qhj attmt jffr jlrrbu tiiuiihday auc1 uf it ik 1027 a campcilg gonq did urn cfir itn win- tin blidi wi ami tin- little hindu ut pluyt hid nu ivci oirm your early morn to wnell die inicdii ill dill you will im 1 1 pnil wlml more doulrot ld you ever die lcw t the tnornlnj run oi 1 tent nl limine it ilokfii inlh ittlll unpurkl nil awukr dawn wiiri all it ilovhitr from llnir oer t yoii iite from lilnto n mortal could vhltc mail bel i- when- ii would vlndy hilltop unit uloji aln eful litll- vlllm reel i icypiiyj yen ii rr below nine to w f clover did you dor oi did you i wild run did you leave 1l with rccrel f u friend youd met and enmr buck wmlrcf italic ovenlnca clone did you ever unlit a enmprirc mi tlio dunk be fan to fnll ajul the nlitni llko n liver lantern lit urn nicy 11i1 you lliitrn to the nlnht wind harp line noflly in tlm plnou and watch tlio blowlnjr erimwon flamcu leap hiirli ilil your nniry iionr mlnuic with tin crackle of tlio fire a ifd tlio unpins of jin wuvon upon the and dld tlio wood miinko haunt tlio nir llko a floutlnjr inrcnnr rare wlhlln hi myatlo nlirlit crept up every hand jjid you vefnll italerpnponnnrit of ha lim m liouirlui with the ctuirunhitf of froirn for lull by and have a plennant cunuclounnca through jill your happy drcamu that the only roof aluvn yuu was uu sky t if youve- ivcr camped at all you wll undcrulund my rhyme if you havent then my alniiirur liai bom vain kr youve hint sue joyu ait thcae tlic klndllnnim of the trccn and tho fellowijhlp if wind and urn display canada dcautico at annual exhibitions kacjl hldttiona thratt ureal ttpnuur held 111 vrioi ocrh onu lield 111 vriouu 4thirf hod tier rrlrmli tdiotithfltointnr6nnricri ttimin airn nbacntly but b 3fit tytetw gjurt gtrg green applepie lly ida wjlliamh ilija a h alary ailiton placed the innl ateiiltiltik fraurint pie at lho id of hi low mi the mlldle intr ulicir alio nientaliy hocked off the lint llrann linked for upper v itli cr uuturdii and cake domicr t iflilekoini ah ndy nlunvil for nl i apple pie for din lly a ntroko hunlmuj juid of iihoii htok tol iy hoi lo to hir e four the 11 rn it help im id huil hill in order t uhe tit i no piminh ll- mi lay in which to iln hbi lio fur him an i loove hlm free to uceompihih rtjl hull in- had planned jlniy had iucn t tlio afternoon in einikliw fot tlio extra men the row of rren apple plea whmi were to be a npnrhtl treat bud meant hard win it for the only tree f early tipple wiui ut the farther eml of hip orchard the nppliu wrre iunal and hard to pure and it took u liinto panful of thenl tu make that row of plon tony ijiall buv a plft-l- for bin uiipper uhe iiaiil to- jicrnclf ail iihe iuit uunn to pare putouion for nupper while tonv junior utlll mjpf tlio honulnir of an autuntuhllo horn broke tlin nllrncp far up the hill u cluud of iluwx mjicttteil from whldli n hli crny carluuiilied 1 lao if tvith an extra amount of touting tlio car fin- ailji blawod- d imfuio tlio jmlw farmhuuae au mary jumped up the dirty wulcr from u luin iipliiuhed over tier blue apron ilcfuro uhe could whlk uio upnin off a crowd f youna peoplo burnt in upon her hello man out anythim tu cat hm hmell the bcunn tliene fnrmerj thoj lle upon fat of the land whercii tony and tin imbj t tonyn n thu field mary imw i und u3ic baby hun juut wakid me into the iiviiib room ill of lillr i k him when her yooni frlondu t om lit- wn near by hud duly admired tho u inn ii boy mary ex uaeil hvrnolf an nllpped out to the kitchen dont eo to any extra imulier fu u n murj lt uu lwi you call ua when yuu need un nrrri tier ffh i lei picked noiii he colli irrtir that he hud re rolled and patted mn illiurn rail ncnuln 111 hint a id unco to ki help jou plk i cniiiniliin kjttlunidl tunljwjiyu it ipmtl i hlf- jirtlntle and educational point of vie hut thli year to cammctuurato thu diamond jubilee of tho confederation of tho canadian provlncco the man- ujeoment of hilu uyotem in cumpletlns feature dlopluyji for wieuo intcrcullnf unnual lalrn that will far outrival am prevluuu upcctuclca of llko nature at the canadian nnllunul kxhl bi llon turonto thti mout nioilern niech- nnlcil contrlvuiitei und utiutirujlj en lured hcimlo views nre btjlnn unid to depict in u rcaliuuc und incinorablc way- thu phciioiiknal prucrvaii und croat ltiunicu that hum taken plm 111 ciumlad li rl n ct ittrntxty ycathtitn cuf confedenitlon anil the part plumed in that uuvelopmont by tho cunudiiii national ualwayn lanadtun oltuui al the time of confduruthii 111 bo mtm- pured with tliime of today the dan- cern and liurdaliipu of pioneer travel will be cant ran ted with the romfut ami luxury of modern railway travel the evuluilun of nttiin iriinitpor fiom the little old woodburnt r of the 0j to uiij hlant clot canadian ni- tlotuil lolomotlxi mrw ifetl on their unl limited uiln and which hi the lnrjjrit locoiiiiitlve in utn itrltlub km plre will be nhown hi luoitt utrlkim auldo from till dlxpluy which d- pluta nomu uf tlio mout intcrcuiliitr chaitcrn of canadian hlutary and la untitled acrusn cunuxlu alnco confed eration there will tws imuiy other ut- truetlonn jncjudliiff mutton lilcturod dcuiiic moilelii of vurlouu klndn and niumiulceut oil pglntlngu lloor iipaee r-bptrn- mcriinicfl aduiii 3i to pro- vide more room iind comfort for apec tutoin and uliu mout itudern lluhtini oyulein liaii ixon liliitullm at the quebec hrhlbltlom tho can udlan natlunul icuilwuin lu uliowlnc i lartre travolllnt cyclorama depleuiii the fanutua triangle tour which taken the pahuenicm from jaapcr national 1urk in thu their t of the canadian itocklea throuui tlie iyuacr thunipuoii valloyu and their uwouume corircu to vancouver n c lrom van couver tho journey in made on one ol the palatial ollbtirnlnc uleanicm ui tho canadian national htoamejiii comiiany uirouffh the occnlc irtaa ol the vorlh pa rifle coaflt la- prince huperffrom when tho rail journey iu reiiumd duck to jiutper this latter utrttcli of road lien throujrb the beau tifully wouded vallcyn ut the tikeeni llulkloy and nccliuco itlvcn tulla trip la unfotdcl to tho public by meann of a painted canvuu more than lgu feet loni ugj ten feet hlch whleli iiioven s ruvualjns to the u pjannikvundirajidlou u u wni f the mute while bin ik u demented by a numlxr of lllumlnatrd colored trann- parimun of the prluclpu atlrtctlomi in canada a ltd outatandlns feuturuu of uie catixlhin national jyatem at kalnt john and frederic ton now flriinnwlck tho prlncljutl tourlut at- traciiuns t thi marltlmea with tlioir rujfffctl cliuotaj ucenery will bo feutur- ed in the exhibit tit tho can ad bin na tional itulluuyu at hjilnt john n u thero will bo a huffo rvvolvlnu mode uliowlnti varloua enis throuchnut new jirunnwlck and nova urotla tratmpurvnclea or uport- iiib mlventuteu in tlio three heuiddc luovlncuji which appeal to the unnler jind hunter while all the moat im portant aitlvltlh of tuie itold will be featured at fiedrrlcion n it on a rlehl colond ptlntivl baukirouml if the i lunilmincn moving boatn nslilni jhiiooihth and ileanur txiatu will be dtaplni uuuunutlng the attractlonn of canada ttrasldo pbovinnca thrrc wll altio ho many alluring umrtlm meiien an well ait thoue oelllnff forth the vailoun actlvltlen of the rail at hhcrhiuoke uue ulie blu fc will deal with uu faiimum uiiflihindh itiakiilfl tlittp- onuwrrctl imry henhc wuu alone uatllyihnfimftrelmtiitfmfrtilnrtnii evl a jlttlo liltterly mot no tu any lru work indeexlt hho and tony had intended to cut un tho pack poroji but now uhe muit net the dlnltirroom table and tony iiho ditl not have time to run out and warn him und he would come in hot and duoly aji mary hautencd from jmnlry to dlnlnieroom her uuento nulled inyjy to her ditipenulnie uewn demanding reaona why iflie and toi bad nut ut tended tuu or that feittlvltj in town f weve ln too buny mary repli1 hho enjued the bunt if of company ljwulluulihitltyotblnfttheinty rlid on- in uio crowd to be iiur uhe wan urcd but thin nil could iret reiittd ami hw luckj it wan thajnhe iinl thoe txaii baked she would uo id ii i llh for denmrl at tluit m oment one ot tho cro d came o th kltioicn liny ila 1 have i drl ik ma a lunt it rcit a ink ui pilmi in tii pntryl uni i t in nt ll hi l- wtufn line uilit i apple ai jwi icl mao with a hlnklin 1 art who pee s j r llh h 1 1 do iiii kuimtiie mm i in u hi 1 e apple f n an hob fl of 11 itn if you di t tiellfi in i mi ui and not till a bli reived a yellow butter lawn it wan huihihr alary ride out jin i nun thoe ranphitrlrii 1 old yout mild mai j well i am ithld i need help lortaj tony him n hlk oidei that we cnil t a it on 1 t lone and i have to icu the lei i leu and jiiuic even dmuied the pint in a klnilucili ifown dio went ui calmly ultjioimli ul it knew llial jolicu plnhu llltfllliani ilremi wan tho hclbht f fun hlo n tluu iiummoi llcrua a nun- bonnet and two bucliein an noon au jog liaw your hiiekeln full brini them in and 111- clean thcnv mid put them into uln unlike tti an noon an ive lln- jflliod thhi biltler ill tielji au day lone in the fflarina hea juno cluuie u ho had never pick d a part of ft lilt in her life picked uutp- berrlea hho willi amazed iiluil alaiy had no readily iu pled her uiihtl npoken offei but iiio woikid away uncomplalnlnulyn when m finally anno out lt the ranpberry patch uho felt nonio pilnitlv- liicji an uliu noticed jancit ucitrlet cliunkn and briericnitclicd hundn jlut ive cot to make them uuduratund jilm m ti wlion late that afternoon they had finally filled the latil meaiiure itnd had picked an extia pjiiirul for thelrown lino they tultd wearily back to the houae i dont unuiilly have to do tliii work maiy remarked hut it hau been ulmoiit imjioinillik- tu tfel uny help in the fkldii and tbun tonj lnit plant ed much more than uinlal oil accountjil lho uhortao pi food why dont you net u maid ilouui jane an nlie teni handu hired k you nuj lauirilnl weil then ilnlnial we ve ucumed the for om now lofii imo ivu table on the screened portili have potato aiilad iced lea fi nnu raiipbbfrluh and urcuni tiuunilii iiood aatd jinje diu- li jin mild murj aint no nidi tho telephone rutin tu it ajiiumnlholerflhhp thu door tlie hunch l on u way out fly to tho held and tell tony he hdt be cuujiht all dhty ill iljrlit tli alovu and cook uupei vt them inl a piece with un touted jane wiurll not much murj icplled ivo countrj hum and fi onh van tho pauti ilurij und lull t then jouil have to pick a few be whilo 1 diiiu junloi at jane cut iled out maryu ii commando lu i lliounlitn tvcn t ilttu latei tu hiauliliid mh tho kxporioncea of a ij pishing trip y t l j failmioh pa i it lit e npent pnek- for an eaily day it helm uelm hday tie 13th iiij and in prepai atloii utait for home the hex dei idol tu icturn tho nut iiouth of imu ontario an we had oiljrlnully inknded ovvlmc to tou many detuuui un thu ameilean utile i had wiltten ridin toionto to auk a filnid in monti nil o join me nl the drnvnco for n few ilayu mdilnic hut lio hud replied that til li wth impoinilhlc a fortu ilfk alt mild- indirfient llnhinit and woik that old aim iowu roinplblli alone we wei major cook a nephew neiiu for lunch today ai njojalle tftiu- tho ii it mllei y in brinir out v the day before ionian wiliu had d iillitn auo ho elldeaerved pel nlo ardn iiimpiiilut t and hid name u me home n a noldlrr with ii if one hun dred and twentyfive doliarn i month liavuii been badly lenuiad and other- wlnn injured in the very active part he took in the wai hln wife of tho im mo inaldon name fiom cuokijhlrc in n pietty and vei y uuporjor wtunan and they have two beautiful lltho ihlldren major cook tiau a miniature dam and pojverhouiie in a yerj pretty npot below hln home from which lie otii hln own heat tml lliclit and an niuny truii nan he can culcli and uie not belikt nblo to wallchie creek jlr thin wan one of the mum enjoy ablo incldentii of my trip hcl- iitrawherrloj und lee cream in coploun dlihcu wore a rare tpcut acruin the road from cookn live two tiulica u ipolher ajijt phti- named f wl lovely flower iardon renoiiud to all hamhi and who 1 am told mako foul hundred dollnrn a year out of about half an acre or lenn of ntrjiw- berrfeii in the evenlnk i callod and bade thon iieronii the way ioodhje and nan invited v them in cne 1 irue to tltib nelhborliood aialn to make their place mj lcadiiiartorn lnttead of lemainlmr uu early next tuorniiiir mr uowneii dually decided to iiliu t for home that iilirh und we left at 11100 leavlni tile boy behind lu fielp hln icnindfatlier with the imyihi fierce thuniler and llihtnliit with deluicon of rain worn- experienced all the way lo montreal at vvhuie uoulh- orn ouudthtii onl wu arrived junl at brink dm thmudav here we un- forlirtialclj took rhc ivroim ruud lo illeyfleld and cumiumed about ciichiy leu in uliu upan of tho journey cappii lel1 of haycoidiii ttio unit tlnni i liud tivii iioin u fiirmor pro tecting theue flout lho lain lu thin way hut no dmiht a uaoil fdia if mn prrneiit wet wiimnittm arc torimtljmt aliiioilih involvluit a lot of extra nble und out nrycuullo noipe alainii llowmnnvllli itu prouj kuhher onduwa ty no ui xl wllh lly liiuul- alrmorhil hull ijion eihumliiie no much m tlio i it lomly then buny llir hbilmi leudn almont like t own now thuukri to i lib lutoaiuljlfo imliiiilry a iane city ami urowiuir i fmit pint nhe hi in fair to noon ahuorl the pretty county town of wlilthy hei fmiuei ilval only four nilln to tin went an abandoned i ail way track all iilouu here nhiii int the tmleiut will the tlhiujilit of liovv mini inluu imhie upli ih had lit red unit thjow templed f nt till matter furthei a he hi lid oil froi one- the why ami the wherefore hut not to dwell further on too many nld mi i leu und incidental of my i a uteri tdwihiblpb trlpiht me u lu wind in it up thin rambllnu iiluiy that nlll amid potiriiiir rjiln we reached tor- onto at lino jijinried ulonc jjloor fjtrjct without ntuppinn throuah city dined t urnmjiton mid cof hack to acton at 11u p m on ivlday tli lolli of july tho forlniithln triji had lncil pieini unt ami tho ifport falily coid in liplt of tlio ubnenee of any larife fhtli am a few ntrenuortu piifonal advontuieii a now and inlercniltii part of oui couiltry hud been opened up to mc foi the find tluie the excellent runuliil and utaylnu puweru of the junex cn had been well dcmountrated on twclvoliundrvdiuile journej and lerhapn one of tlie trlpn bent featuren ii had enabled me to nolo with in tereiit many thlniiii ami incidiiipi i the older placeu on the way which ciltlioijh lerhapn known to mont of u jmituro c boumnuonud whoiit with- uut tho narrator nnlilnn hlimielf too tedlo uu in the tilllmt thu ind pcachy ouggeqttono an ioni the friittn at tliln time of ih year which u mont iiatlifatlon and imhl reouiui in can nine in the peach ihith the freenlone and tlie- llnc- oton varlelloh can be und but the riliiu lu preferable foi ctnnlnk iiecaune of it ii more oven color and finer and flrnie r texture pel lehcn for cannlii nliuuld te ripe but i not noft thoue wlili h are over- ripe may be used foi jam or- peach itt n 1 tre fitti i tluul d it pio 1lon t atari u fiuin tor un 1iul jam tku of plivk i ted lr xl nhe fall in li ild uhe hunch thin how hall 1 ever iret outcxl mary if you ull anyhow i m ngt kolnir four hired mary pteninnttient ik him iauffhlllk they i yuiinc farim dirty clothe who icioui iuld have b i m die iidiiiluid wflun i think h i lo and i ha rod alary i nine out ley come ma and help mo tudaj llcie jane hud no time to if left he kllihcu u ui uptly aji uhuui tb crowd of yuu uu fulka nocked lo th klttuien to nnlrr appi cclatlveli al aluryu ham and eiin iu jou nlwaya elit like thin aiik- llllll dlnllei a vlnltorn imi lilte fluunehi minted tlfully i mid by loirxi traunpn of hi the punishment of imprudence a turuii r di i vine uloiik a i ountr road wan thua rudely ncciiated by a youiik mull whom ho met hello ilcilbcii olvo mr a lift ti illhtitilown will you i mi uli t well ride wlfji you u walk ho the yoiinir illun climbed up and bflul hd the way with lively chatter afttr a few ililjiri had been t ravelled hr 4tid r ita lulto d lunt itt ifr that i nu t yi it ih inilt far nun after a few man nuked hluhti dlilaixe to lllffhtntown a uood hilnit or me 10 ninihnni n tmy way im to ripen nut klowl but aenu- well rejul tho farmer koeplu uicly all atonce rttfht on the wl were uoln now i ctiurultitf vl lu theimihleu aliil ir twould ibr about twentyfour of em iy imirnlmc mail wan liuitylm thouwiml ml lew oi hut if vou wan- to make lur butter ami kit out to tin pcurancii txuilil la to tin hi u uli inn ive got to drcnh lie mild wife it ear dont commanded mary j your clean ov era 11b anil txiuie theyd no buulncoo to come ruohlnic in llko tflilu and it a clean dli t suppc ln ready rlnlit now ilcnlileo look at ah ritfht if you althouili alary ha determined j1ul lu bcrvinicr plea uhe yielded to tlio lauffhlne i m imrt unit lei ituenta tqie pleii und whipped cream vuntnhod mtto mafic you dont know of another nlie younji fiirmrx who vuuhh a wife do you auid june ciiiu- who bud been aluryu clrlhotxl chum no i dont why miked mary rtlyl im llko to muiry him why wi never tiee whlplied cnam in town alii nijro and an tor tli cue pleit llnj hlmply melt in your molith jack lliutu my piece dont lot him have it firla hed hud a wliolu pie now while ilie lauahinff merry crowd wcja plllns into tho big car mary und tony both uuufnl them to uune uifuln lumpberrlca will he ripe pretty booh- nuld tony come out well ive a buinpei crop count on un well be out to help you pick them added jane tliey drove away tuoilnu the horn id wavlntf ihaudkerchiefa alary ro- ond the dlnliikroom to order while tony put the baby to bed afterjijuil they went out iiyttio vcronihvio cold iff i ouirht to be in bed till iiijliu aid tony yawnliik tin dead tli and ive planned enough work foi morrow to keep mc buny from dayliiht in rturk id intended to do choron aid mai hu to do a lot of today iueky yuu hud link of tuff na id tony tio dlnieputnile fourth time tbla n ii mi ni r ilivyv i aueht mi no uuiulci they think im n ouulry ilot country clod luitlllnu i etoi tul alary indltrnantly 1ft uuin url out in the fie lib upd what would luv look tlko yuuyi tljid unld tony 1 wlnh we could net u ulu lo help you i uucttit wij unit ttlontonelli joll im mad i niw jill la no tiu id jam ahoitly we in qoiiiu to eat a plei c in peace till you follui called hello whatn the matter with your huudti jm it hdcti exclaimed jiiiiw till m that a uc matter with marya picking rimpbei rlen htop oatlns thoae or youll bet none for auppcr i uay country life doeunt nuree with uui temper jalile jnd hei ca tuny uli aa cool ua u cucumbei them farmcia do have u nice time of it all the day 1 hupioue bit uf ui amulpcd jane in no hla ho hlo ork lef dreau furtunutcli iuu were mad enuuli tu tell maiy id it minuteu ahead of time that yuu were ronilnu tony tot drenned uu that you wouldnt think alary had man led a country bumpkin i any we novel thought that yl1 you did wvvc all uluctiel at him dint deny it and if it wetent foi men llkt lilni wijiu would we oat hupper n uuilyl calle mary 11 lu iuihattwell tarnn the porch every body up uiippei at thu faiiuhouuo wa m uuual u mmry meal then- worr halllen tiaek and forth urulnea foi altryt cooklni ikillto ipjoutlomi about tony a cropa al hull well iiatlafled lho lone flmlil llm lublo iuiii wie kuratn tioffnn t1 make the uaual polite offera to heli alaiy with the dlnheu and an unuul y be to refune but juno nllonc- nftpnniidk tatiiruuialtpfio ulohoit ij uneuuutcd thirty- urvov i teouili of fkhintry- heretfi r for the ii rut lime whirh ntluck in mi vify llptodate in itn cattle build liibi ieii eriipii and ceneijilly pdvane ed nml jiroirperuun appeal mn e lb pntalocii mil curn enp here be hat hln new nlrilcli o id i li kday of thw peui v of hutfe mm the fon huun- ic ii j mien- whtrney f ttll told thai hln n l il ir iient iiiiiiuie of tlu liuk it aultvll- not faraway hot that- the rent of tlm ranlily had iii alpeud fiom 1 th oli home i helm- owilel iratlli iyle tlvelmkln t a little tliln al hnililiflil ll i menl ill alo to enable the r a blunh t pr mr mo uk 1 attu it the old hltnenaivl tli heiihhclaci a war of 1bu muhfuulu it 1 1 u i hie inn ulve ntiancf i on either aide and llu eom- idlnu view of ihc jianouiitilc tjkiu- 1 inland at klncxtoii ntnetecn ii full her went he who vcneiute aiittiiue und the ciuijhu an find orthy objoct for hla aiiinh utlo lu old cathedral uliuiih of kt u forte i un many uuialde plllarn and in- i memorial wlnloiva am tabletu o latent entlj ian f iheae rntd ir latti la the delllcd ilvln rlvliiu klnualon ul ulhiut 3 p i and dei idlim uial w would not rj lo reach glume thin thuruduy tjrht i decided nttcr hiioiiiiik throukh thin veuirable oil ehui i h lo iut in an at cn flli uiul xillth vlhlt tb canned achas coldpack mathod hc- l fcth imiad i aa unth thoakln imtafifnind plunkr into nder cnld rnnnlmr w fur a nt or two no that they can bo ho nil led more eaiiiy itemove nkinn and piuk litlveii oi ivliole without ccuiilnn intiil rlcifii hot fiult jan fill the jii to within a hair inch of the top with a hoi iholllni hm dlum thick ayr ill hukii two ult of w ati pill tly hi al the j n and pii inn bolll iii n water bath 1 aniir wllh win lei f imil tfly cover it u- hi- jnri for hlxi limit i if a ntai nor in uaoil p pocoei 1 bull fur 1 rtenlj mlptiten ir ami iiik in au o rixeiin i a i miuni tui of 50 d firev lulirxaihtit fi ji foe iy itdnittei ti uiiov the jiu a rtou i i he iuniier and fi illy llirhleli jii11 uliijhtl v u wi tint nt many jj o r pe hen im pnr iiii ill th ahelf fl ilil uli lotli lit ui ii t to iiv fienll p enche in niminun ui e the m allced for h nsikfii nt with in n nake a or othei ireal kerve til em i hilled and hllced ith i th i hi h 111 for d to ook p 1 ii lo h t d otud with hull er n tuck with whole p until tin cloa iiln f h ul if the freah unu cup of h up in lak y ruji fiom the an pacha au li pciichih rklni an tujj rulhd nt bread crupibu tlllhflimipi bill map making the pilnclpji mnp miiklnic eillll if ihu jjumllllllll ullv- lll hlllv larlinent of rjie riiterloi al ottawa where in o intoned and publhihr topuliiphlc nihtteiiil ii in pliblliihlii cili liipi llllk widely ollil illlil i oilphllzutloill ciedlt la ulven iii puhlbdilm mile the printrnie of u map iuvnlven euil pioiemieii ll muni unit be di on irihid piiil plefmibly liacke au nut to mtretch li nhilnk ihnnireii of wen i her ill uiolnlllre tin rlntinir i epi he pholorriiihed i e on aim pin llthnitruphlc n ciditlven print bene platou o oloi he thi ut that ictly w p int- ii lien piarpir ulaj very in jlilllei color and it the khcelf nt au to it tho uddltli ip in ihelr piopi i pine nuiln hiih uhe mt be thei nually in red exactly in the rliht for the bine color lu tmcii arc ulumii and intoura or form linen iihi f c pa lie thelje are off lho prem iy if the illy if to- i oloi a thei dlllicully where plea youll noticethat welldressed men wear 7m best kd sdou h l harrisons and icxl clmn dor not tu damp the nhrcla nhrlnk and trouble itere1 in inakiiib tho next xlictly when- it nhould f t h rtnarpart 1 n n nm n dpa ti f dili oikunlxiitlou may ho upon application from thu tupohrapiilca hlirvey ieurrment of he interior ottawa 30mc bcarecnow- mnillli hokliu over the farm thin a nireirw over theaf danfiird- why no thafn ml ii in lib knickers for your fall wheat as a rule pnixtrly firtiuzrd wheat piaturcs from a week to ten day earlier than unfertilized wheal get- the tdvanlarc uf an earlier and better equality crop itui scasijii by usinj national fertilizer every haj is uniformly mixed with ruarmted analyaia attached to each haj- all national fertilizers are made in canada from tested formula- it has taken yean to perfect- you cant p wronr on national write ui imffask alio about national stock foods they jjet rcsulla agiints wantid in distrirta wlierr wo arc not rrprcscntrd national fertilizers lttf weal toronto 9 ontario i 25 4-warlfe- plus half a rent itrr mile licyaiul to all poiutaitl manl 1500 to winnipeg iftutx sdth itiim toronto calcrlun kail ijocton mcuf rkmtli mid ktjst in oiiurm al sutniui m unci returhinqii ilf a cent per nuio to winnipeg pliii 2000 to ihhination 1 coltminvoikl ivuctuur klidlaud caprool auol iiiniew jcl r w if st andrews and ijichulo 1 ivtm anil snith thcrrof elt tth vtoni sliiuhih in ontaiio torn liuclal train lor uinng vli csiindiaii nuliimal uauwq j front toronto union station aufi 50th from ottawa auff 30th 12jj1 oua bju- 130tnm midiuctitauk 2flth1230pm1040pjn lliclit auk 2uui 12 ul uoon hd- 7th 2mj i 01q yrom ptteftuolto auk soth 12 01 am midnight aujr sltli vu lindsay black- prater nnj atlicrley from windsor pt f th 12 t0 a m midnight sept dth vll cliatham ixwdoii hamilton 0th iuj1cwikk rrohn paimerstonat 7th 0 00 ii rn via guelplt georctciown and inplcwood lliromli cant iruru oilii iiiik1uu jmiiuu coaadctma villi olwivc fcjil1 iralmi for- tl mb i urtrmnl t tlljbiihdltfnnbtut ltnu yhrouk trlm ofrnfantlm oduriut 0f pll omr tr wamm hu chlldr canadian national hull jtacbei liaklnit ujmwi i ir make i uio browned intx uaucei uriilm ilffi on ul ioj with blu of but h ivch uhlh the n uiph hihfe willi hit- fflhiw 1 lablotoom bui i tablcipom flour 3 tuhleapuonn choppod prei yrup ft om lublritponnii klncer hyruji from ci 1 cup nyrirp 1 ll al ihlftiiti hone funeil in aldenua ed he well htlp itihei wltili ny lio after a ork befoi ill uiav atih i uueua wo n more tlmn i hm what ubout aakeil 1 liikiy wo had nuch n winter you dont wan to top iiinlnj ilo you no oittiilffeil mary winter lunt tlila miniimr with all it extra work tui aeriunt uf tho exttu help anyhow i think they iillirht let head and tliey inlulhl have d tlm hut let i y in the day a apple pi tny he hail i ruuhed by ao full lltllklllllkly foil if wo how many lioum work before that youre duirllrcd you ait uowji uiid woll do them in uplto of lui iirotentiitinnn mary waa llnally jei iiuutleil u yield th evuiitns panned iiulckly and it wan uuon time foi the munta to liav crowding lmui wliat ruodd tlm anil may i ha alary will if ma hut mary oiaau mh it irpllid j brtivi of i juliti a aiiicdunakl v a veiy yuunu jiamllt ad attended in juno ltivl till dwiiiic nlojiinu ctmeteiy attached he jhiiihii iliurb and iraveyurd caluriitlitt cnnthtninllc jjfftvea of in kinuratond llluntrloun dead but ourne all lmutulllceut lu ompurlt lo the ureal athtnmin a lady rea i iik nivirby from wtliom we maile uulilea kindly volunleei otl to allow the spot and it wim well wo lutd until her aaalatance the macdonuld nl la nlmpll gray tiaiilto ciiouii w only lhl inaerlpllou john alexam madoiuild lbulhul alieat will we novel could huve found ourflcli in the lime we luid at oui dlapoii and thua attain wua it impreaued up me thai the ureuleat men often hn the nl in lieu i moiiuuionta hut mu mll idit thai nlryn w hi ilin tin- ilble lo hid ueltibic away frum iilnahloil al 4 31 mil pauiiliij rapidly fjlnuirn napaneo nut dehcrunto tho lattei hackwiijil nh id iti km ulo iutiii iii luu at iln people had nm in if ei rleii nieati m lauhed m kit foi an will have i i laku uiojii tlion oixhi o pi k ill j fclhcb uui v fj lllt nd taklmf tho twrnlyflye tlie btrthhe put it utt ie alio we come out ai k htieet aake1 eilei iy mr- of co ill c he loovi hill id v lit be uvw irtlly id well all bo 11 let you alary aojd j nt foi 1 they crl v aheaiwof iiieaiilucly it la ion- d to hit oui i nd walk huk it wo jiot tie very lilu b more than ten mil that morning and if hi hi thunlta oi hetplim n aunwered ainllllitr en they had ilnalu bone il lu tonj well alio nald v tony looked puexlcl havent a tm thought thoy they appllo pirn i meie fltfur uthalul ul hilled aid miuy brief- of upgooh lielluvllle ami tllppe1 oil ihlouirti trenton both pi utfreunui lively -look- liilf tow mi ovrtakiu lu dark al ililkuun in not ihuiiilh rlaiid county w decided to ill hi i fh hie llltfht thin in a ciimuua apple vnlie iivul ochaida auetihluk ll on both nul of tho liluhwny all uhe way finn he lie vllle lo coboim- uue ultiaitlve f a tun hue loo in 111 beaumful lollk htmiihlni liny of ltiilnte to our left wtth the ureeti alupe of pi i nee tmwuid county jieivna i the dlniaiu t oui j illwht uirut iaorl oil iu vuy euju petit pifinolt luiv- inu btll kij peiinaut we deeljed il adapt flu plan at lb ichton wire mill to tlie hojlit it i miu jllnt- liell while excellent liciu iimi limyk- faat were much apprecla ted wi tthvui now tiavellcd cmiitluuouaty nlmiu uuu the ullllll before yiii umriiliu the ldtli tt ot miw ua atai tlin ill el i j tup olllnjt uhl luill mil ami tiriiik li urcgerved slmioi niri 11 uroukt ihpu itneiit kello- lad umihi who isway fitomhome where ideal conditions r 7 prevail i hlnlli r xiiulruul vuulli lliit oiltllllli- ull hlk- vity llni- a mill llillr vim vciol iiiiiii it iiaftihl tin- iuuuut llniiiniilll nriiuiklu f iii llih aillrllijlli ut lilihllr llu- iri olil tiliill ri-ki- h luul ut ul lltilw ull liiltirntltiff in nice wolltll- r ill not mtiji in liuvi llih hi tuil llviliun in tliln uiu lllli liil il- li thiu luu uliuiiitiliii- iiimi ufiir leuvlim uiiuiuiilun iuvlnu im t iliiiu t niitluuil u wtlltu- ketp the famlls united jf iajme aro avray from home the eaucat and quicluet way ia ot course by a lorjj dis tance call the young people nowadays put up a brave front of wish ing to appear independent and sellreliant but their hearts still thump faster when they hear dads or mothers voice over lho win even when they jo into business kt- haps in distant cilus ihur nature does not change with their habita tion the tie still holds the dear familiar voices are just as potent fllave a regular tune to call up tile absent ones by lonk dist ance tho curvice was never so rapid the cost pf jnterurban service to nearby towns within a riirliiw of say 25 milra ia vuiy iflw- a fjunadiuii citizen touring certain iporliops of the united stales a few years uuo reported on his return that he had passed through several good sized towns whore absolutely ideal busincfs- condi tions obtained it had there been posv- sibje to so establish a spirit of cooperation and good will not only among the busi ness und professional men but also be tween these and the general public with the result that the most harmonious reja- floiih pervaded these towns the busi- iichh men were content lo live and let live to refrain from adopting unfair und un ethical business methods tb lend a help ing hand to each other in trouble and adversity und to extend to one another such business patronage as lay in their power thus the carpetbagger invari ably got the cold shoulder for it was firinjy established and acknowledged that every order which could be placed in the home town but which was sent elsewhere simply drained ilia community of legi timate revenue and served but to enrich some other locality business left in t in- borne town hrtpsvveryhody in such town therefore when eoiisiderinjr tinier- for printing of any kind remember it can be done expeditiously and well by your home town printer the acton free press laaueij by the caiiiidnni weekly ncwsnipci asmcimiuii im manning chuinticis toronto iflijfltn fflimmfllirm