Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 9, 1927, p. 4

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ljt jktimxskte jlrrtf 0 tkmilay jonm b imy a fhown anb a bmile imli u hilly tilth timuuh hill tutuuii ty mn rr wu- 3h mnull to ilo th ullifiittkt imrin ynii 1 llihilt r the iinwhly lllttti frown frowm i did nnra ey itumirrt down ah inudi u pl imunt rourtl uw hint u f an itiu niiruo urollnl junlln iu1im1 kitten roil innl mhy crle i you scircily can iiuovo it hut it true ivory umlln win blotted out with tit it n nighty rruwn about juut tlilnk how niiinh a little frbwu con do j ijucli a ideatinnt llttlr happy iiw jolly little nmll too small to do tlio idlahtcflt good you 1 say yet unit happy little km 11 a kept tltt nursery nil the while am ehcerrul nit the nuhuhlna and au ay nurse uiu ulliulilif like a bird ilaby cooed an i kitten purred you hrnrcoly can hcllgvn it but ii true isverywhoro that bnitlll amlle w it brought nleumitru utu content just think how much a llttla smhe can do hodifa i garrison mr peas lets house deacon hyno and caleb xntasloo wera imiilntf uielr elilna on the barn yatxl fence surveying culobn hojn the dtticon pointed to one that j n kind of ulndhiik- joo kin chicken over the kellup ho ouarvl orltltally i tiontboliavti id try to nta it if if wan mine clob mtfatmvd the fowl with lilit apumtomd ilaodlty it may never im a him that ltd iay to carry to tlm fair he aiprocd but lln liealtliy and ixrt notion uo i 11064111 keep it a kimll lonicor anyway kind of imu bt lu ml ml of a lion i comn to own one mtobbo the chickftti ii pay as voll conllnu to an that bow did- hunxuhl remarked th deacon und committed himself no further 1 lot the htuw on atnall dutr tuut wm owln mo frotq a man named oxatn daictor calob we tit on und when 1 took it i jeuloused id rot stuck more n m rood half of tho debt und it wuh only twenty dollar a in all dot oxem was coin to leav town uml t work at iiih trade in tho city and ho lutdn t any other mcanu of jioyln ma so i agreed to take it and call the debt atot -icamwu- w i hadnt e setmjh jho to take any notice of him and 6em brouulil lilm ovtii and stood him into my barn after dark the tiltfht fore he started for the city when i sot nut to the turn and cot a squar look at tlie critter in the daylight ojt i say i milde up martnmd i djt tnyalf uto ten dollars by atfreeln to call oxein quaro wltli me ut lie was cone and xuiad tte hona so i made the best f it in the course of twothr weaks id fsd him up so st the hair on him ptrited somowhereas near tho same wy and ho d cot so his ribs dldn t fcbow plainer n his legs dldnot that he was uhy yn i alftht to- look ut wvn then llut 4ie did look some like a ho and loss like a crow bolt my wife poked more or leas tun at m over my drlvln how an she called him eouih of me already hafln tfpalr of wok hoasos to do the larni work with jlut 1 kept my tongue to myself and tad nothln i attd au for that thirro want much i could nay jestltl- auy id had the run hou luebb ftvo weeks and ho was ettin nouitlt lire and kltigdr into him so i felt i hod to lead lilm out on the halter every day and let blm roll and frisk mite when i cot a now man to come to work for me through the fall months lie- was d fellor i dldn t know any thlnjf about oxeept he come well nautili recommended but i was put to it for help so i hired him and one of the fust things i charged him with was to iihet down tho cover of the eraln in every time he fed the crlltars well ono night id got comftably abed and was near ready to go to sleep when i hcacd an uproar out in the barn ticks und actuals and the sound of hottneu movln round nouuh to make me fet ready and co out the hard sprier n i d any right move and when i gat there i found both of my work hosses loose in the bant hor vltti tho cover of tho grain bin laid wide open wd a hole in the nieal bin that showed ma theyd at the batter ukrt of a huuhel apiece of that dry meal ono of em had tho rlpei so that ho was down on the floor roll l klcltln wlthrth pal and li rtf nor n one look to tell me it wow koln tirtk some sharp work to save him i my wife hail faltered me out and was oskln what alio could do to of help so i aayri theres jest ono thlntf you v yot to take tliat other hoas au1 get doo haddock lie was the vlitary vet hlu here jeat as quick us you can 1 wish kays that i ha i a better lioss for you than that runt for tlmo presses but 1 uln t you ii liava to hova hlun ajonsr the bel you cant and by that time had thf haritess onto the runt und him hitched into the hutfgy and wlion i hit him a slap with my hand be wnt out the barn on two leas lufned the corner so quick he shaved the uatepast its hear our miles over to doctor and id made up my mind it wduldn t ha leas n an hour niebbe mare for hu could gt to me yi can hlleve i was siwlstd to look up and see my wife whirl into the yard with the doo on the sdat with wr not a minute over forty mlnuteo from the tlmo uhe started the doo dldn t wastu any time pelun to work atd 1 dldn t pester lilm with any iucs tlons right then i stood by and did what ho told me to till ho anlshad up then i auked haw ho cot intro w quick well ho says kind of laughln thats quite a hbss of yours that you wife drives alu t it what i mean he says is that hose come the four 111 over after mo and when hump d ih be whlrlrd the buggy at a word from mia peasleo and tore four miles as easy as 1 vo been hauled in a buggv for tiutny a day and he conn in on th bh too says he jst sa if he 1 only iwftii divo a mile mead of in the nvlghborhood of nine miles with hllbl in em toot quite a hbfcs says ha and when you think of settlu rid or mm i wish you d ut me know i was so took hack ihul for a minute x dldu i get up oci nough to uiako atievrw but my wlfi did lie aln t thlnkln of initio rid uf him sayr she tlmtu my drlvln hbss ojidj vi iwwn out and fad him his hay ntyt 1c aud blmoby wlun he gets cooled a mite lui goin to clvo him his train 1j rothr catt lilm my we if than to rut u juan i know then hud tie i up olid ik hi cit at hluuiir sick u vralnl sho says and that un lod it hjia kl the hoss lalmln ulio h til u right to seeln h and the limn h id itavod me iwttt r n imr hundithl itllai that ulglit and x touhlo lgaiusay that oltiiar hert laugh ikl olden days the nip of autumn jimmy hoy lias caught mn out of doom ah smell tho j it tor hlckdry wvea and yonder orchard n 1 ronth home day uhon i put down tho pl9ugh those acre i will be yours i like to know my furrows will keep rulmlnc uftor dfnth uut think a bit about the bride that you tnko to holp ou lad fur euro it ho han tho laushtcr that your mother bad hometlmes i cant remember boy tho color of bar oyea xrauiurzuiuiutuiat uitsywuo tilui 1 know her hnlr wan brown alio kind of miitohcd tlio butterflies in fllttlnc utilk und elxo ilor little twclvo yenr nlntnr coulii have worn her wmdintf gown ilut bolls and broukn und bobolinks wore novor qulto o swaet au just her rlppllnl lautch ucrono tho golden whuat down wlfora th rown uro upplo red i nuo i to nee tier l a baby cllncinir to bcr hand her laughter full of joy sometimes it twinkled mcrruv some times it lmbhod low dut always it could mnke me smile in answer jimmy lloy wlion trouble en me it was her laugh that helped mo to ronrct for mo in every meadow path it echoes yet z tometlmob the slirloklng winds of uarch acrosu tho quaking hills have mixed a happy lilting like a silverhearted hell as when i tlhpogbt to bring bor uie springs first laffodllu i heard her tlutlnc joyous trill and knw the world wawell son all tho hurts bf yesterday have faded hcallngly decliuso i had u comrado who could laugh with mo incidents oi i 11ty yiahh ago prom tho columns or tim 1reb pmfaa at fifty yearn ago tlicao interesting hems are found recorded iaivl ultxcclklht an accident uf n very serious char actor hapiencd to johnnie kennedy son of duncan kennedy of acton last saturday tho lad who is about twelve year of are was with his father at the building of a brick house for ur william orlmn uf tho flfi line kriii during the temporary ab senco of the driver of a team of horses engaged in hauling stone tho lad jumped on tho uugon und sturted to drive tho team a plank on tho wagon slipped h tho tcim was going down hill and johnnlo fell on ono of the wheels bis left arm botwocn the ttpakos lie sayu ho wont three times around tho bjlpo when the driver went to loqjf f ir till tliim lit mot the lad coming towurdti tho houuo jmd walulnu with j rant dlnllulty on amlnutlon by dr morrow it was found that the it ft iinu wan fractured three rilw broken und tho right leg badly injured it was a mlruiulouo escape from fatal consequences lie was brought to hlu home in town on cat urday evening we kam from the doctor that the boy lq doing well on i thore is every probability that ho will rocovcr without losing his arm welt john it camo through the or deal 1 ravely ho hus two good arms and two good legs yet and hustles beyond tho movement of most mon in town of his ai a pa8tou ullovldniiusionfl ilcv joaeih unnwortli of oeorge town has resigned his uiutonil charco of the congrcgutlon ut churchill letter known as tiwuckhamcr s hill near acton mr unawbrth woji alw iy popular nt the hill ho in uull uffocllonatoly spoken of by old realdontu or tlio com munity many who wore bubia fifty years ujo wiro baptlxid by itev mr unswortli and muut uf tho folks o the hill community who are crle brutlnff their golden niddlngs were joined in holy wudlock by this loved divine r local irici3s i 1ity yl alia ago half u century ug i prices ruled in acton us followa i lour 2 0 to t 10 wheat ii 00 to i 10 barley c0oto70c oats stic to 40c peas 03c to c5c po tntoea per b ig 40c to 46c butter 14o to ib egiu 10c bacon lie ham i3c tp 14c shouldor 10c to lie lard 13c to lie tullow cc to 7c goorga i ileardmor ofer t 00 tr cord for goo l hemlock bark delivered a acton tanncrj jolin craig of tin sixth line fiord unto for uvic i ei bushel iett r u armntrong n ivortls jd thut he woull deliver milk at 31 quarts for a dollar christie hender son ft co announced it now arrival of those suptrlr i rlntii mid white cot tons all welirlits and wl him at to ler yard up v ulack ilkalt hi hn nicait actom a huge black bejr wits seen oil tin second lino i short distance bel tw acton lust llaturdty evi nlug by jack win low john olbbons and john xeltli theu young chu s were rtn el irrubly ticuri d tlir unuuual sight n i mu lr r i id utilileltto l iln puce of safety ixn out r thli lr i i i f milly tutu i ough which it runu uyl i won ler if you kmlw who ihe i uultii wuulln t like to ms hit n if ai loti wnn ttfty yeurs tiot will hum they urlktnltoy uros itodts uhoui tihd priiihllau o xe xi hyn is watoliuv elfubk mil jowelhry ci urh m miner on jrl and smoked hums mi i i neon wilson ik johnston tinsmiths chrlu tit- ilenduruon co dry uuoda mid groceries tttaiford yimmermaii butrh or j v allan livery 1 m mocunn uudurtaknr flecord i iron in tifr il store iv rgo lu morrow m tic 1 hall d menalr mllllilery and dry goods lciiwurd huttheww mo it uhop itohi rt crotch hirneui maker thorn in 1 it lutgp pumi s mil pi mlng mill oullo way llnis tuikers ii a i ijlrklln iwikers jurob d miutoy harnosa mnh- ur oliver iosler i hmteror uu hamuel t trier mitulr drawing and lyencli teacher mlrhnel hpefght blarkumlth dirkuon mnvah mer oliunt toll6a jnmeu muttlmwu pot oftlon store crnfne ut tlnn imioih mid shoes q m hmtll dry boim1h c f hid groceries lioofa an 1 uhoes paints ami walpaivr jame i ilytlur w igoti and carrlagn works j w mann dry loads and croerrh u quito a hut of them wuun t thoro7 sltt harrys appreciation of ae tens rssolutlen and the silken canadian hau prsentd the following intevautlng lottor was received last thurolay by magistrate moore 2 cowlny btrpet wtstmlniitcr gw i londbiincland may 23rd ib27 dear mr moore bo many thanks tor your letters of may cth and tfiui i cannot tell you how todchod my wife und i havo been by the delightful reception the cltlseiid of acton can ado hnvo bestowed upon my little b i appreciate to tho full the resolution you havo sent mo on behalf of can odlan actonlans und only wish that it coutd havo been possible for me to bo present to have endeavored per sonalty to earn reus mv thanks far your warm hearted klndnesji i heed hardly tell you with what pleasure i look forward to tho wel coming of your brotlior tho itev t al bert moore d d when he arrives wnd how much jfrhnll treasure jthj silken canadian tta whi ho is hrlng- ing to mo from acton wo havo many links thank god diotween tho differ ent- parts of this old lumplro of ours but the silken tls of sentiment is still the strongest of them all wit unite greeting from my wife and myself and all warm wishes i um yours very sincerely haitny wuttain a hat afore always two iok thei sfc i cton luvtbtli yes said two sklus to u h inakkrf u big dlffrea ruah esde h uluoeea bufae in wvry quw i ihe ea ia fnhil un tber ur f fly iwper lut to the y 17 060 to 1uin ualtov county council tho rutlmittu fur iici i ndltuns by the county council for hil year wua 7 060 ai i it wiu inu i i up if the foil iwtug uimu or tut t high hclmol tibh ti halt n agrliulturil rlorlt ty lioooi othir uiuutu 100 uoard if ljtamlnirs ant thlttl nupitt r fl uo oltleern uilirhu 1 4lu print lug und advtrlului 3j0 admlnls tratlon qf juutlit 760 nilunlluit vouh 400 the rtupiiirw r tin e unty woul i luf gild today tu sit uff with tun times the county c um it ixp ndlti of hfty yeuru uu over liooooo now requlnd in hlsjeayerneas to sue a w dur lngho voyagobelwaen honolulu and the island of hawaii mr homer crov wlto tells about his adventure in travol leaned too far over tho rail and lost his hat after arriving at tho island ho climbed into a tax i cab and told th- driver to tnko lilm to a hat a lore you understand t lio asked a hat store yes for suro all rjalit th japan- ema chafe haur answered they went bumplno up dm slrnot swung wildly round a corner und fn ally ut tho far side of tho town drew up to tho curbing in the window the store was a bedstead on which hung the sign this week cheap what do you moan by taking me to a furniture atoror mr croy de manded dls hata store replied tho japan cso driver und ho i ulnted to the nani of the proprietor k hata i want a hat not u bod mr croy said with feeling- i want it for this pointing to his bare head yes far sure all right with that tho cub whirled down tli street and awuy to the other side of tlio town while the taxi bill was morrl ly running up this tlmo it shopped before a barber shop no i dont wunt anything taken off my head i want something put it declared mr croy who wati n quite irritated yos for sure i understand ull right replied tho chauffeur with u trln they went clattcrlnc just aa fur to the other tilde of the towur no tle could and drew up before u atorp unit aa an afterthought apparently carried a line of hats mr croy had to py twice tho prlco of a hat on the way to buy iu but this did not seem to worry the driver who after the man ner of automobile drlvoru stood uj under it bravely a ohio n the wronq flock tho temperance society wan to moot that afternoon mra phupota drcaa id in a hurry and camo punting down atalru hhe was a short plump woman addle run up to my room and get my blue ribbon rosette tho temper unco badge tdio directed lur maid i have forgnttovi il you will know it addle bluo ribbon und gol 1 letter inff yua m i knows it right well ad die could not road but she knew a blue ribbon with gold lettering when he saw it und therefore had no trouble in finding it and fastonlng it properly on the dress of her hiutreus mrs phllpots was too busy greeting htr frlenls or giving close attention to tho speakers at tho muting t note that they smiled when they shook hands with her wfhun shu reached tqnc supper wu nerved so sue went dlpocily o fhi dining room where th otllfir fucnjljars of the family were uoate i gracious me mother exclaimed her son that blue ribbon have ou boon wearing that at the temporunre meeting r a loud luugh went up on all uldc why what la it harryr asked the good woman ilutohlng at tlie ribbon in surprlso why mutliir diar dldn t you know thut wan the ribbon i won at the sliow h u 1 1 uttirltii on tli ribboi hojal i i i irtit prize only five days left to share in the clearing out public sale at reesors when wc say only five days wc mean it the bargains arc forced and you know what these prices are but we cant continue these prices for ever and the limit is tuesday june 14- its your last chance read- these prices use cverycent of cash you can gather together to secure your share ladies hose regular 1 so 139 ladies hose regular 00c for talmes art silk hose regular 50c for 39c see our special silk hose z98c 1adies collar and cuflsetb 25c sale positively closes tuesday june 14th storle closed wednesday june 15 mothers read this lajici knitted vesta pink peach white ladies cotton hose peach sand black pure linen tea towelling per yard mosquito netting per yard 1 yards for cheese cloth per yard uollziwkksitt 45c 15c 18c 9c 7c pancy checks per yard 21c jlinblenched factory cotton 10c real bargains clover leaf cups nnd7 saucers half dozen i dc good glnsnttimblers each 6 better tum0leus each or aluminum sauce ja pans to clear at luc 5c 7c glass truit nappies each l6 5c golnj at 8kvey4140 100 -gio9s-berry-bawl-nd- boysl-xweed-cspszoqr- holf doicn nappies 4r5jc ber quality ojl high quality ginghams in glass salad ih bowls each idc salt and popper cruet stand 25c mothers look children s rompers each boys braces boys jerseys 45c 19c 35c childrens overalls from 65c to 75c pantie dresses for quick sale boys knickers per pair boys tweed caps at each 69c 75c 39c j p coats sewlnjj cotton 100 yd spool 5c a tabic of haridy aluminum ware 10c for the men shirts work conts and overalls each black and white stripe work shirtc size 14 only regular 1 75 for only men s cotton soc1cs per pair mens cotton and wool work socks men s tine wool socks regular 50c men s tine cotton and wool work socks menjs mercerised xoitqiiaml silk iipec at hie tic combina tions going at menf balbrlggnn combinations 75c woi 75c 15c 19c 39c 35c 49c 69c 79c mens white hand kerchiefs 2 for 15c mens cottonade pants per pajr 159 roys khaki drill pants 159 mens shop grips 15c 2fot25 mens braces rcrultn 50c 39c for come early eor bargains i only five more shopping days phone 69 jrt jvccsox acton ontario store closes wednesday autbay t come every day l- a victim of unjuot 8u0pigion a certain young man who uvea in u hid ur wontorn city wn mnrtq liupy on hla luat ulrtlidiiy by the prrifanf qt a imntlnomo umhrcllu civ en nl uy tio luuy whoni lie ex luctn shorllj lo rnnrrj on tlio flrst hji lvvory mornlni ho titou uy iiupj i 1 f rth from liln inor umtjrclla in li in i in i jujtnlt i piualpj qtrc car in foudil il i 1 ice mi i nc f tfu crcn aeutii ut iho front acroeti the aln c fidm u lady untl licr on u trltrlil tyt 1 child of nix or tjcvcn the boy rccnrjptl tho young man with trunk intlrcut anj aftir ho lui i n imcjmtly ntudkil lila taa pcrniltttu til i ryeu to anilur lo the umbrella uju tho ut rancor carrlimt tho clillil a cuunlonunco lalnc 1 animation ha lurntml to lila mothir nnil in a uhrlh vol co crltvl look mnmmn tlocnn t that t ok just hko uiia b umhrcllu tlit lie loot ilititht lluntil aconrlel wlhoier cd tliq mother warnlncly papa wiu looklna for hlu umbrella juut thin morrihiff pornluted ho boy nt irlnir haril at the younff tiifin vca yea hut ho foun 1 it wilil the lady conscioua thut everyone in th it end of thf cur wan pujlim amu lnir uttenthn to tho dial ok no wli ma mm i uuld th chill re iriciully you know ho dldn t ami it you told him ho dldnt know en outfh to kocp un ijmbrollu ijoov mamma that lu junt tho kind of hall llo liut at that moment tho young man connldcray cmbarramiod ufirnullod tho conductor and loft tho car gchfi of thought iii llcule may to thu evidence of wit oi bltttrjioini un 1 may uratlfy i llttla mind ur un unintrniia ttnv r but it i i no twit f mmn or truth tryun llwijnlu ood la tho re two dotl llg ultpin 0 od huth elf tc 1 w love uf rctlrlmbnt o meniieu wcro un extra uense bulvtor where ono tp prtment iiccond and where thcro hi tho third mahomet ilaahnrjdo u tho ejiuracterlutlc unlentvouth and iirudcnco that mellowc 1 utc clcoro wlun i luiiltm in on the thror rt indn l out of looru m hoifry in rago deaf an the ncu flro ahaltcapore i l lsthm remedy m hm vy ip martin un ls iimiiw itajtatmwj ftuulv j fcblisvtlo wo lxt aumiy w j cadesky of tohonto eyesight speciaost will ui at a t nrtown b drug stohia vcton monday july 4th anyone uukorli a row icya traln dafoctlva vlulon or uoad actio should not mlab the opportunity of cpnnultlnir thin oyenluht si eclalist appoint mtniin may uo mado with ur a t drown drugpfct conflur tation fueb office hour 9 m till 4pm your ndytr i 1 ly irt 1 of um irt- thlnim tin a u scientifically designed balloon tire tread vow ttrttvure condition dutnbuta mot at tle wdfiht und wedi- toward the outer cdtfea of tlie balloon tread so that li where fretono fciitiuur- place roost of tlas rubber at the direct center u a dicp fcfove between two narrow flexing jd ipips nn4 flanked by additional eroove which awrly rtp np wire r rubber spreadu out 4 tlie tire la placed uikw wtit m pm rml m rir stnpa wiu numer- illry hhn tlllh hoiimi3u qfllli nallkal jjlltlijl to rriiliuiwum au tuiuu urt hurhy untiled ualitt umlmkluit by itatlilii or othirwlut uu lm lcrm- lk known it u tirdini crwu k iu hiiiu nu tlnv ol i th inmlv uubjd j wumhutl ii uk i hi lo tk wruliiu willi ii i oonlon attl t1111 ihi nli in lh uld rk uiul miiji liiimtuut ur auua tii thvlr prvcno u not dvlxttd w if- juntitvur trout hmm ba biros of a peatmch tho dlmrutiilud rlahrnikn ut th rluli lifted hid volcu luud m nt tin itui irickiry uf hh twu torn luulons t ii th ahlmr trip it wtfn urrd m h mfllnt tyre wd kturtad uutt lb on who tuiht the net ojhiuuit kuml trat lu u kuiiwi- now it i mlniimi invon- ivlvublv you ii jiardly bvllava it but when wo wl to fluhlnjr tluma twu fol iar ffaljborauly rfuaed to pull in ljr hrm whop they hd blto thl id w uk oh wtutf fuean ftck f on tbc llrm hrm mnxmthpfy how fnuiib did th ruppf qt jcffidt war mild th fimhffpwfm wmn t qui t4 0 vv 9fp 1 uont nrhmitmnm 4hwv tuul cling te lha k tlw corcdiw of thg pttiioori ti rnjwt have tlia quallncatlon to wlthftuind tta wtretiie luhli tohlch thu trcd permits jplreatone provldet extra strength und enduranoe by dipping thecord f thd cic4 in a rubbe solution which conipleuly uturtet und lnsulntad every fiber of every cord insuring tlio hletoat degrw of eoonomy safety and comfort vttutonb tjub ft ruimtttt company op canada llmual hautlyou cam ada uost uilbs dotxatt st gantftt ktf r f shop jgj ty c j fauktr v t used cars ride now many real bargains in reconditioned cats aie now to he had why put off getting your car with all of the kne sunlmer weather ahead of you to he enjoyed come down and look at uie good buys now on oiu flooi and you had hetter btep livejy itoutbtcrfl light deliveries all at sncrlflee lrlera lvilio in niul h them small jiay ident luwn iuiuiim wfttkly und htonthly iwymcnli vvc art determined toaelear them out to uuilce raou far uve ruw unea we are now iclllnir w iuiv uo a few uliiuwt now cora at tcry attractive prieeu ciilmmilih andlisux- dotted card till h a coxe chrysler hudsonessex cars phonb66 m mainstokbi i v w

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