t t- iirivfoitrlji ycir no 12 thursday lvkning shptrmaek 20 2h acton ontario canada thursday kvkning siiltiimuhit 20 ih2h six homeprint phrcs pivc cents ttlfiirrli srniirrg kuilrt clfurrl nf ciuutuu mlnulir rev c i poqi if panonartr willow utrcet 10 no a m rundiiy ijelinol ieison til chrhtlun bash of total abstin ent temperance icum t 11 qo a in rev j f knighton of watrrdown 7 00 p ni rev j i- knighton thursday 7 ho prayer und praise eervlcc snug and small is the rule in- autumn hats llrrnlilnrriaii knox church acton mluktrr rev a c stewart m a mann- willow gtrrot 10 00 n in sunday school icvson thr christian basis of total abstin ence temperance i a viiii 1 1100 n m mi john wiildic ret urn cd home m is lo nary 7 00 p in thr minister subject olvlng of olir best etrungcrr leaving addrck with the unhrra will lie called upon by tho pastor lutiliiir fltjurrli acton pailor witi j baxter porta n ace frederick btreel 11 00 a mi in it 2 30 p 700 seeing red monday a 00 i meet off thursday floo m mnrnlnn worship i aptitleman with a fan n sunday srhogl evening service kirm young people unclassified wantto sawing machine operators apply hewetson shoe factory house foit rent plvr roomed house for rent apply mrs j creamer mill street foi1 sale a cial heater in ijood condition apply mrs t lappin box b for sale an eight roomed brick house wlui bam and stable n lake avenue easy icrmn apply 12cf p o box 17 tn fr tt fariiculiiily r tii ti tlic smartest of new iclts for ii ihit nnt point tlicy ill ujrco snuines ind smullness arc iijc indeed smiir if the m arc nothing more lliaii close fc lilinic cans with tfleiminj pins and these have worlds ot sophistication prices on the small order too s29j1 3 lm bountiful choices it all of these three special fljmes mid everv color of new faslndii represented frocks graciously feminine saims crepes velvets and georgettes carried out on graciously feminine lines wool frocks read too in novel fabrics x and th- always favored jersey charjneen nnd poirct twill extensive new autumn selections at 1005 sm95 197 2195 2975 nnd 3495 women hike the new tweed and o to trim little navy blue chincilla tbppcrs begin fltc price scale at f29s green sand and rod 3uede cloth line some of tht smiirtesi nt 1975 with the linincs showing amnrtly on the collar reveres and in the slot 5enni3 nt the buck plaid linings used m the same new way tana and grays as well as nave in the chincillas huge collars of fur or large muff cuffs of fur with furless scarf cbllnrs at the higher pi ices a broad scale altogether 1295 1975 2195 2975 3195 3975 1500 up to 6950 d macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario dally closlin 530 p ni- exeepltnr wednesday at 1230 noun and ijatunlay at 93q p m j annual sohhall tomnalhenl i lere ciittjtda cycleh tiuniwim henrd- ninri tupfvar tcntn lasily iefeits itonlte klililhtt company team on fiitiirdiiy inst the olrln fiorthiill olnh tick tlrli nniuml bull loiinuiineiit and m 1 1 1 1 he exception of wiilenlown iho win pieuiled rroni c illl by hiivlni to repurl nt iiiutiii for the flrnt f ih- inlini dliilc playoffi all the itini bimiked reported fin hie miilent hi- hi ii imr uii between th kauf- iniin lluliber co o kltehenrr and the lii hi anil hit time ihe home i t tdl d hi kltchiiii tin i tiy euiiii home vlrturu by the etiif of 1311 1 he leeond cune wa beti en tin ciinndii cycle of weloii r i i nrw toronto riuiuliu ntd ihul- i toronto riyullll bllnnyrlde fraitui till be is the elos d the tn ei 111- cycle hid a bin run ild- vnilaite in heflrm me lnnliiin but thr new tomiilo team never jcut heart but i upt rhl on mid ultlioimh unable to coic up th- kiip lime within tun runs of doiii lu the illiiil corc wai 12 u il cycle- nnd the acton olrln then drew for the bye to play dud milton- patricias of ouelph winner of the dulldtt iiophy and iialn luck wnn ucahut the ulil and they had to play ouelph this time the tlirec prevloipi dculan be tween thew two team- wore r eve rued and the duiidai ulmicni came out oil tap by a core or 7 to it tjila woi oo good a battle a the girls have been in thin year and they were certainly not dto- kruced in toilin the yame the iliial idne was then between cyclii and juciph and tti v an fouullt out i if i ui the final innliij with tin tlnal heure belni 7 to u in favor of tin cycles oiuilde ration the clafl served up to thoo who afternoon iporti there adverse critlchm ulonif the- various giunen were marked by unid pltchlnic icldlnir and- iialtons exiiiiiit at the canadian national exiiirition lqlttijii wp nplendld rcprkintd by the flno exhibit pictured above at the canadian national exhibition ftt toronto thin year alfrlcultural repreacntatlvc a p macvannol and w annlaumln have been highly rompllmentcd on the nrtbitlc prnenlatlon of this nplrndld county of hal tan at thin worlds fair thb intereit aroued by the vlcllard and the fcellnc cf pride nf llaltonlaui when they saw their county no ably presented made the effort really wuhh while tutinu into ba tlial wa patn nlaed 111 ihould be lit aattttonntinrriwtt- n wtesaicebsesftaiccroifii tractor for sale mccormlclt deer in tf 1020 ixiim double ulsacll dbc harrow und tractor plow apply forum an fish ponds i h3 aotun ontario i for saix i one cord mixed wood cut hort al 700 a truck load cod order- uave nrriera at fitti pbcs- oftlre a1- all kinds of trucklnc hobt a1kdki1- klicyilde i for sali hair corda of mixed wood alow unijul j at h 50 cod order leave ordcra at free press office also all kind- of trucktna- itout airdrie 113 sficyitlda for hall or itlnt the lot and two bhoju on tho sin clair proicrty arc for sale or rent in whole or part mill which is equipped with woodworklrnj machinery can bo operated cither with water r electric power financial assistance mlflht be rjlvcn 11 required to ojeralc mill apply p a smith fllf main street acton new shoes mens goodyear welt ox- lords 4 00 up womens tctd strap tillp- pcrs and ties 2 ou up misses pilcnt strap and sandoli si 75 up childrens shoe and slippers from ubc fl js up iioy3 and youths clioo shoes t- to jj su mens work uotib vi 7s vj 00 w t to h 10 tennl luitl hunniuc uliou all iisa ut bar- haln prlret usc up h l harrison specials for this week miboikkaa granulated sugar l0 fin g5c 23c 25c 2 shredded wheat packages for zjvv kowntree cocoa l for arrowroot riscuii per lb black tea per lb 2kice knspies packets for 8 castile soap pars for servus baking pou der i lb tin for 59c 25c 25c 25c iicoiiici allsokts per ih 29c chain red white so j w jones phone 26 mwiiam acton ont lop irjint ttf the cycieauclph and guclpll- acton uamca but thli wni due to yood pltchlnl and fluldlinf the added attraction tor the after noon was the tufjofwar contest be tween the ucardmore di co team the dc minion champions and winners of the mimtthiciurera cup al the canadian national exhibition and the rjoakc lumber co teuin of toronto in thb event the ucardniorl a co learn showed why they ate champloni of the dominion of canada a they quite handily won in two slrallhl pull judging by the form ihowed on saturday they nilffiit readily lue a challenge o any team ot the same weight in canada and the public would no doubt like lo see them in action again the iloake lumber co team proved ihrinselvi to be yood ijwrl i and took their defeat in good part and were a pleacd with the treatment they received that they expressed their will inline come buck aiiain after thir ipinies were completed re freshments were served to all those who competed with their manukcr and train ers and a teal hour of fun was lnduljel fl with oi che which proved to bo u uial sociable nlfalr with all those who atlendrd ylvtnu out ward expression to the yood lime llley had the oil iv club appreciated the ser vice- of tile acton citizens hand for the help tho tliirln hie uiter- ii wiu expected that this would have been tin final name for the jlrli at home but ihe planters manager has been in communication with the club and would like to brlnj up their pennant leum winners of the danforth lcauue thb icar in order to show the acton people that the underetlniated the strcnfflh of the acton olrb by aendinc up their junior team wljen they played here the last time this canit will likely be played jiere on the uoth on saturday the olilv team will take part in the tournaipcnl in connection vlth the corintown fall ialr when luy will endeavor lo briiir home the trophy ffwickllliccrtf ntl nifijtliffilfiivctu 1 nlny1gnltrbhwfer1n iiuii ami v tti t th weeksc specials j riull maishiiiillows rrubir 40 i1j fur zjc nellmiirs chocolate i to e hud- n iular joc id for jkt lb 43e 1 mauimhui choioliu- cheirtf ilcular t0c lb for per lb 4fr artd choiulitc- i llle mid mc it for ier lb t 32c ll 111 r enjoymen fur th con eatalllt r ed up in t ie form of 11 dance in iic render d by l 101 rplece tr supplied by cli ude wude general interest news lued at ii itlverlc the death of david mac- arthur at la rtverle youncfbt son of mrs mnr and the late oubert mac- aiumr formerly of tipejslde came lo hi brothers john and wm macarthur here on friday inurului laat fifty yean itelv rcn trips tin wednesdaj of last week mesis j c mil oeo ciilnrcn win williams and 1 1 utulii hilled frittidi at port iiuwao the 1 tip ot mlk uiis made b mi tor unil mi hill tccalliid during ihe jouinev that hi had not tiuveud ad half ury on dine at wiles in huiir will always le found apiwtixlnc and drink nut llliht lunches as well as ice cream ley fioin aeloii uj iirl itowaii filly ago in- hud lravelkd by hnre and j and tin journey had requlled iwo tin u complete one way rhli h trip th u and return wai mide lie day mill a rood time had lor along ill mr hill yonikiiani friday sinimlltit 1 mntleninbicllt 1 rom arnicii- tiern harold wiles acton the bl paiacli nxlured in limla dy nu heimii of armentlei il tin llrillh rabbit oar- iv mr fell jtkviiie will pile is saturday siitfmii1r z2 a jirl in every titurrtiig victor mcuiltlen aiicl jiulii ilrikiks comedy ucmfy tukmiay siittmhfr 2i stmet1iink always ilappcius starring liillier italstnn no 11 of the iicurlii arrow comedy toddles coming iondon after midnight with iin chancy ll u gkecoiv son autumn is stove time with the beginning of the pajl sci son stove time is hei e again out lint comprises the- hest makes in eitlici cooking ranges or hkutcrs quebec cook stoves u1i hiip thouklit hiimi elltir nnd limur priceil inim sltilll in 7500 r quebec heaters and circulators mclars happy tlmught hum cheer price itange from imh to 9510 according to size anil type w d talbot i akowaiti mhi stitukt aihon illlllei mis plan mid landmark- ii mbi ed pasli i on the pri trip he iii nlrrcurtu ll wrddllle home 1 1 of mi sin tin md mrs m j nshlp was the r a ntty wedding when tlwlr i my tie alma was man led to hunt- son of mis hunter and join lluutel of norval rev miil 1 of k mi prcsbyleilair mii a hindi eted the eere- 1 in lidding it urili was played jj ma chili cousin of the i in b lde twit istei maiuaiet dinii d aft i the eremimy a ntieh u hi tirltl to uiil by six lrl alxiut 7 guests t nil in i anil- fioin llurlluioii ill eiia ct u streelsvllle ill li it- ipli tor onto and milton ung i luilll- lift b motor tin a kin t ip and will i side on iheir al n 1928 fall fair surpasses all previous records in attendance and exhibits many fair day visitors to acton aiming the vuitord noted ly the free prcsh were the follow ing orry we didnt see you ah mm mnimle aklnn ouelph mr jnelt nymnn toronto yx r i oarvln toronto mrs j hn coir of toronto mr ilnk rvlwalf kitchrner ml liuri lleott kitchener mr j h rusrrl of oakvllle mr and mrs dorland oilrlph iiev2 and mm oyer of milton mn alfred cannon nf toronto mr wllllnm ii miller of auelph mr edward matthrwn icltchrner mrs ae ranvihaw of toronto mrs jrnnlr mephedron of guetpr mra p j nrownlnn of toronto mr and mrs jan aisle brampton mrn wm swackhamer of toronto mr and mm it l unwln of london mr and mra earlc nrown kltclumer mr and mm charles mclam toronto mr and mrn r p johruitone london mr and mrn albert drown kitchener mr j m warren mrn btnnr of tor- ayanti-woritigfl- cep crowd entertained ah af tcr- noon old itoyh and girlu itcturn itioodly numbers a year ago wc penned a heading for nailery of enthusiasts and spectators collection aruln 1 bushel each the report at acton pall fair which during- tllclr pitching the contest was hunter lead the acton pall pair of 1037 won by a team rxom hornby teams make a record hard to equal but rem guelph and hlllsburii competed in i apparently records arc made only to be this event broken an tills yearn fair would seem the tugotwar between huliburn lm to prove although the weather was 1usilnch was a fcaflnr that drew the cool it was ideal fall days both tuendiy crowd and had every inch of room filled und yesterday it la said one succors to gain a view of the contest in all of ends to another and the splendid sue- uuee trial th ihusburg team defeated rcss of the fair inst year paved the way the puslluch team and wan the event ioi greater achievements thta year and ah lilals were splendid exhibitions of this year will no doubt make ready for a strength und had the crowd on their larger fair in 1020 i toes in every phase the fair of 1020 was tlp thletlr events this year wen- bigger and better never was tuch an nlarged on over prevlmiv years hlblt displayed in the hall and lik wt ulte a feature the half mil nd h if- i liirneni crowd in the history attended ttlont wiia he first evening the contents arnuiueil wugnlesw iave made an added atlractlon for ctllr- y lll vein ii- to turn out ihla first evening o the i tiiu comical turnout had a o fair among the elderly citizens who f refit ni the entrant and the attended that first cvcnino was noticed crowned king or ihe hootleggers thai atalham who is in hr 0th hlfl stl11 iui1 mint won the prize lot and was interested cnouijh to at- tnl1 event tvnd this first evcnioil the exhibits tl1 hnrr -e- that puive mich u novlded a real evenings lntcrcnunu in- diawing card ui uitendiiuls at fairs were ipccllon the public speaking contest among the best ever singed al acton jind utuy two contestants but good ad- lnlr the trot or pace liad si were clven rev c l poole honci entered and ciery heat hoots ani vegetanles half ilushel early potatoes any variety w d barber j it kennedy half bushel late potatoes any variety wllberl talbot w d barber hair busliel potatoes correctly named liny variety c woodhall w d barber six field carrols it h hunter wll berl talbot six table c irrouv wlibcrl talbot f it flndley uu swede turnips wilbcrt talhoq it ii hunter i six hcavlet turnips any varicty l wllberl talbot ii h hunter i six other turnip wllberl talbot r i 11 ilunur oert m kavagc wllberl liid mangold wurtwl wu- nd dr t d j farmer were the judges ntest with the hores apparently doinj lir iurmor in fllvlnir their decision evc ulrlr bc heats stirring address and in the course lows fol- llnd- vle the time of llu id 210 in the 2 20 elass ses competed fur follow peter patch vic liii trot us icmarks offered to donate next year irene private wn prizes lor poetry by the school milton hildien the mouth oroan and banana baron araltou atlni contcsls provided entertainment say acton md amusement for all acton citizens robert dee 1ei band cave a splendid programme they tree weston ere assisted by mr jau algta of bromp- rco ialchen wm allan ion iio have a splendid cornet solo milton 1th hand accompaniment bandmaster gaunt wallace ijms acton mascu and mr algle also contributed a betty k tieo mcdonald duett reeve mason waa chair- acton man nf the evening and president kerr in a fivv words thanked all who had so willliikly helped to make the fair a suci and asked the continuance of i their support classes in the hall were well filled iidlcv work had the finest exhibit en the homemade baking the loots und vegetables and all the depaxt- its luid a splendid showing thr itii were gorgeous in their profu- and the interest and large volume itlldruns work was indeed encourag ing tile winners in the hall exhibits this issue und follow in this article school wus again successful in winning tut free pittas cup for tile best jl exhibit they have now won ll years in succession und thus gain alien t possession of the cup sterday the second day proved big ger lliun the futidivt hopes of the officers directors livery body apparently lid to gel on the good roads and all conwmrd in acton that day re ine no gate clickers to count the dliius to acton fair and the only ni is the gate receipts these how- proved conclusively that acton pair in iheli egtstcrcd by nearly a ihlrd increase ttendance the largest attendance it eer achieved in the time president kerr led the ie of acton citizens baud and the il children into the fair grounds lolled his dressed up regalia the uns a hum of ctitoruilnmcnl and taibu h1 yllnw mangold wurtxrt wllberl talbot w a mtcutcheon sl table beets long red wllberl lulbol cleo havlll hl table beets turnip j m savage wihrr tnlbot thue heads of cabbage white c wixjdllall j m savage three heads cabbage red it ii hunter j m suvage ihrec heads celery f r flndley j m tnage three heidi cauliflower- oeo mus- selk- f it flndley two fluid pumpkins wllberl tolbot u ii hunter two table pumpkins r h hunter wilbcrt talbot two table squash wilbcrt talbot r n hunter two field squash ll h hunter wil- trt tallxit wllbert talbot r 11 jix union hunter six onion- red wllbert talbot r h other variety wilbcrt 1 i lalbol it ii hlx tomatoe uirbei lluntei radlshe m savage collection vegetable it or mure var- rxcltlnu h u j m savage c woodhall ikh cikwin hoot ani vfgetabix slitials bag cobbler potatoes fred mcarumr hag cobbiet iotuunsw d barbel malt bushel early ihjulocs w d had i tony peteit a l chambers milton 1 slyvcsler todd a l chambers milton j the time or this race w 317a 2 10 and 2 10 ihe utalo race was a n event the six coiitesumu part in this event were in for the fun a1 well as wlnnlnu the contest mr martin fruni hrampton and mr o t j bi ardmore won the prlzci j hut lo gut down to tiiu larni exhibits which really are the backbone of the fair cluisli of live stock on a uenerul scale never wen- better shown than al ihls fall of 10ju the light horses were powilbly not ai numerous in entries as ohlier years but the quality of the animals shown wa- abuvi the average the vy horse- were fully up ui standaid classes in elitrle and qualil me exhibit of collie was larger t ha has been shown here in several jcoj and the poultry eutrle- and exhibit wi iiniong the tar geal ever shown 1 he ll mary e wmd showing of sheep was ou par with boxhury ruxet pievlou1 year while the exhibits of hogs flndley wllbcri talbot john r h hunter peck how nlobe onion h lv colli bles busk ctll w o i of grain itouui and a mccutchcou onions f r flndley colli rlety r ulult specials i of fruit 2 specimens t it flndley aim- leiu ap ooldeil iey russet f it maclnti 1 111 ivtninci meal nitiisiiu tin- oldest married couple on the minds who reglsteied were mr and is david williamson acton who have in man led over sixty yean mr john mil who is over 00 yrarn- of age and r alx waltlie who in 04 years old ui i life member or acton fair wei i our oldest people in attendance a nd banana cutlng eontet on ediiduv wa won lj iiureiue web- e leirge ruddlck and oldney ih- oldtime flddleis contest had a 1 muiy of eiilrli and proved a dif- ult lik for the judge j c hill iitg birter and allan itsluuan the i lnuiiiis went to d larwell aibell i ml place to chus pyer lllllnuurg il thud to henry sliortlll lliilllnafad hi st- p dancing had a good list rili ton robeil perkins an eldcily an aid to be in tli luthlii carried f his i hoiioui john barber neoond id ark mcacachle lilrd tin hairhand urotrji reel vai aklll- illy exi billed by mis win wheeler r juhn ilaibir mlls mrolli ail ilqbt lenuy who won the pilze for- thb than the the big silver etip donated by t euuiu flndley co tor the best held of bill cuttle went to peter stewart as son r it no l ouelph the presentation of this cup was made by mr ci t beardmore the high jumping run test was won by the entiles ir j martin and w ikn ard oi brampton the public presentation of the trophies to the banlinoie cu ugofwur team who won the chupiploii hip al till- can- edliui national exhibition was made by mr j m mi donald the public re ception to ihe team and the introduction of its nil nib is to the mwl win a feature mary e wood f h red- mary e wood f nf the aftllli cl tin tci i hi dice ac mann mary f wood noitheru spy mary e wood f it flndley rhode island orcenlng mary e wood f r flndley baldwin mary e wood f r flndley tieek mary k wood wagner mary e wcxid f it flndley ontario mary e wood f it flndley king maiy k wood f ll flndley i rlbton pippin mini e wood snow mary e wood f r flndley lllcuheliu pippin mary e wood f 11 flndley culvert mary e wood f ii flndlry sh ed that acu hey had 11 ou crab apples f r flndley mary e i wo ntlal iilse 111 ill pay i slating that married at i oiuid a fairly managei id juk mccht hie ll icing and ljtlle mli josl hciicroui li imbcrs nnd 8te til iptaln lcclchuu a few wnilj to say legaul- aml u public challenge was i on tc si with any teaiji ii n al ulpli weight of luuu i of the jlldlllg in tllr le utslde exiilbiui will be puo- a wiek i ivue of iiil filet hull exhibit leulls follow tiled down but didnt piled the srot ihi da il the iiianuker in cu ill ion apply for mi kl it qilnking of uit- il mlk liu jiu ppd thinking ii ugge dhector of fairs for ilt und mr j ickic wilson nd nt of fails in ontario wens tin- dlirclois of acton fair on both gave excellent addresses is iclatlng to tall talis and lit d acton fall fair on the aucceis they hud achieved in oeo the event so highly prominent i display ui ul fall i u r hu iiseiiiuc pllchlni tontusl had a half 1 tiltain bilhl wlntei wheat w a mccutcheun it bushel hpllng whe w a mccutclnon bushel field pea it ii hunter bushel while oats it h hunter ilushel barley il culcheon 11 hunter r 11 hunter ornctly named ed w a me lt flnchey is diell ap h flndley peaks mary e wood mary e wood nu mary wlk india corn et co h lluntei it fliullev lui stalks ensilage- co i mcdougill ll uu r h llunle i hai hell mai e wood t ii flnd- ii diichss mrs uio havlll f it flnd- e lieui e dinigou mury e wood uther varieties pears mra d f v st lc t pcaren plumi kilne claude mary e wood leiman piune mary e wood niinliaiel mary e wood other varletle plums o t hcard- iiie muj i wimll i it apis moore or huls- w ii quiwart eaklns and nan smith and mm adams at d mbua jean of mr nnd m- nnrmnn xtrniilpi nf mr and mm burff mr and mrs r toronto miss bertii toronto ixrsrvtrisyrtiikai txsmtuimxnr of toronto mr nnd mm n white editor of tlie milton reformer mr and mrs c a o matthews and graham of toronto mrs barah rice and mrs william dobblc of kitchener miss isabel cannon spent the weekend at her home in toronto mra jennie medougall and mr rior- lon medougall of toronto mr and mra nell mcdonald muea hazel and jean of haaunirs mm h noble mrs wm bnyder and mies oeo warner of toronto mrs j e baldwin of hlilsburb was a visitor at the fair tills week messrs donald and loch ion currle and master albert of hcspelcr mr and mra rolph bwaclchamer and mr hiram swackhamer hamilton dr r k anderson m p milton and mr acorgc hillmcr m p p oaltville the misses l and m ronuhaw spent the weekend with frlenda in toronto mr- and urn oao caloren ot iro quois are visiting mr and mm j q lindsay ml barbara warren of toronto la spending the week with acton relatives and frienda mr and chan hynda mac and donald of toronto spent the weekend wttll acton relatives mraltljos rumley la vulunff her daughten mrs blauj and mra town- send in new york city mm w c bcccy georgetown and mr and mrs t m oolbralth milton were vlsltorn at mrs h8 wiltonn mr and mrs e a black mary and doris and mra j l warten of tor- to visited acton frlentb over the week end mr edgar c stewart and mica oladya davis of rochester n y spent the weekend with mr and mrs j ii ilud- dlck mr and mrs w j kenlncr and mr and mm henry hills spent the weeke nd in london and attended the london polr mr hector macdonald of detroit is isltlna at the home of tils parents mr and mrs alex macdonald church street mr and mrs hubert maun and chll- of fergus sienl sunday at the of mr and mm w t burt lake mlues constance stephens and mary james of toronto visited mr and mra 11 p graham crewsoiu comers over hr weekend mr and mrs shirley wclson and hlldren and mr and mra iloaa hurt pent sunday at the home nf mrs henry dcdcls breslau ir and mrs richard mlno of iilllo- dalc and mrs bowman of midland spend a day last week with mr and mrs george hodglns r win swackhamer who removed to toronto this year and was in rather ik kir health is now enjoying a fair 0iurc or good health and improving mr and mra q corgi- buyer master harry and master edgar mm violet taylor and mbvs ruth visited at the home of mr and mm wm lands- ixirough lake avenue over the weelc- ud the engagement in announced of orucc daughter of mr and mra d mclircn erin to mr elmer mcicuuion only son of mr and mra n e mckln- the mar rt ago to lake place live latter part of tin item be r r and mrs harris a cook of a rand rapids mich has been visiting acton friends this week it is twenty years since mr cook visited the old home town and he notes many changes during his score of yearn absence mr j lockle wlbon of toronto bup- rlnlcmlcut of fairs anil exhibitions of ontario who was the guest of honor at acton fair waa the truest at moorecroft during his stay in town mr wilson and mr and mrs moore were uuvculns companions ou their trip overseas a few years ago miss margaret dickie a t o u pupil of ernest belts toronto wishes ti open a class in piano will all dealr- iiii to study under her conic lo the homo if mrs a mctavtsh mill street friday mst hut from 4 to b20 p ui i