uiiat till vokf halo ay tvtnind unit llt mid 1 nllll the task of the i i i done what vi ii h ivr uiwn gwl trust lo tlie 11 il in inlu and the run f what ynii half d framed in llinuglit nf day- hint urr yet lo iw j wluil yuii luwr honed hr counts in thf ik uvi of rlrrnlty it r t llfi mill lie ali ir you lalui tun iilllh i weet boon i imtli llv in rlcrnal day like the inn in trrmil noon i tit ii i ul th- i ml of the inllnl i pill n rind wliii pi iiiti hi rceili of ihr ages in the moi i n in rfdrrlng sod itent life mid ho tllll clod gava hi in miii rl hour that watching you might feel the penrj f i1l quiet power in llghti ii nil colors or lire no tlurlc of rirtth ran mar god nnlnln thin day in heaven and over it hunpn a star charlea p cleaves- llcallli hrrvlee of th canadian medical aumiium tlie importance of rest life consists of alternating periods of activity nnd rrrt to live in ft healthy condition it la necessary lhat uiew periods be balanced one with uie otlier if activity be too prolonged uiere u a loss of efficiency tlie tired eye ceu ltcjj well the tired muscles do not re spond as quickly hie tired workman praducca a smaller quantity and a lower grade of work uie ured brain la leu efficient- r it n well cjtlabluhed fact that a much higher percentage of accidents occur in factories towards the end of lite day even under uu stimulus of a patriotic fervour it was found that tlie number of shells produced per week durlns the great war was increased by reducing the hours of work in tlie elim ination of sunday work a change la a rest recreation or play is a change which provide rest in one manner it docs not however provide rest in all ways it is rest in the satac ienc that it is a diversion but it u not rcctru hi the sense that blcplj tluy furnishes relief from tlie rnonotonyof work dives a fresh mental stimulus but li docs not provide for the lest lhat li nrrded to rebuild and re blorc the bodycells broken down by act ivity iilod nf nctlvlly either at work or lisl oiotlmlh oiii fuipnds old iovi there arc no daynjlkc the good 11 days tlie daynwlien vju were youthful when humankind were pur or mind and npoech and deeds were truthful before a love or sordid gold jlecame man n ruling passion arid before each dame and maid docmul olavc to the tyrant fanhlnnt there arc no girls like the good old girls attaint- 1 the world i d stake cml an buxom and smart and clean of heart ad the lord knew how to make cml they were rlcrr in nplrir and coirirnoil- and piety all rupportln they could bakr and brew nnd had tautjht school too and they made such lllti ly courtln i mtk rtll in wimi homu but tluy wugn u iwing light uuaiiuit hardwood doori and rugs i hiojj early days weru tin- eru too of roal till laihpu and tallow candles iiof anyone ijm hllirr now when rlorlrlr rurn nl run iw luul iortnlilr wajwlen tuna were in ulmti t rirry kiulifn and in many homin cervt d utll thi purporni nf bathroom un will it uu i a proud nhodr of luxury th it could ihiii t ii luthroom in tho e dayn au i have iald there wan no lelrphnni in llwu dayn if you hatl a mrrujf for a friend you walkrd to hln or her limni or in mln pi ji plure and uave your meuaiu in w rum if you wanted th doctor in u hurry you run jr him when you ol i thrrti you pulled a knob lhat won at tached to a wire that ran a hrll u m where in the bark ha if it wail it nlnlit there wan a rpeaklna tulie brli llifl hell kilob up which you rhoulcdjou appeal for haite memorlen crowif in upon me th clrtem wllh water conducted from th roof whrn it ralnod und rruerally con nectrd with a pump fli the kltchm th lluhtnlna roda without which every iioiik wai conrldered to lie in constant peril from the ilea venn the old nlnalnu l 100i the pari nu i a contemporarlo of mr iordn rare old nllc the horr- car all familiar ui a time that thousht ibulf a mnrvrl or human prodlress but which the youth or lo day rmlle at an hardly dtfltlnmi lr liable mm the middle aqch and mary pcmlsui in saying to me them wan the uood old days there arc no boy llk the good old boyn when wr were bojii toucther when the grani wan nwrcl to the brown bare feet lhat dimpled the launhlnu hi athcr when the ptwee unit u the rummer of the bee in the billowy clover or down by the mill the whip poor will ichrxd hli nlpht mhik over ih i in i like tin ujod old hive hl liivt that iiuilhi r cavt nat wj i ic id old iiirn y l hi- pine agstfi rtir hist prtrli u uraci ood travauiit oo wi dn nm mid dnam of the cobd aid tlmti and our heartn fn u ndcrj r fonder as tlinnc dear old droninn bring smooth- nfitve hacking momfntb a mus may be as good as a mile in come cases in others the atfony of sus- penjie which precedes a narrow etcupo in almost an duaiitroua lo the nerven an if tlie rosull-boro-out- tlui- opproliaiudon incident of the nerveracklnu kind li related by a young man who was cm ployed by a largo clock firm one of hi j duties was to superintend tlie putting up of steeple- and lowerclocks tlie re lin t much chance for adven ture in the placing of a clock it li prosaic buclnesa altliouah it does take one up to the hclflhtu but now and then tome little thins wll occur which nliown one how near tho line of everyday llvlnu lies to that of tragedy i was in one of the large weftlcm cities ocelrlg to the construction of ir clock whlci wan being placed in uic tower of uie city hall the job nearly done when one afternoon i wai atandliig on the roof beside uic touir innpcctlng the arcat dial face above iul i have became sec us turned to hcljhti which a few yearn ago would have nuidc me hi to think of and i had stepped near the slightly guarded edge cf the lrrmrtwytrvin k rt yp 4utmi la one jif tlie cjtentl nf irnaunent j he jiatlcnt la put to bed and is kept as comfortable as passible in order that by means of rest the body may make its best flflht against the enemy disease persons who are below par adults and children wlio arc underweight benefit by added rcal children frequently gain in weight with no other chaiuje in their routine of life except a rest period after meals rest coots no thine in money but it means taking time from other thlnffa far the purpose to do without suf ficient rest la to wear out tlie body pre maturely rent is required just u much in summer as in winter which is a truth that people are apt to overlook both for themselves and for uvelr chil dren questions concerning health addressed to uic canadian medical association 184 collefle street toronto will be answered by letter questions as to ulacnotl and treatment will not be answered ntr wq a fan ulss katharine lea bates who spent some tunc in spain dsclarea that the darkeyed damsels of uie fan and uce i nr qilltt chj y itttrti- uon has pictured uiem ignorant thej oommonly are uielr education belns of uie most meagre but uiey are not dull they arc quickwitted lughapirllsd and affectionate and are possessed of a grace of speech and manner widen rarely deserts them nor do uiey reserve thrir pretty waya only for the ballroom or parlor even ordinary shopping is lifted into a scene of elegant comedy by the manner in which it is transacted this uj how a epanuh cenorlta bargains for iter fan there is nothing sordid about it her liaggllng is a social condescension that at once puts uie blackeyed young sales man at iter mercy out uie fan seems xo me the least bit dear tenor 1 he shrugs hla sliouldcrs and flings out ids arm in protest ah tcnorilat vou do not cae tlow beautiful uie work is i am giving it away at clx pesetas one llfta her eyebrows half-lncrcdu- lously all bwltchlngh at five pecctoa senor lib hand through his black half century fa chanoes i vc jua been qultuy uunking uiat i me were uic brick pavement and uit buay people of uie streel i was holding in my hand a cnu j driver a ponderous instrument used in litue quiet reflccuon reveals very vividly i odjusung come of uic larger por joiui of uic foct thai many of our most common ul clack and as i stepped near uic utilities conveniences and amusements cornice rail in came way i let uie heavy of today ucrc absolutely unknown fifty thing fall frum my hand it n truck on yearn ago in a community such as uils l rn antl then bounced out of sight let us take a few mlnutea togeuier and tnb sickening thought of uic passersby recall uic ust uf today commonplace flashed over me and i grasped uie roll things nhlch e liavc came to feel uiat wlln doul lionds and icaneil far over he hair in chivalrous distress hut uic peerless work senarttal and uiu ouicr too i sacrifice it at fou pesotos ohc touches boui fans llgliuy you will let us have uic two at seven pesetas senor her eyes dance over his confusion he catches the learn laughs back throws up his hands tjucno bcnorltat at wliat you please and the icnorlta trips away contented wlui a uiarp bargain although for npanlsh irallantry even when genuine goes farther on uic lips than otherwise the price was probably not much more remote frum what pleased the smooth ton sued dark than from what she pleai cd mu iaiu dates dates of tain 111 tuts neighborhood which many chlseos wui altcml acton september 1810 arthur october 33 bolton october 6g brampton september 3530 burlington september 3530 caledou oeptember 14 13 cooksvlllc october 33 erin october 3 3 fergus september 3338 qeorgctown september 3133 grand vallry september 3738 ullton september 3s30 btrcetsvllle oeptember 33 toronto c n k aug 34gept b kllpinu young wc cannot do without 3 the gasoline engine wan not dream ed of then 3 the motor car automobiles trucks and buses were enurciy unknown 4 tlie telephone waa just being ex perimented with by prof bell of brant- ford 5 electric light and uic various edi son products were null in the back ground 0 street cars were drawn bj hursc for ycitrn aftcriard 1 the gramophone had not been con ceived 8 the aeroplane waa not successfully constructed and aperaud for uilrty yea alter 0 the radio with all its wonderful passlbllluca wan not conceived jnstrurnftn adaptable in household uses unul after uic orcat war the prlgidalre and uic kclvuia- tor now adaptable for uic family ice supply and rcfrlgcrauan 1j a modem in vention of only a few yiors ago but coming into very general ue ii the domestic oil burner la a pro duct of uic laat decade and eliminates tho drudgery of uic old plans of heating wlui wood and cool say do you know uiat all uiesc in vcnuons now to commonly in use have been invented and put into everyday use since uory and i havo attained our majority been married and sctucd down in a home of our own to us it is won derful to think of il my father never caw one of these great inventions before he was called to hta reward the list cnuincraud arc outstanding inventions but hundreds of ouicra of simpler cuustruouon have also been in vented and introduced uito v life which facilitate uic work of th home uic farm uic factory and life a acuvluca generally i oame acroutt a story uic ouicr day which uliutraus uic progrta of invcnuon tn a very lutcrciuiig way it tells of henry ford and aji old horw car which he lias had preserved tu a rare old relic i nuppoc mr ford has done as much as any man who ever ljvecl to hurry society forward iiiuj u new uul though if i had cvr thought or driving u car i think my choice would not have been a tin llxzle you know when uuto- ln my attempt to follow with my sycu uic fall of the implement a young lady was passing in rront of the building junt in line with tho falling acrcwdrlvcr i held my breath in an agony of suspense it seemed liours in stead or seconds before the scrcwdrlvcr fell on uie bricks only a few inches behind the girl who was so unconscious of tier danger tlie nosc of uie fall caused tier to jump and look about her but she never knew what had caused uic mysterious sound nor how near she had come to death for uic instrument bound ed off uic bricks and landed harmlessly on uie green sword that bordered uie paveincht no damage luul been done save to my own nerves but never rdiall i forget the horror of uiose seconds suspense gueat spot the author of artlsuc travel ai englishman wlui on englishman notions of sport with uie gun amuses his readers with what is perhaps a trav city upon french ideas about uie samo subject an cnthusltsuc french marquis he says mot a friend in parts and offer ed him a few days sliooung on his estate the invitation was accepted and the man set out uic next day the journey was seven hours by railway bu to a true eportiiman that was nothing the next morning the vljtor was waited upon by uie marquis keeper and uie dajfs sport was at once mapped out to dcgtn wllh said the keeper wc will go into the vineyard where at tills season we shall be cure to find some thrushes and after that asked the visitor to whom the prospect of killing a few ong- birds wan not very ex citing ah well i after uiat wc will spend a while on uic open plain where there will be plenty of larks then 1 will allow you tome moorhena that i know of down uic re in uic marsh too i saw a fox lost year yes a wild fox i wc will look turn up perhaps tie la uie re nuu but have you any partridges portrldncb yes indeed wc liavc them but they arc not so easy we had four but a monui ago monsieur the marquis killed one and badly wounded another the poor creature hasn t yet mobiles began to b common a few recovered that leaves only two we ytors ago old fogy as i am i was hall w a atu them of course if mon- incllncd to gel into uie lm uul mary mcur wlfll cs but uicn what shall we do next year now if monsieur could only she was a pretty little thing sliort- sklrted pink checked and bob hair as she tripped lightly down the stairs lead ing from uic station many admiring glances kcrc levelled in her direction home chicken exclaimed one youui to his pal on they trolled in her wake wonder who the lucky chap u sites going to mcctl as the lovely bit of feminity emerged from the ttatlou a handsome broad slioulderd man fully six feet tall clasp ed tier in hii arms and kissed her mother he exclaimed fondly i uiought id lulled youl signs ol- tlllt tim lb put htr toot doun nnd aid know my man you re too uld ut your utic to learn to drive u car utid i d neve feel mtc with ou ut uil steering wficcl anyway we cant u fiord to buy one or uic big fancy can and i wont have you driving a furd when we vc alwuyn had one of uic beat tennu u horscj and rubber tired buguy or out r it no sli the automobile cruxc well of course mary mid i always agree and keep uwcel uud happy and wc kept out or the cur erase or eiuruc have lots at lood rrlliidk li j often invite us for u ilruc but they r joung folks and uiey learned when joung to drive and wi wl ui reel 0b and although we occasionally buy fe v gal lons of gas for their curs and keep them feeling good betwetn you und uic mis plan of ours in cheaper than if we oumed a car ourselves but uila is quite u dlgrruon licnrj pord seems to have u quaint interest hi preserving affectionately uip ubaiidoiird and antiquated apparatus of our jlder civilisation accordingly he has net up at uudbury in matachuell a coikcuon of colonial and early american houses and furniture and at dearborn mlclll can a museum of mechanical untlijulues in which he takes a grcut delight to uic latter collection he haj just added a venerable horse drawn street car which he ducovcixd in brooklyn that he refers to oa u rare old relic electricity and gaillne have driven old dobbin prcllj well oil uu streets every where and almot entirely out ol bual nesa for poist ngi r transportation and tlley hustle about u so font nowadoys c do not really how short is tl uuit would oc finish uic wounded jlui the uilng well well but liavc you no cover t- sliooung no liarcs barest certainly certainly wo hae hares i will get the dons and we will go into the woods you shall sec tome beau tiful liarcs we have three josephine alphune and uio old adolphe jr the time batng josephine is sacred she lias little ones 1 he little alphonsc is her male so uiat he li the fauier of a family we will spare them ol course eh monsieur but wc will kill uie old adolphe indeed it li time i have been hunting him lor five years uiat space of time rfihojured ui yars since they ruiuiilrid to rhangi ovi r uliiicut all tlie imrw ear ugt uunprud ihe days when union or llrusrl earpets covered uie riooro or every well fuinuicd luiuse they liad to be laboriously ripped up every spring beaten to get rid ut accum ulated dust over uie clothrslliu in uie back yard and mon lulrlously tackld two ci nvlvlul friends were wending uiclr way along a city street about 3 a in when unr of them stopped to gaxe daxedly at u sign whatchu looklu att aald uld other down again how many yarl or canwrt- nilat wvo ve rcurrrd bork bit plan- with a mouthful of toelt in toru l br oon tin rrrruruiry curiiet was at last- strelchid wnmuly rrom carpcu of uus whaxxlt nay ladles ituidy ui wear clouics dem in ar lime if any one was to oi e came uie ruply baseboard to baseboard i bruller chickens when properly onion cd arc regularly purchased by household ers and restaurant ope rotors who regard them as a high clas delicacy on fortunately during uie months of highest production tho price uicsc birds bring runa low because so many of uicm arc n urkcti d in a utln unfuilsjiecl condition on uila subject uio weekly kgg and poultry market review buued by the dominion live slock branch ottawa has uio follow inn to say under date of may 30 complaints are stll being receiv ed concerning uie pour unfinished qual ity of broilers reaching uic market lllrdn of this type in addluon o bringing a poorer price uienisclvcs have an adverse effect on the price or uie better grades it is true uiat uio marketing of uic entire brollar crop within a space of about two mon urn has been a depressing in flucnce on uir market but these birds ceuld be moved into consumptive chan nels much more readily were they proper ly finished and jmttablc lor a high class trade in ventura lions into broiler market con ditions which are at present being coil ducted by the dominion live block brunch indicate that a number ol re- tall dealers not handling broilers would be quite willing lo do so could uiey secure uic quality of birds essenual fur their trmli ilu retail market la cssaiitlauy high i iuli luid it l very difficult to nml un timmdlau uutl t for tin thin unllnhhi d ulnbi exiierlmcutal farm note- act in the park acton civic h liday mm afterno ladies softball seiberling nationals vs acton orts baseball athletic events 22 silver cups for competition best athletic meet ever staged handicap road race see small programmes for details prizes for everybody garden party harvey lloyd comedian miss betty robertson dancer miss ethel evans violinist olive hudsonseeley soprano and accompanist acton citizens band on hand all day and evenitfe grand street dance old and new dances on main street pavement 1030 to 1 am prices afternoon 25c garden party 35c street dance 50c combination tickets for all events 60c now on salebuy early mm amiai