Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1928, p. 1

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e i ifly rourih ylht no is tiluiibday tvcn1ng octom it ii 1028 acqn ontario canada thursday cvfning oclourr ii 1028 i our home print pdjc five cants ft filjurrlj grlmiccfi tititrfr clttrrli of fiuuanu acton mlnllr uv c i ool u i puhumugt willow street 1100 u in oucriuiirulul c rvlce ri v lrncu k vipond of trinity church guirjph will preach and cund let uilra hn ntn1 utrvlcc 3 30 p m sunday uchool lecuin hplriluul atftit 00 p m nervier withdrawn urn con legation will workuhlp in icnox church monday b 00 p m young people it lreun miulnj hi rlmnit- the kl aver group knoy ciiuucw acton ftklnuur rev a c ruwftri m- a manse willow direct annivikruiy sluvicl 8 speaker itev 3r the haldn rrin clpsii at knox collrif tarunto 3 00 p m sunday school lesson bplrllual gilts traiigern leaving address wlui the ushers will be culled upon by uu panlor llutitint qiiirtl acton rulwwii j hurf parsonage predarlck btreet 11 00 a m the morning service will be wluuirawn to that the congregation may participate in knox church anni versary 3 10pm eunday ediool 7 00 p m service at tlie bnpunt church bennon wishing thursday sco p m prayer mecung umctjkbsleip small advertisements alvcrllicneuu in til calm in j cu per wad ulti mum cl tf joe pf insertion loft sale chicken house for cale hi good re pair apply n j mcpherson lost ijttt hand pigskin alove on mill or young utreeln finder pleao return to mrs o lku3hman wantfd driver for delivery r wonted only hue tiers need apply j w jonkq red and wldte btore fott ralf two suckling colt and one youna jcrcey cow fruit for cole apply joxin graff 13 3 acton fob saw heater stove for sale no reasonable oftor refused apply to oh dillb bower avenue wert fou sale quebec cook glove ovon wltlt tlier- lnometer and water reservoir in good condition apply dr j ii johnson canakif9 fob salf yorkshires singing canarlco foj sale guaranteed 18 3 uub oko rnoleo crewsotu comers acton r r no 1 wantt d itrlghl hoy 10 yeoni or over to run errands and lielp in office apply bkardmore a co bole leather tannery for sall york oows for tale tor october far rowing at s5 00 each pino 0 weeks old at tsoo each prank day 153 rockiiood fou rale quebec heater and number of pipes in rood condition will cell cheap if sold this week apply to iiowaiid allison elain otrect caud of thanks the staff and students or acton utah beliool dftalre to acknowledge tlioir ap preciation of the help or ah who in inj way atauited in maklna uic counll field day here on uonday cuth a buccps ior this ottlntanco rhrrfully given they are very oratcful lndt for ball eleven quart ba lectu ilieven ijuuib u44 ihh carrots arecn tomatoes largo dcou potutocfl 35e lono white winter itadlrjics cheap veaelsblc oyrtcr coletrla pcnnol 5c bunch pomlty 5c do in roobi urina barkctn no aalcn after saturday mrs wriailt hansom qtreet fob half or wnt tlia lot and two sliops on the sin clair property are for sale or rent in whole or part mill which is equipped with woodworklna machinery can bo operated el titer with water ir electric power financial astutahco mlaht be itlvcn if required to operate mill apply p a smith 8 tf main utroet acton wonder r and friday onomu 12 tlie magic name a lal ol circun life wltlt tht popular vllrna ilunky tuitl ronald colmait this li a nptclul plclurr and we arc slvlnc it ta you at regular prlcen comedy alrlln lie haye rabbit cartoon hluh up satuui1ay otnoitlb 13 aituther popular double feature hhow deteclivcrf comody drama wltli karl dam and awrue k- arthur under the itlack labile with the clever caiilm- 1 liuh pix newn tuesday october lfl ilriitjtinp up i ather with masule jlauu and dlnty moore no 0 of tlie scarlet arrow comedy love uhy comino 1iie patriot with km 11 jannlnas l u gkkop a son richly beftirred coats in hccmtihiif ncjv miuieh licit will aihu1 ii the cowl tufue of style informed wimen arid youn women pricod al dollars below kegulat valua tions because of a special purchase itich broadcloths duvctynes suedents with colorn and cuffs of plntinunipppo mirik oposuiri snhlc opouni buck denver nil of them peltries which look rood and will klcp their good looks through lonp- strenuous wear mnny it the voguii long jinwl collar style a number with p iiquins new collar which stands up becomingly in face frnminj style and is characterized by a downward point at the centre back every tashion color brown tan bei indepeud ence blue a soft deeper blue the new green spanish wine and sailor blue every size misses ig to 20 junior misses 13 to 10 women s 30 to hi nnd the speaul sues for large women 40j 42 4 w avi rilcklngs seam1ngs reversed sections smartening details like these add individuality tailored topcoats of tweed with fur included sav ings of dollars at 39 75 well worth a trip to guclph to investigate navy blue chinchilla coats at 1295 these begin our brood scale of cont prices fur trim mod coats commencing nt 24 q hundreds to choose from altogether everybody rjrjce trhd r included felt hals at 195 every color or fnshion and all wanted bend sizes included nt this very ipccinl price velvet iiats at 3 9 i matrons hats at 3 9s and 450 i andu0 chilonens hats at si 98 and 25 kamono tams 25 in velvet for cirls of 10 and 12 yearn plentiful auwrlmente d e macdonald bros ltd main stoite lower wyndluim street mens branch store upnr wyndltnm strcl dally clabliir a 30 p lit excepting galunuy at bj p fal cgb specials for- friday and saturday this week granulated sugar 10 lbs tor campbells tomato soup 2 tins for chipso large for 2 tins peas size 5s for 59c 19c 19c 19c 2 seedless raisins 0lt- lbs for cmcic old dutch cleanser q per tin c pure clover honey ja 2j for c heinz catsup large for 23c cooking apples per peck 40c catn red white stores j w jones phone 2fi acton ont this weekscandy specials homi made maple pudtfc rruular 30c lb tar iter lb w tie ntiluns cliocolate tlou budt rnjulur 60c lfa tor pr h 4o maracchlno chocolaui cherries regular goc lb or dor lb ic ancortcd cliocqlatca nsular 40c and 60c lb for per lb si dine at wilis o ir oo cent dinner ur bupprr will always be found appetizing and utucfylim wo lurvc hit drlnkn and light lunclies as well u ice cream and lodan harold wiles acton autumn is stove time with the beginning of the i all beuson stove lime is here aguin our line comprises the best makes in ithtr ookmg ranges or heaters quebec cook stoves mcclnrv h hupp lhouirlit dood cheer and ijuuar priced from 25 00 to 75 00 quebec heaters and circulators mrllarj s happy tlmujiht goad cher lrict ilftrigc front sid 00 lo j5 00 amirtllng to smc atul typ w d talbot iiauihv akl miu slttkfcx acton applicaliou for rink bylaw validation druft by law nnd application ap proved by council vnctutl ijai sold by council at tho council mtitliitf on tuesday nvrnlnu coinicllloru i ronton nlcol uild atklnrin wero prmintt and ileeve mun prrmildid in tin ir twuitlath report uw ltniuicn otmmltua mcommeildimr that thh 11- icwfna account ba uld john 1- wlllluinlou lulxir on youna utrpel 31 00 jumrjl flyinon eiippllm 3jjp w j krntner umrpnlna mow crs 3 00 a mowin fielcctlna jurors 1 00 ft j m i n cmoctl la jurors 1 00 i a cone ruppllca 3 04 illl telephano cp tcrylccn 10 bh public uulltlei commljuilan street llahtlnir town hall and fir pump power 170 01 pmenumi anderson labor an1 teomlns lb 10 tsoblft the report va adopud the olcrk preiiitd tha petition for the private uo valiclatiiiff thq rink by law and alo a draft not to ba pouted by parliament provldlntf for uio council u erect the proposed rink and lesuo duben turcs thereon move by o ilatuan hecoilded iiy j nlcol that the petition to the lleutenalit- govunior and tha lgluuvo asmmbly tor an act vahdntlim uuj rink bylaw number old as prepared by lha clork be bigncd by the ueevti and clerk and the corporate seal btuched abu that the draft of the proposed act u prepared by the clerk be approved and that the- chirk be limtructed la take the neces sary aleiis to bruit uuj matter before the lcalslature lndudins sdvcrualnb etc antt tlie payirtenui of tiie initial deposits cturlod an otter of h5 for uio lot on younff gtrcct bolonrlna to the corporation wan received from mr j d mackenzie it was understood that ur mackcnide pro positi to erects a dweulniljiiiillufi prrr moved by u v atkuv oved by li v atklnwln oeconded by c haniten tjjat tlie on4r of j b mac- kenitle to purchase vacant lot on youna otreet reserved for a street tot ljji 00 be accepted and uio heeva and clerk be authorised lo irtfln same and attach uu seal of the corporauon uiereto carried another by law provldlnc for the is- suinff or debentures for defraylntf uie cost of uie laylnff of tho pavement on mill and younff btreets given uie required number ef readlnirs and passed by uir council tlie amount of uieu debentures is 0 700 00 and uiey are issued for fifteen yearn benrlnjf interest at the rate of nve per cent the matter of waterworks frontage on two loui on ajjiicfi btreet was discussed and u was decided uie frantoae must be paid on uiee lots lis uiey were not aaseased on any ouier froutasa and a main was constructed on this street throuah councillor ajjtliuon mr ir 8 holmes rotjuested uiat the sidewalk in front of hu buudhitf on maui street uc raited to avoid uie water runnlnc toward uie building a temporary rais ins of uie blocks in uie lowest places here waa arranocd for uils year but no permanent laying of pavement could be undertaken thin year no refund on tiag tax could be allowed on amount paid by mr tjeo agnow as the dog had died after lialf uie year had elapsed on which the ux was levied councillor nlcol uiought on improve ment ftould be made in thfenedrt the highway at the creek over main blreet chief mcpherson and councillor atkin son ware asked to bring in a report on the matter councillor hansen brought in an ap proximate estimate of 300 for installing of the boiler from uio old bmlui property at the pump house and a lioating uystem hcfore accepting uila mr hansen will make an inspection of uie pumphouse and bring in a report and wlwt is best to do wlui uie heaung plant for ulu building coupcll approved of councillor atkln- tnns action in gran ling uu highway deportment permission to erect signs on mill and main otreetsi denoting uuj number of uie highway the clerk was instructed to write uie acton tanning co re tha assessment on several of their liouses slaung that no refund could be made on taxes paid on previous years on uut assessment when azlseament had been raised and no appeal had been made tills was a matter left over from a meeting of some weeks ago on which no decision liad been given colt eieels officer tho annual meeting and election of oltteera of the canadian olrls in traln- t j t tnrtftgyinmfmirffny brpftfir-rmnm- cou g o brown shbrift sworn in by ills hiw jtndjfe elllt on 1 1 col ooo o drown of btewart- lowii appointed succescor to tlie late dr wcbiur as sheriff of uio county of hal ton took tho oath of office before his honor judge elliot at milton un tuesday and was showered wlui con gratulations by uie officials in uie court tlouae slicrlff urown wu u 10 years of age la believed lo lie uie youngest olierlff in canada the appointment is particular ly pleasing lo veterans of the great war it la not known as yet wlieuier gherltf drown wilt move to milton or continue to reside on his farm at btewarttown vi eld day noteh ac tun park certainly proved an ideal place for uie imldlng of uie sports fvfry tcliolar was anxious to tea their school athletes add up points in tu grand total red and white scams tp be the pro dominating colors for schools in thi coiiqty 1 hi bujth at the park did a lively bunlnciia nupplylng the holiday appetites of uie school pupils and visitors it simply was impossible to find umo for the loftball games sclieduled and ull the uami were ready to play too iluru hui certainly been days of sport bilnrc in acton uils year and monday v1 by no means uio least of thece mnjiy a race of the juveniles was run with a vim of children imitating oldi r ones at the farther end of uu prk dur uu um progress of uu domes acton u beet cclioolboy auileto is wlui uut question gordon cooper who car i led off six finis and one third in uu events he entered in fact he was uie bljit in the county the conduct of same of uu visiting ptrplls at the public school bulldlns in the havoc they created to property and general tidiness was hardly to be ex pteltd from vlsluim toward a tiost it utn very wwr etiquette to say tha least various news items anul vrary hetvlctu al cburhlll rhi uunlversary servlfes of churchill united ohurcli will ha hold on fiunday octolwr 31 at the morning hrrvlco at liluvlii a dock llcv hnrtt marsh of imni mills will bti the preacher at tha ftvfiilntf uirvlee at 7 30 ttev n d mrlclnnm nt norva will m the speaker hall rplr comturta the repairs lo tho lmhir hi uie heating yullin ut the unllwl churcirwhlch hwo bcnii undrt way the past two weeks wilt tie completed this wttnk thti boiler arrived back from toronto on awiday and the liihlnllatlon of it will lie completed and enable lis use to heat the edinee on tiundfiy apixitillod to intperisn toiuoi announcement wan made lost week by the colorado wicl aud iron company of the promotion of mr alliert e mututews of drnvnr colo t to the posluon of an ulntant treacurer of that company mr matthews was formerly manager of credits and collections on the company prlends in the old iiome town of mr matthews will indeed tie pleased to hear of his advancement lo this portant post wlui this large corporation and will join with ttnc pmxx pass in- extending con uratulatlons on his preferment united church yejnr iwpie league the young people league of uie united church lictd uuh- regular weekly meeting on monday evening miss mr ilcnnett hid pruildont had charge of uio programme after uu devotional exerclsen there was a selection from quartette composed of mrs a oslrander mus uuui gibson mesxrs j o mat- uiew and orenvllle masaus itev mr oolo uien gave a very intertbtung dul- oourse on uie place of uie league in uu task of the church the meeung closed by uinglng a hymn and tits pronounce ment of uu benediction by uie minister thh wtnino me4l diaubtkfb irlwiiur your honor i in meitily a puor htlfituuid man from the w t jndui i m a liard boiled ctiap from mului ihlrty das ihe ortlcern foruwrcomtng season ate an follows presidentada mills vicepresident marjorle qwltier gecreury kdlui mills treasurer jean weadge missionary secretary nclta mcnabb plan let ruui gibson arjfliitant pianist gladys scarrow leaderaworence mlllo and kitty savage tha secret u out wlui uie completion of uie alterations and enlargement ofuie store of mr l otorkman on mill btreet and uu work- inen at work installing uu shelves and nterlor fuunffs of the store uu tenants of ihe building are now definitely given the carroll cash and carry grocery blare tills is a chain grocery store wlui headquarters al hamilton stores of this company have recenuy been opened in tin nclgliborlnc towns of milton and georgetown and one is also operated in oiihph tlie enlarged building pro vided by mr blarkman will make on ideal store premises for uils firm serious injury ta georgetown man buffering from terrible injuries sus tained when lu felt 43 feet from a bam on which b w working edward logon aged about 33 of georgetown is in uie acneral hospital auelpb in a critical condition ills spine is broken in five placed several ribs are fractured and hln pelvis is also broken in five places doctors state that it is difficult to under stand how lie is surviving in view of tils filghtful condition he has a slight chance for recovery uiey state he is now testing following tha operation necessary to set uie many broken bones lcgan waa taken to guelph from george town monday afternoon llcnutlfylng the rhode re tho dell telephone co tree trimming experts arc hi town uils week and have been busy lopping off uu remaining branches of uie sliade trees on mill btreet uut were left when uu pruning was done last winter the council and cjusens must indeed feel deeply indebt ed to uu company for uu solicitous attention uiey maintain over uu beauty of uio chado trees on our streets but then again it may be uiat tlie council has control over uu stumps of uu trees only and uu brandies belong to uu telephone company it such is uu case uie company is now collecting in its belonglnffo a harvest it gauiers a crop from twice a year a visiter from australia mrs j brydon wood of sydney aus tnilla was a visitor at moorecroft on monday mrs wood has been making a tour of the world during the past year she leaves canada on her r homeward journey to day slu mado ah extended vlnlt with irlcndn in great britain and on the continent mrs wood was pre sented to king george and queen mary at buckingham palace during her stay in london diu was entranced wlui cmau s beauuful autumnal foliage and will take a quanuty of our artuuoally colored maple leaves home to the anu- podca with her mrs h t lepage who has boen mrs woods hostess in tor onto and her daughter mrs norman collet t accompanied her to aetnlt judge spatldn f aubh passed away following an illness of several wteks duration county judga anson bpatton passed away saturday night at his liome 133 suffolk slrwt guelph death wm due lo heart trouble tha late judge gpolton who was well known and es teemed throughout urn district won bom at orangihll hawick township hu on ccuuty in 1870 he graduated hi arts at the university of toronto in 18d0 ai d in law at obguade hall in 1800 he proc iked law in harrlaton unul 1014 vlhen hi wan appointed county judge for wel lington uccercllng uie late judge janilculi mlor to g lug to ouolph lu hud served ft r five consecutive terms as mayor of llarrlntun in each instance b line rl utrd by acrljimatlnn burvlvtng ru hit widow and un non john q i f guelph two highway a ull ties rwo mure highway pedestrians wer killed by an automobile at port credit en bimday night the vlcums being wm han aged 73 and his housekeeper mrs william johnston aged s3 both of pork ltreut port credit hare was oiu of uu oldest rtiidents of uu village and is uu elkth community planner to fall vlfitttn to tlie highway automobile within a short rpjee of roacnl time he was a sailor of the old stonu liookers which u4d lo cmle out of port credit in its younger urn palmier days hare and his house keeper were returning from a visit to no mo friends ul lokevlow and were walking westward al btop lb when tliy ucre klltud thu automobile which struck tlum was driven by llinmas atkins of orchard llimil utop 3 j lake view ami was rieo going westward atkins was t nil d lu tftdit as a material wltnens to uppuur ut subwqutut investigations inlcriiigh school field day at acton good wc ithci nnd keen competi tion iti evlttui iltirlhifiton scored hlkhwt nuinlxr of p1iih lost 1rlduy was nnytlilng but suitable for v school field tiny und the dvont ttclindilted for the county hero that day was postponed narly jn uie morning and arrangrml to be held an monday anil monday proved idea hy noon in truck and wlui the family rar well loaded to caiiaclty uie puplln from the high bclioolu of oakvllle uurllngton milton untl ororgetown had gathered here in good iuimtwro to take part in this an until athleuc event 1 he gatlierlng lu uu park on the splendid october after noon wan a plclurfiqua one- indued the students wlui uielr uchool colorn nme of them wore yardi of it the decorated cars and the athletic unlfonnn mado a gay affair to say nothing of the vurled tints and hues of the girls costume typical of uu prenent day ut es they were a livnty crowd too bud their cheering of their ncliool athletes who brought in uu honors and their coti sunt rmlttlug of scliool yelln kept up the fun from noon until after dark the events nm off were won an fol lowri ttoyh tvnttf 100 yarj dimth junior atadleman h irllngton time ii 3b hocomts mlmmn georgetown hediey burluigton intermediate cooper acton time 11 aucoud kom hurling ion senior ilardoe milton time 10 46 seconds wilson milton huffman bur lington hop bup and jump junior btodleman burlington 33 feet 5 inches hedloy burlington 33 feet mcasklll oakviiio 31 feet 3 inches intermediate cooper acton 37 fcot 0 inches mcklnley oakvllle 37 feet 3 inches lnwoon georgetown 30 feet 7 inches senior bardoo milton 30 feet 3 i w milton 3h feet lojnchrn acton and district 4iuya wwiiiin jamb- junior otftdlcmail utirllnffton is feet 7 inches hedloy burlington 13 feet 3 indus mcanklu oakvllle 14 feet 1 inch intermedial cooper acton 18 feet 0 inches elsom burlington 16 feet mcklnley oakvllle 17 feet 10 inches senior bardoc milton 30 feet 1 inch gage uurllngton 18 feet 0 inches wll- aon milton is feet 3 lnchen puttlnr uu shot junior hedley burlington 33 feet 1 inch mcaruiur milton 30 feet 3 inches haxelwood aeorgotown 30 feet 10 inches intermediate cooper acton 31 feet 7 inches mcklnley oakvllje 30 feet inches thpmoo oakvlllo 30 feet 3 inches senior gibson oakvllle 33 feet 4 inches ituui aoorgetown 33 feet 3 inches d mcmillan burlington 33 feet 1 mile usee open morris oakvjlle gibson oakvllle peart burlington running 1 1 if it jump junior hopkins oakvllle stadleman burllnslon hayea burlington benlor stewart milton eaton bur llngton p chrlsttanson burlington ttclay ilaee junior burlington oakvllle milton intermediate burlington oakvllle benlor burlington milton oakvllle olftlfi events 73 yard dash junior h smith burlington 10 second a bmlui burlington 1c steed oakvllle intermediate mary sheppard bur lington 10 1 5 opconda gallagher mil ton m pankln milton senior k sheppard burlington e hall burlington sutherland george town softball throwing junior if bakody burlington 140 feet 10 indies h oatrander acton 130 feet 3 inches k symons milton 130 feet 0 inches intermediate ii london milton 104 foot 1 inch k bonathon georgetown 101 feet 3 incites benlor h dewar milton 140 feet 5 indies s standlsh george town 130 feet 6 inches k tipping oakvllle 137 feet 3 inches relay llaee junior milton oakvllle burlingtnn in termed late milton oakvllle bur lington benlor burlington milton oakvllle standing broad jump junior h smith burlington 7 feet 0 inches m daubncy oakvlllo 7 feet k bymans milton a feet 0 jnches intermediate m sheppard burling ton 7 feet li indies m paskln milton 0 reet 10 ineheji j mttcmulan burling ton 6 teet qm inches benlor m mackay oakvllle 0 feet indies e potliettllu burlington 0 feet 7 inches m gallagher milton 0 feet flj inches hasketball throwing junior h hcadhcad milton k by mono milton h bmlui burlington intermediate h london milton 70 feet 5 inches m gallagher milton 70 feet o chalnioru acton 03 feet tl inches senior i btevens oakvllle b0 feet b inches ii dewar milton 60 feet 3 inches ii macdonald burlington 03 feet but uu daylight dldn t lait long enough for the big pragramm uiat hod boen planned and when darkness des cended uierc were other events to be run off these included uu intermedial high jump and uio pole vauujng com petluons these were arranged to be held in milton yesterday and only the contestants were allowed oh school to attend these finishing events tho official reloree for the day vjas mr ii it robinson president of uie olympic club hamilton and mr house of hamilton and mr bmlui burlington other prominent nftlcluls in promoting athletics werc alto present these u nuomen wcru all well ploaaed wlui uie success of the day and uu showing mado by tho high odioal students in a prlvnto conversation mr iloblnson selected gordon cooper of acton as the bent all round uthli te of the day and htadleman of burllnuton an second riits woi hhown alui in the final rcnult cooper hud six arsis and one third to his credit and scored uie highest num ber of points of an individual lu the games oudloman of burlington wan second and ilardoe of muton won third in individual points won burlington scliool auiletei proved lo be the best for tha day uhd won uir trophy again uils year for pi d dry tporln they had a joodly nmi bci of points over their neareut competitor milton was second oakvlllo third acton fourth olid georgetown fifth j tha following are uu results of thu qvtinu run oh at milton yestrrdny afternoon pou vault benlor oastlc mlllon 10 feet 3 inches uoruuk burlington mrnlveu burling ton intermediate appl ford burlington tf feet j tnclu walker b irllngton coop- r acu n k mining high jump inl nneliilr t mwr ac tun 5 fett wulku uuillngu n ulm milton i in km rhlircu communion servlee the quarterly communion bnrvlcit nf tlie united church will lie held iixt bumlfty mftrnlng rtnv v y vlpond b a of trinity united church auelph will preach tlie racramunlal sermon a mbuhmury trftnt china to nlfht a mtellng of the women a missionary loclety of tho united chureh will be held thin evening at eight o cloak mm karl a munumury from china will lie the np4ttkr of the evening the en- vt lopen ill trlbuted for tlu mile or ct piieni will bu pryiclited at the meet ing communism ilist sunday at knex itev a c otowart m a preaclied an able and very appropriate wrmon at the communion services at knox ohurcli last sunday morning there won a large congregation of communicants it wan a delight to all to have alexander waldie the venerable elder of uie oes nlon present at the sesnlon again death of wiiium fuiuh much sympathy in felt for mrs wm wm johnstone in uie death on wp- tember 30 of her last aurvlvlng brouur william imluin who died at hu liomu at harper s comern in ills 76ui yoar tho funeral won held on monday of lact week and interment wan made at utra- bane cemetery i ueuavautig men mills cemetery mr ii davenport of nassagawepa has commenced hui contract for uu com plete renovauon of ttden mills cemetery the trustees of uu cemetery and a committee of uu women a institute are asking for a hearty respowu to uu ap peal for financial ajtslntancc sent out a year ago mrs jan harden eden mills u secretary treasurer for uils fund anniversary social at llnuhoufie tlie anniversary coclal of uu lime- house presbyterian church will be held on tuesday october 10 at 0 p m in utech a uuwe con 5otrnneiiuiartoidmw iiayhraiia mrn nlcol arton mm mocdonald nor val mr muhoiwor and miss lemon of georgetown a iowl hupper the ladles of knox church have ar ranged a fowl supper in connection wlui their armiveraary services to be held on monday evening october is supper will bo nerved from idx to eight o clock and thin will be followed by an excel lent programme of vocal instrumental and elocutionary numbers tlu admls ulan fee of fifty cents for adults and twenty five cents for children includes admission to boui uie fowl supper and tlu entertainment knox church anniversary next sunday knox church will on sunday observe llo eighty third anniversary of the found ing of the church in acton the special npeaker for th day will be itev dr tlios eakln principal of knox college tai- onto special anniversary music wl i be supplied by the choir the usual interdenominational courtesy will be obiierved fnd thi baptist congregation will worship at he presbyterian church in the mom ng and uu congregation of the united church will join in uie evening ncrvlce each church wluulrawlntc their rcspecuvc services at these times the great layman g ceavehtleu quite a mnmbcruf people from this district attended uu great lay delegates convention of the united church of canada at toronto last friday qatur day and sunday llov c l poole u p mr and mrs a t brown ur hartley harrison mr j c matuuws mus m z bennett mlts pem brown mrs a k ostrander mr john xl krnnedy mr joel leslie br mr arthur swackluuner and ouicnt from here weje present the addresses by dr bpeer of new york dr cndlcott the ex moderator j j prlngle of uu yukon and ouiem were masterly utterances metar fauilty when cat kkudoj bert splrel of 83 pork btreet norui hamilton is dead mrs walter price and kdlthowaslc of 33j york btreet hamil ton were bruked and luul several ribs broken wlille mr price husband of uu injured woman escaped wlui minor injuries when uu automobile in which they were riding turned over in a ditch about 300 yards west of uie brant mili tary hospital on uu torontohamilton highway at 30 monday night splrel was driving uie cor and it u said he applied the brakes which caused uia cor to okld on uio wet pavement tlu injured were conveyed to uu office of dra peart and dingle wliero splrel died wluiln a few minutes after arrival mrs price and mlui owasie were removed to st joseph s hospital hamilton the monthly meeting of tlu wameu s institute tli- monthly meeting of uio women s institute wan held at uu home of miss emma uawtliorne an thursday after noon last tlu president mrs h o wilson presided tlu roll call was an swered to by responding wlui a well- known proverb tlu report of uu booui for tlu vr was given which pleased uio ladicfl very much anouier item of business was uu selling of uu tltobs which uu ladies luul shown at milton pair miss veraa murray favored uu ladles wlui a recitation and mrs jas cobble read a splendid papr which was prepared by mrs oeo agnow wlio was unable lo bo present tlu meeting closed with all repeaung uu lord s prayer tlu next meeting will be held at tlie home of mrs oeorge agnow on november 1 when mrs atkins of bronte will nddrciui the meeting parents made uesulutlan the nve ladn who were implicated in the theft of s13q 00 from a georgetown mi- rchanl a loat pocket come before judge moore in uie juvenile court on m ndny morning at nine o clock each of the five told a nlmlg hit or ward story of the part he hud in uu dllrtbuuon the money the evidence showed uiat it wan i pent for atidluo lea cream clgan lien cigarette holders cigarette lighters flashlights girls bracelets pearl brads compacts handkerchiefs u tween 70 and b0 of the stolen money was spent by the lathi before attention wan culled to the matter and chief marshall began his jlnvcsugauoln and received 130 and some of the purchases the fathers of the boy a wlio were in court during the trial made up uu balance of the money admitted to have been stolen one boy admitted uuu lu hail spent s1b00 on himself for canules rnd ice cream all uie boys admitted cmoklng cigarettes and two girls wlio had received gifts from uu boys auo udailttcd ttuy had been smoking cigar- etteu evidence was adduced tint several of the bays under fourteen years of age had purctiasi d ctgamttes from geoe- ti un dealers in vi ilutlon of thu law al casis under the t latute forbid ihrf rtfl i u i i yt the communitys social side of life i vlfiilorh to and from town during ihe pnhl week hm gleaned by tito free vrthh muui marie lantx ir vlslung friends in chesloy uils wevk mtna kmma itoblnuin visited relatives in toronto yesurdoy mui inalier cannon rtit sunday at licr florae in toronto i mr a l hemslrrct of ulllon kpctlt monday wltli friends in town minn clara b lantx of a alt was home for a day nr no thin week mr wm h miller of giielpb vulted acton friends over uu weekend dr it j henderson or aurora visited nt the parrntal home over uu weekend mr and mrs l o johnston spent uut eek end- v4jh friends in port oolborne magistrate und mrs barr of tour- tlngton calltkl at moorecroft on monday mr and mrs ijipplh art gotung keltled in uielr new liome ty i main bhreet my and mrs ooldu amies of bpcy- slde vulted mr and mrs e h vincnt on ounday mr e j peltier and daughter of toronto spent a dy uils week with acton friends utr tin uo mia mccaffery mrs lang of toronto spent bunday wlui mr robert bennett mr burton wiggins of port colbanu spent several days at his home hern during the week mr and mrs cliarlen havens and mr nnd mrn olbson of guelph vulted acton friends uils week mr melvln dron of tlu bank of montreal aloft lias been transferred to uu branch at aylmer messrs eugene mcpherson and harold mooney of toronto visited at uu fona- liome here over uie weekend mm ormewwdyand oh hold mse jjhvj wkarl iteeyo and mrs majon and ur and mrs clios mason were on a trip by motor to gloversvllle h v uu past week mrs p bait and florence wlio uv4 been spending uu summer visiting wlut friends in england returned home this week ur and mr prank wrlwtiworth and clarence of krln spent bunday at uu liome of mr and mrs chaa mo- keown mr and mrs w d prick and mr and mrs eolman and torrle of toronto were guests of mrs william bayers ms bunday mr prank cook of toronto spent uu weekend wlui mr and mrs k if vincent and ouur acton friends and rclauvcs mr andrew oalt of aimkgow boot- land visited at uu home of ur 2l smethurtt on lur way east from a tour of tlu dominion mr and mrs w ii denny and ur tnd mrs clayton hope and master hoy of toronto were gueabi of mr and mr ii denny on sunday ilr and mrs stanley uatuuws and baby boy of toronto spent uu week end at uu liome of lur parents xr and mrs a o clanidga mlss margaret bennett and mr tho bennett of toronto spent bunday with iiulrmouur mrs robert uerniati and tholr sister miss m z bennett mr and mrs a mltcliell and aod ox london and mr and un u ultcheu of ayr were saturday visitors at uu hoou of mr and mrs w a mltcliell and mrs j clark uu xd hd master george clark ur earl bnllui and mr prod robinson of toronto ere visitors at mrs maud ucbalna on bun day ur and mrs d j askln of rivers- dale visited at uu manse on sunday lltue uum peggy askln who had been vulung at uu manse relumed home with uum the many friends of mr jolin a moffat of lucluuond hill formerly of acton will be sorry to hear lu u critic ally hi in uu wcllesley hospital tor onto mr and mrs tlioman townsnd and ur and mm edward townsend and master earl of a rand valley spent bunday with mr and urn clues uc- kcown mr telford kennty and ur and mr prlngle or hamilton and ur and mrs mcattcr of roronto spent uu weekend at uu liome of mr and mrs john kennoy bower avenue ur and mrs e b swackluuner and amuuid and mrs a ramsliaw of tor onto and mrs fred ryder and uu barbara of brockvllle made a brief visit wlui relatives in acton and vicinity on saturday rbbert c uccullougii in uu rather sudden passing away of robert c uccullough of uu seventh line near georgetown tha county of haltotl loses one of its- most highly es teemed and useful rosldentn mr mo- cullough wlio had readied uu age of sevunty two years hod not been feeling well for several months early last weak x he went to toronto for treatment and whlla in tho city passed away ur mccullough was a can or uu late dr mccullough and was born on the homa- suad where lu had lived oil ids llfe- ume ho never married but lived with hln suter mus mccullough he was a micccsflful tanner a useful member of the community a valued member of uu presbyterian church and a stalwart mberal the funeral on monday attar- noon waa very largely attended the service was conducted by rev ur mc lean and interment took place at green wood come lory aaorgelowji john u robertson tlu funeral of uu late john ulllon robertson wlio died at hu home hi fcs- queslng township on thursday hut afur a brief illness took place at evergreen cemetery milton on sunday the services being conducted by rev p w ucinnea pastor of boston presbyterian church kjiquesmg township tlu lata ur nobertsou wlio was a wallknown and prosperous farmer lughly esueoied by all wlio knew him was born in wui county on september 33 lafl and hd resided in ebqueslug township for the past 40 yearn he was a member of thu united church mrs robertson died slxuen years ago he la survived by three sons and una daughter curvium william and john all of esqueung town ship and mrs e may of hornby ald dbg tht tale or uliarcn or rluarrtus to i two bnthinj byron or althrgrove itu ru will llklly follow thu revilauon c an 1 tdwln of aylmer ontaslo

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