e xartmi 3tor jlttsa tjiujiuuuiy auouiit 11 1027 he will nov tail tube will not fall thee believe it mill water nmy dry of km liulmf rill d iiundn or tho desert ktritrli far ut uiui wt to the nun ml bur 11 ho imt him luilji never foriut i lord who lovolh lb filuiiilwitltli iuel thou that l niu four niir frel irrenl il liverunn hlti promlnon full rtoi ilny y day tfliou jjiult find jrefllt otrenirui for if only th rhine ar the journcj unit rude and d nui hu rt frald tc up to imm he iihull keep llu will not fall thee- true n only to trust him tlirouch oubli tliill pull lilnn inart ubih nlutll h pcrfocl t oil 111 lie whole uln plan endless the kriln o strive we ran not judir und w our know flut ojit we can let the worries and look- for thnt mini iro give nleul thn trunllni heart liuth no rnor nnj ii tlwi waters of eurthli comfort fall ami ull thlniru rliunm tin the old old tnlo hut hummer or winter dent or cold htlll doth tlir low ff the lrfird enfold in thcdaikce limine viim tuincjheacl dou quail he ntntnc hi comiiaunlonn never full mary uorjes gome vacation thoughts and savings td id tim holldu nrawn in uitun u willi lhe incurolnir of july and aujtutit t modern habit of an annual rcluxull invndvu the majority ut liuuschtildn and men and women like weary iwrucii proceed to turn thcmaelven to grans it lu generally considered that the vacation period in unu of tli finest lbcovorla ever made in h beneficent ministries to the humu rilco but uko many oilier irood thlniru it lu often creauy almucd und tin holiday weeks occasionally arc dliml luted u ihi htiynlcut mental u witwriiiiiiimii lion llttlo valu du not work and who no uvea wre rwdy nuuufrated with hlleiioii only those win work deserve a vucatloi and they aretha only people wlw cy truly appreciate it when it oomen if tuha mojion of tho year lu to lie i vitallslnir force then rellciun muni bo carried into the vacation- dnya there tv nothing thnt will more readily re veal uie truo character of rcudou ufa like the way we upend o boll day in tho rejrular routino of home ami bualncau life wo live under u ccr r octroi nt that more pr lew blnda it 1b when uicho reo train to are reniov- ed and when tlie aaul la lot no that the true nature la discovered too many reffulaa- church-jrot- forcako church bctviciu while on holl dayo and o ultra co to viult friend j and dataln- them from their uccuatum ei placo in church thin lo vcr noticeable in rural uscuonu whut an encouragement it would bo to fnuny of these omoll churdicw if vtuttor would accornpuny their hotn und if the tourist throne unvo rcualon anil worship o placo during their sviipoa- edly recreation days if uuch were tt give religion and rest a prominent plaoa in uiolr vacation thoy would return feellnc tlio vltaluinc power of a vacation fio ajenc a vacation who la not tho bolt for l3 kye that luive poured fi months over ledgers and manuncrip need to be stretched if pouolhle acronu mountain valtcya ocean woolen oi wuvins fields of sraln luntro awcai i ed of the moll and dual nf town will be renewed in tho ozone of areen field i ami wuodluntj pathu iven from i malerlil ydd our wwiodu of rcut ore worth more titan they cout for return with lnvl7orulel cneralco i ixxly and mind tho tettcr propared i tho dutlcu und revponirl bill lien of life tituod by oitweln kluu wltliour full that to hlirh school filt iul huritulnei imm nonifi nf hi tlio but tho time iioor nc have ull rich uti uuuy in a mountain pusa lu u place flv by the railroad to ua employ uen that thy can upend their vucallo in tho mountains joncd its uuch u bother dccldlnu about vacation ijmlthi it doenni bouier me busa tells nio when to co ami my v telui mo where we are look in it fr it placo nprml thu vuminer wjiere ou d have to spend much ebie we wish all rrwdrrfl of tub if psvbb ktktd wm tiler und a rent in and tcrreslilno holldai lilure ii friendship and natures j and pen the- agent hissed the train the teal entatc man from the elty was eacer to eloae the deal fir uncle hilly weathcrmnns forty ucim which would front on u beautiful lake after the lilu white hlver dam in the mln- aourl okarks wan built the iiapera la on thu tabic uwuii- inc uncle tllllys sriinuturet the iru alate man wan impatient h yu in a hurry to set back to huliiuter hi- nearest railway station no ao lo catch the only train that would eft him tmric to kanuuu city tho nejtr murnliik nuw if youll ulgn rljihl them on the dotted line he naid handlns a fuuulaln pen lo uncle hilly uncle hilly look out hln tipectai und read the papers mrifulli i reckon id better not be in too a hurry uboul this hyur ho umji led with the ulirtwdnvna if hie ui sift 3ffrrtmfi glmrt gtnrtj m teamwork my maiiij nijitcimoliia mttvhan e lme thl no i elillil in illkuti utld the j 5 irallm ban- iilil mlil r eplll mi oilwiln h iedl hilo hln hair hat f lllith he t it he ilhlly ialh it it iv oim pay inn four cxliu teiichern iuiefmi many funluiiit ntudki tho ikher who knows iuln wont i luloiy ami ihe oie who dub bleu hi lenee will wipe hlu hnhlh of muthe- teti iilkhed aim ortweln i ttup- e it would mean tin- hulminn nfun mlllnn lo tte public uclmol dfi the ipulntiilnlnii of three or four trtirhern hut really the children of the village arsrrvliix up und uiune of ibeiii utn ilthout tralninii i nothltii i me uclared ortueln all we have u do out for ilir nn hn net lei we ml juiit mm lulu fan pretly nek ind forth ilul it the 1rattu iil fares it woulil break the thatll their own huidn ed air orlweln the im rtet fofnirlt n money 1 i win kile ulv the i hud fab i utli hln nihil ly divided ulk hive itlle niniliniiii uia of atioi 1lai lit had horiie i rliut liiiiellivi ime of duy whe llh hln hli i nln wllhrhildn uhlle the a lie j mto nu uia t ueliihboru e hurdiihlinl of plui- iu did not paini the they met mr prutt thlilfiun fumlly wuj pnmrihiilvei and mr uan a loiivlnelnir talker folljinuii known an the edlena to nay the fumllbi rallied an mid mr prutt lallhier more t lierihlel peoph who their money nellen wilt he waa trulni rt in oine u he kept in her front room weekly tmln stopped at tclk korku when tho iniu wnn thrown oh it ati nellia ortwllnn dui t c the ban from that train and puice tli letters und paperti in their respectiv plceonholes to tiwult the arrival their owners tho pout office though nmull wn the huh around which the nodal 111 of iiu river revolved every family was ropreuintud ihroo limpfl n week und they amu iircpurrd to dhi uuentlomi of the day nellen ofter thouchf that if the tiuarrel ove tilt continuation cluiii over was mettled it wan at the pout office thut theiiffulr woulil llnd hi uolutlon sumcbmh the air nellea wusnt pui uculurly proud o hln father when he mood in the fion door one saturday nlblil ulrjn hi oiilnlojin lo old tjiljah nrff the clot out man in ulk hlvei valley what unc will the younuutern a elk hlver ever have fur ljiiiii ant liencht lu- demuntlisl with warmth and why should 1 vte t pay i science teacher to tell em the imik outlundluh numen of buih and wo in uome dcud lunsuuuv i know whafs iot jo bo doim v later bujes und lui- worinil chuckled oltl elijah neft i tan tleotioj em without knuwln their iulln nameu anil 1 kucaa alii lurnln that put mo thniukli life in iotl entiuch for the rest ul nellen uliutlteiid thll uiilouui old miser toutdn t tire thut he hud mlsiel anything but wmt huit nellen mut of all wun tin fact that lili fattlei slapped elijah tin tin- utioolder ami ci let hiime here home of mj nottfhborn auj ob- norvetl elijah neff- mid aimer prutt ill one of em thut thin lu uu wornl part of ihe countt in make u liln in hut 1 dunno i ulnl iot no com plaints i think ir i won ntt down in the sahara desert id ilntl noinethini hamu here ubi aiuln i havent hi uuklnu money lien ind the wlnlcrn are i ndlujitlonn tlpit ltn mr niffh for hut no i hlble sayji rd nelthe ten of help li liilktit had mri urtweh ih bud pratt elijah e othei f ick if r ort- ihrlr futbei ticket kolllk i ihnti itlnu u flrnt alaylie n few hundred nelles oit- dirference llr hlttlllk an hrntei ihlnpeied eln they kepi iillei hat bad buppeiieil l on- tluln lielr e ifuartled it for a iix home of the lielirllb hej if fbem to the wbea einleil llid hire th hour tlu ttuii f the day op ope nudy hadnt uluht some iriiu family lliitanic oc inn the efn their been do lit they plclolin hut the imr that hie iilii urpunely left thll it elljiu neffii low lleiitei anil nellen t ihe time in turn ilium io wouhliluive illullked helnu uii- lp feti dly 11 fel upot in tin i rebuild tin lmliilied two liuurn fence it hull luitlnfuetloii when they thnjw tltiivii their tools the nun ym attlni turnlni the iiavtnfr wheat held to billows of burnished irohl tomrrow the iiiunlc wheat will be cut said hetiter and what n loud will lift from our mind it wl be unite eimy- in sell sueli iod wlielit hut duddy wondera l5irnotmell akernrr it mpukhral voice behind then i jumped turnlni th on the fe lie htrunuer ita he looked a nil thr pened t betildn llu ouhl have fallen rt keep it ull t lfii precious ini the fimrcd hap ei slid weakly ilnwi id lay there uneun tin looks ipille exhausted as nelles lifted hint up if he ban come fur i wonder what he kinu i rt ileal said nelles eic itecauiie theie was no hospital in elk hlver ir neur it the iruttii took thu strunirer in und mi rued him old elijah neff mihltnirca why t1ifshnd htm tinu outiiniei the prults kn thlnjpi of va nionej and i ry rich iaut 1 1 maple foriuot air iihtindaiithi the lantern towmililpx mid tuiipeii mi nuiilly for xucar ami syrup much toti in plentiful with a sjiilnkllnic of beech butternut elm pine hemlock nnd imrnek trout oiieamn pomilute rj where but the flwh are imt rently ntirul except in the very small and unknown creeks atid are nowhere vrrj hi roe i heturd u greut many poairimhdlc euiliikx about the fuluie of fiurmlnit i tills district hut uti ildtlmer at lurj usiiuiiil me that it wnn largely case of iieraonal thrift or otherwlae ml that there wnn sllll u nood livlnff to ho mudo by the industrious thrifty ille man who will t run off ve hln work im spend hln time and money on uutomoblleu anil oilier frivolity here iui lu ontario every otlp iietmil rntiitvrcnne nuttmrnblle mail anil for one person drivinc cars who can uffortl them thnfc are nine who eun not in fact ihii uicms the chief cause or tho inanclal depreti- sluii and uncertainty now prevailing ull nvci even ikiii who nhoultl be ut school have curs of their own reirur cl ient of wlure the funds are lo come from to pay for them or keep litem ndnp and jueler like onurlii l ull of ii renin who sell on any kind of chances tho crytiu want of thli liurt of the ljomlnlon that i imui vljdt ni utrniii to be more cuttle lo eunaunn wantinu liuy und irrua of it uminil lulls the former is a druu the mariiil heinir tlimcult to dii lie of ut any price plim to ui while sheep and poultry neei ui be abundant und profitable thursday tho 7lh wo hnhedvi umajl iiruuk iibuut il liillo frnm the u li wift- sponce on them ijul v that theie were ol e in tho worlij beside frlenildilpu ihey h ioi llirte days the the fjlll l i roiinciouiinenn he hud ridden and v five hundred miles of noi durlnir tfiut inonth all to flhd that patch ilc jin la heal wltj-a-ieuy- n nit thut h is safe tell und ntucketl for ntrinrrei lay in juiij came hue he told ihel and walked ovi th mr bin uttei a llfellmu of work i ihlo fortoijn cried tin then drifted back into dt iamt asked arent tho si hud llkr looking ut him in iik lulu when th led ufijiln the fill ill l jou joe kldd uaiiid ulnlled ihe nliun i wun elijah neffs hired boy ut time he thought uiu u nlow eiu doilbl i lliui illaluiiteiiuu ami louu not icet ubiif with htm 1 uiw lonetl for an education ami tl were no chances in elk luver hut you did set it some wu uuked llcjtur thlnklni of hei i lonclnt for school joaeph kldd handed hei din ci untl iilm read ufter ilia name an at f icttt alon llu j do 1 uh a this luler juld like to l take huui ui whoil field er iiaup laid mr 1ratt ow hint of all did i under stand you to sal that j ou had havel- led live hundred mile to find it 1j them u plate unked jouopli kldd wheie i could yet a few of the nelirhbut a together in oitlti to t ihlncii vital to ull of them vid said hester the post utile mrs ortweln will lend her front room tho ortweln room was filled uei evenhur when josepli kldd ai rivet lrlvcn by mr pratt nearly ever fanner in the alle wnn preterit fo they hud heard that the stranger wa rolns to clear up the myntery tunctrn liik their wheat joueph kldd walketl acrous lo ol mr neff und offei ed tihi hand i oni1 nett ho uuld well if it pjul j hi re i all b iter than o i know y i did empeied and lu niluhli but w eel rt education uvc work on the now iduo and i dldn t fi and to thli lu e kldd until u like wtnk n in thiiiiliib joi diddered uie jit id the strunii liftled i the 1 thought i farin by ce fur anit kled etljub nett ilte or dlrtiiomc wt ii r nit or i 1 ill fl hud bcltei tliu iovi nil ii aks that t if you thin 1 il- iile 1 1113 fork if 1 a llu k hjlei ilmrntiii e ami 1 nbjhu with it ai mini le ioiniutle the niullei ilkhu whlh could he put in hnl4 uupiii ho detenu no dmibt la edl t ildit tho expohenoca 1 of a jj fishine trip hi t 1 j kaiimeh t atni tills lurirer brook hlcher up limn w1lcrc mu hud been before i 170 1 sixteen oownes fiftyfive stones of the lureir creek i found no slippery ttiat ll next to lmitosulble lo wade it thin time we walked home at nlcht over two miles and we were ihoniutlily tin iividuj mr mid dp nt ii with old mto downeu aocomtuuii ini ua i look the two men to dlnm civtheurt11 hotel wrote four pout tinmp urroiled throuirh tlm cemetery umonc wellknown local imm biuffht a ii1jimiii includlni i larce water nielon not a montreal garotte o thurnday the only upi r 1 saw wlill u wni had u haircut unll shave uni wo all not home b nix after uuppor i picked wild utruwberries and called ut the ilenneih ucroau tho way family conolnlliii of two line thrifty boys u mat t iotdiooklnb widowed motlier and u ptetty schirol- tmcher sinter of tw ent j tw o who i thoucht wun dene lie niuni by becoming a ivirne multi with a w ivillhj famlll nearnj- because there hi more money lu it uiun in teuchlnb ituther u mor rtlletllon 1 concluded on tho remun eration of teaclreru in que bet 1ro- huturdai the 9th i went luhlnn alone ut my own suftlusllon und th rtml went off to uherbrooke tor th dui 1 l torly seven in a prll brook runnluir west between high hllln tiinl not fur from tlie f ui m i saw plenti of deer tracks ilonu the creek the wuuilu uru full of them in the agister 11 towmihlpu ami the fuxmeia have no dllnculty 1 wa told in pio- cui i mi what venison ihey want no duto helna pennltutl to hunt tho doer in these parts a iitrunie lulsunder- ntundlnir occueced lttlai which s idle un pica sun i to mo ut the time ctldod aitreixibly to cvrrj iwdj concerned 1 told u huh down the pie ille ml lei ut thut plit- llu up for t uy hum m us the tliut thin the creek no i could itut only the day firmei about half v uy infer y do ant aim lam und u pick 1 bud u built 11 alukiiiir 110 enaulrtes i hulled ubout theie till dlrak thin went up in uie house lieui the new ilum only lu illoeover that the dam nu muklnu for wan a mile und a irulf fuilher down lhe road lly this time tiled out with tny hmi nmllni bikits i was in no mood to walk on down but did o fturltik to uecji the family ami ciu ultln fin die liu lifinul itieetlps place had none liorue thrco i vtnit word with mr ci a tcusuetl 11 ulcer of th home if 1 turned up taiirtly weiv in bid but h trot up and drove me thie lis own cur he u a hist cuuuln kir c a downeu everyone in the lilxn hood ui 1 n marked be fort nihv ontoui ami tw ieutrulujlialii all i but humlll- lyfm llidi nd imowllue mm mux jiij s- ouid iknw iled of flmhltik fl lb i ted to u milv i not un uk aft ion llplillllltl oil 111 hint ly oiieerm d we had evenliih uualli at tin hit he roiiitnil inivllik a tilil i nt ijnililnit on th wi llnh pond aloni tin nt from hud tl ikiml ban been ruined by i loii of tliub and bouiiii heis ii api m ilia red into xpmo elamlesl i wllh a irovurnmen bioolto 1 iie mm 1l in nhtl for tho 0iiim11i mlnnmrnt fni 1 lul llnbe irib luriro flu teitretu edy will illc the tl iiiiln arid iuhi r hy divilun it iheite bane hull h an rilsed by hie pro- dumrlxient for fed- 111 tin- hl ukl while he kixilllnir of the flshlnir mil hip an hurdlj sym- lfie owner if thin 11 lory nmi lo me that bin only lie to 1 i nil out mm- ind lit lo lit ji biisls fll line whleh surreptitious irot two trout with the xit hiliifc thin cheap kind rid htc euierly be co led what charlcq digkcno gaid air henri c hoblmion a witty awyer who int 1 to live in hartford jonnectlcill oitloltl the followlni leeilnlo one ihoduiliik an artfonl timlli- the first fur eturetl here i lohl tin vtiilni win kik 1 1u rtfts a hei i i hail read oome of the stories of tlfi creut writer 11 ru i wan rnouh anxious to witch a clliiuiic of the maiv bininelf ho oil the afternoon when he wan expected lo arrive i wulkedip and down the street in front or the hotel where i knew in- 4vi111 to titny the hotel was built close to tho iililewnlk and the loin windows of tli lirhr lyere in juiv tlllll tlm pajuictby t n m tk- p 1 ri tq ttiirrurirciitlwriian mil slttlni within reading u pacr itepjicd chum up under the window ind pressed my face inmlrrit the claoo oilier to k1 a coed look nt the ntran- i li lt ully i hu neen his plct re oft n and could not 1 e mlntuk ii stare 1 and b tared unx un tu lm treuh ev i feature upon my iiemori aflt r 1 1 i mo ments ho tu rued and saw mi th re the lltue differ yanket hov k ixlr ft up ut hln faee and the n the ft mo un man lay- inn ntrte bin pnprr nfruolly upoltf no that i rr ill he rd tin voice uf the brent clmrlm dirk mi hlr ihclf it ml ho was realll to kins to me he e air hot in 1 m pa juel in iprcu- rtlveli and so lie 0 u on the ptu tform imiui ed wh it ill e ij mr -hob- eplled mr uoblnson it all nultlieri 11111 put uwiiy t nxiety reyurtllnb their urterlnn chlldiv thei havo mothtr ciiven wor terminator to ptu- rvlief ifi effects 11 if nuro and luttltik lost a customer h li suponel to have hupi net i in nil icaherid kosher retauran an irritable man itisli p d in anl in ill urt- etl the waiter to fel 1 him a nteak he rum bin 1 ut i iulil 1 tho mui motor look 1 ii n ned the re sild ancrllj en askini till- fellow to lu ln steak and he keeps teliltik me tlrat e 1 nam beef is ikhi s well draw led the proprietor u tink tie rust hlff is lad ilncy belric li o unlay 1 spent t house u hclnu n belnu no cliur nluln ii uld i do i bll id ill lis 1 jnat fuv uncle hiliyl nmarkitl the lcunpai city mun lookltiff ut his watih if you could manube to nee them iti nine tfi ilnlbh up thin trumtuciion by noon you see ive koi to bet away iiujtuy how muny nonti havo you unywuy uncle hilly scratched hln head u minute und uuld elnhte no guarantee ooirer cui ruddle who timer caddie manter hue wver there hu j ears but of coun lee hlm you let 111 etmt nhrcle well there nt nmllim foi 1 onut sua easily satisfied kalhe r youm uiwum more m uie j no v i was ilwu luhed u llh the vriy small at my fat e pave 11 hon then he would il4 t foollili to have incroasid it with me tho case u dlffsrsnt alxnrt tin t all 11 uk kh tl mi ut us foi in t llv ui by h iililntetl mn fci lluu thai lllllllii 1 blluhl hlmellt ill exit wlilli li inn bad vet ke neff nopey fi nslvcly f hud pio hllirhl ami 1 it in lie d threitt ned with 1 hll wnn lellowlni i weekn befoiu hul lloint of ull the kiilleli ir n und half developetl tin i hlnir hi u iicei sltuallou win thut the field of ahner piatt seemn lunir the hllirhl there i ill suiiimei in thrifty itreeri- in nil wliile itcionh the fence old all nt if n putth wat futnliii here an- 11 pus id till th firnit ih suit of had 11 net w d lulo ul tllllble 1 ex perl ii it llliult exhuujlted dxhljs iituinhltd alls held the pi e in at unit i t ll tl almlc fn ruurdoil hi hon iintll i h it wan warn to ucciuuu buiu of tltiiuri need and aimer i couldnt t need had been would have tost led lhe work of tl ittl up and down lews of it tvhi- ihrfmheil thei old hu eki 1 illlti supply i- with w pet tally mi ets leh to ex ultlptiil ii itl tieed will t a a the blllht 1 i shall be pi hid 111111 tl tif elk itlvei un le of tile old hoin of t uuld like to pfuvo t a tlu 1 i hu id thlrur hcwriil people mllfmtl if jose ulitiut their lltht tin llh eply it utloi of ih e ll fl the audience kldd hail hetui it the cnntlnuu- ntliiei ihe hrai- nuih u purullel of lln 1i1 ri divided ulpiielihhih ille cumpu meanwhile the linty aintlllous pratt p famlli headed hy the fuuici uuardud 11 elk llhn that not ot uld bilimui it uy ihurne im the lue tl lb- mnitli wheat 1 utt liiiiidh if ucie i id u it all ludly ther the lay 1 the hejinetut the way alrtudi men kindly enlei mine veiamliti facliib wllh the dome ol upp 1 or lews leutod iletly lilni rountl h service netirh tlnie mom of th llallyn to h iicrwii tlie d und was very mittlim oil their elut by in ua m01 isltui dlu luhb a mo u ull lb- ety uppuulle 1 -vulley- 1 r utry i wai ikhu- icky p hundred dotln 11 lul n illxed wluit u 11 und ho iv enle splendor el to ntlctth mlei hut guy und hilfll ihalui of tin luindietlacu i ha plulnttl to me that hloplnu hllh and lb across of wliete we hsilt exailli the ui till lo wljit thei ittuinh uiook bad mi daniel alui tin il the in ami 1 mondai tin 1 pnivctl 11 mt illiui-iti- lowot ill i till 111 uk ti north nted til jf the that i hid fbrb lie a teltuln let with the iildb where 1 1- mllci iritih 1 mum be like those ii und include anothei bit beside mile with the bit lit tei than the mile i walked and helled till t 3d p thlukhik i hail mly a few arlt e to k to tile in ld llt 1 found lliit i hiul ubout foui times us fu ytt walk us 1 lut ulnaily coint ami i not teilth the blhlki- hy lullk ihlni till aftei ii und a vi tllf- ult lellou walk at ihut the l ihln imklrib foi ml 11 tie llltiq i ouhl 1 m41i i hail llnh alkwd uftei extra mileage at no extra cost gtsndippbtfr u an ex- cltuiva firestone procs it inaulates and iraprejp- rtat vwry itrand of every cord with rubber internal friction and heat are reduced to a minimum u10 sldo wbiu sre greatljf itrefigtlr- ned firestone fuiisua umlloont absorb road irrtt- bxntiei making driving ea- ur and riding more comfort able firestone dealers are in a position to save you money and serve you better sug your nearest dealer today firkstonk tibk a ruiltleu co ov canajla tlulthd llanillum out most mi1xs pot dollar jtrtstom 9ihaam iksku ik balyouadlmmj 1rua rirtons arc oupplud in actoi highway garage by phone 16 james svmon irdwure mtore phono 4 younq gthect oarage and implement shop four hums thut i c e rorkor phono s mow yo phcpahe tea lhfeouii1ihi of ihe cum w iiiirnpiliui hn be lei xtri led if the althful from i follow in rau niln 1 fdllund hub no 1 the hem quality t 1 iihiht be used the lea ulxo mil e freiih to yield ihe full itiotlmmi hill- no s the quality of hie wu n 1 lined will nffwt the flavor of mm liv- eiawe iii mie mp dmw fn b imd ulei ami hdiiif it to a hard bubbly oil ne hid htfoi t iii will lety rliiui e water i mil the inn ilul ni hoi that lm ellu uirlfy it flavor 0 haei hlrirln hi lruj hlslloe if ihe pure f ihe lea j to b ikewlno fihotild n metal leahall hule n a t cihletl out with that 11 teapot be 11 tr any olh4 ml frllrltnih fk iruwn forth rr he nrii ihll nful of t lch rptlred hule o s now poor the bolllnif mp irnveu athtw to stmp 11 place for five mlnutes htlr jrml sufficiently to dlffuire tlie full nueiirth of the tea then pour the ibpilil tiff the leaves into another heat ed vessel unleitii nerved immejllately if poured off in thlu way the ten will not take on bitter taste whleh even the finest tea will do unlenn prevent ed frdm overjitoeplnir tea mudn ae- nortllnfr to tlimie rlilen will be frarrnint tlellrlnuii and eomletely iui hufyinit ye8 dear i 1 ear and nllttlo wt cnnfinsed in down hrotdwny she rorirttt t itn eimii it the idirnil un nut into the middle of the trt ei pompounly the traffic oftlet itown upon her ulilnt you sen me hold 1 li 1 nt he shouted flort ily the culprit inped 11 hn- yes dltlnt jou know thai when- 1 held 1 mi hand it meant hlop7 nt nlr im juot school teicher o wild in a tlmltl mouseilka voice und when you mined 1 our liund i ttiourrht ytiu wanted to oak a nueutlon itblr correct in ktytc and wear like iron h l harrison for your fall wneat use national fertilizers as 1 jmii firnier ini lnuw ld11 kmr fertilizer ii an tnveat- mcnl not in expense national rrrlilizers ire jiihi ertiltzerh tliey art a prdprrlyljaliincrtl frxwl for the mui made 111 canada from fnrmult it lip- taken year- hi jwrflli ry hat is uniformly mitrd witlpguarantrrd 1111 sis atlached to each bofi as a rule prnprrk feruhrd wheat mu tins from a week to ten days writer i1111 unfertilized wheat get the advantage nf an rarlier and beltcriiality crop this season order yaur jcilitizrr now we ship anywliere in tlie province national fertilizers ltd west toronto 9 ask about national stoclt foods rthey jet results 1 ontario agents wanted in districts where we are not represented iiiiapimbipijiiii i ws who supports them did you ever analyze the develop ment of any town or coiiiinuiiityi did you ever pause and consider who were most active and energetic in the promo tion of the various undertakings which may have meant so much to the commun ity did you wonder at times why one town seemed to grow and develop while another just as advantageously situated did not this is the reason there are in practically every town a certain number of active and wide awake business and professional men they aie ready and willing to devote a considerable amount of time and effort in the promotion- of undertakings for the betterment of the community if these men arc supported and encouraged bv the community at largp if there is thai spirit of good will and cooperation which should obtain then and then only will you see a prosperous and progressive com munity if men in similar lines of busi ness wrllliarmoiilze and if tliese then will cooperate with all others then noth ing etui hold such a town back beyond its natural limitations in the promotion ol thcttc matters the local paper can and doeii hike an active and iirojuiiuiit part and only ill the measure of business co-onern- tion which is extended to such paper iiuin it be u power and influence in the com munity all business men need a certain amount of printed matter show 011r 1 loyal hometown cooperative spirit b having your printing done by the acton free press issued hy the ciinadnui weekly newspaper assuiiiliiui 111 matminn chuinheis 1 01 onto ii ifliiiimlliiiiitiipi