Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 13, 1927, p. 5

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sts tin iromi or in artmt 3vm jlrjfbfl tul alton ttiuitiuy rvtrn mill slrrei at 11 illi s the 1 it onlarh prlre 1 pc cllletl aillilin silica 1 lie 1 pjm imlualr oi if tflir wlilli the a if auvrutisil hat1s i o an 1 in i vrntlalma a 1111 is ldut tllliuonlv- edllorul ami itcilrfencc a vonl of appreciation ifclnri chnrlei schwab head ot the ltetlilchtin steel cor poration ny tlint one tiling which he leu rued from andrew carnegie wii to know nicit me ay it isnt criticism wind will nuike n man work harder it is stimulation challenge antflnp wifi mbkc a horse co faster hut it will make a mitn who is worth any llmift rebel tht- tendency to sny fiothini when jood work ii dune und to ind fault when there any mimake is neither wise nor fnir if vt nre silent at all we had belter he silent when tlimjjs jo wronp and vocal when they go rig in it will he found in most coses to he sound business policy to ocrlook the blunders nnd to mention nlwny the llings which htl worthy of commcndntion ramoim for iclouni the weekly report on the hiphwayi of ontario hist wck kvl much spiicc to highway no 7 which passes through acton from snrnin to toronto while only three detours url outlined on this highway seems to jie n fair overage for any one highway much work has been done on no 7 in many different plnccs this year and nf season detours have been much in evidence lined years work however is putting the roadwny in that much better condition and while the detours jre a considerable inconven ience there is the pleasant prospect to look forward to next year to a much improved highway we have rather had much of the cloud of detours this ycai but possibly next year the silver lining will be more visible on no 7 highway the sunday school lesson rem aundav ocroucn tj time tables ay acton 111 xith ti vjiiini ilptutt teuton i i lljuh much h vim i tint ut a tin i nil in oh old ttmitii tn ii i ul fur flir royal ahib ilo- i1 ivlllllll to i uli nlitihilf gojno wont hiimtij ni hi 11 olrt llll xi w ii m llll xi i sum iv r li ij a m dilh 1 iliiill l j i in dill 1 x r miiiii going caul ij j tn surnl i llnl hi i m it iu x 1 slll11 uh n in mill ix 1 klin 1 i 11 7 u in 1hi x i siinilii i 17 ii m till x 1 hundil r 17 p m- llillj xil t suml l h i t i m canadian national railwavq clcctric thursday evening october 13 1027 editorial mr ferguson evidently meant what he sjtid plidtever mny be tlie shade of political opinion of any individual the stand of a man who says no and means no cannot help but be admired mr ferguson has had every kind of persuasion used to get him to accept the leadership of the conservative party in the domjnion house he was quite out i spoken early ia the runnincpn stand there- wns no doubting what his answer meant fiut in these ndyswtampwttctfl change theirstnnd very frequently the public seemed of the impression that mr ferguson might change his mind when assured of the high honor within his group mr fergusons mind was evidently made up from the firsts he wasnt to be swayed into other peoples views by public or party clamor it is indeed refreshing to see a man say no and stick with his decision horse racing passing hrrse racing dle3hard in the olden days when every sport kept at least one driver and when rela live merits of drivers was the most common subject of conversation great interest attended horse racing there is none of it now many of us still like to spend an afternoon nt the track but our interest ii the outcome of the events is very mild indeed the horse drawn m the pool becomes the special object in the heat but the pools are so small that nobody cores much yet year after year agncul tural societies spend from 500 to 1000 on prizes for horse races do they really stop to consider what they might get for the same money in othdr lines they name 250 as a purse to be divided among three horses frequently the money might as well be divided before the ruce as after yet the same men who vote 250 for a race that is usually th essence of tameness will shudder at the thought of 100 for something that will please ten times as many bracebndge gazette two different cases the owen sound suntimes suggests that in order to reduce the cost of construction of rural electric lines the hydro electric commission should follow the example of the bell telephone company und allow the farmers to construct the lines our con temporary admits that the proposal does not meet with favor with the commission if the editor had practical experience in tho electrical business he would understand why light lines such as are run through the country for telephones would be con stnntly out or order if used for high voltage current and would be a source of danger and annoyance erecting high voltage lines is a job for experts and necessarily costs more than telephone lines we have every sympathy with the destre of the farmers to enjoy the convenience of electricity but nothing is to be gained in electrical construction by aacnfic ing efficiency a single ground may put a whole system out of service the ontario government is already doing a great deal to bring hydro wttfiin the reach of the farmers by granting a bonus cquiva lent to half the cost of the rural lines but it eannol be expected that the rates on qcw development wil be as low as on those which have uuci in operation tor years orillia times and packet government control the ca uhc in a parliamentary discussion at the century club in toronto one evening lust week a diversity of views bearing on automobile uetidcnts were brought out second vice president j h llether ington said that he thought the present laws should bo enforced more stringently drunks he loiiuuu cd are one great cause of ucudeuis und 1 think the reason for thai is government control if you would abolish accidents then you ud aholiph goyernnjcnt onjruj accident duo to drunkenness have increased tenfold since government control was introduced he though i hut the remedy was to educate the people to value human life more sacred ly this feeling oward the drunken motorist is getting more prevalent all the time the facts have tc be faced and the police records show the appear aucc of the drunken motorists on the highways to be becoming more prevalent ull tjic tiplc a few more yearn of government control and motorists and public will unanimously sec that public safety demands government prohibition of liquor und not the control of it when a bottle of booze in uncorked and consumed the control of any individual or gov ernment is defied to stop it on lis rampuge with the advent of present motoi speeds the htiuu be longs to u past ugc if the good work can he kept up canadas net debt decreased by 70180814 in the flrstlialf of the present fiscal year the financial statement issued last week by the department of finance shows that on september 30 last the debt amounted to 2277gm55o on march 31 the clos ing lny of the last fiscal yeur the debt stood at 2347834375 during the first half of the last fiscal year there was a decrease in the debt of 53 003920 consequently the decrease shown during the first half of the present fiscal year is over 10- 000000 more than ttjat for the previous year both ordinary revenues and ordinary expenditures ot the dominion show an increase during the hojf year which closed september 30 last ns- compared with the corresponding period of the preceding fiscal year tt nrrtrnj r nryexpendifuresshow an increase fbp5w7050ovcr the 192027 figures total ordinary revenues col lected up to september 30 last amounted to 220 757 368 during the corresponding six months a jear ago they were 200893101 ordinary expendi tures during the first six months ot the present fiscal year amounted to 142025825 as compracd with 132 125 809 customs collections collections of excise duties und income tax collections all show on increase during the six months under review when comparison is made with the corresponding six months a year ago customs revcnuc amounting to 78 829 188 is 7 195 944 higher than during hc firbt six months of 1926 27 when it amounted to 71 433 244 excise duties collected during the first half of the presnt fiscal yeur were 28 742 324 or 3998812 greater than in the 1920 27 period incometax col lections show an increase ot 5 198078 in tavor ot the precni year the total amount collected in the six months ended september 30 last wns 48207 804 fx 1 aluih iv vixnl ll llitil that tu liml lout hln 0 monty hi r iillvii 1 hi v iiil 1 in vlali it 1 ii siiltir n rijajil hut nr i iii nt hln l rrctl wihil ii 7 ixpih 1 tnkiii milium 1 iui jmn1i a hub miiit hnv ha illll lllt ni1l ml iii ii tl iltijuntlllnlu jniii ii 1 ii nli 1 imarvi r in illimiliini u in miittir from h in mind h tin i lih ni ami the in local aiitiinridin anil th fill uln r id nt in joxrerl b irocliilm a faul ait an ion of horror at tlm awful witt iii jill in ii crlni he i l f hln c wlir jrxitlx at pr n pin tuliti pin t hitild iihiir hint tin r ul propi t i mini t xi cun il for lilunplii my t rtcl tu the itlnc id llanl tfiou klllrri iijjiiv irlln l ucctiuih aluih of lmrlkimtl u iiitinli or nil both ltelribuuu iii xa t lilnoil f 11 jo iiold lb tu if an into nlavtrj lmmmoii tltaman niunr until 1 kltik hi 1 of mnnarclilul iwttli ftn in viiln to harialli in met ii the kil r unrmnl which ahull h arl whether or had told aliul ixactl of imit naholh alinl rtnltr- m1 to hi editorial notes the more the windsor mess is uncovered the more we feci we have been fooled by the policy which wns 10 end bootlegging and all such vices the globe the department of lands and forests of the province or quebec have planted 1 600000 trees this year a record figure and nearly double that of l3t year next summer it lb proposed to plant 1000000 trees thl hni ht lo talk tamil for t 3o u u1u ilaa he 111 of hln aiiotttral in iltum in tin ifjilm itlnit w o vtxnl lie j eh it in lout hhi ii in iii union of larm iliill of 11k thlnix w hoiihhi lrtlmmt ilnful of tin hudiiii i rrrtaii r iti rm hup on irk r ttt- rrt 11 lluuui a frank introduction o rtaln ntlr man in iimtun urn d nlrrlaln i h it drill lvpr 1 rl rilffht rittui mr g 11 hurci n in mtnuitrn of a luhmiin h ull ijh to in i ihiiiii ilntkiiia n at huum ho n ii unuh imui i r tti l man w uuld firjt und nnk two il ilunn fn- tin hiinu ivu ln hm th ii 1 mualtih mlilit nip p nlclit a h runxpd and hejirdt d irj mm vrr y niulh lund huh ik on i dlv n in th t ilnt llfuf tlhlll hi ulu uilj jlfjill il ujla a noil il 1 out d ind hi a d d ntrtnl hid itt iiovmi oh to i or u tlm tin i uatthtd tho willi 1 p th it nolll 1 a limit d aoiinlahlllt allnhn holha vin d and jr llihlnft ton nurilrr in nr tint iik anl art- h the wise business man will do his best advertising in the dull trade season und in the good season he will not fail to let the people know what he has to sell them the greutcst push in business is ad vertising this is not a stntement it is a fact the board of trustees ot 43 school districts in the province of saskatchewan have been granted per mission by the provincial department of education to build new schools und make alterations and uddi tions costing in the aggregate more than 200000 evidence of increase in the numbers of offenders under the motor traffic laws was present in traffic courr at toronio one day last week when 350 cases were on the polite reeordt for trial the charge were for recklcs driving speeding und violating the parking laws there have been efforts made recently to purthusc several newspapers in various porta of ontario the reason probably i that the conservative party has awakened to the fact that the scores of nmulgama lions among newspapers in recent years have in near ly every ease absorbed the conservative paper al liston herald the daily press had photos of hon mr hancy in his judicitl robes one day last week and we toiildn t help suying thut this garb ycmcd to suit mr kuney much more than tlicdolllical atmosphere he was in on u wurm summer evening we chanced to see hi in when he delivered fiery speech in a small crowded hull ai halliuafud the futility of mailing lisls for advertising pur pose is exposed by the postmaster of chicago who estimates hat hundreds of thousands of dollars ire literally thrown uwny every year in thip way ad dresses are obsolete there are no return cards and much ot the mail is sent to tho dead letter office i urtherniore a great dull of this unsought litera ture is consigned ai once to the wastcpupcr busket almost every day some organization is paying tribute o newspaper advertising the other day t a convention ot rtstuurunt keepers one of jhe clegutcs said weve tried all sorts of stunts but the ouly advertising to bring results was that placed in the newspupers it is vitul to keep tho name of your place in the newspapers what la good in the suurunt business is good for all kinds of business nan lu11 tfi lot llp hill of rlkhl mil nroiii in him 11 h1i any for iiiihi i nt i ti income alrophld in nir inol rn life aluo thtru nri auto in iuitl ajitucrilcliieuiuiuti und each i ihcui liuuk to thi opinion thut thut aln mu lu at lliiun lh imllct depart til in uump of out- umit utlm and ly th clunn polltlcul lontrol knon n hi rliiiii undi r tin lilji iif iiii irjpniionnltllc baau th mil it ihitllrn that and uoll for a v tlioniim illrltrlr in oiikiitruld rii and th varud u h- put maltr tt thr- no ilnilir n nult nnsi frtend i fun unit npui 1 nimllam aroln i mnlr uanl hi it power wll in i umlilnir of uorrn i hrlmllrta down tlulr adirn of labor union that the ha indlvldu iitloiuil lm phllunthro ha tho ru iij tried aliah tit muilp i in la tu lu of loolclnii mxiii that folliiwt iiln in v h rd ninin tip ninni r y nil hln mind ijj jotlu thtu phtf mpi wit hla ni ll r illy io an tnfmj klljuh luv tun ml thee becuune nl uol1 tliplr to do that which n the llht fir jihovah im- nol arhltrurlly vlnltrd upon th it il v lllltuolvcl i the it which the dttlarulion ith ii mluu die brow ii iiliull dl utb liml mliull nd dlacucsian h hit h r otudy in ttir ii itutu r hie 0nl na tho oinrlai i tiliuiual lnn 1hui1 if iillll in llljih hln pernoiuil m nij t imuintt il chrlatl in nujip alto ll th ill ull of othir peoph 7 dally raedlriga or naxt waak moiildj ordiliir 17 in uli 0 1 tim ndi oilolxr ih oen 1z 1 wh did allah too q0od u hiotillm 11 tlhkiki tu nit 11 luck unulii too cnthusia0tic jot i llltlljl jaln if iou wh ivlmt did 1 ii7 win u tuulb mjoyltm 1 dine irolnir rijin cun asthma krllohb j dlffwc imwly liu it dr illimu luiit dy in dli from oliirr ho calkd un0ue levity nlinl uutondpd iivor ui hiiitii had i illurd tout th druli ihtlnnii had air aw pt uv rhounl tin eapt a unxlouu i idffnul l roturt decided to wan jr d in r n tit luti had tilt n nitintd nulnenilil liml hli i hole tho duintlrik i hln wuy up to llu captain l uuld kill joy hut thin in ilni on nrtworkn ounh tht porl fon the nciiveu nrivouu wonjini thin trail truru how to reduce varicose veins hub gently and upward toward the heart as luuod in vclrui flows tlist way mu th it llnrv will r din nwoll if you will it- nal hotllo of moo ntrinuth at any llrul ilui and appl it nlulil and dlitled you will ultk inikjovinint wlih h will tlm vi inn und built h an moonti cmtrald oil in ioii11 dnpimld h 11 1i to h mituidy that in and hum hi n i oun orliti tiaralj oil full unl iowtr i lal u v v rful in i ut- in in nt j ii td wllh ry iodk tlmi iitdui emerald oil thut id rf men r- it fflfmifi j k uc- v j wmmf v iwc rhe awrt towird success to opening a ravings account in early life and pnctismg thnft in order to huild up tint inruunt arr you building up your succrsi fund it the bml oi montrcil wlucji for well over d c ury laui been concrving the saving of unbitious dnadnni bank of montpveal ebtablislicd i8i7 total assets in c vlcbb t c i 7sj ooo oou a tun bnwuh 1 shoki mm tht unit nilv hi all ituoil strtridml tim and nut d lyllrbt mivim tinu mi n i iv i ii i orcinti savaao guponor sorvica there isnoloiiop any doubt u miuuuij m un 1 if n in sv ad ii itiuli i f inuu 1 dj i mil x tt do t ih h im hunt u ii n f i perfection in glasse3 an 1 at irl 1 1 it al nh t lm hi th nt iht iv- in i h ilndlni f i torj ii i jniln i hy a d savage guolpha loading optometrlata sau 1 ulldliw juolph any evening by appointment all kinds of live stock bought w j patterson phono 11u children cry for savage company jewellers china silverware ixmer wyiultuun st phone 571 uruuii imotttrt flftrlicrn cdstoni is cspn1 dly prepared to relieve infants m anus im onlilrtn ill ii- f gmstipition winih coin in sutitin slom uh m itulliny uuinliti klitilitt itowilj aids in the isiiimutluiiuf 1 hi pioiiiutm- litci f utik kcit ajtd nttuiil sitep wilhout ojintis s toavoklimtjtua ih i i i 1 f tb mwuh f pmvrn dirritmi n j 1 j uiluij t tl jwtlui ittuuuucud it the old and reliable iranttc und marble orhx vlro iikinnfncturfrn nmt dtmot in rlr of ill k i eiiti of moniuiianuu and hi dulono winl wv mil rtlroct t our tiintom in at ivuobilo prlt on thllii liuliih our iiatoilkia ul p r milt w jnvu tho in it upum a and the only in ti mlri in thn doailnloi who tin din i it pniuiiiatu tooln prvpcrly w an lv ifniiiium ciuiii ilundroda of our iiiutoiiiiia m lgronlo and other plaiu hhoru ullitru luivc to bavn low millalii ord i tu tullutt wo bivo th i h id and boil tttxu r ranlto in tho dominion or mora lhan any tlir din it i tt in lb wmt v ait ujltl- iniit ual i inl mnploy no aittnta md do mil annoy or ptml unloiiior bj a inujiie out imkiaiil uuinita aollcit- lijt tinli ru wu tiniploy only mm huiilea una ttnty t otnpotltlon trvlmilron sons uclph ont v

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