lje artutl jffrrr tlujlliiday ocioillu 13 1uu7 wild cclol althhuirh i am a rltj chihl 1 hrud a litihn thul ixitniilfjl wild what n ihir 1 nald ami ditddj kllllldl wltt kifin- tiwii jum l toi dm llfchln l iuh tilt mlillll linik vull soimllmiri iii 1 mir ilia 1111 1 i iln inn i i utm wild 11 i i jilinpil fro ml rul nkmr 1 kfiit ttl bed limit illm i 1 white hi 1 honklnir tlitr luiii that it fni rut 1 a imnkliiir 1 urr the wliifinw 1 rtuji il ix joint um 1 lit h 1 ilc t11 join tin v uliapd fljlii v v ll1 im up ii honklm ttit lieu wlnn ilnllnn rlv m i w niiiiil iirrul cltlea lino lij ttt wiro lb unit tn pe the u wild ltim ahonkint llin children nurt uil aalunn ii they nfnteri tn tin in tin- ikj they lrlil tn honk mi it i wild k a hnnklmr 1 ii- uoliht u 1 lid 1111 noilth uil beetle mi and uhlnlnr ii o virnl da j hj ilaj a hunklntr ffiljr 3vrr irfls ifdrt lura iber wise old relative i hank ii iviiiuamtf oj all tli t mil pia tt ilrl hi lh llttli ln of llratnji ton ladit mnffinah a lb anil been urn all till iltn id nith rhllil nf 11 11 h had mutt 1m a llrl in tin rltj hut in uplto neemed in h ippj ami fi u tin- iiccnted brccieu dirt in in the bay below r from tin la nil of leu wild itno nhonkinjr nd tin ro hi lea hloonied and wild rleo the jfrew neils 11 lid nkltn wen balmy blue there 1 e milled tho v vlntir through wllil bociir ahonklnff it 1 an 11 viry plriiuom dream wji rn mother enjlo me goose i seem i thrm i u umy homeward stream willi are c i honkfntr neighborhood news oakille mian dorothy millar hao returned to oulrvllln f iiobcayccon major and mm c u dowdlni uaid family hjtvo returned fruni their oum- mlr reirtdence nt dobcaygrean air walter telford of cobourc in rem wlm old uci in town thin week mr ueorb mauon luhllsher of the ireucott journal und jjru maaof inro in town lam heck and called on mr mid mro howard utard uavrs conn on a trip to t u h und iiurihiiw eailorinbilid ilatamotl cave of kentucky wliil uwuy tin c n 11 iitittloiiliuji been undi irolnu dome rcitulra lately bj wuj bclns rt alilncled tlio in cond inntalment of ton luxes are duo junt three ceku from to day tho daubhtiro of itebakah held u uoclnl tvenlnc on wedncuduj n corn roaat and curdn lonntitutini the -even- inja ixoulodlnirii the torontohamilton hlihay commjaalon han made a vaut lmprovo- mont to tlie bharp turn cant of oak- yilla -hi- u4diiln- -ther- nraitwut- ahd ral the outer de ilocord mr nd mn il w hull with mllvcrtoi i blldren vlalted lut ivlday mr and mro ii lrankuin and lltue tlaui liter nf harrlaton ar vlaltlnc with mr and mm w hull mr and aim k 1- v alker of hair- rruvllle were hunda vlultona wlui mr and aim chuu overland atr and mm jumcii juotloe and mr clayton njienl hunda with mr and aim h lyankuiti at ilarrloton mr trunk mack lucond line irln towrnablp ban been mldlnc many la urr lu to hln fame an a aucccnafui broader of ltlcmtcr heep tin vine tarried off moat of tlie bonom at th local fairs and winning uvcr prue wln nere m the c n ii air a anthony or calffruy au iwrta optnt a fiu dayu iat we with rflatlvin li rt icorbe tame caul t take in the i mpncj tunney nulit and likhlntally vial lid with relative hit ixpccta tn h lye a numlw uf iilrti jtimplny horuii at the itoyul hhow at toronto in novmibr and if reoordn and pholou mean nil thins he will make them utep for the honora ad vocate h r und fminrr h in all tin otb r it tojelli t nljllollt tlu way that i id hi r madce wannl mont nf the ilni uhn wan lt i wlxtftil lnnt of the lime 111 a far away imik in her ej nuli lib- danced unit jilnjed fiom da to da tt v a laln in bo iircn that in r hiarl and lur thnufhti iiirn cimrall flnewherr the troll bio u i thin tin 0111 mui madeu wanlid in m t amoni lur in 1111 wiinh t then thin man wan harr jinnlnnii they ipnl nut tnd fall in love wlvcnutteniilnu lilt name l iducatlmiiil colleoe purlnir their hint iur in rollcce tinrethi r tliey had made uoniwrful plana for tin ir future ritfurlnr prnailnently in i bene pinna wan it little bumulou foi two and ti vlnteovired pnreb and a nine harden then ipiite iiuddenl the dream had 00 nn to iimajih one day jlarrj had come i with a dospalrlnc look on bin afadtrc lis calil they toll mo your father in healthy and oure nn onl child and 11 nd icoi trouble wau harryu handui eaitit at tad veil wan the rojil that madfie had made tlie look of doujmlr on harr fn had eemned bnatly lon t dii mi wjuit thin incuno harry hail auktd i m wnrkinc i way thruunli tolhtie i ulmply wo man a ulrl fur lur monej and can ace what th it ineann it mea ill liavc to wnrli awfully hard to i t an nuah miiniy an- jouve cot there innt much cliann that 1 ii be iiuect ful in dolnk ho rtjrht awn ho better part i 111 come tn ou j ifii soon a 1 ve niadi cnoujih of courne tlure had liccn team and pleading an mad but hurry iiavi l r lion nt face an he bumil jje had left col wire ut once ulnco that lime alidct hadn t iictn luni nnd bin letteru iliail tiecn vpry infrpjiufihl thin wan the ultuatlon juut a jenr aftir harrn di parture and it van when aladjie wan fecllnu partlcularl blue about the matter that the follow inn letter nim to her from harr dar miiilui- it la evidently eolnc to be a ioiib and hard utrupph fur me to ict toith r as much mom i an hhnuld have hu i am eolnff to pan out of jour llfy ou uhouliln t bi aaketl to wall for m and of courae i muldnt ntand it to have j ou support i vt- tutji4ubli iouut-ainerlet- i in iolnit down there iii be iron a lonir loni tlnu while im none i hopi for uui unn iakt that ou villi b luillilb marrlid out before iolnll i ulmpl muni he ou eain ho iii iiuiir to joui luwn within a few daj ii ml call ou up ulun 1 mine thin itttir lliillled iudli- and dlhinayid tn r bhe who immeimi 1 plianol at tht uiousht o nceluff harry air tin and el dlamayeti ut the tone of bin litur hh didnt mint him l o away slit didn i want him to iiv ixi up hhe didn i want to mrr hai r id i ill harr u ntv k nan onl natural ir tin flmt calau of their iiotm day i la tir a t aludue nlnff tin aflirikhiii mhm lur famll win all h that muli l pleadlnti witli hard to chanii bin pla it h o foolluli har r mai tried rh 11 wl both i ru for a ollur ft r nu to jet our prld ata ml in tht v a of dut haiunei what if t llluil tnoilej my fall r oulli j ou a fin job uid harrj lilt a ckuturt ut aimer nt tjiat h j nil the imilnt n crkd i iiuii ti liltltu ik of auriiiiiii and wo all fut d iiurin 1 d i f line prld iy in to mm iieitiuiulml han tiklm til midh i mild mndip imflly thin ir ouu lie unit of t man ou look lu lie uald tp old man ou ii ntuff iiur titlvv pililu in ynir pocket mail mad hi iii to work fin her dad ami jro thai ou v rid tht rlrht utuff in ou by woiklm llk ln und iiuiklm j nod junt an ijulrlt a i oti malii with hr hi ai i in in r hhil iii ijnrr tilluthlh niiliri of mill ih old nnd wluii lluny olp jiliailul don t don t upoll both oui llvm tor an imitant harry ri turned liar ine a jrea unlit in hui oyeu tin n he leaned to lur uita roldnd hnr in hln a rnin kr an inntant they embraceil then harry looki d up at the old nlan with renewed anxiety thin in all viry iliu nald harry htlildenl but what will madikn father nn i would u t humhlm rr nt for tiirowltilt nit out of tho hount vor thfli tlie old man ioiiu and pattod harry kindly nil ie iihouldr thntb all rlaht um mill iu old man with ronl urfcotlon in lilu vol on 1 m maduen tnjl and amlllni klndl at tin m madcon dad tumid and hurrkd from thn mom the annual pish story drop promises wcll junt ao cuch acuaon briniro to uifht u now crop of flaherman ho aluo jaah neunon brlnsn to llslit an tntlrtly ntw crop of flub utorlcu and if cournl all hah utorlcu are truo unco unly uomo aro tooro truthful than otertf jut uio folbini on en nortctl oul irmu tlio mlncellanouu p otorjen which havo been broiielit in by dnhlnj liartlciiw ho linvo vlnlttd famuun laku and rver opotu aloni tbe unoii of tho canadian national itallwuyi durlnc the present oeunon can all be vouched for tht flrat of tlicm comcu from down in the maritime provlnctu where tht bijr iillvcr uulmon arc found on at murya lllver in ou8boro count of nova hcolla thtro aru man fumouu ualmon pools when thin year nplon- dld catches of ualmon wire beirik madt one duy whtn tho followlnf incidents oaurrcdi thr balmairwprtr bturji w t it n ctrtuln pools w liltti arl know n a he htlliwnter utctlon nd anionu tin innlpru who w cro jjuli liiiuctd ii aatlnir flleu on thtoe poo iii wa i out oltlce lnoectur from halifax u n bin flmt ualmon nahinji trip licijn ier n luck pruverblal iiliiunu flub rmitu m with him and while tlu ouiti menibcru of tim pat t wiro aiitlni injured bianttu in hla dlixctlon thlu utntlvffian lioukeil u lint ualmon caatins wua bclns done from out of the flutboltonitd boats w tilth art used on tho sl mary a itivtr with a juld duinn the poling fur him w inji tin nler o truck and hookid a twenty lound ualmon hit julu bitfun to polt bunt toward an ouny landini place und in doing no iiad to cronu a rapid at the foot uf tho pool he waa pollni the old pastorg dicmiroal f twill hi hid hll anituluh within ili loml th il auiftiufciyvstifji about llietl ptutur jic v lot d hllll v i hit tin roflln in word i of rdilnltif id ff th it in oil ml tji1 old btanduya m riio 1 to ni di old frltnd and saml wuldlr ut till jully inaity- iunilhd i ii txmiipk tho tin in gcoi1qctown all hi ida heswlck of attun up aunda with allaa mary vaimutur mr and mm j g ictrjncd cleveland were cueta of th mluaeu kennedy durlnc tho lutit week mr a u bqulrej of the canadian national lu uklns hla holldayn ho und mrs hfjuirm have on i riday on a vlult to frlendu at klnanvlll and other uratirn tuwni ii and mra iinn r c thompson am havlni to miirrvw venlnj for ilallfix where air thompson will at it nil lit canadian i iutilway ticket aeiiai aflhoclatfui convention prruient d ua hint pt ulven by the hi raid lal ietrnibr 31 hi77 wln hlik il wr pmprutom of tl papei wt apprelale it an huuvtnlr ami kindly iliank the dnnnr air a c itohlhuon met with a pain tul incident laut halurday w in n brtltk ina a liorl at ilia honit here a nail 111 the board enetratlnj hl knit aipl hf ha betn confined to hl room under tin doctors cart tver since mr and airs j t kauer have re turned rrmi tiulr weddln trip tu n y nil 1hllalclphla and have itkn up ibilr rtuldunce in town tho haw btt wishes f tl numeroiin app and pron tletk it ptnnlonir of unone ut dad i ve got itt tuiiito ui i tiual fooling oi not at ilurrj ou ve tfh th w all th a ileclan i m idin with ilr- iilnatl hi hint itell riff r i i 1- thouaht it all over and talked it ovlr wltli an old relutiv of mint w ho i pretty wis- and he uaj hun uie thlno you should do would lt to ome ian anil h to work tor in fa tht r and no no tried hair oli crltd mudije dtnjairliirl i tant txplaln it to you an thh lelnuvt you como with talk hln iltuu ent iln lh nltated rijrht jto aal1 nulklly at lam lout in jour fa hip know an n bunt mi ii d junt miturulj nt mil of th iut if lu ihouchl t in rt w as ail uthib dolnu be un of toumt ht wouldn t want hy stricken mini in law and f he wouldn i ff mi a joli i ve n youi dad but 1 know just in d net and 1 tuuldn t blame aladffn ii iii out aid othini f ih j jliunt llttlt sti frani bulldlno but hurrl1 and itotrn thr an anrli nt future jurald ourlinoton air ii iyon 1 lndlater of ar nptnt humbly wiui mi and mrs ai mtjcerll mr and mm j lilal arrive i licmi on alondu cviln from th ir wedillnir trip to the toast ilev ti v tcbbs ni11 ut the tall j- air af llodne la and at uamlm ionian itlal hft on w hun us j in tuci dm hday lu foi hudliur id a position ii bury htar a dog uan run ovt r liy an automo bile and killed on ilrunt htr et on m mornlnk whlth tauutd uomo tx ltiiutt for a few mlnufeu the grant oiwtruetlon coniiuny ar ruuhlnir uloii the pavlno in town tiny ar now worklntf on jamrh html and exjiett to inov ovt r to hai r avmiie the tarl part or next wt ok at four iimmk on tuesday afttr- iioon the nrt alarm fiundett for a fl at the o w v a hall on kllxahetli nlrt oi durltik the uuiurni r montha the iw i i fcw tin rmisti r and whtn the mn taker scartnl the furnnre tin j tiik lire the pi jr wan hl mied with htmilic tho rubbhih wuw txtlnuulshed with a pall of water and no daiuntfe wan done tht llrunni uere on the job but their iiervkeu were not rtnulnd a m hiijiimi iroum they went upstillrn tin semi darkntmh kl i d uk harr madura wiil ml at th top 1 tint ll nt in the im into whhh mai ulrtiled harry wa uan u hmwfartnhtyfttjrituith liotiutautund sen ir rhiilra and a i oil tup t the lattur at a ntalwart klnir pleaant faced old man whit hah but nharp a i- ha han the his dei id man llldhattil k and drew up to the harr for t down loth haxetti no peed to uffrr ulth mrnii ir to run the rink f paring thrm itmovit llnstn uuiul und painless with hul- lownyii corn ltmovr aladjte tmli told inn ul jiui the old nmn i kirn ou foel l f much the afudi tiler uilibeily ittout you i juut how same way yfam aso when i married in wlf i didnt have much nf a tint in tlitine iluiu and hir folk wen wtulth when i niarii4j her i went lo work fur lur ibid and hellevi- mi i workrd i probably worked a lot harder be- lauue ltl imtrrid a ihh illan daunhter than i would havr nttii rwlat- am t matle bimm soone on hut ncrunt than i would have dun otlierwue j juu var lop think lluit ou might ou work harder and maki vtiikl wuiiirr bfmium of murryliiif o ruli tiiana dauahler than you would ntlrwiiur nn i hudnt tllouiiht uj uiflt 4hl tiy ihuujtlilfujjy i ui6h oui a lot like up- went th old man i thoukht only of rnyulf t muttir of thii huutlua- llon of folku wyliitf i wu a furtiupj tlone inff tho nuvlto nalnriiiuii how to brine in hln in lu when hurt ua u uuildcti uslittnlnit of the iiurn of tiiu ttar but valiantly hanlino on to tho i in lxlltennnl of tho landliik hln lab the utlslcr slipped on hit ulon f the river bed ami in duinn no uuc ted od in tajisllnit he lino around blu wrlal tho rulde hurried to hla rencuo and succeeded in landini tin itnh to the bank lo where it wu gutted tho net rtiiult for the anulor wiu a tluacouuh uoavlni tlio txcltmcnt of land in ir a twenty pound uulmon on his ilr ut fluhlns trip und a lot or expert once or what not to do in plmlni t nob another atory uupkortul bi pbniy of evidence tomes from tin ltlc claire ii et 11 on mar laku ht john it northtrn quobtc where v ii imy a noted cluvtlund angler wua uctom nletl by two montrtahru on a trout ilahlnff txiicdltlon in tht to u rue of r journey into this tenltory whlrb ruvtmoxl b practically virgin liout ainu und laliiv dray und hla rum panions dlncovtred indian itivtr u amajl stream touiittilni two lakcti and louimcnccd fly lulling for trout th troul wen tomlni runt und tht uport was jjood it la not unuuual lo iitar of a fly flnherinaii landiuut a tiout at a altihli 1y wiitn he la uutnji a droppir on hlu line and- thin hie member of tin party wire jollitf quite frequently tin n uruy aprunff a new otu hi ut uolnn a ulntfli fly on hlu itader and hookt d a fall nixed trout at unit as he reeled in u st toud ami lurit r trout ipad o a mud ruah fur the nmall hout which was hooked and uueceecd in ubout huir awullowlnu him i bin a third and uil lursir out mado a ruab after ihe two w htch wt ru on uruyu fly cjray u tfulde luln 1crmn tooil im sldt him in tin rlfflta witi u idlns net tin third trout followed rliiht up on dm a feet tin f ul 1 eathed down witli iht iandinii nt i ml iiucned blm while ural landed tin otluv titi wlilth uim ulnady on thi which is nut no bad fltililni an 01t iipiterii u111 afiiim another and uomtwbat nlmllar nlor thouffh it contemn lurun flh i bioucbt liaiu bj a utrt of montreal riu who just returned from a hub int trl in the plukircl hv r 1 or ian lla stttlon of ontario thtu they had enjoyed auiue uplomlld baa huhlnu lundlnt small mouthed blatk has up to 4v ikiundn ami on ono i alon a lad mcmbei of tbe p trty wan bait can tlnu and hook d a air nisi wnlieys or ik pi i ii an h dicw bim toward hie boat urn yuldu nutlet d tho huik muukeluuke followliik the hookil flab while the liuly icehi in hi i walieyu tht munky follow it ti within a ftw feet of tht boat will i the ffuldc tuiinitjuk the musky had sot ti the boat and dived to tin bod but in his plat won a it n pound northtrn plki runhlnh fn the luioked muh an fnut as he could the uuld waited until the plkt tame within rrurh of the jjalt then with a weft lunne landed him in the bo it a if a in that wua hot bad lluhinji and an iln tht story 1m fully vouched for it t liapa the aurprtai tali h of thn in iuon how- ivit wits made by two ai out real flub erinen who were throwing a llin into the waters of the ht liiwinmi itlvti wuln half it mile uml hai hoi nhtdi iluildtnly tht y saw a htrune form in pblii and rowing ovt r to invi utl mile lhe found it to in a nial whiih hud hliaytu lu from tho uulf tiotui luic a rupa tht y lanatu d it ami af lor ii hard flbt uimwwdod in landing it over a inlhi away fiom where tiny had made tliulr tatih with the tld of a truik drfvir tin ir prlsi whleb writ li vd tivr twto bund red- pojm curried houw in triumph h ilh t u ii in tur l iut iht iulul1 trail en j i 111 fl ld of 11 in til m liua jtl a 11m ui all ml mj lh 1 i ii 1 1 t b put1 f lu tin t llll lh willi h 1 hi lit mo b i m i inn ii i on ho of i iv nt i 1 i juidjoti lh ii in mi u ilitlt 11 uk it 1 if tn th j oo apple of h wkhi wl mn n- ii till miiihtrj tl vftlh ntn v hi ul w lib hlax r them mir vleatii- i 1 ami in utnh 1 mitra luh hii nlni ijl ml if fit hi to hhine tliltn ii will build wa ut nn oliellidi rtfy tqnino dcsscnt applco lioll rhoii ai luntonl dim an kn when iiin l mil slum rhin inn nt il ml vai li hi i oi niipllo nn i in bo n tallied in thoir full naor foi man maintain d lu a ptopi r rulurt tin uport of llilllnh olumbla lx hon fut 136 niali n that n unit hi la i it l i nip rature or j- di qtilnd nv innutliii tor apil n to t il b uim d vt inn mftn mi iiin loundn an ainilipit four en iouniiii whin tin fiult w iu pii it d pillar fi tilt iheced tn t mnujn iiiiaio wh i lh tiiupcntuiii ilurlnit he autumn muiilhn ranitcd btwton 0 and tiq di i ri en 1 rnichi d u iiof t nan of 9 poundii in two monthn ily h tim th apiil i had n in ht d a loftiilhii of 8a poundn ihtir mark i a i ii had b mm uim and tin flaoi dim rio id h din jl luipk olo itlo of lopm nt of un tht a n uulta nun till stun tliitemlimit it it in not ndvliinlile ifi thr i maclntoiih in hanlpi an 1 ii hi ily wlui ti inn in iin i fr jit lht the f about ti ii poundn iiieiikur- prinsure tn i r tlie raplil- hleh hit inll i fir dip iititniki lit pt mln in nt in tin irt hi ipti tn wnicn it in nuitjertfid mpiiriiliin n or we uvur an ftruunttind and month 1 1 taken to itt uuiiuinptloii bn pro ld t imti e ffi hit tenipentur but upllhm 4ii diitn nim ilmu itm iukfl kllul lllil lkviy lbvehfltt niir ih cnd ronrtltlnn ncfei rnt rm thci id thin tmpirlment iimu report whloh s ulllalpid from tho iublleatlonu tlrimch of lip dtpailimnt of aleulturn at ottawa jiiiikoi tin mn ful a bm rviilloh ilint uppb h r uiln ti ispn un nnd flavor in im n ilvanlatii ilthei in lu nlot ol in th himi w hen kept unih i ton til s r mmim i and hit h hu in a warm fu kltthin til bit atlvel utllldlt mper e what itvaoall about id wylun uid hhi w if are 1u tin mill 1111 i llll mill dllm mlltml inn i iddiin r rihn i hptitiip ill- mi i tiniiljij rnin him t ioiii hmiii t im i uh il alum fin oodin i ink ull tlim m mllu 1 lh il iln hnnh f i i i tin i i i niihjwl in nw nun ulii- lt nt w i i pi mil illllj atiiilt ui i pi i i mh in v lll tirt ih ii u i i limn un in ti iii nnllouul impair tin api ml iualli of in in it applet a vtcrtou9 portrait u join lu no ii- inj o nitk till fulluwinr ti nt 1imiuu hi in hi irt in lieln for lilu photo up i1iom of iiuplli uy h v oft i of hluh wit and tubman n fond at thai in u o ii ir th hu ci writlni of it id llll to bin had ankt 1 iii tilui l iiuron nd it wt mi rd d iti v john t mini l t illt ti m da nori li in phifui iphl r i ii 1 at hillllmnhx mt n m ntin it tn unkl and 1 u to ou xtl i hill h l 1 tin hut h i no for tin hi iin lb re noui of un hla n lit ion ji qii to dtniv yt th illaiiiio of hill on tht dump that nora lit ai tart oih with t h isiiii j im c till h 1 u nd it i i and hi piihinl lew u t and 1miooi1h oui of till 1 no idiot i iph ii num ii of in n 1 u vi on md lh olh t hi in that 1 hlu in rn mmitim lh k pip 1 it h illln tin vmila wld tin illiuali and lh tuiutauua ullly- miahj -ty- ih t toki n litiu f n liilndionid nun llll iidilii hum on found in f th i luil lit rrvnt niipulillrhlnl t lh pertinent not impertinent 11 iv holll thliii itiltnllt i nhoot it itlvltlo of tin i hiibtl puf thai uim 1 tbik dam ntlll hi ouu vu i i lilarly atu 1 tfnltid cliuruli 111 in tin oldiul albl j i lihjtim uh il jjimh to thili i dw ii ll it 11 t ui- mo 1 whv he saluted jlil td tlltl iiikllh bid 1 mluuaiilu ul aiiaaalju liiuuu oil ii thit th topped and uymd till dllall h rfsl ol i hut i iiiiuil i m h ami lb town u 1 oi 1 w iotdjv jrrih rn di j- j d by th for gas acid stomach indigestion bifturated magnesia s safe and reliable if vim ire a victim of htomanh rrt iilhv hiiuinim acidity pain r hlo in nfttr oatini lltjuratoj m ijin lu h niuhi f y at tin in an nt ilnijj at ore xit a but lejawd r or tahl ts toko a httlo iw et and it work own ispar i pur ck fragrant s x3b jt k e jl l o g g3 sthaia rejvleiy hluts in hal to acth illomiauvturvimo all iiimitatiom a tlllal will oohvincc mhz hens jf3fc fhhun ice wim1 xjay mom eggs write forprtti poultry dook and advictpftluf send 10 for 160 p-tf- book llluitmted pratt food co ef canada limit j toitomto oold uvw d taluut acton ont keep your eye peeled rons r ti nuiiirk n i in rn un mini rolna in i irruliiuiiii mui liiylin iikiuiiii j tlruwiiii unit imvii rut vnlur tor i tiiniiilii- un i iiiiit iiinnj iliuetl 1h30 with tlni hunk nr montrcol mi iti fin ii i tu iliu unrtli mdlio it in nut niuoli in ti innihii it li tin niurillj nf inrtlmilui- mliin of iirluln ilulin thc narc coin catalogue tnlln jiiu iliniit ii r coin f un i iminirlfii im iiiiiiiil ciniiiiln unu llin jlrltliili olinii h fcnil ilvin juu tin prlci ii i ninuiutiu to jiuy for immi sent postpaid for cightcxn cento nm two cnt stamp will do james ca1ih0n doherty 00 wurtmnbgro otrool ottw onurlo its a caserof love fit fttet sight when your feet lip into invicruo shoes such style such com fort such wear ran best good sdo h l harrison 3 tea te red rose orange pekoe fa the best tea you can buy picked when only three days old juicy flavor filled leaves now packed in alvrranum banish theumi pump pumping and carrying watoi ib not just hoixi work- ita drudgery slavery i r jvho could bo happy and healthy ptmp- fnn and carrying tona of water cuch yoar vhy tolcrftto ouch drudgery when a duro water system will deliver frcah running water under pressure to your kitchen bath room and prounda for 10 cents per 1000 jauqna jip lpw first cost of q duro water sys tem will uurprisu you duro cjvco battsfac- tory water service ut lowott coyt and now you can have freth running water under prououro at icsy coat than over before sco ua for complete dctutla no obligation e empihb ullabs mfg co limited water empvteiwty s business directory lilldlcal dli j a mcniven pliyiloliih and burgeon olllro and itosldnnru comer itowv ivnniit an ijtfln lltrebt iiioni ax or n j nelson i itidirtiric nrittoarr acton ontario ilionn o 32 ix o iiox ssi hakold nash farmer m a 0srrit r qolloitor netry putlu convnyanotr cto pcnnvman olock acton ont munby iknt onjjfiltttlaaba mopirn d 10 a mto t p hi haturdayn 12 00 oclock dr j m 4 d d s ld s osntiat llonbr niiduuti of toronto untvw ally th latrnt annslhitlc ud if deslrnd ofllco at rciildenre corner of utl i and protlrrlnk htrects dr j h johnson d dvs lts dntl surgaan offlco over ilanu ot nova ocotlm tebbphonc ii micceluanc0u3 francis nunan boublnjr aonourrt booko of all kin da tmas t order itirlodlcala of evary derlb tlon carefully bound ipbtln- nu and promptly done windham btreel oualpb 0l over wlluama storw r j kerr auctioneer and re eaule twenty tfeara ecprle8tva list your prtopeittt with me acton ontario new laid eggs wxntecs i on man ctasa htohiis mini tjr nllntf and prompt it turnu ahli to c a lockvnn tha cgp man 72 arlington ava toronto for fire fhsurance bk1c a e ni0klin bowar ava bail 444 a tan ann uf aocidnl and tmcknesa and auui irmuranoa collections wn handle collectlam only 36 yours experlnnca apoabs for itself anourlnr oftlalcnay and ra- llabllity kelly aiken coltlectonb orangavilla and own 8 und ltef htondord hank of canada monuments mark every grave acton monument works s nicol main si allan wrekjy iasliion hint ioit oututloii activitir ijeljtlcl lur uir wnnun hiui rrk llic iiiiiimlii in itylr for ipnrti nr uy lime use li iliu frikl in ilnu iluunrl willi inlliir n nliln1 ill 1 hr nlllnl liiwcrlrnnt mil mlc inlkini loin lilt iicrrunt am mmkirti ontliiw tlivci tn llic jiniitiirc an fntirclj novel tllrit l iircloril h mi i 1 liiudicil wiili nlain iiiiii mnlmtiijic rriiirc 2j jii sijjiiii nulcrul j