Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), October 11, 1928, p. 4

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tllrt m 1 irur i i t ua m frill r i 11 u umt uift- itfkl vx1 mr iul mfouiiqijuli- it 733 upailln av ium 1 t on october 0 1dm llobt ti ml iiii milt qtoriruwn grd 7j ii1ncm ajll al 111 linnir lot 7 ninth r win hip on imiuy ninni- init o u in r b ldjtl alfnander lllnrlalr nuif r i yi mi ic1no at urn hnmn lot 3 eonceiwloii no mil lu i rownshuv on uunaay octoli r j 103b jnnui mrkret 11 rli r h lovi l wif of wallace kln bwani ion at the home of hrr part nt ii l t concauilon 3 kcranioea i own hip on ltltlsy october ti 1j8 marlon imiimi infant daughter of mr and mr i aor qwauntoi atod 3 montlin and 7 ilayn in mfrmoulam mrcainuh in loving memory of alfrtxl mrciln h who iiamad sway october 0 id o h v wi mlji you worda cannot 111 vt iir lirlhht smiling face we lovfd i 11 ill tllut dear alfred bone linme of memories are i kit of von oti t re t uadly itiumk by mo mi u uiirikit and iiuonncn 5111 a rtmtjff morass tlluiloday ooxoiisn u1m s2g ahdffuzi tliirc 0 a nip in uie air uiese mom- lnua rhankiflivlnn day just live weeks from monday 1jc trcer are now slieddlng ualr crop of leaves pall plowing in ffolnv on apaee uuwe fine autumn days nutting parties are now in order the frost li opening uie nut burn autumnal foliage bmn greatly admired for its beauty- uie pait fw days apple picking in a task being per formed in the liome orchards these days the auction sale season seems to be crttlng under way in good ume tills iear- bend in your personal items and item at local npwti our phone number zdts mr it wantbrougus new bungalow on pari avenue u almost ready lor oc cupancy tiil uiiinmcr seliedule of uie electric line and the burjten luu been dbtcon unurd now ilic bauball season closed on tues day with the world s championship cuuude at gt louis the difference between lutes and taxis is uiat wlui uu utter you get a km for your money uomc very fine loads of tunilps are bolnff ilellvefed to acton station for sliljuncnt tlicui days tlie cool man is having bis lnnlnss now prom uic rattle on uut coal shutes builnccjj must be kood lhe rirnvel put on the roods bl acton tills year luui tiuule ue bbkt roadway constructed of gnkvol in acton hi year the tbec panes utu of christmas cards will noon be ready for display kill pay you to volt to im uus line before placlnff your order one of ue cleanest cut remarks we liavo ever heard is thd nice thlnx about lelllna the truth is uimt you do not have to remember what you did ay mr aeorgc edwards has removed his liamcui ivliop from main bbret to the store on mill dlrcet formerly occupied hy mr j mcicgoii- as butcher ohop tell u- uib mws of local happen- inipi and items about residents now or former citizens we re always pleased to poui them on to wu paius readers the autumn lsnt such a bod time or year after all thar u no grass to cut and no mow to shovel 1 it wasnt for u10 falllnc leaves it would b tlniost perfect mr elton cob- third llna avln has a very fine flock of dorset liorn sheep which arc much admired by vultors to ills farm tlic movement is surely mid tadlly taklna form in uut minds of eltlsen that krospect park should liava iare uuprove- ments added to this already fine mun icipal ffroiindfl tlirce consecutive church anniver sary services will ba hfcld in actod and vicinity with knox dmrch this sunday churchill on october 31 and uu untud church on october 3s lhe crucllon of uib nw stel bam of ur g wlxcelns on uia second une to replace uie one destroyed by itghbllajc durlnu uic tunimor u tatting rapidly blone and u10 bam raisins will tmkd place in a few day a ferocious nun attacked mrs john o mcdonald of uut firui una smn the otiior day while one vj eiujojfed in mllklnc butuntc lier furcely in uic back hi 1 iplnal column is reported to h tcrlauiily injured on tuliulay morning u ur k a uann nan driving his ustti over uie cnr tracks an uu1 hirt on of uia horcuii suddenly dropped dad ou hie tracks vortunauly no irabu were coming at uic time and uus anuuol was pbiiiovld iwforo any came uiibuch it li rauirr a luih coiiipjlbumt to hoover na of uie camlld4te for uut presidency of uw united suun in uus efcsction neut month uiat of th hun dreds of inutoruts passltig through acuui from hortua to califoniu during urn lnut month iwaruitf uialr choosen can didate u curdk almost fcwry ons ts for moovir und viry roraly one fw ttnilth la this a true indication of luw ul election will rekultt neighborhood news tmiu mil ilui urudlnu und uruvulllnii on uic rtwd lwtwn th third und fourth lino- u niuklnu u di cd d hiiprovriiu nt in thu tliorouuhfurti lhe annlvtruiiry urvlau vif churchill cnlud chiixh will lie held on linuluy oruir 31 ilrrvlrci will lc luid ttt 11 11 in and fan p m llir harveitlim uf thf ram and root cropa in kirptnix lh fariiiini biuy in tlilu w clloti t mcwirii j w fjnllc and arthur riiack- lunnt wrr dmnalrn fnim hari to the lnvliirii n convt ntlon of the united chnrrli in toronto innt weok uockuooi in tlir uhtiencu of uov l it oorjxlln mr mctrfllunu f grand vullcy con- ductrd ijrvloiii in tlie prcabyurlon church lout juntioy mij hid wlia was with hlin nang a kuio at the tveulntf wrvlcn which wan much appreciated ihn uacrnmctit or tin lnrdn bapiwr will im ubrvid in the probyurin church next riimday preparatory i-ir- vicch will be lu id on wlduy eveubig mr ircd hamilton and hla autut- anti on thf highway vrrc biwy last wnsk dlntrlbutlim big rement drain ule to btt laid in prcpurauon for wldmilng uwj hill above the i oat office and down uj the river for u10 benefit of liorsedrnwn vehicles mr wllmnt 1iuulmmons of nlanara italia onu won a visitor in uie vlllaee last week mijli pranccu nichirdfion of vlneland woltup lost week qhe ro turned liomc on oumlny with her pornbi mr and mrs it u itlclurdgon wlio were up for uib day mr and mrn uantuel eleymour of ctratrord were vkltoni hi uia village on sunday ml3 m muroy of toronto was liame for um weknd mr clarence lyncli of ouolpli was liome for uie weekend mlsa kathleen lynch is liomo tor u10 remainder of her liolldays after a wed spent in hamilton itev john little miss janet little mr and mr ilobson and mrt jan llradjihaw of conn wrro in uie village on monday the scliolsrs of uie public and con tinuation cchools had a brief liolldsy butt week when u10 gcliool teadieri convention took place in ouolph tlie kxecuuve committee or uie nock- wood and kverton xlraneh bible ooclcty met monday evening in uie basement of uie presbyterian church to discuss routine mattera and appoint collectors uie annuolfall couactlon for lunda far uie dible society ilcv a donaldson wan chairman for the mceuag and itev to conn itev l k 0 golcclin was awoy last wthk encaced in organkcauon work lq uie interests of young people of uie presbyterian church mr oeonce lavcrty is making idtera- llons in ids premises and moving uie frame part of uie house down to uie comer of main and harris btreebt he has bousht uie lioucc aorcmrt uie street occupied by ur jos locker and mr and mrs gray and will move the old foundation of his garage further back from uie highway ttulta cotta flower pots all- sizls now in stock also tlir low aalca iois to i it jaroiniritus 1mionf your order it you wish wr druvcr r hills o mux hrtlvkt badminton playera find a lrink of hot tea of sreat benefit after a strenuous same in loading badmin ton clubs of canada red rose tea is a great favorite no other tea offers such brisk zestful flavor and rich iuality put up only in bright clonal aluminum kiackages ubw j a kloran context tlimuali tho jcwi hfra ausoclauon mr u w hltilon u lnndiicung in acton r hlikhii ootltrst for- thu jrwcllery tradn riio ujucm in lhlu ntt nasmeab si boo 00 iuruulutri and tntry curd in this donilnlnii wldn tuiiiuiit may ixt oh talnid from ar illnuui tuul um mlm uovrrnlng tlui roiuut irarund from him nkw ijvio kuch wants cortet l urudlnu and piinutt 1 new shoes mrn ii goodyear welt o- fordii 4 00 up wolhtlu ku1 fitthp tlllp- pers and tlw 3m u miiuu lsiteut utmp and bundals 1 75 up chlldrun h ghoes oitd oltppm from sc tm up lloys apd youuut bclwol giuvn j3l5 to 3o men a work lloots 2 7g sod 3 45 to 40 tennlti and ilunnlng olioes all at bar gain nrlces 85c up h l harrison used fords tlie large number of twopb xlio liave purcnoud uuhi cars from us indicates tlu vddespreaj confidence uiey place in our integrity 1 he nrimil of uncertainty uuti huuu half uie 5oy of motoring bv ellmlnalcd wlien you buy your used loird liere look ovar uie cars luted below any one of which will clve you uie maxi mum of satisfaction j11s td cjtw 1024 mdl tii vord cupe imc medd 335s twd cmh ltxc mojl x3s vrd cuh 1m mojul m5 frd coach iz7 kui 3ts kokj pordat 111x4 udi s3w ovmuiki coaeh ibis uedal um uxbt xwury 1s2s wodi jexdxourinortsish uj- owutal touring 75 a demonstration will convince you of ihrlr rnlcndld mechanical condl- otteti kiiln iwbui immfdiark ifcx3vky bit any model m uut nkw poktlu il little 25 27 cork btrmc cmljik rfeaoe 12ds buy vour pord from s lord dealer vhxack of acton tlie services in uie terrs cotts united church have been changed to 3 00 p m- lnstead of 7 30 p m hcv mr hevules of oeorsetown wlllcontinue to conduct uie cervices here as usual mr cluui mcnally k on the tick list at present a number from here took in erin fair and all vtrport s fiodd ume our local brickyards all report trad quite brisk at present mr j icldd lias a large gang of nun building eminent culverts along uie hlh way uirough u the new arch bridge over uie river credit here is also nearlng completion and when finished will be a fine structure it requires 60 tons of oteel to build uic bridge a number from horo took in bramp ton fair and all report a good ume mr l nuuedgc d a of kingston spent a few days wlui his brother mr w j ruuedge of uie town line a number from here attended a oilal narty at uie liome of mr and mrs 11 logon of uie ninth line on friday evening and mrs john prccswood and daughter quale of uie tenui line spent a few days wlui friends in itoclwulcr n y the hal ton luick co are rushed with orders far brick and expect to liave to run uielr plant all winter if possible in i order to cope with uie ever increasing demand far brick this will give steady employment to a number of men liere during uie winter months auction sales seem to be among the general order of u10 day ur james davidson of uus mountain has arrlvd liome from auelph oeneral hospital much improved in lteolui her many frlsndj liere hope coon to hear of her complete recovery a number of our young people attend ed a social dance at uie liame of tur and j eaves hallway avenue on wlday evening a number from lure were kindly en urtolned to a social party at the liomtt of mr and mrs angus mcdonald dolly varden on friday evening mr crolne vfry ably performed uie duties as master of ceremonies mr david harber of toronto callod on terra cotta friends recenuy ur harbor was a formrr resident of terra cotta or ualmonvllle as it was uien called 35 years ago ur harber notes a ureal many changes in uila burg- since then there wasjaultcancpldcmicof jnumpa in our village recently but all arc recover ing nicely now notice of registration of bylaw notice u liereby given uiat s bylaw was poised by uie municipal council of village of acton on uie nlnui day of october 103s providing for the luue of debentures to uie amount of to 7o0 00 for uie purpoxe of defraying uie slum of uie corporation of acton of uie cost of uie laymg of s concrete pavement on young and mill streets within uie sold village and expanses incidental uiereto and uiat such bylaw was registered in uut registry office of uie county of iralton on uie tenui day of october 103b as number 338 in book far bylaws any motion to quash or set aside uic come or any part uiereof must be made wluiln uiroe months after uie first pub llcauon of this notice and cannot be made uiereafter dated uus eleventh day of october 1028 il n faruxit 153 clerk uai una fad mr am u icrntncr pf colllnswaod vlidud frhndi lu uiadbdrflct but week uus margaret held bf georgetown visited on monday wlui mrs a coper ur hurry uliortlll u busy reshuigllng uie uanu urn imir ilrgusoii was at tier liame in ultcliliicr last wck ihr ihiirnil of mr auuanr bftirllr was held on monday inurmeiit ws luode in frln cumetery our sympathy is eslendrd to the bermvd one ur nald mclean ur luut been oil uie ttlck ibt for the iiast wk or so uitm mills tho wuiiinis uuslonary boclaty of uu ireibvtcruui church luld uuu an nual lliank olfering meung on lliurs- thiy nlttht mlvu mcwlubmis of ouelpli addrid tlu nkinlurs an uic uibjoct of ululons on ualurday night a nuuuiuoratl wgs hold ut kdgwood fsvlluui wlui s buu atundancc prunt a n whig oourm u blug builductod mitbir the uusplcns of thd women in- hututtr with miss phllh as bistructrubk thr ruji ti luld hi htm upper part oi ur n u unrbliajl building a credit able numb r of udw are svalluig tham- oekcs of uw opportunity of this two wnoks coutm fict nunmber 21 as sliown lost wwk uie bocur- ity available far uie protection of policy liolders in the imperial life is t4 433og0 wlureas uie com pany s liability to ibi pollcyluildtrs is only 13fl s33 7b3 tho imperial life uie re fore provides security of almost tllo for avrry tlqo or liability to pollcylioldcra frederick l wright acton hkiitkktn vai i ve xbiiiehal life aimiurince co of cumda have you entered the l9tv5 ian word contest lotus latin is the finest quality of llncnfinlshal stationery pro curable at popular prices for particulars and entry blanks enquire of a t brown acton ontauio acton express co tiut atan xxpresa co an nounce on extension of their dis trict to cover uie territory from ouelph to toronto commencing uiu week probtpl efficient service has made necessary uiu exlen- clon have your goods slilpped via acton express for quick and safe delivery kbottes aeuu 1x1 trttlla luudolph m acton jexpuess co tm trucks dally now in service tjobcc to creditors in uie matter of uie btate tif hoy archibald ulewart bile of uie township of erin hi uie county of wellington j chiropractor deceased wotlclc is liereby b i veil purouant to i gectlon bo of uie trustee act il b o 1014 chapter 131 uiat all creditors olid ouiers having claims or demands again- b uie estate of uie sold itoy archibald qtewart who died on or about the 0th day of july 1d3s are required on or be fore the 31st day of october 1d34 to send hy post prepaid or deliver tohlie undersigned uie administratrix of uie estate of the said deceased uielr chris- uan names and surnames addrtfcn and descriptions uie full particulars of uielr claims s statement of uielr aeoounu and uie nature of uie tccurlues if any held by uiem amd take nouce uiat after such lost mentioned date the said administratrix will proceed to distribute uie ossein of uie said deceased ordong uie parues enuued uiereto having regard only to uie claims of which she shall uien slave notice and uiat uie cald administratrix will not be liable for uie said assets or any part uieroof to any person or persons of whose claim nouce shall not have been received by her at u10 ume of such distribution evelyn blanche btewaut administratrix it r no i acton ontario by hrlggs pratt dillon as blrkb 85 itlchmond otrect west toronto 3 on tario her solicitors 133 castilc soap lonp bar for eagle milk per tin mill stftket notice of application to paruament notice la liereby given that uie mun icipal corporation of uie village ol acton will apply to the legulauve as sembly of uie province of ontario at uie next session uiereof for an act validating bylaw number 616 passed by uie council of the said village on uie fifth day of june a p 1638 for bor rowing 15 000 00 by uie issue of deben tunc for uie purpose of erecting and eatabllsldng a skating and curling lirk in uie said village of acton the value of uie rateable property in uie aald village according to uie but revised assessment roll is w38 b73 40 and uie total debenture debt of uie aald village u s19o3s7 07 tlie said bylaw has been submitted to and approved by uie electors cnutled to vote on money by laws in compliance with uie nrovl slons of uie municipal act dated uila pleven ui day of october 1038 j h n petluett municipal clerk 15 0 acton ontario uau and ktiule tidy wauiij earn 25 to 50 pktt weeic iooltiuiui opji hi city und country toh11 lie hti fcxptrt cani uatt unw whlld lshruuig w kuwrtuite teklliing foluiwing tradts hotie wblujc indukhrul idcoutouy gue wortt lutury welding ul- utabjuf brtchlaylttg moatming ttrlrtiig uut luli- urvhlng employment bcrvlctf fruni cot u cout lug danaiul write uuy for tfrm calslnstmi to uu old reliable ttrm hcmplilll trdn lihool ltd now mjuuxutod wlui dumuiliui trudd tldioobi 1 id boul dumliliua oovemmfcut chuxterwd ouuumuiuis c tumioiui trukj tielunda llmuw uwmi obiom um ulag ul w tocmat kasuini llrancha j luadtul uunlresl llatnlltoii ottawa- clearing aucrion sale townhhip of nabaaoawkya lauu stock imrlkuknts kxc the unilrrugned has received lnstxr- lnn from david manmn to all by public auction 91 1 lb inrm t 33 concession 7 nasaji my rltu- nttd tn uie toronto flaniii lllflhwnj aaji li im cn ivsoni cornets on filiiay octoneu 10 1s comn nclng at one o clock eharr uw following hoiuiko hay uare 7 ycun old gn- eral purpew clyde uare 13 yoars old llcy mare 7 years old geue11l purpoui itoan mare 4 years old heavy draught hran adding 3 yearn old lioavy draiuiht oowu- durham cow 7 years old bred jp june milking well durham cow 3 years old bred hi juno milking well jerwy oow 3 yean old milking well jerwy heifer hred in july jonry ifclfer brwl hi auauit a houmn hclfrs rlaing 3 years bred 4 halstjln he if cm ruisg 1 yar durluun helfur vising 3 voi 3 tlnrlng calvea luplkuktadrlng ii hi da r 7 twit tait uccormlrk ljowr 6 foot cut 10- foot dumtt hake 13 spout uecormlck ucd drill bprtng t00u1 culuvator tulum hariowii ib foot wllkmum no 31 vkw turhip imlikr uagnt cmui utorklor bi good iruiuibig order iumvy i wagon wlui box heavy wacun wlui limy rlk utml urel cop uuaky in ood ufdrr btt uf rhrml botlch uubalfllahd kirks llous uliovebt ciiolns and oilier rjtiwu loo nunicrouii to uienuon lfay 6 tons of mixed luy tldtuh kunis of 410 00 and uudt r casit ovtr uiat amount d monuui credit will be ulvcti on fiirnuhlng approved jobtt uoun 7 imf annum off to oaali koy uinltttty ahiur it it no 3 acton phone is- tobi o o plank clerk lfr3 do you read of course you do but can you do it in comfort or ii the enjoyment spoilt by headaches and sore eyes pnnrle glasses make read ing a pleasure geo s pringle optometrist nuil opucian hintons jewellery store every pftlday 1j0 to- 9 pm home comforts foil fall and winter evenings lltuc conveniences like unite electric head ins lamps ploor lamps etc and lunoker tletii sew ing cablncls add much to uie comfort and enjoyment of liame surroundbiga during uie all and winter monuis tliey are moder- ately priced 00 and the enjoy- nujtit received ls worth many umaa uw col cuue in ami wu olully hbotf you our block c b swagkhamer pumliitf aud lutdarv ftaiufal dlrelr lsa wuuw hl acud specials this week at mcleans ukus i i vnm dkkssks lint 2 ore i m uw lot oli r in sin illui kcd green si7i 1 ii ii mid iii ytiir w ii in nli uitli i nicy o q thiiliilinf 1 i o ilny pni f l sptti il tfir i7d ladiiv hoi si duishi4 i lit i r tkcvci mndc of warm m iti n i fir ulnar rfg ft wtiur i 11m lolori all mi sp till 11 vl j mimtth wiiirk hannflltn vvs jlllt llire dozen lit this lot i ori slrcr liijmi ijg h ntlk iktra kofid vulut nt 1 0 sptci il nt pll kovk fikwkiimki i ndmiwkmi sliirtu mid druwerb all size at v gfiv l r mfcn iikavy wool sm ks men i heavy wool sock rill wool i xtrn food vqlur xlt al i0c special lor ptr pair duc hknh wool wouk so k4 men wool worlt sock kerillar per pair of special for per pair jdc specials in grocery depl 15c 20c 10c 3 rice lbs for heinz tomato soup g fk per tin ilfc choice prunes lbs for sago lbs for 25c 28c 20c mclean co antyw ont specials ror i his week at the maple leaf economy mens turnnuuvs underwear men s turnbull s 2piece underwear pure wool unshrinkable regular 3 50 per garment sizes from 30 to 40 h while they last per garment jli7d mens mackinaw coats men s mackinaw coats norfolk style special at per coat ladies silk stockings indils stockings silk to the top tivc different shades sizes 9 9j 10 regular 75c per pair jq special tins week nt per pair 45c 595 childrens pantic dresses children s rianncl punjic dresses nicely made sizts 2 to 6 at each 198 maple leaf economy store a1ill stittet acton ontario hinton gift shoppe acton our sth annual xmas club is starting this week join at once and got your qltts paid for for chrltmas and jou will not mls uic money any amount dcpoaltcd each eck or pay day will soon amount to a um for christmas presents jewellery watches clocks china qtatlonery toya school supplies at lowest prices and best quality all repairs properly done at lowest pricea for uest work acton cooperative store mux street acjton phone i 1 lie canadian wlstinelioiim compun will appoint an at horded u citmihoubl dtakr for ation nuludinj exclusive niiliti in crcwsons corners i imthouit niismijawln and in tcrvcning districts whether you arl iilrtady ebtuhlishcd or uiii to jci ourself up in btisinesb the salt- of xtstinj hous batter les und battery operated radio in tin terntor oftcrb an cxeeptionul oppor tunity tvcry denier is supported h eileetu advertisinp and eo operation in his local aj tr ami denkr lulpb 1 urihei information may be unturned from im ai ton i hi i pin ss office or ellis howard limited kirciu ni it ontario chesterfield suites j at factory prices the bailey rurniture co have their own fnetory for the i manufiiclurc of chesterfield suites und it a ill p ty yuu to 1 see their stock hetore buying you ii hnd the quality high i uud the pnco low h two dguvmiyio acton i bailey furniture co dikkctly oiiohne i iv i1a1l i guelph ontphone 2182 i

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