l i i itll llir 1iouk oi ijp aftmi jfo r frifbb lletiiltr canadian wkly nawapaocr umberlfcul town wctblua of ouiarlo i1draliiy moral t at tfca li milt stieit aclnu otlarlo ttia ft if tiiua u jcj 1 r yaar ti ailvaucn loun i cliirul addlfimal in fc it it unll stalai hie data to whfh iubacrtafmoul am tiilt 1 hi ileal i on lie nidi it uul auvkutpuna uafktrauiioot ajvrl triu ia cciiu per line anile umaiur lor lira 1 ikcimn at i j c na yr jli lor aci ubm- quei t uitarlia c i tract illajuy advartlaa ttneiiia for so bid e r mnr ikr amiui im casta txr t tell aaclt hiututini advarllacacn la wltli tut aiacirc direction will be huarud till forbm an j cl aricl accnrllngly j g a d1llt fell tor ai 1 prcprialer tk1ju honi-v- kdltorul ai 1 d tall cm ofi ce i j maaiilnce thursday morning june 0 1027 editorial all wwds must bo cut weeds will not bo tolerated any longer in 0ntano the ontario legislature has placed its seat of ap proval on the pew act which provides that allowing noxious weeds to grow is an offence punish at le by o fine of not less than s20 j than 50 thu farmers must cut not only weeds on their farms but puo tho weeds on the highways adjoining their farms jf they do not attend to tho weeds on the roads road oo mm isa ton ere will do the cutting and the cost will be charged at tho rate or 5 per lot the money almiil3e5eunrenprinproadg thefact-that-the- minimum fine is 20 indicates that the legislature really means to put teeth in the new law tho aot will be enforced by weed inspectors township councils arc charged with the appointment of the inspectors whornay instead of bringing the land bwnetriwtcrcourrrcut tho woods htmsellantlcliargfi the cost to the farmer winchester press well what about it systematic and organized payments to and cor ruption of customs officials and agents railways of ilcials and employees and police switching and camouflaging of cars of beer in order to pass them into tho united states theft of united states and canadian customs seals and the forgery or unlaw ful procuring of customs and shipping documents sales of strong beer in ontario in violation of pro vmcial law falsification of records so as to conceal these sales failure to show sales of strong beer on aales ax returns to the government these lire among the findings which hon n w rowell k c counsel for the royal customs commission will sug get that the commisjioners make in regard to cer tain ontario breweries if there had been any other emtio these breweries could have committed it is highly probable it would have been included in the hat these are the people that mr hanna expects will play the game fair well so far so bad but what is being most anxiously waited for now is the action to be taken mr rowell and the commission have laid bare the facts what we all want to see now is some more courage from tho departments in charge of the prosecution if law ri tojerespected we must havo fearless enforcement regardless of who it touches in tho prosecution when the mem bcrs of the u t o government were found doing wrong the higher tips were not spared andrightly so lets have british fairness now and have pro secuhotis no matter where the law breaking leads we are not insinuating that any members of parlia ment ufo concerned in this mix up but it will clear the air well and make for a better qanada if all who are concerned in it are prosecuted withoutfear or favor where ilewponslbluty rcafe i he raho in the tax rait this year of three mill a will undoubtedly bhng much criticism from certain quarton but it would be wise before undue abuse h u led on thd local council to make an nnnlyma of why the rate is neceiihurily jncroawcd tltirycar any town council liar a very slight control over the tax rute it js only necessary to look at one item to account for tho most of the increase the- equallx- tjon of assessment has worked very much to the detriment of the mojt of tho towns throughout the county and actons county rate bf i0h mills this year providev the outstanding item accountable for tho increase in our taxes- nn inst year this item was only 8 mills actons county ftssest merit this year according to the by law is 17054 12 the biggest single item in ho whole list of tho towns expends tur tin- other mill in thu increase is absorbed en the miscellaneous column and provides for the improvements acton has received such as the mam street pavement etc just what acton received for the 2 mills from the county council the ratepayers might well inquire if county rates are to bo con tinued at this rate the pub he had better enquire into the details and find some less expensive means of financing than the county council buairc in i a factory in the monthly business summary of the bank ofmontreal for may the following items give cause for optimism business conditions aro satisfactory taken in the large at this period as throughout the summer crop prospects become important and these are not discouraging following an early commence ment in april cool and rainy weather has kept the progress of farming operations fn the east to normal but the advantages of the early spring break up have remained and seeding is well advanced in western canada the spring has been later than usual but a late season has produccitirricinmrvcbfiri pdsrryeanj and this experience may bo repeated in the praino provinces there is abundant moisture in the ground and with warm weather quickermmatfon will occur railway earnings bank clearings bank debits and bank note circulation nil indicate a widenmg circle of business activity production of automobiles keeps pace with last year the output of iron and steel is large building construction shows no sign or abate ment and subsidiary trades are correspondingly jip uvcjaimngjipjtf importance ishboing oteadilydevciopcd wiihtnraa5lnginput commodity prices slowly decline in the industrial fields feature of tho month has been the announce ment of plans for the establishment of industrial coking plants in various centres notably at montreal undsanrt johrnrnbrninderthesubsidy scheme of the federal government for the encouragement of the use of coal from the maritime provinces it is anticipated that the coko produced will partly replace imported anthracite coal for domestic heating and that valuable subsidiary industries in the manufac tore of jyproductswjllrcsult juliclpto trade has been the early openingof navigation there were in the port or montreal on the 10th instant 52 ocean vessels awaiting cargoes and the activity of the port is shown in a great increase of exports the store of grain at fort willinm and port arthur on may 14 was 13 200 000 bushels less than a year ago and it is probable that interior stocks from the last liar vest have now come forward editorial notes another successful flight across the atlantic and far into europe has been accomplished truly real progress is being made rapidly id the aviation field increases of 1407 833 75 or 7 0 per cent in gross earnings and 75 210 47 or 2 75 per cent in net earnings are shown by the operating summary for he canadian national railways during the month of april 1027 as compared with apru of last year the work of the chamber of commerce in erect ing the signs supplied by the ontario motor league directing the roads to acton is a splendid example of two good bodies cooperating for a common good which will accomplish the aims of both these bbdtek it is gratifying indeed to see the men at work on clearing the mill and main street corner of its multitude of poles the one big hydro pole inside the curb on the east corner will be the only one left it has been found very useful as a forceful director of traffic up milt street why discriminate we notice that through the department of high woyu large advertisements are appearing in many ucekly newspapers in eastern ontario with reference to good roods preservation and the beautifying of privntttimkpirtie8 along the highways this is com mcndable and should have good results but why mould the minister nt charge hop g s henry discriminate in regard to the newspapers in which lit places the advertisements we have aeen these three column advertisements in weekly newspapers in eastern ontario that we know have not as large a circulation as the winchester press they do not circulate m as good a district then why ve ask this discrimination a year ago the winchester press was favored with advertising from the depart ment of highways at toronto since then there has been an election tiil winchttlr press did not sup port tho liquor pollen of the government in jiower r this tho explanation well if it is all we have to do is totgrnv and bear it but after all isn t it what they term peanut politics winchester pres if you had been on the wrong aide of the fence as long us some of the rest of us hrothef rom you might have raised your grievance-long- go we also notice that lots of weeklies right now are carrying ad vertismg from the department of agriculture re gardinij the new weed act goodness only knows there uro lots of weeds around tlua section and thu people need to b enlightened about thai new act but tiil i ull pue wail not favored with aity of the udvci using from thu department youve got the rijht idea brother ross grin and bear it and after uwhile you get to uued to not being on the favored let that you foiget allubout it and soil your tpatwr to souttoiwfwho really uppitciute ita value a recent compilation shows that the birth rate in canada is the highest in the world of the white races of the nine provinces of the dominion new bruns wtok is the leader with a rate of 27 i births per thousand the distinction of having the lowest death rate in the world is claimed by saskatchewan with 08 per i 000 of the population the committee on the jubilee celebration have tho affair remarkably well m hand every depart ment of the organization is working well and the feeling prevailing a the executive meeting last week to keep all admission prices down as low as possible so that all may enjoy the events is bound to ensure a real pleasant outing for allwho attend neighborhood news erin mtm lolum ot vocaiuu vultoj wlllr rrsthlx wro luat wxk ui- joint wlilrr unl duuuliur nnllu nn vlultltie willi c llltiifw txl frlttilaj ilr uuu in ur4iv flwnt u lw iltiyd with mr uii4 urn v v uowbu ut toronto ituv u le uuu 11 a uiitjn tw annual caiiforniko of thu utilluil lliuroh of cummin ut hutiilllon oiim wali mr miki 54 tm 1u w hull uti 1 two clilulruti ii ml uv i uomiiuh int lluiuluy with lira unl uim bhbttley ut kllcliuiiwr mr mij tlltu thnituih mcliinlw untl nun of fuuilutfuur iluult utu vlultlnu with rtlittlvvm lici they ititfn v l0 rntufii by minor mr wuy griy of ub klutnburtf motorihl uiil nitit tbo du with lila narontm hora uiul teturiuhl tuklluf mrf oruy urtii uoti urtar upcmjlnc n wjk with mr- mil ury w y gray in the tutitu of wlhioicniloy on ilunday wvenlnc 11 oh tf vrlnai lt ktlown mid hlmy riwiotii cltlturiim nukatod nwny in lilt 14th ynr uftrtr iuf lllrtasai ic thrm tiny frtu u imrulytto htrokd ailvooatv conpcdematiom and aktch 0i5cty ycahb op prtoqbcas oakville twit now numtlnif uhltat wrt ln- utalla 1 in thu iiunuiioumt lajtl wvac at ail via wl by knrlnr qtmr a power luait yur xtru w m wllklnhw n t lie vlilt- inif ut lur boms hi lurl tun place wai tswn hutldiuy 111 irtjt week her nitthy frlbmlw will 1b ikleawnl to lourn thut ttlio 1m rcovrihj amturactorlly mihk dorothy mcbri aubterof itov j j i and u meltsln in amonvmt tho kmludt wlio will rt- c lv their dtplomuaj to- morrow tlftr- lifwm ut tlm urauluatlnv xorc of thn ilamlltuii anjrml iiomuiuil ur o 1j chlholm wnd mr- chin holm mr janium ityrlo ml chhutlns ityrln and mr and mm hjury llyrle loft yostordny on u motor trip through qufaba and llio kaalaril- jkloidtluia provhicfti thoy will return about juno 0 itooord mr xlultnnr who roocnuy iiurohansil tho ilator farm dundai highway u faimjiy titmhtnir hu ww houa to niiptotlon wm hill who iurciaood tha to mblno property htm llauoad of it ucaln to mm c v chlwholm tho iioum will b occupied by wm ihart gltauffour for mrs chuliolni star ulltoh itnv t it lloln of wa farm iirot miltun cull on lruuiih town on wjiifcdity of loit wk mm xl m drown f part ltowsn drmmriy of milton vlaiud friend in town laat woek quoraro klllot whj barf bn naml ing omkoods halt toronto wu 6tbr- atod on at lidm for appakulloltln tha muton lnwi liowttrfjt club jiuvb laaufd tbalr flrnt clwijultt of 7ams for 1927 tim club imvo now a rnn barmtild of u with 14 rinks tua 10 sparaa wower thlova w uaderiitand hava boon operating lately lit town an helplnic thomilolvoa to noma chuloo bloom in certain plotb poor bualmuia ward wau rolvd bsr ontiuday thaealh of tci peacock of at potomburir qhorlda ltocawd was a of the lata col paoaok nd m brother of joa pmcocic about a quartor to twolvo on tuoa day joreiloon tbo flro brigade wan nuinnionod to flro which- bad broken ut in tho uttlo of ttva vasldonco of mr a hutchtnaon tho nro wm vry quickly oxuhsulobcd by tbo uao of hemlcultt tlio daniayo was alight tho local oranxatnon hold their an i unl church arado to knox church luat uunday evanlne thora wro about utocty in lino haadod by tl d itunil thoy marched from tho town hall to the church whrro a uplondld bormorf wan preached to them and tho conrratlon by ilov j n mctuui ho form or georgetown dr and mm c v w itosa vlsltod tottenham tvlansa on btuiday mlaa hazol cleavo la- vlalunic with mlaa annia g talk or attacton mr und mxa h p moore of aoton wore vlsltora in town pa monday it was a mighty poor samplo of k ravel uiat was placed on church otroot last wflk about thirty oddfollowa from grin ladso vlaltcd orion ijodgo georo town on monday ovonlno and wlt- noaacd tlio member put on tho aooond dogrua lltv nr jind mlea ilocoll apont last wwk with frlonda in tonawanda and buffujo mrs j ii mlr of toronto apont tho week end at tho homo of bar son mr ii a mlcr llov dr dlcklo attended uie con ference qf tho united church at ham ulan lafcit wook mnnvlawlu mulor underwent operation at lock wood clinic toron to last week and lunroareaalnif nicely mr w e hunter marshall utt tuurn last wook for hamilton where ho haa aacured a inmluon with the imporloj oh co tho yoking people a icocuo of the united church bold a lomon social on monday evening a aood tumumj enjoyed by ull prekonl uov a m ltrlth and dr aud mrs v it wliuun aro uttandlntf tha ouolpb auboclatlon of baptlat churchoa at gait thla vfik diamond jubllsa olebratlona bkva already atartod in town ono vaa held on tluturday night whan somo decoratloua wero handed around herald una or win at hlxiyvy lr confn loraltuu h v i bruugit promruu fur ekctti dlnu tin hopti of tlio llondra who 1 ltd tin oundutloitu of tho dominion und tlu very copplnic utonn of thin urch i nchkvt ment il vvhout in rolil ratliur tho dlumott i jubllon cuba liana aluiuhl roeall tho truly imtr- vuijoiih atory of who it tim thro i iralrlo i rovlncca produce tho greater bulk of th canadian wjioat oiup und iilmott nil of the oportnhlu uurpluu of- ubuut s00 000 000 buajh lu uniuiully it im a utory whfclt jlroveu the ability of tbo canadian peonlo to cnii tuor tlu hreatlat obulunleu to ojlujit themuelvea to nutur an 1 to unltor aclonco with imlitutry in 1807 wheat production and all ngrifciiltuml production wnu conlruvrta tbo central and eiuitorn provlhcoa wuii 31 000 000 liuuhilt barely onougl to forul tha prfj illation of j 370 000 peojilr the 1ruirlon wi ut not yot confederated waa a i rlmoval wilder neud n ulnnmerlnif land for ludlnh bandnnnl a era kin tf paradhio for buf falo twenty yearn broui ht the wout into con ft ih itl n i ml wltnoaued tho com plollon of the canadian ptcltlc itall- wy ti orrtnrtrc in inuniitio weau rn pining wliu unali tkun but tho outnhl world iroffi d ut tho mud dream that himvounio thu pralrlca woublvlold to tbo plough aa lato an ijjh 1 a ro aponalhlo srltluh publication auld of thn uralrltii that it wan an uunulblo to devulop thein m to endt ivur to carry out a uliimu for tin utulxatlon of ico iorga tho pralrlba aro front bound for aevon or tight months of tbo your men an 1 cattlo aro frozin to death in umber a that would uutonlab and thouo not killed outriebt aro often maimed for life tie tiloment proceeded alowly until lb ia r nsrtrtifoa nttn- ycatwnlaariv themaotvh regarded the pralrloa aa a ranchlui country wheal could not bo crown uucceunfutly be can no the varlntlea then in ox ut once required 120 dnyn or mora to rlpon and tbo growjng eamon wan to abort jqy 1006 wheat producuon had climbed to l2coaroodbabholirinontly fi radai co if outalde or tho pralrloa in outt year dr c ci baundaro dominion cirttllat concluded oxpcrlmcnta ho hud boon carry in e oh ut thli ottawa euuperlmontal tarm with the- on notinooment that ho bad dlncovored n now wheat maruulo which yioldftd buuhola more per acre than any mhttvhrtctytmdttpendirnwicayr cllpplnr ten flayii on tho growing banon made tlio prulrlca tlio granary of tlio world thd era of tho wheat firmer hatlj dawned in 1000 produo tlon mounted to 1gc 000 000 buolilla in 10u itaoarud to 30 000 000 buabela and ln 1d1g to 303goduo0 bunhcla a atrip tuo h und re 1 lullou wldo icroau tho i ralrloa wna turni 1 from a ranch ing country to a wheat crowing area in 1033 a mcord of production 474 000 000 bushebi wna catablinhod howovir tho end wnu not yet still furlbcr nnrthwnrd for a dlotanco of another two hundred mllea la a woi derful mta low and luko country the can idlan agrlcnlturnl uclcntlutu ro mom boring the achiovemmt of dr baundera continued tlieir reuenrch work a hardy early ripening wheat waa brought from tbo hltnaluyaa and crouetl with tbo beat domoatlc atralno the result wuu announced in 1020 by i h nowman who liaa nuococdod dr lluundera aa dominion coreallal qarmt wheat waa otarted on lea way a whlat equal to marqulu in quality and yield and ripe nine in one bun drod daja thiii wan no unconsidered announco ment qarnot had been touted a1onl tbo hudoon ilay railway und at ox perlmental vtationn in tho nnrthlan 1 it hnu ntood tho moot exacting touts in 100 tho entire block of onrnot 12 000 bun he li wua dlatrlbutcd to aov oral thouaandu of f iniilra tho ro ports rocowod luavo no doubt but that it fultllii all that haa been claimed for it with the dlocovory of gurnet wheat tho northern limit of tho wheat pro duclnu area of canu la waa rollod back two hundred mllcu 1 rom 1000 to 1010 tho canadian lqvornmcnt advcrtlnod in 1 uropo iind tho united statoa for plonotra to fill cunidaa laat groat went now tho dominion ontora tlio jublleo year of confederation with anothar and i gually great lnot groat woat waiting for tho pioneer now packed in aluminim the same a yea ago redr0se red rose orange pekoe i feytm good the announcement by th- provincial treasurer hon j d monfcith last week that there will be an exemption from nmusement tav on all diamond jubilee celebrations was a most fitting act on the part of the govtirnvnerit it shows rea evidence of co operative spirit to mnko the diamond jubilee celebrations aa great as possible the grand river sachem published at caledonia by mrs ii uoustow sawle last week published a very fine historical number preparing the way for their ohl boys re iftuon week in july it is printed oil tnbook paper and contains sketches and photo grjipha bound to interest the old timers of that vicin ity thd number is indeed a most creditable one ourlinqyon the province of manitoba proposes to spend nearly 750 000 fins year in extending mid improving its telephone system underground and aerial cable construction in winnipeg will account for most of the money to be spent in winnipeg while 100000 la to be spent for subscribers station equipment rural und toll lines outside of winnipeg will be constructed ut u cost of nearly fcu ooowhtle an other 20 000 will bt ued to buy laud and building at six points in the province bo vera t now toll luiui will be constructed thi iuuin monday waa deaoratlon day and many american curs woro noticed on the hlifhwayu mr and urn itarl illmonw and of iluffalo spent tha weekend litre with tvlatlvoa linv a w tobbe dallvered an od- drtua to tha women a canadian club btratford on ivlday afternoon laal ii denlko ban bn appointed pov- wuiuonl cuutrul lasufr of iwrmly and ti rro haa boon no urand ruah to dato vred coleman of paint haruir plur- fla in atinndlng the aumnler with hla unco and aunt mr und mr a 11 colo mail on monday ovenlhg chicken thlovea lull a vlalt to tho ben coop of chaw- iclaluko waftr tj treat and carried off threa hens mr orunt 1iurt if tbo govorninunt heod ilrunch ottawa upont a louuio of daya bore with hluj motbar mra a w loart lant week jr o mackluin has dlapoatd of his 1 arty on the ouulpb line to ltev itobert kftftr of an easier who will tuka mjaaaaalon about tbo tnlddlo of tlia month the bumlnaa meir on urttlit tit root tiuve obued the oaxatte to axj reas thulr apprnrbttlou to tho ftrimiaii for ttiolr t kdjllont work lu preventing the flro frojn spreading on huliday htet if the party who ho carefully re movd tlio hllvor from the laby a money ur durlnaf thu flr on bunduy lll eall at tun at the sl uncu of mr jantea wnuiiibly they may jtuve uitt ooimral whloh lliey left behind police mubitrule moort- uf acton hae bn uppotnlvd to 1 rualdu over juvrftll eourta in walton the vp 1 lilnlmiit haa wan muide by the on iwlo gov pursuant to the iilw juvnllo court ait paaad uthif let i weaialou uf tb- ltialturri q4tt goodyear prices are low right now varicose veins reduced or money back says e j hassard thla simple jflomo treatment fclv iutt amnxlng nailb4 tho w nit progrfiuteh loilay n11 inontu that took weokft t itwit can now bo niiied in a fow dayu if ydli jirtvo vnrleoeo volnu or buncln a ou can ulnrt to day to brhur thorn back norm u l and if you aro w1bo you will ilo no juat get an original bottle of moonow emerald oil ut any dlupi nwlnir phar marlmta and apply it nltht und mrjrn ing to tho ltunraed vnlnn it tit vory powerful n i nonolrntlmr ami only a llttbi lu nfaulfod aftor a fuw dayu troatmant tho j v iiih will ik gin to bt w njnpllir an by riguliir uun will wion n luco h normal mounoii ilinoruld oil lu aluo a mar vnlouu healing ago ilt ono upi ii cation for imitanlo atop tbo llclilng of scxema and few ap i llcatlanu r uieo lu eruption to dry up ucalo in nnd completely dliuippar it la equally aa offoctlve in wrur itch aalt rboum rednnaa and in ham mate ry kln trouble inoplo who want to reduo varleoie velnw or get rl 1 of ccxama ulcere or plliii in a few dayu xhould not heah- latfl n mt n bottlo nt onco it le am liowerfill that a umall bottb laebi e long tlmo any i harmncy can hupply you is j ilaauard nolln lots of it business directory medical dr a mcnivpn ttyatalaii end buroao iltlrj ni 1 if lidemo c rilfl tlorw- avwuuf in 1 i igin htr el 1 iioni bb 3 dk f j nelson i it okiuf t utvfbt acton ontario lcqal phono no 33 i o nox it hfarold nasi taumeft m a darriitar oollcltor notary publla convaysneer cto peiii1vman olofclt acton ont moniy i 1 nt on moutgaoicb houre 0 to am to 6 p h hatucd lyn 12 00 o liiclc f dr j m bell d d s l d sl dentut honor gmdu it if torontd unwe- slty tim bile t annithetlo ued if desired ofllce at reellonce corner of mllj an 1 i rod crick htrectu dr j h johnson dds lda ojntal quraaan onlco ovnr bonk of n vn flea tut thjuapiioni id the red cross appeals to you for support qince the war tlie red cross hs disbursed ova seven million dollais for the soldiers women children nnd frontier families of canada about half j tlus has beertspenttor disabtersoidiea half in the other services of thejspaety abouthicb you have been told the treasury is almost empty lloqooop needed n for red cross work the red cfoss bnnfs chear to our disabled worrtor and dicir faxnihes it stimulates the diudrcn of canada to healthy living and good citizenship it relieves suffering bnd bring- skilled attention to canada a frontier districts remote from other aid its woxk is indispensable it now appeals to you as a patwjuc and humane canadian citizen to contribute generously to its need for funds nationwidc appeal 2 canadian red cross society sltttl cautrulloiu tot oauvta duuloa cauajuu red croaa socbty 410 sberliounis street tealo i ouuno miscellaneous francis nunan bookbinder ar eo unl booka of nil kinds made ta order periodicals of every descrip tion carefully bound ruling neatly and promptly done wyndham bttwet oualph 6at- ovor william store r j kerr aucuoneraiuircal gnute twsntyvanrs irlonco liar youii ilioppiiiv with uc acton ontario auto and accnent- insurance ask about our new plan auto insurance special frituro a c nickl sower avenue iruumho olaii kiluls muhy to lokn lin- collections wo handle collectlona only ss years oxperlonco npcaks for lbutlt assuring eolclejicy an3 re liability kelly aiken colhsctoitb oranoeville end owin sound itof standard bank of canada buy that spare you need 30x3h ratliflniler cord 8g5 30x31 auwauior 1z2j cord 29 x m0 pathflndcr llalloon 1170 9x410 allwcather balloon id 00 31 x g25 balloon 30 g77 llallooa ssxgoo llalloon other ixs uat aa tw h a coxe fccton onyhio whan it liroubla cewii il hattitly o im m custkikoa of our men which would you rather do chop wood or v strike a match it men hlte the knker tlwt diop wood for the fun of it str3ung a match is to much easier i kindling wood days are over for every man once lie buys his wife a perfection od cook stove j his biggest job in helping iier to get the meal after uiat u to atike the match- at tha touch of a match to the wick the cooking begins no sitting around waiting fox it to burn up meoutr prepared in txo time and thetve no waste offudl uvy good wife deervts a perfection new models now showing jhodrrate prices 9 00 to jutojoo distributed icaiuuh by tmb sheet metal phoducts co of lioirnuui toeowto wiiinwso liijonn vawcoovos caicaet perfection oil cook stave and ovens u naitkm ft vt oj unit ufkjuj rjv u th cm sxr uj wy 9r1ctto owrf oifiiy lukj tht rj aj it uui fj jtt limmr wy farfscttiut jrtm ovuhidi ihi uuturt tbrr no tluiuig umj far ituliyi aa dirt or turn u mvj to lj ejmi4 uuug as sj v urr o 0 colon cw s m i pkoducis altfi iianlld in acton by james symon w r e blau ilardvaw riuiubiltur siiop monumimils math jvery grave acton monument works j nicol main ou act farmers accessory shop season la advanqjne bomi offerlnee in luod maelilnerj 1 coma fertiliser fo r otn an o aim on t tho aeason tor a now b or plow uxuinlnu 5 our hay t for ropnjrk itomcuibor be id iu for tvobt l wool mower tilde ory and hay loa lor liulunn imrk track car u m o und p 1 poftrloilti and lundy i intin and j for crop protection ijh ip attrr with doom 01 en your 1 rineni ways welcome an 1 talk over needn hupojru for all kin tlu of ohlncry courtoouii attention ii nnd en re ful aorvlci phone 100v3 aoton ont j jfefiptour eye peeled zz oljj unj ino loinh or all uiilrlua riloro uru qmliy cyuiu in lllullm mil luyhin on uii 1 in iliawom tint li iv r at vuui ior inuiilu tlo coiltr lili ilitoil usd wltl tlio uftnu if molitrwil on lln fin in tiwlul wiuli lift ill it lu not ii 1111i0i1 tin nuo thut cnuiitu it u tin uci lly r ihirtuuur rolni uf ci rtulrt jt ilou the rake coin catalooue tollu you lib lut tho ruro ooliui if uk nut nuntilul llirliulliii cuiulu unl tho ilrjtlull cololilm mill ktvuh you thfi prl uh 1 luurllitio to tmy for uumo btnt postpaid foii eiciitten cents nln two cut stump will do ms cakson doukftty m worlrtburu blrt oilw onl wool wanted r u barbour hillsburg will be ut the cunadian na tional railway station acton i on june 9 and 16 to buy wool for the quclph vorated and spinning co lliiluht market prices- paid runners market your wool direet to tho mills i wrw