Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1927, p. 1

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jfktt pftz i iflylhiril your no 0 thursday evening snitcmrer i 1027 vfai acton ontario canada thursday rvrning srptnmncr i 1027 inftlo copici tive cents ytt mvuvb tftttiru cflljuriu of tftttttthu acton minuter tlv c l pool d o pnrnonagowiuow b troll t iii hi subnth school hennldh ii in 1 in tin mlnlntcr ulll rcj1i 7 00 j 111 tin milliliter jjrtfulnjirrlmi knox church acyof mlniafar hav a c qtawart u a uansa willow bumi 40 00 ft ra sumlny school nnd mhlo clnnnpn ii 48 thn milliliter huhjpct tho ijut of our hrnmii 710 p m tho mlnlntcr hubjecl hrlntl inlty miiklnk proirrcnar htraitgnrn i da vine ndrirouh wltli tho unborn will bo called uion by tho pun tor satut sfinritij acyon pastor wm j banlar 0h5 11 in mundiij school 100 u in tim pit lit ur 12 ok onlinnnri of tu irdn hup pur 1 00 p in tli paiitor o wumblp tho lord the beautiful new fall goods are taking possession at macdonalds hundreds and hundreds of lovely new coats to claim your attention first time you are in guelph for balc kjiclion uehw wto ualorfrrniufiiur ii die pric- ifr 00 phono acton j ring 12 hou8c foh rent good nmfortubh brick hnuw cen- ir illy li cutid on j- rederlck street mar mill street for rent aiply mlia j ilcdouaall drcsomaktno iliodlcn and cbudrano draao anj qarminto of all kin da price rmion- able apply nss titindnn 404 4 alain fltroot strayed a bluck udir rttdnfl lw ira any inform illoti in lo bin whereabout will hi thiinkfuth rcilvd by hoy hindlcv phom rfi lrin ilil 3 acton for qalc tw n mint ork uo u purabriwl due iittout si ptcplbcr 15 fur mil applj in 1 illo what h h 3 arpm ihopi kmkwooil 01 r 4 oard op thanks mm lialdlc and family denim lo thank their many friendn for the rx- prfiudonn of klndnenu n ml oympathy ixtcndid them during the lone period of hlcknuih in their home ami alb fi th bmutlful in nil trlbuuu durlnc thli in tut biui bereuvcmenl wo will rvir n member wjlh tutltude tbo l lid ilreijy uf you ill permanent waving miss murrays millinery parlors mill street ac tor opcn for duginlgo at 1 p m wednemlny sepl 7th la noil permanent curl average head d a aa mound jkruv circuline permanent wave overage head malta appointment early mason haipdrcssing parlors 8 d 10 ftitttewn jttta skat the new gcnirously large shawl collars in long haired furs the ndw queen anne collars thai frame the fnco softly with nottennr furs the soft silky fabrics the ingenious use oi ruckings and seamings these and many interesting new style features will cap jure your admiration the price scale n itrootl one 1975 lo 125 felt silk and straw hats an amazing vway ah tho summer hats remaining including this sum nicrs colored felt hats t6be whisked awny this week at 08c former prices up to 8 75 autumns new felt hatb in 395 and 450 cleverly new and different and interesting to choose frnm fojiiccaxinfi-right-a-way- guelphs leading and largest store d e macdonald bros ltd daily closing 530 p m excepting wodndy at 12 jo noon and saturday at 0 30 p m cjkoiklj latiilcilstonr pauib i eiithcnitune for 30 yourn dltor of tim parin htitr dld 1 ilday iu hlit mil tin iithirntoik unii inirn in kept ln nilj ijiifflurld in 1 hf7 iln wan muirhd ut iurlii in 1hh1 to uutllloth hirliui r with vthotn ho rain lo cun- udii tltriii yearn ln i uetllinn in 1 irirun where in- sillied the nawii iliroid uifder thv iu john crttlir m i hlnci ho wont to tarln ho wan for iwi ivn ycura roctur h wnrdi n of t iiimi n church and for many yrui innducted tho menn hiinday mornlna lllhl j iiikii lit wm a nicmlur of tli odlfi i w 1odri ut 1 nrus tliiiidcb hhi wliluw ht imivn two dmiritern mint lnmiii nt ituine mill mm uolxrt 15 pi tin of ilaiqlllin the ruiifrnl took phili on monday aftirn t front hi junien church j wahnock qnlcdon ijjtniily attenttld wan tlm funeral to i oreut liiwn cemetry ornnaovlllu uundiij afternoon of tlio into w j wiirnock who wan treitiiurcr of cul qdun- townuhip for tho uiht 2 ycuru and ulu conducted a frunury and po tu to war houoe at calodon c m it- h tat ion win in hhi fiftyfourth year and had livid ill hit ilfo in culedon of tho luto eli tniitk one of ihn plonoora of thi oiiihli and wan born on tlm rirul ann iciint calcdon ho wan a mem- ir f thi cilcduii united church one f ltn ildirii warnock l o l no z6c after llln fiimllj and he mi yi the mont iictlvu mcmtwrh van iliiio connec toil with tho harrln p j maiiimll lodci orunccvllll in jloli l tlvc ho in specials for this week orangeade or lemon ade bottle granulated sugar 10 lbs for 19c 69c 59c 29c 59c shelled walnuts per lb weston s biscuits per b choice black tia per lb store closed all day monday pens size 1 2 for jelly 1owdtrs 5 for clarke s pork and beans large scaler kubberb 3 dozen tor matches 3 boxeji 25c 25c 23c 25c 19c chain red white stores j w jones phone 20 acton ont wonderland friday ocptcmdcil 2 flesli and uie devil htarrliur john llihert mil on i i iailii conuiilvk llire cimh l1rloun himihi- podtlt saturpay oeptcmdcr 3 4i country rcyond ll jiipiia ollvir t mil wool iiutyldl ultve ilmdi n cfimedy hu riimkv urn i on nvfl monday scptcmbcr 6 labor oay cuptaln salvation a f iiiliiiik wltl in nil ril ii l lit cmniih n ll ui miurli 1 tuesday ocptcmdcr 6 itefluirection ructu ruth klin ill lilt ill til rotoulli 1 mil rutin i i lulu x fanioua 1 iiotli hlmiliu itod i i ium iu tuauului4ui dul auij clmliluill of tin utddlt hhlr comiill i i if t it prlii i if and 3fi qominq kid flrxither ltl 11 nold i tuy nciwhv il u gregopy son this weeks candy specials aanilil 111 siluiilrn i iii jit col 25o m uiihihliu hu l 1 lunlm h gdi 40c anortd hiolain hmuii hu mil dulsc a new line of chocolate danq ibxlrn value it 0 fm 25 o v l 11 v i i t it mi in hi iik r luitlr lo all jarti f ihu i iwit w garva hot dnnui fountain harold wiles acton builders hardware r we lluyc a lull stock of all kmdi of llaidwaie fur builders nails loeksiind nil kinds of supplies in iiiiisiiiiir up the build mgb pr replacing any hardware in thcjloine ot iiboijt tliu build mps it will pay you tu nunc in and look over our slofk and fct our pficeb f glass wc luyi pii m s n ru rln ml of cluiiiiportid directs from belgium fluvinu purchased direct and in larc quuntit we are able to quote prices that will mirpi ise you w d talbo t mill aiul main slli ihono 7 iiurvtvcji by hln wldoti nflm wan mliia muhil i l idle or calcdon and ono diiiiubur ilru slucltuj culedon chakll8 ualdicj ohprinon mo auiruw lflth at tho family rffh dajirlnje tlm into char en haldlo inhln b3i yunr nfter on lunean of nearly nvo monthn duration ttorno ulth chruitlan putlonce uvorytlilnu humanly pooiilbln ivuu done by n lovlnu wife und nvombcrn ot the family to brine about a recovery hut without avail and the end came with full uuon to the will of the man tor bj tho ji itlont ouffercr ouprlofft bau loht one of lu vtry earjy plonci m and one of itu mont rtnpoctetl beloved and valued cltlunn hlu par intii mr and mm charlni unldlo hr uiojie ivllii tliu ajidcniun jind cobb farnlllia cmlnratod to oaiirlnffe trom countj of ivini umjlmul and ufter t vnyattt- of lvf weeku and three da thtj tolled their way up through the county until they landud near upicd nidi lranioua when tho uubject or thla nkitdi unti urn in march 185 hit mother hnvlni died when hu rnu ujit imrn old ho and hlu father and hhi l o ut i m biirnh unil heboccu nioi t tlfi farm on the ouolph road which lonulaud nf an unbroken foil hi aiid win re onprliinju achool now nutndu hero the dicoaued rrpw up to miinhoid on thi oth da of 8e- tnthir 1800 mr lialdlc won united in marrlase to burali ann hawkins of li umtmii and uettlud on tho farm which wan then nearly all bunh where liny livid in harmony und hupptnen for nrtytwo jisjirir- bolnir upured to icithir to cell brute tin ir golden wed dlpk in the j tar 1010 two yearn after llulr jtiarrliitie i hlu father having dli d llciaoeil comblmd tho work of tin farm which in called mount pllaaant if arm on aciount of tho kiwi of muplc trim which border tile tu idn unil iain ii dlnl nf iernevtr- tin and lutnl labor thin farm ntanda ih a nionuiinnt to marly a lifetime tip nt in tlrebnn induulrj ucoldm hln lureavid widow thin arc left tu imiiiru lib loitn thret daujflitir mrs g aitken mrn u n hunter and minn i j tn mil t liomi and oik trrandaon arnold burner hlo two bluti rn mm u i runt- lu and mrn philip dlnrntait prcdecettiiod hint no vera ji uru ago in april 1031 ho ami hin famll ler their farm homo and mov- id intu tho village where ho lived ru- tlnd tor nix j earn mr lialdlc wnn nti mei ihpeclally for hio cnjuiblll- tl n neighborly liilpfulnemi his uteri liw eltitractri and hin honesty and falrnoun in all bn bualneiu deallruia although he wan very kindly and boc- 1 illy inclined towardn hin fcllowmen unt dilluhted in a micfnl chat with hlu filondn yet hin chief doulro and pleas ut wna to in with hla family to whom he wna a considerate kind and loving huuhand and father tho do ex iiai d wnn a ilfeiong believer in tho i ll i it parly and a coniil stent nilin in r of onprlnge prenbj ti rlan church uhlih ik loved no will and attended i riiularl when hrullh ocmlttod holdlnt tin position of eldtr for a iitimbir of j earn the funeral todk liluio on thursduvi augudt is and wan vi ry largely atti titled a short norvlco wan conducted at tho family rcaldenre aftcrwardu tho nmnlnn wire convey id to the prcnbyterlun church whom in imprchhlve nervln wau cundnctcd t it v mr luir of hoiuwund in tin aliai me of the pnotor ilov h xjcc mr little h anulnted by itcv mr hudlt of hulaburg their text was fioiii timothy 2 fourth chapter 0 to ii nmert tlu cortige after the aifvlcn lnocictud to tho llvorton cemetery when intiiinewt took plac itanj luautlful fltiriil tribute- wero rffec- tlvily banked ulmut the coskel ahow- itil ihi deep pvc ami reupect for the ilicinutd iimonu them being a beuutl- fui idllow from hla beloved wife uali a aj ir from the fuuilly und a tm tutirul upray of rone a from bin maiiduott arnold hunter twlve ot tlu diceancdu moat intlxuite frlcndn iltl ax honoiaiy pallhcari ra each milling u dm ul irlhuto namely alex lu i i john uctavlnh ijavld itobi rt hon j m iteiihain jeori liiri i jiiiiien kliuwixd liihlati curih albert mi i ut hi on john melci nale william 1iavo j m cuiinlnifham and aunttn lt i ntibioii two imiull buyn arnold sunti i and ilk ft lend leonard ding man uliio iitrilnl npruyn of ihim o thi ntliik pall ixaitiu win- andrew hup- mi john aitken lrn tt currlr john allan lenllt webb and jxtii metiiv lull it latlvm and till udif- nttendtd tin fumiiil fiont toronto ilrantfoid fui lph itockwood 1bii mllln attuu iu hlitun hrayton arthui and ilel- wiad tliun one bj one oui loved and v tlued fi lend k i i drovpiug off never n in to uhe1 ttilr kindly- llghl liinoiikit tin it in a i unfurl und mil ait hnwevir to know th it tlulr liven thiutikb tin 1 1 inlltiiuii and examph improvement made on cemetery hill contract awarded for tlie drain- ajje work on yoimjy street at tho iiiiilfu council tu odoii on tuenilaj vutiiig ouik uloi i llietfilil alklnnon ami nbol w 1 1 pi n nt and i evi maiion puiililiil tin i hmiui codunhli i in their liilitpinth report niiimininiliil iliai tin followinr ailounta in paid w d taliiit n tint j rm null airo 1 iy u ilikiiii mlvi rtlnlnit uuj nltytitilt imperial oil co rannllni fm lire i ti nip m henderm lire tank 13 tlb 14 u 2 7 nupplk fin ror tin goo bind 111 llv of thi nn ut boiiu fienh ml iu1 t1 the 1 1 pint waa ndopli d a petition wan pitiienti 1 frniu tin rinldefita at tin jiorthiaiil uei hon of howoravtiiui anklng tin council to try lo nrranco fr the dralnnao of thin uectlon of tho iiieet coitnlll wlll the nlttiatlon and brlnj in a itcom mcnilition tenili ri for tin drainagi of younr utrect wero n ci ived and nvhwcil bj the council tin- tenili r or j ii icurtx of ilurlington tor thin worti wan ui cepti il and the cli rk waa in tructid to replj advlnliu mr kurlx of tho aici iitam1 of hlu i w it i 111 ili iiubiultttd irlmi n amplm f tlh for tin work but tin rdi ru i onld not la phucil until i niclneir had bun conuultod clutlrinin or strei la and walkn j klnnnn i tilled tin attention of i be excellent work that hull iwen doin undi r tin hiijk rvlidon ortuer mcphernnn on the roadway cormtiry hill the roadway hod i niuly iniprovid und it mui n in dltabli ph n i f worlt- n dog li law and tin olhctlon of iln taxin brouiht out a verj word wlttj dhicuiniltin bj tin council hi vi ral legal polntii were invoi- vod and it wnrrretttit teil that the clerk find omcermcphinio brlnir in copleii of the actu covernlnjr these polntn no that they could bo iliacubiied tntnlliitently acton and district lloyi ufou into c p n aution judri monro wan civil i to ijpimi ton on 1 rlday il inveiitfftah tlie alh d bif aldiiir inti or mrminw il hbr tlou uy two toiontn in hi ij and 11 yi ua if mp an adjournment inaili ki pi mill tin hlldr n n aid hoi ii ty to olil iln u ii utatti of h inn 111 of ui in i mi til unltil church pulpit v i i i unti i of wtllnwd ill n ii hi d in tin llrilti 1 hurt h privluiiii hunda ai iln ntiunlid iulit tin re lain 4uml u hlu r a in r full of irclhi li 111 and i much nppriclald by tin umrn m itiv mr iooli will it hi ttatlon pictid rimw hin pantornl w olciipy hin pnljilt next sundiiy nit and auta opdrm givn wrninrj primler i i rrumm mild on muiidaj lit dpeitl lind intvari i hi im rn mu the atid b fjiinhwaja hi hi union nltp tin doublliu railwaymen plctflc at eldorado cmployaaa of canadian national euc trio railways of thii dlvlilon picnicked lt wadnasday tin ulla satio ihctric hailwirjm toronto buburbun dlvlnlon irnihoytm hi id thilr third uuitual pie nlc hint v dniaduj at lldonui park tluri- wu i uphndul turnout tif im pluyein and their fiundn tin n lelng to npi clal tralnu oni front out lph anil one from toronto a in former r i ft in angi mi j i am tin the huadn of tho lteiriutli il c r walkem prenidi nt thin jar in lo in longratulutnl for tin pndid wuj in carrh 1 out the in i anii mi nt immtdiatilj on tin arrival at tin park ilr lawrmco had hu tulihn all nady and all nat down to i dlmuj which provi d to in u v i r j njoyahlo affair after which a vn l uteri atluu prognimmi of tikirtn under hu dirt it ion of mr mllln ui huh hi id a first claim garni of bam li ill liltwun the oinie a iu pair hhopn and the hrldgt at tracllekiit1 wan phu i d and form h th i 11 bin tiint pljcd i hin ituppir mr unlkitii lo all preiliit foi tin and hum of 11 45 th priuldint thin cummlntr to introduc la mr cummlng in chimin wonln introduu i m and inltnl him to priinint tl mr ollvir apoll0lxcd for th ot till afttr up ten i of thi hut hi town prein m to cul rnci vic- pr aide euh air n colli ted llii upon mr le citrnta of the few w ii ollvir n it mr wa voldablj cul fed r liih hi would havu hie it iti thin priaentid thi prison of the winnim nf tin virioun cl i prlx lu of the relaj loan wi ii fur thin wauon afi ollvtr uim alni a the iiifluloii und flrnt aid china for punning th xiiuun itlonii tlrtii pi brouitht a vei nutcianrul clom itli evi ryoni vi r j i very happy th- prui h w or tonally line thla jtar the following win thi p nirn in the vurlnux rvt mu tola itacl all prui n olrlu c to iar a j in cock ic gi rrurd ilnyn g to 8 ytiiru 35 jtti 1 gi i ollenbithc fllflb b ut tl jiurn go j ih coik h chonil ik jo 9 to 11 juun 0 lri wall g mhr ii girlb 12 to h in to hawk l maltbj llom 12 to m t tin 75 ydn thi man i dotiq mt aintatloi day to ilrtl an j din ur a 1 i id 7fi yia 1111 ydn ulnuh will ui m hi i ilc imlth thi ee liigeil i u niouiu and hplrm 1 rult race 60 yln and i hlttj oicn 1011 ydn- i in m it mil hmiil m s ott j kerry murt whlttl ploye hd kill loo iui 7t mih wittuan novelty hin 0 jdn uln oil and ollenblltb tug of war- w onavin t km n ituiuulnii maul only mm wlndiuli i uiky no nil i luill a saundrrn llilaj 1 am mt nam it n auth li mjtitrj prlx mn mlt ii aft i in llln i it ilhb n men ii m ki ninilj m li n1ii hoi in nlh a hi ikiii yoi t hoi lowing llllli dauojit diath of it er 1 in day aftu niral to pu mr j kennidy l u i lou ii win i the hiivii huh i uiduiti 1 bj it v ii dli klr aiiiiihtiil by hi v ii r ildwen and th irumuliin iill n i nt in uiin wood clmtirj itu pall hiarein wein 1 lliowu j m itiown i ondoii iltutiltdtiii xuniutuj u ixulli i n 111 hariihl u 11 tin in w y la tutlful iv il tilhuti u ft hlu and nut li tlm ill oimii sou oulii oik 1uj loinlixi alton a tk town mi u mn lj i nidi d on for xuiii hint bifne lu r mi i mi ii itily id thi uml bi p rt lu c 1 living n to tjipilnati or iidun to a in illicit nan to llf and pro- iiliniil hy tin iii i il hi nil and hiui druir it h t in conn mi id pi ira uli itnai township formnr t in hi hay loft nl llariln a jw ii known farn tlie communitys social side of life viol to ra to and ivom town during uie fiiflt week h girniiei by tlw fris prw mr hlimion ln fjr tbe weal eft acton and district camping at straauvllla on monday moinlnir a giuup of boy f the tiixln itnup of the ifniteil liiirch wi nt to htni tnvllle tor a eeltil imping they uie in rharc f their leadci mi f ii vincent in man of the iun piium ra hum r in uxltln e k king wan hoim clarlie morton n in onhuwa oftoi mr prank frauer lant in ik with frle mm l h vlnrint a hollbijlnif with friendn acton nl llllli vbiltd ai 1lhll mi holiday a w mi ihemni o the paal id mcdonald of onlin ii friendn over tin we cliarleu morloi ai ion relntlvna u hi i int n in if lant ok arm i dm linn hu n hin father day morning ruood f ii to eloi ivhicli rciiulixid novo ral havi iliu hi hithl qpaoiatt atdiajtorir list nci the acton i all i printed adih pit in the olul i ill i aii prlxo lint o apoclttln nady lout to nlnety- m will be pecial hut iln fouith ho tali iblp wan r ui diad 111 hlu ha loft huudliy linn nltn by im mlwi of the family pi h o at of krl who hiii numuioin 1 the pi nlm 1 h nptmon that hnrrlx had tnkrrr hin itfr nt di th ult 111 hkh in fully rn overed or j 1 itfi ilramplori mroni r found thjili ciucul vajln ncccjiuari- tlm wnn tljtiio of fiinrjrt harrln wltd a llf long realdent of th du ijenham dlatiicl ami umvn hla widow and n nmall ohlhlrm planty of work yat to b dona at school tin nehool liulldlui in nt i ill tin in layn that la liardlj hui jilhtl of llli op nini on ltifijj next t n w holhr la in pint ndiitln do hut num of ibt y i mi built anil llttltift un orfjtown naw milk dy law firm ram undi r ji oi i town i nllk h law riqulrlnt that al to iu i day ih 1 of t hui i in anl that mi 1 dalrj lie nn p i litem in il m th it tin milk at bin iiuti mil in hint not f the- l d th pioiii i rgitwn st ptimlx r 11 th harvat and harvaatida of 1027 1 it h u v 1 of 107 in pi n llallj lulibid i ik win it oatn ami t tin i kin inn huvi linn gitniei i into tin frniirn birnti mil tin thr nln rn an now huay m tin ir inilouu iiiulm not tin id j ilhtrli t mil hi thn a that nnml all hiirvml ju tin mounti whin tin of th gialu ii till itulltloii und nit mm fact nf lit hint re chin yiur urn of thin lib tnl tlulr lloni bilow ot h ltloik tin ontario vattor if ai ton i ij ij in vlnll iliupn ciliitiln tlu r in n fu p mini hjy oui nnda it mi it joupj kind of ut then ai coru ciirroid alt pi 11 til hiubway traffic ohic 1 af oxfoid unl ion with hihioin 1 to k w lard hi ifti i lid tl injurad in wh n nkul 1 i ai inotorltit ill i ml 7li4- i null km mu luidd ulj ji i t idim jiujilllllui- in thru i i i ialiig no i 4hd lilm4f irluu mihh mib i llowir of ht catharine nt a fi w diij n thin w i k w itli acto filendii aim ivrtt mnddiwk nml mln dorl win hi re from toronto for a i oitpl nf ilnyn till week little lawronon croiiu dolly vardi inn bi un hoildaylnx inxt w i ek wit mantir h in hall mlunin siqiin mtrjorii mum an hubble hnll itpent it day at the ex hihmorrthlawekr mm cliuw ilyndu uml xfiiuter mac if toronto vluiti d acton relatlven o cr the weekend minn hllul clarke of toi tin u cut thin writ of huiltli at hill hall hallantlm itlen frl nda mr and mr nd mrn j ill 1th aeto mn lnndo tn dun hlu sliiiil j ma villi i h milium 1ltlng hin i m1i1 huh n tuiitliy mln i h i ins it un ho hupor u of m ilriii ml vtjtllit at tin- h s mhion uorln i m inn went t lo nt irt a nehh raining ti rout n crotari mn h f h mini t 1 li u ulli m rn w v han iln and o f toi ml mu nt hunday in 1 mm it l join hton w hin on in vln ulng in 1111 will lltend tlu weldltijt henry inn on h iturlay mlhhin minified m of toronto wi nl mih a t i iron i mil ircr olid ijlnl hjn ir mil mrn cecil himton npinl wiek i ml will mr inl mm ii h itin mm hunton remaining for tlie k lr htiju n juhnton and minrt lna jilmittti art lilting with mr mm k h mmr in toronto thin k ern o h bli r nc minn alible tii im mil her lauffhti r in n of ttfiltj bunk vlaltd alton trkniln on hhu mr hi mr 11 tov 11 mil le i ilu tv of toi on mumli mann mi ami mm j l hand raon mil if i ml mr mil mrn aiih rt iniiiond if lnn aiuehj ctl in uli actm ilnuln a la lef v ult on vwdmnda mi all mr ur and don luilter s home of mi it j mckcihnli d unl hiiru jean ol are holiday inn ui and mru tloo ho pur jnd mrn w ii hunter of han mlili and mr and mrn joi f migrejror mich npcnl th nl with mr and mm c mi uookrn in ir aim on vunrilj who ban h ivlnjr a v ry njifjable trip in dtirlin tho pnat thr niontlin ntur lay ml mm ptoll n 1 i tli m uitm ed 1 unk iiiouued and olt i mi don lli of toronto v on king o i mrn king and ioi wilh mm mcdonald to ii vlhlt altn an unl it hlh imitli 1 other fliil 12 mun i luting in town mr j preald nt ol o i dnuinton on moiid iy t jltllllh mooi my aujtlin vvaltir mnll and halic r d tioit midi and mm j a ie i mil mauler jo of aylni t unit 1 t the latin rt hlater n mm h h ii mn n on tuouday uvvimi to the nei hum llliu in ihn it ht 1 pout in ltev ml i lib i i hid by i dd fn in k i i int wnli the old gi nl i in whit inipiovi 1 till witk f hi dll playar injurad wlian car overturned one of tiir cum earrylnir playeru of the hronte la ill en liall tuim to tho gamo here on saturday lliut happened w 1th an iicclilmt whlli ou ruuto when coming oh th atrip of cement loiitwaj on tin ae vi nlh line on to tlio travel road lite car overturned two of the ball play cm wero injured and hail to ri turn iiunu mil the other nccupantn of the nir win badly chakcn up 1 ortunntily iiom of the injuries havi iirovedt serloun acton qowlin win twic in tha oanva cvanlnrj iiint widntutduy evenlpg a rink of acton botvleru participated in a tour- lumont nt parln in which 7g rnu wero comlictlnn thoj had uireo wlna and a plu of 32 and each member of the rinlc brouitht lioim uilvnr water pltrhera for trojihlcn the rinuw comrkmed of a ijuchuniin t ilalloy t 13 swney nntl w j ooul skip at mlltnti tlfe tutmo ltlghrtttefyiniir hi nd j il lelslimnn took part tit b bcoteh doublcn liefnr played in the county town and won the uccond prlwe which in tluu caub wau ullvor truya publie sohaol hiatory madala in tin apeclal content in tho public hchooin in history in connection with tho diamond jubilee of confederation tho wlniura in tlie hulton and wont- worth inni iclorate hav bun unpoun- c d an f lloin silver medal icdna mart u el lldblncon b h no 14 nal- non townnhlp uronxe mldalu viola jtirvin h b no 15 million townohip katlrli n cob miin central bcltoo ilurllmrton mil mui mllln b s no b lint 1 liuiiboro taw ntihlp innpect- or iiiiyn will nirangi for the pre- nentirtlon ut tin nit midalu in the intlond tally in tho now aclic daptiat fiald day and fall rally thorn who un remaining in acton iver luboi day are invited lo upend in day with tho bajltiut young pooqid if the lantern dlucrlct ouelph an boo iallon who urn holdlnfl their unnunl meld day and kail rally in the park uepn hun la lives from orungovlll ilrampton aenriilown illllaburer iulfountaln and artoa will atrivo with ach other tor uupn mocy in aprlntn noveltj lanu and uf t ball tnurniitiu nt lvi ry body will bo wel- i no iidmlntloii fi- tho boclot- leu will alhcr in the hapttot church in tin evi nine at 8 o i lock to llatep to an liinplratlmial addrcun by itcv j gordon join m of parlcduk llaptlat church toronto hdum robbary in naiarjawya lant thurmiay ovenlnir tho home of ir itoht rl horthwlck lot 20 guclpli itond nauiuiruweya wan brukon lilto i a gold watch a few dollars in niy and a large uuunttty of canned fruit und provlulono were ntolon the wjitih wan a gift to mm hortltwlck il bcim lnr luualii i b und is a valuable tlmcplilc tlie tiled toou pi ue b twei n i hht und nlno o plock in tin ivnlnjr when mr und mrs ilorthwii k min out culling at mrs horthwlck h inothiru honn a ypunr nan mn piihulnjr down tile road junt nhurtlj liefnre- tin robherj la auapect- ii wori a gray nut and u litrnw hat and appeared to be about twenty r of ugt iln evidently v tits well ualntcd with tho promuon and knew i xactlj w hero to go for the artiokn and provlnlomi ho took me ami mn jorth hay ai f torunto wi on tucnd u or acton h irth hay mr imllllg- llf l william n bnydor of 1 minn hcrthu bnydor o gui utu at moprocroft 1 r sny tier in a native la now city cleru of nation h tri i 1 hiiirrow tiutl tlm honor of mnliil to ii it ii ihu prince on hin vjnlt io thn canadluo rxhlbltlon thli wuli ur afli rwardn wan i gumt ut tbe hi ilom i line li uu mr auiunt a nil n mm wh ban been i cuilph ilunpltal foi iriutinout to ih hand wau nufhclently improved to e able to nturn home on livldy it an found meiumtry itowov r to mpuiut uie two in hid lo ongtru mr and mrn hugh muidonald in- u wood iiunouik tho uisiihuniuil of u ir only dntightir myrtli jeun to org a l wllkinuon youngmt won r mr an 1 mm w wllkinuon hclk nbaiii tho marriage to lako siptombor mr n ait ty uuvt tl iliitiali mn ii i mo 11- lloufu toronto itiioah bepltml vhtliltiif niunhir npupor boclt ty itnena of ulrth hjdiia louloe and mn hunday foi tholr tuiuui at cianbroik ii c pi lor to tlulr de- urn hiidgia inxithi ra and ii im t at tin hum of hir mia hobirf jobnntou knox to bid bcr good byu o mluon of tin ulrth mail md mr i nun hinnrtt ulau witi wlk iiiotoring to tor- onlo alb i to tin alton ti londn up mondaj mi wllnoit lu futhi i of mm i 1 middoik uid mi hi nut tt n a oualu of ihi 1 it llobi 1 1 honrwtt fjike avr-itue- tinij- wlaof ur iaoo id nn tt at vi nth iln aim 1 a htorey la in s u nla and hi funeral of her corrlik who dld diliolt on mum i auguit jo uflct ihikiiing uliknn mii mlik wan i id nt d uithui of mi ui i mrn u nil kill f sal nla foi nu i lj of nchnuta whtiii mta dm klin llll- jd dityu wuio upctil d ttolt iitlcndli

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