lv arhnt 3tog prtfga rl town ueckhci iii acldn i im i ill iss 1 jtiltli tirtl vn ilnirsla rvriuhe 1 lie i s- ir lliiillnue mill sum ailiti inland 1 hr tiilin hti trir i jj car in olvanc loita n lunrl jl to nfflici in llir untr i sliltn llir lair i wlnll llltmlllt otc l llil isin ital tb 1 i miall u n u lrl 4 ucmilrmril ant in lhr column tlr uf will lc fmiml a lrad dumn ln l jiucrtliliiii ntr n appli at a illlih btlltui ami imfirirtir li 111honhs lhl ami icbilcn ijiuksiiay evening december 5 1027 editorial a town booster last week mr hugh tctnplin of the fergus newsketurd who hnj made that inside page of thai weekly such a feature in fergus and elsewhere observed tho ninth anniversary of the birth of the page b an article on the history of the page mr te in his nine years of conducting this page rnil im m thcwcckt7dnsxandthedaihtvtilstjrretpacrntytuon from its well edited columns tm full pniss values the news record as ojic of its brightest exchangei and that inside page is the inspiration of many ot us articles and the material contained therein is frequently considered well worth quotng fergus and others towns owe much to whigs untiring efforts to advance the interest of the small town u f o o kiny in politinj 1 mr pcablcc on uaucing thi tho u f o convention liit week showed hint tint can dc n party r going to may in polifits and the convention j showed that the u f o is gutting wise to pohtu and playing them in then own patty the clash was f heralded between two fuctions the report is vet politic mr morrison the leader of the one fitlinii l seined hut there whs no tonsute foi mr druiy ihe w i leader of the other faction ihe result is thnt nc a iii seems to rule mite more in the enilip i here is iie point upon which the u i- o takes an unwaver ig j stand tiiey are a temperanee piirty and then st id rim on the temp era nee question is apparently just strong today as ever as long as they are in poll cs the temperance fortes can he sure of clinmpioiis oi i rr their cause when the question i- one of wet i id dry i why nolt chanced 1110 jow iim ill i mi- v it i u 1 ilni1 11 t hi i i lluilllrir wiiat thk nocior said new termi the county equalization i or this year tho bounty equalization is again settled upon iind the municipalities tan go ahead to settle upon the amount they will have to pay for county purposes the towns in the im27 uq utilization have without excepti6n received a reduction in then assessment over last year liafalgar has been uused considerably esquesing has had a slight raise in their proportion the two equalizations we have had in the past two years have cost the county and the ratepayers considoruble most every municipality paying into the county fund feel they are paying too much but alleviation of the burden is not to he round in equalization with the graball and contri hute little attitude used in this body it would seem more could be accomplished by curbing the powers instead of broadening them a community tree for acton another splendid example of community enter prise this year is the community christmas tite which will be held on christmas eve it simply needed the backing of some one organization to ar range the dctnils and ncccpr rttc rcsponslhtltry nntl the other organizations were ready and willing k assume their share individuals and help were appiir ently not lacking to make the event a success when ever help was asked for it has been graciously given an opportunity is given almo make contributions m will oe judiciously spent any surplus remaining horn the expenses in connection with it will be usctnt to provide christmas cheer for families in straight ened circumstances of course it will be a success 1 favored with good weather and the whole commun ity will enjoy christmas eve for a few hours as one- big family shop in acton flint ihe christmas trade ibqn jn fui swing and whether acton will make progress aa a buying centre dipends on tho buying public unjl the mcrchaiiti a survey of the stores in town would seem to suggest that the majority of wants have been anticipated a little shopping expedition has proved too that the prices are equal and in many cases better than can be obtained elsewhere we have been making com parisons ihe pust few weeks on different articles here and in the larger centres in one case we found u 2 50 article twentyfive tents more in acton than in the city in almost every other case the articles were lower on certain standard articles the prices were identical we know of one woman in town who is a judicious shopper who made the tour of city stores and returned home with an empty club bag to do her shopping in acton fc dont simply suy shop in acton but what we do say is that if you dont find out hrst what acton merchants can supply you with you are in many many cases not shopping to the best advantage acton merchants have almost with one accord placed their wares before you in ud vortisemcnt form the windows display many more attractions to help you but the shelves inside and tho price tiekets have a very plausible story to pour into your ear and help your pocketbook are you waiting for nn inspiration how often have you heard the remark waiting for the- inspiration and then i will go ahead ixiul do it the wise mat who has learned to g ahead and do things tome what may lias within him always ihe secroi of inspiration inspiration is what tomes out of man not what tomes to man man people are- still waiting for their inspiration when it comes to them they are going to lebuild the win id you will see these people in the lowest jobs thiough out life they take no steps forward many are cinieiing the doings of those who have gone ahead you often hud suth people on the streets and where not waiting for their inspiration but no one has ever gotten inspiration in any othei way than by making it himself inspiration ij just a new way of spelling perspiration plan on the thing you want t see done and then do il inspiration will nore through every step inspiration is alinot human do something for her and she will do something im you the chrutmau spirit ituleu ihe christmas season is with us from now until u week fioni sunday und monday the whole thought and trend of business and pleasure and everyday life will tent re on the christmas event the spirit of christmas rules the whole month of december and the influence of that day is felt for many other months in the year we have our other days through uui the year 1n which we eclebratc but none tun compare- with the general purtieipution in winch christmas enjoys and why ls it rtial tins event is so widely enjoyed by all and for this season we forget oui little roubles we lay aside uui cares and go romping about in what seems lke- a mad rush to j rocure our christmas presents- these- gifts ure not for ourselves i hey are lor othcis in all cases it is 11 trine of year when we would like to loosen the strings of our puckcthooks and buy to our hearts desire to bring joy to others some times we tujj the spirit santa claus some times it is the cliiistmas spirit it is termed but always it is the outlet of a joyous feeling to show our appie j ciation of those whom wc hold neai an el deai or j enter tain friendly feelings towaid call it what wo will strive as we will to curb oui ixpendiliues within our means the- spirit sways and lules us beeause it is the christ spun the bu thday of hun whom we arc celebrating ihe desirt to do fur others luids expression ut that tune we forgtl mail ul ihe nasty little things that have happened throughout tin year when the chnst spirit takes hold at the hi ismias season we enjoy the- gifts we rcyeivi but they are on thut day secondary to the gifts we give after the tush nd the settling down to ever j day life we in our leisure go over the presents that have been bestowed on us but on the christmas day and for the weeks prior our interest is centred on the giving toothers it doesnt so much matter the sie of the gifts maybe a christmas card ui a small toy will bring more joy than some of the elahorilt- gifts thaj have cost much the com nitinit christmas trec the christmas entertainments will all bung joy in the doing to those who provide the run as wcllrs to hose who ait given enjoyment by being enter tuined most people will get then biggest christmas enjuymcut in the next ten days we may be tned we may not he sure we are enjoying dominant in wheat trade canada has become dominant in the wheal nadf according to sir henry hew of london lngland the famous gram expert in a recent statement to the press he is credited with stating before the win wheat came from mainly seven souites 21 per cent horn russia 11 per cent from argentina i i per cent rrom canadu h per tent from the united st a tes 7 per cent from india and koumania and b per ceni from australia lust years prupuitions were an nda s2 per cent argentine 1 1 per cent united k states m per cent australia 10 per tent and hun jary yugosiavm india algieis and kouiiuiiuu tun tributed small amounts with the elimination ol russia canada has become dominant and the wheat trade is eonterilruted in fewer eouniries three hflh- ot the- worlds hurley tomes hom auudu with lu i luted stales rmnnauia yugo slawa poland inc eeho slovakia supplying lesser quantities innda nd argentina now supply a thud cueh of the woll ats and the united states one f oui th russia li lopped oui in all these tutegones where before t ar she was an mipor tuirt expor let hinigcs uyes i also noted biilam remains the liiici uyei of all giunis but japan has inteied the market i germany and italy take is per l ol the world heat while btilgium and holland arc big miporiets mi n is hugely reexported cerrnuny and britain i ne ihe biggest barley unportet of oats britain ikes 2h per cent ermany neaily as much ami i mute tin t f us much cornbuyers are germany 8 j i cent and fi ante slightly mure wink spain nor way and italy have also iiuieiisid turn lequui at thebower beauty parlor mas hae a mueel for oik during the onimmuh month ljurmrif dlu iujliiiij tluurtuvr tiimlrtrtru fur ilfriiitinuii ostltu cjhlams ho powdlhs of txcllltnl qua 1akl appointments tahly i indcrick btrcot toy land and giftland ulnlly admitted that at chustinas time untona ii kis tor santa claus in acton here toy inn d is at tl- kest ihe irains of cars the- dolls and the hundred and une ddights ot childhood ait shuun at this itoie but this is milv oiu siilii ol llwmh cilln foi ihooluei folks- snvvwmf 1 ant china wuttiics clocks jtweileiy nuvtlliob of aluuy kinds uui be found here ill or krr iurr and iv h w hinton jfcujlin tovs chinawaici jkffifflyflyayyooommmiyfi u fi vi i ik emitokial ncitics f ihe ut- our s mill finfiiirtuii u- lilt lines iiimiihc s mi llu ink iiikiiih in ill duii i iuiik- ii ils it liiiiii ut ilu- pusirit i uld iiltu mi mvinuhl w in dull jiini li j harrisons filrtbtmaa of useful gifts ihe iulincinoii spclhtit lust week nil mi n splendid cliriilinm cdtuin 1 n nuely il n coililry nllee iilliinpti 11 pun 11 liee e pe 1111 lie iv ekly edition in lie i nine uc lull lie win k 1 mil eiecued in mr andeiiiini plant and nililiihtl illee 11 tn lie nn eiellaike ill vimi lietwetn on iioiliund leliiilbnyi if snillilnd and one hkuiuhi illlindtinii of cjanndil i lie hue the pcnple nl thf 111 11111 pain ul tin pi pile meet and ie miiiple tin ellel 1 will lie tin he i inpne and lliee 1 iinthinp 1 unhl nflii 11 11 nvei inn these day fun now ml dileilllei jl ae he u11i duji to pa take lilly nil like he 1 11 in mai hi a hinp s l 1 tlic cllliiiasip ake plue nftener and ia pal tisgiuhe ill ihli iil 1 s inn kit 111 mi hn tn stitl m luis i si 2 v uui 11 si 01 kuiiii is 1 1 1 m 11 i i11i i uihlu 1 1 ind 1 h ml lln1 l m ils llull- ell s i i ill i 1111 in imm 11 si siii ui 111 11 inh s i ippls m iii 1 111 uui m 7 ile 71i si 01 nl 11 m n 1 nl 111 nl si 71 illd ii lis s u 1 11 si 11 71 si 01 ml s2ll ol ns u 111 lions slip pus 71e si iii si m si 11 n 71 mil silki i 1 1 111 ls t i unit 1 nlln s knh s11 iiir ihie nil 1 s ualti incs llki llnls l s 1 inns in mention tint ill 111 lows in mn s 11 silld suji jil hi in 1 11 ill travelling goods 11 i ii llo ill ruin il hi in 1j ipllll pil h l harrison i ommmtr sim li iconomy iootnmialt