Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 1, 1927, p. 5

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h arfmi 3ttt rad tjiulllinay illinjmhul l 1017 idlal pmlacvtlhg m- lili tin ii 1 h bund iti 11 held m in lil lilt ulli in r ii viir r iitjin iiipi i ullii lllhllll it to am tin jjin drink mil it llu ijk pllihr linn at in lit it iunr i ivni tt iiinr iiln i ion bin 1 i i ituwn tin nml rv ui nnt frnr ami liilil in imlil wi 11 done i llir inmp twcnty vcana ago prom ilia taaua of the pre preee of thursday oeptembar 8 1j7 nil in nnlllnn at 7 in fluclph a in u nt am bnlli r in ik inn initlnll- nl by messrs w ii blnroy a hon i ii iike offers for a if bin lot and bain on uio cornet of cliurch ami lljrn blrcctir mr fwurron day foot of inorcotown ii ui in bin did pluee in the up thndhit mliij si lnml orclu ntra on humlny uik sunday school lrsson rot sunday ucitcmdcil l travel in effigy on pioneek rulway- wito boll e hi rlplup i abb n it x illppy la hi i atkl tin i ln bivolli hmllllj t 1mb i 1 bin- hi it ibid hi ri id tl inuli rv in unit ni 3 n ill bind lunula itli till mi n ths taut explained i tie klni hnloinoii in ill abl son of david imf lliithdu hi llr uax a lery ytiuntr 111111 al bin nn i miliin fo thr thrum ulbi nn all ant b lit nbrlii i lint jpi liri n imperii ib d bill ii jtiiiii of tho nlli lli thr i lire or hi nodi atbin ml ci hied rnlilpped tin ir rods iuinmiui of hmin anil nlnti t itnp iiini- into hip land tl i pi th c r ui to m or tjie old inhabitant- undj it oruhlppt d upoii high pliirrn in mnny imituntei lliey vcn appropriate d hip formir heath n xbrlm fur tin uorshlp uf jpbcivub 6 in a dream the uhrlpii at nilii on wim ncunhd an tho sent of in oracle it vrna niitiiiiiil tbat it iflfr olyerlnp iincrillrt hip worshipper ilepl al hip shrine jehovah niliiht vblt him in a ilram holonmn till 11 1 led tlw rertulrementu and wau re- riled ultb tbth dream odd mild in 1iw drea nn tu eenimt lo holo ally iv nwi lh mcmiiry of thi i blm n nun a tbim bunt ri tn pernlunle bin llni viiiii nnc nf tbp nrciidtit tib imlnrii tbat ood miifbt afte at tin nlnallo for ulatb junior puulel in nine itiihjict lr i ii rwnikjnimcr im of bin uutllttlni biniinein i wallim tick t aiont of tin turnip uhluuini m aimn opened t tuimluy v j aklnn vnnsniraut jimiuthl in uu- oral loud and tluyjsuwwtttmtnf tfrtlnjj-iml- iawnnji illniwibp1 llr uio t ii rl illy utulm nonn swarmiamlil at h iikiint 6 10117 w n sw pkbii marricd lamijin iiuihtii on wptlncn- i ij aujunt jf 1307 b kpv 11 j jj jlttnd7rd nsnlnlr b iuv jdr vtnlroim- nnd urv w- 3 wiiftan iu ihtui finmhlr ii h a to jean tplfort christie onlj itnunbtrr of mr iiml mm d d cbriutip rioilllhafiny al hip roaulpncc of ltiitirllp imrontn trpjlon on widiiditlaj bcntomlier i 1907 in 4u v q v ilnrkcr niiulntl bj itcv a ii hurc it a tirritbcr of tbr irrimm mnl ilov u wilton of ibiii dr a i- horc of acton to lhr iditb ilaujhtir of llr joseph ii miufpj dicd sti wamt in lfu nine n sun- da srpimlit 1 1907 annlp mc ican wlfp of jnniph htiwnrt need 40 j para 3diin8hnai bl home in jobna town n y on i rlday aiiruut 30 1307 ilictnr jiihniwn aitl 32 jparn dcfinitiono of home the london tblhu prl for tin brnl definition of home iirn ii n nom of tin- luut definition of lioinc f re arc name of the bat v c oooaninirni bent in the aolrin ncttinn in which the brlkbtcnt jewel in niouicr th unli jijiol on iirtli where tht faultn and falllnsa of fallen humanity jire hblden unflrr thi mantle of charity a llttli hollow iicoopetl out of the wlnd hi of the world where we can bi hiipiu red frum itn carna and an- injan ho lomr i bufnan a ctntral telearapb offlcp o into which runs in in a of affection many though t xtendlnif thou nllpn nre never dlnconnectcd due rial lirmlnuu a prunt oraaaino for wound in mime fuctorlcn unu workshopn car bolic told 1h klpt for use in cauter- txinir wountbi and cuttt bubuilncd bi the workmen pur better in keep nn ban a bottle of dr thomoa cclcctrlc oh u in juht an iulck in action and dcu a nut mar the ukin or burn the fliah v yc8 dcari the teacher had been rivinr a very rapblc account of the r indoor it in unlit bablta and uin one boy louovor wiiu not pijioi the ullahtrut iltontbul nn rh teacher nnked hat in tlieune of tho rtln now ik r the uirtled chin link ii verytblne t acber looked up and in tho kiirdon attlimi cannot la at when the br a tout nf all unthn a n pec 11 co la usd dr j i kpiiocb a asthma ilcmedj nnituredly dtmrvcm tb in exaltld title it ban to uu credit houuanda of canoo kuhlili ott rr pr iui rations bad fulled to b n nt it brliid help l even the mi ui m ver em a a nd lirinen tho pa hint in a rondltiot or blennod ellcf kurpl iiuft rrlnirln n antbma iii need bin iitxn a reme y tike tliln n no auily men rid taking thc ccn8u0 of grizzly dcar8 oalla coola d c mar undartakaa qtranoa task which will lntrst oiq qama hunum otn uf tile ntranceut attemita al tukliik a cnituii lu now belne made by atidnw wldnd n of jll coola 11 i iiknrdlne lo informutloii t rtrt ivtd by tin canadian nutlonul hallway of lit lain it li inre hujwrl it c al the riurtt or harlan 1 hmltb uf the nutlonul ilunmim of canada mr wldttdil u takhnlt a icniiuti of tb j t inly li ar hittllalluii of noun eleven allti ubinjj the flnrdi m lilt b aie in clurtid in thi norway of aim rlca trav v tho hti unitiblp journey 1 t bit ltuprt and vulu ouv 1h till linf ltwtin theno tw tul bit tame huntlnz tin uniliy urixxly hunt rroln all itftlloiuf nf tlie ell ui fioni otht r arts in onlir tbat it may be kiiixtlit rlt kb mailtdixlo in dimurt to maki a i nf eritll iurk nannd lor the r t xplnrcr have be ll iarru record uf tht in tin y encounter on lirouuh the forotid nlopm of the mounlulnn tbia work h h liti a icuhur on for some time all i tin 1 1 pnrtu from tj mt n nf the wnodn an imw in the biiiuln of mr lilttdi n who in nmpllliiil them and uh nh rtly the ult muacular rhaumatiam subtjuad wu u tinitiiiiurft it i rrnmmmirutnr rbi iiiiiutbiui in iiiinot do bitter thin to bivti tin n tf ion tulili1 with 1 thoman itlutrk oil ui the rub blm ik brink ah i ontlliuo until t in tu uk i ihirt 1 iiiuir virtu in a tiolllx t ii than an be fully entlm uttnl ulnrly did tb e who bad f o mihid hi lurarllt- apply in tin mmmmm iar tba ligurtla that a m cm uppai faranca for theaa wii jurlno diamond jujilaa couvar ni unpacked llfew blld tt 7 a little not tb ih take oriental exnicerntlon probably about twnt rk to in ntat in nl in typlral rdi d 11 ur il tin mill if- in birth and death morning and t veiilnil ti inurney and the return- the undrvtnklnit anil the completion uf any enterprise ho holonioni wnrili tmunt i do not know the rlithl wu to av unythlnq b kolomon n- bleu tr a krtal people wan of course influenced by tin tiny kingdoms of mn unu thi empire- or ixivld and holouion tin bid inn all it- trlhiitarien wan about 101 mllpu xortli nnd knuth by 200 mller iist and uril 0 heart the hebrewji rernrdi d the heart an the neat of the intclll- i- thty imlil hea ulioro t would sty bnlin 1112 -r- wo uhould bear in mind thul this in godn promlm aa stibmnin ilreamcti 1l 15 ho came to- jrruiinlem hiii capunl stood ik fore the nru- hi bora in mind hl falln rji plan to mulct jerubilcm the ri llioua c litre of tht llnirdom maflr u ftaf in telt bratbni of his accession and of tin ood mm u nf hu dream lauan tliamaa gotts offer now our childish lm- uclnntlon uat d to thrill an u came to tliepohnt th the story when ue fairy lud mother iave- to tin hern uu privilege of asklne and rt eel vine bin aruln tht iniulnntlon in ntlr red at the plctun of thi ynunt king holomon 1th all the ilorj of hi- father a iiuccmnf ul rtlitii l bind him and the still orcultr elory of last poo allillltiea lt foro him hearlm in bin dream tht vulic of up almluhly anli bat 1 shall uve tlioi soluinonn ream is typical of that which comet i every youth whin the playtlmi of childhood is tmlng replaced by tho larce usplratlonn and visions of chlevimrnl nf youjib manhood and oune womanlioott it lu uu linn that desires to dare and to do chllduh irrciymnalblllty is pusslm ood t tiafore us an oiien book and unyn what reconl will you write wtllcn way of life do you cbonm wi arc now tree audita and uxii our dtiihlii lianas unmniiiurid bapplnm or our dirt of wuiloni connldf rt il by jtielf th chnlro which koluiion made his dream was ideal wladom or ther intelllccnce sound cminiiiii nse properly balanced judnmcnl in guide to all the other bltsalnics of life moreover true wliidom js qoila special gift if any of you lacketh wisdom let him auk of god who nivcili to all lltiernlly and uphralililh not nd it nbull 1m given him james 1 the hilly wine man question laturally arisen us to the trut ap ralual of sulumun character what hull we say of his wid ly fa mid win- lorn a holumon in a dnani uuked jewl for wisdom and was told ht he hould receiver it inumnuch mi sol union rnade his choice tn a dream solomon blnisilf mjuiit hv accepted as note authority for this statlnieb as he had the dream he muat have been the one who told about it b solomons reputation for wisdom si ems to huc been based an elevt r neat n nady wit in llttb tvtry day affairs and a good knowledge or huinan nature he was highly educated and had a vast store nt information about f things he allowed gnat ability in the uttcpnncc of i pigrimn ylngs proverbs uucb as tin oriental mlndv has nvi r tit lluliud in e is to b v with havlni nrted uu coltectlon of w ine uaylnin bleb ultlmattly gnu into our hook r ihoverbn c the bulhlllu of tht ttmpl was indceil eommendubb but the idea iirl wltli daihd not 1th holomon lloroovir it la to 1m otd that solomon who indei d gave ven years to the bulblllig f a house r iimi etit tiilrttt n years in th erection of a italace fur himself ill holomon a luxurious t xtravaganco led blm into unwise and uppressivt taxa i tills tyranny w uu ri ndi im d ih worse by the fact tbat hi tn till exempli d bin own tribt j ml ah in the burdins that be laid ufmn nil rest tr the nation th abtitt sighted ami unjust polio led dltly to tho ui strut lion of bin kiiidn e he was no extravagant that he round it nurniur to borrow frum hiram of ty n and ultimati ly bad tn lltvr up to lliut heathi n king t vt ral wnti in order to pay liln dt til o although a tyrint at liniir upptars to bavi born nutality wt ill lilt dtalliik itries eh 1 ml w vld bad my with llivraii n and ih i ln wfi ly mt dinplay ftp t of his ui r wal lied ami wtie not pot iliiku solunion fln ar tulniit nt of hori uu l neellllllkly on the noiuilni foil that he not only jiad a van i hi hut tint he pirmltted liln lai v lviit u bad him inln uu wni of ibtlr iiioih uill may ll in of lilm as win nabl tif cbarh n i kill laud utre lbs our nuvenlgn lord tin i win he and nev did tan tilih ell blni for study and discussion what chuler did holomon drmin al lot nit hi fori him bum iod i sui b a choice before i vi rybudy what does the bible iiuan by win i hum tun wt llnd tin fulh nl wlhiioiii llou ineepnrnrnlnmrntn tti a ur with bl iipututumt- wlwit doen his w indoiii appi u e mmilbted in- y dliliu f mlimuihly aft i malting lavji xi if air iu iiiovill by tktf ih i maki tht mostp of youiaiir or gtt uu moat for jouruclf abii tb y tnivilbd dp i dividual ermteit wrnpie in in pupt r duutproof and ixchmlve 111 arrival earpmti rn can fully id tlirm from tin ir n mini plan hrunbed uu ir ilnlhui nn aiinldi ai if tuy had been milllnnalri i barbir nbop tip i wiro thin fortiibly stated aroupit tin i oilfi tali wbeiir tiny lonllmnd in rtielic illy ml nlglit fr tlirn illd vvioku llioku in luuiu of thuli tour itlnrri all atil- 1 it l fl do i tihih 1 ri mcf in i fi in lb ir i x ci liilui an trrh in nt in- i iriivtlllne uglily uu i iiind mil b tan i linn i 1 i i liu ii fiom i ii nt i lo i 111 gtill looking nloiu i utirt b f ndlnit lb ic to llur ihufui i uiiiil lib jllo in indl i i nbcrt uu j school fain datcg tnflinir huruiikl n mliton cluunplutiahli shptimbir ifl hpti nriii r 17 hi pti mbi r 13 htpnnlir in s pti nib r ii h pit in in r 13 ollolur 1 a great improvement tl vicar how did you illct hcrmoft mm itroiv n it wtni iiplendhl ii in alwuyn my fiv i w in a little jirl smith ldil iilttlng ui it lonl h w in nn ally inn id i dili 1l bit very important mint r wni imldinp i thing of inn xtht rifty ir- royalty before the camera til ib loiti ib i i ui btltlnh nrftx fniuj i hi in lit ulli of bin xi lll q if i iii hi iwrli nnd if ih f ui illtl i to bi nlirid n lb ion 1 lu hm ifai i wipn i bin lilm ham i 1 in ll kh i took nix tltir i in i ii i mi i f ih hjtip hid qlletl 1 i ui m ml i of thw njni ritulli vv li ii i u m liking- a h f li ioi nil ii ii irlnco john ntldutily i iimlu i jiint us i ix- tioscd the tdftte 1 hi jlleettrwhliovaii in thi txiu uld to ui huh prtnco no iv jim have npnlli d tin- photorraiib and iinotbi r will hixi to in utkt n yiu mtiit not hpoll dili otn i am v ty nni f- pllt tl tin irlnci mint noli mnlj but it ii i in t my fault iiiti inn jlnih 1 m in ixplinition hint in i 1 ii r 1 ij tj in 1 tb lady in m illlnj mil tti n xl li tur ii ik til n willi ut 11 at lloyal ition if ii of mil i r i alu ibb t id l ml i il lulnbi ii pilrt tnr whmnir ttir phntniripmr i rmultl to iulill li ih ptot h the actpi fall fair special prize list continued 72 b l colli i lb uuy and ilaln ltjiklng not mun thaii rl li yi ir obi or under tiy tbi acton t oi n o c k hi nwnt iroprlt tin lt i ulty 1 lour lu 1 t 2nd 24 inn luri i lu 13 3rd 7 jin purity i lour vahn r uiaf of hi ul mad fnmi hv hoaei i loui no nui to imiil hiuui- by oj il llndao millii ii ih it i rlv itn inn hour value j2 bo 2nd li it s t i lour value 1140 3rd 14 itn flv i indn u ii irf 1 j 1st i 111 i u tin lalit iiad from lxi valui jl 1g aim gov f bi 1ii1 lloui tb 1 inm nihlpi 1 from i in crown ivur no uttu t to bo dtllvired tiy wm ilnrlop ru r in apply at n innn u for ti crown hour valun 3 ct 2nd ur vulu 1 1 30 ule from hnoudrifl flour donor in to aply to d ii ijndnay open to by tin jainm ooldle co ltd lat llni hour 3nl 26 nw 1 lour valui li i ad mad from mapb lt af flour donor iu minn ri to apply lo ntlson co up n luiiiiililli lt 1 cwt maple lenf i lour tl 5 ibi in clhcb im bagn valui f ikiln bikini nut whs than 10 vurtetlia ii ll nllnl iiuih int j3 00 2nd ii 00 thin ptidal to aml to llusa ii iiitlun 17 t h jiozii f kf donor to rnlv nanti ty nl uon a inl h lb it oi uoe 1ikoj t i vwlui jt 2nd b ibn rm imiic li ilu 4 17 wiscellaneouq grpecials n or unlbx i atiiy work b th ilobit loiutilo liiai of hllvtr valun 7 60 or if uii not simpson n ran of nllvr pnvlnuid ik 6lio worth of lunula from the xatalui uu f iills liiny work by tin ainiili ur who ilillilllon hi fort- by uu luelph bak ry 3 30 ud m ilu tt dkiday 111 it it coll itn id i i ibu 11 w otlu i oil i etui for ly itd ii imaiitti in nn roiiuilm r ban oi but kel by mrs hi cntir tii i low i n limit in iirrangtnj ik i ai son luilpi buidii 1 hi i ult in m i ii uf milln and llultirtllen ny a pupil in 1 by j ibu mowpit iulr of mltta value f ilanlk nt- modelling by a child no id i not uioi ihun 1 pie in tiy minn j oil in fir 1 i using i it tb i 11 1 lit t iii uifai liud li alton denliii to be j iii b i li 1 1 tl 01 2nl 0t 11 skitb f oi ill of tjretubltn nmti 1 and ink sl j li o tn nt w hu li school al a t 1 oh ii i oi y of anj ut 1 1 iwi lit in mm 1 miint bi 1 in 1 vi ll ii a war a htlvt i lull lal u i 1 111 u 1 p t j xl hit or schon iutllt rmhlnnn hihool in a nn s ti hei 1 n in i iiiral hat t mini i n ill ut i th xblllt iiiuy 1 u r mt ti i i ii i i r ii i ti 1 o u i f 1 1 u tl il 1 hlldii t tall f tb ir lb kiv r li unu nt mix of i boltl ur 1u lumrti i into i mun will b ll rn of iv k ionipilb in uu j uu i midi i ponm stlimi ion of any nsravtd h 1 j hi illoiuan i li d 11 i j ii 1 n rlljop a ij man cn photm 1 b i i iimn hi l 1uo d 0lliull wi i 1 ml tint i win n llif ivtllh hid ju ti f spiln ii i ur- to iibitu i i ipb hi b nij ii liiunl in my rii ii mt iilut kiiik alfon- in ii iii 1 1 uk i in ll lu i e llu sllllrn u i t t ik pf h t u tl al my hu in i ii i ilnu i i kuiliiui u mini up p ir b fon uu u m j 11 lit iitd ilk that ii in piled ui n i uu n i i ll hi 11 i ii i mil lllllllioll d to bll kluj h im bill thv n plinl hi puny oubiful li w ii i mui1 l in it l hit maj nly kim alfon u hi il mom nt nt r hi i 111 ib ml kly uu upt i ui in ii uith i i iiuii i buil vi look- i in ll nui td ml 1 ulli hi uu ll pio d 1 ml 1 i i fun j m b uu in in ll int h dim iltip it lry nmall oil 1 li ut ii hal 1 ti mdy fur n il lojli n uid i it b fully r li 1 poll 1 p 1 n i ma fi in lb h st m 11 1 1 it ih uilli i hu hi it ttiirnn ailn lb m tu tu ui m ih it that it ll i lmt fm iii illf of li li tillll i no dqubt whatever a old m rn hi b iik aall uio m fllou lillll all win ll ilkln down a illtltry mud idtiili in 1 in ah ii a iw prifrfullrieliwln ht r cud n tin ii id ah uih n uid prlt ah i ii i liiltt iionln by dr oilmll a llltl tliil jittb ui lhtit ilk ill d ii ph iffm a oi i wilsons fly pads will kill more fues thin n s8- worth of any k fly catcher clean to handle sold by aq druriristh rrorcrh and general stores how to reduce varicose veins kub iiili and upward tti word tlie heart ih itlimul in vfiith i iowh that wiv veir fine quality bpcpjitsju a g orange r71 a arw pekoe truly fiat5sfyirj only 43c per ilj keep tou kyc i- isdlv tir i in ul ttlin ami i cxnmph tb oi in it i fix in p count n ll n tlm ill i in ih twiii lb it luivi rial vulu por nny utnl 1ktj tilth tlm hank rf montreal witl iuli h b mil no tuilrh dm ap i bat j f prftbulir toliih of nrlnjn iate thc narqoin catalogue iilbi yu about tin ram point of dlrfin lit loiititili in ludlfil tiiiala mid uu brltlfdi ohinii n and livn yiiu tin prbr i nirinl in p ly for aim cent postpaid for ciqhteen cento nins two csnt fttampi will do jarflis caicson doheittv do wurtomburtj straot ottawa ontario nadian nationlhailways tiafe tables at acton canadian national gnmu wtiat 1 ly only 10 41 n m y- i xi pt hmuhii 7 4ra in yixit fiinil i 1 1 in n in y i xi i ii hun i j9 p tn i xi pi sunday f 03 t m gotncj esst lay only 7 iitj p m i x i p mind ij 7 ij a in v i xi pi hun i i ll ir in pt hu ipt tu 1 ij r u ir in r 13jni change tour attic intoa cqmtortahlelcn nctiomom play room or extra nlcuping qimrtcra by erect mg ceilinjjn anil kirtitiono of gyproc cyproc will nulc your attic firercsisuint wann m winter aiid cool in summer write orfiobootbti- my home it jmu luiw cyrnroc itnttmuui luuni im write orfitbootlrt my home llwllltcll vou luiw cyrnroc itnttmuui luuni iiuulitlnit fvkib thing siul innilrx will rnliicc your luel bill tool so toty the ontario cypsum co limtted taris cakaua fireprooy walsboard for sala by j 6 mckcnzie acton ont onfu ganeratcmotora could offer w such high qumity suchlorfce prices ajly general motors could pro duce the beauty and comfort of pontiacs fisher built bodies with plush upholstery and luxurious interior appointments only general motors with its vast international proving grouitds could iie the definite assur ance oi pontiacs superb performance rugged duruiility and longlife econ omy and only general motors widi its mammoth purchasing and manu facturing iacijities could offer such un exampled quality and such phenomenal value in a lowpriced six as die new and fine pontine six at new lower prices j w piecious acton ontarioj ponxyc six piiodurr op c mo i oks oi canada umtted mi i by i 1 sluu by t 1 lloll li i i i pmd li 1 v i i d lo i i i ll it lli l i i mi ly lhat i 111 i dm nnolli ii iln in i hum h ti h iiii mil i in mini i uli i 11 i iii f maonos emerald oi full moons 1 morald oil i liumlii qil nm u l ill u i 1 1 m unu liilt d i in i itil i line i aid oil ui it nld iildren cry for castor i a canadian iiitly naily bally bally ibmly i illy hilly dally bally hilly bally blly billy billy electric 7 6lv a m 0 1u n m ii 66n m 1 5 6 u m l gp m f 66 pm 7 66 p in b6g p in umpm 5h a m 0 37 nm 11 37 a in 1 37 ii in 3 37 ti m 6 37 p m 7 37 p m 0 37 p m 11 36 i m toronto ku fjtnaat and st clai i relrht dellvrnl by up t rtiirht lyi l hi pb uid up irem in turmit bss wi ntlmunl bui n atoii al wile uri itll hi ii ill 3 10 p tn and h 10 p m tcaittinunrt tmr it ai ton at 0 20 i in z hi p m and g 60 p m tin bum a i an toronto for acton al u uu i in 1 oo p m ami a 00 p in katurduyn hunduyn ami holi days only a ap inl inm it uvea toninto at 10 till p in arrlvink in aclon at 12 lu a in u ivei kitchen r at lu 01 p m arriving in atton at 11 0 i m tb neheduh la all hawed on mtamlanltlnrrtli muvruuyllilkt- ntvintf t torunto terminal i wuhnc- ton atfeet wejlt toronto cmcllynote svsbbfsbsaaimiissbiaaisbmiaasmbbaabalabh to patrons of this estarlishment hurlnk july anil aujuhi m- tininatloin fur k on tlmm- d iy 1 rldhty and saturday only of in h uipli kindly writo in far phon for apluilntminl uvcn- lniu 1 uiipnintnilhl irfim itrlndlnt- and rpalr de- liarlidi nt optratlnic au ujual a d savage optamstnat a mfg optioian ltiltht at tlil bunt otnco savbec ituilillnu ouolph all kinds of live stock bought w- j patterson phons 111j hinhatt qasb prica paid for bar hldsa savage company jewellers china silverware j ijowcr wyndluun sl plmpe 571 niuii motttpr caitoria is especially prepared to relieve infantb in aniib and ctnldren all arci of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach hatuleycy o regulate bowels aids injheassmylation of food proijtotinp cheerfulness rest ana natunil sleep without opiates to avoid i mi tat urn j alwjy lnuk for the snntaturc of czvmxtu proven ilirctims iwi earfi j l e iliiictjii trvtrywlicre rtcommrod ll tlie old and rclluule granite ami marble workb wi ma mnnufacturera and d tract in iortrrn of all kinds of uonumtnui and 1 luadutotio work wo noil dlrot t our cuilomiiri ul wiioloualo prlcaa thus uavimi uui tutitoiuers 40 pur csnt wt bam the btisl appllancoa and th only mochunlcs in tba homlnloa who lu op i rulo pnoum itlc tuolu uropfely rofnrenctts from hundrsds icra in toronto and other plucsa wlm ro others have tn tiava uiw suits lu onlr to mllclt wo hav th larluut and boat ntm k of ornlte in tho dominion or muro than any thrsa d vol era in tho west we art laslm- uato dealers and euiloy no ajronts and do jhji njvuoxni lst customon by ukiidltiic out linornnt miouu solicit- tnji orders- wo employ only mechanics unu lof jinipi lltlnii hamilton sonf quelph omf we rail glv of jctltuti

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