wfiftghswf nil itouie or gtyr jfott 3ffrrr ftofl tiik acion j- kick iltkii j uf rvrnirik it thr free tim 1111 mred aulu lirit- itjnn lr cliarffcil omilitiuii slale the tint paij ia inlirairi advertising rate will he foi jilay ailvcrtlilnu tli uniiol g a lllliji iijiitoi telkpiionks ndikirlal anil limine iteaiilcnca f not much improvifl willi tiuurly tho wliola of canmjii under vnrioiin rnnii of government control of intoklciitini jiquors it in intcroiunj ta note how jji i i uydtcin in ilt de- frcttuiiii thu consumption of intouiciint mid u tuih- mitntiitl hicrctifu in imports nf hestj hveritkefi fa shovm prom the united kingdom for tht year cmlinj septenihcr the value or alcoholic leverages imported with u7s5ou compared with 30101- 530 for the previous corresponding yenr the report of the traffic in liquors nr shown hy tho septenihcr record or imports from great britain and exporta to the united stater also shows the concidernrlc traffic thnt ir hoin done under inwn supposedly aimed to curtail thin business during september qui ada imported from the united kingdom hrnudy valued at 21728 jin nt 505400 whiskey at z- 175001 niid wines at b057 a twtal o 3381177 exports vo the unied stater of alcoholic beverages for the snmc month were ale and beer valued- at 5721 nnd whiskey lit l201 n total of 1- 82303 thursday evening november 8 1028 cnnfluva exjwrtfl of dairy products for the first eight months of 1928 canada ex ported milk and milk products to the value of 18- 482518 the british isles is canadas best customer or cheese the product which heads the export list with 51743400 pounds valued nt 11300448 the uutiiulstatestoojk jojhj- 3840100 lind 2418240 gallons of milk worth 500- 151 the other dairy exports were made up of butter co4idenscd milk mikpowdcr evaporated milk and casein this is an ccouroeing condition thanksgiving if ever there was a year that great cause jt3euilonsorcroflm worth of 1028- what has prohibition done this question was asked recently at one of the popular congresses held in the united states the answer was promptly answered with a cogency which sent the great gathering wild with applause as fol lows it has put the liquor business out of business with the government it has put the government out of business with the liquor business the liquor traffic control over governments its influence in politics in our courtc and over the country at large is known to all weve got out of business with it and got it out of business with us and will stay out october a high record month for accidents the safeguarding of industries has been made a live topic by the pressin the post few months soys r b morley general manager industrial ac cident prevention associations but hardly enough attention has been given to safeguarding of cm- ployccs in industry he states that october has established a new high for all time in total number of accidents reported to the workmens compen sation board in one month in october there were 8278 accidents reported to the board 51 of which were fatal this figure tops the total for october 1027 by more than igoo reports benefits awarded last month which included a number of heavy cost cases totalled 70747131 of which 1164547 was for medical aid death cases have reached 400 in ten months of 1028 against 420 in the whole ot 1027 mr morley pointe out that there is every indication that tile fatality experience of the classes of industry in the industrial accident prevention associations will show little if any change in 1028 up to date the record of deaths in those classes which represent about jwotiiirds of the payroll in schedule i is 42 cases in 1028 again 38 in 1027 just ten years ago on sunday and monday next we will celebrate the eleventh armistice day ten years have passed since the armistice was signed that closed f great war even the young men and women of today at twenty years of age will hove but a dim recollec tion of that rejoicing thnt came when the great guns that had boomed destruction for four years were silenced if only for this reason alone it is well to keep alive this remembrance day with suitable memorial services and recall all that that day of rejoicing meant to ull these countries and peoples that were engaged in this world conflict acton was among the first municipalities to perpetuate by erecting their memorial the memory of those who gave their lives in the great struggle since that time the annual memorial service has become a fixed feature in the calendar of events carried forth on the schedule of municipal activities it is indeed fitting that tins day should always be a day of remembrance coming as jt does on thanksgiving t5ay however when many are away from home the question arose this year when plans were being made for the observance that possibly it would be best to transfer the armistice service to the sunday previous to thanksgiving day and observation of the day be made byholding the services on that day this year november ii comes on sunday but it was felt advisable to continue the custom of former yearn if the idea of changing the observance to sunday finds favor with the citizens the servicer will in all probability be hereafter held on sunday whatever the day chosen may all loyal citizens join always in this day of remembrance the years are rolling by and memory of that grout day of rejoicing ten years ago is not ayrresh today as it wnjt then but no mutter how niuny years intervene let us nlways ytause to perpetuate by a special service all that the day meant to the world then and its observ ance und recollection of the great war in the present day will mean toward maintaining the pejice and ffrobpcrfty we arc now experumciti the unroof will gel you jf you dont wiitch out the announcement last week in the- daily press of the voluntary assignment of j k l ross with nearly half a million dollars claimed would seem to bear out the statement often made thnt the race horses finally fjctv those who continue to play them and stay with rnj game the action followed petition in the bankruptcy court by the baltimore trttst company asking that he be adjudged a bank rupt the bnltimorp trust company stated mr ross was indebted to them for 43283303 with in terest from may 7 1027 the debt arose it was stated in the trust companys petition from two drafts endorsed nnd guaranteed by tho debtor and made by the laurel park stud company which com pany it was stated was now insolvent on one draft for 215000 an amount of 5800 had been paid on neeount and on the other draft for 225000 an amount of 130037 had been paid on account in support of the petition the trust company pointed out that at a recent meeting of credits j k l ross presented a statement of his assets and liabilities from which it appeared that he wtas insolvent and unable to meet his liabilities generally as they became due neighborhood news kulkt mr o 1c ovnramn mmiy fricntln tmi iileulid timc lilrii wbtn lo lut huclt to liiihliiriifl tollowlnu uii ututux of utwtutl- cltlii minn a dow of toronto wiu ilia kuunt or mjrji myrtle moicinnty over tlw wek- lirl nr mil mm mcmane untl lllllij duiililiht at toronto wtri fltntduy visi tor with mr uml mrn it w hull mr a do huruin liu tfikm a jwuilutm in urn mcuduhjii ttirnltura wo lory ut ljont aimnioncjx diituui on uotiduy qcoruc wilt likely bo onllm ttlor jt o ll a uim during tlm camlmt winter now that tho llftw slitwtl u oocll u truffle iuul nnny urn making kpnd- woy of ll vtjami u tlniptlin hint thnt upctticojs oatitichi luund making ii nlircrve the traffic act twenty mllrj in tlirt limit with n nttlftu it lliter- ectlnnif in the villain wlilln tlilrtyflvit 1 ilia limit mi tho hlahwy advocaui vnur huntrn from ouluwa have ijon immnnnd to appenr lutfom muhlatrutfc mcllvoen on mnntlnylo amiwcr a clinrifn lion l li u eamn in tliu dbitrlct without hdvlnu the ncceutury hcenw twelve niotorlflu npprtctred in pol lea cc nrt on tii end u y for kiwidlus on tho naj tororitj- hamilton hlflh- wnjfl jind were fttittl the minimum nnd tostji newb armistice servicm at oeors dqunre on dunday november 11th fio umth nnnlvcrsary of the umntfr war the world over eaw cannon d niuuiell omltlt wlio has iwicn abniint from town for a month b back to oflkvillfl again and will occupy his pulpit u rector ot tit judea on ounday nixt record walter harlanil fjmltli lion purcliaccd the vacant lot from jos i mftlvmutt on which ut mcdcmiottfl fanner barber flhop stood wm whltakcr jim win aalbmltli and u emlui are leavlna till com inn week for tlie parry bound district i b dear huntlnff vacation david wauon and t mackle of oak- vllle were taktm to gl ulcliaels hainiul following tho upcetune of uielr truck into a dltcli hear lakevlew neluicr were danacroncly injured star conservative am5ujtaton j officers imiud kl annual mun- lfld t mllton luatrfbturday mrtlt addia by iiti w if trio tim hiiiuih hlimilihtf of hid itmldtl fllmrulcoiuhirvotwri ajhjiuiioo ws lild ut wlluni tfturdy kiulwoji well nt- tllilod dnlrualril bnltltf jllruiiit from ivtiry part of the county tim follow htu unlearn wtirn olncted lmsldllt u tuntt- mon trufnltfiir towiuhli 1l vlc- lrcililfiit w mmirt otuntiullvltln 3id- vlctfpnldbllt mm dr uchlvnil acton 3rd vfatltruldflh j u mae- icbukle milujii 4th vimltdotit lflloy lruititllt urojiujj htlt vlcptiui tint w k uoorvady milton treasurr j y lit tin mllum uroury atcr klllott mil too w if ddvbt of oakvllbj batad tut chairman at thd ttublle titrathttf whloh followed and introduood tin tflielttiil iuknr hon w it lrloa allomy- atmttrdl of onurlo who ulur cotmrtu- latlna the auoclutlajt on it tnollitt oruunlfcutlon ttcllvored an add feu on urn record or tlui loratisnit aovnriuuent the tiwmknr claimed tlm ilovariimcutn aileral policy was for tlia welfurrf of oiilatlo iuid ltn cltliwtnh- 11 k andnrwtii m v and om jllllmnr m p p abui mkk a nvmohi- lloli cudoralnu pratnlnr yuruwuinu lead enhip and hprthulntf confidence in liu oovitriiment was carried unajtlmously khmltptij ttrhvlvti i wiiai urn yoii dolus in hi kmdino tlwtmk7 linjitlifd th liiiiiilultivft wlfn tui oixiiliitf u fuii nf omul if you larmniilurly wlili to know li in pritliitly rojollird and what n you ojjnlntf it with why with u rdiioikoer old yoil thltiki wiim uhiiiu inv ilh if addrd huvmucly i oh no dittrvlk iiwiy rfllfd- but i know you lire not ojienirtu it with pntyjr i ttt london mtint nd country club uwldly known for th txcunct of u afternoon teas for ev- ral var tku pronrmniv olub h u4ti no other tn hut rd rosa orangm fekoo a bund that i d all olhara in flavor and full- bodud rlchnsa futuponly in bright claairi aluminum tiackaffasi uv num inc ton vtom all over canada with very few exceptions come thetidings of bounteous crops nnd general prosperity the west has harvested a record- breaking crop and in the east general reports are of an abundance and now we come to an especial day in which we arc called on as a nation to offer up our thanks to the gwcr of all things for tfcs bountcousness with which we have been blessed ton often the day in its holiday aspect loses its true significance nnd we are apt to forget its purpose sometimes it would seem that the trials and trouble of the year just passed have outweighed the joyi that the twelve months have contained but a careful survey of the blessings that have been intermingled with the trials will usually divulge the fact that the trials have been but times which bring us to a fuller appreciation of the everydays joys with which we are surrounded and which we often come to regard as commonplace next monday is tho day which has been set apart by royal proclamation to celebrate let the holiday spirit prevail but let the thanks giving spirit predominate throughout the day and throughout the days previous and following wc all have just cause to be continually giving thanks and mrs a w ueclrath and family spent the weekend at peterboro carman qlicrwood motored to duftalo nnd ipcnt uie weekend with dr-oher- wood and family and mr w a emery left by motor on tuesday for lakeland and florida where uley will spend the winter the many friends of mre ajbertfjlie ilauutfon hospital on tuesday will be pleased to learn she is proffreiwlna favorably rev ll keefcr lias sold lild property on uiaouclpt line wlui the exception of about a quarter of an acre and imn commenced the erection of new house on the co foot frontage factnc on the ouelpli line rev donald nicholson of aylmor que has been appointed aetlnjr minister of knox presbyterian church for a time and tn addition to offtclatuiff at the sun day services will also make personal calls and look after other duties in connection with cansreffattonal work the ore brigade responded to a fake alarm on qaturday evcnlnff aliortly after 0 oclock three knights of the rood had applied for oloeplns quarters at tho lociil jal for uio nlffht and were directed to uie police oelu they decided to take a stroll and as they were looking around uie are ball one of them pulloj the cord that operated uie fire siren oaxettc editorial notes these church anniversaries and suppers seem to be gnining us attractions judging by the crowds with which they arc invariably attended hanover has joined the everincreasing column of municipalities that hold their municipal nomina tions and elections in novemberand early in de cember the constant intimations and denials that changes arc contemplated in the liquor control act would seem to point that the experiment was not exactly suiting either the wets or drys with last week the milton reformer started on its fortyfourth year of publication on this birth day occasion we offer sincere birthday wishes to this virile weekly of the county town as the tax season approaches brother let us glean what comfort weican from the thought that the municipality which llowsabout a low tax rate seldom bus anything else to blow about sbelbournc free press fit a toronto man sued for 20000 damages for the loss of an eye through j automobile accident the judge awarded 3750 it would appear that it all depends on whose eye it is as to the value placed on an optic as n sequel to the slogan of a wellknown firm selling condensed milk milk from- contented cows n meat purveyor in a neighboring town comes out with this one fresh pork sausages from pleased pigs that made perfect hogs of themselves while the present day is one in which the main taining of good roads seems the most important civic item it is well to look to the day or the near future when tho oslublishing- nnd maintaining of a suitable landing held tor airpluncs will be the necessity of every town and city all municipal clerks are required under revised act this year to send by registered mail to the clerk of the county six days previous to municipal nominations a certificate as to the number of votti that may be legally counted as qualified to vote to determine representation of each municipality to the county council barrio examiner an oil that im famous thousli can ada wan h3l the birthplace of dr thotnofl kclcclrlc oil it u tlta luima of that faniouii tnmpound piimi urt 1u ijood name wa apread to central and haul i america uie west indla aus tralia and new zealand that is far afield enough to atust iu excellence fur in all uiese countries it is on als and in demand a valll fcnokjglf teiai ham impanelled for jury service at a murder trial liad seemed a little too anxloufl to nerve do you know uie accused lie was asked ytuwuh dat is nassuh he replied realljdnff that if he mode an afflrmauve nnswer ho would be debarred from ficrvlrui have yrili made up your mind as to hu ffullt or innocence oh no sun you think uien that you could bvc his coxa a fair liearlno yocouh replied flam leastways ex fair ex de bje scamp deserves for swollen joints miltom mr and mm otephen flyer of tor onto formerly of milton were visitors in town for a short time last tuesday even ing reprcoentauve of uio dickie com pany of woodstock was here on tues day clvbiff a demonstration of the pro posed force pump which uie town coun cil is conslderlna adding to the fire truck iact saturday morning at an early hour burnlars entered uie c h it station here but evidently did not set what uley were after as nothing was mloslna- edltor a e duncan of uio wlarton echo accompanied by his sister mrs turner nee ulsa sfilla duncan of hamilton spent uaturdoy afumoon and sunday in town tiuetlrig old mends and acquaintances of younger days iteform- uril jock davidson spent last week at icluliener wlui lier urn mantel and mr and mrs wanner mr and mrs will hamilton are visit ing fruuido in uie parry sound district the grounds surrounding the catholie church ore being beauufled wlui shrub mr and mrs wm tlckner and family and sandy patterson motored to oak land on sunday where they upant uie day with mr pattersons brother john patterson ii vansickle and his inouier hove returned from a twoweeks trip to ver mont willie uioro uiey visited mr and mrs clias cook and john it vansickle cooks beauuful liome is situated in the foothills of uie gren mountains of vermont lie is a brother of j p cook of milton on uie eve of her marriage ulss myrue marie oalbralui saleslady in uie walker store here was presented wlui a large session manue clock by uio staff tlus bride- tobo was also presented with a pair of woollen blanket by uie arm of walker stores limited champion ceonoeyown a noted author said that which is not local id not ulivc that explains why the local plowing match jhe fall fair the school fair tho sunday school picnic and all community even i i are first in tho peoples hearts mid minds they are local uiid therefore alive remarks the funriora advocate this also helpa lo explain why ugood local newspaper occupies u place hat cannot be taken by the big dullicy or any other city publication from ilio view point of cither reader or advertiser georgetown lumber oo are crocung a fine naw off ice on uielr premises at uiu foot of mid street mr and mra a d flayers spent la it week wlui mr and mrs uewln at otoney creek t and urn c r vandusen of tm spent uie weekend wlui mr and mrs b jl ucaibban mrs j 11 mackenle mrs orelg and mrn paul spent thursday of lut week with dr and mrs flats at sunderland mr k mcwhlrter attendad uia funeral of the late i ii weldan president of uia provincial paper ltd at toronto on uie 1 0th mus eleanor campbell and brouier jlobert of cliesley spent a few days wlui friends and relauves in georgetown and vicinity itov e x lncharkof dalcdotieaal occupied uui pulpit in icuox church on sunday hev mr mac lean was at claude conducting anniversary aervicos tlie hex theatre is noarlng oampleuoi and when nnuhed will be one of uie lineal town uioatres in western ontario contractor uackenxia ts making a good job of it mra u qrowii of cheltenham wlslias to aniuunoe uie engagement of her youiigeit daughter haul minnie to mr walur wnduy younger son of mr wlllbun wuduy krln tlie marriage to take place quleuyuw early port of novetiibor mra a mekecluile leaves uibi week ror california wlire alia will spand fceveral tttonuui uefoiv returning alie wui vurt lier tuughtr mra dr les- uick itcld pruicrt alurt baakatchawon abo her urn dr j if uckielmu m a chuj hupoclor of schools itoalna ur j u mackeliald i- oil rubsday from chwo who ltd haa urtn lutaudliig uui luutfnauunal 1uuii luinbontieus convention- during on uf uio aculons ur mekiud4 liad uie tumor of ufnuiuung td um convuluo4l liivluuuiis from pmoiusr fiituoii mayor molirlda and ouier mdlt m otubiibmllorui to hold uie ibji lumbw- ineitri othivriiuon at uie hoykl york lluul in toroiilo lurald mbtitxemedlcnfatlbutj6rntfec auc- ceeds xls for joint troubles only wlieuier in ankle knee hip elbow alioulder finger oraplne whetlier rheumaufl or not it limbers up sun inflamed painful creaky joints so quickly youll be uloti- ishcd two cecanda nibbing and away it s3es uirouah akin and flesh right down to the bono and ligaments uiats why it suc ceed ask e j ilaasard or any reliable druggist more bailey bedding bargains again thi weekend iluiley l lo otter you hpcciithi in heddiug it will pay you trvllli your rcqiiircmenffl now while thciic npecial priccn arc on come and look over our btock bailey furniture co directly oppositb city ham gttelph qnt optometry its value o uie public by a d savage goelph ontorla steady eye workeeui think i tiny muscles liold ui eyes fixed in focus at the proper distance hours of this tires uio muscle tliat cameo head- achea llsuessncas loss a energy such workers can rest their eyes while they use them we have a helpful service for steady eye workers to he centlnumi next week ptadicy bargain sale wo have a few radio sets in stock and have decided to clear them out immediately every one of them is of standard makp and fully guaranteed to give good results by us our esllmrk is no hced of you being deprived of the pleasure that radio can bring you when these sets arc now available and ready to bring you the many events and good programmes that are on the air every nights get one of these sets arid tunein no need to do without your set with these prices one 4tubc set complete and installed j 7500 one 5tiibc set complete and installed 9000 olic gtubc stt complete and installed 12500 one btiile set complete and installed 17500 this is o console model uadio a dattcrles genuine elide 798 radio it rattcriea heavy duty 45 volt layerblll 500 kadio batteries recharged so a new set of tubes in your present set will greatly improve your reception immediate delivery and installation on any of these sets can re given h a coxe main street acton phone cg mrpcbctriotirnatpiirmn maddock barron 129 up wyndham street g extraordinary weekend sales of mens suits mens- overcoats boys suits and overcoats friday and saturday mens blue overcoats at each chinc1lla 1975 mens fine overcoats at each blue melton 1950 extra quality chincilla overcoats at 2375 our great special at 2500 at 2500 we will place on sale a large lot of blub overcoats made of high grade meltons fine chinchillas and beautiful soft whitnuys these coats are a special purchase and worth regularly up to 35 00 well worth your while coming to guclpb for one of these marvellous garments exceptional values in mens suits lsonly mena good serviceable suits lo clear at 1500 mens fine pure botany blue serge suits with extra pair trousers free price 2500 a clearing lot of 3000 u 3500 suite in snappy twcwltf pine woruumuj and beat serges on sale friday ami saturday at 2375 boys suits and overcoats at a rig saving bring the boys and conic friday if you can railway or radial fares allowed on all purchases of ten dollars or over l not i c e muddock lurroiin menu sliire u at 129 upper wyiullumi street come aiul see ui nd plirchuue only if you are alioiuuly kalwlid buuinesb directory mikai nil j a mcniven olfi hiul lunldnm com llowrr avenue nnd lluln lurtirt 1vial t vlnrtf no 22 i o ho s harold nash vaumval m a furruur fiiuiar nmmry fublle 6tivysticr kle tvuttymau mwm acyon on ucimky ikht oh moutoaokd ifotirs 030 a m ut roo ir m ilutwday 1300 ovlijek 1u j m mau i d s l d s hwr cjrdufcut ot toronto university thr latest fcniattwtu iim1 it alt gttwe at thuuutnte cfrny ot mill ha4 rt j ft johnson dcdsld otttm mill tltt u lh caojt 7 brit r rr rrz francis nunan aecjijnt bnsacm of all kindd iamas la axaer ptladlu of evry earqtm carefuuy bound ruling knj promptly dans wyndlimm otret outpfa oof iovt wlllunu 6w rjkerjr autmoiutr ana real emuu twenty vrs kxprwfii list yootl phopxtttv wmi us acton oktum a bur u sv kmtkn kelly aiken collectors persistant sarccasfuli onrarevllltf owa saobj gsub suhllshd 1100 made wrni pure fruit juices mciarens ltilltfu staitoard royalties is a caie investment pyln dividends ol 0w per cent per manui cluvda issued every manui aa lt prelerred shares pot information write pbona or call on h w dawson r o box u kittamsnnh district rtcproxenuuva of mjdcanuanr baj ciwaumt undorwiiters a live local mrcnt wsiiled life insurance also adu aclsdx slekiuw tnj vu insaraaea in uicm days of numerous car accidents auto insurance tuu tut come a necessity do not leave crsclf liable by nefctutlng to o one of uiace pollctaa for paruculars bu a- e nickun kswr avenoa aeua obl lloay to loan on pint lxorteag shaws business schools toronto israls of uu traui younx pmptr for attic positions throusu day and evenla wwuai and uomi study eours tkriib a spolal ktupuybuut djiirtwit icuiolyr and graduate wrila ror cakodar luad ottloed kuy aud ckarua striu insurance it puyti to udvertise sinca the appearance of our last advertisement considerable business has beon placed iih us thank you vary much i t g ramshaw milton ami jlotou jam ramshaw aklnl i wtfshijrtii iwjiraf rtitmi s