agfomfirifette- r stjje arfmt mxtt mtt thlwujay may it ltj7 sir on the lid and lauoh llulld for ypiliatlf u mriiiftmy 1 uuhpiu mi i hurt wltli urt when itm utroiitfikn your hands run nuku 11 put till your troubles thr illdo theto nil thoughts of your ll- ur ii ami tuilt blttrr cup you uuun lock till your hurtuthom within i thi twi nil thn lid and iituwll 0 j of itm cjltelltu jnvr in m crt la shore wflion you vo ilnmjmtl in your cira inn woiry keen thin rorever then hhlo tlivht finni hlght ab ompmly tmt hid world will never drmitti half vuateu tho uttouglmx uacurely thin nit iti the lltl and laugh conrcdewation and after sixty years op boor ess ida wf canadaratlgn whotlrst conceived the idea f unk ing together in u strong und imrmaif ilt union th scattered ooloniea of lltululj north america it would be dlrtlcult to muy ivobably luui u rood many other important movements ihlir ldbu of confederation watt u brad ual growth simmering in the mfndi of u few nun of vision unlll the tlmu wuw rlpo to make u a reality most the bdthurw ut confederation but the men 14 piuoh uher than their day they howovor took hold it and trimmed anil uahloned it into a pruo- ii cat bio cham ft of the thirtythree vat h era of con federation perhaps seven may bo re carded um the governing minds those ot tllo uatltul ulnars of confeder ioioi miwxiunuiij car tier qalt tap iwr klrowp mcocfl tltly and4 id pro bu bin that tiult although lift i la heurd of hlin to- day should rank high wven uinoiiif thuqq without tho in fluence am nlhuslan of curtler it jwould havo boh lmtoible to per suade pvwnch catuicu to consent to the union ilrown ensured tho ul- iorl o tltn hiflutttlal itttfobnicrf of upiwr cunuda tuiur und tlllny won tlta uukjtllliem iicoik- by hlu rlo uance irwvyotl ihrt irlnh votn und juuciljmuld f lnlmlublo- ivdbhlp lillotod confodamthn throuhcount- imm dlltlouuiuh but it romalrim true tlut without tho farhhtimlnemii unfl itthniiimm und oonktructlv ml nil of aleutidor gat it 1 vary unlikely if tho dominion wuuld now b oulohrut- hiff ltd dloinoaid jublum m b tijt l tin old aunt janes qlnqino kittv vear8 ago a uvnk nnd rutlior tullluft rorm iraanoif up in nlloo a wood ol niiihl that hoiintad hint aha ntivof onutfht u bnau nij whnt nt fflll faf y f7 what nilruutlvv mil u uuk jmh kmi wiu th i only fcolutlon of th tnoblmi thtronlywayout of tbf tolltlcui tuitvlo whch overy yir wa 1wxmntttuf titoro hflia irvooirtka idu of con- ictvilojlnnd with ltkdnuo curor built it up into il comnuta nnd iwuo- ticuhlo uahoms tha practical muhc lsncjfh lhiiaywer4ncllnodatlriit to hiuirh at him and to brualt hi imn nalda a on lnnwjilbb drim but 1 the end they wr yoreod jo admit that it woi not only lmoucabla but theonly iwblbloroil tajiae and ncurlty oih not only ovoud tho wohent of confoderatloft but h tnora than uny otbr man trpird tho jiubllo itiltid to accept it- in ttoanot nd mlt of naoson ho ukd con6j- hratloti and nlthoush no plblndr hu clear logical blind hlu complain colth in tho idwt und tho oonldnoo that itoopu lul in hlu integrity won th mudiort of thouimud ot cltlxonw who othopwltfo mlcht hav rardd tho union ot tho turovlncv u4 a mail htd ounsorouii xjrltnnt without qudatlonlejr or a moment tho dbt that ciuiad oweir to the konluif of lijfucdooam in itutrlnr th hhlp of alato throilch tho vcktt ulld whirlijoohi of oafty racial and pro vlocul jalounlw und muundnrhi- inert intii tho harbor of confedrllon it u only juut u a1iucundr cult tu rnhiombr that ha ubove all otliortt owed tho maw that uucdonalil roup d mucdonahl wui u khrwd and cuutlouii ututominiui ut hud no fuith in vtiuh exptiinciild he knew that tho wiuo und uucomwful politician 11 tho iuhhio uio way thy wr uirowdr lnchud to bo macdonald wwri indettl uto cuptulh of confederation but gait was utl prophet altogether befbrtf upd tlttr confad- bmtloiif alaxandvr tllloch tiait tavd iioorly lnty yearn to th kcrvica of bu country ho lived to mo iu wfeak nd acalterul province woldod into poworful and umbtlou jdominjon- a man of rur frnal onurm modt nd unusaumlnu but with u quut llnlty that oonunundod tovpeot h had tho ckiiium uf hi nanily for rin- uo und colon lea t ion and was rt knuatar of dlplomaoy it 1 only right thut canudlunw ahould rsmind them alym that iboy ow a debt of rat- tttzifrx tbla man whoo conatruotiy vision uld uhtlrlntf effort wer de voted ho largely to tha creution atm upbuild i nr of the dominion a look that moro than ovenod up the boauty that it luckail faliw avr iwwniw lo hnil no tlmo aworryln but aunif th aonatto vloh itn lho lnwb until loud think lior tmiuuo would uuro wmir out from ovarwork trtiiii mornhi plum till night bha 1 uarhlo them oil fnahlattod ttinh ttiut uava hr uuch dhlsht no mutter if uto mud would uhlne cir atorm clouda wui uwlngln or if th day wan dark or flno jji juned knp on u tjntfln whmi uha could rand hr tltla eloju to munulonu in tho nkleu irtiod bid rurowclt to oveey four an wlffii her wenpln rycu tho woiilii beln only iltflratlv it uplhiiiru tlnm ol liminit oyeu o hrn 1 nover louk no tmra jl alnir in rlnifln vol en about funlaritmijwlih mood an mlnnsuti louln utility hlulna th plunvert bononth the flood an aaked if lie d hn carried up c flowery beda of eatto whllut o tli or j fit in win tho prltio ni uaued throuirh bloody ormn about tho now joruunlum iiarrtlctrwa iwaytitittirtir u lh u u huv a jint kei l oh amlniiui the common who can account for tho ulhtlrf and litlrlcaclorf uf worday ordinarily w um ootrttnon term of reproach we uy of certain people tliat their munnert ar com bton tliolr dreiiu is ooinmon their apoech la common meanuia that they are undenlrublo mjj orfenil jtmalowitfit 4r ufa latov vtdtho oommoniii that ben t6 t awav from tb vulgar the trltf the imuin tho evryduy aoethe 4iiad it hlu chief pruue of wchluer that ho flung behind him fnto dim phvlon tho com nion which eiiclmliin und bnluvtu uu all and ybt aw w reileot wo feel lltat thre lu uomethhig wrong hergi- it ahould nut le it cannot be that what la coiuntoji to humanity und what talee 1m tha tundutnttula meaning of tiie word la worthy only of oppro brium ukftl contempt w uf tho buggaatlon of u dlrfen nt uao hi the unea uf jruy ua u otin who la re- thtvorind houllh tha uluihmt floweret if th vala tha lnijlat poto lhat aw tha glv the oonurton un tha air tha fcklau to ibu ure oinnln puradlm cwiunon tho moat tmuntlul thlngu tdtba wrk vr4uha conintbnaat tho ud um oray uaya tha atura tho iclouda tho awlft ullr of uutunm wlnda ptij the uulet drift of uutumn lvu iaji eommoti und mi ttirtnltrly lovely 1 and tha ultuple oaaentlal miinta of huoiau ufa ura tixquultely common vhmi u oonunoiiitr than iloath what li kimmntir than aurf rlntf oropo law wvat jtiiftaure tho truly cuuimoit ithlkiga und uurdly thoae nre the tiling tliat tmunt for uli tit ua iia wordu phawb nuanu wiium ho upaka of joy in wldtw raihitoimuiy iprtid t la only bscauae w krrta ld fa ro inmnioti find comnwii thii r can 1h ak to t1iera t uli un biako ourbolvea uiidaratood by iiiijm tiio uiualtjat uoulu of thi whola wrtd sniiat faieu an ulutkeiteaim and un- coln hiaku theiuiwlveu individual wfile- ly by thlf vuiil uuri gruap uiul un- t d of thi ininmuh tlenllix in rootd lu thi oiniiioii though it oara into tlu unltpnt tho nuyt time you call a thing or peraon rlmnw lup u aouahlut heerd up in tha nklea an when rovlval moellna ooihb ol juno wh8rlghuanbaml to help tho mourn era with thir nonga towurd tha promlaed land an many u aimier felt the pain o deep convictions atlng and made a start to nook t lord rom h ottrl n nf hbta1 obt alaal an did my saviour bleed un did my sovereign die would ttle dovotn that ancred head for audi a worm an iv prhorn never was a groat divine thahnuiad the power of awlngln tho koerloaa alnnoru into line like jano could wlth lior ajngln whan alio woa on hor dyln iwwl an folkfl jvith tearful oyeu whm atandin round to pea bor start toward tho waltln akleu auld in wms alio stood upo jordans utormy ahorc an that aim wua a loin homo where ah would die no more an when wo saw her alnkln rluit into tho a r nt a o death a umlle crtri on her poor ot fuco un with her dylnir breath w vnw bar ruluo her eyea to qoa ad beerd hor faintly alug qh grave whoro tu thy victory ol death wliero u thy utlngl an i jet know that when un might her happy poul uuk wlngln toward the renlnui of puro delight it bop riirht on amlngjn of naletvm ito la leuvlns for brioo- brldffn d lake tho mnnngomont of the iirurdmnre tannery lnu fw dya the imirty uttniiillng oomprland w it hor y jiulrmun mr moaarvhi llovu juin kiutlhowa 1 13 hrla tlo david luudorwon iti horora jel rtnordl r t hmllh wktwuril nlokhrrniini an kinmdy oaeph a i ian oharln cnmeton ulumrd ttathll- loll klmft cmlno und olheim hv- i rul nvo llnnt apt 1 1 hi u wero i undo and mr hall thanked all for their good vlaliii on ihiirafiiy ovmllig a romplhrnn tury hiippnr waa u ndi re il wllllitm tit rdon on tho vo of hlu projioan 1 removal to icimtrdlm it waa hold ut tln itouin houao anoh air john wurren puly iletvo of auuhlng wua tlnilrionn on tho follovflifrt von hig mr fhinlou wrtii prcm trrf villi h purae by tho knnx churilrtoika ii luid iihi ii iirditlor hi tin hiun h for aeveiol yiura tji you me i um atlll pmlng that flrtyyour old tu of 1 nw vux vtixiiu for intttiiatlug loral newu of httlf a century ago and hnro i give yixi tlni r ipjlta xnwual aunicultuhal 8ta- v tisrids 1027 tint oonilnlou jiuruu of uuitlaliiui huu miido li ouatomnry urrungonient for tho collection and publication of tho unuuul agricultural it i at tat leu of cannda for he year 1037 theao uln haft win lift ho collected next june from ludlvldihil farmera upon cdrdlionrd aehedtilo lu- ttutnl to them through the teach ora and children of rural achoola tho cliod- ultla u very atmplo one railing only flor tha lureug aowtv to is id rrotxi und tho pumbora of fumii animal ullve on hft farm in midjune upon rcaultlng eallmatta or total arena town ai e baaed pro 1ml nary prov lalonol und fine oatimutot of yield which nre of auprenio importunca lu connection wlrti tho niovument rtnuim- tng dluttlhutlon und aula of principal oroa1a oaeoluuy of whout of which qxtongue falls lak6 of bays canada la how the world loading ox porter tho proven t pinna for the collection of theae attlllutlcu have been followed annually alnce 1017 and the ontlmutuu luiuil ihereon have conn to ho con idontly relied upon by uli in tenia ted in tha pioductlon un lhitrltuho cmmdluw triun in eonnootion with the celebration thlu year of the diamond jubilee n comtojleralloii accjirnto a tu tint lea an indtuwmanble for a hrojier nppreclat ion of tho national progreaa and in order to ejnmre thut tho ulatlatlcu at uift juhlloo yoar may n an nccurn n i ifi naiiniil l tlirougbout tho lnjw f bay ratjon of tlio jliglbjnnda of ontuhfo trtfcb iha hwmyhorn ot tbo oaimwumt weokjy nowannixtb aaooliium vlll yjalt wjiea liofillng their 3027 oorwontltm at illtrwiajna thorn aro toutny d lighlhi wuinrfrtlu of yhich ox tonguo jpathi uhowu nlovo in ono caiuullan nuliouil ilaijwnya jbotornpti delightful holiday location ill church that gwoehcjoap voloo o- hernd git right up an riiw jlnulolio btaliiron 4l toiow d iwa lllooaadbortrleh by thtomfcldt rarmoraonautmiuthe dominion wtl not full to fundi r the amall acrvlrq remiired by filling up and returning hiejichllojaaud if any fanner ahould not reoelvi can you nnmcmdlcllt i wonder iiqw many reajero ot tho column can rum ember theao acfoti iveuts of llfty yoara ago thla wek mr llwry hunt actons popular o r it atiitlon mastor left yeuterday for u pleuauro trip toljigland iio will be absent about two mo hi ha mr zaliuan a hall inanagor of uaardinortf co a tannery horo la about to remove to uracobwdgj to iperlntend tho conatructlon of tho uew tauery now being built thtro for tbo firm mr halt will imvo u aharo n th bulnba oeorgj yomon who wont into busl- uea in grocelea crookary gtuaawaro knd fancy gooda a few mnnthu ago hau modp an aafllgnmont and loft youth and imuriierjonco waa thi cabae vr ulcbard llomluou of acton h fceourol the contract for the omc tloa uod egulimieut of ilourdmnra a naa lnniiry at hrucohrhlgo he will tt abaent 1611 hlhiw all wmwer samuel laird twgpawman at tlo grand trunk hallway atiitlon ad two una tucueya myajedoualy fljoai- piar one day lust weok they wai proliably ubinirhtfd by uomo kusuliin htdurmund tha urgo hull over tho poat ofrtce huu beau divided into two part a tho klnlghta of iythlaa will occupy the larger iiart as u lodge room tho other portion will ito used for coun ell division court and other public meetings tuw kaicg lnaiui vuritod tha hull u few weeks ago for ttu ulno mdiolnlnft a raid was made on john 11 ihirns of june w fchouhi apply r ither to the aehool teacher of the neatat locmlrural aclnxit nrtotliir provincial dopurtpien of agriculture to th dominion nntlatlpian at ottawa the aim in to obtain n oom- plote 4ieduie from 6very farmer at tb hum hnmeroug thff ho- moro trmltwortliy will bo llio rooult- injf eatlmatea whefiiur tliat vary oommoimeaa icn nnt imply something to luvu if you intend tu do u mean thing vul till toinorrow if you ura to do a nubia tiling do it nw nowl luv iv juttiha potato pits tho other night un hlu farm nu stain und quom mtreutu klght or ten bushels of imtutoeu wo to stol en mr llurnw sayu luvy were uir y iluse liotatoeu lln thief vi laiitly rose ourty to ucoompllah hlw purpose wheat was in demand on tiatuiduy ut fsftd u piiabel hut the prlco la now down to 0 ft ii b0 theao who sold laat ueak werp fprtunato t prlo of flour lu up to f 00 if it goa higher well have tu nlpp upif hriud und take to rake and pl ir jacob hpenua of toronto will lecture on prohihlllon in the tmpe- iinco hull next haturday ovenldg tuvern llcepwa hiivo boen granted to jtobart agnew und thonuin ii camp bell for tho year the application of john mrquurrlo was rofuuud 4iy the commission rs tho allium cliunipion is now puh llshed by mriiurs iunton iukoii the partiit rshlp lutwoou meuurs wn lace jl 1antun liavlng been dlsuulird a commltteu of tho vlllmo council us appointed to loiishbr the p iilng juj1i tidoit througb tu the uilrd line tnujy found that it uould tout lu to gotuuirtclont i mil finim 1 u armativitig that it woul 1 lula wo ticros orf ura ijainml itpolghl a fuim and iai t of two lota iw longliw to william dsmojul u total out of t oilt ildo t 11 rid liiut tho ulrt wuu p n ed from iding hlrul o tn hiiclulit proiurty but in tho llfty xniru almo tha propokv 1 tiuul was iiovurotkuutd tu iha uibrdllnu poplf hei e who ware built up on tin pipu thut the luniihtan wu would niuka baltiv iniea take it all tuiok when uiey um buying the family aiot k uf bnud and meat coinpllmaiitary supper waa tan dared mr i a hull at tho doinuilon hotel on mouday night ua a fakt knienos op vourt wire of course they are todloua at tltnon and you aro mot aulta so gvaclous to them as ydu might iw it unfift to be dlffarant when vou were engaged margaret und kloahor aeenleil ex tremely attractive you chntlod with them you jrfstod with- thorn tlioj took upeclal pains to imi ogroeahlo to you oven at times you wit a cortaln pleasure in making your be trot lied n llttlo jealous of them whlcli she was ulngulariy ready to be now all that is changed they arc leas anxious to please you or you think they are even at tlmou they ura ipclhtad to a geiitlo mockery of your peculiarities which it la hard to take in the right spirit they atrpear to utlr up trouble bio no doubt with out meaning it they mnko ypur wife restless and dluoontintod aftpr a vialt from ono of them- tlmrelu nlwuyu more talk about now claim new furniture or tilu party or lihnt concwl in any ojjjjp qf homo axfiun lias right to be quloj wbens ho gets in tired at night syuwnled up uh care and worry ho wapts toutrti pu at his ease take homuly attltudts and not bo bothered with thut atagi lhllto itu that hl wife dtmanda for tu vlaltora and that uhe would ilko for herself all that lu natural but think of tin ithor side you havo friondu too tom and dok and jim you can uoe thorn outside tho housn much more freely than your wife ciin margaret and uleaiior yet you expfct them to copicoo tho houso und to m mndo welcome they fill your wlfou imrlor with smoke ami loud todloua ntika amlbor pirt lu not tho prfimr tory out that yoinv hi you can inur- mur a gruff how d yo dor and retire to your den uhe must put on hor heat frock and hor best amllc make conversation which is hard work for her and which lu generally unappre ciated by s often after a ions day sho must go into the kitchen and prepare stmio apodal dish thut yo thoughtlessly ask for uhe doeu i with or without complaint aocordlng l hpf poturo usually alio la glnd to dp j hufajp would be much plriiaerf if you wquii pomepibor it ami show her friend a 1110 mora cunslilora turn ituroiwnliijeark iaoaiosiain onoof jjonulnlcabh4rmjac hooiibqr v spot dortloawly ior the 3ovr of fisakug auucdntf laud othr taquauc tporto jorj a eonoow la sbowa taakdng hlu way through the ej vhkh4bflvjntcr0tajidtwwvtiikictdjiofti ofillid x5olltth4 itolway rooru pamuuail katioaal itauwaya pliotoaropu as usual i irnt ihjnlclon hn tho operation waa juut n th nick of time becond phjslrlnn en in nnotlior twenty tour bourn tin patient would hnvl rtovi i d without it wholly jnck at ho m i how urijou jetting alonr ii i rii o jour wlfo went uwiiy i in i vo rouchoil hio hlch- it point tc i illclcncj i can now put jny iiocltu cm fr im olthtr end village of acton farmers accessory shop spring time m cohhiiilu on hand whnt nb luliiumo i irllllior good for grain corn or roota hoo tliitt noiv kertlliaor turnip drill fcomu wlro i i nclng and qutcii to iruot your croph a now plow or cultlvutdr don t forglt about thut now mower und ituke liny loader jr hain is tulp- monl how uhotit your wattr hupply your puinpo wlndmlllu etc you ahio iilod u certain amount of ropulra kindly iniikn your rugulrcmonto known to un and wu will i ivo you our v ry hlht in rvlec win btrttcliing ind hop ilrinl of all kinilii havo prompt iittmtlon tli ink ou call phona 100r3 the cuhe aa mra jtlvera inlaned hut ahuy all lifted her tired vya to til not thn hhiloi a aim eyt a were hard and dthini us wall nu tired unit a hot rotor huihed in buvjjliln oheukw now dottt tell mv that it a uil my own uult aho auld for i ht wtund thut it ian t my utilt it isnt in empty mind or meltiuhnusn or lukf m thut huu broken tpe down it i rul tiouhls and iroublo thut i wan not to blame for ita no use to pros oiilie rest 1 jtaii t r tit y t somehow lv got to rest ill obi y ordoa if you give mo orders i cm oh y i m pn pared to imvo it take time even a hmg tlnie on lliouo term i can you mini mr no the doc tot u answer wuu in aluiit unhealtutulg mrs illvera sturail ut him blankly the word wuu like u blow lu thti face tlui phyalcluu holding imr iytii wlti hla kei n steady glunco went on i cannot euro you no physician on earth can hut you can euro ynur- olf if you imvo tho grit it plaken tio alrfereiico that ti trouhlo was leal trouhlo nu trouhhi la real and imaginary trouhlo ja the worst ix thankful that yours iw not imaginary now herosfthw beginning of tho cur a if yoii havo grit enough for it i toll you frankly thut not ono in n hiimlrod hau u la or ono whole week not to permit yourself to think ubotit ioursalf in any irrprwlhitever i don t flue whut you do whether your tttko up diesamuklng or kanakrlt or go out scrubbing i don t cure how llrovi you got phyaloally for thin onu wok 1 ocmb ot thought lad lu iviiywhm lln who fiaim d mankind to h mi mighty family hlmixir bur fiithur and lb world our homi lolorldur lill i tu t mie juat hie one thing what do you uy7 aro you tfood for itr liar u long moment mra itlvera wurf silent the physician um hn waited and watched her uw her prldo hard unlug then iii do itl alio auld flood ho answered come and report a week from today out in the atreet mrs itlver a pride hlaged into anger ho had not believed her h had treated her like n liypoohmtdriao him would show him why people had gono insium under uuu sorrow than hor hh a sudden thought halted her abrupt ly hho hud left tho doctor not pvo mlnutoy ugo and sho was thinking of herlalfl tha next wednesday came but mrs hlvoru wan not among thi patients in the waiting room instead alio sent nolo dear doctor gordon 1 vo failed lhuvent kepmutdfmyhelf ft ulfiiic duy yet 1 vo tried hooka and niuslc and cooking and houseoiaapltib ant shopping and stalking birds yeutcr day afternoon i look a doxet children from tho orphan ftyalum but for n picnic vor three hours i nun ure sou j luid no ohunee for n fjuh nf mduufutll if i have to nrtrtjr1p who tliaflb y oulto ratiuwinktn v my self aver auooeed 1 ii coma und tetl you i won t until i do veryslucerly youru lraiteleliio jlivora tho vloctor a dnawer was brief i am proud of you qonic taaioc row il i o iw ilhm ihihiai pin i a it chilullaii win u n hoi khst ill un r id tin otlui wlmrn he in not ore il itlun wan otui if tin j b imik i of iriulln an i v i inn l ii liti pv without it mm jiuik in tin mniliii of ih in hi atin in in fioin tin lire i f indl mllou r it iiiihimillili i iitiitr lie holy mid udrve tin i mil t alwayn l ttim f i a triln at tin iqvel t rouiilng oodurn in is c mtnitl nu i ut tin r inuat bo c intact why he loot it li tin wllllo cumo liaim from nrlionl jookllig very tcarfub whnta thn multir lahilli impilr ed bin uncle john i vo lost tbo twopence tofilhor gave for thn bout liny in tho ulnsnl wall ed wlllln well never mind old uncki john hor a anoninr two pence itut how did you nmniigo to los it id chap another wiin8jiicc inn iwuttrtiintrssr boy the t t do to inuke yotir jams and j el lies pe ev time ny wiznbeth palmer 11 io olil anxious daya of kettlo wah imik lunl diwcuratiug oa what link ou will linvo with your jam or witli your juy aro over now nvnfi un inexiorinpood cook call ho hliaolutoly sure ot auoccaa every time 1 or um nw aliort- lioil uihtliml with carlo hover fails you fust bring your fruit and aujear lo ft twill ndu corto bod it a min ute or two and ita done redyto itgim wiur und bool and tho iwaiity pf it is lhat thi bliort lioiling timo auvea fhtt color aild ijavor of your frcah fruit o tliat your jams ami jclhca ookjmt- ter and ttuito iiotlor iwiilea moen you do not boil tlia juice uway you icot so much mora jam or jelly from your fruit tliat j0u aavo two oonta or more on every chuwj yiui cuoh ihiiuo of certoi oomea a book of rocipcji for your favorite jams and jellies ahd soma deli cious now opes bend tqr una nqw fne liooldsl p j douglas packlnk co ijmiled cobourjf onlanp xlwuw aiiid mo froe youriowool- okhi liaoklut on jams and joiiim nr its fine quautiespresenmtbe modern aluminum package redrose red rose orange pekoe it extra good good old days not so good- talktttoarikoaoot61d days days were ever as wood us the present ones you livo batter titan any of the kings of old where you awl ten on electric light ho luid a smoky torch you go to bed on springs his couch rested on plunks a low over work mlulutrelu were tho bt he could get togethar when he wantol music you turn a dial and a great symphony orchestra fills the room and tpday a thin copper wire oarrloa more power than his eceptre ever boast ed you hav a thousand kingly com forts that th emperors of distant lays v never know op courbb he could tho lady ilontanier was a wonder ful person h beckoned for tho fl put hon and ho meeuly came to her and took a piece of sugar out of her uv u hi anyono could do that said a mau from the audlonoc do ou dure to say you could t re torted tho lady indignantly certainly just as good as th hon jtgadesi of toronto eyesight specialist rwntttiiotta7imowm a dua atonm acton monday may 30th anyone suffering from- uye- atraln def active vision or ilsadacha ahould not owiortuiilty of conauttlng thbi eyesight speoiajlat appolpt- jiiopth may ba moda ith mr a t drown druggisl consultation jrilteb olflo hours 0am till i p m varicose veins reduced or money back says e j hassard thb simple homo treatment giv sms amazing ittwulu lio world progrsieb to iluy ail cnctta that rtiofc wook to i rent nli now 1io eiuhtl in 7 frw daya if ou havo vithcoao velnn or buncln n you can start to day to bring thini back to normnl also und if you arc wifio you will do so just gtt un original bottle of moonon i merutd oil at any dlnptnulni phur clut a und apply it uli lit nnd morn ing to tho enlarged vi inu it hi verj powerful and ponctritlng and only a little is rcqulrid af it r a few dayu ttoatintut iha leliui nu begin to grow amallor and by regular uuo wilt noon reduoo to normal mount n pmtrnld oh lu alao a tnar- ckma healing ugont ono upplliatlon forinutance ktous 1ntnruigbtitoinu and u fow ap- plle itl mn liumi tho eruptions to dvy up ut do eff anil completely dluappuir it li 1iuilly an i ffoctivfl in kirlbrj itch lit rhiuin idnuna and luflam- iiiatory akin troubh ivopl t who w ml to riilmn vrloa volnu or it lid of cciomn ulcors pp piu ti in i f w tuvu uli on ii tqf niu tut j to it a tniitlo at ono if a ai i owi rful that a amal liottlo lastil li ng l an pharmacy can uupply j j hiuisurd uclls loau of it very livk stock a jluk- mrs xlury a llvormoro while on her way to adrfrtss un important meeting iil jnlased bar ira i n ho telegruphud the iiewa of her mlsliap a a largo audlenoo was xpectrd the cnmmltteo otftrad to uend a spoclol uiiglno to futcb liar the twuiitloth century mugiixlm elves mru llvermore u account ot thht uncoil van tlutial trip 1 hud travailed on an engine before i i idll j plreed lo the piopouut got along without tlltriculty until we wore atoppod by u tloralled frulght trulu sixteen nillos- from cincinnati the iiljuir was groutly troubled but aftor cons ufl ting tlmaublas on other roails nnd boyond tho wreck he dorlared ttiaf jp seven mlnulos a fast cutuetialp wpulj leaye a n oar- by etatlon pud would go through to cln cliitmil wltliouf stop ho ojialsied nip u alight and thin to mount into un epipty wagon that aoimbody hfid kft huuhoj to a post jlu illihhid in hiiiisilf and drov uu fast ua he t mid wo reuhl th atatlon just ua tho i nglneer uf tho cuttle train was giving tin signal to start ho declined to taku inn aud produced his prlpto lilnutrqcilotiu which orbuda hint to curry any fielght but ilva stuok und any puuujingera but the drovers lu ahargo of unhnals if i am not live stock ulil you jjhuse till mo wliat i umr i usku i hlui luiiuiuuilly i 1hur was u luugh a huirlad nm y ihitwiiu the two moil and tin inductor of the cuttl tiuln do i u d i transport nin to clnclnuatj if i would u au llvo sock ho i wiihwilliud and blllnd but u in the usthwwrninot lhthe cattle car and whim i riuchi my uuutfoib i iaid my bill ard took a rvcelpt it whh hard weary af loi noons work but i kpt uiy upgau uiout and uua euthualuatlrally mud by un uudlauce tliat had lu tliutly wultitl ror inu un hour lialf pauked in a crowded upara