mtoti intt rim nt will iki im lu in ku i rvltiw cddii li 1 y auton 1 hn luto mr trout wuu 70 yui of kgn mhh otoliaid if ltldujy xi alii iinn 11 vwi y uuddt uly to mi m fluiia ii hldly ut hr huinn oil mill htrtt im huuirluy inoinliitf mr ltldhy wuii titkt it ukk a f w iluyu liruvloun uml iintnimoiijii dnvoloi od but hor nondltnni wuh not ouullurxl mnrlouh uml hi r dotli wuu urmit uhiitik to imi huuhmid imil datiuhtor mr unl mm ludlcyuuuo to acton about uav 11 month u uiro liovlntf du cldd to rotlro from ftrtnlnv nwir fit mury ii utter u buvy farm life thu luto mr llldhy wmt 11 duuiflitt r of lluuli and miirk ittt hullit rliind uml wuu hof in oxford oouhty nmldtju nutilo wuu cibthurlno inwl und h wum in hor nrtytilhth yvur thn rannhm warn tukan to thw old homv it bt mury m for burial und llxtarim tit wuu luudfj thtfn on ti duv mr v ttrtd futnlly huvo tho lucoroht nyniimlhy of tho community in thlr hudddii am nail tmrouvoiw tit k artntt ttt ilrpbfi tirohsday may ty ins brief local nfib r j two wwok nway th4uu4 v- musl- wia wa p uttir hurli m t r w lm 4t terln townuhll lot olio of itw oldiolt idonoar ronldimt on xymlnoday of unit wouu in ht mud don douth of mr jonaivli ilmiry thonnoion ut jilw homu lot concnulori a jcrln towiihhlp thtf lat mr thonidhon wi orn ut lialllruifud lti ml und haw bon a rnkldunt of lurltl townkhlti u hlm ufa blxtyfour yaaru ago hn murrltd hjuah molouiii who hllll uurvlvoh him twolvu chlldroll cithio tq iiilob ul homh of which nlno aro now llvlntf arohln ocdwurd and comfort hnvlnlf dltl uftor itrowlnie to munhopd the nurvlvlnr tnambery ttf tha family are arthur john afrfcatidnr wljluh atigutf uimm ajiuio ttnjl mr j mo cu toll boh who all realdo hi terlti townalilpj harry in ltraar townhhlp doir mmtliortoii ahd uim toniv in toronto tho into mr thorn pun 11 waa tho oldautuouof ther- lato arthur thompmon and won tho kuit surviving mombor of tho fumlly hrowd iimctlcfcl farmer- lnd hi hundlworirrwuj in ovjdtmco all about hla farm and bulldlnu in ihulich ho wan p mtuunch liberal ho wuu h mpwlifcr pf tlw oujiflajro vxahiif terlun cliurch and tin older for uotnn tlm tha tonwiil on imoay uftor- who oonductwl by itttv mr noon i lfodsuy amiud -by- htwnhm knt chmjirid ltum mr l04 bod of krlrt hlii ulx 1 d to tho eravo and li took t h yglrvlow ccmotcry 1 jnlll thin year tnvlto your frundm to acton for juy 1 2 und 3 ttf to- bo drjv tnt a new cur tho day- monday u und tuaaday ruin wr flno borln howk may 16 inn t nolntf to lw th day ttomo jiopt thouuht it wair atid now it imhlnk tha lawn tnowor that occuohu thri lrlkuro time thw kiud ituttd tiphonfi numtwr lu now 1t4 uun it for your nwnhmm a wtorwork aorvle u bdn in- talled at tho united cliurch thin wk th warmer wuthor hum brouhht all urowth on rapidly th daht tw day joton lu bolna to calbrat plan to bo bomtt fo ao4onm oilti bratlon of tho dominion oluhiond jubllo oicoiuoui wookwlll b ltor thj yir bhi- will not likely be until muy interior rdpulm to tha ccllln in uw uttltl church ur bln otout od thl wk 1 acyulrlnjf that wohool lrl plnxlon uometiinu tnukm th uta for hchool com klrlj thu ucholuru at the school ur njoylntf thlr nhort cut throuh the bmlth trumrty nuntunrii of uchool uirbj now w oo utter tthd try to improve on thut mkoo yirl romplexjon lerhaye it tukem lomrnr for youtuf tellowri to drwn nowaday m bcauo lhy buy two punt huiu oh well ourlj foikw wvr hav to worry ubout their brakee not work ing ut a railway croaeln therrt u another dampne like the april fchowern thu yeer in that it ik little lute in urrlvln it would be hlci to have the ticket offlcit at tlijirk prior to july other work uu templet und lh mre a titwart ijook htrt hau kold htr tine rejdenoe to mr k j iniltler throuah kerr u real estate ajcenoy we uro vry much pleuued with your impor kiiclo ttttd eubwrlp- tlou tor unother year 11 d ilurnu we don t like to bo continually t it but ir your ttubecrlptlon i rrwir- weu both be bettef eututled when it li properly udjuted when the tutour come we whl be uble tp teallke thut even iwved roude ttatiuot he uttulned without kome dleoomforte in the uttulnliu the oeorolown lumber cir- juiliy liavo the excuvutlumt hiudu und the foundation purity erected for u new houe on tht ir property un mill ulrol the docrou that tha oue club wilil ull don dreue oouuxu for their milton concert cuuttl m run on the vettabl utock in tqw und eithuuut ed uie uupply the counca uiitt week imtpon ed their fortaltfbily tweeion uitti wedutwduy evoujuv the report of tha prueeedihtf wul tpeur in neit week u imui iv ic j nwi hew dotuiuj tn aoton vubllo llwwry ic topy of rhe wreut wr iiu i nuw it by tju lrrederlcv ueorit tkiolt c m o ii o uuthor of rh hypin of the kbkpue 1 oma3itlciirnlfldy a very huddon cull cumo on sun day afternoon to mr thoiiiili kon nedy of tho fifth conoueon mtutuau- itltf when durlnv conversation with frlepdw wh id rniiirt ri th d meejfentor uumtnonod hor from our tnldet llorti and brought up in urln mary ann mcarthur becume the wlfo of thomuji kennedy elmteen year uo durlruf thouo yearn mr und mre ken nedy lived 01 the homeetead where the death occurred with great n tervet uhe looked forward to occupy- inir tholr jiow homo which in in the couruo of con true hon mr ki 11- nedy hku ihmh fur tfftaen your a member t knox church acton where a arnsat ahock wuu nuntulnod on learn ilf kt the evonlns eorvtce of tho mudden doath durlnif tho day in nd dltlon to the bereaved hueband and udoptod dauuhtftr vlolot one brother churlntf of krin mourn hor ions the funeral which wuu one of tho 1aret eeit lu the community cor many yoarm belntf uttendbd by friend anjl rela tive from jfuvs undnoar took place on tueeduy afternoon to valrvlow cemetery aoton from the homo of mr und mre ir anthony who no kindly placed tttelr home at tho dlk- ikmwi of tho uorrowltnf family tho eervloo wa oomlucted by tho linlor hev a c btowarl tx10 pall bourore were mnitiir herbert anthony thos moffnt thou lundy noll ucklnnoii a moklnnon and walla 00 mathouon an urray of beautiful floral tribute boro amp testimony to tho hltfh e- toom in which tho decouued wuu hold a host of friend und acquaintance in the community- extend their cerw uymputhy to tho lovnd one who have bean uo unoxpeotodly jilunjrod into uorrow meflpect for the clock whitman the poot wuu once ask i whether ho had read a certain rather frlvdlou novel und he uituwer- wo i liavo loo much refipoot for tha clock that wau a uharp aud pluuant wny of putting tho needed rmlitdttroonveyd proalcally by mutfhow arnold tiomo of u wueto all of our time mout of u wato much of it all of u wato uomo it lu certainly appalling to think how much of our llmo how empljiy away therefore moet of uu do n 1 think of lu let ua hope that wronc ful uotually vlclou corruption of tha houn 1 oheoked by uomethluu uvan morj morlou tliatt veipeot for tho clock that la reupuct for oursslveu hut how muuy mlnijte boiii perfect ly futllf puruult which uro hurmlei perlm 11 but which leavo hothtti to remember even wbeii they leave iothinu u foruet dawdhnif over nieunlhsle occupation vuln itojouru unproillablo mucimi loriff cluitter ulout thhuf that wo do not euro for day thut fade und drift und crumble uwuy llktf the flyiryf leave of uutntmi how tnucti of oujr llfo ih tuudo up of iom tlibik and luiw they ulirlvel ut i1l menrloti of rewpeot for ilia jckl bye it thluu that in tluimwelvs are tliorouhly worthy ofiun uurrer jn the duln beouurf lliul n murlen tick 1 not unouifh repitted thore lu u iwlft emclent aloee tflrt fuhlon of uvoomulluhmetit und therw i a trull inu muywurd fuehlon thut mukc re sult tardy and loo frequently of no avail- to he ui eoidft uf u in hurryluir cutuulu coneldr th clock too closoly uind let it li ady murih imioimt u torment jo u w rle utid dre und cut und work urui play by it und iiiliitfle the phunlum of ii inexorable protirous oven with our dicimtf out the ordtnury tntui wouiun uiul ohlhl need to- bo tuuirht rwepiilt fort iiiuny thltu4aot leant reepett fur tl e chck l mckim8 directory iftsued the 1s37 edlum of malum tr iory of cuhodlun labllcutlim hue um dolmlt will be wbloanu1 h ull m up doubt will be welcomed by tuttlon- ft mvartluer throughout csttad h united state jul tfw twentieth ed ft wail bavin ppeured m lltx toorpmd nbttimy o iiftpnum r m- jidto ttcatortjr on- 1 can vou queaa yhese oimdov av jolly outdbor timer a tam ur wrjim huntesuuouietltue dot 1 uwjn deooratlomt uuntljur ailoe jtymbeni like 7 liov jtn unty luterlul fer eummer htupui fellowt uooby jl boym luunef hbw1llte vnint wend dut chat flntwfluk tanc tkrtnure imed in tho eummert tlarmaher wliut a doe do6a when he i havpyt a oolo toolt ytllowhmmiuer a buaebfjl pluytur jrtycatctaer a uui monurcttt kokht tli bird that like lo nanub win mmr- whtppporwiii b mnstatr xlavoahar hum it luul lvldty 11 iitti 11 inline j ruturtiifl irom tut tilltilii lijbi winter tltf ghborhood news eden millo kiwhliiu 1 the 1 opulur ntiurt mmml ho vllhkifi tin we duyi4 tlm ueihull cluh huvo oruntilfhd for thti hi anon n h murnlmll ih in iriiiuliiiit ami mr moliitoeli mmuyf r 11m moo lul ol ub 411 nltfht with a very lar mr durton huu duluth having ermtit the with her eon und fumll while drlvlnu on the duclph ho ul few night n wo mr aitliur non luh had the mufortuue whllo tiitetluif 11 hat ti 1 oimjty a oh tact with 11 plh of wood oil the eldu of the road dolnif oonmliluruhhi dumuue to hi t ul mru a holihuon iiuemd uway vty uu idulily ut hur homo on humluy nyt 11 inu mr john wlluon in uerlouuly 111 in auulph oumral houpilnl mr mocurter uluo iiuh been taken to the lloapltul in n iiarlou condl tlou tho many friend of mr w ii llon rnun t to leurn thut mini i oonrjnejt to hod for u tltuu tha vliiitmunloti rvhx of the unlttti clmri worn well uttended on tiumluy nluht ley a v marilt prvuahed u hirmon well rltted for tho occuhloii tehracotta mr aiheoii of uden mllbt hn mnvm iih mtiwnilll no hir lum larire uunu of men uuwlntf ror mr d cumpbotl of moftitt und mr glbon unilfnmlly lutvo re cently movjd into mr v c thothp- on houeu here tho gundiy school under the aun- ploe of the term cot tit united church huu been yeoranled recont- ly and with uch nn able htnrf of teacher l i oltloer are muklnu mplett lid prosto there won a lureo tun out tho itev mr jjooth occupied the pulpit in tho united church 011 sun day evfinlhsr there wu a luru turn oul mr il haywurd ha moved into mr win oaweori u houuo on main htrwel air wullat haywnrd of oujilph hperit iflandhy with term cotlj frltuid mr norman a of torouto wuu tho uuewt of mr and mm 101 tqwnaondaniljujuliyoflbaturtlay mour norman learn and icd san- demon huvo cphe to toronto whore they hav uoourod situation with the ooodyonr huliber oolnpany mr v c thompathreporii doiiijf utuehlnif trnda lu hu quarry oii tlib tcmlh line it km leo the atou4lteiirrio betwwjnttttwimtfronr tho vluto und tho ontario lleform- atory took place- hut saturday after ttooittnhototbutketmiirrnhotfnwin- bolng 7 to t in favor of tho reform utory team mr und mr uunmldo and family of oraud valley wore recent woek- e v nnd mr auicuh carter mr und mr wm ilrldjeor spent the week end ut mr nnd mru itobt hendemon a work ut mlnicoo lu rather ulacjf at prouorit mr lirldtfor la- working in toronto for tho time belnir und mru llrldgvr lu staying at her parent home here jolmutorf jlewat wau alo home last week and 1 wultlns xor word to i back to blmao 1 jumea mcalear wiu home for the wookeiid rrom kltcheimr mru a f mcaieur roturnol home from toronto lat week wlioro uhe upent tho win ter with member of her fumlly mr and mr albert t wulkor of uumouuvltlo wero week ond vlultorv ut tho homo of mr und mru wm harrl mru w j teach returned homo lately from uarrlo where itho ha been for uome time on account of tlia lllne of hor father mr holnhnrt who 1 now lu the houpltii mr helnhnrt accompanied hor daurhtor homo winnlo gammon master donald luln- and mr john wiyllo were re- movod to ouelph qenarul itoupltal liut week for opemtlon on their ton ull all are reported an dolnu pretty woll under the clrcumetunaeu tho women ijiutltuto wont to kvcrton taut week to put on thnlr 4day mru jouo icntortaliw tho in utltuto mr lu j cut- ton i lntullliiu- u welhscale ut tlio cnr yurdu for hlu owti use it tho uoul buuhiouu a very pretty weddluir took place saturday at tho itomo of mr und mr arthur james ayleu on tho first lino of ferln when tholr only dnuuhlor vloht muy vau united in marrluio to mr arthur ihtutupf bon of thf lato ilobert it and mr otumpf hockwood itev john little oinclat- ed tlio brhlo entered tlio parlor on the arm of hor father who uavo hor uwoy the parlor wau nicely dooor- atod for tlio occasion with houuu- plauth fern and uprlnff rloweru with in urch of ovururoeu and hprlnv flower beneath which tho curomony wau performed the brliln looked oharmlnu lir a sown of mauvo cropo de chwio with hrt uhoau and utock inifh lo mutch and caroled a pruyur book wourlna tho ifroom u mitt 1 pearl nockjace mlu marjorlo htumpf ulter of the broom ucted uu brldr- mald dresued li sand crepedo chine with hut o mutch mrwblllnatou atuinpc pporlod the uroom tlm hrldo u mothor won dresued in black cropo romaliio and the tromnu mothor lu black uatlu and ueruotte crepe only tho limned i ate ruttlve of tho oontructliiu liurlle wiyrt pi uottt and niter tho waddlutf jllunor the happy couplo left on u motor trip to plntu oust thn bride uiuu awuy outtlt wau blue crp tlreuu with coat und hut to match the ruin this wik wau very bene ichil u the icround wu wttltik lu dry condition veuetutlou of ull klu in will make rapid progria uhould the weather remain moderately warm luwu mower uro ulready in ojvera- tlon un 1 uwtm loo kins uilo and ureen oiil more v pine dlepuy or nhhrrt li citizen who did not re tiro early wedneuitay hlltbt- were treated to an uiiuuuujly bouutlful view of tlw nor thurn ijuhu 1 ho aurora lioreulls fltiehd und uliumod in the uky from jueito wt tar over an hour blm- nicrin utreeku of vlyld lllrht tho bet display wuu ubout s 0 til on thurertuy murnllitf verdlot of jaeefdettui deuth aticdeiitul dikith wau the verdict it coroner h ii thiitth ipry inuulr in into tho duth or ttlulu lutthtt who died uu muy i following injuru received on the lmidue lllirhwuy at trindu when ho we itruck hy u motor ear drvn by vf mcrjeil of ejckr ilumtlton mr uonu uud hi ims- paer trotfrw- jwgsr ulu helen tiuiuy of hamll- 1 tontbotb- t thut the dectlhed hud uuddunly up i tea rod ubout iwu furt jn frot of ul our uzsfokjw xjoodneu jn what d kmohen asdlaltnad mru brown jflvwry pot pan und dd dirty tfc- table in b perfect luur und why it will taku you ull nlabt t clear thing qfl what buv you bran dolnat vlur mum attained jane ta youtyf udlva baa juat ba ohowln ma now uiay biw parlatar ut their oookatr obael acton hncland to actok canada qlr hetry orlttelo dplndld qlft of tlelelly prveented 4 enjoyebl function it witu li haiipy uriunu ment of lit lvt ajuhim i hvt tho ill 11 beir- inu the 1 1 out of ai toil iuuluti i tlte ulft if till hurry lirlttuln m 1 lu n olriolully pruunuti 1 ut tho concert of tlio xtlltiu choral hoil ty in the iiiwm hull acton lunt wulutwduy ivenlnif s at tin liitermutdoii 1m twoi 11 the fnul wuil n on 1 purl of the pro ut amine of httfli cluwn nuuibt ru th 1 id eve who w iu hulrmuil rulled mr li i mont nl miiuhttraln und it memhiru of tho munli ipul coun- ii pnuuiit coiitullloiri holme und mic i to tlio plutform ho ututed hit mr mooro hud hem r nihnte 1 hy tlr lluuy ilrlttitlu to p4rfoim u vry nippy duty at thin juuctino if thw vi nlnif u priilt edlniru y mr mooro inua thn ovmit woi uii hlslorlo out uml with fho uph mild potting of the wvnilnus concert woul 1 ulwuy ho mt mouhl i he referred lo tho vltdt of mru ioti and lilmuelt ut acton lnuuuid of the oxtremu phiauure of the vlilt throtiuh the klndneim or mir hurry itrlttalu who a ceo mint n d thim fnnn london of tlui courtehh u eu udi d by thn muyov of altott tint chamber of commercn and nuihormiu otlur reuldaut of the diifllnh arion hffcmnco wim htailw of the iiplondld bond of njoyahlo in- ttrcourue which imj slnco continued the renolutlon wuu uhly nedonded hy 11c iteevi a h nlckllu j i who iii tlmi ly uiul upprolirlute word utat- 1 thut he wnh 11 nt phw ut holiart hwuii who in lbl wu upiiolnted flmt imiiadr of tin plari und hanni tiuw olltcn anton in honor of hi blrthplm oaolhii knluml mr nbi- kiln uiho liiformod the uhiimre thut it hlltl birth lu tlia flrut liuuuu reited in alton by uiw of the foiiiid- 14 of the plur hnv cru aiuni the resolution wu cirrlml unun imoiimly hy un etithusluutm rlujnu vole at thlu junt turn councllloi uolpi i holihlf of the town of aoton utp- pd forward und 1 renojiud to mr mooro u hiuutlful silk cunadlau tlas bo fiuwurdol to mir hurry lirit- 1 lu uppri elation of hi beautiful mil hutorio ulft und u u inemejito t the oocuitlon uarninu the followlnu duy thut hi brothtr hv t alltert mwni ii d lu liitivliiu for kiiuluud thlu month to dilull the confarmioo of thn weu- hyuu church in irtduml in lublln mooro urruiild with thn fr to convi y acton ulft to tllr hurry itrlt- tulu personajjly upon hlu itrrlvul hi ioiidon oil june b friendu ucrosa tho uen to foruo a bond between dm two town which will bo lerpatuul mr ioru lxplnlned thut jn con- verhutlou with hir hnrry llrlttiiln ooncirnliiii munlrlpiil urfalru that thn uuuifeutlon had liw n made that aotorf canada uhould adopt tho crest anton fnulupd thlu hud lell done nnd our council l rjow uslntf the knjrluh acton orent with the f- mlshlon of tho council of thut tbwu tho uouwouu ulft of hh hurry hrlt- tnlu wuu explained and tho beautiful uliltld wuu herd now to lie unveiled und formally presented to acton by him ut- tho roqucul of sir brit tain a letter of umotuuc and kail fac tion thut the bond a 4htweoti tho two town worn trowlnif movo and mora ultioero from mayor y c orange 1 of acton liilland wau read a letter wau also reud from j k- jrfraiiuclljsua qonorn wuiinifer of tlio c 1 ll is presu jo reifrottlnfit that a call v wlnnlpetf rendan d it lmposlhlo for him to uttcutl tha umdul vrtfkjx lion of the- hhlo a hf unvelle 1 the shield und haml 1 it into poumeahin of thtrt rrr an i he phuetl in uiowuiljilfcuullth uudltiirlum und thut a elmllur uhleld 1m ciisuuctfml of canadian maple and a ukllled acton artist bi com miuslonrd t paint thoreonlti proper coloru the acton canada ort nnd t jt a ilaco on th wnll at t left o7 thw iiluiforin- tu wouut ojo bdlluh the auditorium and parpetuati tlm hlu tori c ultcnlflcanco of the bond of union between tho two towns tlio shield watthtm unvellod and handednvtfrto the iteevetind counhi au ofrtclal ouutodiunu for tho town iloevo mnuon nccopled tha honor and reuponslblllty knd eicprejuud tho iipproclallon of ull for tho important part mr mooro had taken in the mat- tor prooee una hn snul 1 illow citlrnb it fjocmu to mo that in addition to my lnf irmnl reiviurku of apprecia tion of tlyt kind and icenorous uct of hir hurry ilrlttuln tlm popular ulld kcpcdlnbty uctlvo repreuciita tlvn in tho hrluuh houeo of coni- momi for tho lluiroiiib of ac thn in preuontlnn this uhloll boarluv the itcuutlfully executed cour of armn of tho town of acton lnaland that it would ha very futlnc und appropriately uiifvilnr cunt that wo pus a formal reso lutlon of thunku to blr harry uu oomlntf not only from tho iloevo und council of thin municipality of acton hut one in which ull cltjkons prchout in thlu larire atliorini may hnc tha prlvlloco of ulirnlfylnu thulr upiireclutlon unit aluo of cndoriilne tha action it our council in roclprocntinif by prosentlnur to sir hurry ilrlttuln thro iiuh hlu representative hero u alllflit hut very loyal memento of our appreciation of hlu hhitorlo ulft und of hlu kindly fecllnir for this aoton of ours i therefore move and truut some cltliton v111 voluntarily sbcond tlio fdllowlnrt rouoiutlnn where 111 blr harry ilrlttuln m 1 tin riprokontutlvo of tho hur routh of acton middles x isne land lu thn brululi houso of uminniui linn ultii u kindly in to rust in 0111 c inadlan acton uuji xeutod tliat the cout of armu of acton 1nilnn i be adopted hy acfin canada for uuo on ull municipality uocumuntu und utu tlonery and wlilreu tho counrll of tho munlclp illty of acton huu with much pie isuro und knun in terest adopted thlu smmutlon und aro now ualtiff he uunio crest uu our municipal prototypo in ine und with the uliitfln chunue of hubutltutlntrourmuplu loaf fur their oak loaf ami thoroby wo arc on jnyliiur u distinction unluue in canada t and ono with whhh nt other small town in canudu lu favored and wheroau ilr hurry ilrlt tuln huu still further sluliltfwl interest in artou canada by pro shtjnff to uu thlu ovonlnu through hh repftw ntatlvo personally up pointed h i moore kt iollce miiilstruto- our eefmied fellow cltuon the hcuumuay eveoutod crest of acton tnlluud tut u uhhild it old lnullsh oak in vhlch tho inultfulu of the urmu are do i latrd lu thn formal deulun and uuloru uu rewlsterod in tho colleue or heiuldry in london liiercforo lo it r solved that die muinluru or acton munleliiul couii and the iltltteu of acton hor iiusemhh d uiiuiiliuouuly unite li expressing our veiy slnctwo up pollution to hlu hurry ilrlttuln for hi thoughtful interest und veiieiuu kliidnuu iii bavin pro pared and presented thlu uhlell hcurluir tho acton tlittand cout of armu and we uusur him thut thlu uct w oourtcuy und kindly inti rtst lu vuty highly riitfurdcj und will 1 uiihiider in uu ull a more in to mat lnttr t in tho other aolmi and in lirltluh uffuliu anit- uluim ft neruliy i w wo d slio furtlu r to u kuowlede iifu1y tlm wry kindly 1 kpresehuiu uikl waipt irn 1 tlnifu or hlu worship c oiaiiu jl the iifetmiiiy mayor of anion fchhnd ills klu 1 intai- ut 1 also uppuwut od und hi ileuli thut tb hottil of union lu twuuii the two town po mtronuthom d i iionrtlly- rocl- lufjti 1 wu um iipiirsi lute hi rtnueut df a 1 hotauroph of ur 1ollcfi muutwtpujr i it pinoud in the muyi 1 h itiuirjl parlor at acton i 1 iu la ml us u wiifm nlo of uf hltr hluioli oiinolon and wu would furtliuiiiuir ux ir b our upprti lutlon of tin uiieiou liiutt it hir tl utuv moluienllrown tin uv 1 s las re pixwntatlvo of the canadian u ohio hullwuy lu huvlnur thlu lhltld roivyul fiuui l nuiaiid lu unodii by tlm i ma han sttain uhlp aiimitiuthii unl thn can jullan luliflu liipiiui comuuuy und its fi rum illlvu by mr t k multomiell limiul munuuur or tlm luiiullan im lib kkihhu com puny to mr j 1 m tort j i uu the ouetitdlan appointed by the donor of the iclft an i hrr4iy alt at our ull pcikelullitn hy 11 unanimous slund wu- vote end authortoo mi iliwru yu nfnyey ihw nwn uf thl vld arte of mut peteew to blr hrr urltl yt ror bale twu yotiiur york hhwii dun mny 16 aiiply 1 n path iuion phono 33rj acton an important perb6n pomona who pro tn nd u come from new york city should hu prnpurod to prove owlr boast by evlnclm f lllurlty with what ifetiulrui new york er would neceasurlly know mr j kerfool the uutiior of road- wny tell how he wau once unmask ed by one who hud never oven seen tub mmruiiuinr l luke huhiioo wu a chlpihiwuy in- illan who drove tho drlut of birch bark cunon throuah thn srarkllntf wati m of luko nlpltfon luke idta of u mntntpoll wau u little villein on the canadian pacific oonalaclmyof the rail roadntu hon thti uaentu bun- ualow ii few uhnntle und a vluit uf nccuslniial refrealttiienl known a hotel it wa my ilret trip with luke of lute there hud been sltfiis umttho loe of uborliflnul reiurvo wnh broaklncvp my under thn lunuonco of rourlntf nro the last barrier ttuve way and luko auked u uotori you llv lii new yorkrr ye luko vou know 11 tl mlchellt no i dont think i wmt heard of him silence for several minute then with the uubtla rising inflection of youiivoin newyorkf yes luk you not know llutl mlchellt w wo luke i never heard of hlhl huh tha funny then be one who couvlot you out of your own mouth m added tho cook at tho hold it i not of ton that oconvlctod man hiwhanerhotbttoji judue who ijontenred htm without twatnir lilmuelf to the risk of furthoj tnllinvmt tiucri an opportunity did lately uthlle upoir olio of ths n employed ai rubber ut tho now turkhvh bath installed ut the itoyul automobile club in london alfflrl who wa a -wiem- ber of tho club wa among thaantf to try tha uplendld nooonvrnodutloni oljliauatli on tho wholu hojrl- joyed hi experience but tlje vlolenae oj the rubblnir i10 wioolved rather uurirlaod him tho judiror pro no on the wet abab wuu beaten ami thumped and puiohod and prodded by thw rubber beyond all reason ho stood it ua lontf a hn could then ho tcroanod and uald la it thump bane quite necessary whuix bauli slap to make ma black and hluo crouh oil oyerr never you tnlnd uald the rubber haulina- off and irlvlntr tlvo judge u tftrriuo infthttndor 1 the rlba 1 know my buulnoau tliud wlio aro your asked the judjtj your face bane look crush fam lllttr h oli you romoihbor me do youf browlfld tjio rubber wlltun meb- bo yo wont be so ready ubktume to five mo eight months for prlie- flnlitln seven outworn alibis my folku mado mo bo to church too much when i wau u kid somebody was golnu to gat thn mbuey und it might au wll hp me i dldnt want to upolltlio lrty i know ho lu a crook but he is our crook and i muut vote for him thor i o rhancn foro poor boy any more itu u good law but it can t iw forced i would bo relluouu if it waan t for tlio liyprocitcu in thn church on coat in two fabrics puru sendi over some tlelmitful kailat or tlie dcveuipmtnt 01 thl kcaaoni coals ihii nuhlcl which may tie carnod 6vr tar itttll anotlier mcaipn lum lnwl tuictlona in plain luoddcloth that are bud lu plait ut the aldik tlic roots arc dirt fitted at tit neck yjidercaoed and rolletl lo orm rtver the luevt ibtre illgbtly at tha wrutk uediuul ilxe riuiri 2j yards 54 uwli inatcna and 3 yards j0iiuh linltuf witlt h yafd u lucli lirtidclli houses cheap por quiok bale solid orick house 10 tooinu hui i uiul koft wuttir on milli trtt aoton 3 lota gurtge tiullllhh fir two fumllluu ui looming hiuiaa jjouud ty 2 601 00 hhiull iaiiult juuiojw 6 rootna liurd uiul sah water oleotrlo tlvturu aood lot coey home good illtrlel 113mm ltoo w cuuh wanll 4 luwisa vmflilinii in rwion from u too do to fimj oo why nut uuy pow ufore thu udvuuoe lu prho thrd propr- tlo just uld vyu hmw ih metley od tu qaei judamenjt let u ct teaetbw kerrs real estatt hk knows unclassified small advertisements continued rrom pug one ron pale quthitfl kiultr lieuvor cqqu llangp ii lu gooii oiidlloit apply miu h j 1hwin for sale rum rhuible fruuli lo be ri mov tnl from property llurgulii for 1m llato iulti apply p o ilox i7 acton auction bale mrs margaret otewftrt urook av unue acton will boll u nalo of houiu hold cffhu on mulufiliijf muy h ut threi i dork 1l j khih aucllonnetr cahd op thanks mr j ii thompn und fumlly ditulrri to xpresm their ulncure appro elation or the kind xpfeneicm un i nellhltorly ileodm ut the time of th 1 douth of tie huultnnd nu father theydtstve lo thank ulo thn uuar- tetle that jiuuluted ut thn funeral tier vlc card op thanks mr thoinn kennedy uml violet do ulrn to oxpres tholr hwirtfolt uppre elation of thn many kind and neigh borly loedu performed nnd thn ton der word of sympathy spoken ut tho tlmu of their auddeu und uad bereave ment the neighborly spirit of mr und mru anthony in permitting tho u of their home for the funeral wau e peclujly appreciated n wutr uuo the ttetlmony of reupect shown in the many floral tribute alt these and other kind deedti will over bo lrule- fully rornemborod the beauty parlor ladies amd ghildhgn a hain outtinq a bpeciautv jessik husseix phon 104j mill btrt aelon cloimd wednetmlav aturnoon mclean co special prices this week in curtain materials j cuktain nkts iii crcura und while 44 inchi- wij luce cdui- riclllur 4c- pr ce goc speciul lliis week r scki1w with coijlltku iiokdeiis scrim willi colored border 311 ond ib inches widl ot ifcgulur 22c tor paneu4 wc are eiiowiuk extra jood vnluoil in pnncl at 7sc nnd 9c kach silfc pntl6ls nt 2 a2i hrtd 3j0 kd i yaro wipk lnsoutajm two new pieces put m gtoclc this week hew patterns best quality printed linoleum 4 yardi wide at per a ah fipyrinlx in ftrnrpry jtiopt p g pearl white yq red sulnlcsgolden ra soaps 10 bars for ioc net i tb tin3 ouc toilet soaps urge cake 5 for silver giois starch 3 for 48c 25c 25c large oranges rcgll pa lar goc for ouc small oranges ropu or lar 30c for iidc choice health bran tc s lb sack for dc mclean co nixrsraeerr- acton ont jspring- faotwwr outfit the whole family frarrrtnirnewspnngstoclc prices the lowest all sires for all agec harrisons villadk op actom a catcanyave butcher shop beef blrloln etoak per lb 25a porterhouse ttnaat lb 25c hound hoaut of ilccf lb 18o rhlokiubhhofct lb 17ete t8o- pot hoaut of hef ih we pomc ixjinu per lb i to- 30d id ton hullu pr lb ttlc 1 rr h him pi rjh s pin mi ilcd ilutk llucun hi 38 bmoked hum per lb moked picnic hnmn ptr lb cottage nols per lb ttmokod itolhi l cr lb soo to ire 22o 2flc 2o homemade head cheese end home curedt corned deer and picked pork pedl yillt oniue lamb youi money gofl faruier court of revision the municipal council of the vlllam of acton will meet as a court of iuu vision in the town hall acton ont on wednesday tho twentyfifth du of may 1037 at debt o clock p m all praonn having apialu against the auseuumeut roll for the said vll logo for tho yrnr 1037 will take notice i and lovorn tbomulycn accordingly inotlce of ull uppciilu must ho n cclvtd by tho clerk on or before hid fourteenth day of may 1027 odulod ut acton- tlin iwpmhdnyof may 1027 46 3 ii n faitmhh clerk farms for sale we have a number of tarms at bargain prices and on easy terms for quick sale immediate possession j a smith telephone 16 acton onyawio these specials eor thursday friday and saturday only mens strong work pants per pair v mens blui serge pants per pair mens pullover sweaters regular 4 05 for mens light weight all wool sweater cont3 for mens taney socks regular 75c for t- pair mens heavy bracc3 for 1 is j29s slk s9c 35c scrat for indies we have a ijirjrc variety of hijih cuum lailira hats to he cleared at a price next to nothiitf ladies house dresses to be cleared at n 69c ladies silk stripe vests and bloomers lo mntch 39e ladies- rubber aprons all shades 95cj boys coveralls boys cottonadc pants boys jerseys all sizes childrens dresses 89c 98 39c 75e come ami take advantage of tlusc low prices the maple leaf economy store wc scll for lebs mill slreel acton oppilts windsor cafe perennials for sale i ilciuonnlal aiticiu hhamva paihiiilh rckrand vofplfa canliipnrmv wilo ooiuuinh acitiijka 1iurl lluwfl pinkh w calenationb bwkifltr w1iuam pmimnniai phlox oallualuia hajivh ullkani 10e each 100 don ouiiontal poppiloa uftlm anil r i mill ituiul in au1uui ike each itfus d c russell special lne path of notepupof lor conihiutlin jihiljoi cunuiu cout of arms himfdlug t miu in uiul buy oirly onjy limited supply also cu fui ujjinjulan iiay iui1 ju1jlfl cibrufuu lur htuuk uf vluhtnir huiplu has bull iuta hitsebull tit wt4 prluuu and host quality l4iruo stock of ejitru inly f f wndtilng und hlrthduy ul hintons gift shop jewlury wutche cloaka and luliulr uf heat quality or kurewrd lualetored opt- neariet attend cvry tlmw r dy to tut kyaa the poultry pool of canada s successor to w j patterson butcher will be keceiviii a consignment of fresh caught lake trout from the north thib week placet your order early friday mormng

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