Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 31, 1928, p. 2

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1911 may 1911 still l lw wj tv m i 2 1 k 6 7 ii 9 in 11 12 13 11 is if 17 in 19 20 71 22 21 24 li 27 ill 29 111 1 fr i ffllji aclitu jjffnwjjhrtjgb tlluigjday may 31 1030 till l1ttlk tiiinob ciiinr it little- luwmer tluui the other fellow did and utayed a llltln longer than hie tl her fellow would lie wnrki d n llttlu harder and he tnlkid u little iciuj hr wni never re hurried for every llltlt movement hln efficiency cxprcwcd ho naved a little money in u hundred little wayn and bunkid a little extra when he got it little raltm of cuuriti- ltn little wonder that ip 3tex irim slutt 8tatv the barrel trap ny e is haiirtlman ol he murmiin with a smile as hi dividend come regular arc the little thtngh worth while rolts in the roounoube in no country lo there among tlu poor- cut unil it iuit educated ft greater love of poetry than in ireland nowhere are the jpoeli of the people held longer more rerverently in rumemberancc lady qrcnory tella a charochirhtuc once w dote of n dliicusnlon which die heard between two of the need toilworn povcrtylrickrii inmaleo of qort work house conecnilna rival morlu of two pennant burtu of alxty yoorn aoorltalcrty and ciilllnan the purtlun of call in an doctored that hi hud jiccn ajiioru rcgpeetahlo kind of man on ulna a little farm of htfl own and lib own cattle moreover that ho lilid more tcillod and rcsiiectaulfl way alto that he wiui more coodnaturcd and did not limh hln nalshbora with satire finally that he wan a better poet anyway and thut llufcrty the blind wanderlnu rlmcntcr admitted it by avoiding any en counter with him and once wept with chaurln when uimo natlrlc vorci on hln rival weru answered to ovcrwhelmlnt effect by the rivals brother also a poet- the aned champion of ruferty ircallv the mure ulftcd poet of uie two re luctantly admitted that he would tun people down and wan name dayn bitter but he uxi vnui kind at heart aifd sin instanced the pretty incident ol mar riage of a poor uervant lid and ions ih wan only a marrlan and not a weazliuaururiyrhccaiiaajm jnndhn innde lt m5ou i it grand conn dcwripuvcto a noblo laait calling in the neighbors to hear it turn ing the occiuslon into a fcctlval and finally taklnu up a contribution from each jnmt and bcetowlns the ncneroun result the happy and nstonlnhed pair out the partisan of calllnan was not cllenced i tell you told olic em- plmucallj calllnan was a nice man and a nice neighbor raferty waant fit to put beside him calllnan wan a man thatuould co out his own back door and make a poem ubout the four quarters ol the curth i tell you you would stand in the enow to union to calllnant but just then lady gregory rccorun a bedridden old woman who had not joined in the discussion ol all cuddenly ut up in bed and began to ulng halertya loverang bridget vcaach courtcouh qrldgct tills continued on long as her breath looted o the laat word wj for him after all awi iuw iley ihi re pawf yelled yoiiuu hill jiijit come here unci look will you that tluir liiird bear lion been rnlded our lire ipimn aualnl in that howled old dill acmn rreelt why diulhurn h old hide i 111 juit uboul luyiiway unit cntwrwrr iron u bullot into lin if he dont watch out hide aint ho good now though iwl lulnl worth nhuclui nald the 5on lnunlerlim down ut the jimit loq ilam ahoffneri ieen ijii ualurday an hu miyn the old fellow luolui like hed been plucked in piuchcn hair liangln on lin in big bunchen and runty an an old mi as f hoop iron qhoret junt nheddln it aint no proper time of year to nhoot fur agreed the old man but wo cant have them beo gumo knocked all hllttrnklltcr how many has he bunted upset five dn ruined em eomplrt must ho plumb crary for owcctnln an- nwered young bill aint but four lef now have to thut em up and move cnu or hell buut huh i ketch up the mule and rig her to the ctonn boat then put them lour on it and twitch cm over onto thu ledge above wcunn run tolnt likely hell come that near the cabin if ho doen well just work a few butlouholcj in ills nkln with a rifle nm the lioun dogn will tollun if ha comc3 uilqopln round thai clocc bo young bill ketclied up the mule and put her rlmdn on her hitched her to tho utouu boat and loaded the bee gumo he had to wait until night to do it for he had firm to almt all tlio been lnnldc he led the mule round by wliy ol an old wood rond und brought her down through the tracklcn tangle of trccn and brunh to tho ledge above uie little creek which started from twin up rings near tho old log cabin ho had been bom in he unloaded tlfo bee gumn in a row und propped all four securely co- that they would not nlldc down the edge when ho had done tills lie led themuie nlly ianln nway tied hri a sapling and went back to open the uulc jdoflnulhai4ly on a woodfp methods of kinship a party of american tourlnta who vbit- cd london recently while pasctrib tlirough wcntmlnlnter abbey pouted re verently before the bust of longfellow which ntandn upon the wall in tho poets corner one of the vlnltoro a young girl with team in her eyes placed a roca in the folds of drapery acrona tho old poet breast they natned on pretcntly tlicy mbised the child who belonged to uio party on acarehlng for her they round her lingering before the- bunt oho had bitten off one of her little curu and laid it bcldc the almost every american who gocn to london visits the abbey where rest thi grcatent of englands dead they paai by the ancient coronation stone on which her covcrcigns for ccnturleo have bcln enthroned tho shrines of mint the tombs of mighty kings and leaving be hind the eolemn auleo crowded with the magnlflcant monumenta of wanioru and princcn find uio quiet come which is the new white marble bunt of the only american many prominent englishmen at the time of ruucll lowells death urged that his uutuc or bust should be given i place in the abbey but tho apace re malntng is so small that it was decided tliat this should not be done movcrtlicleu a beautiful memorial window has been placed by subscription of many engllah statesmen and authors in the jerusalem chamber of the abbey in honor of the american map of letters etrntfardonavon a fountain lias been erected by an american lover of shake npearc these thing may seem to bo txtflcs to untrav elled readers but they 8i to the american stranger in england lhi feeling that he has come to hu lane unseen old home and that he is kindly welcomed as u kinsman there they remind tho englishman that shakespeare sydney and all hln long list of ulustrlouh dead belong to american ancestry as much as to hln own and they help to bind toucthcr in friendship the great en t hah n peaking christian peoples of the world the 1181 of advebhitv gordon said the head of the de partment bton eyeing jilm nharpy youe quit drinking havent you via tor unsuered the red headed hibernian who worked in the packing department i havent tukt ii a dhrlnfc av anything throngcr thn iced lay fr three months i am glad to hear it qrogan ill make a un nbjcct to you to ntay quit but how did juti breuk yourwdf of thu habit u lilltlii me thumbnail wld o hum mer uhln ivoa packln a box o goods i dont pi c how that could cure you well mlitju r ii irker it wan tills way jr id been ober dye mblnd ed nlver have dine it but i wajjil wliln i whacked me thumb lusteud av the nail i wa thryln t thrive it made me a black inji at tin root uv tno uiumbuoll i uuy to numir qrogan ill punish y it rich whrii he rmelln tlml thar hnnry but jeiit wait till he trlcn to back out lie chuckled nrrled the barrel up to the apot the xicar had wrecked tho luic bee uumu and left it there he uald nothing about hln trap it would b jit was uituiigdairktahdlhu7hma had been shut lr for over a half hour durely no well regulated bec would attempt to come out no late for a few minutes bill ntood by uio first uee gum and listen od to the roar of the angry swarm he grinned an he reached for the door maddern torment ho chuckled reckon theyre sharpenin their sting era for me or the bear hope its him he flipped the llttlo door up and over to clear the opening and passed on to the second as ho opened the last one lie turned and started toward the mule passing directly in front or the hives instead of behind them an ho should have done in the dim llht a bee shot straight at him and dill howhid a second one hit him two inches away from the first and lie yelled again then he started to run brushing at his face and neck a thin stream came from each hive straight for bui foolishly he rushod to the mule and jerked the end of her hitch rope which jie had tied in a slipknot half uie bees instantly switched to uie mule and she bucked a coffrlc of umcs shook her head kicked vigorously and started a corner of the stone boat hit bui across uie anklen and ho sat down on it uan rolled off and felt the back end of uie log fork bump lib hips it drag ged over him scraping his skin and bruising his muscles doggono them bees doggone that mulct doggone uiat stone boat bui yelled getting up and rubbing bruises and stingo alternately im all broke up and sore as a bile gtana in seven places mashed an ground into mush lawsy but i wish paw would handle thorn bees instead of makln mc do it now he llkclyll wallop mc for ictun the mule run aay up from the utablo yard below thu cabin came the sound of uie old ctonc boat crashing into a fence the voice of old bui exhorung the mule floated up to young bui might jct as well mosey down flmt as last grumbled young bui hiding out dont lake nouiln of from paws mad he found old bill disinclined to listen to explanations his mule had run away with on old letter a stone boat bouncing at tier heels and a skinned leg in con sequence that was more natural than that enough skin should be whaled offn that trlfllnblu to offset the loan a hickory sprout grow handy and bui was quick young bui came out of uie flurry with certain dcflnatc notions first he hated tmtfifbtiatrtn-thlk-nie-ettriryt- that moonlight night will always uvo in young bills memory lie slept lightly and awoke at every sound he expected to hear from hln trup before daylliht he was not disappointed aliit two hourn after midnight no awoke with a jump and lifted hta head he heard a low revcrbcraung tunkl and one of tho hounds replied with a nhghtly uncertain bay young bill sprang from- hln cornhusk mnttrcss and began to slide into hu clouiltig old bill hoard uio three hounds join in a loud and emphatic challenge hln yell came clear and im perative blck 1m ring tie into im bugler whoon cm up dinah hey huh you bill i hear uicm dogn fllj dowii outn thar right quick tool comln paw i comln i answered young bui making his hands fly ho slid down the pole ladder from uio attic room and leaned for uin door no gun for him lie had his plans all laid ho caught up a hickory cub be side the door and ran for uie ictlje thojioupda had h cnanjlnn on ahead at old bills yell and old dui would follow young bill found uio dogs baying in wild excitement at an object im strange that they dared not attack it the rear end looked ike bear and they knew nl about bear but that front end round long hard and hollow t who ever caw a bear with such a head hj uiat they backed away and barked fiercely bill advanced boldly since ho knew that the bear could neither see him nor bite him he darted round behind th- bear and swung his club whack crack whack blapl dogeone ye i yo will bust ouf bo gums will ycj consam yor ol hide illfnm yrl ahnntril voung bill i w tttttto ti i hstuwwo- uilnki so swiftly that young bill could not tho barrel swung round and guy dd are women better than men gome of them dick what make jou bonder bo many more of them ho to church churchgoing in no proof of goodness though rellgloui scrvlcca must be rath er uncomfortable occasions for tho evil doer ullul hes choked his conscience to death can we do that dad yes indeed keep grabbing it by the throat every tlmo it warns us that weru doing wrong and its voice grown weaker and weaker persist in this treat ment lone enuugh and finally con tclcnoc is dead anil were free to work destruction upon ourudves and ouicrn without mercy or shame well if so many of them attending church services and all that doesnt prove women urc belter than men dad what doen it prove it indicates that uio average woman l more ejilritually minded ulan uie aver age man reason it out for yourself people in mom go where uey and cd- joyment and stay away from where they arc bored now getting right down to brass tacks who will nnd anyuung to enjoy in a religious service tuow who like to lay aside the body uioughta for a umc and take up spirit- uioughtn- or those vho find it pleasant and profit able to hear about think about and sing about something higher uian clothes food houten hunlncni and amtisymcnti jnaitfntfriytt some are like that but i dont bc- caught him in tho ribs just a he raised jt u n his arms for anouior blow with u evaurinutxa t j f t mysterious uion a fairy talc whore we in uomlwauiumoiy 4he thatoldbniteo bearer- stirring trouble second he would never apn a bec gum again until after ho had given the been time io quiet down third he was going to even things up with that bear that night the bear came back to uie despoiled bee gums and ucked up lhe last vestige of honey he could find he explored each nook and crevice for drops of sweetness he hud missed before then he ntartod out to hunt for more lioney and the hoim dog woke up at thu first sound of buying the bear lagged nnd disreputable looking took hii foot in lilajiund and rumbled all won quiet around the cabin for u ucik after that while the bear ran- nurked onouur bee mand over on loire crick then he re mem be red the shaw bee gums und came strolling back thut night bright with uie light of a moon nearly full old ulng the bent- cst houn dog in four states siicukcd into the cabin and went to sleep b the stove paw failed to notice him and maw had u uft pot for ulng and so he lay there all night the young flpgs uere fuggod after a long hon to dig something vlih an inviting smell out of a hole they hud found that li vhy the btur was uble to up ut und loot the ouier bee gums un- lvturbed because he had looted them paw told young bill to ait that uiur ornery crltur if it likes u beck young thu had no trup lie did lint like lhi job of silling up ull night with hln rifle bo he mt his 1c to work he must rig some kind of u trup uiat utrh the bear und hold htm fr that ye shunt havo u dhrlnk av hinder hlii rscupe avthitr hr r 1 i tt iihiii ilnl ll i- in aythrr berr r whusky until that blaali pot has uoiu well dor it wus two mo nt lis befure it had growed out to uie end o me thumb ijn i md cut it off an bo that time id huit ull me appetite fr beer an whusky thin i im to myself qrogan ill reward je fr that yero a sober man now an ell stuy sober thaty tlw whole story imt that he ould 1iol1hay wiielti ti1eue atte fish be easily overtaken then hills wundcr- luil dreamy gaze fell on u bane rutiur it was u half barrel audi as mackerel salient use it wnj made of i good oak htuves slrohg and wellttaed it wu hooped with trap und the hoops looked sound bui gut busy he turned the barrel over made n few inrusurumpnls took his axu und uiirltd into uie woods by night he had completed his trap round thu upper luiule end of the barrel he hud set six strong hickory spring split from second growth supllngs and i huprd with a druwknlfe each wici njlhd solidly with small nulls that wire bent and clenched on the outside the pieces of hickory stood out into uie birrrl until their ends approached with in ubout four inehej of one uiiothrr thou liuioi ends woro out on a uuut have a regular holiday uils year gather your gcur together pack your duffle utul bourd the train for uny of the lino remtrl und camping torrltlirlm sratlered ubout tlmuguml either rough it with lint und canoe frying luui and camp 41if or iulvu a fluo voqauoji at he uverul modern hotcli that provide homelike utroinmodatlon with ull the thrills und atmo hcn- of the great wooda iuhloii tiiixdiui nunc i a huiitlng loafing ion un do the in nil well in thn- nguinl ask iuij ciinudun national rati- 1 ntood butk and lookid ul tli ua unt ff tuustruted booklets and u iun or uipionil full luformutiuiu dogged if he wont think hes on a shelf in the kitchen btood a two- liullon crock half full of honey 11111 kiutiuiily dipped hooey into lhe ilfueu- bullon keg or half barrel then he job with struck yell of oitonlihmcnt young bui went over heading downhill whang i tho barrel hit a tree trunk it rammed anouier as uio bund ed brute tried to run then uie bear stepped on one of bills legs and bui yelled again to reach the ledge it was necessary to cross the creek close to uie pool at the foot of uio ledge the pool was four feet deep and about twelve fcit long old blu had built a rock-and- dlrt dam to torm il on this dam you could cross at full speed old bill came bearing out of the cabin wlui his rifle in his hand and ran for the dam he reached it und stepped on it with one foot his ouirr foot swung forward and touched uie dam a third of the way across then the world blew up or old bill uioughl h did homcthlng shot over the ledge with an awful yell of fear it plunged head first into uie pool after it but com ing much nearer to old bill came tin most fearsome object he had ever men it had four legs that spread like uioac of a leaping flying squirrel and a head round and long and bigger uian any kind of head old bill had ever heard of lit tried to lift his gun for a shot but his strcngui was gone he apenel his mouth to yell but he had no breath left ills knees were bending under him with a uabbly motion he started ij tum and run then the terrible ob ject changed its course and went into lhe pool all uie water in the world seemed to rise up at old bill it struck him amid ships and he went over on his back he tried again to yell but merely gargl ed somcuilng stepped on hln stomach then on his face and was gone hi cut up and saw his son and heir crawling out or uie pool he gingerly felt of his face what in all git out be you daln hi thar demanded old bui fell in sniffed young bill how come you fell ln7 what in blue blazes is all this racket about what was that thing with a head a long aa my leg uiat come tcarln over them rockn stepped in my face and doggone near peeled it like a later i fell cause i won trying to get away from the bear the racket come about cause mcn uicm houn dogs was tackl mvk wiiu- mkluhanr in a kmakju x0wn uuluu crrt huklie hi a hltll vawii of 1300 iiihullhtttu they railed fred w anderioit jim miracle mnrchiuit iwcauwi in thin town of could with i ana populalnu lo has built up a huslneii doing m annual vol ume of jft0000 how does he do it mr anderson ets ulkiut a bushel of mull a day und about hau of it in from merchants -who- ask that question until he wail 23 yearn old mr anderson worked out iui n hired mun on dawson county funun ulerping in a cold room mi the farm hr would umigulo down into hln hlaiikibi u keep out the aero temp- cruluyn of nrhraika in the winter and dream of being n grrat merchant some day and he saved money saved tflqo out or uin j0 find 2 a month he got on uio farm whrn ha had id0o he went to cozad j w 4wiu ttl wtfttaaittqua 1 of-i- a m ati kit ioh kymlathy tim fjurvr ilmllh you know r ililln missus shfi ihrowed heiself horf the end uv the wharf luril night tom orf i lie end uv the wharf iou carer i tim an u rop fished it out iiuln tom ioor bum i internaland external pains aro proittptlyroliovodi by b thomas eclectricobl that ir hah urru nni n i on uranlv i inrv vi ah ano hi looay a 1iua11 ii si i li ii than i ull i uuoiu11 a trutiudhial thai ml akh ioh itj nuuriiolill ctillativl olialiiilu store on tflpo bo lie got a job in another mans store row at 6 swept the store clerked dur ing t and rearranged things at night often working until 10 and u p m but he wan learning tho business after two ycani he quit borrowed 2200 at a local bank nnd in 1000 started little atore of hln own ho gave hln patrons service thj ilka of which had never been seen in that community nor had the local paper ever seen such advertising as he began to in sert in 1l- ills business grew and kept on grow ing he built additions to the ntorc and then outgrew the additions today tie has a department store wlui 37000 square feet of floor space here in a message from mr anderson to the ouier merchants if i were to start business again to day i would spend 6 per cent or my groan sales in advertising cays mr an- demon it payn i have no sympathy w t merch ant wlio sleeps lie iwcen- advertised blank ets on a bed of springs uiat arc national ly advertised who sleeps in advcrtticd pajamas who puts oq advertised under wear shirts garters and shoes and when he gels up eats advertised cereals and foodfl for breakfast who rides to work in an advertised car and who when he gets to work refuses to advertise he ought to go broke i advertise come way every day i cannot wait for the locof weekly and semlweckly papers alone i keep cainc- thing going every day i use space in tho papers every issue advertislna is a kind of long distance telephone with uie charjien reversed if it were not for uie press merchants would be fifty yearn behind uio umen mr anderson uses full page advertise ments in the local papers au uie umc ttninttiltiicutlmtrrw ysmrrntrziiy ft m u1um came from how long well stay where well go next- no one can say eorac- uilng created the worlds and keeps uicm spinning in a certain order something created us and put us here and rant us hrcath or life for our allotted time something tclla most of us uiat some day well jo back home whencj came and that our trials and struggles und pains down hero will then be seen to have been necessary and right that bomcthlnr wc call qod its as natural for normal humans to worship him on it is for a dog to worship his master who gives him all he has to a few this eounds meunliigle- and uicrcfore fool ish how do uicy explain life dad they dont try u explain it an rldlculoiu as it uiunds theyre not in terested although they know that a few ycuri ago they were not walking uround in one of uiese things or perish able fksh thut we cull bodies and that kicity wwn they will hav tu give up their upholtcred skeletons tn spite of uils theyre satislkd u expend their cnure thought und action upon money and what li will buy its funny how different folks turn out well i kimw a mun who cunt ap preciate muilc lie can i hear anything in the most thrilling symphony but noise iio iil imkis hl head pityingly at those who are- normally musical with u little company un u mountaintop i watched a unrlse- thut held most of us dumb by its umiirthly beauty afterward one of the party mild to mc either im lucking something or cb you folku aro dippy there you stood with your eyes popping out fairly holding your brcoth just because uie sky was red or pink or something and mc id have given all tho sunrises there ever were just to gale on a plate of steak and onions well say dad if a fellow cant cn- joy music or beautiful ulings to look at and lie husnt enough imuglaauon to dream of someuitng splendid thut this life is leading up to why how u he any better uian a cr cow why pick on the poor cow dick because last summer when we were on the fann one day i was lying under u tree looking at the sky and mountains gee but everyuilng was so big and blue uie unusual uiere they find much or uie news or uio town right in mr an dersons advertising he makes his store a community cen tre a rest room a kind of lavcn for everybody and uiatn how he does it mthebear -that- uiat thing tholfou amlgrcen and well i cant oavll but lowed mc down wan uie bear with maws j fclt yu tll of welling up and half barl on his head it busted when my hcarl btlirtcd hammering as though it lilt the water and he swum out scooted right plumb over ye youne bui explained old bill roso and stared at the float lug staves in the pool he turned and looked ut hln son und ills gaze did n promise joy dog ycr doggonrd tricks he said lowly come along down to the cabin und ill whale- ye good wlui a gtuidtlck nex time set up wlui a rifle gun an uirow lead to the critter like u mai should the bear scared almost into fits put two whole townships between himself and the shrtw bee gums before sunrise aid never cumc back to renew uie acquaintance begun at the pool but what pleased young bill more thou that wiui that old bill relented and did not use the hickory gurisuck on tho lege of hit son he even went no fur as to grin while uui113 maw nil abou the mlxup which was indeed a collec tion for old bui id been in 1 alur u while just could see a ull kawaktha lakes attilact holi day seekers for a short or long holiday you may loaf around in the kuwartha sunlight fsh to your hearts content in icawaruian score of pretty little lakes and shadowy rivers or slfp pat jewellike emerald green islands in u gruccful canoe ann never weary af it youll come back trom u kuwartha lakes holiday with on cnuiuslasm uiat will last till holiday time comes again an attractive folder has been prepared telling all about this nplcndld vacauon land your nearest canadian national railways agent has n copy for you 46 ti a crrxr- teiimanent pastukes there arc many farms in eastern can ada thai have considerable areas uiat urc stohy have steep idopea or arc too far from the farmstead to be economical ly worked in with tho regular tarm ro tation such area frequently have shade and arc well watered which make ideal conditions for permanent pastures for cattle luid sheep when these areas arc in sod uicy can frequently be greatly improved by judicious grazing cattle should not be allowed on uicm early in the spring before uie grass is well estab lished nor allowed to punch them up during the wet eauicr in uie autumn they should not be ovcrgruecd during hot dry wcauier the manure dropped the previous autumn by stock should be scattered in the spring a brush harrow can be used for rough groundu borne wced3 can be controlled by cut- uug at certain seasons most of ulc broad leaved weeds coh be destroyed or greatly checked by on appllcauon of 200 pounds of sulphate- of ammonia per acre in the form of a spray applied by dis solving it in from co to b0 gallons of water this shouul be sprayed on just as the weeds come in bloom when such lands have to be broken to kill weeds or for other reasons it is well to have uicm summer fallowed and worked into as nne a slate of tilth as possible far most grass seeds are very small and do -host- with o iitirca crop there arc many grass mixtures recommended for permanent pastures the type of soil and uie lay of the field should be deciding factors the wlui me a cow came out of uie woods following turf and bunch grasses as uioy and stood facing uie w i was looking mature at different seasons are ouggest- thcr lood gazing ut the very pic ture that stirred me all up and all she thought about was the old cud she was chewlng then from the valley i heard uiat blind girl playing her violin und some birds heard it too and started sing ing and there thut dumbbell cow stood and just chewed if were not careful dick most ol us may find some day uiat even a caw passed us by she probably docs all she was created lu do liow about you and mc ticougian hay district iamous ioh its fishing whether jou stuy at one of the hotels or choose to camp on the islands you are sure of a continuous good time umung the- thirty thounund islands of uie oirgian bay you can have splendid swimming boating and other water 1 ports or you can spend your whole time lulling the district is famous for black buss lake trout and majikiiiuuge thuro hi u line booklet just off uie prom describing uils vacation territory in detail giving hotels rates etc auk any canuilan national railways agent for one mlllera worm powders not only make the infantile ay tern untenable for worms i li their action on uie stomach liver ud bowcl they correct uuch trouoiea as lack ot uppctlu- biliousness and other internal dlwirdcm uiat the worms create children thrive upon them and no matter what condition their wonnlnfested miintuchi may be lu they will how im- piotenienl un smjn as the treatment begins meadow fescue orchard grass ken lucky blue timothy and red top these with white dutch clover do well on most eastern canadian bolls many ouier grasses und clovers do well when they have conditions that nult their special requirements experimental farm note altvar itrady and reliable practic ally ull pallia arising from inflammation can be removed w lui dr thomas ec- lectrlc oil simply nib it on uie norc spot and it is quickly absorbed by the jtln its healing power la conveyed to the inflamed llssue which la quickly soothed this line old remedy ls also 1 specific for all manner of culi scratches lu uiiei and sprains keep u bottli handy uluuys heart failure you seem unwell she said im not feeling uio grand the youth replied the fact ui im troubled with heart failure oil how horrible yes i started four times to ask your fathers cunuent to our marriage and ewrj time my heart tailed mr mlnkoica lakes always lofllau usiikcalks and junkscales it is said thut when a son was born to a certain ntateuniui who is also u noltd fuihiniiun the proud fauier weigh ed him on the sculii by which he and one or his ilhcrmi n friends had been in the habit of uiightug the fish they ealelt und thut the ieules declared uie bubyi weight to be sixty pounds tho faim tell u t unolhir kind of special senh llu- family of a iii day und the nit of the house alt i there wtro lu lhe neighborhood uny bottles sang u olcc tulltd lhe loud futher want jou to wi ijth somc- famcd for their beuuty ever increas ing luipularlty visited annually by niuny uiuusundi of tourists tells the rilury or muskoku canadian national railuuyi huvu pre pared u delightful booklet telling you ull ubout the muskoku ijikes in plrluto and in utory olvrs tho places to u jutes und evtiylhlhg ask uny canadian lhi iutlnnui aj flit for tint booklet lie will by a urn urrlwd li murlim coupte the jouiui father rushit to boirnw iv pair of uu portables any rugs hi the stntt ut re you come huel i thuig for uu- lhe luukiui part nt lluby und himiked on tllcutir alkiwnl exueliy ijcvcll puullda ueveii poundi cried the trained nunt tievm pound rthmd lhe dlsup- iulnted rutht 1 dont let dot wony jou remarked junlunuii dtv w del il ly tactllss ol- 1ilu aioikt mir usked if wi wt-rt- both joiing unit simile iigulti would yun want 1111 to be- your wile now my deur he ubenlmliulidli n piled wlials the use or iryluu ui atari a quarrel just n we havr nrltled down lu enjoy u quiet evening lolloped the piwmt tied up in u lowef gladly give it to joi fie of chargu i 1 hoi 1 bbi e l it 1 ilghs tn thin jtcroof this year with ribholl tlio permanent roofinff for bams housca shodfl iaowiinjtlflicodtcomfiaui big filuiots oaoy and quick to layririiuiriontloakproofi lifliulaomo in appoaranoo ivo- vonta firob incroasoa voluo of property mada of famoufl council titanuard ahd ts uwb uisa of rooiox frea ostunaui writo to eastern steel produc hilliton ont j ourmauir tit r jk uuluhlinb bbj j uliuyicuuj essex models from j up hudson models front 1600 up f o in whituor taxes extra having the worlds cjrcitcst viliics to icll gives us cnthusiasin to initch thopc values 411 the character of scruc wc render we use genuine favtory parts which r a pledge of interest in your batisfaction all work is performed hy skilled mechanics i ludsonesficx owners may utilizcour service with confidence whoever docs yourworlt insist on genuine factory parts genuine eakts 0 9 udson a demonstration involves no obligation h a coxe acton out did you ever stop to think ililiimlf aimiiiii hy edson u wnilc shawnee okloloma that onh a few ycaih ago electric jomt was little known seemed niysleri- ous l llie average person and wlien nien- tioncd va lasscd off as a luxury for the rich something to dream about somc- ihiug that could not he harnessed for the henilit of all mankind the pioneers in tlie electric world met opposition in developing its use the were heset from all sides with scof fers from organizations and from all people who opposed progress in spiti- of oppositions the pioneers plugged away thev kept busy and suc ceeded in harnessing electric power until now electric service is within lhe reach and means of cerv citizen toda eeelric power is doing the mo to uliile work easier and life more pleasant ida the rich and poor alike are enjoying miivenieiiees our lorelathcrs never dreamed of toda we owe much to theeiiitis of public iiiilit oilieiuls who have given tin world the greatest ser ice and comfort it lias e ei k now n we sliiudd iiivc oii good sill and a helpful litdtt tluee utilities who are workiiii la and night m mav live lielti r li e easier and live longer coiyililcd ii2s your pubhc utility officials are very human- give them a kind word once in a while they deserve it they will appreciate st they can stand the shock d jllljllilllilfflllllllglffllllillliwliliiiilf k rii 1 a vi li i rilllllilllljlllir 11ftlpjlliltilflllllillllilltiil ui i a iaiuiu ihi j free press ads do briing results

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