till 1ioxii 01 m i ucrkl nw till acton i mll iluas ii pi hmrailir ciii at tc 1 rrr i mill ulrccl ac i on ontario tin prkc la pn tcr rear in ivancc lauue liamcl alilitutaf to ofwt in 1ip unit wluh sulikcripil mlilulird ever ihilldnui i1icrlftlai pail ll iljlrtr i auvrk- ul a1vi rtrj will lr ailvi tl ndilrem label hsinf ati hr jmll uucbil rurimlt o l cfllllmili ll i be t nf lnad l column l rilnk nlri in application 0 a ll ii klltor nl proprietor tl ukilionkh- llinrui an i limine hri lenco thlfrsday rfinltfg augu i 1027 editorial one wny of rutting it tho editor of the attoonn tribune is an inde pendent ond he snya so in this vbyr5mctpcop le have on idea when they pay 2 00 n year for a news- pnpcrvlicy own the whole proposition including the editor and con run both to suit fhemcelves oc casionally there is a fellow xomes in and pays up netfecunit onori lawt will riio newt dcfpntchc record iiij tliu lamented dentil of kevin ollium the ditiiiuiilnd i null i state i chelator nt the handi orjriivni tell of mr olligifiii dictating in hrt will and leiau mciit while npproiichlni death out- wonders that tliii irtrli tatltiiiu who wit miniitcr of jurtjce had noojccteirmo perform thr nxaut important duty when he mood in double danger of deilth bynatural cuuies and at the hands of enemies who declared that they would one day uny him his inst ininytes were beautiful and he dictated to those who curme to ins aid his inst requests cinplinimnp that he died a peace with the world nnd that he forjnvc his ciieniici for their deed but it is not given to everyone at the point of deuth to be able to make a will this i a duty that should be performed in ones days of health wc arc not btirnnj up business tor the luwyers in thce worm summer dnys but wo believe it to be the wrest thing for everybody who has any real or personal estate to lenvc to kith km or friends to set out the division in block nnd white io that when death approaches no one will be worried through his or her rieglcct some people think that to make a will is a cign that they think they are about to pass out but many wills made in kingston arc years old and ihc testators ore mill going strpng many anvstate has been held up in disposal because there has been no will a last testament enables the majority of estates to be wound up quickly and divided among the legatees kingston whig stand ard the experiences of a fishing trip lly l j j i allmljlt year op two of arrears nnd thetivfrf a puyiaft- jtmifrmj1 lo teltsbrty going to lose his subscription says i guess you might as well top my paper i would like to help you but am getting more papers than i can read bless your life sonny the editor never loses any sleep over losing a subscriber he wnnt5 nil the subscribers he can get the more the better but lie wants jhose wljo appreciate ins paper and consider they are get ting value received for their monry vg do not want your subscription as a matter of chqrity if you do not wan tjie poppr soy 5 lifi a husinefi propost tioq witi the editor we can ppll the hellcord over uflcay4nuimpfek a paper tfiar 19 worth the price well quit dont eubscnhc for our paper ai a matter of chanty it costs you 2 00 p yenr and you could not print one for 5 00 accidents increasing- this year lnthe first six months of 1027 the workmen compensation board awarded 2001801 00 of which 52200434 was for medical aid the total benefits in the first half of 1027 wefe higher tflan in the first t period of 1920 by over a quarter of n million dollars the total nupiucr of accidents reported o tie com- pepsation board in tjie firt iulf of 102 wgbqqb of wjucji i8j were fatpl t pruren alfio show on increasp over the sapie period in 1020 when there were go 13 1 aecidentfi rcporfed including 147 fatall- peg dunne tie month of june id27 there were 0440 tiecidentb reported to the board of which 47 were fatal these figures being the highest for any month in 1027 according to r b morley general manager industrial accident prevention associa tions injuries reported usually originate from one or sometimes two major causes the first being lack of safe conditions while the second is identified with the human clement associated with lack of training wfh inattention thoughtlessness anj occasionally wllftt looks like indifference as aq example mr jjflorley cites tjie case of four worfcmcq engaged in cutting out tie section of a poof tl nien fiommciioodlt four corpenj of te square and when tllo floor hod sufficiently wepkeped the 6cqtion released and it and he four workmen fell to the floor below accidents of thia type undoubtedly call for more care on the part of all concerned the vacation days people these days arc divided into two distinct classes those who can have vacations and those who can not those who cannot arc manifestly more uumorous than those who can yet as tie coqtry merenses in prosperity and the strqgglp for existence become less severe the qunber of thoie who pre gqle o take a week or ppihibly wo wpekt for rest and recreailon growb larger fjp one n thb cat from exuetnig lahor mora than the tired housewives who seep no maids flicro ore doeens of this class to qvtiry ope who has fl maid such vacations as they get ore hard earned and richly deserved wage earners those who work for some qno else on whom largely rests all the responsibility for tho success of the business should have a week ar so of vacation each year tjic proprietor of a small business can not usually leave for any extended period without injury to his trade and the average housewife has no one to take her place if she goes away for a rest vacations to these persons must be taken a day or so at a time august is the month when most of folks can best arrange for a holidiy it is the month when business is less exacting when children arejiot at school uud tan assist in the home or get away with their parents ii the family cannot all get away together oil should conspire to give mother a rest jt this sciison i he human machine will run a long time without rest but it will eventually break dqwn it is the part of wisdom to joke u rest before it is too late in the present tunc of shortening a dov or a weeks work for inccliunicsanqj clerks tjie faluoq of vacations uspreuding jet up iope that it will ultimately extend pntil no tired worker la without f desirable pt rfoj of rt spite if it docsnot come this augum then 111 une other month of this or sojnc other year v the town baud the emotional side of our natures craves expres sion and we often find it in ways that nre not bene- ilciamtnd sometimes really hiirnitu 3owctito lmvtr it to ourselves and to our young people to see that wc and they have the best pos5ible of emotional sublimation music is recognized to be a particular ly enjoyable emotional stimulus and at the same time a mental refreshment and a food for the spirit ual part of us the essentials of music inculcated in the youthfuf mind prove to be nn invaluable con structive force from whtctnmly bcerived the best emotional pleasure and mental sustenance of all the forms of music the citizens band fulfils this in herent need most satisfactorily for the band appeals strongly and instinctively to one and all of us re gardlcss of age or temperament besides being iaut r i huil ofuii limit il from frlnnl mr a k mrlvcr of uiiltvlllo of tlin trout lluhlnir in iitil hi onnd ijury quo hoc lit hail llvoil then tin router purl ot hlii ii fi iimf hiui uuo myiioir u tlovolco of tlilu uporl then when mr c a diiwiio movi i from tlinro actuu in ido i hiiinl mitri of it mm iluy in juni of thin ytur wlwn tho luttor ujmko nf niotorlol down thorn to vlult hlu juronui unci nulled m jo b iilonir i iod i hnd hem holillnif down uoiuaxvhurt utrotluauuly tlui work in tho iitiictt for- thod wol whle my mif wuii uway liuut with hlu winter unl iitf child in hlu tiw hltiduhuknr icr- nuimo rar nnd an lid wu now due to roturu i tlrrldcd lo u cpt tho kind hit r muito w wcro to nlnrl mrly on july j hilt tin antltnu i wuii nuked by our very icr councillor mr thotrrd 0 hn 0110 r tho uixiitutni ut tho judiicn cclebrullon in tho turk on thin muni intf uud hud atmu wlmt n luctuntly no- 1 itod tho invitation to do uo yu our lurthir wiu drftrrtil till iwtxt mom- 111 ivomiito at tight on bnturdny lit 1011 1 ii r dovtnox uud iiih won itodltr u youth of uoventcon appoar- thc illnclulr iiouho mid i wuti randy fur thrm with my dujinaco buff nulling clothoo etc tlio long journoy win ph miunt udd comfortablo in tho now pou iou knuox with nothlnjt to mur ttu completion except contlnuouti ruin und mud on bunduy tho iwcond dny stopa at onkvith toronto ouhuwu lunch ircicott lo ulccp victoria ilrldco lunch and tho different noccuuory placaq for uu etc wore tho only in- terruptlonu of u continuous ulxiiurr drcdmllo trip in ubout twontyulx liouru o 1 truvul aa i um unicloiui ttu u uwjtirtny cioryt wlintuvutintr furthrr roniurka on tho ontario por tion or the trlii to tlio rolurn journuy a drunken mun from tho u o at dlnncr at victoria lirltlffo who innlatotl in hjjuc of hlu wlf a and daughter prutrink in consuming two more full quurt huttlcu of down ala ami nuuflcd hum when tin- former threatened to go on and icavo him behind wai one or tlui fcaturea of thlo journey and 1 uiiucht uiln might form n boo uauniciit agalnnt beer nt men la in ontario hatolu if it trot about an other wan the mootlnir of fluetl itched earn between montreal and hhcr- hrookc cauad largely no doubt by the idlppery condition of tlio wlndlnc crooked highway in that part of the country and yot another tlilnr hat struak ran wn lht ipoi of tlioi bhp hllhi it till vo tip und down aiiil low iiiiiliiitnl rrungfh in mittjjlhi- t mix loom up hi uhnoiit vi ry dln tlnu 1 in ixllir tondit til urll hm than in ontario u td dm 1111111ii nlinow oilnlry 0111 11 htr in in fiult jiiiiootlt lo triivl ill ull lllll jllkllw iv iljn oovt riitiu nt u 1 1 inn to hiivn tliiin n of thrm nil und 1c rpn tho fur 1111 ni und thdr tfiuiiii uiilli iiniliily luihy ninkliaic study and a vocation and has been classed as an absolute necessity as some one has said not neces sary to life but to living how true tlin is in many cases it has changed a state of mero existence to a happy purposeful life of potion the homo town band has been tie training school of many of the worlds greatest artists m the realm of music and they loo p8ck to their yourthful strivings with an inexplicable feeling of wonder and tenderness for they realize that it was therc in the small town band as they gave their concerts in the park before en thusiastic audiences of their townsfolk and those that they had ac- quired their first knowledge and genuine love and ap preciation of music that greatest of the arts yes the town band has been the first steppuig stone of success in many brilliant careers almonte gazette tho giry ly quebec la well wrt but till that several o journcj ed through why fa if why is it required in summer time that a gentle man wear his cont everywhere excepr on the golf links or tennis court or in the swimming pool asks the smiths falls record news and goes on to explain dignity demands it some iny alfio i has always been the mpr of n gentleman to wear coat no mottcr how fdiculoua he looks mopping his face and brow or fanning himself violently with straw hat or newspaper this year even the latter has scarcely even been necessary sports costumes hijve emanci pated women 30 far as summer apparel is concerned short sleeves no collars light and airy materials loose fitting straight line costumes all help the female to look cool and comfortable in the eyes of sweltering man why do not the men declare a little independence in this matter why not discard the coat except when strict formality or comfort demands its use husbands sometimes gibe their wives for being top conventional pnd melt under a heavy coat merely hecpute it ip unconventional to remove it in the presence of others well why not we men are an rely our own bosses in this particular let us assert a little of our independence and dress as we feel like it seems as though fashion designers have paid too much attention to making the womens dress comfortable and presentable a little more attention by the designers of mens clothes would be appreciat- ed a shirt without a collar that doesnt make one look like a sissy and attention to a few other details in other articles of clothing would help poor man somewhat in fact anything that will make us comr fortable without appearing ridiculous guess after all thats the trouble with man and his adoption of more comfortable dress he refuses to appear ndicu lousand and prefers to saenfice personal oomfoft editorial notes tho 1028 cur announcements are very plentiful now the cars seem another step nearer 200 per centperfcction and lower in prices it la-tjiiiu- evident thai ltouor permits and car permits shouldnot be currituttogethcr they arc a dangerous pair and uucn the first is abused the possessor should be required to give up both wonder whats wrong with the london to london flight another aviator has found it inadvisable to comply with the eoiidltions nnd make the trip is it another example where booze and gasoline dont blend one wonder sometime why that sixmiles of jiavcment was constructed on the seventh line to the dundas highway on the holiday when tralfie would be expected to be heavy on u trip overit only two cars were mlt in the entire length the pr- and lle baldwins mo here i hey are reeejvfng the welcomes due tlilin on their trip to canuda meeting ti with our problems iitul telling of their problems which will result in all having a belter understanding it s these direct contacts that help knit the- link of the luipiro into greater unity and repairing thoin nor did r ohm iv 111 jin iiderii rown ijilpu iillbiiufth it limy rulut in other imrtu of gin hi 1 ithut wanton difitriirthin of ornamental tm nlonir dm 1i1iiwiiji lb it mi dplunii ut of tho t h phoik miln of u moi md weilil d ntroy un i iilny mi the dlvhh ndu k a iitoilt inn it pay iiirii in inufiirturliig my from win m o m lift ajiqhot mlnui hnut foi ty uilltui dlti- liutpluru ti1111 lldtllll 111 itl who id nib ami whmie only ml that tin ir w il uiht aim mi lit n ot fur und tin nre at dictford unit the itln 1 1 tho 1 hii r 1 roi hi rootii outfi tun kwln u inn and llifn apt to abound but f i t rortuputfly ait sillnv f tin mm lvi ii i itth ri pt wild 111 ipbi it ii h ircll hilt pltllllh 1 tea it is in tx clrs by itself asr fot- it anadian nationalaitways time tables at acton golnrj wont u1111 lay only golnrj cait ndiiy only 10 41am j jd p m c ut p m 7 0s p m 03 m lmhft ta 3 afipim fi 17 p m h 13 p ta r h hay i i birh j und 1 i i on haul n ith 1 d r otlll i lull- mi fruit ox r iwhcnli 11 irrifh will hi 11 ion an ruuionuly dvuni irp dm devil n vnrmii nil vi u nx- uicil morr iniliittrit und in than our dundellon ilulii t or mimtard at liomr i 1111 tin fin inn hi ro nn jmr nil uiilectid nuini hliltrl- loni d or ut leant clouid up uioutiunil thllurn tin high for a too il imu htindrthl fin t i saw it full hundred ncrfi with llni hulldlm n that a thrifty ultlvuta1 to paint itruiih limiif kd uic htilter old inwh al nit t tnftotj linn wnwgifti7rtit on u10 vcranjiuw facing tlio road on this sunday afternoon and lli clat ter that nnemed la bo going on among lliem dut the lliinff mqat nouoeublo nlonir uio quebec poruon of thin trip tho extrnnlvc ndvcrun omenta of beer 1 he vlrtuca of tho different wlilnklea in well paraded too but not nearly an extra vuijantly an those of the milder heverune dow has paint ed red aim oat oyery barn with tho mprien of tils products moloona d- vrrutwmenc larce black letter vcru tho fronts of innumerable hotel restaurants and fences whllo diiwi n huge ulack horse and the riuully largo fronlcnac diuck dottle hllhouette evc h ai one jour ys on certalii- iwmlnded that she txtriiordluary part th coo counttoa we havu volsd dry locally and thcuo beeru whono morltu are o uenerounly dlupluyed art not vullablo there or ut leaut not legaliv o and liar ia upparehty the ou- ent1al dlffcronco between quebeqiand ontario u liquor lunii to day in the latu r no liquor la allowed to bo ad 1 lined the government really oon- troiunir thin and belnp ita only vemlor and aloo prohlbltlna beer at hotel in hotel parlom at both of which it is nerved in quebec where not under local option we arrived at tlio old dowries homo- ulead junt after dark on sunday and piihiilnu throuuu thu fluurluhlnu towrm of uranby ifiicou waterloo and coukiihlrc and the city of hhet- bruokc with leu handuome uuburb of lennoxvlue the seat of tlio anallcan unlvrrnlty of liuhopb college the donnu live thirt mlltn or mora be- lond hherbrooke und in compton county an tho border of wolfe blnhop crobulnn is their pout ofllcc ttvo mllcu away with ilury about four miles further in another urcction ilnhon cronalnji derives ttu tltlo from numcr- aettleru round thoro of that numa hurj u title comoa from tlio peer of unit numo who married a daughter of sir allan macnab of hamilton wi found thu old couplo and tlo hbrcd jna6vrdcntly a black uheep of a joot ueotch family all in bed but ull cut up to welcome us and nice supper wan prciwrcd- no one lew wo were coinlnji tlu wc actually rived mr rownen mr albert by name in in vent y five hlo father cams out from norfolk knuland in 183s hrouiht by the urltlsh american land company utttle on their land and tho family have ntuld here ever since there lit do connection in the neighbor hood nearly everybody bclntr akin to it the old lad lu u very devout plrsuii und bus family illblo roadlnff and praycm every morning tjho wa iieunett there b inn also many of lu family htr said to bo orlirlnully iultlio uime brccdua the hon il b jionnett k c of calaury i uilnk there wcro nearly a dozen dowricn and icttli of that ce no rut ion of thene famllku atij much lnternuxrrylnd conuouuentlj 4lio whole township in v more or less related xlila flno old couple with whom wo stayed and now ifiurlnb the cl of life a journey are typlcul of canada u ploncerb to whom prtuent encrutlon owes 110 much he ruiiled frontiers of our clvlllia- anild umuxlnic hurduhipa and dlf- leultles tiiey hewed out dm forest that w mleht 1 njoy tho sinlllnir land llrl i iiccuntomed lo tin talk of her futher who wiui nn cnthual untie golfir mil naturally acquired irnnry nf ttiu tttttin jwemnu toltie winn upon tin du when uhe wis eatlnu her ftrut ulki of melon iihc tartkil her puieut by riniuiltiim lravelj i allu r 1 vo bt n iiperl ntlnir und 1 find u t iiich ulx bltoii lo nucli tho itrreii ha v day monday we lulled with rather pour chuu t iot only twelve and c a iownto thirty tlino no lartfu rah nd the brooku seem badry overrun with nuluiii wo j llslied rloht throuuu vlthiiut lunch alii wrro tired oui at nlkht had a ijood uupper and i en joytil my feather bed and nice clean tuciida july ii we did not uturt o irl hut hud butter luclc ho lot ixtj oni und i twenty eluht out of u inulur brook but utlll no larae fish vi utoppm at hurry uuwnia u youn er brother of albert s whose fann a ucrius thr line in wolfe county fur supper at the und ofoui day u fish n pronperouu an 1 nitt rpi isltjff mun an exti nulv truppet im well us ni r null ulxty turkiys last year an bin i it f oxen uud had rctcntiy jrid u thuo iiumtml pound bear in udjolnlne oo1j 1 wan surprlu- iind dihappointrd llmt no far wr hul u huh of the lienf aupiu sie wrdnr yo i ej dpi nilpix out und ylnltii ft llhpmu crimiliitf uud vlclrili hmt dnnei and huppor with mnjpr ntt mm ulch ti lalur a dquuhtu of tin eldir downes und a vry noi buspltuble couple ii inwul mi thniulhy u luri uw mill vvhh h he wiiiun whin not busy with vtorlnurj dutu u oi with the rul llitlu if whli 1 lie in un oftlirr v t hud uriuiiin d for u null upeui int expedition i i morrow thursday i lu lit on tho- river hi i rum lnbut w hut to uiln this did not wmif i his in i very i illliifz touutry and the duwuuu fa un u on a biitu ulava youni mull hud ju it buuiiht foi i hundred dollum guntlnind nixt week -ikh- mlllfrit worm iowd in un nwect uud iiutatable to children whu uhow no heultuncy jn taklnir hem they inlllfacuilnjy lidna wouu lnuublulul strenrtheninir iitlmulntlnn imdiclne correcting tin disorders of dljtcfitlon that the wormo cauni ami imiiaitlnrc ii inalthy tone to tho tiynteni mot lenariil to develop ment thato different n uuuttui lied uolfcru ntiueli ii nn tirnunintnncf nt n holiany resort one wttp ii lmn fi how tlit oilier wan dlntlnctjy uelklity what iu jour handicap nuked tin hln plujcr btxtem replied the other ah hutd the hint man quickly thill a excellent tm u nlxtecn man alt en nilrl flieliiirtr- 1 plf j if lull iml lumnii tli frind of all fluff irndr thomnn lclectrfc oil hi a valuable ivmedy to ull qioie wliouurfer ialn l holda out hope to evorjano and lallxen it hi hlllllni uufferlnr ivory here it lu u liniment that him iho lennlnb of half n continent ii in on nli iverywhero und can l found fherevtr enquired for a 8ix par tin it testifies for luelfdi thomuu kcleclrlc oil m il no u itimonliil of itu pouern othi r than ltiielf hoover tries it ftir eoui ha or cohln for cuta orrtuntonji for uprilns or buinu for paimi in tlie llmha ur bud uoll know that ihi medicine proven hue if und it no uui intu 1 bin uhuwu why i oil l in inorul uui dividing and tranoplanting hefioaccoub pcrcnnialo titi itibtr to tood time to lift i ihnhiln au in aftr ihu noil in i euil octothr in u nd divide hirbiicloui on an tin jjreal hear i ovi i un 1 oni f clit that t likely to dry out aualn ork m ly be bijun thilnfr tin plant i luu to make rootn re plunllnr iho tiettir condition will hi in foi bloomliu next iar llcardt d irima may be dlvldud trunhplantt d eirltir than mout pertnnlalh tho month of autcunt leini itoo 1 time in n plantlna the pieces irli tiny should be pluntid quiti uh illow the rhizome or tlilckem d root pint be i no bircly covered with soil if plinttd deipu they are liable to top hudu of ieonhn nhould not be mors- lhai two oi three inchon below the nurface of the noil deep plant m iu om cause of pionlij ni hloomlnff well sifiall pieces of pui nnlula if they hava u fxw rojtn will soon develop into too j ulxe plants it they have cood soli oonnltlonu ao that largo clujnpo may bo divided into many plantn w t macoun dominion hoi tlculturlut ii have you seen the new goodyear balloon manf what a tlret illfl liantl- lomt sturtlyw kit a wonder ful allweatiier tread epclally dulilnbd for ttalloon tlrca uullt ol supfrtwist corda mom mluad0 than balloon tires evar 4va bafarc mora roadqrlp kva traaj war no nolaa anil her furo th wtrd m x 441 11525 jl x 8 m hi7 1640 31x5 u itlm 2210 slxtm w x 479 u 1h h a coxe kc onfario phon 68 iwylutt burj il4kmntinau waiting a faw diiya for it iu gyfsoc your garage vbmy etitlun unotlnr winter uith a cold eurner lly liniiifr it with gypror you miy nave tlic cost of a cr lclctf r irlntor frozen water pump and numcrouti rep ura citmed by jcto wcatlicr gyproc kecpo out winters hitter cold it is alto fire- renutnir i any nnd inexpensive to buy and apply wfllmnrfrrwlul uy llow it will till vim linw cyi lic lx o i i inula t id a iwail fntf nud iniulrx will rtduc your luh bill horn t1ic ortraklo gytsuu co l1witep paris canada fireproof wallboard tor sole by j b mckonzie acton ont canadian daily xully dally dully dally dully dally ixtlty daily ditlly daily dally daily dully dally daily pally dahy national railwavo wst bound clcctric 7tg sltxt a at ani 5 bg pjn ttc pta 11 37 km 1 37 pta 1 37 pm c 07 pfai 7 37 pttt 0 17 du 11 3fi um toronto terminal otr nd ot clair avinu frolkht dollvcirod by poeial xpri reltrhl irreibhl picked up at any ad- rvau in toronto use national fertilizers for your fall wheat tor plumper heivicrp lugher grade rrun use notionil tcrtiluer this w non you 11 be surprised at liow eady your crop will inifure with i pood dressing of this superior fertilizer national fertilizers ire propirly bal inetti fertilizers mide m canadi from uitn it it his t tutn years to perfect lvcry big is uniformly mixed wuh guaran teed analysis attached to each bag good fertilizer is an mcstmcnt not in expense order yours now we ship anywhere in ontario agents wanted in districts where we are not repre sented aslcahbut national stock foods they get results f nationaltfertilizers ltd woit toronto 9 ontario the worlds greatest annual spectacle thc canadian national exhibition taken its place among the wondcro the modern era laat year more than 1500 000 people ere astounded at tho nmunificance of tho exhibit from nil quarters of the clobe charm ed by the oupcrb musical programs and thrilled by the unique and diversified pcrfoymuncco that pro vided days of ncvcrcnding delight fcat w in- tho port- rfil 49 year cixedrting canadas coth dlrttiday tf dlmmonj jumu of cvnfiliw a sn 1 fur ttrcllv bt ulut s- 7 4s mm u dft 2 children cry for castoria imotiiri fltchcrs castona is especially prepared to relieve lnfnntj lit anus mil children all ajres of loiislihtion wind colli to sweden stomach nituleiny uynlica riglll itc itowds aids ill tlie is iiiiihtlunol 1 niliiruniutlii clitci illness kcjt and n ittiril skq without oputts imiiiiiii i to aiiul unit iti i jinvimi im i 1 0 1 i r tli iiiiminil carat 1 lijieuiij gveljrwliiie rceciuimctid ili duo acton at in 7 10 p l id ami 50 wentboiind wucn caf at 10 m and h 10 p m i hound dili 0 20 a j p m tlfe bu nii linv toruuln sac acton nt 8 fill t ni 1 in p m 4 ond g 00 p in saturday hundayu and holl- dayo only a ninelnl bun it tvob toronto at 10 00 p m arrivlnir in acton nt 12 10 11 in p ivcn kltchonor at 111 00 p in arrlvliie r in aclnn at ho p m tkir- chirlulrf ir fltntmrrnrtliyieirirrnot ilivylii ht savlnn time toronto terminal 1 wvlllnr- ton stnit wut torn nt 1 kindly note totpjthdnstjrtntf establishment durlnir july iinii 1ikui1t ox lunlnatlomi foi khttitii on 1 hum ipiy i ilda iiml s aurtl i nly or ncii wl kin ll i iti ki ur phont fi r iiipiiliitini 1 t lv 11 inj by aj olntuii ut i t un 1 1 hut i m and n p ilr li jiiitnunt upt 1 itlnit un tiiuuj a d savage optomstridt a mfq optician illirht at tn pont omilm ttuvaeo llulbllnit ouolph all kinds op live stock bought w j patterson phonn 111j hfahast cpih prica paid for daof hidm savage company jewellers china silverware tie lower wyrulluuu st 1lionc 571 guluh tlicld and itclinblc granite and marble works wo a ro iimtiufucturorri am direct iu portir u of all kl uln of muu iiiieiital und hoi dutolie wo rlt wo i 1 11 root i our cuutomnni t wholouli prleoa thufl navlnu pur eun lo icra 40 p r ont wo liav t tho bout a i plliim md the only inc ehunlta lu t e dwinlit 011 who eu opi iito pn un it t lit 1 mi nrly wi ejvu ulvo rcfi re 11 from 1 uuilnda of our e nitoinorn in 1 orouto and nthi r i 1 iloji i vhi ro othur l iumi to h ivn law uultu in ordnr lo ui lo t wo h ivn tlio inn ht md boat uloelt of or tnltn in tho don inlon or 1 ur 0 tliun a ly thro d nlarii in tho w it u ar 1 loultl- iriatu dual urn and t 1 iploy no auiillta ami do not untioy piml uutomora by at ud ihc out luu ut iiuontii aollclt- iiik onk ro wo oin ho y only in cluiulia ami dnfy oomtictltlon hamilton sons ouelph ont