Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 8, 1928, p. 1

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1 i ifly fourih eiir no i l thursday rvrninr novrmnrn b i02h acton ontario canada thursday ivpning novrmrhit h lf2fl six home print piiei five cental dsllurrlf gwruiwo ihtitth rllurrl a flamtbu acton mlnuter llev parsonage c l poole h d willow utreet f 1 1 00 n m tin mint tir subject i hnnli riving nnil iluinllliitl n in the i ight nf the cm 30 p m sun tiny school le on i i arc und good will am nig mm 7 00 p m rik mini t i subject i hunk giving di mini lr itnl riiurrday 7 30 p rn irnl r and lr iy r service jlriiihljirrtnii kfnox church acton 1100 n m 7 lie mlniih r blilijrct a blnnc of remembrance 3 00 p m sunday school hereon peace and good will among hon 7 00 p m the mlnliler subject diving thanks in i vcrythlng strangers leaving address wltli tlie ushers will be called unon by uio pastor i first honor roll thanksgiving sales of apparel nlw splcuil purehn ls li milkers ftttd enson discount rtjjnnipnirnnd re pricmj of fashion on hand to effect n qijick eltiuiince this week before bciinninj the prcpirn- tioni for christmas ajlmj which nlways come directly nftcf tlinnksivinjj resulting in nvinjjs on up to dnte modish f twin on- such ns will prove fortiinntc to those who need new wonrnbles for the tiinnksrivnij holiday and wish to plnn their purchases economically coats 20 to 33 13 ivr cent less than hajtlint cltliurrlf acton ruur wra j luxltir parsonage prederick street 2 30 p m sunday school 7 00 p m mr ulrlnni lonnue m a thursday a 00 p m prayer mecung unclaodifico small advertisements mwvf ob hal star couiic or sale apply eric hill p o box 100 or sai i first claj ont an cheap tor quick rulc apply after lx p m at no 35 bcardmore crescbnt lost tuesday evening on mill btrlet child s puree valued ns a rift reuurd pi com ri turn to mrs rov kumiey iiodst to tl nt on brock avrnuc will be unoccupied december 1 apply j 11 taylor brock avenue storm windows storm windows ready glazed a low ns si 60 bend tor freight paid price halliday company 104 7 iihlday bids hamilton for kint on young street a six room pnunc house frost and wind prodf woodshed attached apply to jlan mclean phone 414 r r no 3 acton i- or salf a number of young yorkshire soub bred elidible for reglstrauon pilcco right for immediate sulc a j murray phone 0013 r r no 1 acton dog lost black and white humid with tan head sliort set narai spark lcvt between acton and georgetown ocloncr 13 reward plnder communicate with bert a 17 3 14b wcsuodgc avenue toronto- farm tor hall ico acre lot 3 conccton 7 lrn masa 130 working silo litter carrier hydro telephone feed or so head of cattle lor winter a bargain for quick calc at 10 500 easy terms no cxcluuur fred day 10tf rockuood optarlo noticl all ex service men and the militia arc earnestly requested to meet at the band hall opposite baptist church at 0 30 a m sharp on monday november 12 ready to fall in behind the bond to march to the town hall for memorial service come and honor your lullen ccmrudc noticl tin annual mltnurtui service in nas- sagaweya will be held on monday november 11 ut two o clock u m sir vice beginning at the soldiers monu mrnt will be contlnuid at the naagu ueya prcsbyleriun church suitable muric will be provided mid an uddrrsj given by rev ii a omham oi ouelph i- or hal ok rlnt the lot ond 1 hops on the hln clalr property are for sale or rent in whole or part mill which is lqulpiwd with woodworking machinery can be operated ilther with wuhr r tuctrlc power pmaliriul u li lance inlulit ik llvii if required u iwrau mill apply p a smi hi r tf main btrcct acton co its up to s37jio at 2495 regular prices coal up to i sim0 at coils up to s950 at 2975 3495 ulmaitkaim h a1 economics oo at 129 and 19 75 splendid vuriuii to pick from in fur fabric color sizls for everybody ij lo 10 id to 20 6 to 4t igj to 20j 40j to i8i4 save on a new dress generous reductions featured by the folloutnr groups tjjivivlv j- bolid slmdi g at 5ilal crepes nil sizes at 10 75 and 24 s sub stantial mnrk downs in high grade styles lea womens and misses sizes and nlso jer sey dresses at 14 05 satin crepes georgettes flnt crepes georgettes and velvets 3 m1llinlrv in thl thanksgiving salc merely illvctional pricls d macdonald bros ltd gueijirs laucest store dally closinc 5 30 p m i xcepllne sat unlay tit d 30 p m specials for this week granula1ld sugak 10 ltb fur wc rukc lahn per lb 19c heinz catsup urge 23c eagle brand milk 1 tuib tor 35c dfclux jelly powdfrs s iuekets for 25c lunch qufen olivls ll oz size 35c matches boxes for 23c standard peas 2 tins tor 19c campbell s tomato soup 2 tins for 19c sidl bacon per tb 34c lemons per dozen 25c oranges honda good size per dozen 30c kindly place all orders ftirly tiils week to lrmure prompt delivery for the holiday cham red white store j v jones plionc 20 acton ont wonderland fttllday novlmntil the i rcwlom of the prcv a iiielodruniulic tlury otarriim lrwtn suiiit rlurcellnc day und hay den suvnun comedy bub tier nccka pcllx cartoon pulur itzy satuiidav novimmit 10 the divine woman with the fuiuouu uwtduh him blur orcta ourbo comtdy cab vour shol i ok nlwu monvihy novi mhlil is vild jt mallner at 3 00 o clock adapud trom uin prlw wn ilnic novel by martha ouiui no 4 lanuin tin mlullty conudy jut thi tyi mutliu prlc3 10 ami 1 i iiluht prkiil uc ulltl ttllsilay novfmhut 13 rose mnrit adajiud from tin mualcal pluy tlmt run for two yiuru on llroail way a niinunct of uu untanud ciiiiiidtan ulltt i ju t conmli 11 tar lim i hi with ihr flann 1rllj ijc und 3at it lutimi v this weeks candy specials butter puhh rcgulur 40c ier lb for ptr lb mjtraschimi ch w luu che rrlt r ulur 10c lb for iier lb ajrtd ctucolut rijiilur 4l mil boc lb tor licr lb hot drinks and lunches 40c 33r our 1 uu h lt4kin un pi j in alti r ui tmv uii hot drink mid dulahtful luni he vliiiiu und you will lu pli aud wllii harold wiles acton of tli pnscnt term tor acton iuhlic sclioola the mnitriing or pup lb in varl hih dcpnrtmcnfh for october srnlnr iourth ami ii i i vim i nn catherlup macklr j71 lummy rllrol 500 marnurrlle hon hi j clurn uaurr 6i loum hall 10 junior i our tli acorijf molowli r mop chlnholm ion nnrvyllmnrd h2 loniic lratll am ilb marjorie near 471 teddy ilntinn 4cd total 100 z ilnnnrtt prlncipil s nlor tl in man j l arnold 4d0i may bruce 471 harold killing 417 vera nawllnnn 451 helm cnmpijell 44n martrufrll currip and frcup nilott 447 total fl d politer nehpr junior third ornci oibjin 5011 ithel woods 461 kathlpen iluard 451 henry ivcra 44d affnpa chi holm 447 fllen dunn 444 total coo m orr tcurhcr junior tlilrj vim cojip 313 thclma crlppn 307 helen lamb 27d prcddle turner 37j wtlmn hiuinrn 330 charlotte mamiiall 230 rinift ilriilda 330 total 400 senior hecoutl nilly illancli 2d5 grace stewart 370 francis jenninfn 207 jack oraham 07 murjiarct kelly 340 lucy mac arthur 240 violet elliott 331 total 400 i anderson teaeher junior second icnthlelii chapman 3m theresa campboh 302 ada elliott 301 memo ilflwlon 205 plleen drundle 300 aeorne lazenby 200 total 450 senior fimt donald drown 204 pre da aucincon 2g2 helen wltllcrs 233 helen orown 222 annie anderson 231 ethel par fjctrr ib total 350 mm c kniinrtytrrichrr miibrr in ufa gifuru when the frost is on the puntun an the fodder s in the shock farmers find n few r rains f corn have multiplied into a crop thanksgiving day monday november 12 prnncn dlllfl 24s jack jlollfnircr 230 walter lamb 300 francefl mc dowel 100 oordon bo vac e 104 ilalph hancrn 103 total 250 n antfenjon teaeher senior primary pranccj paplllon catherine ileumne beucc parctter jean evana norman wrljtht william duchanan junior primary lino marzo dllllc plelcu duue ecclc aliall kathleen aibbcnfl donajdo beth unt annie marshall a w macmlllan teacher junior primary doubioj smith delia vonwyclt rino flraldo stanley evann jackie cooney tommy watson m h moore tonchcr jubilee services at balunaiad aide sermon by nialiop warne of net yurk jubilee tfa on monday 1venlnc uu united church at ilalllnafad eclc braud with kem in te rent uic jubilee of the church on sim day and monday many former rcidenta who worshipped in the church there in former ycoro an scrtiblcd to attend the jubilee ecrvlccn and the cangrcratlon taxed the church building a capacity at each of the cer vices bishop warne who spent forty yea j as a missionary and bishop jn the work of the methodist episcopal church il the mcthodlrt church of the unltte states in india preached able sermons sunday the fact tlmt he was an erin boy and that his birthplace was only two or three miles from bajllnamd created an added interest to his presence the bishops momlns term on was a powerful discourse it was based on 1 cor 0 id your body is the temple of the holy ohosl in his introduction the bishop referred to llie great tcrnptco earth many or which he had seen vte the temple at jerusalem and others in india and elsewhere thcce were all built at great coat they were built with view to permanency they were built upon lines of jiarmony and beauty they were dedicated aptly these features were applied to the subject or the text tic tcmpli of tlie body- and imprccnive lessons were vividly presented and all ere exhorted to live lives consistent with the text purine his sermotu bishop warne took occasion several times to rive cx- prc ijloti to his appreciation of the great work lnlnc accomplished by the united church of canada in the home and forelim missionary fields rev mr oandler the minister ex pressed his delight at the success of the ooldcn jubilee services and at cccina many of the former m embers and residents present and at receiving letters f regret tram a number wlio would uladly attended if they had been able lo do so mr bhnrtlll of toronti a member of the church and community fifty years am broimht happy brectlnoa irom the city from ex mayor hilui a choir numbering about thirty all hum the coiiiireipttluii led in ule servlir of pralte during the jubilee lervlcei lt v mr wuddell uu former pastor wii i i now tiuperunnuated and living in toronto was present and took part in proceedings and enjoyed himself fully show booms and htoill willow sturu acto hinmtal diiiixtor new model n i iiiipjjiint ciiiefti und ellilicnt service tit er modtinte tost an amrih antl slitvicl dk liixl mieuliti tut eijuij ped wnh marshal stunt dry muttres i icsh liinidired linen lui efleh patient phone 1 lih furniture window sluide nrhun und knj- he ihitdwaki slovl s pain is oii lic serious auto crash rorunlo youn people crash into t lire li irk outfit just east of acton on the highway wo iuiunto yi uns people mr m ililitoii of 0 bedford iload and mlsa dc io thy grant of 173 madison avenue had a aerloua motor accident on tha hlghuuy last of acton last prlday even uu when they crashed into the rear nd of mckuctiern urus threshing outfit i lie young jwoplc were motoring west i in toronto to a jiarty at the o a c i n ouelph alien about 300 feet west f tht fourth hue uiey caught up to the i ui i mlilng outnt of mcenchem bros go log in the same direction visibility was vi iy poor on 11 day evening owing tt li uvy fog and the car crashed into the ivuta tank of the threshing outfit and na thrown into thr ditch it la gold the tlirr ihjng outfit curried the required llghlb und hud tojtrn nil necessary prc- riiutlous to guard against accldenl lilt cur which won a 1037 mclaugh lin ilulck was being driven by mlvi or ml it way almost totally wrecked tlu driver teemed to escape terious injury but mr henderson was badly ii by thr glaxi and otherwise injured 1 h y worn brought to acton and tenipor- i y tri iitmrul given tlieir injuries by hi ni lion and they were then conveyed tij ambulance to toronto on thr titinduy llext n ivriubor i in lining service of tit alban s church will t miiunci ut 1045 a ni instead of 1110 ti ullow tm tuo minuter niunce bi li i i luirld various news items baptist church anniversary the anniversary services of the acton lop tint church will this year be held on qunday december 3 the special pinker fur the day will be rev m l orchard m a of toronto formerly or winnipeg strrtvllle rink named tlir streetsvillo skating rink wan den troyed by are tuesday night the blase brenknr oiitnhortly after rlgllt o ell vuiandirrpetthebrtbbdccoti31uer ably altliough the winds abatntrmnt helped to prevent the spread of lue blaze defective wiring is believed to have been the cause county jail statistics the county jail year ends oeptcmber 30 every year the number of prisoners confined during 10271020 in the milton jul was 217 214 males and 3 females sentenced to reformatory 12 to peni tentiary 11 of the total number con fined there were 148 canadians 3d english 10 irish 0 scotch and 0 americ ans number who were married si males und 2 females unmarried 103 males and 1 female 5 prisoners could neither read nor write 135 males and 1 female were reported as being temperate dally cost of prisoners rations fl7 57 officers salaries 1 d00 pood clothing fuel and repairs 034 os total upkeep of gaol s3 040 00 milton reformer general interest news ilitieliouse preibyteriin chureli an nlverury f ntrrtanlment the anniversary entertainment of llrnehourc presbyterian church will be held on prldny november 0 good pro giammc and tea will be served after the programme admlslon 35c and 15c knox choir nterlalned ilcv and hn a c stewart were host and hostess to the members of knox church choir nt a haunar rn irr1njrinmwrjr0ciin sbd lave vu7 nirnir time made a delfghliul evening far the choir members at tills function knox young people guild nn meetliift on tuesday rvenlnn of knox younn people s society had the pnrldent mr mac stewart occupying he chair after the bcrlpturc reading oy miss vera hurst the members repeat i d the lord s prayer a reading was jlvcn by miss prances hurst and a quartette number by mrs liev a c ttunrt mm m r moore and messrs v v rumlcy and alex mann mr p bait was their accompanist polio wing hese numbers the missionary committee took charge of the meeting mr mcdon ld who was scheduled to give the ad dress was prevented from doing so by illnc in the family itev mr stewart lavc n splendid address in hts stead on the aorl in the ml ian fields in the wcswm provinces injuries iatal to aged itockwoad resilient blinded he told pic police by the glaring headlights of an approaching motor car on the highway at rock wood last thursday night harwood gossclln failed to sec harry peach on aged lesldcnt walking along tlie rood and crashed into him causing bodily injuries which resulted in his doath on sunday at the home of his daughter where he was removed following the accident the accident imppened on the gucphtor onto highway on the outskirts of the village when gossclln who was blinded by the glare of headlights from an ap pruachlng car failed to observe peach who was walking along the edge of the roadway at the time the accident oc currcd mr pencil who is 70 years old und a pioneer resident or the village was returning home after visiting friends he sustained severe cuts about the head and a fractured skull aelan women institute meeting the regular monthly meeting of the women s institute was held at the home f mrs geo agncw mill street on ihursday afternoon of last week with forty five ladles present the- pre sldent mrs ii b wilson presided the inccnng opened will the institute ode follow d by pmyir the report of the mi commit tee a werc girn and other bu in tii di cnr rt with the iuitltute uuul d ilng heir duty where tluue in di tress need help acton institute u ivinr a pair of blankets and some knives and forks to the family who lost their home near georgetown mrs gardiner favored the ladles with a solo milch was much appreciated mm blow gave an instrumental which was well uppluudcd the main feature was the address by mrs atkins of tli wood lands bronte the district president alio presented some splendid ideas and told of some of her own work among the institutes the meeting closed with the institute anthem after which a social li ui waa spent a mighty upheaval cue of the largest and most successful xpionli ns of dynamite ever set off at the nl1 if tli- ioronto lime company at hlr works at oolly vardcn about a il out of town was discharged about ui o clock last prldny afternoon the loikinm had drilled ten tholcs about t u feet apart and ten feet back front tseirpmcnt which at this paint was forty five feet high three tliousand pouiuli f dynamite was used fur tlu rhargi i he ulurni to clear was glvaa und a ft w seconds later lil detonator key was pressed to contact and with a rberutliig roar the earth trembled und hundreds of tons of limestone rock puiihtd outward and dlstlu teg rated frugmi ills readily prepared for de- poi mint ui kilns to jie converted inl i dong gny lime so much in demand hj the building contractors throughout llu province the manager mr w cloudy ail his stall of workmen coll ide lhl- i iiuve been eiui of the mot net esful mnj ir blast i th y have ever iiiluiud iliu n true both in thr p ii in nt f tin mus1 und the eom- ll uu if the di lutrlrutuin mr cl dy liul u few privllrgid frit ndt at a i ifi n tuut t i ilw th ii i lw i lh dyiiaiulle blut presented new flag far park last week the lakeside chapter of the i o d e presented to the town officials a new flag to be flown from the flag poe at uie park entrance tills same organization presented the first flag for the park entrance and since it has be come worn have graciously substituted a new ono to take its place settled out of court the georgetown aault catc was set lied out of court on tuesday the pirjcs with their counsel got together consulted over the matter and the dc f ndant frankly admitted that lie had done wrong and offered an apology to the aggrieved party they shook hands nir the matter and reported their action to court the magistrate express ed his satisfaction that the matter was thus amicably cturd and permitted the ulthdrauul of the eliiirrte a graduate t ullrral director mr v ii uumlcy who has been i sltlng johnstone a co oj funeral direc tor for die past tuo or three years and has been studying to pass the examlna liana fur qualifying as a funeral director und embalmcr received uord this week that he has passed ills examtnat oni with a high standing in the class and has received his certificate the fll exam in a liana uerc held at toronto a october 23 mr rumley friends will indeed be pleaded lo icam of his succcut in his qualifying fr lib ctiui n profess on he uill still continue wlui johnston si co here the united church young people a the united church young people s meeting was held on monday evening and the programme wil given by the maple leaf group ltd by j clvin gambit mu viola sprawl read the scripture lesion mla marjorie swltaer gave n paper on the selkirk settle ment and j elvln a amble a paper on louis rcll miss bennett then gave an interesting talk about her wclcm trip and told of visiting the places spoken of by the other speakers mrs j k gar diner rendered a vocal solo and other members of the group contributed items of interest concerning wctem canada taxis square lects officer this week the annual election of officers of the tuxls square of the united church was held and the following were elected prctor william wilson deputy oeorge poole camp tor melvln locker scriplor will ramsdcn nominee for tuxu boyi parliament j elvin gamble the following delegates were also ap pointed for the orcat adventure con terence to be held in toronto on no vembcr 10 1718 will wilson ocurge poole j elvtn gamble id e ii vln- c ut mmtor men s club mrrtlng por tin lint miittuu of th picsint mutn i the mdif club of ihr united church a splendid programme luis been arranged the speaker for this meeting which will be held next wednesday evening novemtm r 14 will be mr j u curd of ouelph who will deliver an illustrated lecture on bermuda mr card is a former resident of bermuda and has a very interesting address to deliver musical numbers will be pro v id cd by the orchestra and lunch will be served the topic tor lunch hour dls cusslon will be how can the church make more effective her appeal to men a lilt and run motorist three little girls were injured by an unknown motorist saturday at streets vlllc ahllst they were returning to their lumci from the picture fchrtw the mo lor l l alighted from the car a stolen machine and fled leaving one of the injured glru pinned beneath the car llucn chambers uvea yearold dough tor of mr and mrs horace chambers was the moit w rlouily injured suffering cuts und brules to the face and i mis slblc intrrnal injuries her sister plor enei aged ntni was also bruised about the face while hazel height nine year- id daughter of mr and mrs cliarl 4 illiglit had htr knee bruised and scraped the motor it u as ulti mptlug to pas- unothcr car and turned n to the side walk running directly into the three children poxers by released the little girl und the chlldnu vcn taken to tlu r lioinrs where dr u h smith olunud them tlte driver of the car disappear- od bfur unyone could barn his ideu tity the cur b 1 mgi d to stanley clnr man of ivwtville und had been purkfd lu flint of lied currwi iioiup whrre mr liriiiun wu uttetidldi u purty it j la alhgul tin tur uos i uli n from this i li lul li wiiliui pi hi i nu liieitlg itlng uu uhulr the armistice day services next monday i will commence nt the town iinll nt 10 00 n m and continue nt monument nnd i nirview acton s annual ttmnkrglving and armlntlrp day rervicn in which the wh ili town and adjoining country lite are arked to participate will lie held on monday morning next november 13 itrrve mason in ids proclamation rn mil l that every citizen attend if pos i 111 if nml join in the service the pro i rumine which lue been arranged by tlu clergy of the town is a most impres rivp one at ten o clock the nrnt part of the crvlce will be held at the town hall r vi ry one u rcriucsted to attend prompt ly so that uic service may start sharp at this hitur the acton citizens band will liead a par ule of vetrronr from tha band hall to the town hall to take part in the rervlec the service at the town hall will be opened by the ringing of the national anthem reeve a mason on belialf of the council will then give a brief sd dress and the hymn beware lest thou porgct thy god will be sung loliow lng this rev p a sawyer will lead hi prayer and the scripture lesson will be read by rev a c stewart tlie address will he delivered by rev c l poole and the announce men is concerning the remainder of the service will be made by mr j p qcorrow two oilier hymns fight uic good plght of faith and ihc lord ls my light will also be rung during the service at tlie town all a parade consisting of acton citizens band uic veterans uic various societies of the town uic clergy and ue ciuxens nil then proceed to the soldiers monu ment for part two of the service at uic memorial uic doxology will be rung and uic various societies and cltlx ens will place floral tributes at the base a f rinn imp fi wsulj mfmrv i it try tiin i monument and parlor w j baxter will lead in prayer tlw taa minutes silence will be observed here and the sounding f the last post will bring this part of uie service to a close tlie parade will then reform and pro ceed to palrvlew cemetery here uie junior daughters of uic empire will be avil ted b rev c l poole and pastor w j baxter in decora ung the graves of soldiers inti rred there two vercec of the hymn nearer my god to thee will be sung nnd the benediction will be pronounced by rev a c stewart once a year this opportunity ls pre sented the citizens to honor uioce who fell in the greas war in a public service und acton citizens usually avail ulcm elves of this privilege of paying eheii sprcls by u ndlng in good numbers variety of news mecllnc of st albans women auxiliary ihc wmins auxiliary of bt aban churrh h id t very euthieloruc mceung on llmndiy november i at which iiiik nutil wire made to liold uic uiniiul iiiciiitr a sliowcr on behalf of the bazaar vtns arranged to be lie id at i suclil gathering on november iq much trrauflcallon was ckprcsscd at uie ippo tunlty to hear mrs waller mis plenary in jiian for ulirtycight years who is to address a special mcettng in georgetown on november 14 for all the local branches of the women s auxiliary institute nranchea bent rale of clothing a bale of bedding and alouilng was cnt up north to a blind woman at spanish station from the different branches of uic women s insutului at the north end of the county 3 quilt 1 pair wool blankets 3 pair flannelette blankets 2 pair pillow slips 1 pair towels 2 suits underwear for boys and combin ations for girls also sweaters coats dresses and a lot of clouung to make over wen included in the shipment the brandies contributing erc acton ban nockbum dublin usqueslng george town and norval the ton uic m end of tha county also sent one and it was very much appreciated a missionary banquet tlie bun quel and district ga uic ring of ouelph presbytery of uie united church held in dublin street church ouelph in the interests of the maintenance and extension fund of he church proved a very intcresung and enjoyable function tlie principal speakers of the evening were mr w h cairns or the bell tele- pliono co toronto rev dr m unlock mcicuinon of runncymcde church tor onto and mr oeorge 8 prlngle mis tsiunary in the yukon who is homo on furlaugti the following delegates from acoin united church attended rev o l ihmiic b d mrs adah ic ostranuer mrs mcleod messrs john r kennedy thus watson prank kennedy l o jaluiiton j c matuicws and carl ii vincent llauie llarmlnr at tbr new parbonagv llr c l iikiic b d is now com fi rtubly settled in uir new partfmagc in ilouir awmic which ie formerly thr niltlruci mr and mm c c henderson a cordial invitation was extended to the congregation of the united church to visit the new premises on wednesday evening and und how c unftirtably the minister is now situated a large number accepted uie invitation and spent uic evening with llr poole id oeorge many expressions of pleasure id satisfaction wore heard rosnceuno th parsonage its furnishings and ap pulntmcut mrs dr dryden of new york who is spending a few weeks with her slstcnt mrs ii s holmes arid mrs a i nlcklln contributed scvhl piano selections during theevenlng tjie rfltp tiers of the ladles aid uoclcty served freshmenta and the evening proved a ry pleasant one uiroughouu bljt block sale at nracaplon a grand total of fcj 680 was realized a sale of 00 animals at the u ii bull uud sons instate near brampton thirty hie buyers wrre present three states michigan ohio uud new york being represented beildes canadian points included lu tin list offered were a nunv b r of in dlgreed baby calves uiat wcut lr m 15 upwards to 175 the average prli r meclved was 31 bollna s pet u five yeureild was uie high price cow hi lug purchased by col macon george- low n l w ncsbitt woodstock got tub outstanding animals darlington s deluctte and ooldcn jingling uu which brought 1 400 and tl 000 respectively senator hardy s purchase of unexpected c illu a uirce yearold fur 1 250 and three ouicm for t3 1 76 takes four una cijih brockville uenator k a luuo iwun onturlu wus uli a buyer get ting dvr hind fur u toiul price of 1 475 i i st 100 john pruigle or iondon i i cured brampton orange zinnia a kiord daughti r or innlau hultan wlillr a it los of ann arlu r muh laid ju l siou hsu for jueeesors war duly tlic communitys social side of life vbiori to aiul ivom town during the pwit web tut glfamsd by tite irvee vrtm mr piiflrne mcpherson was linme from ioronto over sunday miss margaret j muedonald epent ule wrek end in toronto me r maxwell and charles hell uere home from toronto for over the week end mr hnraci nelson of mlnakl ontario h bendina a few weeks at ills iiome here mrs tlios rumjey returned uils week from a vlrlt with iier daughters in new york n y mrs roy rumley and children ant vlslung at uir home of mr and mrs thoo rumley mr and mrs thomas bird and master leonard or hamilton visited mr and mrs j e a amble messrs chan allan and robert chal mers left on friday an a imnurtg trio to mnnltoulln island mr robert mcicechnle and mr geo soper of rochester n v vlsltml at air and mrs oeo copers but week mr and mrs ernest hail and family and mr and mrs lavery of kitchenc spent oupday with acton friends miss myrtle coper of roc lies ter n v li spending a few monuis wlui her parents mr and mrs geo coper mr and mrs w el hamlin kir lome and ulss evelyn of toronto visited wlui acton relauvcs on sunday ur richard bomerville of london was here this week to visit his mother mrs nancy somarvllle wlio is critically bcliool convention in ouelph on tuesday evening mr and mrs wm jolirutone and mrs stanley russell and muster hilly or oakvllle visited friends in london this week dr and mrs kannawln and family of toronto and mr harold torrance at ouelph spent sunday at uie home of mr and urn a kannawln mr and mrs p a gmlui and miss pearl motored to brace bridge this week to attend the opening ceremonies of uie new hospital uier on monday mr and mrs malcolm mclean were called to clarkson on monday uiroufh the sudden death or mr dear brouier- inlaw tlie funeral will take puoe this afternoon mrs oeorge bran do w urn chariot to macdanald and miss carlnne and ur oordon johnston of hamilton spent sunday with friends in acton and vicinity mr and mrs j e gamble attended uie golden jubilee of uic united church in balllnafad on sunday uie church of jie latter a childhood days unul coming io acton in 1d01 mr p l wright attended a luncheon last thursday of the life underwriters association held at uie wyndham inn ouelph addresses were given by ur a l wright toronto assistant uanafcer sun life and others mr wuilam stalker who had been considered able to leave the liospltaj last week had to return again to uuvt in stitution for treatment to uie injurtes of his hip he is now making aatb- factory progress toward recovery a sonttletv league contest tlie women s chruthen temperance union announce another contest to instil temperance principles into uie sunday school scholars or the dominion tlie prizes for this contest are as foliowc ontario w c t u prize3 seniors 14 to 17 years inclusive noyo first prise a bicycle second prize a wrist watch third prise a foun tain pen to each of next 13 highest a book oirls ptrst prlxc a fitted cluo baa second prize a wrist watch third prixe a fountain pen to each of next 13 high- est a book juniors 13 years and under the same as above with the exception uiat uie first prise for girls ls a camera halton county w c t u prizifl for girls and boys each in both uu senior and junior grades prizes will be given as follows first piixe 3 00 second prize 1 00 third prize 50c acton w c t u prized the acton w c t v are giving a prize of 15 00 to highest contestant hi acton in the senior division and 3 00 for uie highest in uie junior division national w c t u and dooaall prizes over 1 000 prizes including softie at tractive cheques will be given by tlu above to contestants in the dominion pass and honor centlficatko pass certificates will be given to all contestants who do well in uielr examin ation honor certificate to thou doing very well every sunday ochool in uie county of hal ton la eligible in thea coaipeuuon thl poppy day aps with uie near approach of armlsuci day we are again reminded of uu heroic deeds of canada s sons and liow gladly they gave of uielr all in order that the world might enjoy a full measure oifrrcdojo wo orohavlng a poppy day campaign to raise funds to carry on tha work of caring for the disabled extervlc men during uie past year a large amount of useful work lias been done we tiavo secured adjustments of pen sions relief lias been given transporta tion lias been paid for veterans letters of information hove been written and soldiers interest have been protected we uicycforc on uic strengui of our record appeal to uie public of acton and vicinity to receive kindly uie boys selling popples and by purckasing same luip tlia disabled ex soldier to lielp himself acton branch of uie canadian legion tilt evening ueal diukhtku little albert came home from school wltli a new book under his arm ita u pruw niotlier he said- a prlxer what fur dear pot natural history teacher asked up how many legs on ostrich had and i uld three but un ostrich has two ugj i know unit now mot in r but llu n t f tin du 11 uld four mi i wus out uuiest

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