Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 14, 1927, p. 2

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wrvnf imrwotwfw ge acto sffrrr lrpfih invminay jill ncvlll alvlup pun nu nil lit from itk iny itl ullh it i burden ai nrl mi ilded ni life tlo lull wall in 1li t tiinl fro ljr stor ilrtfifi iirt tax the vision v lm ian iioiv i i prudnlun rilv up nf 0 will ifc- i i never iivo p il ami then through the dccpenlm ii- i if i ii neomril a pr ncnco pervaded lln gloom although fir ttwuy ln iit aleplng dreamed my mother ulood there tn tho room about her uuret- fuce nu lt turned t mj own deemed w stliii a halo of llkht like fur away inuule i fancied in r tune loll noft on thet r of tun nlclit jover give up never wive up loved onea nr waiting jou wrr ijlvo up out into tho night to the qui el unj calm i went to thn starlight ami dew i- or nlclit to tlto heart that lu sore has a balm a beauty that always is new i naw tli great earth at it mwun- to tlto dau n a tret chine out to the caul to tin west and out of the deep heart of natural seemed drawn a voice wllh an accent if rest klff give lip nvirt glveu- tho world lii wide for jou never give up m cjes turned aliovr where the bright ojea of space through immensity s blue curtained deeps in clusters of glimmering groups atm to cava far awii where tho quiet earth sleeps and down through the broad jwlld field tot the sky the radiant btreteh ovr all j there droppod m ft till vol ft an it war from on high ivlilch seemed to my spirit to call never give up never elv up heaven 1b over joa never blve up 4tgch uittr m n kin oii full 4 i net u ir it no lift 3 i il rtmli it u- like join so lirciiiu iiikiiku in thluu htil iiintrj j mi do not i i lour mumk oii juut ln it you lu nil tin he- u twlnn pnite- k i uci it tucklti uuntej to throw itovn bl i lolln mill blimp mn of tbt ulu lln it wit dip1 lim-amilm- in cnlnjhi ii iihi of tli iiiiintfi bovijrul iiikh lu hid uild lliu1 lmne did 1 what he w iu plujllu how otild thai ik tlmuijltt f uu nc du ttuutrdl jiid h not pliiy with prrnrtlon all hu irlmlii murvtllcd t it kvu h tuuutetr hud t bat lito ttvclmujun vat ikrfr klmt vub the inatttrt e tlu uvliittt uotlld uu jom bar thn uklll i lwi but iu baf not thf ftlnt vou uir no mirfnub in jour pltylnr you mul baf a hvs huuo irtno inatliam wan ihe only on of hu frloniliu to wmm vuenfc told hht ttiahtrm wordu huf bad been hu conrtdiiut in all tlilnicim toiw n b could renifmlr tltero hud alwu u tirh th hol in the litltfa bitwvett ibolr two hoirtvu uticene lud daubed uiioukllat ninny uy u varvlnir tuoodn uiviuji tit fliif jllic2r l vjoic tit liln ii lunic tin tin uud chmi to lit nh tllil lln lo mind hh wum itid lo uh in utlunn uud luti n on nr told liu ulioilt hi ii fuvorltt lkaullim- or latt i lni utloti luirif 11111i11 niiirclld tin voj lrinc intiiid lulo thf uiur nu if tin ho httilm n n i llrfii ihni it ii hid iho tbiul pine i li toll iubmio uoiiiethhin of mu of thn nicinutrn of tho houiiiboll dili wah a droimij outiu nwn who wutitad to wht piulrj ho rr uh1 little ni nip ithj froin mil ou in lln fumlli jtciit ulu motbiir und kln uuh ulwayn tint llrfd ullh tin iitrii ufli larur ramtu to uli blmonuib luuulrntlon ir-tn- biul uoi rutinc nf bin work tnnl roiinldeiod u v ry- promulutf imt haw tilmk tho lipid ut a inruvr vulon uun intrroutod hi the j mnii felluu au uooii nn bo b1n not only liecuiuf of uhit ireiit bud jtnlil of hliu but nluo bcitih of hu uwn ptr- itinllt j aim out before he itm w it iuune found liliflbiut tmttukid lu un inlcicatlnir dlwcuaulou of un at wrlttru utid wua uunirisnd to und bow much koowlvdc llmaioy had of tbdiu iribp nmllbtl hnpnlly uh id 10 huw the uu- worpllon of tin two l tlmlr nulijacl uuycno actually seeniod reluctant to twvb it wttw llmelobtto tha fournrptuc thproniipyfound ttllltlr l rrtpnld lrl who was compdlod t tilt in hr chair nil day jiir eyu 1 ubownd iiallcnt hufferlne when 11 lu uto 1 ytm utnl roiinithlnv nor 1 in nlm murntui tiiurfh il with klfidruw vinuiii pin 110 n i ulii loouud rur off i lhv u on of tli blulniit iiiuuululuii lmrhoui 1 hiivo bo nul1 in i it ttllrl vdih i wthilit to lluvr nwihlnir tbut im not im hnlinir 1101 piiwulou i foruot hi lb omi ulmiil iv tlu inoph wbtit tluy inhhd jmol tbol im iho v poi l k iru u ild miiftl and it iiuonl hium yii mm to iht ii r than to tbmi lun to bn nhh my ulu 11 b lnail ihiuuu pluylnu be hud puyi 1 lo un tiiounlulb ikmiu ho wiu ihtubluu aih iny boy loll bavtf to utnl m tho mloit infill a fult- uoundid fee ins or a hpart to in th kooil uo irons bad known tor a lone ttmo trial fault in kutrfin plajlntf bhe felt i hu uck of mnr lo hr emotion in the hearts of hh hoarnt but dared not tell him ulio unew kugenn timiwr avlien i10 cam and told tier u bat the muster had said bo many tlmea she know b cxttecfod nnj uunt- ifd hr to h dplj ajni pathetic and declare tbat the maater was rohr bhe could uol dollult for b frit tjj tronnly that bo wu rluht hut bow could alie teh euce without wound- inf his feellncu too much gae why dont j ou ao away aamewhct and play for oilier poople iuirbt not lliatbe a eood iractu fortbouiio for dinner j dinner ottre th iaiit ad7klowisary- vauluir and livltve h kjuvy a ftu pur the bravo u th vatbvray of un cn you clltum tlien turn from the yrs that or dad willi ytur cjoj on the promise tltata ehlnlnc lulillme in the years that aro lylau ahaad never clvo ui- mevr clvo up tlic crt mluty futurs soya nevor kivo up j a edccrton itho rulaod them lo kuitn6 but uh umll- ad aufifltlj and euo blm her hand with almost a iuoy racloubnow tha two kad not bn thsro lonff whon the child turned to irene und aaked if ube would not play tho ntue ba- ubo for her o train lrtnd cnt to tlto old orean the corner and day j u10 mutno for the child then ueveral other almple and line luelodled kujjcn rn aurprlbad to the intelhitence and appreciation tho child allowed ab they loft thu place irene au ebted hint ihay co to jane torrena iner ireno always ate und jane wuhl b x- uiyii that i 4n ut not iiuitdct to tla vfore audlenovd until i ct uilt vulon xkxrtoek h is bwy harplntf abouu iwnt it bxeauae be wanbt jou to take iieoplo by aurph and nhow them that a new nrtlut ban really op- tp0kgdjgx fuk two aeton sr peitrfl ir new uthod ef prowbtjna ovrm rellowehip f1 ibm for lip pf arrival would hav reach bit narcj evdryono by thlm tlmo at uilu place jilufline uh ntfin lppjjtal with heteninh lo uot in its loading odltorlal in tso last laud rocclvod the acton gatdto and tprehb publuicd in a ion kngland makes tlio folio wine elrniflcant ro- foronce to tha happy rouulonuhlp which in late years has been vreated between acton england and iu ino- totyiw acton canada that wan 11 liappy phrajto whlh wait uued b alf harry itrlttaln when klieakluir on an blatorla occasion li thb acton counui chamber lax xeik he referral to tho erforta wilch bo hbu over made ti promoto icaodftii- lowehlp iwtwoen the catuulhin on riuflhji actonn aro forglue links of tin fcmplrc all loveri of our hmplro iu our mldat know and appreclato ivhat blr harry ilrittaln haa alwyn nixlven to do in thin matter and wo learn from blm on tho occasion utat ho ha fcl mo endeavored to iveruuade his fellow members of parliament to tiur- uue a ulmllar oourse of action uir harry etreawed the point that uoiill inent la the scrateitt link of ill am ho emplmulued the value of individual effort in tll direction there car ue no doubt tltat tha ejcokouae o courteitloa betwn townn lit tblj couiv try and in the domlnlonu ami colonies bearlnic the tamo nam audi an have taken pluco between ur ontario alfl- tertown and ourselveu will do much more to promote true fellowmhlp uiul cement tho bonds of empire uutfi all tho alnsliif of patriotic uoiuw the balullnar of rate or even the boomlnff of vrltihli booiu and the institution of preferantlnl tariffs and inter-par- llamentary coufcrenoui it woe flttlne that hlr harry should publicly receive from the bandu u auaelat tui dor from the oilier acton that ullken token of regard und recognition of hi a own uraoeful elft to that town- no one who was prwient at thai function uniuuir au the iluyor tiald lit the history of acton will readily forest it it wau both a iirlvlleffo and a pleasun for acton to accord dial welcome to its dutlnkuuhedi visit or dr xlcwirfl not only for ltuttvrn 1 bake but ako for that of blu brother mr h v mooro the police llasltitralu of the other acton vho liatt always done bin bent jo fdaler good feellns between the two towno not only byl bis personal actions but also throuaii the columns of that excellent journal which he lone controlled 3jiny com ments on which no oplnutt is here expressed have however been mad tn connection with this function by certain prominent residents it ha been felt by name that as tho occa sion whu made a rlvjo onv with the mayor in jiu robes of njao and at- u it dd by bis mure- lies re rt it nbobld luive baai hiore lurrly attend and more uenerally tvtweseutatlve of the vurioun lutoreits hi tha public life of the borouuh atuutlon hue ben drawn to tho fact that three of the kree church mliilsurs of ac ion were vlven iiluae of honor in front of the mayoral duu and that they alone wlth the extnntlortuf hlrtiioman ifaf- slsr were called upon lo add to the wordm of welcome aioku by tha jjayor uim blr hurry ltrltlaiu tiiom ro- fcimiiilhlo for the anranuiments i plain that this 1 ourue wah udopbsd in view of the fact that tha vlultoi whu otu of the foremnat- kree churcli dwiueu of canada und that it wa foil that it would lie paying hint u tirucnful couipllmnnt to auk iiim c-o- ellifliiiilutu of adon to fluuro prom- liiontly in th reception turninc to her suddenly ha askad itcne do jou know what thin vision itoeleeu lot if i don t have it can you tbll mo how to et itf i thlnl i fctl what it must be ircna poke in a low voice and lior eyce wero dkamt thd mtuitoh mloi liosteek to mo in a picture of lltuc tired children quieted and huahed by boalhlnc atralna i nee webrj mothpre reqtcd und inspired made ready to meet the old round of work willi now inspiration there arc querulous old people whose nerves mum bo quieted checking profanivv uy dear hro i hi r fcatd the tarsuju profanity w a jriat win caul you think of uoinu way of rherktotf his evil habit r vcu aihword um vrofaiie on thoushlfulb i v tr karon s oudyimt u a hc u all l two twao imbeball teahtu wmre plsyina oiie d ty wtiilu tb kcoret u spclalur tthku 1 one of ihe puyerm nliktn to uothhuf the player uhwi ullitcr you wt j bad alu i theyr ob rui tl 1uybr rcepunjsd i all aint hd ab bl- jm and there are gay younc jjeoplo who need blcitcr visions the vlnlon noetook if jou pleaue in order to find them selves io you really think i could make f oiks feel all that irene lujreno aatud in a meditative voice i know you clin gent if jou will feet the vision yourneir you havo the power to express it if you can only 1 pot it yourwlf i a few days later ireno nan prepar ing to iro to metbelr a little aettlemcnt amoni the mountalnn tlfty mllon away hud first gone to the place two jeors before to visit a friend who was tea chlmr there man times since ulie bad bo no ulthouqb iter friend waij no loiicer there hhe had learood to lovs tbee hardworklntr tioople wlio bad anrllttle contact with the outside world and she tried to brine them nil the loy she could thesu people had made their uottoment at mcthcl expoctlna a promliind railroad to come tbrousb tho town but they bad been dlsap twin ted ilecuuiie of the central iuiv- 1 erty of the people nana of the ln- liabltantu bad travelled far from their own vlllsue an irene wan prepurlni to ro to these people this duj she tllbutcht of icucne hhc fiauuod a moment won- derlnu if he would no with ber the vision poeteck might he await inir blm there i am coins to auk blm uhe whla- liered to b creel f run quickly throuuh the hodgo wnlnjr to denes door i know hewontllko tli cm atural slie told herself un she ranjr tho bell hut if bo can feci their nood au i do be will becomo interested when eupetio opened thn door he looked uurpriued to bflc irunc attired for a journey so curly in thn morn- lnj havn you come to uay nood byet he asked curiously so i ve comn to auk jou to 10 alone uttri i am eoinir to see my mountain tcople to day und i want you to 140 with mc vou never have you know i ii tin n your chauffeur if jou won t ask mn to nuku a upcoch ho you think i go down tbt re to ji re licit lioy i certainly don tl she flared oh well i ho if your pardon 1 11 eonfess i dont know much about it you might tuke your violin alonji there tfcaveral cu i- unmu jwlicr you could play if you cot tired of kolntf uuout wttll mo ill he ready in ton minutes and im waiting at your door list u very pioir chuulreur an irene crouoed the yaid uuulu ulu thought he can trmt ii an a jok imw but if bo will just taku bli violin i i think womelhlliu may bupm n icuhtib wak naaily within his ten inlniiles irene nuted with imtlsfuc- tloii that the violin was in the ear au liy siw ovir the rood twitb wcr rather quiet iriiui wjh plunnluir the calls whe would make and ku ue was wondering- what kind of folka he would and au they reached the little village and iassed i11u1 it mairy wjoh tlubtid with reroknltlon and joy all win lad to sei irene uhe was to thef piiiple a truly liiuplrlna umi i from the outside world the first plefce which iro lie vlttlte i was a little hut in whlcji i wo ol i piople lived tho bouae was siiull but mrmdously clean tin ro was llttlu furniture but that little wad sturdily built and well ktpt up tito fares of the two old ieopij llihled wltli joy when they sw irvu uhe sat uud talked with hum for au hour uuuim watched htii wuiuluiluu whut pleasure hli oollld hn lu suih oiivirutlnn ii vui made upoiuihs vry trivial to fcuiii bow hucny cblckfiid lfa uld lady had how nuwy liouuds tif butur h had hold thai wo k and how many time the holgl- iwitm bd ben in lately he marvollei 11i uh intmst i rent sliownd in uim i hi usx he bad certainly never heard hr ulk about lhuu b-for- at ihrt titxt idart- there wr si vt ry llvvly cbldrh tcus-a- liked 1 lilld jut ott to whom t coujd talk utid who wus quuftut be did liot ike i and who wa a4iut but h difl twt ukt ulldrciij a whole rouiolnc buueh of tor him uuc avui wnn fcu aix will canadian allied reeiment and his cer tainty that the alliance will bo one in 1 name capt j n cnitholmhaa juallfled in the theoretical portion of the mulua ututy course major a ii chluhotm m o mujor j it- peacock and capt k a cummlnffb have obtained qualifi cations in three of the four subjecti nunc plouslntf way of talk of uiose people and unobtrusively clvinc them new material for filler uioucbl after dinner irene aucceulod kuceno that he mleht im tired and want to co hack to uie auto bhe una colntr on to anothav- place i think i will co hack to the car i3useno on id slowly and thoughtfully but i wont stay i am going to trot my lolln und go back and piny to t7ruttnetipplmeirl dojou supjjjaclp well o in name aao alio would ilka that like if i cant imagine what hi mean to her aeno perhaps yoj iii be able to roallxe when you see her eyou my j ounix poet can appro olalo your music too when the little crippled girl aiu iuifcnp comlmr ulnln tbb time with a violin nhc almost jumped from her hair in npltii of her twin tort limbs a liurglntt wae of wnrmth such altel un1 tind never filt before swept ovor i 1 utcno he mopped beforo the child a chulr und ankid what tiho wanted him td pliij ilaj holy holy holy first of all alio whispered softy with hor hnnds held clasped in front of her lugono wau surpriuud at her oclcc an but 4ie started out un the old hymn- an be played bo began to dis cover new harmonica new thoughts in tire old tune ho felt stoullng over him a reverence which imparled itself to his how as the late note lingered in tho air and became sllont kugeno looked at the child inntead of the ienllu patlcnco which had been in hor eyes before there uaa now a look at radiance and of pains forgguonj she wau gating ruptly into paradise hugcne thrilled to think that it was he who hud brought thut look into her ejen then uie turned to him und mur mured in u bushed voice and now bchuborts ave mnrlu plenso iugene was more surprised at thl 1 request umn at her first election ho would not havo supi wised tbitt tho child could know of uuch a composition liavlnir lived in this placo all hor life lutroneu rondltlon of this selection bad always displeased tho muster hit 1 cause ire said vou feel no message glf no mcauigc you clmflt puty 1ialt0n ulfiji in cam wfi sucettd in akhltle uvhln i currud olf two yrenhue ulimi tin hiilton ultliw xiriiik ii uh it lntu llranrli lamp 1 wi 1 k ho 110 to return to tin c unity tl liaikid aloiitf with thorn li hud 1atch cup for war uutm s und tivo the utwl oun 1imriclenoy troiy the lied vilr cup lu u immuo pli- nf tllvwrwuri domiled by tile archibald muudoiinell whu loiilluurid- d the 1st division in wahie upon the cup is v old uut patch which was the dlutbiuuubltis mark if th uli ltnttallon in france the county voglment im eumo entitled to tblh tropbj by defeatlnk tha otitmlo regiment lu tho inul wuc buuui of ute annual uerus tho lowl- quu trophy was uu11 by a team cohlpased of htft h c hoyd cpl a alien ac lln cpl v wheeler and ilfim j michael the 1rornnd duff rln rigtment wern thlu j wars muskjttry cbamptuna currying off tha uclaiughllki musketry cup tim iports championship cuii k3pnrjiiat cpl ills hop went to tho ei ortintttaltorf itlfli wau prominent tn tho sports ob lai nine three silver medals und otin brpnse medal tho regiment won thn tent pitching contest the team being com posed of tict- w curd and cplu uaughiln dunbar nm shannon tho camp was duly ins period by uy majorfjenwal ii c thftckor c h c m a n tl o chief mt tho oeneral htutf for canada who expreiwod him self au being well nleaactl with the elitclcuey of a ranks qetieral th ank er togbtlter will oenoral a pell col j i it parson major v w- utfon and other members of the dis trict staff were the guest of the hal- ton rlbfjui form dinner followlnc the inspection thn weather was fine very day at camp and a full pro- ij-ramm- pf tranlng liijmdlntf signals iiask o lr v revolver xow is ucih uttnnirr hay hud about ilihllii what aborit ulnk7 voll uitld thut ntchtlufe uevi lb u rlht and wrong and jouve hem 1 the assertion 1 ve bei 11 pishlnu through wiek hudl i luvveiit let on nt homo hut uebool a been misery to me you see it wiih thlu way last thursday hi if us ouino 10 mo with u coin- posltldn in if juut nnluliid una uuked id look ovc r tho uiwlujiu inforc copied il you ri a cruek speller kuld and i rant spill for a cent just luke ilie lhluk home with you 1 night and mark any awful breaks vonadoajidlovforirnt il knowltdoiuntuiiave ttt llll monday well i couldn i h do nil iig piean fur i m nlwayu ahead of him in spoiling but thing to do with blm weve tuvver tnuskotry revolvoi nd vane guards and outposts wa run uirougjulhtijmttmllori ju guards during camp a lettor was received by col pedley from deneral alexan der god ley the o nicer command nc tho itoyal ulster ulrica announcing the alliance ot tho local unit with thn ilnjal ulsters which alliance has just received uie kings coimenl in this letter coj godley expresses tho good- eoulmanit toward their pulled irfgothct- hob the uinu iu mi- low that lies nbout the tlmo be a silent on a lesson bin fin through iiij roclta- tlonn und un t above copying another chaps unsworn in examinations hod alwaysbeen mean lo me in little ways and i thoueht it prott nervy ot him to nak a favor of inn put as i day there uou nothing to do but agree nnd i hied up that composition ortglt walter raleigh thursday night and gave it buck to him imday morning when bo thanked me there was a foxy look in his yes that x reniemered later i flnliod cupylpe my own oorn 4 tn mnwt p during a study perloil kitda- uftcnv noonrnnil left it in my dcak for un- dliy ivhrf it wept to- mus ustor with tboso of fill the clans o j jyat ti nemljod aft r recess when miss lou- ler came into the room luoklnn very stern and said ilonry lllggs did you read luchrml s ooihposlllon before wrlllnir your own of cournc wo all atarcil nt ono another in uurprlse tlcqi nah no maam i dltlnh ace t at all then uhe turnrd to mc and ald hlchnrd dld you read henrys com position before finishing jour ownf i ealrt that rttnd nnd ntnrted to tell hljjvjlljjiut she uouldti t llulen not ipulhrr very whtl ird itjcbard to lm put nifyvas eugene raised his how be was mainir the sweet patient-child- soul back of those eycu and realising how ha might touch the chorda of that houi to brighten und bring uiom forth in hupplnuin and joy as bo played he thought only of hu deal re to brinj gladnnsu and comfort to ibis little lito in front of blm as ho finished pluyin- he did not know that it wu iad the inuutvr hud not heard him an ijugfno took his violin frtini 1ilw nhouldcr be became connclouu of the prciienco ofsomeotio else in the ijcuta w hillmer nnd v o clus- itey have completed tlielr quallflcauon course nt nlugurt cump capt- ii iz nil capt m u collier will go ru in jurj lo qualify for the runk of major llculmcntal bgt major trotter in leaving for ottawa to attend alx woeks courso in small anna training camp notes at the long branch camp ueut- col jamea h pedley m c tho omcor comrnnndlng the halton piflen was presd riled by col ii it cooper o d c m c v d with the cross belt worn by col cooper when bo was a lieutenant lu tha county regiment tho presentation uaa made in the halton hides mass tho halton iii flea team that won vie relay race at camp- was composed of cpl illmop cpl mcmillan hflm patrick und ilflm wilds corporal uluhop of acton won the lou yard dash and the 200 as well ho i captured four nicdalo in all with three medical ufneors in the reiilment thn health of tho troops wan well looked after major chlsholm is an oakvllle doctor and captain suth erland and lieutenant cathorwood conic from milton major utixlcr of hurling tun was in charge of the canteen with be recant waters ot milton as bin socond-ln- command they ld a thriving buslr- neas it iwis plain thut ono had ripli d from the other but i never expect ihcat that w in iourii dlckl put your friendly cmm hen couldnt have 1ml any dimcultj in 11 ttlnr thlniii utralghl how did mini i i you d written on hliut cuniuuion tween sir illi 1 rjlhlnj- el e aildi ioi m mixtd in mj of bt lag thought ul in t make any- iwmn i allowed to lb re with my heart think subject hi he- lllctl put- he 11 1 i naw he wi lot onto tli nd the whole tfiin 11 pad ilmd i tb hi tli bunds i uing for htm rlihl thei 1 that ul i hi ind in llni c thato what u mind ullh thi alian a cheat did i uilnr of it und 1 upiuk only beating no hard 1 choked wultlni for hen to explain not going to v fact tlinl tn i pi dinjraci mc- grab my oliair keep from iniln chmnroom our uelfcontrol javed jou from belnt expelled dick hut tell mc how bid hun plajid hlu trick why drat he d fixed things 1 i couldnt denj having read hit position then hed woik out of mj desk after i left rri day und copied it nearly word fo ward the ilulclch wtuh waii only a blind what ho hundod in mini another game of marbux fruld that jounu headed for prison well for two bourn i sat there fuming and planning- wbnt id do to after uchool i was almoat crasy then sneakod my man ibis wton oame forwjird he wds- irenes young poel you don t mind if ijistuu too do you be aukid eagerly 1 hoard you from our house i juut hud tu come a flush of 1 fleas un came over pugenes face when had tho praise of hlu friends for his trcnjiuo given him tho joy that llieuo simple words of nuprerlatlon dhlt whlrthr inspiration ftbaioutlil and the child for un audience kugniir idaypd on ml on he knew that from time to time pi sons wire slipping in and jdumlins- 01 slttlns qulelly tn th roupi be wmji lu uud the nuo udjoliilnj hieno s friends knew very wel how hated any moving uuout while he was playing but now be paid no at- iton to the movements scarcely light of them he was pouring out hlu best for the cijppled child and tho joutuf fjucl he wits fnatv injjiem and whut hlu muia was dolna fur them he bad no mm nor thought to be annoyed because tie had for gotten himself ho liad forgottan teelinlque had forgolurt- elf act only in so fur us imtb ufiecud these two who needed wbul hn wu now so glad ly giving them ii was growing late and irene fll thut it was marly time to go home hhs wondered if oenn had -oh- te the unto or if he might willi be at iko house or hr lltthj rrlppb i girl wiul by the auto uud hiidlntf that ho was ujt ihoi e wulkt d wesfily un tu the little girl s home iau ulio drew liimir the luinui she u ail wati rs of p company 1 high uhot with 93 orderly j loom sgl nauh came socond with os the best nitlcer ahot wau captain u a cum inings who scored sb lieut h q peacock of milton tied with colpnel cooper for tho brigade volver champion ship but tho colonel wan tho shootoff many jteal bargains in reconditioned cars arc now to be d why put off getting your car with all of the fine weather ahead of you to be enjoyed come down and rjloor and you had had summer iotjkrtitrthe- on 011 better step lively roadsters llrht deliveries all at sacrifice prices- come in and hcc theta small pay blent down jlalanee weekly and monthly payments wc arc determined to clear them out to make roam for the new lines we are now sehlng we have also s few almost new cars at very attractive prices cnevrolcts and essex all closed earn tfoxud of tho latlorf h a coxe chrysler hudsonessex cars main stttebt phone 66 ut tuch ollloers amuuod m the htnilllh t ijih the miiliy ptinpl- vlollu in the thou uli hotie i told ruup they wutild love it site thottshl j olitslda ihu juyr shu sloppml uhe had nt vr litil tuiiii puy that wuy ihifore uhe llslstkod tlw hiuulo sivoku tt bvr hiurt mid abnwad it visions of ihjjj it oks tu bei body uud she furaol i10w uivl was it spoke to hr soul und mads hr ihjuk of un- dtaamad hlhi he ilau ntugbt 111 ha limn callght itl o lul we uiuuk tho- and sh- luiwd bei- bead in tbmhkfuhtt wltu uuigna anally eanu u the uooi be fotnj irfii wekthm for blm as mb llltad hjf y to bis tie tuund in tbam u utsi look sa that hloh thc aueftlcah discipline inullsh naval olflccfu were dellghl- d with tlu prpmpt appouruncc of am erica 11 destroyers in kuropean waters uftcr the united fcuuteu hud doc lured war un oermany and havo many times expressed tlulr udmlratlnii o fecltv- hie loats earfted assignments tho lngusb how ver must have been n my times by the tuck of formality thev detoouil 111 the discipline of the golw op tha american vessels capt j a hutherlaud in at tjeu willi joseph conrad tells an incident illus trative of ttuilr free and case ways commander he writes hud jusl completed adjusting the compass of ammlcau destroyer when 11a pollto ly uskad the 11 ou tenant in charge if nrwiaild kindly lendhlm a binocular thi ireutenaut uhoutml down the for- warj luitclwuy anybody down thsrwr yen esms th hpswelf well say contiud 0 uuutoimut one of yon uu dwn t miy puhlu und in tha tnlddla drawer on iho rihht- hand side youll find a ulr pf uo- juiurs ilrlng am vlglit ulong it shall bw dotta uul exactly as jou hay lleut was uie ivply it is easy to imugfua tha ulffaiouca on hoard a hrltlsh warship whufu a bluejurkot would have bounced up 1 ladder two uli vs ut a time and on lfsrjltllg the lp would have spruhut suuruy to utintloii ualutod and wllh aye ay- sjr farric out jjs utructlotpi rbareu un ibl paying niffeht hip dlrfiirhil long splices uud i jupihise it is thi uajio wltli 11a- tlonulllls dltyireuf countries jf- ftrnt customs ed to henr you uaylnj thut flijlitlne never settles right and wronr juut the uutnn i wanted to lick him after chool he managed lo get out before mo und must have run i ran utter blm and wan ulmuut up to him when u big hup from one of the hljlu r urnitii jumped out from behind n lrc und ciunhl 11m by tli should on ilora joul little rat hiard him nay my small brother u in your class un hpu told me of the dirty trick you pulled on one of ills friends you re running uue the tltlo coward you an for fear iel beat you up but you r too low for any rcil boy to llht now look bur ami quit hiuhbcrinie i my brother 1 aw you copying the ollur jcllow u oumpoeiunh do you want blm to e to the- lrln rlpul about it und luivi mi xpdlod or will you co nu lmcu wllh me to thlu minn homeliody jou lied to come along thi n und of t r thlu fair play im lul it uli turned out so nicely dick ifo um l dad jlen askel inn u forest it and im going tu ltiit muia laster a ryes h j ulmmj every time she looks nt m niliinic him wouldn l have settled things half as well a reason may do you kniv rut lifer bus not spoki u u hasty wend u mother throughout tha whole of tbtlr msrrle i until whut a beautiful tmiri man i may oh no its not lusth steit taja j better jams an jell at l cost the liuuleru shorthoil taethoil of buklig jama and jtjlma with ccu ilelightm woma evorywhrro ijecaiuui it is bo simple so sure so iipictirul fiii to iniprovos uio color ajjil flavor ol uieir jams iji1 jellies willi pprto your fruit jells nr- fsrtly every time with only one or two mi union ihhiuh tlibi savji ta tiriu olor ami i licaljy lus cious itavor of mir frvh fruit anil gtvus m a lurgtj amount 0 jam or jajly from your fruit lucaua you save all the juico w hieb uaul tp linil aln woiiun who have fikurcl tha runt ikuth waii find their coit tier clasa twu or three tuits luj wbu they uaa cirto cf rto is a miro fruit irolurt tlvl iellvuik huiwlauoa 0 fruit ro- btij uij botuih a liook ii jiimijc uated ruuis cokiw vltjj writ bottu hlu1 fpr thai iwur froo liiwiklol doiiklaklarkintc co limited tolwuili oulatlo vu iwi hi 11 1 mo tfe your new rol orel uoulh t on junut luul j uvt and mrs jones can say baid mrs jonea of jonesville the other day wouldnt it be fine ii we coifld know all the magazines ho we could pick out the ones to help us mostwith the cooking the ehickens or when anybody gels silk id like to have iwo or three more coming in the house every month but dont know what to ordei j mrs jones can know very easily so can you if you wish we have listed in catalogues in die free press office practically all the magazines anyone in canada wants well be glad to tell about llicin and further well he glad to pass on your sub scription at no extra cost to you for an of these journals drop in and ask about this service the acton free press m m of- iiji lil gwaat

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