Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 26, 1927, p. 3

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j32miewj l- f g8r artmt 3to jlrrea thulthoay may 3 1837 going yo tub counynv wo nrw r dug to tin inn try rim a u u i ly utiii oil in thn uih thl i iiy emuf imiilhter you rt to trim triit w llrlng youi wuvfi ftaxtii ildlllrrf i your tlurwl futwn nl ne an your hill britll iluhs unl your iu y ii lulrr n wash your rosy tnv tiiilnre till they urn vl ry uii an l tiont put j our ml lny uuy uppers on your mlil frlilln iv t hop mm i hu ivllu iii lluhtomt ullll till- brightest it jnr troika tttti y ur rmomn hrumhhi i it m in your ll win mwltiw locks klpplng tripling to lh- xtutlhn wlmm tlm luggage von in pi lea yw wr klntf to the rnuntry ci nu ulng i iy liuppy riiii vtbalwyn wotln ral 1 iz gyrawdennv crop pros pects hi ports from strawberry produu- in district- hf oommerclal plantations in ull th pro vlri liftvo wintered w11 and pro- vldlsg weulhar conditions remain fav- oruhh tlm yield based on bormul pro auction indlcutea to w slightly larger than butt year tha dominion ucre- aa laid ylar wua u at 4 800 acres pvoduclng i tomj cm 0 ii ii while thmozt hcklilctf i piaeun aiilzvtirai which indicates a yield of 13 301 boo quarts or an ln- creauo jo 6 i acreage lu uhown liy tit provinces of llritluh colombia uti j quiimwt whlld oihor rovlnc remain u j h taut yar t llrluali columbia iltyear jlruhtb columbia claimed 1 m acres with it total ylrm uf x 920 dot quarts while uds yeur tho bearing acreage 1m plac ed ut it 043 acres which bused on bormul production uhould i roduo imodu qiwrtu the commercial ahlp- wnli nihouiiliwl to 1 ill loi quurt in hit comparatlvo acrau tar ilia ookniikuciiu dlutrlotk tor 1x and 1027 li w follow thn fljrure in racku rpreitinir 1587 aeroajcc lows ylound ed 12x koounay and ifc4nury l3 lja vancouver lund 30 4si- okaoa tend ul- moa arm 4s bs wuwr coriill- ow uils oprlntf luive u cold and wtwlthlifcifaaulttka juobttttha lmjmnt time la fully otw moolh l hbid lait arar vancouvar island brrle arotxiectd to- move l c u about tho flmt wmic in juno iat yar uo qrntoar of inland berrlen was fcblpped on juiifryi wlilcb uulkcn tbe mv mothelt a lltutt old n d ueuo lliouut onqi hold alljthu caic 11 fo itrftrod mi no nliod wn ft ii i wliloptv wlml tiip rty yonrn on hnyoti i might ijf ualilldjul wtrp iulot 1 in in tli i 1 i tw en tl m tho mill homo wnn uuli a 111 nut mciry wuy on irlumpli duyri ill b how l nu vhn i in lumtmltfnnr riu7rdtiir a llltlo tire 1 ttuiiro crept vur win th pi or mlioumm hriul lit id litbh in prlda droppliitf with dlugr to kaovmnt thin ycj rully two wtwtcjf bloom wnca wiurfrojrtt titil crop majroon luitton uorahajl tthd- ou ilary aro tb lodlnjr oommrrclal varlue nonurtoprhv oommvrelal bearing in ontario for- 1w u plood jit jls0 ae wbifih i poetically tint ttfflj an thai claltusd for but yuay tb principal comhterclol dutrlctm uuhtaud acrckfl uro as rollow lturllnxton 700 ucmtt niagara 300 jj 4 londonapd ibim 1 lrlntmi bdward county i8oothr du- vrictn 40 lat year th commercial production in uiomi dtrlou vam plio d at 3 92 40 uuajru ilporta how hat tb baarina- oondltlokui of tho sdanuuiomi in tb clarkaon and kor tyflwpucutlam jart-lfc-yr- tbla condition in attributed to tho mail rannn- axowth produced inat aoaaun uad on oormal production and allow rue for abovo oondltlony tbo ltzt orop ahuitld raoli 1 67fi 400 qujru tr ant lc l ablpmnt from thin rovlnoo usually atare about july from clurknon dlatrlot and oonunu for about two weolta tha principal rarutleri aro qteti alary jltouw iauty and untdor ounlop quabo aeoordjnjr to a ront sur vey umda by tbe provincial depart kaot of afirlcuitum the atrawuarry acroaco hi thli provlhco in 1j3i la tlmuud ut 1 000 arem producing quartn for ik37 tha baarlntf acreaittf la claltutml at 300 acr pro duoln 2 400 000 m altbouali thtm azures uro cot4 blxhr than tboo prevloualy publlahed for thin provlnoe thin will not oot tlio kaneral murkctlajr altuauon aa tho development of tbo loduatry baa been gradual aluoo 1930 tb- prindtvu pro dwclnjf dlatrlctu uro st ksutacb bt joaepb du lac at- ucholoaudue st ausuauii ate anno doa plalnaa hte y therwae abbotaford ltouimant ilo doraana and tbo couttuea of uont- toorenoy iorl nouf chaniplalu tjival and trro ilonne the fncroatad acia thu yoar la attributed to tha utter countuu rtie aeajion ftr the quebo atrawberriea li barllljr one wk latoir than for ontario senator p and imrson a uoauty aro tho prbwlprfmaimiueicjal varieties uarltltoe ttorinceii jtport aliow that uiera la- no ihanife tlie straw brry acraa in nw urunawlek for ttrt ua comparod with i2 wbicb waa pucoil at 370 ocrfi wltb tlia xm- duouon of 7s0 040 auurta with fav- obw weather coudltiduatbn yield fbla aaaoii aliould eoual or be aliclit ly lareor than tliat of bjat year tin twihclpa producing dlauiots aro uack villa and norton nova scotia claim mu acrtuae of 225 acrea for 1827 which la thajoamo on imn veur wij a tolu yield of 460 000 quart waa proluccil although mtrawbenue ara ajrown wvy prodocyna- dhtricta are 1l wllllatiw llerwick jlyleaford uasa town and amherat- ilawt year prlnca fe3dward labtnd jmmduwwl jim 000 yjuarta senator dualii tjieii mary ad jeaala ara the loadinu variotlea- blpjmd tlte latter prinolpally f th yurmouui ulatrlat f asport afchldfitarkiiia hutonalon pl- vlalon tad my rtoord foifhn day to ya vlmt licammbd niy baby face a welcomn waited in tlio orma tliat ovor afferod uoothlnff rbarmu the small red hchoolhouoo uoiit mo on beyond the liillw tint in id my youth hut still tho farmlmiinn drew me buck anil htrontcthena 1 m in love and truth a woodsy turn of road and titn my mothitr hold me close niraln a cloud of btlof a crosdy moun 1 an lonlyieirtorytrrtalna there in no old homo woou for mo no ktopilnl buck tliroui 1 childhood a bines lut to my children may i bo all that my mother wau to nu in t thoujdi jjrnjttguji1byacrony bjiargement of the chateau laurier hotel axj kinds ok live stock bought w j iattkkron pi01v 111j httttt cl lric phu 16r 0 hi tlin illuurattort lighten prepare ffoin the fizchlttxta drawdc fthowfag the himaranco l tlio cltateau la inrfntotuwa wlienthoriew wing will tiavtj been ndil tlia ktntcturul luidtuflntothc toll will plnvulefor onotlin 200 hxlhu nuvinjf a tolal of 500 room available for fliesu with tho chaneta lniillrtj mdyidcitoo kxpcr cacf thila etihanciiib tho tinclulita of tlualiiu una of the caiuuluui ational itaik uynliotcl ayhtcttl 3 lit the beautiful muakoka lakes hwy wliida ta- tracc bold a narrid talluma a thouubt that lends mo needed twraoo jueyomltholaal turn laliallacfi tboaa aame dear ormu outstretched to mo iuudmoro doouttlo joy in women aho wohttv ow brlbt and ebbrmlua wbe i w vuilor ruiarkd of a holahbor wbo bad run in for a chat wltb bar boaiee hh l oh rfraaliii- as a weal vlnd vhwa ulwoyu that way tbe boat- aa rotuotd you wxjldn t inukhie would you ibut aha had a autir who la a 1opaje liivalbl an 1 tliut wow father luia to so to tha hoapkal for a vry sorloua opiatlon i jout ltaw bow thoyll uet aluhat if any- tkloat wbould happen ly mm 1 abould m wild with unxuty iut you saw ww aba took- it icllwn imvar was a won- ioi f whould uiltik tilled lu a aitkrvmini tho friend aald i auppo alia u i know alie dim a verythliia- for iwr hunij only well if courue it doa no ood to worry but you fol ua if w doii t ul bo liukhta in aymttathy i uup w lt u foollult idea but yu taut blp iealitiaj ao tb attitude lu a common un very woman will rooonlaa lb wa 11 aarve without hseiutlon to thow varanulal and moat excellent troatiaa whlui declare that wr la a stlthy foa of au tiaalth hiuitid inuml uhd eduraleal a barrier to w iuec-fc- wbtbr mutiriul or w clear a ivoimui worry we know in tt num nobody baa u r atty arood hi it yt f w bra wtiouoh tii relt it lw cuii it eeu hartlni nut to worry in uo curiuue fmhlon w riy and j vo re at 111jthdmy tntwhied lu tbe frmluloe tvmarl uanae that the avtr sa woman fe la it lnioil to up roto th on without liijurliuf tin i irltuul 1 thin un i dla4overt d ijvino ur to ins oimtuaiiy durlnif the week when whlllnfi avgy tbo boura t have been onjoylnff woy n ihfl qunl c01 ltorlee which everybody wm to like and decided to copy out a couple of tlio bet of them for you folks who read this column of mine i rtinu you will enjoy tlifwu junt as well ua i hero a one nbout matt croaby who had tlio mtlier tryinc crpetie of itvthattip tittiti own obtluurjt on all tle capc from colimuat to itovincetowii thero wan na more jolly youtuf fellow than matt cronby ho tooki to llio eu an such mor did 111 the daya bbfore tho conlln of tlm iron ship wjiiph loft cape cod walllnflpucj over tlio dei arted glory of heroic days and it paa not ion muo um tho calendar roctonn hor cmiu xfatthew croaby la still olive sound and well and with a twlnkio in hi eye of tho old aifvonturouu days hut altboucb m beam honoatly his tltl of cuptahviilg ufe now is apont on shore tli pro in no nnod to oak bow much is truo of what tmdltion tcllo of his wild youth qcntiroufl brave ml kind of heart ho wun povcrtlialuaa reckii au even tw- a ujllor and hiu days on bharo were too often spent in ways which left him little but hoadach wjton mm ahlp aulli on one iiluht the ahlp won wreckol and most ot thu oriiiv went down one or two aaciikul to uhnn an 1 to 1 tbe story of the disaster and then at intorvalw of a day or two throe or four others appoared in iort on ves sabi that i ickod thoin up the rent were rockone 1 doad nhil the littler town did an it wa iiccuatomcd tf do for those who wero loht ut co ilyt matt crosby was picked up jy achoojier which a day or two later was run down hy up nutnolnu ntc ini er and aliipplnff at once on a trump steamer bound lynuouard by an in direct route ho tamo homo after a ions- tlmo 1i mis ht have tvrittcn but bo was little ftjveji to wrltlnif homo and tlio thaulht that lie miiflit bo considered dead canned iilm to chuckle at the sunirlsa in store for bis frlim la 1 ii uco how much they mike mo he mild to himself they tnusod him more than h thoucbt llio mother lovlnc must flu son who cauaod lirr mont i inln tbp fntlur who hid ucolde i and entnatol an i tlirooteiuid all wlthi ut avail ihey wirt not thn only ones win mbuudhliiujtlio wlptlu vlualmooiiru ed tbo ruoklotui kliul hearted lad tbo mlnlstrr inn ii t uclilnc allnaloii to hlu better quail ilea thn local nowsi aper told of bis ability an 1 rnoallod number of his onerous doc tin bltf hip wrecked eompaiilona told that ho wcnl down fryinft tn save other uv llln mother cllppnd all these things frpui the locul paper a lid hid uicm in her ulble und kopt them in her heart and forifot how bad u boy hi liad baatv l berlovoof bis boltor aalf kor a day or two after hlu return ustt crosby lrt at d nil thin us u boo i joke hiut when hp hwikwl lulu his mothers yes a ad saw himself re flected there he illuc iver 1 tliat hi- mother hived uu i clunu not only to tha had hoy of th pant buualao to the ideal fcoo 1 boy or tb obituary literature and matt crosby made a sudden promluo to hlmaelf an 1 bis mskr that he would bo- lu bis own proper iertix n thu man iiih mother had como to think win lie road thu 1 1 ituury iiutlccu uiruln an i with mhiuud nliamu un 1 grutl ludo shame thai tin m in in know himself to be ub uld bo su fur beluw nil hits urutltuilo dint wltb ill bis faults i burn win frlen lu who hi ifevod jilm cupuhlo if oil this and that was tbo uteri f hlu ri if out ru lion he went to beu nimhi wllh u till i in his clmut he met u mptatlon i ravely merrily llniily un uiuuhnd as bi artlly uu pver ind hud tho aumi 11 twlnkio u tils eye but ho was un other uuu the next voyuue he wtnt an nuts nd before tho wkn ships wrni out toaa to be uiuslur of it uhlp cool bruvo and r llaljo areut eiiante mii ii the conuurri a f thu cun unl cui tuln orowby left thu kxu if h led a will lift hi his youth mure is ti ithjiiuf lu hlu itsnt lift t uiist it yct now un t then aoiua one hilars runuire of tho post mul auks him r it in i he tillit hu fruiidu h iw in imkuioii it clturt ii uu ujur i y ulttiuptlntf i i llv i p to ill ilu iry nu k gtvn i ttiminu l 11 ii thai yt u 1 illy oilmlk tulit t las iydta as thu oil inae pdud wllh dxoophia bfaud ut tha urant at i cagam botmllu inu ilak with ps4i0ntrtvnoar t dnucuful houdi j houday fro thu baulllui lflloland hi oiuri oaalojbwt national llailwttya pbotoensntl hlchtop hill that youlydla v-t-e- turned 1olly t hi von t had collars in a dor a uie and i wan ccttlns downrlcht 1 mesome came rlcht tn cui t utoji tbln time polly oopt jiujivhilt old whiter taku lila broatlilnir opcll hut bow about that city boarder of icura uln t she aom pony she a cone bho camo for qulot and tho view tho view uell the fusolout iurun ever was couldn t aay ilelkiy inm wn hud qulot up hurt bllt it act nt w hudn t i init iff tnau rousteru in tho mornlns thou twan fmes at nleht noxt twau tho nioulnj machlna down in tbe muidow 0c heajvesel an 1 snappy nhi uau when i told her i couldn t undcrtuko to lnterftrti with sihio tummnrlcy n buylmr ai then if tho wind lidn t shift round strong from tha east und we coul 1 hour the whlutllnr buoy town off tha bar vou know b w tliat sounds no whlatanff about it but u kind o ifroanliiir nioaulnu did nwuy in nrtn sort of u unll nuclllrtut up loud an i fading out liw up ketplntt it uj steadily tin wh u hlonac i nlcht tuln t ituutj a oio riijar uound i will admit if y u dlop ii niitlco it we don l hut thn bourd mi did thut half crown to hit pup or ouni lld ncur hoard h jieforo either mul if ic poor fool beast dd not ojinwer it every lime that ied thu dim ix up went hlu llusu after eviry hi int iin1ul let out tlio mput ilcu iliito uu 1 ah uulontd h iwl you ver htard woo ooooio uo twould ho from thu buo riutnit un i uwulllua and lalnentinif and d npnlrlni und dying- off lirurtuiil in tho dlstuuco und a oo oo oo oo ool from young sbep iitrlklnc hi ut out tho middle oclihlnt find proloiu ii l und piling on tha ml ery und thun m iln vti oo oo oo from the buoy before shop u i iit nott had died awn iwaii u du tt to n nit mb r it tiolly waul thu hordtr left by tho nrj tjin mxt moviihur und siioph never nolloed tho bu y nlnce onqo- le wuu nough to 1 reak him to it illlt i hko imijlu un quiet niyaolf idj u nud i uln t io sorry uhu went after ull her ncrvi u wore kind o becin nipff to git n mint and i never knew t eforc 1 h nu am mtntt you it wtl ood by uu uurt tu uti p 1 r i xi time unl ldli i mi him iaiful rvor the tlmpk yoii ma urn liulfwuj down ho bill it ii nu ro jouncy than common aliuu that lanotulh thcic th unit tcrlslh capl cn 1 ntorirjt iuivi i tang an i fl ivoi nil tjielr own i nj iy t hum un 1 1 tail iiultn hjirt you wilt j gtjmftop yhouoht woo to tho natn wiio becomes old without becoming wlse w0 to him if tills w fid shuts its door without jjie futurtuiiiivlnitopcnedjt8iioors to him thojuck i ask not wealth but power to take and uso the things i have nrlght- phpebo cary i cannot bt too careful if it b to tlm imrpoic it tun not be to the pur pose if it be too littlo arthur war wick rlu ctryainlv iys rcad i i the i i u reu 1 our aurr well llutiu viiu w mid sii pouo unit a u mini uu il not in wi ul i to tin iunl ll m ut lutcn i t w ml kin t you it ju dlwiiys i oin ho i jn tho iianiu bnjuuh0 i itcept tho uimra of thu lurauiis und th phno tu whlrh it rn fora und yt u fiw wteks ulo when our un type o f riilor loft nuo letter t of u wurl in the rliuso wil dii w si uuld not be too hasty in hi- ulowinr either our i rubie or conjure on mnnklnl riol ling to bfivt lived so as to look back willi pleasure on our past ex into nee is to uve twice martini purcbnne no friends by srifti wlied thou ceciucnt to lvo such will cnase to love juilcr i very liny uliotild ho dlbtlnriiisho by ut hunt one jurtlcul ir net of lov uvnlcr tihuttlnir tb cy oo to thn danger ulknul d04n not cloar tlio truck chiciigo tribune pljy is fho yfrtuo of ho liw uivd li in but tyranto use it cruelly bliukcspc ire the forms of law have always beon tho gruvea of burled libt rtiea to urge e wool wotrteb r r larbour lillshur a will ic at the ciinatlmti tioitttl railway stuliou acton jane 2 9 16 to buy ool tor the cuelprr worsted and spinning co highest market prices fluid rarmero market your wool direct to the mills tsavj mmfr tin ls4tnh uejra tltpvi th proparty of a mccaehsttt will mau the 5otj 1 as fellows i tuesday will loave bla ovtk stable lot 8 town wne erin township and prooeeil oj camp btlln lot 31 seventh f lne 11a- quoiiimr townslilp after dinner will proceed to fred lbown lot 10 mfllt una kajiuonlng for nljebu wednesday leave at ft b clock wodnenilay liiornlnjf und i rocd to wilson wileys it 27 acton crossroal plrth lino leave at two o clock for mton culca lot 3 third line vrln ami remain then for tlio night thursday leave at 10 o clock fur husiicll johnnton u lot 4 rourtb llhe prirf pviday loavo at 9 o clock and proceed to a illnnies lot s sov atith line bjin for noan and then go back tu hia own stables whore ho will remain until the following tuesday 47 3 talent and intellect murder v bmt dtupulr i f a student hn uni- clear idea i mmunu a d- ls tlio law conuull duty not events annos no liar lib nluttr oh ttllloo you did tell uncle a story you aald you like 1 go ing to jiohool pllleo so i du liko going to uc ho il and coming back too i didn t say liked itcitlg there though noy unplhetakdaole uurg t italic it muni ir y eap has been stolen why don t y u t mmnunlrfie wlti the tuillre v tmtet lrn n l worrylpg alntit the ir l ui wondering liow lliey ot the thlnj to go weekly fashon hint eikioii ailed iter i jul 1 r i usn letttr mis vl uiwl i und in n t dally utientlop lalll lift think ut it f nt v incredibly iluiitivstcl u it thu out uf the it one ord is notlu- loile fuki ut tii i i t nu i ixi liming i ufuiripiita und ull ktayiiei in wt 1 h our lupu good advlryi8ino wv1i mild till dying bualneoa man yi it belli r i ut lu u cbiuat ubout y uimiloyutii lu uith man who has worktd f r nu twt nly yiurs i glvo il bttiu ub t ok llu hi die luwytr you hav t baeu in pi liiuui twenty yiurs i kuuw it liiiu but us goo 1 uil vertlslug no douut ay all ibe uiuill ufiul i i f i 1 ulrugili lu u jukllll dowu as i luiy hu 1 always 1 ti if you weie i aguacl1ul dhsign tina motlcl is tipinil u clcvw- ue fctih wlmti ijria luiulle hie iriuilil in iroek aihl the cirniur douik in cauicttwui wtlli ctfli otitr it is fanliiaw1 oi cipe kjuu ihc flinumx imi g trjiumcd witb trmwwtlcry hvuld iii hbr iusism tlicrr ajv jijfrmig at the fcltotildcrs twi tiilur tide nf um nml n l thhlmrhvc isfulilrig of kloiis uliuk tsl w k rtluiw meiiunt u tmmrx fm uucil ucpc mtut 5p low leaders of them all on two occasion onsinoora of uio canadian national hallways wro roqulrod to ttorid out location parflo luthohoacoiuvor rountryand uwortlu ya majlbalhthalteiliftrtyulltulir towardgchurchlll oq each occnaion it was foubd doalrablo to lntdudn aoiollkut tlin tupplloc mid aqillpim ut u radio roeolvlni not abd on uio return of tho parties it was h la ted tliat no nddillon to camp tianlpmont hnd over doiin no much to add to tho raamlo of tho mad tho llluutratlam xliow tjppor icrt a noctlon of a camp in uiu owl nivor ilrlct on lho wuy tt ohurcbki xlpmr yliht ft group ot hip in fiinin llbtnnluk to radio rorcjiuou ik low aurveyvatty in wlotor garb canadian national llailwaya photoruphs aiiytmng can be sold by long distance no uutttfii whnt you itavo brwdltdoyiotiijnirittfflip not bo sold by long dis tance it can if tho price 1b right people am rapid ly becoming educated to boy by ustephono many thinit they formerly thought they had to ex amine before purchasing titaaa who have defliubedy ao- cptd lojitf dutahed or sya tomatlc belhia tu ul and th number la rapidly growing that where thy do iaofc too- ced in making aald on th first ty the pron6cl natarly always comes back utar to buy vicut uu long tilae haht thrn or4 40000 tuo ulphan uroaimcfs vm oafart ctaui qtu- bm this yeor the home o fighting fish aicohquiu park in ontario in known whorovor f iidiornii foroffathor fti uia luunt or utihiiatt ttnh ortd uncli y r ibi watcni ore allraotluj mora and moro anylerc in ocarch of rool bport when tlio cundhiu w nowspapor lhtora liohl tholr annual om ntlon nt uhnsin inn uiirt yof fiiany or tlnrn it 1 expectwl will inalto njdo trpi to algonquin lark to o oy finhlm ttipa tjimdku- nnwonal nallwayp photoj raib tt hjgfrawat arpreasaoat of lfnro- kiotans qtmlsly od valna fea tzse looa this pioootnr tanong btuloon tire suajj usd leiktw nsadv boasibla by hualtfa piaft irvealasse xhm pccaaa fw sjrcavihensnb dh watt to tendon iid cslral itexaeuj abmant lttani fttma yui fsratdtbcrs i tsaw tta kosuay svauataujea bt gueb- dappioi dad valdad cotaiioirt klcamsdjuulsty suki most miles plh bolxatt lirlon4 hrw supuiimi 1h aciah uy hichwav camaqe a uilujar ihoiui 1 c jaues bvuoki ilanlwnn lltn 1 hotio 4t vouno bt1ie1t qaraou and immlkmnr shop u f iwkor ihoub it ewlljjmjillrjili ilj uvifliwliiimllto if everybody did it think for a moniliit what would happen if even for um wtuk everybody tn town uirc ta shop elscwlilre either in a niphbortnc town or by mnil would it not cause tonstcrm hon and would not nil business houses be very much con crntd tlicy certainl would on j with good reoson some do this regularly and whnt is the result cvcr dollar sent to dintant business houses is gone for c s0 fls tnat particular district is concerned and merely serves to iiluld up and maintain some distant town tlic local business men art robbed of that circulation of money which during its ram blincs might help dozens along the way how about printing ml 1uainc88 itousca ueed more or kss printed mutter nil of i which is within tho ptofcatuuiue of the local prnmr et how prone many are to pass up the home printer und let the orders go to city olliees uhith lime no interest whuteer in rural communities exetpt to git priutiti orders and the tush to pay them business men leutember thut the liomt paper is constantly promoting the interests of thejuime community and you owe it to yourself and your loeu pa pi i tu hiiek up tluc efforts by ai least liuvinj your printed mittei dune locally free press 313 m uu in jlltijijwllllljijll

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