lu m 30s 1 artott jfn inufl tuupmmy way it i8 if i were vou h tilled uurdeii tmir niti fit harmful w l if i were you id smile u bit i of umlha van light tlm dsrkes tiny t rhnps utttiiit gronlng soul may see iho cheery gleam umi flit i tin- way if i wrn yon id sing lilt lo lirlghteu hour of toll ami grim wain downcast traveller hearing you may gain frejih courage for 111 cmit if i wer you id help a lit ynur shuiilderucuth anothers load may bring lllm bravely to the goal where you may reap tlln good you sowed marion x jaekeoh the sunday school lesson fom sunpav mav 22 first white mans music in canada lhtrl iuon title dler h mid luni jiun hor i ptur leuuou acta 3 i to xi oylnl 3 110 41 mlo oolilttri text id hone other la there salvation f r neither im thr tony utlir nam utxlff tifuvfti that 1 giv en among men whrrthi wn must devotions heading juhi x twenty veartt aqo fron the issue bf th prs pa i thursday may 23 1w hare headed girls oro again evidence the loo cream parlor urn in full blast again i very cltlsn should see longboats indian fr t f rra ram ail balurday mr a hilton linn changed the nam of the albion motel to the station house mr turu mi willow strwniaa bxcn moved hack frota ihe frowi street and i being enlarged corners iieople are get ting quito an oil yevtr a joint stock companyi- being organised to help mr crewson put through his drill ing operations tha famous onondaga induw la crosse club tha iloyal canadians- relatives ami friends of longboat tha cliamplan runner wll iiwy aetou in the park on fluturday aftfiroott the canada qlovo worun elo thin ovoiiliic until xittany hiorniajf in ortlor to clve tlijr employ who havo boon immt faithfully wocielng jilnco the now year an ftp twrt unity for a uwlleamikj holiday hurclj blrot roadway jnui now twen scranod and oleanhl a vabt improvement ha thu ben lfatd a cood ooatlmr of llrobn ntotte 1 now lmlnc aprad a thorough rolling in also neoaiuiifry if th roadway ho put in a cood condition ftnrthrf iuorlhf wuy24 thi f ttii win mm t irirtfndfnr rftttttnn 18 isr i 1 rh hour of uiyr ite hou til pruyr wr th third wlittit ttiomlnir nuerlnt wd ocfrd mixmi iumm uiid the ninth urn tltt of the evening uicriikt oumtnv low the nlutiii hour thre in th itternodlt fl a certain man imub th author of acta pfuwbly kaw the muii nantrff hut avoided telling it tent the hihu itbould lie pvrcutd by the cml- of the chrjvllttntf tlia door the temple which u called alnutl- ful i lie jlvautirul out wen trob- ubly tlie out of nlcunor lotatml in the middle of the kaatrrn wall which miuiratd the court of the wofrinn from the court of the oentllev it wan maiifl at corinthian bntu which wan more emtiy than xuld to au wtrtcnrrtnrrfltr arloi wihw ifln r tlay grgn fa iiplnmlld uhnimf und the j open tomorrow htornltuf ajtflo mutliclalcoiincu0 uoh- the mnvt imiwirtant bualiuae mtion wan the wnjrabitia ttt oloctrlcla tq cuuxtor th-tftllle- uunlclpal clerk presented slehtcon appllcatlatib yht were oilrefully canvassed by tie council and they finally decided to njrae ur rrnoat macklln of nalinvllie who hairiuid ihursc of uie plant alneetr ilullard uft two wekw ajro hilary born laiflhy in etumlnic on ruudov may 19 to mr ar4 mra itolwrt j jlaahy a nun many coutitrlen of bkln- at the eatd of a tempi a tiiaiue nt a church im bad utpn th unlveraal flln that the man who 1 about lo ak hlbpm71- o lit hlmmlf b knruua to the rwuenk at hlrf needy fellow knortala 4 iook on ua teller wlmbed focuu the htgrntifm attention in the kuime ut jeaue chrjmt ot naaareth the hggitr mumi have known aotnewhut eonornlinr josuh and iii powr 7i jtte that the mlracla wmh lierformexl by the power of chrut but that thutf4ctve zoult ofltr and th uctlva ajjth of the bwiiar wr ulna necaaury elmnta l0jclilabatar- waa vldeft tlyti well known character 4 i said unto them peter le making- fcl defwhee wrore the ran hedrln the cjvll sovarnlns body ot tilt jw ltulr ofllelala epecll- ly th prltart t0jefarti olbef member of the hanhedrln 1 in the name kiy the namej lilm uy him or by tide name laom yhemee the awineu at jh4unfehpods temple wiuone o lb mumi tnxrvel- iaibewiiili itmh t at mn wwgr hal uut p 1 m all grocers stock tka i you want gcmethlod better iry i time tables at acton ny use prunes with vouh cereals tlio rutt suifflr in prunaa nuika a italiitahln and healthy nwjiuhlnif for cerculti it u navy to dleaat and ilm not spoil tho mild flavor of th- certalth diet of little children 1 built around milk mid cral ii child hi allowed to form a tajt or ooucentrated itlahlyftavor food liu will not want to eat tluhiildr tuvttr- pd foodit he muet have the older mouibera ot- the ramily find the addition of prunotf to thlf corral u puaaant chant irunee umy bo oomunetl with odokd or rdy-td- eflt croale uuch aa brou lu hwtay dlftctrent waya tho valuable fimd tilcmonth contained in the fruit and cor ial illahen ouould h imtoirtabt factors in their iwpularlty yollow- itnf bro ovgrai lntaretl wye in which prune and bran may be ud bran prune kuokan ivoparo any good mualn batter uddlua little mora miliar and but ter tjpreud it on a whallow rad pan on the top firvn cooked prunee thut have boon pitted duet them wtrk powdfril uuaar uttil olnnmmon tprlnklt half a cup of all bran on top lluka lu u modorato ovew 3w utirrim fuhrulnholo for thromuar tiru ot uu hour 1irvo wltlt heavy wtttppejrjjaiii prune brrt brwri bread 1 cup all bran 1 cup aaur milk k cup prunes aaakod aovera hourti draliibil and chopimxl 1 tahlohpoon moloasai cup uutfur 1 cup hour 1 uuapoon uoda m teaspoon salt ulk to tli or tho all bran sour milk tuid pr unfit which havo bean aoakej avrul liouro dralnod and chopped tlieu add the molaaaa iiicar anj flour which lias boon alfted wluj tlwf immia and nult put th mixture into a uruaed can cover fluently ttttd ktem toe thru hours prune ttlad prune croum chaese all bran lttuoo ltmove the atoned from aaoked prune and fill with cream cbeai itoll puch prune uoi dlli of all urau and pluco hvu on lfuvea of lettuca unj acrve with kmtich riiitf tim i runt may ho ptlt lnhal and filled with tho chuaan then rolled lu tho hrun xjila lu u v ry healthful aad and could be tho main dlh of uuy lutt- cheiih it contain tlu lioalthklvlnu si nt ut iron calcium and vl lamina an wo 11 ua the muiclohulldlii pro tdii llarbara u jtrokn ifome h- o no m lea popartmant uoutjgit coin- imny of canada ldd canada now pouhth cheat- eflr tea 0rinkino oountrv kadi canadian drink over four pound of ta twr ytmr or practically flvo until a much uu our amsrlcaa coulnn to the south or u orat ilrltaln tliioludlujf northern ireland laud tho wot id lu plnt of cotutump i tlon by uulutf yearly over 400 ndlllou j ouiiilw marly j v imund jvrcaplt- them come uulud htul- with 100 million hut only vlotliti of i ikiund per capita nbvt come australia ulih 4p million and canada with mlllloii no imllabl utuiutloa ar awillahlu for china or uubmu iloth tlitami counlrl cunmunxi a lurtto nmuiliit of tiu hut the par cault1 tluute i very amall 1tlllre wurni powders do not need thu ufturhflp of cutor oil or any puraillvi to complrilii their tharoujfh- noa wcaua they ure thorough n thtiiiirlv one doa of them and tliy will bu found kilatabl by oil hlldroi will d4k wurai trouhla hy uniklntf the yomuili and iwiwrl unt yulil to the parakltea and tmt only ihln but lb mwdra wlu hj irtaln to cxrt iiione lwiirtir in rtuuuoe lu th dlgtlve organ ylxarwe enwhreh wo known bar eelluc a the ileautuul oat thl gate wjf of corlntldan braae wblohat thetlme wtamobetr4ua than ita weight in gold through thu gate worablnere imaaed from the wfch-wwropen- to all the world on their way to the court of the women which only jewn might enter and to uie court of i roe whioli woe restricted to jewish in ii hi- ililft t gutilriy nflhijiiy iur in and year out aat thebgkar il hblplc and hopua cripple fat which play ua large a part in orien tal thinking had apparently doomed jdbi to thle fxjatence 14ia eager uplrlt which loneel for an active and umeful llfit waa chained to tho feeble body he knew that peter and john wr disciple 6f the naaarene teachc er wjiom it liad hobably aeen heard und adtnjml from afar hit woj dronlnir out hb cutumury rjuiit almu in the nam- ofspod when wuddouly lie looked into the face of peter and in a moment ho learnea that the 3oaei of cfarlat i a qoapal of ifealln heallntr for the body aa wll an for theaoul one of the moht etrlklntf cltanjfea ablvj by chrlatl- anlty hae been hi the attltdde of mankind toward thaalek and the uf- frlng ivlar vo the time of mirut thr wu not in live whole world a bwidtal or an aaylum thaae who wre physically aiflloted were rard m ltbr u the objecu of olvlna diapuitr oru the vfcllm of wvll irlta t4te medicine man who ad tnltlliiured indeed a few almple drug buk whoaa hlock in trade conulcd prlnclvlly of charnt and incanta tion waa found in all eounttlea uudy various tlllea even oa ho now 1 found in all nonchrluaii land uul hi bilnlatrauuna wra only for ihoae who could pay bln well the poor who became alck found otlier sympathy tur aid of ny sort- ttire n thought of a man awing a duty to hi neighbor or of the com munity bolna under any obligation to cajy for tho ale or afrljcud ah howlal and dlninaary work in the world today all aaylum and all public enterjirufg tar the improve ment of public health are to be cradlt- e i lther directly r indirectly to the influenoe of chrlatlanlty jt j true that thera are in the world many boapltalji aeyluma eta tliat are under christian auploibut tvry no of tliea owe t exleunc to the lu- fluenee of chrutlanlty in the lairoigrt minmioh pield at the pregeut time tit work of tlia healer of botllea nrfoedea and prepares the way for the pceach- lng of the aaepel meaaagw omh ood blather than men the courageous aplrlt of peter and john and their refuaal to obay when forbidden by tha 8anhedrlu to preaoli cairjht flxo typical at uu baldn which chrutlan truui tnig begot un in the gouni of loyal believer through- out chrletlan juatory about 11y0 a wealthy bieroliant of lyon in houtheru wance named peter waldo gov hi heart to chrlat accepting literally the master injunction to th kldh young ruler waldo aold hie pro perty a ud cava the procrtdl to the pttor tlten lie went out to preach the gimjl unable to underutand the vulgate the latin tranatatlon of the lllble which la uaed by the itoiuan cutbollo church waldo hired two prlet to trunitlate the lllble into lro veitcal his native language me w forecful preacher and gathered many rollowerj m who uved fery de vout live and bacaum of their simple uvea and actual poverty came to k known ag tim luor men of lyona thfy dl i not inland to break with the church of llome in fact lu tltelr alnipllclty they gpotd the church to welcome their actlvltlea however they wry apeedlly denouncad oi here- tlo and iermoutlon befan in 1171 waldo went to jtonia and interviewed pom awxun lar- 1il alagauder lis tened to waldo story und then said ivtr thirtj art a yood man and the love of ood la in thy heart hut tluiu re very ignorant no una lias a right to ppucli or teach except those wham thu holy church lias ordained to proclaim her ofriclal doctrines con tlnue thy phllanthroplea peter tu ceuae pruachlng- and teaching tha ikutr nuii of liyona raced the iupe bfftirt wjtom even the nipror vivd erlck jlarbarma 1iad bowed oid iv pludj holy wther w must obev lud rather than men tua church which wtr vmaldo fnunld wtlll wu- tluuu as the waldauslaii c lurcli th 1rotaataut chutib of northern italy fir uujy aed tjeualem whtju did ivtr and john r at um klautlful ltey why do orleutitl baggure ply their irad at the door of temples nioe4ua or churcli- ea7 why did prler curd this tiaiu while ictxirltig the utltvr itcgaar ubkttit the teowle tvdholt waa any titer bulnuopu to this man w 0c begglngt wua it neoekwiry for tlu beggar la inive fallht what wuu the aupreiue gornlug iwnly antomr the jewr why haw tba story of lur thw flrstwliltnmrto rrlmi ttm cust into tho iplddle weat came aa canocmen under tlia inader- ahlp of such men as la salle rati i m aon and father hennepin they traversed the great inland water ways tho ht iiwroncc tlio ottawa lake nlpplsslng and the great lakna alnglntf aa ilicy went the uonjfu of old yrnnon the amies of tlieuo french canadian voyacoura have heeu preserveil and are a popular fac tor in the lives of the french -canadl- ne in quelle their popularity la fast sjireadlpblthwueluiul-tlio-country- i of bite radio proerommes featur ing these tames havo iwvn exceedingly well recovlod rno n u tiittr a fnlkuon feallval tma her i utafti d anywhere in america 11 ita natural wetting with handicraft the nn tlonal muaaum nf oanada in co niwratlonwlllhecwittihn pttclflc klallwuy is onranlxlng this feallvnl on a very comprehensive scale amontf the artists who will intor pret the folksongs are j cnmpboll mclunea of toronto who hfla been principal sololut with the philadelphia chicago and cleveland orchestras mill chnrlta mnrchund wollknown chnnaonnler of montreal who 1mu tnunsl luiflt canada and the jjnltod btates nlao ir isrnest macmllinn director of the toronto conservatory fif music dr ilealcy wlllan cnpadl- hh- eetmtmsei ami oacnrotlrlfn of montreal who have composed lmr- monlktlons of melodies and arrango- menta for strings especially for tho festival choral roti terings ity vurl- auh comitobcn of home of tho native fulkhonun will be j ivdn hy the chau- teiiiw ohiltit donilnlfjuo of qfaelw dh of the nmat unions choirs fn nch canada the nnslllca choir flfillu till jn- trggfjr on the morning of may 31 oiitotondlng yimmir the wincjl -ar- tlsta ttr tnkft turt are mndome- jinnne uuaauau nnd llmv ninui lie julhu onultlor de la ver ndrye mada buaeau wh0tir an ardent loveij of folkaong nnd nn lntertreter of the aame tn many language a soprano of the- ciilcneo opera association mhe aiultlcr de la vcrepdrye a des cendant of tho explorer pierre guul- tler dt la verendryo sang in the jiostnn opord lefore ilevutlnc hrl to the study of folknoun hhe ha learned the rjaklmo language in orvier pin 1 nit ii o rolkuonca nlid is also fimlllnr with manj indian dialects a largv numler of lending muslc- hins folklon nnd handicraft authual- nsls frm nil pirtn of cnnnda nnd tho united htateii will attend the feallval whlrli 1 1 rei anle i ntf tho musical sen- mtlon of the yeir another link in transcontinental highw4y oolnq wt unday only coin a cak no 24 tiunday only no u w no 30 4 no u 1 no u m uutgsjk 7ana 311pm ses p m- fotnm- lltpia i canadian national electrm railwavs u lit jo chsukge your attic into a comfortable ifcri radio room iday- fooni or eitra sieejiiojquiirtcjrbi bjg avect m ceilings and partitions ot gyproc gyproc will make your attic firereatstaiit warm in winter and cool in summer wlt fof fr booklet u troax in1 uii ynd kav cyproc kochtmtd tvpmtu imlthtg ptwalhtnjfsjmut vuj mtluc ywt tl bill tlrt oktatelo cytsvtf co umftetv ahoc can1xu gwbqc fo- su by j b mckerixie acton ont oemy nuy daily oily tjally dally dally dally 11 eb 1 ks sum see tuo k6k fees yu kiat 1sji toin toro n cottn inal kmi fttrmt and bt culr awnm freight dellvwfwi by apwuaj uritfei fralgfat freight picked up at any sul- in tnmanto arttowdub line westbound due at acton at wiles cafe at 10 10 a m 3 10 y m and 1 10 p m kastbound due at acton at 9 20 a tn 320 i m and 0p nr tha buaes leave toronto for acton l 80 a m 100 n iil an1 tup m ijatuitlays sundays and holiday only a special bua leavet6ronlo ht law ti nr nrylvlng in acton at 1110 ii leaves kltctionor at lo 80 p w arriving jn acton at ii 20 p tn the schedule la all based on hund- ard time and not luyhelit savlnjf time real estate 1 main street of banff seen from gulphur mountain 2 a taction of the banff windar era hihway passing through the ttjetureeua btnelslr canyon s rusd country throuoh which the hw hjohwsy winds 4 tha c p r chateau lake louies tho opening of the field oolden highway this summer will inarkf an other great step tn tha completion of the all canadian highway from coast coast the continuation of the motor road which last year waa ex tended from lake louise to field haa betn carried on this winter by tho parka deiuutment and iwmclruto llfteen ilea farther into the mountains tho western boundary of yblio national park where it joins the new seventeen- nillo extension from golden the now road winds through ono of the moat picturesque sections of the park filled with associations of pal- user of hector of memories of omplro builders and pi on era dark canyons silvery falls green white rivers boc kon winding out of i leld tha c p it station for i merald lake where thu traveller turns his watch hack an hour and over tho kleklni horse river tin road follows the kmiram xiuo trull for some miles while a wonderful view of tho valley unrolls it passes dcuciu d cabins indian jravtu und an old gorman interno camp after leaving otter tall on the canadian pacific itallway it continues around the foot ur mount vnux and finally reaches lconcholl lloro a branching road of a mile or so rovoalu klcklns horse falls a fishermen s paradise in a setting of beautiful jug- lcd peaks the road winds on through tht deep pass of the kicking horso to golden on the banks of the colum bia illvor tho construction of the field gold en highway presented somo very dlf flcult engineering problems an account of the steepnnsr of the slopes ot the side hills a good deal or excavu tlon luid to be done in solid rock the probable coat of tho now highway on account of tha difficult topograph encountered is cut i ma ted ut 34 000 per mite tlnro will bo inaugurated thlo sum mer a thrco day clrclo tour from ilanff an 1 lnlo louliu covcrlnxt tlio first d y the muut picturesque sec tlon of tho ilanff- wlndonncro road the uicoml tlit- iilcllon twlwccn ltadl- um hot uirlnju to jjnernl 1 lake bi uu i f golden und lcnnchoil and ro- tumini tlio third day to ilanff and luke xouino it should only bo a abort tlma now before tho whole of canada a moun tain world la opened up to tho motor ist from a olden to hovolstako la tlio last uncompleted link of tho first great transcontinental motor road the distance in all is ninety miles but short perfect roads havo already been built from town to town on tlio route there is on old railway gravlo available for a dlstanco of about ten miles it la estimated that there la only fifty seven miles of road remain inn to complete dlnct connection across canada waldo been told in connection with this lesson dally raadlnss fee naxt wuk monday may 23 acts s jt 3 tuesday muy 34 acts 3343 wednesday may h6 matt to 1- u t thursiluy may si 1 peter 3 s iiylduy may 27- wuturdhj may 2 hunda may 29- 1 ptlr 4 i mutt 5 psalm 7 a stickler por propriety the nilnlater had just married an elderly and rather dour hcot to u woman considerably younccr than himself and he remarked affably to the bridegroom well jock i suppose you 11 bo go lng fur a honeymoon a llttio trip suniewliera together baforu jou settle down to married 11 fi ht the brldtgruoni shook his liaoil luurosely na na ho said i dluua hold wl gnlllvautlii atnuit wl a strange wuinman pair lnouq1i mot her say a then was u fly lu the cake she nought hen yisurday tell her to bring j he hy back on 1 t will give iter u tunant for it not go lonq how is your wlfot to tell the truth i don t see mutli iff hi r hlio belonicu to so many coin htlttes and nodi tits that 1 only sua iter for ubout an hour ivtjry day joor follow i oh uu hour u ton j iauiu reaulslte en the farm kvery fanner ant toik ralmr should kri p u supply of dr thomas imiisi trie oil hand wot mity us a r ady r mody fur iii lu th family but h use it i u imriw an 1 ciltlu invdkino of grtat potency as a substitute u r sweet ll for hois ant nttle urfuul by i ik it fsr suipuuwis iiiythlng that tdu be aduillllstered oconnell and the reporter wiien illr william howard jtusscll then mr itussoll was a young re jhirtar ho was sont to irfluml by tho loudon times to roport daniel o con noil m speocttea during the repeal agi tation one of the first meetings ho alundcd was in kerry having heard or o connell s court y lie thought that lu wont i ask lie permission to make a verbatim report of his speech tho liberator not only consented but in his silnvost manner informed the usscmblod audience that until tlio gentleman was provided with all writing conveniences ho voul in t spcuk a word llunsell was delighted hla pro pa rut ion a wt rt soon completed are you jiilto ready v asked cconncll quite read itussoll replied vow you are sure you re outlroly ready t 1 in certain sir tin crowd wus becoming oxrllu 1 and impitlrnl o conmll rebuked them sow upon my conscience sulil he f wosi t im ii in my speech tlt the iiu don gentlaiuan is entirety read after wultlng unothir tuomeri ocunmll udvanctd to the front of the plutfi rm lyes ullstuuail eurs were all utlantliu and hie rviiorters pi u cil wus polutd in air o connell be stowed ont more bt nlguunt smile on tlu currrsimiilent winked wlck hy at blu audi lord an i begun tils ujuioth in tho gullc language i ueaful ll veyoru irheet mod lr thuiuu uasful in camp xplurers sur u and hunters win i uietrlc tu vn ulnu jjic tot un i hg art wot and cold if is w 1 ti rub hum freely with tha oil all 1 hi nuillt wll be hit prevention of pain in the uiumiis and shoul i a cut ur i intusjon ur sprujn lie sustained n thing could in lultpr us a dn using or lotlou plenty of company jenkins cullod upon an old friend he wut hard up und hunirj and pn his friend a tublo was a big- fat chick en are ou going to rat that chicken alone hu asked anxiously n curd ing thq temp tint blid oh no replied tho frund with spinach und potatoes and lots of things simple remedy for bad stomach gives quick relief no need of gtrano medicines or diet- famous but simple old cnulish recipe keaps btomacli in fine condition danishes aftr eating distrfct if you are a vlttlm of iltomach troublosfs nr mourneua ialn or uloatlng joiijinay h ivo iulou and rtituln relief by followlnj the almpls tidvlci ijtm t take stiong im dl ilia oxtlfl- clul dlgeutuuts ui null down your uys- teiu by fulluwlng uiiili ujmry starva tion illets ntvtr hurry jour uieulu or ovoreat of anything but within i ison most filka may rat what buy puo if ttioy wilt kiaji their stouaiuh sweet clean un i uctlvo and fiee from ho souring ui ids that hinder ur paralyse the work of digestion and uie ust und east it way to do this is o follow ov ry meal with o auiall amount of pure lllaurstiid mug in stu a ph isanl haiinhss and inss- 1 wiis vo form of mag no la that urupipt ly ueuttaluua arjdlty and ki eps your uluillikh swuc and liuuii a wuuks tilal of lllhuratel uag- noslu wiiilii muy bu obtulnid from any druggist at small tost will tuslly lunvtm a you of ho giiut vuluo ot his old lmigllsh recipe saat sol 3- fe u l affh ldrek cryf0r avnvixiijx mrmrtwt castoria imqxherflctcliers caslorii u tsjittully prepared fca xvlicvt infants in amis and children alt acs of constipation wind colic to sweeten slonucb futulent diarthoa begiilate jsqtpjl aids in the assimllajlon of food promoting dicerf ulneis reo aadl natural sleep without opiates va uals liuilnwii nlwjye toul fur lit ngiutur of kxjyvajza provrti ilirrrli m ml rjrh ucl r pliyiloaai everywhere fccooulieud it get your job printing at the free press homesm acton ofjevery sise and price wc havo over 20 to select from wenvito you to loos them over uefdre buying terms arraiified if you wish wc bini to please you a smith teleplbojtie 10s aart savage opffcal service lumbodlea tho moat efficient and advance metlnjrtgortcya kxamlnatlona frame ilttlnc and optical lluslness methods our ono tliouglit and aim has been to constantly improve our aarvlce to be aa near perfection as is humanly possible wjwn your pyes are licamln- cd by ravagro you receive the assurance tlutt you are golna to be aatlsaed a d savage otvutnetwaft jt wa ootlejait kurht at tha post oftiev ravage llulldlngt ouelpli savage fe company jewellers china silverware lowr wyadlum st ruod 57 j gufcupu grmnlui suj miuyua worts we ara manufacturers and dlr6 importbra of all kinds of monu and headetona work wa 611 dlrxit to our ousioiiisra at wholela prl6e tlius eavliuy our customers 40 pr oaeit we have the beet appllaaes ad the only tnohanlas in th dokalnloa wkd can operate pneuuiatlo lupu propeshf we ceui give rfrauaea frtilu htundida of our ouatauiejw in tarooto ajjjl bib jdaoa where others nv to hm u suits 1u order to oouaol we bav th largest and beat atook of oranll la tha dominion or uiuri than any thiw dalrt in the wet we axe ultl- taate dealers and aploy no msatm and do not annay or ut custoaiejns by kndlna out ignorant agnts tault- iyv onhnt wamploy only bieobatium and defy competition hamilton sons quklwi ont