till hour ol lie acton mxtt tyttm 1111 acton 1 llnrvby rvr 1111 mrrtt ai j 111 iktss i iuh al 11 1 rr vie- ii iliiucu tlir iinl r ltmlil btrrl prlc it jji ir chargiil ailhu stole llc ii il lc lines in r in wlili tutimt coilauc lie uu advektisinc kaixs lor mul inula predict billion jsiuthc wheal crp the rsotooomi bushel wheut crop which cvtiudu u hurveiiiij tliii year leud the gniin world of chiciifmi in ii recent rmie to predict ttmt vitliin a cimtpuniiivcjy short time tlio when t production of ciinnda will total lowwk0w bushel uiuiually if this liiippein iiud tho cminiuty is humu on u coitnicler- iition of the trend of wheat production durinj the inst decade it will entnil n tremendous expansion in milway building elevator construction itlc of npri- cultural iqncliincry nnd cnernl manufiictiirinp the total wheat production of the world this yenr ir estimated to be 2100 300000 busliclr or sooqoooo bushels more than inst year with uuriin still im port in j wheat the oriental demand nrowinj the domestic demand mcrenririr and with the growth in population it is logical to assume that the wheat production in canada will continue to increase the sunday school lesson foll huni1av qctoiiiiu 14 thursday evening october ii 1028 bbpbrlap x only one safe rule the nvcrnse time it takes a fnst railroad train to pass ft c is seven sec ncco to recent records yet according to statistics over two thou- ah mtiht grow together the newspaper hns become o distinctly a part of the community that it is difficulty to conceive of a community of any jrcat proportion devoid of n local vspaper not less inseparable and mutually de pendent arc the newspaper nnd business it is virtu ally impossible to point out a business success within the last two decades which hns been achieved without the aid of newspaper advertising on the other hnnd numberless failures can be traced directly lo inade quate appropriations for newspaper advertising under modern economic social and commercial con ditions a city or town would become an actual re production of the poetical deserted village if de prived of all business enterprises neither cotdd n store exist where there was not some semblance of a community the relation- of the newspaper to both community and business is different in degree only towns stores newspaper and newspaper- nds grow up together taken as a whole one can not prosper and expand unless all prosper and expand colling- wood bulletin all work and no play no more we got our eyes opened when wc attended the high school field day of the county of halton on monday wc have been watching the progress of school sports we thought but were quite surprised nlthejrinuaitutlcjhcyiuavc developed jntonssliown by this county meet a very few years ago when w jtatt w mwt i t nr- 5ev thnsmrwfcrv they nrc until gabriel blows his trumpet or there is no way of beating that it is very difficult for the driver of a fastmoving automobile to gauge the relative speeds of bis car and a swift train converging on the same point from different directions there fore there is only one safe rule to follow let the train go by what are seven seconds in the life- of a motorist to lose them may be to save a score or more years smith falls newsrecord immigration to cnnndn grows immigration to canada for the month of august nmountcd to 25310 as compared with 10242 in august a year ago nn increase of 147 per cent this immigration consisted of 12460 british 3581 from the united states and 9209 from other countries for the first five months of the fiscal year immigra tion to canada has amounted to 112050 compared v th 99904 in the same period a year ago an increase of twelve per cent immigration to canada from the united states is steadily increasing in august it nmountcd to 3581 compared with 2023 in the same month a year ago the movement of canadians returning to canada to live after having been rcsid- cnts oftheunitcdstntcs also continues in tlic last five months it has amounted to 17008 one ihirg after another some months it is one thing and other months it is something different says r b morley general manager industrial accident prevention associa tions commenting on the industrial accident situa tion this past month it has been infection cases that stood out in our records it appears that of the thousands of accidents reported each month to the compensation board about onetenth show in fection in the early stages this it is claimed is largely due to failure of men to report slight injuries some men seem to have a chronic objection to re porting minor cuts and scratches and too often such slight wounds have serious results because infection develops last month there were 7032 accidents re ported by industries in ontario to the workmens compensation board including 58 fatal cases in august there were 8022 reported including 41 fatalities and although the total for september is lower than the former month there were 17 more fatal accidents reported in september thaji during august the awards mode hy the board in septem ber totalled 53292120 which included 8490505 for medical aid a sclioomlook warehouse ii a letter to the globe the other morning a druggist and bookseller in listowel makes a com plaint and a recommendation regarding the bundling of school books authorized by the department of-edu- cation it seems that each different book is supplied by a different publishing bouse and the dealer has to go to each one of these houses to secure his complete stoch in the letter complaint is also made that the books in muny cases are not ready when school reopens owing to the fact that sufficient time has not been allowed by the department for the publishers to have them ready the changing of hooks by the department without notice to dealers also leavcsthem with many unsaleable books on their hands this listowcl dealer suggests that a central warehouse be established where dealers could secure all school books to be used he points out that the distribution mid easy access to school books is surety as important as the convenient distribution of in toxicants in fairness be also thinks the books made obsolete by changes shouldbe returnable to the department of education he ground of the dealer seems to be well taken livery year after school opens it is some weeks bcfor the proper books cun be secured by ull the muttcv of spreading the ork of publishing these books among different concerns would seem to be part of the policy ot spreading the ontario government printing among those houses who find party favor but why they cannot be collected into one central distributing warehouse would seem to offer no difliculties and sjivc i serious problem of course such a ware house would not bring in the revenue of a liquor warehouse the matter deserves the attention ot he dcpurtment and itn effort made to remedy the bitufltion men t given to athletic events flic fellow who par sistcd in these things wassually frowned upon by the teacher as he neglected his school duties often but the sports here mondoy showed the teachers just as cnthusfastic as the pupils in the results of thcjcvents and each eager that their school should make a good showing the loyalty of the pupils to their schools was a feature one could not help but notice with a race oh it seemed as if the enthusiasm cf the pdpils would sometimes hinder the finishing of the event with their overrunning thesoursc but the enthusiasm of youth was good to see the coi petitivc spirit that seemed to be on the wane is surely being inculcated in the young people of today the training of body as well as of mind is a feature tint commends itself to all school athletics kept in their proper place in the schedule of studies can do much toward making a better and stronger canadian people the encouragement given them in these field days is commcndiblc general icvaiii tillr uplrlllliil oiful ilcrlpluro materlnl 1 cor 13 4t 31 13 tll 13 cloldcn text now ahldrth faith impe invv three three nml thn grealeut f those ih love i cor 13 13 devotional heading in 03 jumps l 17 ib the tent ivtibtltir 1 cor 13 47 there am ilifirrencrii between gifts but thr some ijplrlt given them tlirrc nrc different ways of serving the mnitrr but tlic master li the tmmo nnd tinre arc differences or effects hut thn cihik god producm every cffrcl in tlic ciuip of every person nplrltiml il lumination in in cacti instance given for nnme uood purpose twentieth cen tury now tcntament 31 i paraphrase thin verso on follown jrck wliolrheartcdly to devrtop within jr urnclvm the more imjiorlnnl nplrlluul pnwern ami now i mil lolnf to iilvow you the wny of life unit li of all the bent 13 t pur aphonic kvtn if i have irrat oloqunncn nnd in addition the mhnctihmn flft of bingtirih h i am wlth- nrtt love i nm nnthlnn hut empty nnue 2 am frjh pcrflc trust to rrnitiva rrfui an unmliiuknblo allusion to our tjordn naylna concerning faith jen malt n 20 and 31 31 3 tq be- burned flomo i nnuncrlptn rrnd that i may boant th llfforcncc rend in u in duo to tlic cliriiyc of one letter knutheaamal or icnuch nomnl stirtcreth lono la patient love vounteth not itnclf la not nelfajxertive la not puffed up in not conceited inseemly unbecomingly oeeketll not itn own does not look out for number one takoth not aooauht or evil doen not count up grievances 0 rejoice th not in uuflahteotitinebi doen not nloat over a nlnner rejolocth with the truth in happy in the victory of truth 7 deamth without breaklns down nellevclh all things lo not nunplcious but puu the bent construction on what oho licarn ilopeth all tlilngn ib over optlmlntie endurelh all thlngo doen not ilcnpalr 0 love in eternal other gifta knowlcdne prophecy tonguea nerve but a temporary puipaoe dummoow 13 tliey are only jneana toward an end love remains the eompieuon and perfection of our human being p w robertson lesson tkemea jeromo k jerome recalls with rever ence n habit of hu metliodlcal uncle whn before packing for a journey al- wayn made a list thu was the ay- teill which lie followed gathered from htn uncles own up take a piece of paper and put down on it everything you can poailbly require then go over it and zee that it contains nothing you con pooslbly do wltliout anondofohurchvhowalilpinrorre immglne yountelf lrr bed wlifltrtanrr or our articled of religion the church is you got on very well put it down to- deflncdbirftmtnnnnyof fnlrjifii n pethrr- wit a f v id it iijbni r- rr i twkntv fatlti ago vfnin tlix iuuii of tint vt tliuraday orubor is 1di krln vulr loiimrrow tliti morning mirvlr of ui elcculo light coiiiminct lodny lluhduy nlalitu very hfiivy frniit brought down the uitve in grrt juitn- tltleti mr oivirgit uotuir nxprrlnncfld a putn- fill ucculint on irlilay ovenlng ll wm placing kroeirim in u tattwtn wngou when thn jrnm ntartril liiiddmly hu tlw whiiel run over thn torn of ida right foot i itn lifts bern about on cnitclub during thn week rckldantn fromtho township of krln tndny report thai tictual work timi coiii- uiencrd upon the rural free mall delivery in oouth wellington at the kpworth league meeting on tuefulny evening mrs a t 11 r own and rev a w harkpr delegates to the kpworth league convention held last wink in ingernoll gave splendid reports of the addreaea delivered there by tlie various apeakera the fourteenth annual convention o ic womens mbmlonary ftoclety of tlic ouelph dlhlrlct will be held in tlw mrthndlut church toduy john n- kennedy and maitter arrived home from i their trip tn ogden utah last flflturday morning 1 hey were away for a mmitli visiting mr icennedyn brother the pair might concert was a gratify ing fiiircewi the galaxy of mwt popular enliinlnem could not fall to ensure bumpt hotice the names of die talent weis mnlwl manley pickard nololat mua qince merry elocutionist mr ilert liar- vry humorist piper hoas and ms quar tette of ocottlsh dancers- muws annie rtonn may ncnbllt and oltray ijrotliro thn latest crop report issued at ot- utwn palnta out canadas total yield of ftlirat in now tin t at 115051000 busliels of whloh the wenteni provlntyn yield in 05nin000 busliela lawson at tho hoiue of lier eon dr john lnwnon acton on thumlay october b 1o0h marlon clark widow of the late john lawaon in hrr bath yen flna tea i alwayg tho moctdealrod the slight falling off in prlco of jicapcf teas cannot entice the tealover from his discriminating choice sa1ada the finest of ah mne teas rncpauino fob a jouunky write fat pre oooklet walu tliat kellect doot judgment talnlng interesting information on home plannfngwllh qynroc kocboard and insulex millions off insulating air cells 1 editorial notes canadian railway traffic during 1928 is breaking all records more than 80000 loaded cars are being moved -each- week and the western crop rcquiics many more wheat trains than it is possible at pressor to supply the tourist industry is now quoted as canadas second greatest source of income it has amounted to 275000000 the past year it is greater than the mineral production of the dominion but less than the wheat exports saskatchewan is the worlds greatest wheat grow ing province the 1028 yield is estimated at 300- 000000 bushels an increase or 88000000 bushels over ifl27 many of our readers can still remember when the first crop of wheat was grown in this great prairie province the milton reformer says the only halton newspaper man outside of milton who graced our fair with his presence last saturday was editor for- ster of the oakville star although we hadnt the pleasure of meeting him thats not serious drother white you were the only one from the county who favored acton fair with your presence the toronto globe is all hot up over the simcoc postmasteiship appointment and thinks the country ii not sttnd for such an exhibition of partisanship maybe the country wontstandfor itbut iteem3to fiid favor in this province and has for years all power to the globe in trying to uproot the patronage evil but tt isnt necessary to travel all the way to ottawa to mud nil of it this lioni the mail and empire pclee islund is o get a liquor store becausebootlegging is suppos ed lo be rather general there about the only reason for bootlegging surviving anywlwtrc in the province is the fact that bootleggers are sometimes able to undersell the liquor commission but even ii the days uf licensed hotels there were always a few resorts which were patronized after hours and n sundays we suppose that no system ever devised will exterminate the last bootlegger and wc were el to be jiersuaded by this same journal that tho liquor control act would do away with the boot- leggtr they say un open confession is good for the soul however t the world it rapidly uwukening to the absurdity of the effort to maintain peace by the study and preparation tor war intensive investigation of war- like methods has propagated more of warlike methods the world has had much mournful occasion to admit while the increasingly insistent investigation of the nature and laws of peuce is haturutly in creasing the love of peace und the determination to maintain it it is the same with temperance this virtue is preserved by knowledge of its nature and by bringing out a manifestation of its laws and its power not by the study of drunkenness the law of temperance studied und insisted upon brings out manifestation before which the opposite evil must eventually disappear christian science moni tor difficulties unlike the fraternity the itororlty and tho lodge it brings to- gether persona of both sexes unlike tlic homogeneous club it brings togethi corts and conditions of men unlike the political party it brings together men of all shades or political belief there la only one force that can fuse together these seemingly incompatible elements it in the force that paul tells us beareth all things believe th all tilings hopeth all things endureth all tilings a bond of world fellowship in thk tenth year after the armistice we ore increasingly doubtful whether tho war to end war really ended il indeed it seems to ua fantastic that we could ever have believed that war could he ended by a war the hope of the world lies in the final triumph of the chrlsuan reli gion all the good or chrlsuanlty in born of love and all tlic progrcsii it haa made has been toward a greater measure of good will human sympathy helpful- new and loyalty virtues that one and all spring from the supreme christian virtue which la love all other ele ments in religion its ritual its bcllcr ita organization lln experience and 1u power over men arc not to bo compared with j attitude of mind and heart that la the essence of christian religion he knows most about tho gospel who known mort about love in hut personal life he in the beat christian who la tlic mast like his master and that me ana he la the man who loves most the first ntep toward a pennanent world -peace- und a brotherhood of nations likewise la the spread of the spirit of good will and brotherly kindness the uttermost parts of the earth arc bound together today by many ties commerce and industry eclcncc and art literature and education arc so many strands in a mighty cord that circles all nations and people but none of these strands nor all of them together can hold the diverse groups or men and nations together nor prevent their grinding each othsr into the dust in thctr struggle for dominion and power unless there be added to this cord the binding force of brotherly love the faith that works by love will manifest itself in mutual sympathy trust co operation and loyalty to a common pro gramme of world progress and better ment upon those who realize this noed of the world and who in their own life have experienced love for god and for their fellow men these rests the respon sibility of sending this gospel of love and humanity to the ends of the earth for further discussion which is the broad term charity or lpvc what other spiritual gifts docs tlic apostle paul mention in chapter 13 hts first letter to the corinthians how doca paul who once persecuted tho christiana and who later was primarily tlic apostle of faith come to be the ex ponent of love as the supreme virtue of the christian life can ihe prlhclplra of brotherly love be successfully applied tlic bunlneca and industrial world what indications are there of the spread brotherly good will among men throughout the world no need to suffer with corns or to run the rhkof paring them remove them tu rely and palnlrssly with itolloways corn remover nnv grows in hummer the growth of a boy or girl from baby hood maken an interesting study for one who la willing to keep an accurate record of slun weights and heights during the first year the average baby grows about nine inches if this rate were kept up for ten years the tclioolboy of ten would bo aver eight feet tall and a giant in the making during tho second year however baby grows only thrce or four inches and gradually decreases hut growth pr year from then on until ho attain his full height around his twenty fifth year as for weight boys make their greateut gain in uiclr sixteenth or seventeen ui j cur while girls put on poundage more noticeably in their fourteenth incident ally although little bays and young men ranger than girls and young women or their age girls from eleven to seven teen arc physically able to handle boys of their ag prom december until april neither boy nor girl will gain much weight or height when april comra they will be- uln to sprout upwards again like little hern but not until hot weather will thry brglu to add weight quickly tt for swollen joints moit rrinrdlfis full but jointease sue- cdn iti fin joint irniblrs wily whether in uikl knrr hip elbow shoulder finger ir apltn whether rheumatic or not it liiiitmrn up tiff inflamed painful i reulty i in til ij- julrkly youll br utuiti- lihcd two tccuituv rubbing and away 11 jca through skin and flesh right down to the imnr and llgamcutu thato why it uc- eeidit a lc k j ituumrd ur any reliable 1111011111 mhrt down soap oo on till you have llnlilied then take your clothes begin at your feet what do you wear on your feet ncoui slioea eocka put uiem down work up till you get to your heoll what do you want besides clothe put down everything thin is the plan the old gentleman al ways pursued the list made tie would go over it carefully to see that lie had forgotten nothing then he would go over it again and strike out everything it was posslle to dispense with then lie would lose uie list the oil of the farmer a bottle of dr thomas eelectrtc oh m the farm linuc will save many a journey for the doctor it in not only good for uie children when taken with cohto and croup and far the mature who suffer from pains and aches but there are directions for 1u use on sick cattle there should always be a bottle ol it in the house struck dv a meteorite prom japan comes the second re ported instance of a meteorite hitting a human being a tiny pebble of celestial origin seared the neck of a three-year- old baby girl at play near toklo tremendous number of meteorites bombard uie earth each day but they bfldnm fall wlt m nf rivlllrahon rc la only one fatal accident on record when a man was killed in india in 1d27 by falling stone h tiny stone weighing only a lew grains that hit the japanese girl was found in the chuds dress still warm and proved to be a typical meteorite wlttu a black crust formed by melung hi its night through the air wise and experienced mothers know when their children are troubled with worms and lose no urno 4n applying millers worm powders a moat effective vermifuge it is absolute in clearing the system of worms and restoring those healthy conditions without which there can be no comfort for the child or hope of robust growth it is a most trust worthy worm exterminator diplomacy woman in a crowded street car to her friend i wish that good looking man would give me his ceal plve men got up how to reduce varicose veins rub gently and upward toward ha heart as rlood in ve lag flown that way many people have become despondent bcciiuie they hive been led to believe that there is no remedy that will reduce nwollcn veins and bunches if you will get a twoounce orlcinal bcttlc at moon c a emerald oil full ucugth at any firstclass drug store and apply it night and morning as direct ed you will quickly notloe an improve ment which will continue unul tlic veins end bunclus arc reduced to normal moonca emerald oil is a harmlauk yet most powerful gortnlclde and two ounces but a very long time indeed so powerful is kmerald oh tlut old chruilc cores and ulcers are oftsn en tirely healed and anyone who is disap pointed with itsuu can have their money refunded e j ilasnard sells lots of il l fireproof wajtboard for sal by j b mckenzie acton ont time tables ay acton lilng wrl uluy only 1041 aiii dolly excrpt elunduy 7s5um dally oxrrpt flundny 1043 tw dally exrept riindny 320 pm dally cxrept timidity 11 fill pirt dally except uunday 01 pm claljig kast uunday only 768 ptu dully except flumly 708 tun dally except uunday llb7atd dally except uunday 347 pm dally nxcppl uunday fl17 pm dally except uunday a 13 pm canadian national hikcyttlo itailwavh wfttimmltul dally except uunday 7jj5 ajn dally 055 tuw daily dally dally dally dully dally dally dnil- dilly dally dally dally dally dally dally iaslliauiid cxeept uunday llmnm 155 pm 355 pm ti85ptti 765 pin ojsspjtt 13j4 fcu 058 pm 0 37 ata 1137 son l j7 pm 3 37 pjh 537 pm 737 pid- 037 pu dally 1135pm toronto terminal kmi urt and kl clilr avert u freight delivered by special exprwui freight prelght picked up at any ad dress in toronto leave acton for oio west i35 a m 1010 a m lto p m 410 p m 810 p m and on satur days- oundays holidays 1110 p m leave acton for georgetown norval drampton toronto j0 a m n35 a m 335 p m 735 p m 005 p m and on catur- dayn eundayn holidays 1035 p m rnnmc 4lai come in see and hear the jsew kolster alleleric radio the new kolster aheicctric establishes a new mark in radio value you realize its superiority of performance and appearance immediately come in and hear the kolster prove its value tor yourself h a coxe acton ontario kolster all that you bcelc in radio s ren f or ua i castor i a motwpr fletchers castoria is especially prepared to relieve infants in amis and children all ages of constipation wind colic to sweeten stomach flatulency diarrhea regulate bowels aids in the assimilation of food promoting chocrfulnels rest and natural sleep without opiates toavoid imitations always look for the sijinatlire of c prnvfn ilirrclion nn each packag fliyaicuna everywhere recomtoebd it dominion of canada refunding l6an bonds maturing 15th october 192k the bank oh montreal at all ot its branches an ginaja will accept the above bonda for redemption at maturity for tlic convenience ol owners of the bonds the bank of montreal will accept the bonds at any time prior to octolier 15th and will make payment either by issuing a cheque or by placing the amount to the owners credit m the booka of the bank as may be desired fivr superbr svke guelphs complete optical establishment out of town patrons epclahy appreciate our lens surface grind ing equipment which enables ua to complete glasses required whlls in the city not uie nearest we might have in stock but to your exact prescription we optra the only lciu suriae grinding machinery in ths outrlet a d savage oplattutrlat and malta foe lurtajf opuelan pluin lofflw savage dulldlntr quolph standard royalties has sliown wonderful progress inmirchthc income was u gui 31 amount required for divid end 233050 and has lncreaaod as follows income for august aas 125248s0 dividend requirement 320 03 the income is over i times amount required for divid ends and twothirds of the turpjua la being rclnveclcd in t reducing royalties uie re by increasing the revenue over 13500 0 00 ot the surplus income has been thus in vested during the lost sir months oee advs in toronto globe of oepl 10 and uie uall and empire of september s vou aliouid invest now before the price advance il w dawson p o box sj mtanrron district representative of savage ctnpany jewellers china silverware lower wyndluua sl phone 571 guelpu hm old and ttellmbl granite and marhle works wc ore manufacturer and direct tm- xiiters of all kinds of monumental and iuadtoue work wc bell direct to our customers at wholesale prices thus caving our customern 40 per cent- we have th brat applluncea and the only mechanics in the dominion who can operate pneu matic toob properly we can give refer ences irim hundreds of our customers in toronto and other places where other have to have law ml la in order to collect wc have the largest and best stock of oranlto tn the dominion or more than uny three dealers in the weit we are itultimate irak- n and employ no agents and do not uniioy or trit customers by ndliiii out linoruut agcuui sollcltliu ordert we employ only mechanics and defy competition hamilton sons nttilru ont if