lt arimt irttt rwsa inimnpay aijcuhi llj7 things that enduflc honor find truth unci manhood i in ill iln the thlluii unit hliitij dionci liu iimkt and jusn of lho tynl trlbo aro unul ihroukh hit width ir hit la ml tin n- fit i miiy loril it on hour or earth anil n 11 nmj llvi tor u tiny lltit triitli mill tumor und muni worth aro thlnr hint nditro alwiiy coitriui and toll mid hi rvrc and iiomil midi h th n storm hint true kill mr folly y hlsfocr hit wlln ti of an hmir mi nil runt mil iihrlll hilt the llvlni tower t nlto ut truth will le nr lifter their ruiir in still labor inn lovn und virtue time- does not illm their rlw tlmilrh th iimiirt rany nu in their la null 111 way oh wevo outgrown all hint jou know hut u ho whatever thr jrutie it wmrc in u 1 no it wan ut yra ami a tluth thai him innted a million imm in com for a million more ted ohion neighborhood news chin mm ollvu iludsonsceloy of tor onto spent a few dayn lust wook with her cousin mm a c mcmlliuli mr and mm j itobb of toronto aro visitin with mr and mrs wllbort v hoe ler ulnkham minn irene o bincliir of toronto la holiday ins vjjllt friends at jackr uana point unite him coo dr nnil mrs hutchinson anil llttto daiifihtcr of llrampton spent uunday with mr and mm w hull mr t j ca mend don of udman- ton alia spent a couple of dnjs re cently with hhi niece mri kulcm crouhy mm a ii wnjton of unltlmnre maryland isvlbltinit with mr and mrs j a bttphens and other friends mr und mru ii a stephens of toronto mr shropshire of atlanta georgia werc recent visitors with mr und mra j a stephens mra ralph srnlthsan und two clill drenpf toronto are vlnltlnk at the homo of mr win pearson advocate tick nws asinoflum i c uoiidink w n my nlii li nt day i norrlu i mm in jl lplltn ii tinrhu when i man at iwadnny ami tint u iiclm ijni who had ihi lei inn thermit leu hll willi jin t out of looulnj iinn vry brltht admin d him niiiit of th an o tu il in win n we him ljxd lo el lu ll nd thin all n trj clmi hn prop iiltto an hio id trjln neurit tint th did nut ad- nlnif in our ijnrku win ill monuti a in i triom brlchl utiiiu it iiniiiiuiilly nlow ut the ijual j orai thut dnj u net i tal tlonr avl out now do u o n lltth i oald nlmrpl shin alt all and side ac in uliini iyti il nr n t they nuppnu no ueurf t fit ill to d doubtfully suppose not echoed ml hay with ii look of dliifcunt au can see ao much aji that iniityou i dont know an i can said poor qioree with tlto pornplratlun ntnum- lnjt down hln face that will dp unhl mr itny anituily i rap hurdly- ho exported to furnish brulnit thlii proposition ho wont on with nomothlnii ilko unmr in hln tone haa sometimes boon called the puns unlnorum im imliiir ttin brldro that u certain ordi r of intolloct cant eo over it norm n to hnvi jus tilled its till today tiidii uu qeorco found hia way to hhi neat mr iluy called on mlun iud- loy to demonstrate laura ridley wait tho a tar ocholuc of tho claim and everyonn looked up in nurnrhio when -ieorjetown- itwahhmeriillj inif to mnko uotnothlmr of himself tjiyitli uir blndu of dlocoaraltomontn and ho la entitled to klndncaa oh onia httlo rannlc dean i jon l believe mr ray really meant to be unkind ho in ncrvoun und numc times fomcti lilmautf tlmn bo ncudn to bo reminded nald laura ponu uuljioruni indcod i ii tell you one thlntr i ion t propouo to croon that brldcc rnuc1f until ho- cornea forward and nnunrca hlmnelf with qeonie apd i tlunk iljat uia rpot uf you aught to take tho same titand thrre wan flihlom if ever any luen tlon about fullowlnic iaura a lead and thoucb tunnlo dean hum hack at tlin ifroutiilii ilbrtnb uio eanntractlotrhtriit iy rlittirhymitreill f v nut mru ii wrkbliv uvd ulwi mar earet apont tho weekend wltli frlondo at chatlmm the recent heuvy ralnn cauncd i break in w i jollnnton dum a btewarttown o saturday nlffhl tim playoffxor group lionora in th- o a i a hot ween georgetown and fercus wllj in all probability played next week muo margaret v ulouffliby and manter jack wlllougbby aro spending a few week with tlwir oousln wesley wllloughby ut allentown pa tho public school board announce that no ball games will lie allowed of the new fence rev dr dickie returned from the toronto general hon pita 1 on monday afternoon the siith 1nsu and liopea to be in hln pulpit again next bun day jim goorgo wallace and dorothy from jacksonville n and mr and mrs a m mckcnxlc from montreal or holidaying at mr and mru wm harbors herald milton mlsn nora deacon daughter of col and mrs v ii deacon of toronto la vlaltlnxr her aunt mra w ii clomonts mr it j moffat of ueglna la visit ing at the home of his father mr jan moffat mr d a andrew the now county agricultural itoreinuilve ta active in promoting junior formem insti tutes mr and mrs i tons unackhamer and family of new toronto spent sunday at tho home of her parents mr and mra jos poucock mr t d hume has commenced building operations on bin lot oi martin street one of the moot dcslr able locations in town h v karl chief of the milton hre ilrlgade attended tltp idllt annual fourday eonwantlon of the dominion kiro chiefs aosoctatlon held this weak in hull quebec and replied to tho address of welcomo by mayor lambert clarence robertson so appreciated the work of tho nromen at the are his placo in isquosing recently which iwlp wont a long way towards saving his house and contents from destrue tlon that ho sent a nlcenlsed cheque to tho secretary of the drlgado ut token of his appreciation for scrvl efficiently und cheerfully rendered reformer wcriwl not prertateu- im yoi mean to say that you can not demonatralo tluit propoultlon mtuii rldloy asked mr ray uternly laura looked him utralght in tho eye and in a cold vol to annwered again not prepared mr itay u face flushed hut just then tho boll rang for the ncnulon to elo ic wo uhall bigjnvitli thin propoultlon to morrow and ou will tuko three in advance he ald i george darker left tho room ut unco looking very solx r but tho tint of un remained afur mr i lay had gone you mean to toll mo miss rid ley that you couldn t dcmonulrato that fortieth iiropoejuqn un id ud dates itattng mr rajtr5volco well no ua id luuru i simply nuu not prepared to rod to to mr ray af tar 4uo amy ha traapulqfiargo jlirji the anocl op thc htlarth dunlinoton town clerk sykcu has been enjoy ing a few holhluya at cctbir springs this week wm jidmston or port arthur ment thursday lust here with ills brother tlcjonnnton ltruill htret tho junlorkarmers of in county lielaa muni njoyubti dunce ut uie brant inn last night mr jumcn lnrdlo and bride callod un a few mends hero on tuesday un their honeymoon trip tlw interior of tho public library i the council chamlkr and clerk u ohlrr la being repulnted wjilch will greatly add to its apiiearance mr g h tuti who nut with un accident recent ij returned homo from the hospital on saturday last and ih- kettlug along nicely mrs qeo nault roturneil to the hospital last wick to undi rgo utfutni r onrstloii heir many friends will ho phased to learn thut she is prugrt ing favorably the ilurllngton c4tlten a hand hud to cunctl tho hand concirl on t doy evening on account of the storm after playing two numbei large nuinlx r ha gutli music the store on llranl htrent form- occupied by john ruy druggist being uvirhauhd and n novated roof liuu been raisai and other alter utlons in ndi mr jim whelhum butcher will occupy the preinlsos when they uto ready which will lie uhout the first bf next wci k jurite r thcrc 10 no more the uiiaiuir was jut irnvlnif the pier w lion u uiiin rushikl up and uhout- fd hold on a minute captain there ij a jvarty tit nfry cohunr aboard the strainer docked oiin again and the individual strode up the gang plank where a thu est of the party t asked tho captain im tliut imrty i m juht fltty tq- day for scalp removal m having trouble with my scalp i want it n moved i know u good indiin uoctur i ran rcoiiullctil mother qrnv a 1 urceptable t prepared whin caird upon to demon utrate the fortieth propoultlon j out what wan to be the next utcp wo did decide o wore all a bit nervous when wo auscmblcil foi ourgcuimtry lesson the next day tbut la all except george darker who knew nothing bout what was going on and juot as tho recitation wuo about to begin judgo wharton the ehulrtnnn of tho honrd of truntcen entered lho judgo was a great man and wo wore naturally uiixlouu to appear at ur best befon him mr ray was it smiles us ho announced that we fihouhl take up the fortieth prnponl- m tlu flguro for vhieh was ulrcadj i the board lllundly he culled upon lss dean to demonstrate poor tunnle flushed und heouitcd en nlie half rono from her seat and glanced ixl luuru an if for inntruc tlons i suppose she not them from lauras eye for presently wo heard n scared little voice say not prepar ed mr ray looked startled but made no comment ho called on me and i too managed to nay not prepared and so it went throughout the claim mr raj must have known that there was some kind of conspiracy uo but thougji hlu fa co became lory red ho made no sign as hi culled upon one after anothi r with lho on mo re suit judge wharton of course hud no wu of knowing that it hum anything ex cell l a genuine eao of dlnublllty finally he intcrpoaod i romumber tbul propoultlon ot old he nald it used to be calhd tho pons unlnorum then ho laughed und nnld tbat he me ml no reflection on tils young friends who hi was sure would event ual et ovr the difficulty in fact he continued im in the aumo hox for i have forgotten how tho demon htrutlan goes 1 gucua we ii luivo lo jill for ti uttlo help professor he said mulllm und turning lo mr ituy hould j on mind showing uu how to do ur r wus plain that mr iu did mini ills hand and his volu tr mbied when he in nun lo jtvo tin theorem it wus flrut lime that- i had ever seen hlnpiihov- tho ieusl sign of imbun um ment hut it was nothing compared with what fallowed hit stood staring at the figure on the bourd as if fairly dusod and ut luut i heard him jm 1 ni ufrnlil you ii have to excuse me juclgc 11 w eniii to hiivi gone fu m mi ciimiiu tcly i nm sure that thin wan not ow f the cluss who ut that niiiim nt wun not sorry for him hut it wan clcorge darker thut cini to the nitciie why mr it iy he cull d out quite inmlndfu of srhoolionm ethiuettr you haven t tlnewn thu linn ad to blseet tho ungli hac thank jou durki r nuid mr ituy sti pjilng toward tho bourd then ho ntoppi d and iui in d to him cnt you ditinonstruti il for ua cleorgr went forward an i in a very fi w mlnutrs thu um umlnoruni hud hit n nif i i i won d i do iut lenuu hu muih mldulkht oil lui had ltt i but in uttiiinlv f new i hut fortlrtl liio itlon this thin a vt rj uu i iiiunilruion nflld un jllllg i dldn t realist ttinl this oung mun hu in t bun ulhd upon tin iv is at luuiit oik mnthem itlrlun pause reverint hire gnimi hi in all il wlirri tultlnr her 1 nhili on iiirth lie i pillow d low im iumpletid an um i of tin he oreat in lu r nplu re an and mqtlmr no aoundlni iiutaph toll ilut diop in lnurtii w tirt- homo iwreirveil mlnltitratlimi mo in my heiu in with ik 111 fi d no d t nigh omltt d urtuk i by thin iburchj ird daughter wife her woi hi can wheire luu her love un 1 good- norrow nlrlck at diiid ill iilmplo creed una her faith wan lor homo duty and dolm good her vyorillilp night und u i and all around lu i fi it her warmtli and bifiuty an ftowoni the nun lu iy iitiipiiliij- tho gu io bul hllll ould run again ihu imuiiitilly wjh theii lirjidy di iieikluut upon thin mill for ibilf nupplh lnt1 fl m 1 ho u mi it iiiiiina d a itvily rate during the hulldliik up and lorklng r initufii ho foiindntjon of tin dum an mililrnlt huiphid whiei ii rlinmly iiialiiu il mr lliiijninln nhkllnn rli lit han i and iililinid d prlvi d bill of tho um nf 11 mr nffklln hnd bin hand mi u lot llfilng it up wluti one of tbvi lnhpiru put obuirvlng the hand utruou hli ii si into th ioie and dluguually thioiuh mi nlruiitwi bund tho keen bliidi w nt tbrniii h the bund and di miouvin found it ruiiilred twenty lun iitlton i to draw tin uoutid to gi iln r luttuniitb ibi wounded lu up nu ly nukll i i tin ue if hln 1 1 way u w nker thu and mi band h light a mrliet i hi it pitiful iihlnj 1 if in reudi ni run r rail n i n il hmlth hud lied off nt tlu shoulder in uttemptd to i i iihlnrlt muciilni was in motion that t occurred in hlu uncli filc h wan ujtuiited aim ni factori jok nhiitit sixty yearn ago it wan thought aj lrnt that kred would not survive tho nbock hut hn did and lived for many yours iirtcrward it was juot a year or two later that both hnro mnot and jumui hayeui each in lit parts throi toes win n they wero tending tho saw in mnorc i shingle mill un thinkingly they ni tempt d to kick away the imwdiiut which bad nccum ulated iindei tho saw with the painful rinultn noted afti r the uecond cldint a guard and have dust elevator were invented by icdwnnl mooro unl inn tailed and no furthi r accidents of that nntun occurred in that mill hal hua uamd and ejji lid r i dependent upon the benlnon i with which nh lulled their pi linings that when death in the ascend int her lift bower jwlftly eulh d do you remember the big fire at rearilninrc n tannery in ifl7ht courno it wit int ua big an institution lui it i now but it wan mm mont lm portint f nrtnnr caving employwvent to more cltlienn thnn any factory in the iuagc it wan a hot tiro tipil upread over uie whole premlaea from tho bark mill when the fire originated hlaxlng clndcrn threatened john speight n wafon nhnp his home and tlie horn a bucket hrlgado worked to good advantnrc and- a nalvagft corpn of citlxcmi removed nearly all the rnnlentit of the shop and tho house tin buildings were saved by ol- jnoiit super hliman effort tho tan ner premises were a sorry loo king lornlng but die cntor- prlnlng arm proceeded at once to re- bnlhl and in nix weeks tho important industry wan in full working order gain as i write tin particulars of these htlrrlng tncldi ntu they all come up be- frc mr with g ami a jfianholhnrflwlmi thenr h lttvev another lot when i feel like it it it u though tlu lurlh hull lout and while thdulh itlll from in lis uert nm ueahiod down hi i sueh i her- life iteneath thl and while i rhtl for be thut mki lb wilt behind a whllen raph in tiil n klm lorn my columu of how mapy of you can hi mimbcr par if ru pits of u uile of wnkti ut o evidently struck rcsponnit ehurd in some qu irlara lo following te was received throui h ihi poil omicl last week seoteh hloclc july u 192t dear old man ioil arc id t ping up yanr iepu union for ree tiling old umo in cldentii ind ihey nie full of in tun nt your paragraphs n calling peujilo und oventa of sixty years ago wen ver fruitful in inducing oth r local incident to pans in review 1 um onjoj ing them all i rumembtr most of them olvn rl rt twentv vlars ago from ths issue of tb frif press thursday auou 5 f07 the sunday schools lbsson toil gunoay auquot 7 cl in nil fluul llnrrptui doldnn vll but uiinon iltb dumlil hprs o l mun 1 ttim 2n tuti 11 not iivercotne of ovi romo eh with goo i ml reading pun uiton tlnn4 ii ci pt i 1 hu he pr ithid- ihlnga rltlclxn christ vliilomiry and impiuctlc in n duyld was ubln to tlructlro hume prlnclph ii of um sermon mi the mount in the rude civilisation of three thoiiuiid yearn ngot ti love youi enimlin to return good for evil li impossible some will nay it li good in theory but cannot be put into drncj tici is tlu objection of tliotie who do iiol ni rlously try to put it into prac tice try it duviil tried it and h wurkid lie twice upared tho 11 fo of hlu enemy who many tlmcn had tried to tukn hlu life it would have been considered honorable n war for david to kill q iui hut davids code was more honorable than military code pxcunes enough justifications enough might have been found for killing saul but david perferred excuaen i justification forispuring him have wo readied his high idoals aro those ideals attuliuihh in fills christian ngct aro they not the ideals willed jenui chrhit ant before tho world in word and deed practicable try the golden rule try tho principle of non retaliation try tin rcatlluden try tho wholo ucrinon on thu mount try christs example loving the unlovely in a dcscrlp tlon of a christian mi n later it waii onld that ho was ji man who iovl 1 peaplrj whom lie tjld tiot llkrtimt should apply to overy christian well the christian niunl lovo and serve a great many disagreeable lie op o who are uncongenial uninter esting in many ways who aro offen sive to his rt fined tastes and senulbll- ltlos who aro often repulsive anil dls- ruatlng lovo must be superior to all or theno things unlcon its oxcrclso and ministry shall bo- confined to very n row limit dut thin dots not describe the largest task of christian love it must go out not only to tho uncon genial and unlovely and the unloving but to the hating and malicious love must be capable of doing this or con fess ltnelf to bo weaker than hate lovo mt reciprocity of sentiment hut tho outf-olnj- of a benevolence that cannot bo chocked or discouraged lovo must be tho eonquoror of hatred by ilemon- most hov gome thing of the patience otrj6trinboarriigiiii ltuw7nfa have clad a compassion gn puy for evildoers sorrowing for ihp harm which the wrongdoer works for him self nnd tho mlbery in which folu nln involves him biicli love in ponsiblo onlj by a heart conquered und niled by the lovo of ood us so an old cuome oi yours i feel an if mother bunch of these remlnlict r il iyu pleasure lu uome of no readers how many of whn sidney smith br had a lumber jurd on the- pr inliieji now occupied by itevi rh y house and rounds tho homo of m r und mm gordon t iteard more thut win u lumber yard for cars tlun bop rowing became popular und pr oil tajik in theno parth und mr smith moved hlu piles of lumber lalh nd pit ketu to the front and pi inted hop luen all ove r tlu re main 1 ni piemluen clear down to ubere the skating rink now stands hopplckini time wus one of the e kilndry erentlng t the only mutthuw also devoted quite a f i w ucreu on tlu mill pond road front of jilti farm to irow- ing hopu ho hud a ilrjlnu kiln on the plaee near george walk rw old residence just ueroun tin road there were nonu griut llim nvir in that kiln rspeclull at night when tin hops re being cured tlu ix wi re corn ists there and tjll was often bo hi terous por and bitrkllinfi mini of mist dining chaps would uiv u bolth h of i i oae tin re- untm married lovepkniiymajjrat the home ol hi r brother muskokg on july 31 1007 by ilev j llackett alilos i leury love of toronto to 15 van k line may daughter of thomas pe rryman jr fornurly of acton dictci vj h at iv fe vlun acton on august t 1807 by rev w stephen can rcrncmbcrj sun toronto rev duviil djpk pas tor of the disciples ctturcti wyct- wood p irk toronto to mart aret uecond daughter of joseph kj f evints of the full and th ing 1 ronrilu wuw ult an int rut mr smith n wan no nt u vacation now if you can i ton und nrumptop played u bono i game heie un i rlilny evening tin ne team won with a score of 7 i a footnll matrh betwt en actoi and lramtton uj acton won by 1 actem junior ilunchnll club went to lrlu on civic holiday ami bad a nunc ith hit tin m of that town lrln un with a neon of 0 to s in tin lucronno mutch nt oilt on saturday mr robe rt scott w us un fortunate in havlni three rlhn broken nil other uomawhat ikilpful lnjurlca sir 1 rank swnckhamer has pur- luiiicd from his mother the brick inuno on young- street mr harry runnel 1 has purchased front robert moore hlu new brick houne on jclglp hired acton contributed well on to mo to the attendance at the georgetown athlrtlc field daj in lho base lta ii match between acton nrtd georgetown the home team won in a score of p to 10 in the hat of foot races prank melntonh won the 100 yard dash the 220 jurd and thu 101 yard run opon to residents of uulton countj mal colm mcduchern won uecond in the five milo race for study and discussion wan generosity and nobility of davids troutmciil of tho kng typical of the time in which ho lived t if not bow can you account for it does it help weak men to have their nobler instincts challenged t should be honor nine- i m for tno l ho ofllccs that unii thrfy irold witylu b betty bu25t stars in screen comedy flit cpruy cleatu your home of flics and tnoi- qtiitoe li uiko kills heel hugs roaches ntils and their eps fatal to insects hut harmless to mankind will not main get flit today dlifll koy fllc mohfj til toon moulfl ahlh kftl nagii itouclich unttis ujt tj tblngs worth knowing about tltetotte gumdipped tires firestone pioneered developed tested and placcoton the r tlie balloon gumdipped tire tlie genuine witlibut hnlf tlie uaunl tar preaaurc in onucloua failure dally radinns for nsxt wssk monday augufll b 3 sam 0 111 tui utlaj august d 2 hum 0 12 10 wednimluy august 10 dflul 0 i thu 3 1115 1 rlda a i ujlurdny uday august u i chxon 1 hut 12 jer 3 1118 augunt 13 paalm 24 sunday august i ialm m 1 s acton died chlfcii at urantfoid on job 1907 hubert creech forme rl acton nged 66 years ul the lass tfiht islt t exactly an x rein lu kuuniutt y judki ild air iluy jul k ly it in a leniion of ijull aiioth r klnt tin fait in that yesli nlu in un uiikuurdi d moon nt i h ild sunn dlujticabie ami umiilled fir thluus o otif of hit diss who hud tr ubio with tlitw suinn pmponltlon nnrt today the thrr ini mbi rn have i iki ti tin ir own vny at knowing th li htipli mun t lr uniutnnri s luivo hi 1 d to muke tin punishment tmn i mpph u that thi y pectim on the wbol i think ttiey he hi un lr corn llmi apolop h to hwarl gnj palutshh wewm kxlertnlntnr i rhllilru dint u daea unj promptly bow to th 1 ilium lioin 1 mlii and now ho tontluii ntoniury siulh suppou ow judge whurlon that uu thing of gt ometry 11 we ull irlid our bent 1 mumii nui dlviut with tli 1 i offi r 1 pupil nhow pi 111 ot only jlllg b nut 1 bt luvn tint it was in vurds srl6utly interrupted eauloii be tli drying mt te illy mr mutthi and jiiiiibort ni would niiult riilx did nut help th of the h pi nor the quality o piodiut whin thu curing procea omilet d 1 inaliy mr matthov d die kiln to town when lio eoub mori einonu uupirvlulon of thr 1 it was loci te on the lot whore aui uit amli ruoii s bouno now hi jiurn lv utually hop i rowing 1111 1111 prom ilile und un old kill id t tin it king u li oku tin o hni imp rwnuel m ii e thm 011 the proiil opp mlllana thiri u allans turn ttihil oen in toi iiulluin il jrr iwln of tin down yln suukhlo of j hu and join mm un or 1 at dlllh ulty would a 11 1 11 h 1 in the m mini n sven nil i dowi the hupiju 1011ii pick wtl many bunh n f thing win tli whll would uviur and tlii 1 with ttnm tin 1 vlmumj of hi mirtlown in xi eilunai fl by lje n 111 sum lent plck- roj m n nightons rutje at ti n irl 111 1 uu y tin 111 the th mount ilnnlh t ilia hu a aud mlrla hut it t ilt a goo i tl un t make any the iu of th 1 tlu 1 alw 1 fun of thi i in homo an iu jf uui no l rlni fu uhet 1 1 lllai and ln f 11 in ids hurried to thu laying the foundation for next 0ea0on boine beekeepers may now be won- dirlng wlij their tiees failed to utore much honey an did their neighbors n though tho unmu klm of hlvi a e um d und the ipeullty equally an good tlir amount of boney a colony will utore u not ilepfliili n an equip nent and locality aluim hilt o ti large xtent upon the oaro glvep bp bsuu luring tho tcn or eleven monlliu jhiur o the main flow ther are two ieriodh in the y ir when it in eascn to have n hit 10 force of been of right u e tp ea h colony the first liirlod in during the wlnti r monuin mini tif r is during the main bono ho ay an he ulrength during tin uecond perim lu lumwv rfw nn the strength during tlie jlm prfuj a utionj colony conslsung mainly uf l oung b es in the fall will wlntr letter nne build lip tflore rapiaiy the fnllowlm siirlng than will a weak colony or unit that is made up of old lues next sruson s crop then de- ptnds largely upon the fall manage ment of this year and now lu the time that the foil 11 nation is luld for next jai n nucoessor failure the fore of nun ohm that in fo carry thi colony through ttu winti r mum be reand dining th months of august tltid ht pt ml r thercfori overy colony uhoul 1 i exapilued dm ing tin hitter imi t of july or euil in august und ull wtuk or ruilhn queens n placi d by you li vigorous queens a unl qireoti in itnuully more prollfle than un old on anil is more likely to hurvlve 11 wlnt 1 und to build up the eolouy piorfj fujjjy the fullowlng am lug a piillhi wtnh hs unlius uh has hulllilmu tpte fl iiiiyimum ij pro iluctlun iuj sufeni ln in mil good qiln ps ijiauh tif room tinl in uhiindaner uf juuj mfi tfe eljlef luiliits uf full munugemsiil c 11 goodiihuu dominion aplurlst the ocvilo dait what tmlt elj uu ujp nu t 1 tin di vll win 11 j on flnli where ti 111 n utiound well to hll the tiuib king of fvll poth w u tho beut i ivi pvor but 11 w until you homovtr othei corn v movers be eoinpltelj hitlslbd uuid llollowuy s corn csuift of aithmo no ope agd ny 1th certainty nuetl wliut eausen 10 caublhililng of uathpmoo contllino dust from tho street fram flowers from grain anil various olhr irritants may net up u trouble impassible to lr- rudlcule except through n suro pre- allon such an dr j d kellogga aathnm itimidy uncrtalnt may ex ist ua to cause but there can be no uncertainty regarding u remedy which has freed a generation uf asthmatic victims fnoni this scourge of tho bron chlul tubes it is sold overywliorc soft and yieldintz they absorb the holes ruts and humptt jij flic road they cushion the cor and passengers from oclcf and ybratibn wrwtone gurndipptnp by which each fibre and strand of cord in the tire ia impregnated and coated witli pure gum adds the extraordinary otrcngth and fltatijjjljfcy which makes the balloon conatruction practical firestone dealcra are kept uptodatcon tire development gnd bcrvice continually procreating and tmprovuig their bbility to nerve you better and aave you money see thg nearest firestone dealer and let him handle your tiro requirements jjrnttkstomb tirb h ruojier coupamy of canada litnlibf i hamtttohrohtab io jliubincflb directory meoicau uu j a mlnivi n fliyocian anil rurnoon 1 iid ie 1 id n 1 uu r ilnwsr hi if lr html piioni kh uu i j nilson 1 iii di t mthl lt acton ontario legal phim- no 3 lo ilox s3b harol d nash i akmizk m a dnrr tor oolicltor notsry public conveyancer etc w pchnvmam ulock acton ont muni i n t jn molfloaorh itmirn j 3d 1 in to f p m situril ij t 1 ill o clock dr j m brli ddslds dsntlat ii 111 r 1 1 il f 1 1 tn unlvsr nlty di 1 11 t in nth t 1 ubd if hnlr 1 oiiil1 il 1 thl in corner of mill iinl i n iui 1 in ts dr j h johnson qds lds dontal quruson oilltaeiylr llauk ufn iv 1- hcotla tkl1thosr at miscellaneous rrancis nunan dodkbindar jut hooks of all it lulls mnlp to oidr peril he ill of every flencrhi tlon avefulll hound uullflt llmltly anil pr mptl 1i0111 auelpb ont wyndhim hir ov wriiatns store r j kerr auctioneer nnd real efltflic limt your propcrtx with mc acton ontario st most milikj villi dollar jrlrestone buelds the only gitmdippeo tire3 flrcetonca are supplied in acton by highway iaratfc a molbaap phon 1b4 main qt ja symon ha11dwarl stoitc young st garago implement shop c e parkeh phons 84 vpuno st sure of that john in u iimull lio muntiut of a ministers family an a punishment for une mlhdepu inor uf he fabo t w is j rldrd ihiif he niun nof eoj wfft tho family ut tlifi pest niunj ho j dinner wis plgcm in 0- urnull ol ut thi end of the dining room vviien ull were seated the minister sjjfij now john you uhuuld ask a hlofju ing before you cat this wnu iv nfw duty for john but ho bowed blfit haad und snld rev rertlj our i uther in heaven thou twist prepared a tnhlc for me n the nrwii- 1 nee of mine enemies amen what is yotif biggest asset i flic young people hsvp fhe right idea ubouttlioimportnnre of keeping up onpo frinndo their modern point of view is tliat your friends nre your blgfiest aiset keeping them up be- comta n very simple matter when yoti can w easily call them by long distance the ser vice waa never m quick and to interurban towna withm a radius of biy 25 mileb the rate lb particu larly low tlie fmcit kind of a habit la to have one day each week for calling up a friend or frlendu by long distance tho bench tn are often quito startling t auto and accident insurance a e nickrn or avtftuo acton insurance of all kind money to loan collections we handhi eolkcthinu only 3q lutrii meilpnro nppul a for iu if uusurliig elllelonoy uuuv nt llubuity kelly ev aiken colli ltoh8 orangovlua and owon sound itef standard lt of canada jcelleg ann n v or i 0 re at sol p aini- rinrocer- monuments mark every grave acton monument works j nicol mnin st acton packet of wilsons fly pads will kill more flies thtn v 38- worth of any clean to handle sold by all drurrists groccra and gcncrul stores what makes jelly jell npt contain ii varjnif ammmtl ihi tli hiirur iiiid u lurtiem jollying sillutaih hut no fruit contains enoupfi of rithir t jillify all of lui julio that in why ou u il to luwe to ikmi mhir fnnt down or oancon tmt it until it lui 1 i wt a large amount of its juico nn i unf irliinnlely much of iui imp fruh ii iv r ml imautlful color as eji hut now on nn sdd jcllyink nulwuui ii u1 n t lil uu you odd mi rut to our fruit 1 or t ertei is uie jellvint 1 1 in ut of fruit re- ilmvl uihi i ni i or jmir eouveni nut um willi trio only one ur two minutiji ikiilinr- in rnnufcu to kivo a perfet u u 1 r p ii du can not lis vn a luilurt and uur joll relaiiui lie dh id um mun flavor of uui fnuih fnnt and itn bright natural color a ikmil ofwnu i tvtl 1 rerijuu coman with ivli i ittli of i rti huid fr tins iiuw tfn ikhiliiu louiiiui iaruinn i 1 i eilkiur outun i ii iiennd mu d und himikl t on jam i un uu