Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 23, 1927, p. 4

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titr nour oy lt actum 3rvet jitcbh utinl cr iitiuluo wmldy nwpaxr aatoclalloa 3 urnlcr eclel town wcaltlita 1 oiurlo tint acton i nn rnis u ii uiwd tli nur bimi inn at hi in km illditatr mill slttt artun oitrl tl r il irrldlu irk ii ju ir yac ii ivo ce idhiiri i rinrol ftlllnal it oakci ii lt unli1 male ii lite t wlikl mill crjntlaiii pail l i lien advlutiinr natesrtraii ailvertlac lanitt is cttnii per hue atfai tticsiur tor f rat rtl ti ai i j cc ta per line tar eaclt aul fji erit lrtirt i contract lply advitlu biei la nr s licl ei a i ior ucr anmlm i cat iter incli much iititrtltili advert lituml a villi out atclfic ulracil i a will 1 imtrlnj till tahld aud cliargeil accordingly c a dili editor an i proprietor tli ephonks- 1dllorlal and llua neaa oftc lyj ileal unco iji k i da wo have the courage do wo linvc the courage or the cute to face our own i hortcominj i to admit to our elvt mid to ull co net i tied our error i uiul ny take if wc do liot iipvc til ore ii krvic chunee iiuipwl nhiill ever lie milch better equipped to fight ptir hnttlei tlmn we urc tp day only obstinacy and vanity ar tlmjjs upon the clinnot of progreji u til can we tut them loo c wc do not get very fr 1 he mime tririh hold fdr the individual the proup the community tho iiution history u replete with instances of flue hcuds 1at tered against the impenetrable wull of unalterable fact of fine cuiues let by eiiihuoin itj who clung ten- aciourly ta onjinn eiror of citici tinted becouso they were too proud to chunjc their hubtti of nations wrecked upon the shouln 6f their sclfleih desire there is no shame in admitting failure or mirtttlce either to ourkelvca or to oh erver wo cannot long delude those who watch mid they will respect us the more highly if we frankly confc s when wc muff the ball that it was our fault as long as wc arc not too vain to face hc facts of our conduct there n hop for ui but w will never be useful to our teammates in life as long a we hypnotize 4urclves into belief thnt wc have made n home run with the biijes full after wc have just struck out vtv thursday morning june 23 1027 editorial tnttworldh largest grain elevator work has commenced on the construction of a 5 500000 bushel capacity elevator for the united gram growers of caitada at port arthur at a cost of 2000 000 and is to bo completed by february 102fl this elevator will bo the largest single working elevator constructed in pne unit in the world it will have a frontage pnjlhundcr bay atcurrcat ftivcv port ar of 000 feet anittt jjepjlv pi 1400 feet the b will be til all concrctvcon- fcfruction and will consist of a work plant and 500 concrete storage tnnks a dock adjoining the elevator 1000 feet long will also be built do not judge too quickly most everyonejof us has he habit ofudging too quickly the fifing on the face of it may appear to warrant the judgment given and in these days of quick actiori oipccdy decision is very necessary in muttitudcof casoq butifthetlcctsioinsotdtrgojng to benefit anyone greatly and is going to be detri mental lo muny wouldn t it be just as well to withhold our verdict for a while and wait and sec if weywerc justinedand had all tho facts plainly before us numbers of times you will notice citizens devoting their time- and energy to promoting town work and doing it in the way they fcc best to do it and doing it with a conscience- and foresight not for their own welfare their methods may to the casual observer ap crude and not proner but do mot judge him until you have studied the situation front his angle as well your own if you have a bit of helpful criticism offer it to him so that he may use it but if your criticism is merely fault finding it were just as well left unsaid there are always points in any town that appear slow in materializing to the average citizen but when the facts become known the judgment of these men will be entirel reversed tatc your opinion uniessyou are ihnulyct7uftlmvithtrtfurtletbflv imported direct from the orient in metal lined chests blended and packed intol ik vzlkty ie bright luminum packages red rose is good tea lth u red rose orange pekoe h extra good business directory wcdical w j a mcnivfn thymlclmn j 8urj4ati n and ll4iulincn conmi bow i utiil ihclh htrrnt 1iioni bh c j nelson i r 1 iii hi iucic htutcwt acton ontmna lcgal f u who meets more strange people than the news paperman one nun gets behind a yeor or so withjiis subscription and tltendecides to pay up and he adds a couplo of dollars extra to his cheque to pay for a year in advance another will accept the paper for three or four years without consider ing payment and then when we insist on a reckoning will consider he is being harshly dealt with and abuse the editor in good style if this class would only play fair they would see that it would be nothing but right to double the amount of their remittance if the editor has carried them three years without pay they in turn should pay for their paper three years in advance to even matters up probably there is no business in canada to day that is being run with m little margin of profits as the weekjmewspaper busi ness and when a few customers who have been ac commodated by the editor refuse to pay up it reduces the margin of profits to the vanishing point col lingwood bulletin sir john a macdonald caiuevat pirt premier whose term of owce term shortly alter come deration tlia 6oth anniversary of which ik beino obtvel-th-yy- publishing a newspaper a daily paper in a city m the junited states has offered to turn over its plant and staff to the city cnilfldiim fruit crop pro4pc j ttutkulletin issued by the dominion department ot agriculture last week gives the following report on the fruit crop prospects for this year weather conditions throughout the fruit growing provinces have been eool and wet resulting in a backward spring which is generally eight to ten days later than normal june i conditions winch are based en tirely on blossom prospects indicate a commercial apple crop of 3 707300 barrels as compared with 2084230 barrels or 120pcr cent of 1020 or 15 per cent increase over tho five year average of 3270220 barrels there is no doubt the above figures will be matnally changed once lic fruit set is known ontl the june drop completed but the present outlook was never more favorable for a good crop or apples especially in the eastern provinces other fruits promise to be from fair to good crops comparing with 1920 strawberries will be a larger crop the in creaso being made up principally in british columbia where there is a larger bearing acreage pears are estima at 00 pxcnt inbulishcqlumuiaand 200 per cent in ontario cherries sour and sweet are light being 00 per cent in british columbia and 50 per cent in ontario pcachesare 85 per cent british columbia and 100 per cent in ontario clergymen and let them get out the paper for one day wc have a great respect for the clergy and their mental ability but we would not like to have tointerpretthcirmcntal attitudo toward things m general during that eventful day getting out a newspaper may appear an easy task to those- who know nothing about it we would suggest to those who are so free in their criticism of what a niwspaptfr should be to sit down and compose off hand a couple of good live editorials a column of comments on general affairs and write up a few local happenings jut do this once and when you arc through start m t repeathhe work only with new subjects to deal with and now happenings to record by that tlmo you will appreciate to some extent what it means to be an editor of a newspaper but if you want real work dd to the already mentioned the looking afternc business and financial end of the business keeping the office well supplied and the wages paid and then you will have some little idea of mental torture that only those to the manor born arc able to stand up under long if you dont care to accept our word for it just try it and lejirn for yourself winchester press willi tho krowtli or can irilan co nfcd ration tlm memory tf itrt hwu premier iircm to lw mnrfl cuurly outllnnd ncnln tt ttn li in or kill hurkitrounil ilia wit liu broalmln in lnrl n urn lilw rfinnruidiln ututomkniiniililp ulll bo famm ror all tlnu he wiu n bold cliamiilon of ciinn han union an m li older of rjonor relation wltli tho mnttirr cmirjiryajt ttdlwiumuuidhiir imilutont flonmiuln for whli r political lllwirtlpa wim a arm unliotlor of mtnlillbho i inutltutlnna and liln lnt rrlty wm ulii lint it the ml of a louctby ciircor be wan u i oor mun an iililt nfffotlatof a uublli and fir ilicbli i ebb t maccton im wan tin man tax much an unntnbk iwrlo 1 hut tic did mora than ucirj vtclnric i in porllnmnnt ho won tho virtual rulor an 1 loiilnr of uio heoi o lln rcoifnlnd tho enormuun wtulth of tho vajit north wttit tfirrltoiinn and bin purcluiewt qf tbla ntuiicndoun urou from ttm iliitlaonjt hay conniany at tho rmimrauvoly nmnll oout of 900 000 vnu a aplondlil plocn of rtatc itnnniililii ho uponnored thn btillillnir of fiin canndlan i aclflc llntlwny wlilrb tijwnwl tbo dntlrlc t to cnijnr and ourm at fuittlorn and wan tnraoly rouponfllblr for tbd admluulun of brltlnb cohimbbi into confwlcrntlon to him inu may bo attrihutod ttirf tariff policy ulilcb aucocwalvf lovorn nmntn liavo mlopttj with or with out- modification mncdonald ii aplrlt of conciliation lielpol him ii crcat deal in bin r i luonu wltb ivcnch canadians fie in quoted an bavlnir al 1 uint canada could not bo arovwnod without tholr help tnoueli oranaomat fre wau over radi to ctvo tiaufifacuoii la hlo collnaeiioh fro qu re m ohftttln dfflnlv mnt rlu tn tltla siyo- kionn no 2 i o ho s harold nasi tarmer m a tlrriater solicitor notary public convayancar cto tlliic tilinllurly b won the rlnniniiip of joneph howe and of noirti bq4itlelcctiica tivnf acouomlcoonditlon pedealruitm huhtan bellies- the pedestrian is at least recoguizertas a creature with tranlc rights heretofore the chief regulations of traffic 1iave boen in tho interest of vehicular traffic everything luis been don to cvpeditemotor traffic but the poor pedestrian has been left to save his own skin or break his neck when it comes to crossing tho street the courts have ruled that cities are eriacting traffic ordinances giving mere walkers the right of way over- vehicles at intersections where there is no traffic officers or tranlc control system drivlrjiw required to slow down or stop if ncces tinry in order to penuit pedestrians to cross tins is a victory for the principle that walkers also are human beings if the rules can be enforced taiti drivers will no longer be able to bear doujn on inno cnt pedcstrinhtf with feroc ous glee and force them to leap hkt kannarooi or die the death of a traffic vie tun tho principal remaipmg danger for wulkers is therefore at those protected corners whereautotiio biles are permitted to make right andjeft turns through the pedestrians rightfully crossing the closed streets chauffeurs still may show their htbrn for the mun on foot by coming up behind tilm whvq he thinks he is hafe and blowing the horn with ueli veheniiencc utfct ut such clobe quarters as to impel the pedestriun to instinctively make a running broad jump for the curb unfortunately about as matty motoring violate thevights of the pedestrian 89 there uro pedestrians who violute the rights of the motor ht kingston whig standard crop report the bank of montreal gives the following report of crops throughout the dominion the past week their information is gathered from their branch managers and compiled at the head office weather and soil conditions are favorable in the prairie pro vinces and the growth of the grain crops satisfac lory in alberta the wheat crop has almost over come the handicap erf late seeding and is now pro gressing rapidly wjth ample moisture and no damage from hail or pests good headway is also being mad by crops in the other provinces now that the wheat seeding has been completed the estimate is that tho acreage is l b from 10 per cent to 15 per cent as compared with last year but there has been some increase in the acreage sown to coarse grains jn the province of quebec constant rains and cool weather have retarded farm operations and offset to some extent the early opening of work on the land afforded by ptemnturelywarm weather in april and early may in central and southwestern ontario satisfactory conditions have prevailed during the past month but in eastern ontario continued wet weather has seriously delayed farming operations and seeding is not yet coihplctcd in the maritime provinces average conditions prevail except in new brunswick where rain and cold have kept the season late in british columbia where the season was late ideal growing weather now prevails and crop pros pacts are much improved which nuiuiuied al thotr- wlallomfa corn in glnncow in lfus john a macdonald camo to canada j lib id u family in 1830 and netuod in ktnjtelon whore he at tenrlori tho crnmmnr schftol until lift mtm tb years of ace ho thort cntorod a lawyer a ofttco and wan admitted to tho bar whon tunnt one tjo pracllinul for right yoon at tho end of which ho wan elected to tho canadian lejrlotaturo nn a reprauontntlvo nf tho i-tnjrtn-oniitittittey- ilw w w hwr this atty wry tn ibm in tho year 184t 4b bo acted an rtocclvnr qenoral in tho draper administration ami in 1bc7 became primomlnlator tn the oarllor macdonnld oovornmont in 1881 when tho taclio mac do nil id cabinet met wltli defeat ho very energetically advocated tho great coalition movement wlileh imv oiewytooonfed eration george drown having realnned in 18cfi macdonald waa tho aacriptt d leadtr in the preliminary movement which led to tho pmalna of tho uritlnh north america act in 18b7 thin acttayc birtli to the- new dominion whoje premier ntlll won macdonald ilo rcinatne 1 in i ower until ho dlod nave luring- the flvo yoaro of tho aloxandor maclvcnclo admlnlatratlon history will be lndulsonl to sir john a n woauncaien by acknowlcdiflnir the eminent part which ho played in the maulne of a now canada ho endeavored to build for tho future and to unite uic different element which compoacd the youni canudlan tuttloti whouo life waa only buddina change your attic into a conifartahh den radio room play room or extra kltcping iurtcra by erect fag ceilmdtf und iiartitlonn of oyproc gyproc will make your attic fire- rentu tan t wai hwinter an cool in summer wrllf -r- imoktrt uy itou tfwiii irtl ebnw cyije kntlhkj i yrmiit imulail u i kbi 1 iimuuk will rluo your fuel ml rt m taot aa tite ontario gvpsuu co umlttjl pattls canada gvpbqc fireproof for sl by b mckcnzio acton ont francis nunan doobblntlati account bookji of all klndh mad to ordar porlrvdlcalb of ovnry dcfil lion oovafully round tlullliif nuy and promptly done wyndluxni stroot ounlph over williams ttor oct she made matters worse too editorial notes well the diamond jubilee for which we have all looked forward is only a week away let s hope that good weather is granted for the three days tlioy aay country folku are blunty temurkod mlaa urnion but truvoller doi vou livo mo a blunt one every time inutead of oni of ttxnc folks that tblnkaaho baa jjo much tact alio d better go romi 1 umoou injt off uur people b odfffia tliut mi prouly boardlnir over to tho wlllowa bton herer lnaulrod lior brother nullcltoualy vea alio haul anappod minn lam son uho came eaterday brlncinir that younc woman from dootou to aeo our old china and so on thn wau a ulnd of a blundering girl and when uho aatxc 1 mo if father mad a that nundrod nn 1 twenty ovc year ol t hlr bay and if tho china that id tol 1 em wau ovor claulyttvo yara old to my knowleilso wax ono of mother a wed line preuont it kind of tickled uo hut in eomo that prouty woman alnno to day oaylnir alio felt alio must polosuc for her friend tjiat alio was very younji nnd hadn t any apprecla tlon of relative autn anl of course it wau perfectly it h nurd for anj one to talk that way with my hair still thick on my head an 1 u lot man talk like that i endured it ua well an i could and thankimrtrtr fur lit r pood intention i but i can toll you that whorcau i had a g la veativrliy nnd felt quite youni an irklttttir t day i fell ol t enough for fither to liavo mado thut itlffli boy und had a few years to anaro boaldea ovchrelachcd- hiuoclf the iuupokon and diaaarconblii not olwajn havo it hu own way ti o hnllroid oajtctto civob an inatanco in whieh tho rudenosn of tlch a man very quickly wrought his roihpmo dlncomnture tho ed to another panluccr wh ting by an open win low nnd raid rxcuuo mo nlr but that opon wlnr dow la very annoying i in oorry said the othec one cheerrully but 1 m afraid you 11 havo to grin and he u it 1 wluli youd clone it i uhould llko to accommodato you but i m afraid i can t do yo rofuao to clone that window alrr i certainly do rrou dortt cioao it i will i bet yoii won tl if i lo ovor there i will i ii bivo you odda you won t i auk jrou unco more olr will yi claau that wlnlow no nlr i will not tbn t will air tlio lnalutlna panacnacr tfoto on hln toct no lookajirentcnlnir id llko to uco y u do it ho plactn hlu liantla on tho objee tlormblo window 11 ahow you whether i will or not air then ho tuca at tho window why dont ou cl iae if tho dlauiteeablo l niinongcr kctn rtd in tho face it it appeara tu to stuck of courno ll ij i tried to cioao it beforu iiu caint in keep your eye peeled for obi und odd coinh of all untriea th rt arc many colna in circulation and 1 iylnk around in drawers that havo an at value lor oxamplo the etpptr ponny dltcd 1830 with tin hanii ir m mtroal on its fact la tulay worth i100 it la nut im much tho ano that oountalt la tho ucurclty of particular colna of c rtaln dates the rart coin catalogue to in you about the rare colnu of l iff crent countrloii includina canada and tho drltlnh colonuu and liven you tho irlctn i uarantco to pay for aamo gcnt postpaid for eighteen cents nine two cant stamps will do james carson doiierty os wurtmbura 8trt ottawa ontario totst 9 the nu cefe jo ot h ldeuo aak about our new plan auto inaorance special ffiatufel a c n1ckl1n davar avtnut aeteri inauranoa of all kinds monty to loan or collections wt liandlo eollectlona only 31 year expor ouco bpak for ltitf aoburlnc efllclency and re liability kelly 8l aiken coujuctors ortmavill ant owm sound itof standard hank- of ffmnda free press job printing is always neatly done judging from the papers the government control system is not pleading every one thp prohibitionists find it isn t curing the liquor evil the brewers arent selling beer in large enough quantities to suit them and the drinkers complain that prices are too high lit kuict wilhclm says he cannot go back rgermany becauw- to do so wotrld bo to recognize the republic the border cities star notes that there ut also the danger that somebody might reepgnize wilhclm on june 27 a new train mervjet on the cnr gives aeton uu additional train going wedt in the morning if this was made a mail tram it would ittdead prove a great convenience and spji the gap in western mail serviet between 7 45 a m and 5 10 p m very nicely uilt foi endurance monuments mark every grave acton monument works j nicol mam gl acton making goodyear tubes leakproof at llnnjib ami ilauiltia fiiral u nf o mnjiu powr tiw louy fc luttkityi war ul ik n urfiful vl m titular an i rvry iutl ai uauiutllwt u11ac la itty lie lavaao at vtu nut u- at tilu ihu al uiu1 ami u ul u lnu at clu utlr u i ul huu tunlli u ui aacln1 jrl lm un dmliiiij idi- briuly pmij lur pnlornincr nlaanil in raiuy ta cuivnjii ku lmb bllilt oft pnouuan k aj itu hi uxau ruulilij ike hwt fuwiiij tad uta toomt uuggfj cmrvruat u buiuim 11 touiioa wi uiujmm70 tumti 7fio 4i cathiulu haoo aju ij lwiurul ijjju ua c rinil i toa tuiii chul prktl i ftiiry uiiausl msj tsui jjr 7 a7o tito 073 41 1400 km j s v king georgetown avtniabi til clievroiet evrotst history eveuy goojyar tub ijcta an under water stretch before it loavea th tatrtojy tlia tuba la inflatoj lachs lu a tank of water than stretched mechanically to a paint tar a ciceca of what it will ftot in the 4uvercst of wear this teat eiaiulcratea anil reveals ny hilble poras tlia hvllilhteat leakao mean rejectloti thats wliy gooj- yar yuba duuvj such tini- v6iml tiituiactlan coadycars dont coat any mow than ordinary tubes wave iot your oil cet our h a coxe vtw redl fvua uuy hr in towu gfewlf f l rn if- j i ii jtii 11 i f i- i y iwawiiitiwril r- jfyu

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