Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 1, 1927, p. 4

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i r nu iiomi tn lye artmt 3ffm ipnha im ac ins i in i ijifss a iu1 1 s llitu th iihonii tlitf mlnlilcrrt hiinl jfoli the man dots not live who cun pluie till the public by mil mrtiu token tliu mini in iht nun- itiy of tlil ihiutli ilot tiol live who aim pkat nil mtfmhu ol in loiiiiljiiion itioiifh he lie a solomon mill n moi comlnnui he lind out vioiicr oi luur hat in lii 1 jnl cut out for him wlnci iiuiy well iul ii j hi pan it if lit- i what i known n a iiiuu iihtl pays special attcniion to ilic socinl eontiicl with nilhihcr of in hock he i more than likely in nieiir the cilticim that he is too lljl if on tlil other hand he i an able pulpiteer and preach es ood ermoir but is not a iiuxcr he is entieised l thoe who will say he is too hijh brow in every way his hi k is a bard out in every way he earn ulnit be jet mail jmes over kiiisville importer thursday evening december 1 1027 shop earl on iinotlui paje of this issue will be found an ad vet ti jcjiu n l fi om the merchants of ac ton askmf that you do mr christmas bhoppinj earl nicy point out that yu liiii be belter berved and secure bcltei election if on adopt lln early shopping plan its n lo operative movement to help everyone the mci chatlls like unie as a rule to help you u lib your purehaies they like to show you then lock and help with your selection they can do this best if you spread your shopping out over the month there nrc always items thai are forgotten until the minute hat will make shopping busy eunugh in the last few days i he business places of acton have anticipated your christmas needs they have purchased goods many month ago to fulfil your requirements they are now on display the christmas sliisou is here let us enter into the spirit now and spread the cheer nil through the mouth neighborhood news i u milli il 11 rloi ulilli hi mllhlli i lni l jul o 111 i hi hortnoi hiijh mjiuihi ixti nulvlt acquaintcanct pjm iiiniiln i pilnl ii iln j i i in 1 n ii nun wlm tit lo mwiro mul i 11 i moil n i iii u ill midi tlnninl ii win n tit mi il nitiii ii ul fiiuiy ri ii iii uwll tl jill iii w itci clili u ru fiiiiilui mr u ji jid in mi i ifl i iinulli r to ll off i llxnhi hi f hnii f l i i noiiiltl to lllm v i hi m iliil ii i puzzlu im ntil u ilulll vl riiui iim vmm lllltl lllll iiilllll iii num iliplll lln u rrn ronnwrn h editorial those wlio 13o the harm the men who do a town more harm than good are those tin provcment funt down to strangers distrust public spirited men show no hos pltality to anyone hate to sec others make money oppose every movement that docs not originate with themselves get on long faces when a person speaks of locating in then town oppose every public rpuo winch docs not appear ttrpergottamy themselves- there arc some men barn itlpthe- 4da iflaf it t m gnrnsc thtmxlc ot the world and keep it in running order but somehow when they shuffle off there is not the slightest quivjr nor set back in the progress of the town alliston herald lie a town ilootfter your town boosts you why not do as well by the town as it doc by you no citizen is o power ful none so humble but what the town is an md lu htm in ome way or other the food that hc the clothes he wears the rccreution and amusement that ul enjoys all origin in ftc town bccan5t jhe money with which they are procured is made there when a fellow boobls fits own town he does rtot stop there he ia performing an act that improves his own condition for every good word and every good deed hub its clc vatuijj influence c few people ure always home boasters- i hey accomplish m in the further tax reduction forecasted the following interesting news ite from o will be fiood news for taxpayers generally canadas finances are rapidly increasing and every relief from taxes in income or sales tax seems to have the tend ency to give a boost to business and thereby an in crease in output and another boost to the treasury account with seven months revenue showing a substantial increase the finance minister hopes to close the fiscal year with a surplus approximating 50000000 in liquidating over 50 000000 of ma turing loans out ot current revenue he appears con fident his expectations will be realized this potential surplus does not take into consideration the require merits of the national railway system and to meet these further treasury notes musr be sold or another loan negotiated with a surplus there will come a demand for a cut in taxation no doubt this will be a part of the budget mid it is believed the bales tau will be reduced from four to three per cent or where it was when the present udm i n is t ration took office the sales tax was never considered a permanent form of taxation but was adopted to meet the costly post war requirements before another election it will practically be eliminated as a source of revenue with income and corporation taxes it ii believed mr robb will follow the example of secretary of the treasury mellon of the united states last year the 1 little fellow reaped the chief advantage in income tax reduction and the coming budget is expected to afford relief to corporations and those with taxuble- incomes over 15 000 it is not expected there wilj be another general ten per cent cut but the reduction will be confined to these two clusses wajlof community teuofmoiu condition of not only themselves but also of those who do no boosting themselves we have an out standing examplcof that in many benefactions which have been a blessing to thousands ever since they re taken in hand if every citizen would constitute- h m self ti home own booster the result collectively ould be many times as great and opportunities for self improvement would be more numerous think this over in our odd moments smith f alls news record s ljiu ir i ii iliulit r illltjlj 1nilo georgetown in m ia i of h ui it v in 1 vljhr it mm all iiul ai- j a ktrnl r rtr- mi i i iii o in r ih iixt mm 11 hold cli iv in nt i ii ii i in i ronl willi mi ui i j hi 1 ml inn ml hi n kind r tl unit 1 ll llul1 i jllt mufti i ill of lllllllr- liut f ik utlci tit til li rj omul t viu i i mi- w i i ii funr lilt to in tin bufllington nomination day in the evening the wisdom of holding the nominations for mun icipal offices in the evening instead of at noon which was formerly the custom was clearly shown on monday evening the weather was the most miser able to be out in of any evening this year and yet in spite of this handicap there was an attendance of more ratepayers than have attended nomination meeting in some years i be evening meeting offers oil opportunity fin every citizen to take part in these proceedings in winch they jtrc vitally interested it guve all an oppoi tunity lo place in the held can dldates whom they desired to see huvc public office bcsrometj on this was shown in the large number of candidates whose names were put in for notmna ion in only one dcpaitment was there uol moit linn sulllliciit candidates nominated for the post lions it also shows thut given an opportunity citizens arc interested in their town and towns at fciri the meeting was lengthy but inteitst was sustained all through i he only disadvuutugc thai would seem to be from the meeting in the evening was that candidates were expected to make up their minds in n hurry as to whether they win going to seek election or not men who have nevci aspired t public ofhee nnd a i lend the nice ting hear their name called out as nominated and in the next few minutes arc called upon foi a speech and lo doclri their intentions me i attic r suddenly taken by jtir prise at the meeting on monday evening however ratcpaycis did not expect this liom candidates i hey realized new candidates would like tune to consider the advisability of acceptutg the honor bestowed upon them and appreciated tlu position of those who had not given the mailer sufficient consideration to give their decision at the meeting i he candidates acquitted themselves well the citiens asked fur and secured much valuable information they had been seeking chairman iveir kept the pioceedings orderly and gave all fan opportunity and those who attended felt umpjy repaid foi buiving the elements to get o this meeting and discus then own town affairs ihid news for lvaaive treatment of the prohibition law the liteiary digest is noted for giving publicity to i he various methods of evasion of sections of the prohibition law unpopular with those sitizens of the united states who have a lust of appetite and n lust of gain in u late issue the digest said hotels night clubs road houses and cabarets must watch their steps and their wet customers pocket husks in future if they do not wish to be padlocked under the nuisance section of the prohibition law tor say washington disputches that is what hup pened to two chicago resorts when patrons brought httior into the places mid mixed it with ginger ale a i d cracked ice furnished by the management i urthcmorc a 1 edenil judge sitting in c hicago held that habitual dunking in these places under the cir cumstaiices was sufficient justification for affixing the padlocks i he circuit court of appeals upheld this ruling and the case went on us way to the supreme court of the united states here much to the consternation of mglu club proprietors who wished to know where they fatood in the matter the highest tribunal refused to review the decision of the lower court moreover tays a chicago dispatch the circuit court ruling is interpreted to mean that sleeping ears day coaches and club ears on any railroad can be padlocked and taken out of service for a year on the same grounds meanwhile prohibi hon administrators consider the decision of th court of appeals the strongest weapon they have r had to cnfoicc tlm volsteud an editorial notes i he couliacroi s have laid a few ttet more pave ment the pasl week i vet y little strip means two week uiuie on the detouis i he big question is how long will the detours be detounible 1 be piiiiishincti i meted out to fout of the camp bell villi bunk robbeis on monday has put four dan ge 1 1 us foolish v mi lbs a waj fm sonic tune uud will be 1 splendid cmimpk to uihcrs who may have had thoughts of iiigiging in similar acts ibis 1 1 nit i until comes from i he mratfoid hnicon hi i aid a iit needs a good administrator as may or it i cqun i careful iidguieiit fi om its aldei men and c ommissiouuis and tt thou id put these t mill hi s above any consideration of political stupe mr pmiiuit action nf the medical hiil lit dllim and bunid of health in closing the schools iiuintdi u li ly l be pi e valence t f a contagious disease was iintiictl is to be commended an ounci of prevention ii uli win th a pound of cine ind their action to ellecl the spiead of disease among the chlldien will ntict with fiivui fiiyn eiiiens gcneially 1 he mon heal 11 ai hoi oni mission has oh set ved onfcde ration eai by publishing an exli einely it tiaclivc book lontaiuiug an historical sketch and des ctiption of and statistical information about the port of montieal ll is li tic i ally illustiated with photo glilplis of port scenes and of cctiojis of the city and includes a uumhci of effective drawings and maps i he amount of business done ui l2n indicates the state of development which bus been uaclud i here were 2 ti tons of merchandise handled of the i 121 ocean going ship which came to the port ih wen lintish and iki were of united states ugisttr altogether hrteen uutionalitic wen repiesented the statists tell tlu story of how ocean tvalhc can be developed when facilities ui c nmdo uvuiluble oakville 111 til illllvvll i 1 11 lu 11 1 lllllll til mh vll liltll -ion- 111111 111 1 kin r tjunii m 11 1 1 it ml ihj ilklt lo li i of tli hnk or mi ijiii uimii i r phil of oiu 10 v mundiii i vinl m lli in if suiuunu lln i hetuhning the compliment tu cn 6 to 10 v i 77 5x wm it sr nlr llil y wl il vulr liuutf mil 11 1m j ililnli c 11-lr- h i ju andll sf 0ls iihi s llcmpiiill chartered schools i i i i i i t l lit ix a you need the money yi iuiim ili mih hv lillln s tli mtultlii ti h in tlirnilh gum 11 i iii ik hltl llllllll 111 ll ui1ii i ii rh ml r tihii iii sin i t tuimsl liiii irl i il now is the time if vol oiu hi i engraved don med m a a ut leal decern hii peace and at isf k t ion elect in i aitls now whethei the j are to be punlly sekclt tl fi om out icgulai lock b i luiiiu d of tin card you tl vu wil he il yim vvii ntl to 111 tlu hei sloek lie dtpkted md llle election limited i e 1 1 ymi hi c inning to in cion boppinj pi i friend nnd lal mtiuiu of hi isimn bettei ai iliiii to in economical tn youi will h ti hieloi and you cannol do i a ci ct ling urils than at i mi i in i n s jiinlily is not sacrificed in pr ice hut tlu re is a happy nihiilllioii of the tun iy out line yu should order al once im ihe hefoctioh ls daily j ironing snuiller the acton free press at ton ontario business directory mcdical or j a mcniven pliysician nnd gtiruaon ihm mil it il r now av mi j sti t 1ikinl h oh l nl lson i in in nu i nticar acton ontdro ihn no j i i hoi hi harold nash iaka1ik m a drnster oolictor nolory publlo fcrhyman dlock acton ont him iim n miu hiadlefl j cadesky of toronto eyksigiit specialist w ii i ml a i a 1 mkown ihtl 1 s om tn monday dec 5 lh l vialu hl ml ilillttltlc shi tat ion 1 iui- urm 0 m till 4 p iji straight ahead 35 miles stand at a cross road sonic weekend see tlie families speeding by awa lo i in hif city then learn a lesson ii von have visioji or in you flows the leat drop of tin hlood of the prophets vou will know thai you arc w ilnessinir part oi one small scene in a reat iraedv ndinelv the passing ol the small town in anada you may personalie the action if ou wish tiie crossroads at which vou stand is acton fifty years hence deserted every house every store every mark oi the town as it stands today fone tow n property again farm land streets plowed up your investment here goiii all dont say this is a pessimistic or cynical thought it will happen right here in acton and will happen m other small tow ns unless the citiens oi this community nd all mich communities learn the true meaning oi loyal home town support every thinking pcimi knows our town survives prospers and grows in proportion to the support it business institutions receive huvinir in the hig city is suicide tor youi home town you undermine your own investment here local stoics have just asgood mer chandise prices are just as low- and they arc here every dav to make good on every sale or transaction t least ive cton merchants the fiist chance to serve you they ire always glad lo show you goods and ipiole prices now we leave vou lo youi own imag ination when you pass the next cross road en route to the eitv on a shopping tour think oi that crossroad as your town at no distant dale so wiped out partly through your present disloyally v acton first always mmmmnmmmmmmmimewm ipi u m ii i j iidiiifliiiiiii niampyi i dental du j m hi ii i d s l ds dontiot hon r gin luil r r mill i llnlvw- t- im i in hi in llnnd i hi in dr j 11 johnson dds lda dontnl quroaun oiun nvir i wilt of nivi seoll misccllancouo francis nunan doakblndor iiuii licolt i of ill kliulii mad t ilur lrlolli ik nf i tir doncrld liun iaitlulli iwjuiu jtullntf n nut jrimjll d tn v null nu su t dm liili ont tv r vv lilt iinn store rr j jerll auctioneer nnd real eslnee 1 wiotj viirjlxiitiunco i 1st 1 oik 1koii kty ullll ml acton oi7ario fire insurance hll a e nicklin oow- avo dan wl acton village of eton notice of rejjlslritimi uf bylaw n 1- 1 riv- i ib- i v n iv i ii mun i ij i ui ll i i f ton 1 im s id i out in u ui i s h i ti i i ui ri b ll v i i i ll ll s i i 1 ii 1 f i ii 1 s iiltlil u i h wan islsi i i in it it ii nltle fur th it i dm i u f lu ounti 11 ill n ii tl j w ntv f milli ilny r n v mi i n i iniiir ao vi v ml 11 11 1 iii ii o i i hlldu lli in uiv i i i th i r numt i ui i 1 imihin il i 1t aft r tln hint put ii ill it t till no tin l v i 1 till iii i 1 u ol december 11 i lt u k i i rlc area 1 game of patience lluvi 1 ll 1 1 1 v r i1a it nhl j k 1 i i ullcj 1 b v 1 ullo iim i i 5 1 hi mi kin 1 f 1 i i tl n t ii ii i ii 1 weekly fashion hint i f la r an 1imi 11 1 i i t i s ii in it i f tl i 1 i in i ii iii iiiiik1 i iii i i hi i nialru il

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