ii arhm3iirr0 i mo ay annum j i 1uj7 hcllochilic initio ml ii llllll i i nnxui ntli 111 lr- mtl ilium h i nlii 11 ami ullhou him an i iu vol iln nut unit r lib din iii i dinai it in uuipl in tin iin ill it luikxlli i a primitive treasure vault iuiirj tu i oliplmul inwilalncd u- dm iiiplliil f foii lvjlll faulted it f linlklnj hoi amnnir hiii advontun lolhi jiiw in uiicut of imno ut dm ijtiiirfi im lire i llltlr pilmijallty w mm li uion primitive rl4i than it in yiow a i ood dull th iltth ami of tin oaplnl f not tl proper b r in a hi ml thin wire uno r tw rooimi or if uu j w upuro tlulr occupant iftiiimiiit for n comilderiulo jirrlvil of a tuoiit flu tli iilirned jn hi iuu iippnrmtly vii en tod ibi former occupant had i vlik ntly iuu n a man of mod nt rtiiuln mcnlii for tlm entire furniture tonal itcd of a bid a iiuro cluiit ami i lhnir j mm ii uumlorotl at the ntnicnri of u tilth ami the pronenco of tho dnit hut tin hm r auui belli r ulan nolhliur win n a bulltd thick n wun hrmtflit to liif for my nvenlna- ronfuit i up rind ont uf my iwn towoln upon it to nervo uu i in in u tilth upuro iipii- nol initunllj ihu and proceed ttliua-kc- llu uiit7fojiiitlnff condition tnbjo rlotli twii i wan in tin net uf dlim ctinr extromoly tough wlnjr whin tlio door nuddtnlj unoncd ami a idnl w art aiiuitoncorin looklnc mitirnlflccnt in hlu national coflttimt iitnlked in hi lultlrciuu d me with rmt pollit m m in hlu native toniuo at kt i i nth ml from hlu mmmrr hint in hum polllr for i could not umfcirutund a word l what ho unlit an ho wo evidently a iiinn nf norm pouuion in other wordi nit hi mun hi u 11 nth man of u nti noirn hm nnd bowtxl wllli ninth tori y udilrcuulni him fmntl in tin jjiiirlliih linn iiai upon thin lit drtw iin limik nut ly from lib pm ki i and pointed to tlm lutk uf tin uiipn vim mo to nmkrutiuiil thai h uptn it in orjj r for t ivli inrc jim ii on imimii jin luilfij uihl ilium umj iiinii job of looldiii wlim mid nuiklnir in im winh in wi nt n man 1 hi i hid n iitlnir nkii nf tin liiinfim ii f tin ohl j rliiilhtrhji iilxty ytni i mr idli ii i xik 11 with in own 1 xpi rl im on ih old film ij lmu kiiuidfulhi i ami la i would h- 1 1 on to tin ux oi ihi hlit hiit lur- wiilvi n vh u i wim i hnl tilililnr tin uliim ami tin ii ulnn tin ikfdi in iijiii ihli llmlxi on thi fuj in ami ik iiuutl h hi liiiiiihaii in rui in i in wi i i aim iii to uhujm mi tin lmjf tlintinii nlui iinli tnoiiilaxil hhit ii iihiilliii llimi linn wan on tin fa in i in m ixinhmnt llmhi i m n iouldtal un i in w it 1111 i tin if pli iilm llu lid to tin i j oil m it i i iln llnir a railway safety device azm n hut dlln t l ot ii i uinu thn or klk md iioh thy- yrltnrk him x niilluh ttiti it iinrninry tor inolntmnv- m ll- nnnnirtlm cnvtftfittil tm aitikj ncemcil n frank anil nimrlnr klxml of kruan wltliout any nrrr u nnrt an lwa oiniruuol of natural curl oiiliy lookoil bvr hlu uhouulcr lvhllu in optmoil tho client to are what wo in il to my afltonfiihrnrnt it wan full to tlirlirlm of bajru of muni vol only thlu hut my ntmmn ldto opi-n- tl one of them and pourod out a hum ful of pold wjicn ho had counted out nu mucfli un h w untnl hich a well an my memory aervlil mi was more than a hundred poundn in tlai up tlio bag iririilnriliiccl jt locked up tlio cheat helticd mi to lay my cloth and aprcud my bamim t iu aln and with a itollto final salutation ho vunliilud tho mynltr m not uolvid until tho next day v lit n ilinini w iih tho princ i niot my vinltur of tin pr vl oun voninr i on n aim it hi in formation through a hunnlan krntle man prontnt who niuk 1 n nth that tho ctieut upon whilh 1 jiud illninl contained the entire flnnmca of thp principality and that ho monti mfcrln who lutil unlock d it and who had vacated hu cliilmhrr for mi ivao itu cliancilkir of in cxchtuir irigh jwgcnuity hi viral mm iu a filcml of iniii hixnt hit uuniniti in a loml j art northfrn inland hie hud mout o hrr uuppll h iieit from loiilon fo thtn win no ood ahupi in tin m lh horlioixl oi am ocean ion mj friend uriti n d i umall lx of urociritt mil ii fin dollaru work rrom london it ii u very limit in cominir and after tin jidy hud made ueveral frultkaa vlmiti to tlm iitatlon a he iraml tin imrci to another ilttln htation not fir away id h hlch it imd hien mlitfient ho nln- hired a ounn iriuhman johnny aler by miin to tnkeiici over in hlii cart whin he wrrivoi t tin ut ut ion nln- tllscovt red that tthr had left her mlf of ladlnij a lionn but nuijmmrl that nln n mild hav m trouble iilnce nhi and uil iitatfon niustit had correnpomted piirtel hut the- aginl n ihm br i li id v nii 111 111 tin boy wo upo 4iut imw ami piuil iim hill ii rrom hi r t wnlkid j i trawl vn llieil i i i ill l hill iioh mililuut t th lif hi fuhlin li t hull lul jlr i lur i old fil ml f 1 1 eyw 1 tti nr that and iv at la inuut to htlli hurry jmtimu my imiidrliil 1 uid two i mid lou iov krandpi ou hot our hootn 1 in mo lutk i boui in ul in 1 iln tilhmnf 1 iii ivir half mi h ho ita ht d i klvphtom itrlml i lind iiilml you i icol nu 01 f ii my oi in and mil h im ajuni foi ntj tin or tin kuiln up in j low uiih nj wi r uu j ih1 old lltloi t nlirlit 1 i 11 nt it di v op i i unit win n tp wllil tin li i i nilil imp tin tilmlnto nlll i 111 1 1 hlt ml i our now lioou ju hnw tin i rlmmom foi no un u wi ii viit if in i joiiiik irm urbi afli r tin jlrnl hnby ith nun on m itli iilm to tuni tin i in iked- mr i mild jou v helpi d m wond rfully nlm w iiltrliod toith r hut i dinu tin mm nt th iii truoo ivoilt wllli mi lbown ii ui ii nt llu iilmlntk ilmn von wyj 14 otl ou vl hel iuii to llhl till huh ih i ii ihi ollt iml unit h whj io m ii tojjutlur rrltf the ocrigcanto little pnodlem muloi pollu nu n an not not d foi their u lulnnniii to lint n to urjiimiilit iviii in inland tho uort that ill henry itublmiuu ullu alxml in bh irluh mrtiiulrn win ami other wh a j taghtf7 li a yjrjqgpfrvbw djilmj psc till sttfoty popartmont of tdo cnnndlan national rnilwnyn jan introducotl annfety dovico whicli an bo nutnlloj on hnnd enrn ontl motornto provnnt dnrnilmnnt tlio dnviro cunmiifji of four motnlllfutliotii plncod in front and roar of tho wlionin on uli6wn in tlio fluatraunn tlirao am boltud to tho frumo of tlm enr lioth liorlxontally nnd vortieally kxhmintivn tniut woro mndo with a imolliio car to wjnoli thonn hrncltoln worn nttnrjicdnt npmhiiln varying from ton to thirty miltfiifn hour nnd it won clnnrly flouianntratod thni tlicuto hrnclcotn hold tliti car intact on llu r iila neighborhood news rilr lit no wrlloii j i hftl jmit boiilit a tun hointllowir ir fioni mfluicart ho wiln tiilv inril out hi 1 oxtotk to dollv i it win n ho i an inio a trap on tin donnj brook road whin tin poluo toipel tin car to ink in iiium and addinui of ih ilrir lhy annminoeri ihjtt hi had rivml h mil in a mlnuti iml a half llou many mil an hour u that7 ld mituiiriit wi wwi t mind tint mild tho u l runt rett inc out hb noli hook oil ttuitu nil viry wilt mild ale- tiimmrf hmrnii ii ul 1 l ii nil iriinilllnff co mo up litru j j unci i mild the m ant to tin coniiuihll ailil wi i sork thin out nut on r lh imnnik iiom kil muddled ai ic loluitibllh ikula inn wlili h cover l iw luiutii of tebook iihouid a npidl of fourmlln dh bald i da ii i in took hln u i latlnj aietieri fioni i ho mill in a aid th h riii nil nour mlli a a mlnuti li mlh in h ilf xlxt milm an iiiiutt hi thlrt now i r ami bluil i miry win i liiv- nirlnt a firm iim ui nuirj of hlu lklu with lliu old ikjiki lime v hni uri uivm in iiitm i li of bojhoo wi hard vik f lioldlip th placi out in n hhll h with of hi uthorlt i hook hlu h ad andi taut ho nflor i tllnc have it without the hill uf ladln nut thlh box you but that withouttin i lift aid ilut my frund pruli cfirriiiikinde uhuui thlh bo know it iu mine 1 know nothl bill 4 ladln yi i fortfutmy bin nr hidlnit it at hnml espl d lit lad hhou iatlinc wuu olthlnr ltd iifralnhl tin ruku to dellvn n piicknn without it vi can i iinvf it illlt i tinve tlnady paid johnnj aluer twict what llu froctrlm arc wrtli to hilni me over aft r tinni i cant cotno iijaln won t oii iiliunu klvr tin box to iiie i mum havi it ah and ill road the rulm uftaiii but yoa cant have it unit know raid tho aunt ii n hi nteppod hack into bin tiny ofllre irth ntlj h reipuinr ed with a r iillant fat would it hurt tin box huh to p n it ami taki out tho thlmh in inkid i i look at it to mi lio nijii llu ir i wihi ijio mint imc to uliorpti ru 11 th did tin rial kulfi in uoull lift ii iu 11 loatjj uu iiih hmi mhiji in pluctil it op ho would jut bui ti how i lojiketl for tb ulirn i would ho blj the luinl uirk or bohll lit iioiniom uk hi irhidnioril and do to day i wen nhapo to hlirt liuj ini rod that llu em ry wtm i wlj prttl badly uorn down ho wen hrtil to th old method of i rlndliib llu knives on tin rlnilitom and i found mjuolf in tht pualtlon that i longed for in hojoooil duya jmldinj tho knifi wliil lillli byy fill inlr to mj old job o llll it u iu iuul iln mum ii iln o i little liardir unit to com uiiiuui to do 1 th knl ft mil tin bandit of th boy n job tlii itilnmi in i u t art ti ird 1 11 bvloual mitjitiar ili did lulihcrlptloti mt i und will i polo 11 al 1 d ire ntiil for i il tin iiilirlt in mi ml i no i i ih md niotoi i ii out bhidrh n in m i him a im d matij oni hi k llu ml it li knuvn4hjjt if tin an li th tlulr inttallnn i mi o tl in t iiti tlitm v i v milton matnubb hav i iii al llnduiiy loiillptd to hlu li und mn a i bten npimllmt a i w mr jim moffat l room iry lllmiia mrmd mntu hrtanitmnratn dli ton nnd two ttonii art viiiltliil with frb mln aipl itlatlvtn in wjomlm it v j n und mm mclaiil in iiu ndlnif tlulr holidays in munkulcn tin y will ik away till aulfuiit mi and mn 1 ourory ir ukvllh who in town monday tvm llll and talkd on u ft w ptrnltnltl id quid n lanpbiirkm an milto pltn fu and an of xri piaut ntuillm jo p r quart bunk t tin miliary hoard tnin in tut ed iitntib r ot m iv boolto b tin hit nullioiii tin uhi i r a ni7 in rid n i 1 lit jl s that tin lunki tor it ditnullni tin in in lor of kook cnunh linn bun innrl 1 to ahx a arm it run j ixixit puiutrr uihi imjbiing fttnmic- ffn jul i ii im ve tmfrvi htttl mount u i nllu n y john d und mri chlhlitn vhdtfd rtlatl hounlt on monduy ir and mm kb rl hav btun vlifltliu ci i nulla n on civlt hulklu plan tilhl a picnic i tiwiu ulld juua mi anil mm s it 1 and mihh i u nuu hi jolntr n two wtilti iuaimiil tolnl htuifi llmlua liampinn th tamil of m n town thl i wii frii iidi mi i rid join n h lur tin lltll ill nt i l liln i h did 1 itl ltll- llild 1 ill funiilj 1 n un i u j ji mrlliln and id ij i lit llu ir mini ulu hlnu win re m nth i luilliai mm r hobliun ii und ouii dniiirh li i mi i mi uul mm iii uli an i runil kin ul th utli ml hilblay it tin hnn f mj nl i- ii i t oburj mi liliiij j iik n nlklit train den p it hj ii llu n it i fl t wn on purlin f i ottnwi and oth r iiiitiru point i n i twi willi vualloti u i illllm i i i i ml mm illllimt hn b ii invlti i tu httnd tin irmkn puiy irbi mwii hj hleut lovornnr ttohii fn honot ot t lie prlnco yiu n mil jjrt n loruntooft of ivnn n i i i n dmr a w ertti im i i at i i rruli u baktry blovoli tbr- fljtme in n li ft in in ir tin nar of tho tu u on iltconl mini i ir limn mims v i i t willi ilhj lui hovty il tin b i i llullnoii ild hi 113 ti f ii dim i tin 1 tin m hi i how nddid md i tluit bowltd uvi r ih hi ri i plolely t oil look ht r t mctiiki irt nail h til vrlint wt ii d m 11 lyiw til ntlrtl in ou haiid vr wll utll mitai think that 111 1 and i itli that ful i ltd in a oit of exaggeration thir una 1 rlx with im hull iiic htm- ultli h ik 11 11 tilt b i huh taklltr not t tlilnkltu all tho i hi i uplki i h ml work bi that tli uu i hun with the tjrlmlitiin tilt pant lid cor inrltajrt nd iioldlni th unlfo tho nt to link hick v talk of tin and jlono rk tho aootlly id ml of not weir llio tuhn ny i ho box without un bill of luditi but thtv don t nu nolhlu iflbmtj lh ltiliit in lr ho ho j 0 op nod and teir mlnutou lat r my friend wih drivl hoini with its com nt nn n itnti inautt r wan inirituhtln hlmnlf the rum with which u id wulinfltd both the lady tumer and hlu own c clt bee u hat uuhiit qucntl be fit tin imix my frit ml m vei iiaiu 1 villi tin i t hum itii i icxhlim bout tin ir rtmit w oi k it tilt old crindih n at t in kti inu tin u tjn rlndalunc al mi nr n lllei tirindntu for i did ml ift a tor took t all po win ii th mt u n tile utioauaary b r folk inikin traillnt umkr im ayd hurt wan mulumi clian it ik und lur iilhtlniiulnluil ueit lnu ntvxr uu unli a phtuit in jour lift but it in mri itnlly nall llku that luw toukl nln run molllt in quir d round d v lo tit lltiini molllklnn h h n lln lu rllllll i mtii hit ilrimatli nplilt ft in th iddlt i ml rldf he rid do i lhu pout d xplnihed mho kin it itoth iltr ill r hilllnhn n iiknirti 111 burlington iimn in vltllliii l union or mi hon lias to 1 nil lti wmtlntt fib nib vluitlnr li- aj minov lib r kiiiit i un ml lakt i- it ii tllll i fl w lji- ut hlu burnt lltl mlii i llll m nifo t f ml mil 1 1 i ltd t- nln t level l tjujl lu lulpi ktitm ltjlida itiv l vol i hi dop and 1 rim bus ih but of hi win tho til i w ii aliyw i plni into jur i t id if im i know i n t in thin ill it l llfti d ditlidly ood im ndly fall hip npll i an iiiuijkhi at r ball wi iml in tlo w li i wit un i fiulllli i of hklil blndii b h aunt sam turn i ik loial iml iiife ul ttdjji 4jirini a in tllion md tamil u fmill mr upd mis ml d a w bih ami fn htv r d haiuilton of ajjuur ii iiinn piiuior will occupy thi pulpit f trinli chuitb duilni uu iiiuiith f auburn htv and iliu j nj 111km uru hulidaylnu ul ct lar uprlii mina lilldi alumuiti uurlinntoii ami mlm man mt wlnuih id huniilioii bridrutltti of thlb iiionui mn utm jf hunoi at n- dyilltthlfu brldai and tt a uivm b mliii maijtitle t ilj ul ilnmlltoii oolf llub vti a nttni witli iml t ntimuli of liuiak waltuuu hltd tliemnilvi i awa hie nor hum watou uu i rbihlnjc j but had nu luck iuiurlt hmllli ilnldtd to nifialn it hoini and jo flihluj muir hum hi look jaunt to hit north md of tin count an i ulthln an tuiui 1 m kd nliir ihuutlful brook hum why motor mlkn to ikh hi t 11 ihull i il luibhur q oil u h in hjjcildhih u ill n it hi lltini of lur ii 1 il mil s xi iln ml mi it 1 with k t f hut th i flhir iuu tin ii lu it nnil v t f w 1 lyn m th j muun t 1 tr alb i i liltil on td oinmuult thin wetlt dorrlk lml vlri loin i vann n ii lull luln hltll llllll nt mi in r mi s llidlu m mill in i i iupanlnl hi il 1 ul s tl iiii niit h o toeon 11 li 11 111 i ldlll- tu tllil tull t mlttul t 1 i lilnl hi x m 1 i lam thcv mad loot tttaflk op him in u lowti ut ii f i w hniiahfl iiihulil limdi in flu lilh rloi of 1 muylvmiln linn i nidi il in unililtliiun jouiih- mun i in id lliiiiiiioii who nu noon tin h wim will ouj jif hjn kntui r inovnd to w orl pliy nnd went into lmd in ii i lit wim mn rciiiifiil and win n lu bemnu il iphldlt nr d mun unit into itolulm i in hlu iilno ur- nticrerd- n and al liimlrono io illntliij iilnlu d tile liil pinillon inivbo llj 1 1 en a loiutlnic to nvlult llu old horn of liii hood w hit h in had mil in ii nrtor hum hi llllti e iitu lu mid lil nln thoiiklit rli and of uhi form hm iilirt iiulolllt llu fun uul proi nilinlintlnic lib liif ontlotm io nny on ht unit ulimird a weni bound train oiu nlht univiil at iiik deilliia hon tin next nuu niiik tin firm man lu mju i lu niipiud ut th lltfll of iii ollw dilhn ivim oik of bin oil hi oiontiii willi whom u hud itrowu up hi wiiudd up to hi in md i rimpi d bin b llu hnml jhuliy it mn ft hw an j ir hi mild i m jit tty wi ii tliuiik no in nu n d the otlu r bm jiiu h llttli llio ndviintiiri of nu i nr diivi hlmpnim whj hello davi whin havi oii huhi all thin urn jin ntw york of couriu will im- mlitbty ulml u u iivi what n ro ou ilotna for a llv inir now ritrldnii irt n ilrm nlon m you untd to mr mi mp in mn nt uevi nil d ij i li din old himio town and i nju td hi vinil liut lit did not do any mom po in f it nun it mill ni btuwtil th a in i fmllj in khnitlilt 1 ill u1t u n i ilnfu m mdo or hint iilli i hy mk iii noini t f t h t luhht in ii md ivnu painful ihi ll t noli that it vd ouiu d or green it in well known that tho jniet whit uor luaooolorbllmliinl uniilit to di i tlimuliili rod from irrt n ht out bout hi for jilmftlr a nicktlo whicli in nuppoiinl to b of a motlcnt and uult abb ollvo tint anil won it nc h frr wore it again for hlu friend noon hindi iilm iiwnn that it offi ndt d ii ittmit tin tniilltlomil quit tin nit of rojiume njolncil ullki hj llu tuiblth of the i rlcndn and by bin own lint tin tit won of niimlninrarltt on anouier oceanian when in found a tittle ijii in di mr run on account of a nt w own mud nvir ftnm her eldtr hlntnrtt whlrh wim not hecumlnr to her cubirlnff und complixlon in trlnl to loiiuois ioi i wouldnt mind uhat u rudt ho mi h about it mary tu n ild kindly tin bk vnry hill linked in it llki an iir mary tnuihcil ull in rum 1 1 nfor ijm iij e timnn nnt- trouble onco on a day 1ft mldvach when out walking with a prion d nnd deeply numcd in convi million mr whit oil approached tao jneiir for uafoty to a 1 liien wtirro blnntlnir wim olnr on tin danror lltmnl wan nhown hut nelth r lylcnd noticed it until a workman violent waving bin inii and iihoutlnir leaped liefoi thmi and hitrnid tlicm back i didn t neo tlio fliuf nt all iiali mr whlttlorn companion i ainv li rejojnod uu ikml with a iwlnkk in hu tje but i tluiit u wio in honor of ht patrick tin known my defect i can l till lrln fmm explunlonn i in pt b tin harp uccaun ljij did tin honey l i hiw thi halt bruub win n in a blucp llk a tatikcluth uliiti it im put into llu fold university of western ontario v r a uilimul lifnf- kulallilliiliril infl itinri tftiizeil 1011 tjiroo lflciilliei artu med uno niul iubljc ilrilth jlvo amiiatml collrc i arj titration py 1 re jijiion i rub 21ri koplimlier 1227 irrriiar lio cntr 11 i a ji nf t ilemsl jtnctl l i fllloil i li ik n tiillaliihlr will l eallr militji ui tut eg iriiidl in until din lnihj atljiunl ilniirvvti ir l lid i mil j la n imlkii only 4 c4iwdiawnan0naipin0r j the worldsgjrcatest auiiizrl spectacle ti canjnnjjalioi n i v x rubitiontpkeoi tg- place among the wonders of the moderrt era laot ypar more uian 1 500000 people were astoun ded at the tnaijnificcnce of the exhibits xrora all quarters of the globe charmed by the auperb mubical programo and thrilled by the unique and diveroified performances that provide 13 dnya of novcrending delight fi v some of the new features for confederation year afir cultural pavilion an 8 acra ixten- eion to the c k r 5ss5isssiss leal- tipcodoui unlaub orand qtdtf ont canada mora mifinlflctait elrrtkrttnncy province of ontario dulldlnfl entirely completed a itu pagtont than over countless new dli play b and other aw fcatureo will make tho confcderatlod vear protfrum the qrcoteit kxjiibjtlon 6t all time arranuo to come v 49year celeijrating canadas roih tjiirnroav ta dbunapj juuu cui1 inlto snj for altivall loalut xectectri lb lit ntj i ii laltt uiti ul luyu i i ll uaxotli hlu lu aunt niiiuj dit0 of fun uuil liufl hi rimik of tin hlu o nam a of irud nti und luilniii they wouldnt be approprlni th dayn roidled the ohl mini ir i i i u oouplo of dauflhti r id hi imi p ih i isxtruvuffunco and ihutetla hi i rn folk w ut al ui n b rrlndutum bm uichhor h woman h d und nh irp md u i in vcr hml i i hopplm on iii i inn wlun inj ftl lind lo luq i nt tlm i tin y win and nft ao at ul ht it iliink h fon the fellnivh did tin m in huabury bun invlloil r il llrxt i la nlklli ml mi dnyllfclit nunrltit kht ich lit lu l fut f liutkiniitblllty tout wa i re it hm fu it mini im i tmn f bud run im d llu ii i i nt tin old ulna 11 ldi1 n tu njhmln mn km w ui in ik to mai thn oh 1 m m lid nil hill mjuy- ii h mill tllll alom u a loat wltlumt tin 1 he lluuuu n mimkoku di 1111 i atlli 111 muhiu ku gcorqetown ituoll ut holldiilii ml an i m n it sat mi u n 1 tin villi iml al iv ham ml 1 m l he rrliilkq ih v mllll w lb mr md mia lliih dliki in mr i 1 1 1 man tin i olid ill ow tn hui d ml l will win t ban t oluriud lltll nptiu ill lur itlop at kaw arlji mi am mr i ii null di lib hav 11 why didnt inn uit thin wihrioihn i ohj- mn whul rtiii n tha linn aa i tojd iu m u v iii io lb iril dm noik 1 did mum hood on in fiim hut 1 tun i old old old iflllidm nu no iiium how uhi it i i b id ink hi jta mt to ui 1 in it niton mlililkin 1 bid ho pilvi liik in llu iilmni ri nu jink i wimi joiid lve lb it jm rutin r r mln lt talunit n iiim thouliit of h mnliik i u i i v judi hut by tb luium in kis n i mini n lu ie i 1 urn il jnudht in wim htnliliii o h nliiht li iv 1 iu m llllllll ill atihiun sih t td i un i iittim ill 1 1 1 ilum ih ii pifttlm tli a 1 ity who bn 1 11 v ii a dlum r p irty 1 ilh nut tui ntiij it iluit iu r dot tor in llu mint ih follon thin m ii hi wit- tin r g iln and fttoppid to uu uk to him f w atom fit fu un hi i m no iiorry dortot nh mid thai iilk tuiiiil out inm1 of i u win nut abk to tonu in ui din mllllnir ntomn fm f iliulln r party laul nl it would hav win tntollo pai t of tin woi no von j md to b in n ilut llll it nil ho it m it hau all i ml don im uood lu foi llu fui in i t u tb lli 1 l mill i hue pii rlbd f mm lhi hint a lot of i of tin urn mu uxiliaiili illlt bo isnilnu lb tilnd yi h will bi mat lb i isn oi ihi town uktlj ii it iflll j i h miohm it i llrl htoii id n h i f ai tun willis 3i flyipads will kill nmriy times more fllefi for the nioney than nny other jlvklllci kuril pntl will kill hfos nil any every tluy for thr wfckji at nil urtifart priiflr- irlbta nnd general storey joc nnd 2 per pnrkao ui hull hi lllll a nb up iiuiji i lnu in 1 1 i mt w i k 1 1 nu piodtui o w milk liy i i ni i bun i i llilnrndi i vtiy nij ippoint d m 1 lb mit innp in oi how to reduce varicose veins it tib jenuy and upuurd toward he heart iih hiiuki jii veins riouh that vay where ideal conditions prevail null iwit in 11 n wim uul muulim ii im i im in uul moon a cmor oi dull ui put i hm ai mr hi ik i ilil niul uiiiinliiir iih i win iuttli i luium nu ivlthli nlll iiiiii uu mull i i un 1 ui kl lu aid oil 1 in hnn i inj 1 raft oil fliai vlil i i muiiioitiyelmmira a canadian cilizcu tourinfr corlain bectiopb of the ijiiiud states a lew vcars ago reported on hib return thai he had pflhtied tfirougli several goodsized towns wlire iiihilulely ideal business eonli- tioilh obtained it had there been pos sible to bo establish a spirit of cooperation and good will not only among the busi ness and professional men i n t also be tween these and the general publii with the result that lie most harmonious icla- tiqns pervaded these towns the busi ness men were content to live and let live to refrain from adopting unfair and un ethical business methods to leud a help ing hand to each other in trouble and adversity and to evtend lo one anolhei such business patronage is lay in their power thus the carpel bagger invari ably got the cold shoulder for it was firmly established and acknowledged that eyjry order which could be placed in the home kwn but which was sent elsewhere himplv drained that communis ot legi timate revenue and served hut in enrich borne other locality business left in hie home town helps everybody iu such town therefore when considering onleis for printing of any kind itmember it can be done expeditiously and well- ivy yoiu home town printer the acton free press s i sued by the caiiiidiiiii wttkj nl wpnpi i a mitinioii h i m it un in j haiiibi1- j montu