fitye art on tte jim tlfcoliusday octoiiuu 20 111j7 ik onlv ktndrjrzsr ruled i rirli ot u would li tu tin uniur kind ami thiujlilful to niirtnn tplrlt i in to tlw liiim of ill coiih i rmti in ndern me sunday school lesson ron gunday octodcp 23 twcntv ycano ago from itaua of tha fr praia of thursday octnbar 2a 1007 tlh i tit down frt i 1 1 in curj iwelc drijrrcii dull i nlclit mr john i worth n tnui purchaacd from mr j tiiuiiiiih lil dwclllnjc on church klrci the brick work of llr hp nccr ilun hand a new tiulilincc on willow htrttl inn been completed air john ulbhonti of uh hlulhm hotel ban imrcliiuicd tin- icml lot on mill btret upiiunll tin hutil the manaei merit hi ulri id lit w niakjnj prrpitratlonii for an urly uprnlnu of tin- nkatlnij i ink tht nlil liuuac on th ilniramor- pnurt linann an tli mcljui httour la liclnr torn ilimn it wan built about iilxt urn a en ami wan occupied h uw f unlly ir tin int tlioinun mcpim fur nirt forty jiur another nlil idtulmark tlic younir indira tif lie cpv nrlli leabue w lio bjvc up ilnnnlni dnllu he vera i ium in arc at ll uculrt the irt- tlrihititii llft nr iporo to send lo un intom- llomi toronto for dl itrlbutlnn amoni tin poor llttln lot- of the- fill nt thrlritniaii limp acton imil ltnlt mm iiivitiii hunilml vintiori to ij in pair lant thuraduj j nt i il ii nun dili ilii call nf 11 imijhil htilptui ii i inn i klin u il anion 7 ii l hii fi 1 h nihil ii i i m alld i hfllld iii villi of tin iord niiyliii w hum ulmll i mi nil mid ulii ttlll ii fni mi lin ii 1 mill mill inn 1 n ml m inn j h thrxt dtplainad nit cull of iilii iinlm uui th mil mior ot itijnh unit i un led ii ukilful t nniphtlnn tluil llll ii iilnli had b inii tin win th oiiliihiiklllilt i tmniplotim f in hit i that liii i inuiit wnri nil on ol jhiiviih nl oppftind llli icrtut iiiirnur niitl illumination iii mint milt to intiihlhli in 1m i tin mommp f mi hurt tin jin i im l in foidcred li aim ml hi hoi hi tlni of tin tlvily if hlijah assinilmiih lliogniatrsi aoliirvrmcnlof liirtrail rh1ts lnilof llir i mi i ilihu ih i l lu ik ih hmju 1 ion llortb wh hmiion unit jli klnd tin i in dm i if tin it iii inn ii 7ji nil iki oi tin lirt hut n i nmrkiiinli il ti iippolnl r hi i 1 niirli 3 twtlvt u n- till i linlhiitii hiut 11 h i jitdiirtl hlluhu n ith tin of k il r cmirotl rvr iiln itiitnl iui of ulili txtint moii nr lllnla myit hiivi hun unuin iiinhtl liy a nuinlur of mrminli cunt il miihit with mi t it word f tx ititnitkjn tliiitiihohim of hit nillun unit vi r wim pirftctlj clmr tt any rur orhlltiil mk ulljali mhihtl no hrmltiini 11 inking- tuirlt on tin pint of ih fl teaching the yankcc a trick tin rlhoi mi- t luck hud juut utruc mlttnliht and tin nliht natch atunni lus dn the ldiw ulk v iu hhi hintir mhtnirlnp from th- rm qf illli iirm lmiielnm hint he lifttl llio tn- rnirntttirnfitrntitr tjirrfore to uee an indhitlnct flnuro pmrrgv from the door of nathan an- drrwa cruccry aliirt luid liroeced dr- hlmratpl to turn and necurp uic lock tjir nrxl iiiuiucnt ho wan rruiuturrd hj rpciianlxlni in tin fact- turnid to yard him th- fentur h tf nullum hunu ir nung andnuii ia u ncoiucr to tin- low n i countr hoj from u liti who hud bought tin donni tltwiirii rrticprj at th croiuiroadu and w4i building it up b tin- xtcih of chcrbj and fomulht that w iru iiji- pirrntlj lnrhauotlblf i why urc j ou up no hit- mr an ilrrwru the nljjht walch iakt d u buiilnraa ticttlnc no hrlnlt that you iiavnolarrn uiir ntulilu il tiut blorr t ilunlnh l juut boso h rt jlud lluslncui tai ulwaj a juut itdno u curding to nathan hut i nui leadline th a nitre a irli k lanlkt what unkc thin yunkrt mr mjollf ior a utuimnt in- pil the mttrh pian wlu tliut t xprcnalon uf uhriw i dlpiraetment n itlvt- to him then in rxpt lined wlirn i v nt lu imil tonight mim ui ins oiih hotherlna nu although fo th- lir of me i couldnt till what it mail i had a nurt of uini feel inc m oir ilu u in n ou vc forgotten tu wind the clock or put the cat out uut i couldnl think of anmhlni i il foriot trn anil pretty uoon i u lilt to nl ei i nlcpl nhuul three iiuaftt rn of hi hour uml the minute i uok up remembered i hndn t picked up uic nmlclim that th travelling kuichi 4iud ncattriel un the counter and tuu co up on a cold nliht like thlu and drenned and nenl back to tin utore ror a illli iiii tiki tht the nlcht watch inktd jntrnlulounl i wi an t u little thlni haiti th 5iuni mtrchani matinm hut nu buulnobji llnr ioohi n tin ouuter and i make it a practlfe to pick un m up and put thetn where tln- in luiifi iwforft i chmtc tor ttio night uut just one night j qui one night 1 phnt of tlmi to burn tliewtvnle town mori than that if id let it go thlu time i uhouldnt hue thought of it ut all the next unit i dont fonrit munv tblnau s i dlillil jiuimioim- ou mr forgot anythlnic the nliht uuirh cummcnl- rd i don t forgrl much admitted nathan but itu iwcauw ive made mittclf pick up all my dropped ntltchcd 1 began while i uuti tn othool to tatli the vuhkr- a trick every lime jir fnr- cot oaylhlnb and i noon made him dallxe tlmt if he dot unl want to hit hauled uut in ih middle of 111 niht or at anj otlur unllkd time m had bettir nor forgrt thlncn ll a i r nrhlorn that i haw to teat li tin vnnkr a trick niwuuyh but i know 1 tan i encourage hi m to hllght liln work pvm now vell good nigh 1 l ll v i uhull 1m- uldr to inp now liwr hm in hid ralltl tin- call of anion ann p hfj in nimi- nu juki ijurlt tihciir r wnn in nirlidif of hit propht in in h ut i un a uilllrii nilnmiri jj ilourluli d about atnturj afu r niljah and iprtntntn a fuitliu iti p in un r ve latlon of iod truth illjah li ul mi idal tin ihoutht of thf oin and only tloil hut anion prtrliluh l tint iiih dm and onli ol ikmatiihi itlkhleounnoun on u i f h mmhlppiin amnn nn a iitirplioid f t ion in julah hut in imhiiilul in lnra1 l in ial ij at ih tin 1 7 11 th n amm nil am in r plj to th lnuoknt romnianl f tin luiught ulkh irlihl tliut anion nil u id cluiiu proihiluu at utlh tl rr it r th icink n un tu ir am hiiuiiiii ittirn lo iiih honn 1 judnh aitunuh ijohuuub halhxirirnrtli c p in clean bright aluminum time tables when you scrv red rose orange pekoeto your family you are riving them the best tea you can buy goinu waal bllllj illli 1 li 1 1 a ui ii lll 1 l 1 ninl i 1 am 1111 xi iiiiili in u ii nl it ii x sllliil 9 j m hall xv muiihi gono cant f nu t m sum ih 1 7 ii h m huh xi p sutlll il 7 ih a in ilalh x i hiiml i 1 1 t7 a in iliil xtp siinln j 47 p in 1111 x l suim u 17 pm hill im siml u x 11 p m canadian national riallwayq clcctric waitbound il is n pi li ih iunl m t a m rr a m keep ygur eye peeled ho 1i ill jul n i il u ml f sent postpaid rofi tlghttcn cunts nrnn will do jamks arson doiikrn dg wurtamburq slroet hns of all cnt stamp ii rr n m 1 rr a r j r p m r r v m 7 r6 pm 3 rf p m ijlinn i 5h nm j j7 am ll 17 a irt m7 p m i 17 p m 37 p m 7 17 p m h j7 p m 1 l tr p m- toronto tormru j koolo atrnot and ql clai 1 n lut irlivrr 1 i pet fr ijrht i ri hht pit ltd up hen in toronto 1 mount aaaimboine where tril ridara campad for two days 2 col phil a mooro loader th trail ridra 3 trait llidora with th party 4sin ionn arollnrl enmpfiro i i jhumlrhusgiyjkirihiniii t ihtlwl no projihet not an olllcl prophet a prophclh nun the uoi of the propht tn hi re ti i tirul nicmberii of un proplu tit tic hoohi liiifloiltul iiludtntii a hndnman- tin word foi h h nl hi ununua ami mi in hi hertlnm in of a p t ulln hrnd of dim i i hlii htlll uiul i th nil miniil prixd in aiahli tor th ada in smith a linni f hjciimor lm th ht iiimri ng unlit fu nuumptlon unh n hfm npnlm it hint hem punclunil with a nhurp it iitrumcnt which pt rmlia tin hltui mi poluonouu jul to run out onl tli humhhiu and poornit will hln lhuui nolvca out for tile lukmuui ullit iiad- itnli r- uliu hm jul ithph i 1 un li m inlriuoun id- nj d i th f w unit 1ni ihh j it t krpuis in h nut imwhlnir 111 ilu ity f tur chlltln to eiiina iia i to the ollntlllillon 111 tit buffen ru in in nt hul thofr i whltb iiiollnin jr a dual of miller n n c thtut an i will rxpel nor noun tank of cllmlilnir tin myca mor n anl pricking un l n 111 i on bj mil 16 th that mini lion of u uall from j 1 th vail ill iiiuluh itiiah jillo nhhitvrti piolahl wan i print t of tin rujitl fa mil of jiidali lilt 1 u n phiw oi t iiiihiii of iii klnb lll propticill actlvltltii lnn in 740 11 d for about nluy jmrii he philh a pnot of atllt of tin vlk hal i fon illtloi ahlllt idl and furhcil ful otiitrr of ctnonilo a nil limplrtd and inspiring iiriutlitr of mnnn luti n to waul j hoviili and jehovah n nlil for mm to llljhu p ot 1 imatlon of tli on aiiiouh di imiiij f llight lounn u and iioiumiii pit turt of joil u undying lov in ahlt 1 klorlotfl kllmim of jclmiiiiti luirptiht t an ith nl linn l to omt inl of ui ith il prim who would ntuhllrth jthovibn in lah t 1 in the 11 71 wxxlah j inahln in ilt liihi on f tin mol ipahh kini of juduh about 7ju 741 h i win n ut tin htijil or a lillliant il hi w is nuiltlin with kpruuj juul irrdlo reniku all tlntiiiiotlonii of klncidilp to hh kinjmhtiiii itln train iohmlbly bid r iilinnci th temph of t tiuru no i ni tn ii hid whithr lttlhlh wu at tuully in tin timph w lit n in l lit 11 tiling loi wholhr th umjll hiick7roiind w it if purl of hli tlrpnm 2 tin mruphlin pluiul tf t lujh the nlgnlfhantt of th num r hi- angelic litlnc lu iwurtiiin light nlnit nuiihcm imil klitinlnka rpt nl have hteu nurkfnti 1 hllk w iiiih a vlalon muht naturally contain huhjt- tlve veaturt n angela munt lutvt the iipinranct that iho one who nee hum uiiiuu tin ui to huvt or un in conitrutium hetuiiit lu tnti oduced into bin mint mid tin- in imij of hi 1 iaut ih hint th- htratlh lllltid l ilnh h tonceptlou 3 hi liol hoi hi p tltlon for f imiitiiinlh suprt in l i li tin li- oilt uh tll hi4jiitihuii hiolu ilmit imltmiw u ul ujlirl uiuiiuliu ut uujdllv1 ih ifmh un- at th f i foot l lll i ii i hi li lphlr 1 alt mm tin s vllirt ttill muu i hi a hiiustilnu i imp u ilu 4 l make old rooms nc iv1akc our nttjc lulrt nxlri 1v1 1 ii ii irlcn r dil i ll rilit rulilclxtrin jiiaat oiillll nd c kiulil nvrr limacnl anil ul il n ilnx r apiily gprocririprnolvillliinl mom ln i isl lli l oiul hctrixf 1lc troni i ml iiihl1 i 1 tii lllir lnuwii wr rfcrr bjoii 3iillujullu w irpr- ttjiinl cuuhjvjijeilloiiuibi ii s riaiicrjjiiirkiieirissi l a n it id u per cent n tiic ontario gypsum co limited tabio canada us gyproc fireproor wallboard tor sale by j b mckenzie acton ont on being entertaining l un tin it irjf alt llpa a part u iiuworth iii n htiir luuilt- tiw th plunl hin nmj rtt ii m i now th ll in ban 1 ll h ruht ihiiiiii ha no fur tin hot potatoco aninni ilu loldtut of old phi- on a w inter iilih ai the nil t f ijnhn nulurall an lliliik win i wt icniiii 1 with irt it tjoidlallty i wliil r iwnlng ifnui- hoi t i mtiiuthtind hot ph taml lilitti lu puhllt fa vi i tuid tlik ti f itikel hlmk- all 1ml lian a m ullui i v i unit aoutid whth tin um tu h leu nlumur tile un n euih to inilti nl mtror i urn win ui nml i u hiojih or ntjj iil r lf aniuia mini an fivorlt nmiih foi th vnln of ihin hilt it tin lr luumnx unl from the tiltti part of h pti mh r till aholit um uld f mar h it in it ill hint hue iuntntamrptrkairtint-iu- ii uithl in thin way ul 4hi itiith and ofn- thing i t ri tain tin h iw mm rred ule ait of rointlllt pitlitiiih if all on uliduit lo iiihii u inuiit potato in prrf lion ian i ti iw lit r h i him i il ll fienh from a iitioiulm t u with hilt and pp i on fit nltiht hid hi will iimf hh thai lie u ur itt uiiylhliiu hulttr iirtlilii i i tiii 11 a jut pint lr lion thimti w hut l i a piiph t w k r of i oil n r hod il rtt luluud t uuui ivhl li en wmntcd -them- in itnimv if in npolu nt rtiliu thluuto i h 111 no liilhliillall i lu n il in th hhllt i 1 i ill of ium ilwtiut 1 juntlllid in unliii 1 him ith tin lil jtho ll hon ilu pitph i hj um ill- illll vtlllillu v will 11 ll iltlilk i thin hut pi ilili wi lr ndwtlliiih tlott rill youi nulil i tin ll i ln- uinli 1 tl n ill to ou ll tin n w h tin t irmr- tutil ot th hl riituniimii th pi p iiiithin for th iiiqiil ot ih mthhlah whom nf call t- rnn h m iii rnoil with th 11 of ph l inuii of imy llrtunt it in f iirr i nt tjpi n t id l of tlu i i lit ui iii n rr l of that i dint for lo work and health i- if w pi i ma ilu ll wool nl inm i- 1 h it inn i hurt i ti nun r sh an ihl if hi oiiiir iw- t ith vliit newer habpqerhie5 1 u lltlotlkh lultlit for iunin in popl who lo ulw un nl atiuihiiliim kliitlh jf art- nth of in m- lv i y v horn i varicose veins i l reauccd or momy hack not it irotlu ok iii 4l ht of liuiiu 1u1l1 jiaiiujk 1uli a rattler painful 8u8pen8u simple home trcalnlcnt tlint la i jivink amnzink rfmiilui iht ti lu tc m uj if o a wi u will 1 inn i ri an illnil i ltli f ijdaaa diiietald oil ul iii uuipuua- in phjimu irtt and uipl it nltht and pninllii ui dliittt1 lu iho tnliugvd int iiiku rfnl nl i lit ll country home our dttro water system capacities are greifter prices are lower dttro gives you more wafhr at a lower price ltitjghfe carefree service guaranteed a kitchen tinlc with running water under ttron pressure a mod crn batliroom an uptodate laun dry plenty of faucet in convenient place- all available with a duro water system think what tlua means m comfort and convenience in your suburban or farm home duro yitunis can be utd with deep wellb shallow wells libtlrni or iipringh they may be driven from high hue current farm lyjht plant or gasoline engine installation quick utid easy durotze your country home let us recommend the right water sys tem of the proper capacity foi your requirements nd obligation the timfnu bs mfu co lirvtitod luniion tionto vancouvor for fajla dy w r e blair pressuic water systrnu duro guarantees satisfactory watcbrt fur utumy ami olacuaaioti khlzi 1 uppul uillh t djy hsailinu for nolt wook mnmlnr nhl alii lmotion on icl j sta0n 7fctiipfttbfoltilmlteri0nt x a cry for castoria mqtttfr fletchers casloria is a plcnnnt hannles- substi tute for castor oil pircnorh- ttcthing picps mil so thing s rups prijiarcd for inf mis in amis anrl ouldren ill ages to avoni unitatitiin alwavs look or tlic inmturc nl cuarjja piovni ijimniii 11 t u li nui im p1ijuuih cvcfywlicrc rccoiuuiaid it b travel v itt h111 ti i hll i ion 11 wilt r it iii li 1 pi j llj j 111 illil h 111 p nr lll itllitllid i mi nt at ton 11 i ll tum i iw at ton at h 1111 1 m and g mi p ui maliiula sun lav dii inlv up i 1 i 01 onto it mi mi p in a ton it 1- 10 1 jvuliimu r al luiiu p tin at dull hi all i and un standard rim ind nol di uatlni tlmi toiolllo i nun 1 i w 1 i1mi ion sti i wi t i lout srrqw savaoa superior service there is no longer an doubt t hi i it pi i ti haw 5 nnr nrrn crimttien inrt ftinrnrt ntti i ir a sin 11 id mr it ht ilu 11 hi c ui li i hi 1 tuli f 1 11 ti i il nui x 1 int nt ut li a d savage guelpha lodinu optomotnata hiviir itullilliw luolph any evanino by appointment all kindjj of live stock bought w j patterson phone 1 1 1j hiuhot cash price paid fo oaat hides savage company jewellers china silverware iwer vvyndhnm sl phone 571 the old mid keliuble runito and marble yvorlu w am tiuimifik tureru unl illroot lupuin of all lilmla of moomoontad and ii ulntuno work wo noil dlroct t out iuiiuiii in at wholiniln iruoi iiiiih uavlny otn iimlomiira 41 p r tent v ii liavt tho html apilliniim und th mil uu t linn 1 11 in th hoiiiliiliu who t an tpur itu piilumatlu tkila properly wt tan tlvo roftrtntca fioni huuilrodg of our uutotuiira in toronto and othor plutn whro othru hive tu lavo luw nultu in tultr to i tillo i hivii tho i am ami htai iitok of liauite in hon tha dinliui in tho wji wo aru lu4ul- 1 int dulitr nil tinpluy no ionl ind do not annoy 01 p at 011 nier lit lidlnr out lnii lilt uknln rt 11 it ln ortl ni wn tmploy onli uuthaiiit tumiiron son qullih ont