ffllyg ahm 3tog ijlmw tmuuidav junk 31 loail n ikaunino to ku a man helping daddy rtr the fcmn in the flm 1 wuy any utile hoy rim npend kuril limi mutton day wr nluuyn have n garden that needs n hoy ui line anil pull up nil urn useless weedn ci thing i we plant can brow then i im eel uio cown rack ay- andfueil lie rlilckrntt too il isnt hard l find enough riuil tiny hoy can tin yen i will in lp iny daddy junt the very bt 1 mil pn dont oo hit that in the way i 1 learn tn a miin menu hints luelpcs for now and nvel duiiru household ideas and kuetcatlona ity hetty hareuy tulip deobkiit small oranges j cup while grape j cup nut meats l cup scalded milk cup sugar l egg yolk 1 tablespoon cornstarch cut the top from oranges and remove pulp cut orange peal into four us- menu shape and bend outward a little to blmulatc n tulip mu cornstarch and sugar and utlr into liot milk cook ten minutes stirring occasionally kmr onto wellbeaten egg yolk return to double boiler and cook one minute then cool mix wltli o run bo pulp imp seeded and skinned and nut meats pill orange skins and servo in longotemmed slier- bet glasses garnish wlui fresh green leave outdoor ham and cabbage serves 35 dla a trench about eighteen inches deep four feet long and eighteen inches wide for your ire build lire and allcw to burn until there u a rood bed of live coals before putting dish on to cook into a copper- bottomed wanh boiler place two eightpound hams cover with water and place boiler aerosol trench lfj boll boll uiilll lutm in done then lift ham and wi wilde quarter about nine or ten small cabbage add three or four onions minced and proper seasoning afi1 boirr-wtfrt- uuuugii iietowlille piplnbhol an excellent main dish for an outdoor mtal for oilrty or uilrtynve people manauktutea kuikc a meringue by beating 1 egg while until nuff add 3 lablespoanu augur spread rather thickly on aalunen or eraliom crackers bake in a very moderate oven until delicately brown nuts may be placed on top strawberry jun1cet ice cream makes 3 quarts 1 quart milk j pint cream 1 cup sugar 2 junket tablotn 1 cup strawberry juice 1 tablespoon cold water mash fresh berries uirough a sieve to net i cup of juice mix milk and cream and warm to lukewarm add sugar to the milk and juice and ctlr a moment pour immediately into uie frecser can and let stand until firm place can in freexcr pack with lec and colt freeze to a thick mush then finish freezing rapidly mocha cake vrootiho 2 tablojkmino cocoa 13 cup butter j tcannoon vanilla 1 cup confectioners sugar 3 tablespoons black coffee cream butter and add sugar add vanilla and cocoa add coffee to main uie right consistency to spread in the world tvr gained my knowledge and for it i have huvc had to pay thouuh i never went to college yet ive heard hie loetn nay life in like n mighty river iloll i nil on from day to day men like vessels launch upon it some arc wrecked and cost away chonii so do your bent for one another making life a pleasant dream help a worn and weary brother pulling hord against the stream many a bright goodhcartrd fellow many a nobleminded man flndn himself in water shallow then aiuhl him if you can somr succeed at every turning fortune- favnrn every scheme othem too though more deserving have to pull ugalnst the stream if the wind in in your favor and youve weathered evi ry squall think of those who luckless labur never gct fair wind nl ill workinn hard contented wiiiiiik struggllnir thro uich ocean wide not a friend and not a iihllllnu pulling hard against the tide dont give way to foolish worry let thin keep you in yood cheer blighter dayo may come t morrow if you try and persevere darkest nights will have a morning -rthnriirhthft-lnfpy-tttnaay- when ltii nufitt to im limnjiuin uic i llttht einunnniieiue cuutlon uml con- lielenrfl lrelly ood mlvlro lrlrntuliip in flnn it bi drnlrulilr but the making of frlendn miint lie dlixrcet and cnmmniiurirc inimt ihi lined wbrn ronl frlrmli are be inn rlmwii well i did run off at a tangent but ifj all in a lifetime and i hnpjt well nil be friendly ami iw ready to help mm an- jitlic mary and i have been fortunate in having thn community for our frlrndn tbroiiub all the ymra many a tlinn wnvr iwen helped olid weve dnnc our level iwnl to help pthem wlirn help wan needed and weve alro had pleasure making tlic young folkn happy nt our hnme rnpeclnlly when thpy have ramo an rtrangera u thn community know till joy ol itltkillt watiitb and ilaliv lands the indlann coming upon a chain of gleaming shimmering lakes abouf ninety miles east of toronto named them iln- wartha bright w a tern and happy lands it la many yearn since the indlann gave ihn name kaumrtha to these lakes yet today vacationists find it the nourco of happy holidays- in the many retorts scattered along the shores if you arc an ardent risbcrman cast your una in the larger lakes for bass and masklnonnc in the smaller lalccn speckled trout provide good sport at any of the maify ftaad nummcr hotcb there is every facility for canoeing motor boa ting bathing tennis golf and all the other outofdoor recreations illustrated folders with full informa tion and map of kawartba lakes jill be gladly given you by any canadian national railways agent 512 tjoilgobtlanm 4iut haveauiiklii the agl of the dady mont people wlio are not mothers or fauiero find it difficult to remember the aee cither in days weeks or montlu of ui average baby and u a rule the baby cannot help matters mlns kilty cooper a maiden aunt of a very new and fui baby was no exception to una ruu ghc luuj no memory for any kind of flaurei anyway she cald and when it come to futures and babies at the name time alio tniut give up one day it happened that the childs mother had lett her in euarxe for a few hours and befar her vigil waa over poor mieb witty underwent a trylna experience tluit ulkatlve mn qmlui came in lie told her sister later and woke up the child with her convcraatlon so that i liad to take it out of its crib and hold it which mode matters infinitely worse as mrs smith began to ask questions about il i could see that she really didnt care anything about baby but aiie liked to talk you are pretty hard on her kitty aid the mother what did the askr why first she sold what a nice child i how old is it vi dont know 1 1 oald i cant re member ttn exact age i should say nlni iiclp a worn and weary brother this old poem with its friendly phil osophy which has been helping down cast folks and helping un to have a real intercnt in one another has been going about doing good for the past fifty yearn i have known it and been encouraged by it and aimed to live up to ll ncntlment through many yearn bul lis warm fervor has not come before my ken in cold type before for a scare of yearn i there fore paui it on to my readers in the hope uiat it may bring encouragement to some and ibat it may direct others to adopt its exhortation and lend a 1iond to the other fellow in hla effort at pulling hard against the sir cam its remarkable how a kind word and a helpful deed puts pep and kinder and encouragement into the heart and life if one who la discouraged and almost in despair try ll try it today youll come across other folk naturally bright goodhcartcd and really noble who some times find themselves in shallow water then assist uicm if you can they arc deserving but arc pulling hard ugalnnt the tide longest lanev muit have a turning give the help yuu can allord and the tide will turn at last new car to come on market the plymouth car will he manufac tured in canada name of firm not given detroit june 20 the trend toward naming new cars after wellknown figur es and occurrences in history won ac cented by announcement here yesterday that a brand new car coon to make ili bow to the public in to be called the plymouth and will be manufactur ed in cunada according to the cue has been under cubistructlon mmc time but formal decision as to its name was not determined until a few days ago no information as to what company i to b tltn nrlr fi nr pth itldl neptune in modern garb views quebec now that shalcrfipnnroan produc tions nro ntagod in hluii fours oninit clotlioii anil kjinki tboro dooi not nppoar to ho nny nojul oli joctjon juininnt father neptune ilincardlnjr lilt traditional garb of nm wood in favor of ncabootn nnd nailor ton and the canadian national itailwnyn photogruphor recently found tlio non of saturn anct opn gracefully lounging in quebec city nn depicted above it will ha noted that tlio old gentle man rntninn trident and helm hut han adopted a modern iitrerinc wheel in placo of homo ami dolphin thin particular effigy may ho found on mountain hill nnil appnnni to replaco one whieh up to jbfio liml place of honor over tho ontranro to thn old nnptuno inn then a noted coffro houiio in st peter street frequented by noataring men timo wan i hen carved wooden flurei frequently marlted hontelrict and commemal ejitahlinhmcntfi in quebec nnd montreal hut only a ncant tew havo withiitood the ndvdrit inc yearn i why bi it that footballer mid rriiket- ers rarely make good imiiillry farmrrn- ibtuiiut footballijii hale foil nnd crlclc- iten do niit like durkii whlrh ioet maken you think of a very tall man i jin fellow a millers worm toweers hucin tim ntatlcnn condition tmotiaiir oh nv tim cm nrnon of vjoiiuu and llf-utoiii- tut 0hilpto tjolujai iilaltii no narcqyic5pleasant ag sugar at jasper park lodge months then mrs bmith went on talking and the ficndly heart talking and finally she turned to tho no one can got along without friends baby and sold again how old u the bul ll would have them sincere and utile dear true tie niuat himself have u friendly i said i didnt know exactly but i heart friends arc like pbuts thcy are thought it was come where about nine or born not usually made it la natural in ten months and she smlud and oald desire friends and to form friend aomolhlng about lis being a big baby ships they say ulrds of a feather for its ace isnt it a darling ahe bald floc together bul friendship is more then she went on and on all about than thla it in really the afllnlly of a party she had been to and after a xub finding and pusenmng one another while she asked again what the babys make friends and your friends will age wa i said 11 must be somewhere make you but we must have a care about a year for the kind of friends you chooic some vclltyl exclaimed the mother re- of you will remember the headline mr proichfully you know belter than that little used to net in our copy books at yon know you do school in his precipe handwriting evil no i dont said mlu icltly i communications corrupt good manners couldnt tell you now whether that child oe generally becomes like those he as- 1 eight or llxleen montlu old and when ctaua with a quaint old hunter once mrs oinlth kept onjilng i kept changing ld live with wolves and you will isam uie age just to try to aatlsfy mycelf i t wl a young man muy form uiought that imrhups i might hit on a friendships that will ruin him oven figure that uould bound correct you though his home be pure and noble know besides she added i never said often the devils decoy duck are that the baby actually was such and ready to lead him on ulch an age but thul i uuetted 11 wum 1 giving advice along this hue to hla theres a big difference there really is john onihnm the great chicago how old did you nay the baby possibly porkpacker wrote u hb miii who was was at lanl inquired us mother l college weve gut an old steer out oh i didnt get him very old i lhtnk ul the packlng-houj- that itanibi around uie hlgllfpt uaa eighteen montlis and ol ll foot of the iimway leading to tin tlien mrs smith said uutt he looked killing kii looking fur all i lu- world ilk fully two yearn tuic didnt cur you tee oilt of the village futlu m billing n the the brotherly heart pcrbap1 you wont mind if i do a little moralizing thin timi i dont often burden you rcadcrt of ihb column with ncrmoiih or licrmonette but just now feel that perhapa u little hearttoheart talk may be helpful u ui we have every one or un experienced uie naun- f action when a little help wan most needed or receiving sucli help from neighbor or friend possessed of a brother ly heart the brotherhood of man in a favorite phrase just now the fact which it expresses is that all men of all races have a common human nature common experience and pass lb llltlcs and mtercnts a good brotherly heart lfl naturally one that takes in mankind generally feels the hardships of others and cccks to make hb or her condition more endurable and perhaps happy someone has oald to be a lover of men is to live it is my opinion that not until the deeper feelings of brother hood are fully adopted and acted upon will tho noblest theories of brotherhood and helpfulness be fully understood there arc men who have fallen in the struggle of life and discouraged and forlorn they peril the hcahyihaiid crasn the friendly help of brother men lcnt for want of i a word that you who knous what or what hcartn broken mlghl have pokun rcf muy be dim nay be uclilng or became the tar so accurately typlllca the endurance and strength uie rugcd honesty and enterprise uie determinat ion of achievement and the freedom from old limitations of the pilgrim bond whq were the first american colonists the plymouui takes its name from the bent known settlement ln the colonization of north america the pilgrims who came over in the mayflower had be cause of uiclr rellgoua beliefs been harried and persecuted both by queen elizabeth and her successor icing james i piecing to holland they tailed to find satis factory living conditio mi in that country their children were rapidly absorbing the language and habits of tlic dutch and many of the young men had aban doned the colony and gone to sea in the dutch merchant marine in the face of these difficulties they determined to neck new homes in amoi- cu and wt forth in 1g20 in uie speed well from dclfthaven holland at soutn- umpton england they wcru met by another group of pilgrims who hud chartered uie mayflower uoui nhlps net forth but uie speedwell sprung wv- era leaks wlui the result uiat both veuicb returned to plymouth where the speedwells passengers were crowded into the mayflower one hundred pilgrims finally left plymouth ucpt a 1020 bound for north america the voyage was full of hardships ii mldoccon the mayflower broke a main beam per a time it teemed that tin vllgrlmn would be forced to return u englund thin mishap wan remedied by an ingenious carpenter and uie voy age continued in november land won ntghtcd which subsequently proved to be cape cod the pllgtlmn had no right to settle uie re as uielr land grant did not hold good in uiat territory turning southward they met danger ous shoals they finally decided to nettle near cape cod and take up the question of a charter with uie plymouth company at a later date plvc weeks uie mayflower stood at anchor while small landing parties under william brewster william bradford and miles blandish attempted to find a suit able spot for aetucment this was accomp lished at last and uie rude dwellings erect ed the colonists and their belongings were brought ashore and landed according to history on uie same plymouth rock which today is known wherever history it taught winter wan already under way and sufferings of uie pilgrims were intense there was a scarcity of provisions and a lack of other facilities which woul liave discouraged any less hardy a people during the winter 51 of the colonists died at times the living could scarcely bury the dead but the determination remained unshaken a year after their landing saw great changes among the colonists a fortress had been erected 20 acres of land clear ed and 60 recruits had como out from england a plentiful harvest had been gathered in venison wild fowl and fish had been added to their larder several town meetings had been held and even laws had been passed when food and fuel had been stored away against the ensuing winter oavernor bradford ordered a general day of thanksgiving jasper national parle which will be visited this year by mem tiers of the canadian weekly newspapers associa tion in noted as one of the great chow places of the world with its area of 5300 square miles not only ia it the largest game canctuary tn the world but it cm tain a the greatest number of mount a peaks few of thcic arc below h000 fei and mount ediui cavcll canadas mountain memorial to the memory of the uritbli red crowi nurse in 1 1 033 feet in height bet aimed in the nhailnw of the lofty rocky mountain ixila and facing lac bcauvcrt which rcllects in it3 glistcnitif water the towering peaks encircling it ta iasner park lodge and adjoining rtidic ungalowa although mtujtcd amid scenery noted for itu wild nnd ragged leauty the lodge and adjoining bunpa- lown which are operated by the canadian national railways offer cery con venience to the tourist to those who love the beauties of nature intl the great outdoors there in no plate in the ixorld which can nurnatii jasper national part 1 trails and roads winding amid ipnice and nine through vallcyi along riers and likes and asccjithn the nlen of mountain within the park have an aggre gate length of several hundred miloo and they arc being steadily extended some of theni were blazed over a century ago by indians fur traders and explorers who jravcrud the athahuxa valley on their way to nnd from the pacific these in particular are himorical almost sat red for many of the men who trod theni in early pioneer flays have left their im print on canadian hi tory hut moit of the trails and roads have been con structed by the dominion ooeriwnent in order to provide pathways by which touristu may have access ntti the mini mum of effort to mountain i illeju lakes rivers and other xinta f interest within the park lakes turquoise sapphire rtiurald ameihyu uxording tn the thnitttr of their environment ami mirroring ad jacent mountain peal on their plat id lairlarc ire lettered like jewli r cry- re tu iers irfit ami imall abound wink the columbia ilc field jut m ihiilc the pirk boundaries out rivals in ist- i and ui beauty ho t- fount in nny other part of the ntim nt vnh the ihlr exception f the mount rn ice field in alanka and she didnt notice in uie least uiat i kept guessing different ages i met her tm uie street said i i e mother reflectively just as i came away from the brewers oho said die had never been lie re and had seen uie baby ami tank less lute alia said uie thought ll was uie nicest fourmonuu cluul otic lutd ever aaen i told her that it won really seven montlu old well im glad to know i exclaimed j cracker box ati the grocery a sort of sadeyed dreamy old cuss always has two or uirce straws fnun his cud ticking oit of the corner of bin mouth you icr that looked an ir he t in uilhfti hut by und by the btiya drive a bunch of steers to ward him or cown mujbe if were can ning and then youll nee old abe move off up that runway sort of beckoning him with that wicked the utsj kitty i thought eighteen montlu d tdump ofu tall tr hlv at if un was too much i really dull something mighty intt renting at the top to nteern from the prairies which every one of them ought ta have a- look at to put a metropolitan finish on him these storm junt naturally follow alung up unit faiualltit man in history j runway and into the killing pens hut iliddleh who waii thr the honuin on his woich what trunk can be made ontario makeh uajpid btiiiduk ah popular summer playoround a ready answer to the question where shall we go for our holidays is found today among the many attractive and pleasurable resorts that make ontarli highlands and lake districts the mccca of vacation la la from ull across the con uncut prom uio blue waters of huron ti uie rock npuuered slrjumn of the otui- wa valley picturesque lakeu and spark ling rivers vie will each other an papula rrhorta inr ardent biheiinan the icawarllia lakes the thirty thousand islands uf qcorglun bay the muganatuwan pick erel und iycnch river districts und in land lakes of algonquin park offer uie beut of bans niankluougc und trout flsh iny lor some u holiday is not eompiltu wluiout u canoe trip par tese tim agaml the rldcau lakes and tle uppir streams and inktu of algonquin park offers a uiousand delightful canoe trlpa with openair camping und cotklng thruwu in for extra measure fur general holjdays such rcortvi an muskoku ijikea lake of llayn oeoiclau bay kuwurtha lukts and lukes coucn idling and hlmeoe are recommended any canadian national railways air will gladly give you literature giid full information on ull of ontarios summer iriutrli and iiuslsl you in planning your holiday m3 mr teabfllee on faculty i wuuid call mahaly severance i facultlcd woman nald caleb pcaslei positively td the gathering on the step3 of the village store shcij move over hync cant yc7 deacon hync obedient ly made room on the long bench and caleb sank to the reot with a tilgh of content mahaly halted me he went on to explain just as i was gettln well pant her gate on my way down here she come out und hollered to mc to look lound and find her a hired man till she could get tho rent of her potatoes planted i made out thut she wanted somebody that was wuth his suit and thatd do the milking and shed pay him a dollaraiid a quarter a day when shed got uiat much nald that peakycoh glyra jump alld l luld 0 lot him go to keep htm in the haruenj at all so i didnt learn what lies done wlui uiat slacktwlutcrt lie t bo feller she had there wurkln wheres he gone off to hync do you know mr hync twisted his face into u wry smile i nhuuld say i did know he admitted with satisfaction you uint fur front the truth cakb he mild when juu call her facultlcd she knows to u cent icultledund k at ilgurn when die geu her muncyi wuth and mahaly sevlrmicc wherever yuu thats what she told jjcebe day before jesterduy when she let him go i seems uiat beebe aint been strainlilu himself any try in lo turn ott a big day m worm iwdern are complete work for her mr hyne went on i themselves they not only drive supjosc he figured he could scant her a wormb from lh liyuum but uie llluc slit beln a woman and she illhi r i that worms cause and so ln- chopfng block lookln kind of dismal when mahaly suw him and called him over to her houe and give him a good hot dinner that night when we got back home about fhc oclock mahaly threw her shawl jii und ran over to tell us about it and we asked her to set up and have supper with us she made out a food meal suptv as there was only comln homo from bangor and gettln it ready hi a hurry we didnt have as good a spread as we do sometimes so after wed got through mahaly sort of cleared her throat i knew from her actions shed got some thing on her mind pinolly she saya bout thut meal i give your man today she saya i dont suppose i could tollect anything for it and 1 aint trying to but rights right and while uib is a good enough meal forevcnln says sac tllt ltiad meat and pomtcni and two kinds of plo on my table this noon and he et hearty but nays she if youre wlllln to gue me about u ductii of uicm dough nuts i should think twould about cen tilings up neiirii i can tell without el ting ptntll und paper and scltln down un item she nays and i dont wat to do uiut yet sir ufllrmed mr pcailcc that a ketch a statement relating to the future of the chrysler corporation and dodge brothers inc the widespread public interest in recent events affecting the chrysler corporation and dodge brothers inc deserves an authentic and official statement and an assurance regarding the future of these two corporations n subject to the approval of stockholders dodge brothers inc will be acquired by the chrysler corporation the plan of amalgamation havirig been recommended by their respective boards of directors each of these great institutions will retain its identity and will continue as heretofore to produce and market its own product in accordance with the high and progressive standards from which motor car buyers the world over have previously benefited each will benefit from the consummation of a plan which unites such tremendous resources in material manufacturing facilities financial power and manufacturing genius dodge brothers will continue to be dodge brothers and chrysler will be chrysler their products will be separate and distinct und will be continued in production without aatecenp m ht in consolidation both public and dealers may look forward to the greater bcne fits which the consolidation of such tremendous resources will produce and the men identified with these businesses may be assured of a stable and definite future inspired by tlic progressiveness which has been responsible for this uniting of two great companies chrysler corporation dodge brothers inc dlirerti it npcakln uf it if wouldnt know she d be timid ubo she did sic it muhalyd been walchln him all the time though he didnt mistrust it duy before yesterday she went out to the bain hunt htm up and she found him settln un u null keg httln on unit hi was cuttlu imiuitoeu for need uut ac cording to what muhaly told me lied been there two hours and hudn t tut enough mi but what she brought em all into the house in her upron ufur in u gone an i you she suyi to lead out ugur le thp constitution that it speedily ts from the disorders of the dl- a that are uie result of the work ene parasitic intruders they do uork thoroughly uud strength mid ilts follow their use l1ttii things to kkmirmhkil protiin vtgi ubtc vliu meat fuii or white bread iilwuji see that such ucd- ir- bulunct d by fruits mid that tuke beef a half 0ow her dui un stall imuitxd from asthma many who idler wlio went to sleep jut us they get to the lop old abe sonu rtad these words know the terrible drain vay gets loit lu the tnmd and he isnt upm health and strength whiih runies liming thone present whin the gates uro i in the tiuin of asthma tie troubles many losed and the real tumble big but to liltjdo not nuiur huuever that there is n unit for which no lock an elephants trunk i new friends i one true remedy whlrh i continuing hb letter the paiker wrote uiln drain w j d kelluga i i nevir naw a dojtt n ltiyn touellur unit hemeily in u woudi rful theik ui whether the corn be of old or new there wasnt un old ale ummig llu m i uiixcvullug ailment u has counties grtiwlh 11 must yield u hollowuys corn if you find your tiowd fulluulng u uirds of relief to its rrrdit it bi jtimover keep away from it there are times almost everywhere uiud oiirtuim fur he uin t glvln uiuien u lut uud if milk u day and i dun t tallale to keep a cow that dont pay her way bo beebe wuit tn and led out the cow and made ready to start dnun the road with her you wuit a minute najn muhaly i aint done with you yet i w bten keepln my eye on you und ilo mude up my mind you ulnt worth any more to aie than thut cow in man or tow nhe nus they eunt work for uie if tiny dont tarn their keep llieres your pay she soya iyid theres a quartt r ui pay for hudln the cow down and when luiiw left icr you ran hunt another job she uayn and mnicluded mi hyue tlialn ull i knuw about it mr pcusilc smote his knet- mid luuk- lcd iri aint that muhaly fu ultled he de- inunded ckint she know wlua a things wuth tool imie id you how she tun rigger- in a uuall sort of a way uml fall when i had uiat feller from dedhum workin for uie mid tore he 1 learnt tli- wais of thr- house my wife ami i went lo bangor one day and ih- irfl i hi lly stop mails dinner on the kltthiu table and asthma uie key to the but k dooi hung under the tll i litre are muni uuyi of neutralizing uie icattion f naudwlchun by lislng tli litl fruit fllltts that are alkaline lo help tonvtrt the at ids into iiunnlem atts haisliis are extremely ulkuline am may lx ustd in many healthful nuudulct lilllugn drltd ptatiii- raisins prunes mid fib all have iooflly piuihirtltius of iron hi their ash you ulll lb id it vry dlfflcull lo eu too inuth lettuce tclcry raw cubbugi und other grt i n vegelabh use lluni lonsluiitty uhen rheup und h antl as often un ou eun uflord the olhei seuoiis m liy noli rs 1ui r oson o blesn oil er oia vis wi rm ilxtenulnutor hi un ie it has nil ved til utile o us ol l fit ring and mad th 111 healthy e dipper at uie wll he joigolwiieie tin iollt couldnt get hllo file lion ai and dlnnei clip this coupon mail it today the free press from now to dec 31st 122 or thiree months for 50c head the uical ncvvy week hy week oui short str our siutda school lxsisou ieneral news llu- old man seilsonnble itecimm count nftth 1 ill i hi 1 iklvi a tin ii on tin io gcntliinui 1 lease hud eiieloscd foi siibsii 1 it ion tci 1 in ai iun 1kli iii un m uddi ess is signed