Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1928, p. 4

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ifll iimmic cil lji arimi 3fliw tytts ai all rl t w wcrllr f 1 li ii sirrrt a t i i ur 1 1 i r titi prlrc i u i rar 1 iva c i qta clarutl a i hi al l d c llir u if t stnlci lie t lr 1 w i t j all u in atel tie outrca i iltrl auviinislnl iiaiis i r mall in unit i r a lrrrll i r i ll rr i m a tl r iilrs will i r 1 i 1 ral i i in 1 a 1ii is ul c aid irirtlr tci jphonr iilltorlal on i hi hit lie lence wldnesday lvcning may 23 1028 avbitimi and coiihtrvulini i iuii year aviation ft playiui u e renter pip t in the development pud toncrviiiion of the niuurit tl ource of uniiilii acriol tnuuport it helping to nlvc the mo t uricnt prnhlcnii of the fon iter ut voyor peiilnji t iuid ekploiur in their work in the more icmotc and uillxplorcd part- of the counlry ntjjj t jutor tile bis nnwtw well i in the tcttlcd dutrjcfi mil application or iinnl method to other iiiicj of re lire con mantly enlurgin the field ot u cfulnc- of the ntro plane 1hl ytnn proirammc of the roynl canadian air forc in civil operntions for canndian govern inent ocfnirtmenr include work for the forestry icr vice topopruplno survey national pnrki witter power nnd rcclmnntion service mid in a vnricty of i cuvitie foi mojf of the department back after leave of absence after an absence of nearly two years editor peorce ot thp smjcoc reformer returned to th editorial chai- last week or as he terms it the so called easy digi hutdrjmptn r jsjiclatfl53ietcaa- his absence the suncoe reformer has retained high position for general excellence as a country weekly readers nnd all will of course be glad to welcome the editor back to his duties nnd note the individual touch that fallows the return of the guiding hand in any paper to hcncfit the taxpayer in brampton the council has adopted the plan ot allowing a discount of two per cent on taxes that arc paid on the first instalment early in july their tax rate for the year has also ben set this plan means a saving to the taxpayer and the corporation alike the early payment of taxes allows the cor poration the use of the money instead of borrowing from the bank and the corporation passes on the saving to the taxpayer it is a plan that finds favor with many and gives the man who wnnts to save the opportunity of nffecting a saving by early paymtn the last straw the plan to raise the sessional indemnity of the dominion legislators would be about the last straw to the average canadian elector the ottawa journal makes this terse comment canadian legislators come to think of ir are not so badly looked after tof usession which averages about five months they receive 4 000 which is 800 a month in addition they receive free transportation for themselves and their dependents upon all canadian railways are allowed travelling expenses to and from their ses clonal duties are given free stenographers and are provided with a first class restaurant wlilrc they and tlioir families can secure meals at pricey that are uotunlly below cost the housefurnishing expenses of rideau hall were quite an item the county judge increase of 50 per cent in salary is rathfi b jump arrrfi crease may have been adviabl- but such a one is not usual in every day life it int done in business where competition must be met jindsalarie5paid- qujlqi ju1ls these expenditures arc now things of the past and must be accepted but the last straw would be the gtab that seems to find unammious favor with members of both particj in raising their own pay at ottawa compulsory vollnjy fho e who contend that voting should be mad compulsmy ean urcly not have examined the natur of the thinj comment the toronto star in a recent tditonnl the toronto popcr then goes on to point out that man ecured the privilege ot voting only after a long struggle and the toronto paper thereforr objects to this privilege becoming a duty forcing the people to the polls would in the opinion of tin star deprive the ballot of the very esicncc that has given it its value to those who have prized it it doubts if the wisdom of the verdict delivered at the polls wpuld be increased by the ballots cast b electors herded to the job of voting while it is often provoking to ce the way electors neglect to use their franchise the argument of the star has much in its favor on the other hand many peopl would make erpecinl effort fo uso a franchico if thoy were to be deprived of a privilege that they hold so hjhtly but is an expression of opinion by a ballot from such people really worth securing anyway an individual who has to be forced to the polls would likely be contrary enouph to spoil his ballot anyway the better way would seem to be to have elections with real interest in them and no lack of voting uotild be seen on the rink by taw voting a coupl of weeks ago a splendid vote was polled by the acton electors much more representative than in most acton elections neighborhood news oakvu i i iniiii i lurnir ilielwjr to tlm luti auirur linur hail nmiivrd hid fumtly from mlllnn to oukvllle a lilu i lii on tlui property adjoltilill ici rr utrtcl intiouneirf nil m tut 13 vlcrn furtnry iii re nuffht to be ft rat by law in oikvllli n well iui u dog by law an i drin of hoindriui felines arl nmntiui anmikl ioom mr o ii ihorpe chlnhnlm ulrrct nnd two hildrrn flrrmullnu and a runt have ifc hi- to visit with mr thorpe or ictrkluml ijike who in employed in i tela j i uk lien mint an auto driver lonlim control of liln car jumped the deep cur in front of nimby n jpwlljrry nwri- on monday even- line and ntoppi l on the nldnwalk it lookid un if lhn iillui wan goliik lnu the imp ileum oi ougl town mr j n o nclll in vltltm with hor dauiihtcr mm lrlo qliclcy at detroit mn and mliui wrumlnh qt toronto vlnllcii with irkndn in town on monday mrn ii corlcc of ut hyaclnthc que li vl liliijr with mr arid mrn d u herbert then art ntll i lot ot motorlltii who n t f i r lh clu limit or ntop tun 1 ujwii uev k miicltnn i xchannd pupil li with lltv jumtii mel mil or huin on bundiiy i venlna luiit- 5 mr j w iccnncdy ot o n bound wan in town on oaturdtiy mrs annie adtimn who ho been vlsltlntf in owen sound returned homo with him mr and mrn n i creelmiin loft for now york last friday where thoy will attend the rraduntlna exerclsea at uin prcobytcrlan llonpltnl their daualtr mlfli alice crcclmnn in a member ot um ipraduatina clium tho nrcmen were called outahout 1q o clock on sunday night when nmoko was cclii rlulna from tho roof of uic kennedy dloclc i ortunatcly the nmoke aiui blowuiti iiojn a chlmnay como du- lance nwny and the bulldina wan not on flu jei uunptcted herald altmlnth clock miji orliubln of llttoi liuiii ran mil tn the iiuui tii wtilcoinu imr uueot wlioitti utiproucli in uolomaji alntwt louufrly curry all nw htltl waulwif u tlia wuy from tlm uutlou uoromh tlui wlda vftllny mul up tho umu hlopa of high top 1uh uty my tldelu 7viltrii but x in guil to fief y you vdttcunwly chunncd a mltil in uii yeir cit- for tdklti on u luiund or ui but yon nln t rcl fleliy at that 1 hatm an nervous u ix cat all day for fear mbineuiln wollld no wrontf to prevent you tfetlln luirn it emeil i40 uootl to iw tnin you wan reely oonltn at lout lmut the wghuut looknd th re atta in at kiiniip and then after it cleared i beuun to worry for fear it hudn t in- cloced the new time table like x meant to you did polly i said ptdella comfort ably i waa kind of mixed on time thlx momin but twan t your fault and ha ul den i wouldn t lia been late id ji been rurly i stooped overnight wlthtmi ilarclc elrbj to break the journey and immmujm tlioy iwrniplaailln to a-vklt- auuuoo nurllngton hrvervlnjr uto natural scenery nste arc to be kept clear of advertising signs and other obstructions which detract from the natural scenic beauty of the country side and confuse the motoring public in many ways a bill introduced in the provincial legislature by hon d a stewart minister ot public works marks another move in provincial highways administration ll prohibits the erection of nny signs or advertising matter of any kind along the highways of the pro vince there has been provision in the highway at to prohibit erection of signs on curves and approaches thereto but further action became necessary when the provincial department of public works embarked upon its extensive programme for the numbering of the highways and the erection of a complete system of direction signs it is felt that ndvertmsing signs along the highways would not only detract trom the value of the official highway markings but it is reeognized that they take the attention of drivers of motor vehicles a way from their duties as well as marring the roadside beauty the bill consists of a brief preamble and the following to become section 80 of the new brunswick highway act no person shall post erect display or maintain or cause to be posted erected displayed or maintained any sign billboard panel placard poster notice or other ad vertiscment a in upon or above any portion of y highwuy b or so situated with respect to any highway as to obstruct clear vision of any curve of the highway or of an intersecting highway or high v ays or otherwise so situated as to prevent the safe use of any highway provided that nothing in this section shall apply to signs erected or maintained by or with theapprovttl of the engineers editorial notes what this country and the country to the south off us both need ot the present time ism higher mlaii auci martin la vlalttnu with mr lilton mrn a w piart hoi returned to free man after cpcndlnu the wlntcv months hi toronto john buckrell of the royal hank stair bpit the wcik end at hla home near butlcsovuic minn helen wllllamc of bocton school puanrji3urwaa tin -ueuuh- wwlnnwrr orr sunday tlfrtitntr rc turned homo from san antonio texan where thoy spent the winter philip once the well known local athlete will rcprtncnt tho xjona club at the dominion athletic meet at mon treal on may 25 and 20 the various dcvlcen have been placed in thp lions club playqtotmdn for the nearon nnd arc already beinff enjoyed by many of the yountjer folks in the police court durlnrj the pool week fin en wire imposed an motorlnui for havlna no uqiiui and lcavina their cars auindlnn within eight feet of a hydrant contrary to the town by law gazette liiin mr john qiuh of hamilton apent the cck end at hli home here mrs ii p travln ot toronto in vlnlt- ine with mr and mr james long xlli vera campbell ot ouclph spent sunday with her parenls mr and mrn w campbell lr itito mcmillan and mu mcmjl ian of cooks tow 11 sjicnt the weekend ith mr and mrs c l mcmillan and other relatives ir and mrn n a zimmerman and uttll non and mr allan mcmanc of mllvirton were sunday visitors with mr and mrs h w hull dr and mm rrank and little con of detroit dr and mrs williamson of hamilton wcrt week end tnicsta ol mr and mrs j ii album tr and mm is d strowucr erin aiuiounco the enaauemtnt of their elder dauo liter mona a to mr hush houston london the marriage to take place in june prlnnda lo learn tliat he waa taken suddenly ill fclunday evening last when he cuf- d n nllcht paralytic stroke wo arc however pleased to report that he is now resting easy and unless further com plications develop we liope ho will be about in a short time ever nlnco they knew i wu comln kant attain i had a reel good time with em too only caroline a clack waa wrong i d lul thought it would ha been myran or matilda a if twoa anybody a clock in particular obaerved 101 ly orlmhle caroline beln carolina she generally kncpfllhlnas up td tlia mark she doea oormd pidella and what a more its a mark alio aeta herself caro line knows what alio wan la and alia rcncrally kota it wliether oilier folks ap prove or not olieo tlie aame old cara- hne ul an the everlantln hllltl she certainly lined to be tliat aereed pally with a chuckle wliat woo tlie matter with her clock pldella nothin accardin to her idma pldella dryly and if other folk a idee nln t the aame why all la theyd ought to know better ghe alwaya did lay down tho law to myra and matilda and tliey listen like ihe waa an oraele mostly but once in a blue moon tliey trace up and disagree tliey did about lie clocks though not till tliey d tried her way fuit they ve got three clock out to tlie largle place all three of em rather uncial one of em tlie old lnlald- ntnhocany rmndrauiei clocietbelonged lo o real grandfather bargle and alwaya comes down to tlie eldest son or daughter it d cnrollnc a now and it stands up moat imposlii on the ian din at the turn of tlie stairs til en there a tlie banjo clack on the dlnln room wall joalaa bargle brought that one home from hla flrat coontin vyage and now lto matilda 0 the mantel clock in the parlor with a roc kin ship an top belongs to uyra come into the family with the grand mother she wan named for well the barglcn are all early birds and when tlie day light savin idee was fust sprung myra and matilda took to it like ducks waum am in atin coiuunuy xnf iruhliij in iitularlty mod tru mrtlmlu 11 f liuuiutloii ufupuiitlliu a hteudy inrruir in tin uiimbir of wurm air ihatlng dyntiiun inslall d in the immuwciiikji of limn n in nortrd af u r ren ut inijulrli n ami ng an iilu ct mul bullitrra warm air lira tin it hn 1 mg linn re r i ognlsud nil an rfilri nl unit ronomlral method ot olitalnlng hi iitljm comfort ui noceuiary in this climate durlnc the i winter monlhn in ren nt years hnw 1 vcr tho hpular arreptnnco of warm air heatlnu- for the better clnri of h im la duo directly to plarlnif of thl 1 jiy u m on a scientific bojiln by lniitlng rnginrrrt ml heating manufacturer throui h the national warm air healing an j vcntf latlng aboclatlon fjila body lion for yeara carried on oxtinntve vnarrh in warm air healing in co oiteratlon with tlie unlvornlty of illinois old nllnnhod melhodn qjl hif tailing 1 alllt it and hon 111 ll tli 111 hi it ul business directory uliul tlm lull tlm m1 if n in hi uuh him ila er fumaco pipe and niieo by unicmpuloua dealers has liccn rcaponiilblc for the most of the prejudice against what in now recognized ji an ideal heatlnr system tlie change has bpen brought about by heating cnglnccra furnace manilfactur era and reliable drain rn ooperatliig to put warm air heating in 1u true light before the public a aclmtlflc formula reipilallng the in atallatlon of warm air heating systems known ax the glandard code in now uwd by reputable lurnoco dnalim who are oelllng their clients hratlng tomfort in trail of simply furnaces the heating anroclnllon referred lo in the authority far the positive claim that a warmair furnace inrlallcd according to tlie standard code can be guaranteed to deliver heating comfort lo the owne- or occupant of any home or building thta should prove interesting news to liome owners and prospective bfiildcrn as such assurance added to tlie generally ac cepted merits of warm air heating such aa humility of air circulation flexibility and -economy- orinntnlntlan tenancc combuio to make- it most de sirable for the great majority of people in this country it ctimportant however tliat instal lation be made according to btandari code reliable dealers now n days use this method could not fool hi it bany chick tood iwlyo rlol vcilrliwitl i 11 ati iiaiiv r mrt 1 1 uni 1 a lit- ihr i ik i y rc j i uct i ilatt lrlt too c nt con u i gold dy taloot acton ili j a alcnivi n phync n nrul ouriinop llgal us tally pwot rnld tt wajlfraad witrmixi prcui cr family clocks umt hod been telluv the tnitli correct and careful for generatlonn to proclaim a barefaced dally faiaeliood won noeliln lean uuui a scandal and the for one would do notlun of tlie sort well myra and matilda dldn t agree but they gave in at fust but it made co much trouble after a week tliey tot their clocks forward to agree with the rest af the world but caroline wouldn t budge hers and she haan t wed liftd to much to talk about and our tongues been nyln so i hadn t noticed anythln and the subject hadn t come up we hod supper by the banjo clock and i got up thii mo rain by my own watch wlule x was packln my cult case though i thought i d compare my time with the clock on tlie slalm so s to make sure i was right to a dot like i want to be when travel hn i dldn t suppose i was moren t a minute or so off at mast but when i looked at that clock i gat a start caro line was comln up the slalra and z sung oul to her for tlie lands sake caroline harglel in tills clock right bhe stiffened like she d awallowed a ramrod that clock la tight and alwaya has been right and always will be right while 1 have tlie set tin of ltl says she i will never permit a realgrandfather bargle s clock to proclaim an untruth s pace it waa her manner and the even hour wrong but all of a sudden i understood and jmt then the banjo clock struck nine and the ship clock chimed nine and the school bell acroat the way rang nine and a church clock somewhere sounded nine and a cuckoo clock next door cuckooed nine and great grandfather bargle b clock on the stairs boomed out a nolpmn end innrnnpir if m w hull will ha firry elfiutl lcatlltlrtt hrlp it- x begun to laugh and laugh and uyra and matilda they d come up behind caroline uiey joined in timid and giggly at ist and then laughln real hard caroline open cd her mouth to speak and then shut it up tight and marched off silent in a huff and we three kep on laughln till we cried if that wasn t carolina bargle all avcrl cried polly orlmhle perfectly rldlcklcoun did she come down aft her high hoixe before you left oh yea alie forgave me but i could she thlnka im lightminded and frivolous and dcatituto af the finer feel- susplclon once planted in the humnu breast u quick and nourishing of growth tho countryman proverbial bait for the wicked is more often laken in by the innocent things uiarf hy confidence men and thlevcn of such type was the old farmer s wife whoso story is told in thi i mlnncftrhlufl jnurnal ti ajuwaljiia hcy wet- mystery ttrtmxrnobmay milton mlaji madgo aalbralth of wclund srcnl the week end at her homo acre mlata myrtle alkina and bratrlctr tuck of toronto uent tho weekend at their homn hi rr emergency i tlie farmer and his wife were u off for an event in their hvcj a vl it to ot paul they had been cautioned repeatedly by their friends to beware of bliarpera they replied that tliey would keep their eyes open and started with a nervous determination to look out far conn den cc trlckn on the way the 6ld farmtr itol off at a junction to buy some lunch and the train went on without him it was a terrible mishap tht last he saw of his wife she was craning out of the car win dow shouting ramcthinu rcproachrul at him which ha could not iilot on account of tho nolnc of the train it happened that an cxprcs cami along a few mlnuus later the farmer boarded it and got to st paul nearly an hour earlier than his wife he waa waiting for her at the station when she arrived he ran up to her and seized her valise wcu sarah he said im glad to see ye again i dldn t know but we wau separated forever the old lady j rked the valise from him indignantly no ye don t mr sharper i she cried i left my husband at tlui junction don t be coming out with any of ylr confidence names an rue or 1 11 cull a policeman 1 r n i 1 o nox 31 harold nash tarau k m a darnatar oohctnr njl ry publio plnriyman dlock acton ont momi v i nt on m hioa01 j ii ur 1 j 10 l mi i 1 in tjrtturilayn lllli mjucji 1 m hli i dos l d s dantitt i i r i ronto utilvaf in neat hi tic unad if 13 k j h johnson lls lds j dental suruo n ulll mir hn u f vn sotla ti i i i lm 1 mioccllancouq gold medal coffee hi 7wiii commw i m tio l this tine house at pout nelson on toronto hamilton highway tranc1s nunan bcioublndir iinunt hooltn if nil idnrtn mnd to r iirlollriln jf lviry dncrlp- tlon nirrfnlry mnrnn rnrimr nrtrf i n in i hj i 1 ill in sir rl iulj1 ont r 1 kerr auctioneer and real estate th nil yriri i xperlunco i 1st youh phoim hty with mi acton ontario car painting hiivu your car painted in came latest colors prices reasonable uurant and hear balea and s r7lca johnsons gakagb nionl 174 milton life insurance also aul vclilrnl sicunrs- and lire umi 1 iu 1 illy do not lcae ur if iiioil by neijllctlng ut luie ine of tht nc polcils tor particulars see a u njcklin uowrr avenue actan ont mi us lo lonn on ilmt moruiatfcs madi ju1cls with pukl uluit manufactured by mclauins limited hamilton and winn ptn farmers equipment oinucmin and garden era wl uuuld bt much plcaccd to supply you will our nicesltlcs we liavc a full iuil of btl tiuullty of liuoda at aiaonablc 1 rices eorcful attendant nlut im dill rprlnp mnphlnrry spent miss mucdonald of b ran if or d tho week end witli mr and mrs osmond milton and mrs d b roboruon and standard of moral deccnty among politicians of all parties and a feeling of personal responsibiiit among the high privates of the party organizations k j ijounitat on left on tuesda for t i hts-lnttcr-pernaps- woalnrhcipcandrttonstnast or nil vtslwliere mf robertson has larn and obliterate the scandals which turn up from time to time unwanted tht liquor store are apparently not as popular n communities us when they hrst were innugti ruled they have a store established at wulkcrton and a ueek or so ngo the walkeiton teleslope hud this to say editoi ititly reurdmj it the presence of the dispensary in wulkerton is agitating quite a number of citizens some of them ure jiot declared prohibi tionjsts hut they feel that with tho shop doing busi ncss here temptation is being constantly thrown in the paths of people particularly young men con sequently there i- a strong feeling among jtmpcr unce folks that steps should be tuken to forge nt th ncjt municipal election a vote on the question on the othei hand huruare otliers not so much eonccrn ed about the matter mitislied that the local shop f being eonductedm a manner t leavo room foi no criticism they are prepared to have wulkerton re main one of the eeiwres from whieh tht government distributes liquor ete 1 hoae in fuvur of instituting measures to attempt to bunish the btore ealculutc tllllt 111 tht ovent of silell a vole polities would not bo a factor and a i in tcsl of publie opinion would be posoihle at piilnierston work has been com mtnctd lemodellinj a store for a liquor dispensary in making the unnounclimnt tlit spectator says whilerumors have been i circulation for a con 5idtrubt period no definite announcement had been mude a petition was circulated asking the govern mtni not to phut a liquor store hire md sent to the authorities on monday work was commenced on the remodelling of the btore mul while there are no official announcements regarding he mantr the opeuinp to apparently close at hand it is quite evident that the much heralded impiovenunt in icni pcrunce legi lation is not what was claimed for u ll in not neelssiir tt tune in vci dclilutcl to n out about the sulcls or the law i hu loud hjieaker public opinion in tveiy quarter is piotlfllminr t u fmluie n hr actual upcrution i hat whs a significant statement of ktv dr aleluchlun in his masterly addrtss at the opening ot the new ontario home for girls at georgetown last indij tn sr caking ot delinquent children through out the dominion wherever you see bad boys or j iris in city or country you ii generally find bud men 01 women not inr uwa the companion of boston pays a raro compli mtni to the method of administration of justice in our dominion it says in last lisuc justice riddel an tuiitjent cnanijinn judge tells ui that it rarely liken more than half an hour to empanel a canadian jury und that no murder trial lasts more thnn four daya what u refreshing contrast to our own dila tory and hapluiiurd court procetdurc business lntcrejta mlsa m dews wlio underwent a scrl oua operation hi tho ouelph qcncrui ilikpllal about iwo weeks quo is makln li mid proijrcsi uiwarui recovery we are pltuld ui i uitl rl former mrs ied houston ipcnt a few daya recently in hamilton the qutat of mrs i blatcr mrn waller lawkas of d rock v ilk lh vislllihe htr niotliu mm lwls park sarah utrect mr and mrs kerns affncw of sloufl ville vultcd their iiarcnta hero over the week end mr and mm a park and miss isabel urydeti of oolt also jack mllla of tor onto were visitors at the homo of mru j it mills over iho weekend clifford houston of hamilton spent tho ueek end at the homo of hit parents mr and mrs cko houston mru a l mutaan and children return ed on uunday after spending a wcik wleli iilt purents ut luckuow chumplon and i suppose said polly that till all tlie clocks tn the country change back mjln myra and matilila will have dinner every day at one o clock and caroline will havehera at twlvwl exactly ttld pldella one mile laiif dr 11urllnton tlinc liedrooinj and im pttcti bathroom wutar electricity hot air turn let taruh b itlilnit facilities worth lb odd for quick suit 3 7s0 ui uniii urruijid ijcnron joh s ijfc ashiinincc iu touonto phone onicc ade 95h kea iludnun 1101 cnum stparuton windmills pumps jnd roollnu wire rtiicln and 3 drive o a tea for 610 00 hone phoplinlc for ultlt chinlni bonti lyruhjcr for yard tia repairs und ixpalrlnu a eplib a npclnlty uut patronntl tollclud j w uarbliuujc 1iionl 182 acton p o 310 members of a certain iect have been denied th use oj th mr by tht 0jtawu government but that has not prevented individuals from finding other modej of self expression a man in acton enforced his religious argument with the use of a monkey wrench aliuoi killing a fellow workman the radio de partment may have to extend its jurisdiction to tak- in the control of monkey wrenches tergus news lfecord thl saiiok won ihe sailor stepped ashore and swag lirid up to tho cuutoms officer look hirl hu bujun if i brlnu or a fiw bits of in co mid utufr to morrou will illmo k 1 11 muko it ull rluht wllh you i uuesu so assented tho officer what tlnil will it bo 7 i want u be luru myulf to am you through muki it j o clock siud uiu aiitlur 4j he puujild thruuuh uiu uu- ihi dlxi day ut 2 oclock along cume tin bailor ulanclim furtively from stdi to ide whtn ho rtuctuit the gate he was kjunccd upm mid searched but not un i unco of run tru band was found ilon him ihouuht belter of it eh suld tho officer hu hud sought to bribe no rt turiud ur aallor calmly woj carrylnit tin stud on yeutcrday when i epokc to you itllsonal reminiscences borne years ago in the daya of mr dnrnum the showman an old darky uunty lived in east tcnncuxo who was rcputtd to be of such irreat age that she had outgrown tlie feminine weakness of underestimating it on the contrary she waa proud of tlie distinc tion mr barnum heard af her and deciding that u oho waa oa old aa rumor made her one would be a valuable ac quisition to hla atiow lie sent on agent to interview lur aunty caught tlie direction of the wind promptly and was prepanyl for any test question tliat might bo asked tlie ugent proceeded alowly and delicately and at last aald aunty do you remember george washington does i remember a corgi waalilng- tan wy lawb-a-masiy- nuatuh i rec kon i docs i ortcr ortcnt 1 per done nuaacd hhn we played together cvy day when he waa a u 1 chile well do you remember anything about the revolutionary war o way chile i yea indeed i docs honey i stood dar lots cr times an icii dl bullcta flyhig uxuuu thicker n rain drops yes well liow about uic fall of the roman lniplre do you recollect any tiling about that iho old womun took a good long bnulh in fact it umounud to a sigh bhe rcfuctcd fur a few mum cuts anil uud de fact la huiicy i waa purty young dm an i do mi t have a very extinct rteomembrancc bout datl but i does memmbcr now dat you upcaka of hit dat i did heah dc wn folks tell about hi arln ooiik pn drap j cadesky ot toronto eylsigi1t specialist wili hi at 1 iihdwna drlin s1u11i h monday june 4th n r tu fr i hi i y tt it atr ili 11 i i i 1 ul 1 i 11 rl it lly f i yilt hi i 1 ill i mill minis ii iy l i ii lo utl m a t hr n druillt l onhlh i 1 ion i ul 1 offico houri 0 a ni till 4 p n hind i mar high i inancino i aria country in western kansas ranclilr 70 yearn i f agl whose nan hj hu ik en ui htm for 40 yiuru the two of them here j mttrtstiru food for thought in certain quarters and is especially interesting to canadians generally in un editorial in the currtnt issue of colhci s of new york the acknowledged national eel iy of the united states there appears this omt biulj manaul lo acruleh out on existence liilor oni day atced tho old ruiielitr w do y u n hinge t p w that fcluiw counliy now shows hh membership to he 81 per cent of lritsh irini and the remuimng 19 per cent iu until i itneh beuudanaviau and dutch the 1 1 tide goes on to say thee are tht blood strunu tl at our nrcetit iiiinnprution policy prefers and now insists upon having v and uiivi tlua way rt piled the i tilnd hhn fur two years him a murtgule on the ranch lo litanintlu hb wagi 1 at thu end of two ymrj he u t the runeh and i went ui mori for liliibon tho fiuuio tuniii for 40 yrurs he ranch has poid back and forth vary two yiuru and tulthur of us luui drawn a cent ui wagus a oul at having al u uburban actiool near toronto one i f the imbjectu for a certain class la current lcveutu bo keen la the teacher un this subject that he urgcu all the 40 i r more sent lard hi ihe claxa to bring a eurrciit rvint and each jiie brings tomo- ihlnu diricrrnt on a recent noni1nh ufur he uul rteclvcd a copious aupply of iiowj he asked the class if anyone c uld u11 him why current t vents were lutrodik t d hito the scliooli one lad who is nut ulloucd lo read the newi papctb and who always had a difficulty hi llndtng an item atood up and oald ytu air i know it a tu attvo tlia uaclicr buying a uowbpapr cenvert your attic into an attractive extra room at low coat with gypboc bend for lumduwur free boot wulu that kcllctt oooj judfiment it nlvc valuable lnformatloo uu gynro- uu interior decorauon i cxhxiix oypsukl xkd aiabastine l1u1tcd insurance if there is any kind of insurance you may require we u ill be pleased to quote you 1le ise give us u chance automouill insuitancl a si lci alt i t g ramshaw milton ani acton jas kamsi1aw ashutant iklasiiklks sail oi i nd ioit a kk la its oi 1als mllase of aclon county of hallun hi vlrl t f i w irrnnt und r thi hand r uil ul vt f tht villi1 f acton it in mu ui i lh mil r th ul i vil 1 111 duud uu 1 ith d iy if it bruary a d 10u and t m dlneud c iiuiuuid inn mi ti lii uoii lb im iti h rtln ifler ditcrlb d fir hil urnart r ptcuvc iy d il lh ni u u ui r with ull cojui incurrtd i htnly uul iiutin that pur suant lo tht at im nt act u b o llj7 chuiur jju i nil til on 1ucaday juno utli iuju ul lh hour of ono oclk i m ut the council chamber in tin i tun mull in thu villain ur arum af rt uld protud ui ull by i ubllc- auc tl n much f uu aid landj as may bt niceiary for tin wjm ut if hil aid urnara and charts thcriu uul w mich urrtars and ihuruit ahull liuvo ikui kk ni r pild 1 t ail ilan ll ymrj hi uu ui 1034 iu 1 and 1037 i uully uu luxis cili muy i idu rotol ssjl j54 4j uj4u aw d in tl niiiii i f uu worden ijlatt and kith ml w ird n timllhvllle oiiuirli uald liuuti an pitintid ii n 1 aumklt rriauirtr i f acton i l

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