Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 24, 1928, p. 6

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bird klnuu urr i i r ti il i lutlrt rt mel murruu vi dth w lt la 1jw u rr llna mxtra i t px holtn 1juown at oran llnjiilui tmtmlo mi clatuniny may 10 1u3h to mr uml mrn luy ilr vkw u tminjiilir dim oiiaio iii 11 iwmnnvllln hospital on monday may l jdj llolwrt henry cruiu of jliimpum ont mcdouqaii- at thn amend hospital qiirlph on monday mny 31 1mb lnonnrfl mrdmiu lwlovl husbaiid of mnry dicklnwin in hu 15th year 1iucic hi vet 1 memorial hospital ilramnu n ti monday may 31 103d mariturrui in nc mocluro twutthter at mr and mru darlua mcclurc and bo- ldvr wlf or uhotto m illicit in mfmokxlajuc ntvwalrtr in lovlntf memory of our dear motlirr mrn margaret fit wart who piwrtd away may 33 1d37 nlu otnrfwthrt whorfuiluyll1008 one by ont earth n ue ore brolwn one by om they nrfl linked above dome day then will be nweet reuillan once again with tlwue we lave badly mlswd by dauailteu and aon3 neighborhood news hun mill k on wildnouluy iclli lnut iho unnuul nufluiiff of llm wuihi ii n tnntltulii wan 1ml i at mru d j lowrli u ik nu wlji a uood utu mluncu a ifrunt of j1gq0 wuu ulvfulo thn lud aroji for iuuainliic iiuhlloul tujiulanci hi uorllu rn dlutrlcu tw annual report of thr iniilltuio eu lury- jlveauairi r uuo llm d inetery liccta turylvfiuiurer wern read and adoptod at tho coticlimion of thn yearn hufilnea 111 president nnoka of tlie work accoinp- llnlicd uurlnu jhn punt year ihnnklnij tlm intmluitji for tholr co operation mm murtihall wau unpointed to take the chair and the elcctloo of ulltcrra proceeded vl irenldliit mm jan ullbtrtnon t l vice president mrtr ie calvi rt 2nd vice president mrn n u marshall uecrc tarytrearuret mm proud dlrtrlct director mrn jan harden jrveral ap poliitmento were mudc for carry in a on work durlnh the coming year after the iiicotlnu closed a kjcioi half hour wa spent lp arton jffrn tyttm wcdnk0day may 23 1039 brief local news victoria day to morrow a headfltronn person may be weak at lie art the raccn have their attroxtlon for many thece uayn the uprlnn cralnn ore tooklna fine mince the rainfall of tim wek- apple blocmm time u lus fufaln there in a fine promise for fruit the ratnn have come with splendid periodic retfularlty the pait welt a truly brave man never needs to how lib couratic bi acta of foolhordl ncia mr tioa maruhftu has the excava uonfl made for hla now house on rial street the eraiui has had to have its eut- tlno and the rolno have brousht it on apace again tho drlnklna fountain at the post office has been put into commission tim klnc hlchom a week from sunday june 3 will be ohcerviyl on monday mr aloi wtclnaao la erectlna an addition at the rear of nil illahwai oar a nc on main qtrect the man who cjy he never made a mistake la either a liar or a loafer beware the chronic ones mr jan otlmour la crectlnff another new houc on brock avenue adjoining the one he built last jar a ilalton bomball leaflue liaa been formed between teams from oakviue bronte milton and burllnffton the bow uns urcena and tennla courta of acton athletic association are now in flno condition and will bo put into commission to morrow victoria day burllnnton high ochool is lotlru two teachera at the end of the term prin cipal d a welih and mr o jackaan hvlna tendered their resignations to uw board don t worry about education and erudition theyre handy enough but give us the man with pliinty of common aense and we 11 back him till uia cows come home the dos bylaw u belrm obeyed wltli commendlblc ccnerajlty just a few in dlvlduala appear to udnk tbey aliould be specially favored with permission to do as they pleace the mcarthur constnictlon co who have the contract for the cement road way on young street ore making good protfroeji laylna the curbs and placing the catch baalns for the dralnuge preparations are being made by tha municipal authorities to have calcium chloride applied to the streets to allevlato tlm duat nuuonco the material la now delivered and will be need at once tlie usly tar heaters which have been eye aorea on elgin and wuloi btrets for six montlis or more remain undisturbed chief ucphenton is not likely to notify the owners again remove them the enforcement of the bylaw prohibiting street obstructions will probably be the next move ewarntrfflerc hav increase in population ukown ty llui am flnraa thli vear of 135 over prvluia year assessor mcphcrcon has completed hl rounds and turned in his roll to the council for this year a significant item hi the statistics is the increase m popu lation uhown over last year last year tho assessors flguraa gave the population of acton as 1 b35 these flgurcr of coup i do not include the bardmorc crifccent area the boundary line of thx corporation putting tiir greater part of ihb section into thl township this year the figures ore given as 1 070 in the roll it shows an increase tn tlie growlh of acton the past year of 13s during the past few years acton s browthhas btcn steadily on tho increase but the past census fit the n shant the biggest lncrluso of any year adding to these figures tlie beard more crescent section adjacent to thu town and which is really a part of acton as far as trading urea is concerned the pothilstlort of the town wou id bcon siderably over 3 100 william 1ioyd in post wab comldy tlie first rhaiico to coe william boyd in a majtr film production since hi work in i in volga boatman will be given boyd fum when two arabian knights post war comedy drama of a pair of doughboys come to the wonder land theutix on victoria day to mor row for u tnjujnte und evening per fonnancc mury aitor li his leading lady in this hairy of tin umushig experiences of to soldiers u rich private and a hard boiled lcrgcunt who through using an arab utuulc to iwupc from a gorman prison camp find themselves in arabia louui t wtui ployed the original part of captain llagg in wlwt prlca alary tukes the rolu of tlm sergeanl boyd wlio afu r only modorate oppor tunities rtcelved ills big chance in tlui volga boutmuii did so wall in hu part that lie has been in constant demand bj producom cverywheiv llw da utile star felt that he would like to repeat his dramatic uucceuj in a comedy of feature slsa and so hi took thn role in two arabian lculghta in uiat mm the private and uiu bcrgeant are diifcuilas as wu such wiru during the day of cold rain and mud in prance ttiay try to stay eiwmus thrnuglibut tlie ilctura but it u dlrflrult to da so alnotl eaeli lielpa ui otlur whin tliey are coiifrouud by couuuua f o balxinaiad mrs irimk liinnl wtht to 1 arry lloutul thli wuk to vlilt lur duugliu r mn lajt mru jo i fill all n i r n turned homo from lonuto uf ti r ipndlnu tun wljjj lillliui frluidii uun htjrn allt u 1 nut gulnlnu in ulrrnuih very fmit mrs amelt of wlndwir in virlllng ut lur piirtnlu hum her mr uiid mh bumucl itlddkr uuikwooi mr and mru ii wright and children of toronto were homo over the week end the choral club met for proctle on monday evening and are making satis factory progress nannockhuun the monthly meeting of the women s institute wan held at tho home of miss betty xjowho on wednesday afternoon may 10 there were about twcntyflvo ladles present after tho usual routine business a paper on iho ilomu aj u community centre wan read and tomu musical numbers given tho president mrs liuiisell then called on mrs o ii lindsay to read iho following address misses aggie and emma colo dear prlendn today wc find ountelvetl meeting in our institute- in the old way but with a new thought tlie pathway of life seems to be strewn with com- lugs and- going- of friends and aa- soclates and these meetings and partings moke up tlie varied and changing scene it ut this thought of change and of parting that holds our minds today and bids us addresj you in tills special way you are about to leave our society and to take up your residence in a now henie today in mooting assembled wo would unite in offering you tile very best of good wishes for your future happiness and prosperity wo have known you so long and so well that did we but think of our regret at losing you we should express only those feelings which must ever linger about tlie tender graco of a day that is gone but rather would we stress tlie future and sincerely hope ihatlor you nawirundshlpfland nnw- ijnnl jriday evening u play was given by the young poople of kntnt church ouelph in the lown hull under tho auiplcca of the y p u of the pretby- terlun church entitled aunt diuian h visit during um programme music won nupplled by icnox church uun day ochool orchestra a good number were in attendance and some mq wan taken in mr jameit mciliemon who had the mlnfortunc to fat hla foot caught in tlie traetor ho wan cjperalliig on his farm cheri time ago is able to not around fcome auruuuit car painting uuvu your ar lutlntrd in noma iulej1 rolom 1 rices reasonable luruiit and hlixr hair and krvuxi johnsons gauagk 1 ilonf 174 mllbtor heahfvw iftofnrr lii apprtwd by loyal and earnest and co wo are sure will you be found aa new tics are formed dear friends wo would ask you to accept this parting gift and may it be a memento to tho goodwill and the good wishes of your friends and fellowworkers signed on behalf of tho bannock- burn women s institute mrs d a rtussell president mrs w wiley secretary mrs s ii lindsay the president then handed to mls colo an electric toaster mljj cole on behalf of her e inter and herself in a few wellchosen words thanked tho institute ussurlng them oi heir regret at leaving and wishing them eucecb uvthclr future work the summer meeting of tho institute will be held at the home of mrs d d morrison on june 10 at 2 30 the speak er for the afternoon will be miss collins of ancoster and her rubjoct will be homo making ideal the institute ex tends a very cordial invitation to any lady wlsliuig to attend two valued members of tho institute left tlie neighborhood last tuesday when tlie misses cree removed to acton as uiey were unable to attend the meeting on wednesday a gift of an electric toaster accompanied by the folio whig address was sent in to them dear mies cree and jean we your fellowmembers of ban- nockbum women a institute have learned with much regret of your removal from our midst and wc feel that our institute and the community to general will be much tho poorer on that account you have always been faithful willing workers in any cause which you felt aould be of benefit to the community and your loyal support will be greatly missed wo are indeed glad that your now homo is not far away and assure you of a hearty welcome if you arc able to attend any future meetings as a small token of our estocm will you accept this gift with our best wishes for your future happiness and pros perity may it keep the memory of your friends at bannockburn as warm as toast while wo work to gether wherever we ore for home and country signed on behalf of bannockburn women s institute mrs d a russell president llnuw wlloyrgacxotory master harvey lavcrty who u in quclph general hospital undergolnu treatment on one of his foot is getting along pretty well master oordon carter is improving since his brief illness last week miss kathleen lynch and a few of her friends from ouelph wore here sunday altcinoon mr charles mitchell ov toronto woo up sunday on a visit to hla mother mrs dj o mitchell mr johnston howat of slmcoc waa up for tlie weekend johnston has scour ed a nice dodge coupe since he was honn last weekend mr prcd smith has been making some imp rove me il to in the coal shed at the cnr station by putting in cement flooring which will make coaler shovel ling and provide a clean bottom to wont on mr fred alcwiluamn is making altera tions in his old ntablo on his premises mr tlios weathemton la making im provement at tho rear of hla residence and nlsorbuildlnffhirarab the many friends and acquaintance 3 of mr leonard mcdougall will be corry to loam of his death which took place at tho oenoral hospital ouelph mon day morning funeral was held from his late home in ramosa tills afternoon at 1 00 p m interment was made in evcrton cemetery tlie oodson contracting co ltd com menced laying asphalt material on the highway the beginning of tlie week salesman 1 horoughly renponslble to ro- pn ent toronto concern in thb ti rrltory must bo a man of in tegrity and ability preferably married apply to advertise aim 0 dloor st w toronto btal lng nil particulars aa to pasuejc- perlencea and references variety of news shorter beacan for ross fishing 11 recommendations regarding fish a j made by the fish and game eowiaugax31iaeiitii m dauttittniy ct tlie ottawa autliortuca under theee re commendations now law bass and lunge fishing will open on july 1 and close september 30 two months earlier than last year the limit for bass haa been reduced from eight to sik per day and for lungo from four ta vwo funeral of mrs annie faster the funeral of the lato mrs annla foster whoso death occurred at her home abcrfoylc on tuesday took place friday morning from her residence to the church of our lady ouejph for requiem high mass at ten o clockr inter ment toot place to the roman catholio cemetery the funeral was very largely attended and floral tributes ond spiritual offerings wero very numerous rev father dunn sang tho mass while rev father quirk officiated at the graveside tho pallbearers were messrs johtta cockburn edward taylor m bums and three ncpliows thomas john and jos mahon brampton boy wins pi canust the public speaking competition for the junior farmern association or peel held in the auditorium of the high school at brampton on saturday night was won by alex mcielnncy jr tho brampton group tho other winners in order of merit were jack drcnnan btroouvllle harold qheard trinity and jim plnkney cooksvlllc tho judges were inspector m r fydell exinspector w j oalbraltli w j fcnton ocorgo wilkinson county president was in the chair tho silver trophy for tlie contest donated by the boston mills dramatic club was presented by w w wilkinson manager and director of tho club in connection with the county scries of intcrclub debates for twaraydon trophy won by calcdontwo weeks ago m oordon o ray don presented the trophy and miss pearl church gave each of the members of tho club who had won in loading up to tho finals a silver modal these being received by misses morjorio vonwyck mary flaherty mildred nlc hols messrs douglas patullo wilfred watson elgin laughlln the flatter flats well remarked a married man after examining his friends new flal i wui i could oirord a place like this yes said his friend you married men may have bettor halves but w borhrloni imial hav be quarters notice to creditors u the creditors of jennie mann late of iho vulugo or acton wife of qeorgi mann who died rw tlie twentyfourth day ci april 1030 are required to send to tho underulgned solicitor their full namei addresses and descriptions full particu lars of their claims and tlie liutura o tlie securities if any held iiy them and this notice belnk given in p once of section f1 of the truiitmn act r s o 1037 chapter 160 notice is hereby given that on add after uu uth day of june 103ft the ibteciitrlic will proceed to distribute tho asset of the said deceased among tlie parties legally entitled thereto and alio will not be re sponsible for any claims of which mb has not then received notice dated this 10th day of may ims mary little mctavwii xxecutiix dy ii n parmer acton ont tier aallellai fact number 1 according to tho last published government report tlie imperial life since its commencement had paid in profits- to policyholders nearly two and onehalf umeu aa large an amount as the total paid by all existing companies incor porated in canada during the hut thirty yearn and in addition lias accumulated a polleylmldera net surplus fund of 14 317 010 40 j fredrick l wright acton rfpoesetjyative impcrlnl life insurance co new rubber tire buggies we have on iuuid new 1h inch ceuhlon tire and 7 inch rubber tire top buggies with solid leather trimmings at very reasonable prices aico some good used buggtci and one horse spring wagono j n oneil son georgetown mark every grave nothing is more lasting 07 more appropriate to commemorate the memory of loved ones who nave gone before than beautiful granite well carved with our present equipment and facilities no plant is better prepar ed to ollor better values or a better stock to clioaso from tlian can oe secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to sec our stock and get quotations on monuments markers or corner stones before placing an order anywhere agt0n monument works j nicol bjione 152 jl nationwide acknowledgement ofthewords greatestlhtte a buying preference of enormous proportions lifts tlie essex supersix far above the crosfire of com petitive claims it is the public itself which says the finest things for essex it is outselling all oljier sixes in many ections l by more than 2 to 1 and with slight variations this preference is tho nations and the worlds essex suteiir coach 85 sedan 4door 0 coup w wwhwirtiut allprlctf o wthiliir taiej tfnnf nu pay far civi mil u incaam at inn ijtutiii iljtluirgti or uttvmu h coxe acton out painting and house decoration r tratnlntf a speciality krotutt attrttllort fuuauction u1 katimatml civh 1tlv1 iionfc 1111 kichattd h hlanch llox 3fd acton standard roy alt i fs i 11 uif iih tinnit 1 iiylim illvl ifiidi rti marly iv rv month imvidimli an uuiiriuil 1 1 if vou ilrnlrv to ini n u u yi nr inu mi und huvrt it rotiic in monthly linui in fitundurd itnyujtlri lnfonnull m for tin 11 king ii w iiawhon v o hpx k ullamlron ilrprcu ntlng m1j continent lt6iis 4 nrperatbm to ron io locai acirnm want i h w hinton jeweller and silverware acton a gonjt rclrctlnn of oliver oomls at rpcclnl prlct 1 ut w ddliu cjlfl- wm rearm 11 ne ollvrrwam community ilnt 1047 iti 1 1 rn a nuw arrival of a very fine assartmmt n i nnry chin llm rkxii come in and eee them weddlntf ulnun plain pnd rnarard uhun and yellow qi id al 1 diamond ttlnas olanct and dress rtlnm fishing tackle and spout coods ri hot dog you never sausage values in meats and provimona na arc offered by orrie lambs butcher shop phonb h mux and main stre eeer prime nibs of beef per lb hump roast of dccf per lb beef dripplno per lb preah minced deef per lb 22c z2c vqrk porlt chops hr lb isc itcjii shoulder pork per lb lc 2 ibj utrd for 3jc 3 lb pailn lard each ssc homemade suuui per lb 20c 500 lbs homepickled beef and pork at per lb 20c sliced side bacon per lb 27c may specials at mcleati storfe llliiltl silk iiosl l think when wc lii a pair or llukpiool silk host wc nr ivinj- nur ciitnmcr tht htst viiiul miidc in ho c thori i- nunc hctllr a hl ihipmuit to htind thn wtck in nil the new shade al per pair 7 m 10 51 2 nnd l0 ladies silk vests and i1loomlhs lndic silk vest spclial nr si 00 1 dlls silk bloomers special at si 10 1 cnkc soup fnr wnhhlnr siiilh ciivcn i rcc silk lovi s lvuyser silk glove rcf tihir t is for liordoti silk gloves trnvclllr samples for per pnir 0 tioc specials in grocery dept crlairroilve soap 25c 6 z ma 25c choice lnrgc prunes 2 lbs for 25c walnl is lb tor kasphtr j i per jar 22c 43c lare damp glnss 1k for extra special wash dish and o p g soap tor 50c mclean co millstheet acton ont everything in spring hardware every hcrdwarc need can be supplied at talliota lawn mowers at prices from si 1 00 to m250 i screen doors various styles from s200 to sj 7 tixtures hinges handles etc 25c window screeni priced up from jm garden hose plpln styjc per foot llc garden hose corrugated per foot i7c shovebl rnkes hoes and gnrden tools at various pncew lawn grass seed and flktlllzlitb vacuum cleaner for kent w d talbot hardware mill street acton y r ini i t rmwmitygfcwftnf miu srnict acxan c b swackhamer i unlral director ambulance service rurniture and habdwabe exceptional values in a wide rnnge of iron beds mostly in walnut finish and in the different widths also attractive offennrjs in mnttressca at ajl prices vlndow shades curtain itoda ruffs etc hardware oils vaknishls lacquers real values in screen doom lawn mowers etc victoria day happy holiday spent at eldorado park portinj events valuable prizes girls soft ball grand riroworkb display at 9 00 p m open to all dancing harmons orchestra thli ttcllahtltll park uu never mure beuuutul than lhbi year under intlrelj new rmuiutfciuetit cottages for rent k or admlnllniuon olllci a n 1 toronto canadiannational electric railways aj plv ut park or admlnllniuon olllci n n 1 toronto street toronto specials for this week 2 tomatoes b sodas hulk tins for 16c sufiar rwlpnth fi imvkhls oj 10 ihfl for of c h 1 piiclikc for jic zaylraer soup tirei for 15c sclwiic cleanser oq tins for cioc 6nujlle af packages for tdc 2sliredded wlwatoo packuufh for ctok acton cooperative stote mux street acton phone 1c meat for h weather sbbmhsslsssiissbd5iaisdls5ssaiiimibaa wv r the solo pciiti in actoir for ookctl meats from iouumi a noel ltd imtlon lnjluiul ailckkn and ham lou turkey and dressing lok av alsd lnvr fray hrnlos om rcl and all other cooked meat we pay cash price i olt es milnes meat market our prices are always right jw pwiwiwf5p tta i e w juffw wyypww vj wsnfcwnormr5 jltil

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