t tfflgrtmt3ffrgg irrbh jlinnthday junlii 30 1137 whvmen wohk wliy do iu p ddlsyour fruit uuld i in liunkutrr of initio sin who wiindi i t il y why mt ulnmt rrotn dawn tg llnnm iiil tin i or iiu wife null the kills ui hum wltj 1 ki t tliln u lt itu 1 j oil 11 if in the ditch 7 of u atld h i 1 f y libnrer hnly willi tilt rriiuim t wife- i lotla tuiikii mil it lit bid or i on tlmy went iluwn tlic busy ulrttt jugt r loiurjt ft in hurrying tonj jltik ik rn bakt r mil hunk gravo wltl do tiny work n 1 wliy do tluy uuvb- what in it m pin n wlm t la tlio ni map tinil ittik h urn tmlitr and k anil vt ii llii m td wor itlvf of every man ni wlm holds lilm rant ilrtvlnif to nerve at last iullulitd jiinicti or tin uoannt uocr till in the purppuo that you whall hear i gotta tin wire i gotta ila kid ijich nliiill toll ns tlnwllggor til it till r hi iho purpose- wlilb rules us all homo und tho wife ami tlio nlilltlrni small ldgnr a quest twenty years ago rem th latua t th fr prwa el thurdsy july 1 1007 tl aluan n church hold its annual crurillfil ptirty on 1 rltlay evening tlio hand itinl tlio various othur nimibors wlilth romprlwod tho proframmo tlio applause of uiti audience llotween twenty five and thirty nftinurrm of tlio hack wood fpwarth league vliilutrtlio arbm jkoague on tuonby evening and conducted tin regular weekly imetlnrr at tho close cottar sandwich en and cake ware iiorved i lev jir i ournlar who ban iwon tlio pastor of tho dluotpka church horo tlio pant year proadiod farewell ser mons in at uundu the second jiomc umo in lie c i a scries wan played in tho pnrk on saturday and was wan by acton tlio score wan 74 married mattiinwaiviuohy at denver col on wednesday juno 28 1907 albert kdward matthews son of jan matthews postmaster acton to mlsa iloiiof kruijfor wright of don- cyer col died williamin arion on prujiy juno h aturthil jluchol weaver mito of joh williams a go 40 your uumanln acton on saturday juuo 29 1 lorenco daughter of a j lehman proprietor dominion hotel ucod g yearn 4 months the sunday school ibssom fob bunbav julv i the carillon of the victory tower ooirml i union j itl fl ttl cikiiicji klm hcrlpturo 14 ikioi 1 mum 9 to 11 tlomi n t t wjillt dtitfi jtiluiviili rotiitlro of tint hut to do juutly lo lovf kliiilnouii an i to will iiu kith tin god mic fl hi iinvotjtinul idiadhitt lhut 4 10 tlt tvt ewl 17 htmml tuiu tho jutlw furnnl w ro primarily ituidia of tin pcoplo in limit of war ihilr uutlior ity llifrfor tneludicl th rltfhl un iiuhllr tculhimhkhyr hiiimh j fllnifii nttiito hiinititil jhovali- ulifllui illuldtlcll u4iiilftt bin hunuiionm wuu reiinti d mi tiujtiniitlnu from jt hovitli hlmnoir mcnwivtir tbn ithifo of uuiinmbly won un hclent lilfthplueo or jt 1 ii top uunr tuury mlxiwth wwtoh town an impordtnt tariituid jownln ih njnniln ixaituiio of itu central locution mid itu tie fori nihility u plaoo miinli fnvond by aiioli uathorlnuir un tblu now known nt stohlilamwil ib chlldrtu of iiiraol ulnrully floim of ituaul bettor rt ndoiod in icnif- hah ivoilln of luriiil thuu uultl jitovah thlw phrawo impllliu tlui pntiihetu conviction that ho in uttorlnjf aodu nontimitutit not nccunrlli goilu phrauonloiry qtu of iiiraol tho vfit majority at thin tlnto uioui lit johovah an tho national god all m klnedomn jtha varlotlu onpnjlon outlonod in tho ikok of judirci id although it la uudouhtcdly truo that tho uiiliutltutlmi of u woll oraan ixed kfntrtlom for tho ojiasmodlo ant tnmpornry icadoruhlp oj thl judiroii ropreuontu croator cfrlclcnny and pow er it wan rirunlod mi rejection o ood buum0 lthlepnrtotl from ihw bfoal of 1 tract dlvlrio loadorulilp thoumandb- clunw sosi vtjin lot wan flrnt cant upon uio trlbcn then ujioii tho prlnclpnl divlulona and finally upon indlvlduatu tho exact method of cantlnc tho lot la uncfrtaln tvrhapn a number of markml utoiiop ware hhuktm tosotbar lit u vamint until ono flow nut 22 they uttkod johovali an nworod ily moanu of the lot 2321 tho klnbh chlof function wan leader in battle and in tho io dayn when all flffhttnir wu hand to liund olxfl and ntronntb woro of supremo irn- portnnco to a kins 5 wroto it in a book probably a simple net of bylaws tbo connecting pantufco 10 20 to 11 should be read in order to under stand what follows ix i2jrhylllmvlltorilnitiirmahabli ttrrfl they urn i ho fcwmlt hlu forav huftln- ituitw patt of tho ii bciht oi tho cuilln itiallnl in tho yktory lowtr oi tbo farluiiiiciit huihlidgb ottawa imi which will unind tlie paean oi tlio hli annivciiury of canadian coofodcf ition ihcy me nliowa loulctl on la a btrfel hit rar arid unt takn from thrt hoi i of tho canadian 1acuic froshtcr ibiliour whuh brouitlit them biov th aluiitu vha other lit it tat ion nhowa tlio great llolirdorl of trti ton tho uukcst bctl on thlfl ctmtinrnt and th irtcond htrut et the orld bctntf only nfew led by tho tlotmlon t momca catlicdral tho third picture khown tha bi lulfour in whkli tfity nrrlvwl wifely nt montreal 1 he upper rim of tlio cret llourdon ii oiiclrclod with tnajtlo icavm and em ixnciihl upon it u tho inscription in ljio huh nd iticuch -rin- carillon wti tn- eulim hy dutliority of rarliamant o commemorate the icaco of 19ih and to keep in iciiieiiiltrattco tho arrvlc anj uacrlfico of canada in tho itrat wav anno domini mcmxxvi 1 nthefy encirchni thojorr rim uthotxt glory to god ni the hlghmf and on nrtb peace bomiwiij touards mm st luw goopcl chapter 2 vertc 14 on dominion day july l4htelcrl govtrnment v ill lutve thtjair and th nnbl prilinf thconlloii will bdbrotd- cnut over thieiijtth and hreqdth o cannrli- rurtliir thr cnnlloir will ba relayd r that k call will ve lintrd ifl all pirtn ol the ilntinli fmpire and thf for around the world the dog did too iho colored defendant who was be ing tried on a cliaruc of keeplntf a doc without a ilccnue triod repeatedly to intirrbpt tho losal proceed ineu but each time uao sternly silence by ilia caurfc imnally tjiujudso vamei iff him po you want uio court jo under- sta ho nald tlwt you refuho to re nt w your doo ilconao yoauli but wo uant no but you must re new tlio license or bo fined you know that it ojtplrod on january 1 dant you icouh but so did do dog aab it is only a few houhs journey to atoiigian bay why dont you go the for your holidy you can liavo a lot of fun aroujid tho thirty thousand islands of oor- blan hay wliotlier you auy at ono of tho hotels or ciiooma to camp on ono of uio islands you aro sure of a bontiouous ffoad umo you can hav hiilondld swimming boatlnc arid other water sports or you can spend your wloe ttmo fishing it is a famous flulilne district far black baas lako trout and maskinonird in tlio ovcnlnes thero in food muulo and danclnir at the hotel rcsorta tlvore in a one booklet just off the press tuscrlblnc this vacation torrl- tory jn dotal clvlnir hotels rates etc ask any canadian national railways atfant for one the othtr fellow itmt man must ha a perfect fool riaklnu his ufa that way said tho motorist as another oar flan hod past a particularly daiifferoua piece of tho rond jio staixlrt a mltrhty cood ohano of braakinir his nock what ijra hodot fort enquired hlfi iaasenaor v oh just to try and prove ho htm a better bar tlian i hava replied the oilier liut x 11 show 1ilm and ho utepped on the tan for catarrh it la ono of tho chief wommondutlons of ehv thomas ic- luctrlc oil that it can ta used intern- ully with as much huocoss as it can outwardly tjufforors from catarrh wui tlnd that the oil when used ac cording to directions will clvo prompt roller uany nufferera from this ail ment have found relief in tho oil ami have ncnltuatlmonliilu- on the job a youmr lady who had parked her oiir in furhldiltm land rt turned onino two lifnim later to ty from wfar u lareo uinl lutluir iwllcomiui curled up in its front ut uwultlnn jilu pre uakllin- a qutck tli clalou nho utepped in a taxi tlnivo jioim und tolcphoned tho imllco doinirtiuont thkt liar tar bail been utolau an hour lator it uui returned by tht iunic trafflt iiollfiman looklnu not tho uiuut luiffhd bur on tho contrary qui to prruidvf jila ulirtnoss an expensive possession another cueo of thu universality of lalmr op the part of very ftiomlier of the fuitolly uivo tho putinal taront u chad in punrh a small nflpllcunl for a country luilldu lu intuvlewid by l iiu town visitor what l father aulcd hit- vlultiir i do w in futhr liut what i ho ijs m stt pfuthei hi but what dot mi p rliliunu ur drive wlm tr hau tht smult iu leant uliiil lluht of ronnuehonjjoji tit dimo nuttilu uliui wn ve woodland n00k8 andohfett enld dayo invite voo to the muhkoka lakes aiilmkok inn ih hni ji onro hit r jollj utwdu m prparinir for aniilhir wondirful nuniiutr lit tills ln- chantrtl htilldii land canadlun nuv tloiml itullwtyu have priarod a dt hulitful boo it lit tvllllm vuu till about tht muukoku luktu in pjimiiritt an 1 hi ly jlvu the i t yij rul h nit i i vtytliliijf auk any t auuillaii wiillmiil aut ut f r tlu uookltt h will u ii ulv it i ou fr tf hurtfi i klnif of amnion litul iwrd -rrmiltnfrood- 13qiiji uchatiloilouad nyir- wu a- butrlot ulamisses all thou tht of nolflnti personal rovenff hic samuel did not permit thotr antbuslanm to cool but immediately bound their loyalty to the klnedom by an impressive rellcloun ceremony lhyhm4s a national crisis there nro history of every nation tlmos of special crisis times when the very ex in tone of tho nation laondunucrod the phil isiinosworo aarovaia fromthefttlnnd of crate who ilurlne uio twelfth con- tury b c mado several ottempta to establish themselves in tho j qyptlan delta thoy wro ropulaud by tin bravo and cnprcetlc itanioscn hi ho thcyuii tiled on the coast of cafifcan took posacnslon of tho five clllea ashfin 1 ashkclan nitron qatii and uaxu and not out diliberately nd ayatcrmitlcauy to imauo tlitmnelvca niuutird of the land they were cup abln and woll organlied amoiltea and caiuinnltea went down before them and ioon tho inrnellte trlben were orumhllnir under their nttacutr iftho nation israel was to bo pro nerved it would be only by a uurlt of abnoluto unity by patriotic devotion to un common food and by ofucltnt urban isation und or otronc leadership ii was thin crisis that called forth tho courageous youncr loader from glboali and led anally to tho con trail gitionaf irovarnmsnt arid the outabllnlimcnt ot tlui kingdom similar crlata havt coma in the history of tho christian church hornet i men tho church has failed to moot tho dcrnunda for unity and couraes when tho crisis came notably tho early church in noi th jerri ca tho coptic church in ixrypt tie vtauothjc church in spnin the tl lurch of tho icuntorn kmplro at tha tflno of the saracen invasions and tho nan church al tho middle nana to day the cause of rlelitcouflneufl li atcncd by mlehty foes antl- chrlstlan forces aro workuiir ovory- whero and once again sounds tho call self sacriilclns devotion to jeauu christ and for cordial unity nnd in telligent cooperation undor stronir wlso and ircnerous leadership tlio comlntr of opportunity 9au tho son of klsli wllr ovr bo tomom- berod ad tho man who was loaulnif for somo lost donkeys and found a king dom it was not however a mere matter of chance hut in tiuj provid nco of god tho opportunity came israel had aoked for a ulriif saul found himself to bo the chonon one did not daalro tho honor tn fact the prospect uo abashed bin that ho tried to udo nevertheless hu took the rouponuhilli titles of idngnhlp with a brave heart hlo reign oponotl au4 pielousljt s yo him whom jehovah hath chosen wan hamuol o enthuul- antlc eiiclajiiatlon it wan tho nations opportunity to show what fliey cauld with tho organisation und tho leadership that tlieryhan drbtretr it i hauls opportunity to prove him self nupromely great opportunity knocku at thu door of every life if fonuy unlu raided without wtrnlng phiu la ruo not merely of the oppia tuulty fttr porsonul material advout but it is equally true of tho nppi r tunlty to do a instlng work to ho of umf to god and our fellow men jftro lliali ovor hofurn the huctoso or failure if thu raiiso of rlulitoounneua on 1 human progress deiisnd upon tho in illvidual cltlsen in a domocrai y hit privileges of universal education and franchise make vt ry man lit broth crn ifiejur und the keeper also of tho lul and uph itual herltugu of hln community und jua nation 1uacntlal qualifications for leader ship vlin choice of a king in israd htirvod to focus iho attention of the people on tho ekaentlal nuullfl cations for national loadornhlp wlilclt tho mniilgumuuon or the trlbi into oiu r on tint uionurchy deniuiultd and the i reatllnu of tho story of haul u cjiolu may ui rvo un uu a point of diinrtutc in tefli cling upon some or tin por- manoii uments which nt r into mmj quillhrutfons riiuue leiiientii trt parti physical partly lnti llettual mild put lly mtirtl among pilmltlvn liopleu tht tribal chit f often bicunii siith liy shier power of hln physical pis emlmnet ant bodily lu tlth mil personal appeamura ntlll rontlnue to ik strong assets in tho gumral equip ilit nt for ptrtninii lenderuhl uiiioiil nil peoph s y t grl ttt r in liupo me thun iihyslcnl utrrngtb is inttllertu il fun iluck of the trll it clil tn on i leu ii rs in war ant toinhut win hit- tin dfehii men mi l prlents who by tin ir superior mi utility i xi rcluud tin ivui trultir intlutuce upon the luurln ami minds of primitive peopleu tin m is ttluntlul iiuattluutlolis uf leitdt r ship jkiwi vei are mural iiu lu tln touruku mi if control l e lu illative pntuuii gt rn rosily mil un ahl llug out urn fir ths common wel ftu lit who woull lo id tnin tn day muut imvuiulppttua nvr lifor with tins nibhr i rails of untkmm ui aud ultiiiltnii wiillj not inking hi louitii ability mid phyukai slamliia it lu nut you know tliis salada m anyone can aill poorer- ten cheaper time tables anadian nationalrailwavs no no golrta w- 30 ilunday only goin trust 34 litmday only 3c 16 41 m j t46us f 6k h 7 ob y h tosaj ii 41a b nfiuh i 17 p to i lit- to gyproc your garage x7uy ilhhurw inolher wiirtr with n cold kirnc tly hniiitf it with gyprocyoti nay save the coot of acrui vea radiator roen water pump and numerous repaiis caused liy xero weath gyproc krepti out winters liittcr cold it m alao firo- resistitig cany and itievpenbivc to buy and apply wllfrrtmiotiut myii ifwllllrll y u luw cyvwne iicbar i lumlalhik uall in uiul ittaulcs will ijuci your furl bill lioul soioao tltt ontaiuo cvpsom co umittd paftltl canada afireprool im tlie pcocotowcror canadas parliament buildings tlie crest carillon of cft y uircebells la xun installed and wdl be rctaly for the diamond jubilee the largest bll welghi ten tons the smallest sixteen pounds the intchption on the larga belt roads mivlo mjui tachiioe of csnsdaltiuai quest broadcasting canadas confederation jubilee tho picture mop rthovo friven a comprolicnslvo idon of tliomontextcnnlvotitvlnof rtulio otatlonn over nttnptl in cuniiiln and pos ijbly in uirwoihl tho tie in hnua jo rtidlo ntutionn v cnko at ottawa an tlio koy ctatlup nnd marconi beam btationcp ut drummpndvillo which wilt robroudcu t on u oliort wuricnrtu to tho ilntlali broadcustjiiu coinpnu in lnihund which in turn will broadcast to luropfftn rocoivinp atntlona by nicnnu of tins tioin of canatllnn nuliotatjonh the world will hoar not only tho nncejal jubflco radio pro- ktainmo on thu ovcninir f juli lt hut nl o will iirton to tlio initial peal of uio cnrlllon in tlio tower of tlie pari lament bmldiniri and alao to tlio npoochon by tlio govornorgenoral pnmo mmintor nnd othoni tha tic in invokea npproximnuly 3400000 of equipment and if undertaken on a comraorclal basis would have coat approximately j0g0 000 nioro to ojtabliali given 1 1 tvery in to in u ti i it li a hilt u l puiiuibk fur lvtiyum- lo lx tho prlvlhl of hrlhllnn ritli iihlp in nucli a i i ji i n lot rc i ilvmiio tli f nc ii if rlkhtcoimn nd ixthtl noiilx in hu cimmun nd c nnnionui ijlh study and disoqsilon u hat f lui 1 ni ln nh 1 ui el u we iknu national t utilization f tho luduut what in w i an i io tied win ut tlujti in lid ilif i mit invutlirts ami win in what an tin nijumttitn ft i uml ngnlnit a ttttuig tiiilril i it riiini nt wh it wiru hi i urn ii nous piitlkica tlonn whl h iltttd still t i th 1 i 1 i und klnir wnl win lhl tli quiuilialul tinitil ill nppi tl tu lln- peopll ill mill t nt 11 1111 t wlllt dtiprti in ovt ry man lenlui t daily rsadings for next week won uy jul 11 hum 3 ip fucudi jul f 1 hun j 11 1 wtdii ulay iulb 1 hum 7 1 l rtiuinliy jul 71 hum 1 0 1 ntiln jul k 1 i un 1 iiu fitttrli lul sumhi jut 1 j cl no insjnuction ncccssarv nature urt to in rsclf oftt n polnlw in t with an uut oinpromlilni dlr i to m mhl h ih mitn t ff actual than ii at i if trt the mnrlntrn advo uti txiii i i thlji ftct in tht foil iw my biiul uui it i titltutnrly juulw m it l un rtti tjitnln ri nun lit i u 1 i ii inuli lould t r ti ii him i t t do in tie of au ult nl i siln t n u mum t i lh i ilt un hi 11 d it algonquin park magic woudu tothe fisher man and catjoc1st lmii lilnulnl al ut u boll lay in alft u pilti link ulll milk your oyos brlt bin and j mir lp hgbter in thin tin umindn ami thotinunla of in ren if niilhein f rent rmtrva you in lim a vurttlon that will fidckly jjl iu of tint jatli d fdllng tliat lu ij i i kiim ti un with the p uislng f mint r an 1 in lii ik ii jt in 1 il i n of ti l llnml u i itu lint i i in t i i i na n lit nil tll 111 i 11 mighty suspicious mhop of a n itl 1 ni id if r in ipmi mi ui n 1 w nd ttt 1 ihnvnif i iho optul i iiimln u h it 1 it 1 i 1 ii it r pli d th il li 1 in in all iptli 1 1 in in l shu t nut l tl thll hit i ntlll fun 1 1 i 1 lit ill i in 1 11 thin n the nun t t 1 t 1 1 i hi ah ill il ltlt i lh 11 f lit 1 11 w 11 foi frc t ditus and c tllblaibb hill 1 tluh i tn i ii it m willi lo uiunli tl i fl i iii 1 ti jl i m fl iii tin liy wi is if win i in iii tirt 111 nl of tl l ill xlii ii mm ii t 1 in 1 i lh un 1 1 t 1 oil i it niiili i nli tin nil mn itl iii ml 111 vi n i ilit lu it i ii r tin oil is pn ml t mil i uui it til in i extremely sluiplo iw i ciin h illovl l s wrinkle chaoctl motlur dli l iv ilug h llttl uilit r- witiilii ii a kltttn vith i iftp n i iwur h lit- it 1 ii ui 1 1 nt thnk tli lllltlui ll y w ui i 1 hi c 1 ml n wllllll i ul tli t 11 it ix u rlauils t it i i tl ui l ihk li oi iiiliu i mli i 1 i pn ill t ml i in 1 winn lh mu i iv in tin ii r i t tin u il ii uliik mlu i ilaci 1 1 itiw li i ij r inti iliiklod w iter wltbont u com ill tin tni red li lid i uu have 1 inn inl camps b tutnu hun nu inn for ui nt asorj all iiiw nu already i i u t km w more un i i i hotels 11 hlub in t nu pull y when using wilsons fly pads sfc head dihecti0n5 ss- careruuy and a rouow them -ar- cxactl neat of all ply klhua 1k and 25c pii- imrlut ut ull lrulil jrocerd lllld cencnil stok fireproof vyalltooard fo su by j b mcxcenxfe acton ont canadian national electric railways watt bo und daily x 7c6 sum ilrtrly t aw ii cs atai 1 tt pal ims uu ult jkm it el ta 9 it acu 11 st 1 h ivu sjr pjrt- bsf tet- 11 is tj toronfco ttnmuisl kfcala btr4t mnd bl clslr avttim jriht dallvrd by kpchu xratt frght- cralght pokd up mt suty nj- tordmto w ekbllmluhd live stock bought tue no x it ji lt i childreh cry for castoria qvtotf tkr cabtona is especidlly prepaid to relieve infant i in inns ami children all apes of cbn wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea rcpulite bowels aidsintlieaiiinutlunof i tnnlnroniotiiiff clicerfulncii restmul natural sleep without opiatls p to avoid imjtations ulwjya 1 k r the mi nature u czyvdx proveii hirectioh on r iri urbaf iltyaiaaiu everywhere rccoouucuj l get your job print lag at the free press arrow bus line wontboumroiin at actdir at wlls cafe at 10 10 a m jio p m nj mil p iqastbound duo at acton ml 9j0 m 2 30 p m and ten p m tho buses joavo toronto for acton at s 00 n m 100pm and c00 p to haturdayn bund ay and holiday only a special bus loaves toronto at 10 00 p m orrivlng in acton at is 10 trt leaven ititohoner at 10 09 y nt arriving in acton at ii 20 p m the schedule la all basod on stand ard time and not daylight sftvlng time toronto terminal 4 wellington street ost toronto w j patterson phontl1j j hialtaat cssh price paid for dsf hu dependable the oulntundiitg feature of t s ivago optical hcrvlco is tho fact that it lu reliable you uro always assured of a thorough examination or jour eyes nu are atttats aaaurm of n conifortnhli w 11 llttlng frame ypu arc jrfvfwayh assured that your ulajnn will ivo pel feet uitlsfactlon and above all you are alwavij assured thatyou will pay only what tlis blasoes are wolltlf no uonn no tcao a d savage optomttr at a mfrj optician itltjit at tlio postonlo savago building oulpb savage company jewellers china silverware lower wymlluuu st phone r71 gueuu the old and kellable granite aud marbl wohm we ars manufacturers and dfot in partra of all kinds of uonumatttaj and iloadstons work wo fill dlrsat to our cud to mors at wholesale prlou thus saving our customers 40 par otnt wo havji tho best appliances and ths only mooliahlcti in the dominion who can operate pneumatic tools prapwly w can glvo rorcrences from hundrda of our customers in toronto and other plscaa where others have to hsv uw suits in ardor to collect w liav h largsat and bsst stock of grank 1b ttio dominion or mora than any utr dssurs in the west w or iltl- mta doalors and employ no knts and do not annoy or post customer by bonjllng out ignorant oganu aolloit- ing ordors we employ only msobadloa and defy competition hamilton sons quelph ont suldcriiilioiw for all miigaxiifea taki at vee vtwua otuea