Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 15, 1928, p. 2

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hr art ntt jffrrr ihrflfl llltllutpav novrmllkifc 15 j028 i 193b novrmbik im jb fa lm wjj 1 2 3 4 ff 1 7 ii v 10 ii it 13 14 is it 17 iii iv jo 21 22 21 24 as 26 37 211 if 29 y o woukc an huntllknu i wouldnt ever worry if i i work tnough to tlo to keen me good and busy with no tlnu for getung blue and uiough tlie pay were simple hie peritulsltics but taw id live within my income and lie liappy wouldnt you i wouldnt rver worry if the day were cold or liot tlia lord wlio makes uie weauicr umlerr lands it x do not nut somewhere in uie landscape id try to ciitch a view or bright midsummer sunshine and be liappy wouldnt you b k klur lp jrrr fraus ifurt bwrjj applepie talent by hudy x lohoowood m er aw kxttnhivk mjxtmy por the ttn1 time in six month mr idmer jure ins on two consecutive mom- in walked to uie rallwmy station as lie went men turned to tura at iilm women pointed at him out or the win dow iuid even uu small do aeemed to take delight in barking- at him at the station his arrival created a mild ur and on tha second morning a group ol his fellow clllsens gauiered about him mr jurgins said uu spokesman why do you walk to uie depot in 1mb humble fashion where u your auto mobile gold it said jurgins aliortly going to get a larger one ho air im done with em a murmur of surprise ran through uie group cost too much inquired uia apokt- msn not nt all it was not very expensive to buy and it was clieap to run it vu not uie automobile uiat z kept but kp- lna an automobile wldch was wrpen- alve some one aiked for an explanation well gentlemen said jurains sis monuis ago every man in uils town called me jurfe was clad to walk with me and swap yams moved up to give me half his seat in the ear and seemed generally satisfied wlui me hilda the grocer knoclced off a little on my bib now and tlien and gave my boy a bag itach dawfjon drummed her fingers mochahlcally against tlie window pane of thr luxuriant transportation bus seemingly obvious to the inceuunt twang of tlto ukclela which accompanied uie teliorua or young people about her wliower making uielr way back from the younff vopies convention if slie appeared unsociable nicuul no uiought of being eo in fact alia wan surprised wlien at uuj terminal clave flttwyer put thr question on they dodged uie traffic what a uie matter orare not crocs at nnytldnff are you7 you ve been quiet tonight why no clave wan tlie quick an nwer i ve enjoyed every minute of uie wliole trip i cant ring anyway and i juct couldnt help dreamlntf over that wonuvrfur meetliltf tlie speaker was itreatl aareed clave ills miracle idea was a new one do you know clave i never envied all uie crowd uielr talents quite so much as i did tortltfhl i wluli x had one real talent eoniethlnff i could do ex ceptionally well you know dlna ukr uarte or play a ukelele like hob 1 ceem actually void of talents no youre not was clsves mlschla- vous reply you can make better apple pie uian any clrl in town and you know hi oh clave you tease that tot i talent its too commonplace yes tls waa the intercepted repij dont you remember what jut anld i have it here in my notebook thu miraculous can only result from uie con secretion of the commonplace i have tliat story too he told about uie fellow who left uu professors office wlui a determination to make his life a miracle dont lmnfllne ho could make apple pie even grace laualied wasnt it oreat when he said ill never cay i cant and ju never cay i wont i wonder what he did wlien folks anted him some- uilna lie really couldnt do hadnt thought of that returned clave but as a rule people rarely ask us to do uie impossible do uiey7 far instance i liave never been invited patients from his larue practice and wss the plan practicable practicable tlie eyes of uie btuy physician uwed in anuclpatlon of o fulfilled need for uus fostcrowlntf town i chould tay it hi orace and i liave just uie nurse for you too one wlio in capable of arraniflnit uie dutalui hut hn pauukl luddenly an if in indeeulon imli me what does aunt ttarah uji k about it grace laughed bulluly i havent raid a word to her yet i was ins to see what you uiought about the plan of flounce her room and suu parlor will be undtslurbed doctor illako row of course it would not bd well to override aunt uarahv wishes in uie matter fjupposlntf 2 liap- pen in again in the morning and we talk it over wlui iter ills eyes sudden ly twinkled i liave an idea i see i new cure for uiat nerve condition of hers a woman of fifty u far too young to he laid aside and shes sot a heart of gold too i warrant you itut it wasnt by reference to uie heart of eowr or tlie nerve condition eluier uiat doctor qlake made his approach the nevt morning it wan rauier uiroufih the dauwuifl record of living obovd uie commonplace of graces dnlro to live up to uiat record lna life of usefulness and losuy lie made ids appeal to aunt sarahs extraordinary efficiency uiat uould make lier a wise guardian over such an institution aunt sarah sat tense while a race omitted dr niake in laying uie plans bcore litr uien suddenly tears flllod liar nves and stole alien uy down her cheek orace was at her aide in an in stant oh auht corah if you feel uiat badly about it we wont uunk of it truly we won l but um liappy smile belled uie falling tears it wann t uiat tlie curtains of ume had been drawn aside uiat was all and brought once more to light uie day wlien as a young woman she bravely had put ilh uie nurses garments of scarcely a years wearing to take up uie task of raouierlng uie orphaned orace the old yearning was quicker to re spond uian uiey liad realised and old orcoattn a ton and never sent a hill for it until i asked him what x owed hn i hired your boy bluings for ten cents an hour to cut my crass and do- dtorea i used to do moat of ifcem my- aelf in uie evening m uy wife could buy ten yard of goods and cut a drtas hire nancy cook for two dollars a day to sew it together and nt it and be as well dressed as uie rest oi the women liere and when there was tennis bowling or gol no one in town was more likely to jbe asked to take a hand uian my wife and x then i bought that automobile fur at least four months no man in town has called me anything but lfr jurglna ttlicks adds a little to avnry hill be- eau he thinks x can afford it toomy cuts uie weight short and iptnh caslt naney cook is only a seamstress wlien aha km for your wiva when mine wants her slid is a modiste at dm dot ura a day and requires fifteen yards of goods billings boy wodt work for me at all kjnoe ha no longer considers it beighborliood service ami x haw to gat m man at thirty cents aa hour and tie has to do rverylklng u milk cods me a cent a quart more and x havent been asked to play tennu golf or baseball or go bowling once uus summer no gentleman t could buy an auto mobile buy gasoline for it and hire repairs mad if uceary but x cant afford to keep uie automobile in uie town 1 live in and let it be known uiat i own it hoys x am no longer ur jingins the aulolst i am jurg again old murg henceforth and foravurmore as tlia train pulled hi uire was i rush by each commutejr to secure i whoht seat oualiolf of winch be could biter in fellowsliip to tha restored corn- rid nicy had arrived at graces tiome as she bade him goodnight she uiought of his words the only uilngs alie could do real well was cook and make sood pie and that was why she was nevchocset to- uie town and changes not many weeks passed before uls crimp as first patient was conducted to dhe of uie homey rooms anduu dawson institute became a recognised sue foujowed big abvick a young martiad woman who belonged id a charity club and aowetjm bad to go out alone afw dark was very tauku afraid of being stooped and rob- bed iter husband dllikod to provub iter witti a revolver but ba bought a bunch- to- nts and whejv to plsc tha mou tclimg blow in case of mol ution below the belt tulrtd you ha adjur ed her below ui belt such a blow if properly planted will maka a man aonry quicker uian most things if any bm utt out lii front of you your t tdurmi will be easy if ha comes up behind you swing tvumd in yodr tracks suddenly and strike out hard tjia rob ber will repent or his evil way in hurry that night was uie brlovs late even ing and alie liappened to be oomlng up ui ttiwt just hi front of her hus band when lie saw her and uie spirit of mischief took po ft of him wondcr if alied raally do aa i told bar or if her little fuu would hurt any ode- ha pojuurvd two aoonds later ha found out walk- bis up behind his wife lie laid a havy hand upon lier aluuilder fa liad no uma hi whldi to say anyuilng and alie made no effort in uiat direction ojut simply obeyed ids instructions to uia letter swung round wltli a audd which ooniplotely uiconcrud lilm arid dalivervd a blow that blade all uie ret at tils prvdjclkuu oome true then aha apod liouia wltli uia speed and energy of a frightened deer not wvrai walung to cast a ahigle gunce a ui discomfited man who liad as alia stiptksed endeavored to sob hor ulia timmd uia rumahidar of tha evening in alternately wpiiig out liar nervoiunma upori lier hiubauda aliouidr and wonder- ina yb lia lo so p invited jo be on any ouier but uie coelal committer in fact alie would have refused any other office hers was hi deed a trivial talent compared with marias musical ability or clavea clever brain wlildi was fast securing for turn ins medical certificate turning but uie light tlie went u her bedroom window the expanse be fore her seemed best to respond to the resuessnass uiat had come over lier it was a night of pale streaks from thirties cloud- harried moon grace watched as it tried to free itself from the entanglement of mist then her uioughts again turned to the speakers message as lie dwelt on christs feeding af uie five uioussnd through uie hand ful of loaves and flslies how many oaves liave ye ha liad asked josuj doesnt want more uian you liave to give lie merely wanu your little to make it mueh a real miracle comes only from the consecration of uie commonplace guddenly ir restless spirit became a great yaammg and aim dropped to liar knees tier eyes now fastened on a light star breaking loose from uie shadows 0 god alie pleaded im so stupid and ordinary but if you con make miracle out of tappleple talent why iieres mine ui do wim as you please and xii try never never to say i cant or wont hsr words were more uuui a prayer uiey were a great heart longing breaking uie barriers of lieavcn in their tensity uu uie covert wing of god drew close about tier and when grace dawson rose from her knees slie knew uiat never again would slie be satisfied to drift along in uie paui of least resistance for someliow some way ood liad accept ed lier luimble talent which hi ills liands would be eventually l to some tuflntte achievement tlie very atmosphere of uio big old- fashioned home beamed cliarged new energy as next morning grace descended uie wide staircase to prepare bar aunts breakfasl itetumhig with uie tray she slopped to pick up a small white en velope which had dropped from uie let ter box to the floor just a note from uiss crimp aunt garah slieexpla as alie opene uvla hcxh a giraffe is not ndponalbla for uie appearance of its nock but a man is re- kputisible yor uui appaaranoa of tils are you satisfied wlui you you may buia your suit upod your talw and your list upon uia strange whwjc of modem liatmakers but your toeckwear b your own doing and you cahiiotr caiia uie consequences of youc owil clioice tlia luoit coiuuiicuouj da- tall of a mans apparvl it expresses uy personality as dearly as his cuapln pvoclatuis tils colwge at icaat audi bt thd prevalluig notion although soma men tu doubtless rated tugher than lhy deacrvr by ute impeccability or uielr couars and ties a beat neck is not so easy to achuve with a soft collar as with uu ttiri variety bub many tolcn ard abla to get uia same trtfl stfect by liavhuf uieir salt collars marched and cjampmg or pinning uia boinu aeciuly hi plaatf wlui an attrae- uve oolul- chup or phi a collar phi iw elau of na gold it wlui a colored atoo eulur w ti bjilw or at each tod u thi tw now favoed by the well- tremed tnan and uie elaap bt generally bnfrred to uia bid fclnc it leave ho ui tha collar rad reabnt oiiebcss me to go to tee lier and would x mind bring lier a plaea of apple pie tlie doctor said miie might liave ryime t oar soul was uie sympauietlo re ply life must nat monotonous in that big hospital i uilnk i should die yea child make iter soma pis and take it to her uils afternoon oraces answer was a bit wlstful isnt it funny aunt oarah whenever anybody asks a favor of me my pie is usually at uie back of it game day i shall surely rise above the commonplace don t call yourcelf commonplace come the hard reprimand a girl pf your age wlui ownership to a beautiful liome is more uian commonplace grace knew her aunt misunderstood her meaning- better uiat sua should it was a dull afternoon quiet mon otony reigned in uie large hospital cor ridor but one pair of eyes radiated happiness aa a young woman with a new step o determination found her way to a uny word and deposltad a small flaky pie on tha white table uias crimp was blissfully liappy and under lier bpprcclauva words uie talent for good plemaklng took on a bigger aspect tlien one night a group of young people lieaded by clave bawyer took possession of uie reception room de manding uiat uie business manager don her list ud come to address uielr young reoplea meeung they wanted to know tiow uiey could help in lier worlc it would be an inspiration if slie would come but i never made a speech in my life persisted a race ourely x con tell you right tiere liow best you can help us you must never say wont and you must never soy x cant wan clave s demure reminder tlien go i must alie lauglted back it was not so hard wlien uiere was a cause to uphold so grace appealed for books and flowers for a singsong of a sunday evening and a monuily enter tainment and then aha must tell uiem tiow uie miracle in lier life tiad started and before slie was aware of uie uirte the liad to apologise for speaking too long and uiat is uie biggest mlracla of alt she laughed for who ever would have believed that i liad a talent for speeclunaking sua and clave walked liome togeunr it was a night of full moon and glit tering stars lie wanted to tell lier uiat lie had passed his examinations and vol ho wonted to tell liar too uiat ijr ills postgtaduabi course in surgery hed like to became a partner in uie dawson insutule he felt sure old doctor blake wouldn t mind it wasnt any of his business anyway then uiey could build a wing to uie building for a surgical ward while uu institution was splen did what uiey would need in uie near future for uiat part of uie town would be a private tiospltal pull moon and glittering stars glit tering stars and full moon rdiracld of miracles yet after all not so grrat a miracle as uiat which is realised wlien commonplaee lives are touched into use fulness by uia fingers of the divine phecautionb to bb taken when transpo hying potatoes froeslng temperatures and unless coli- sldarable precaution is taken to protect it during periods of cold weather serious injury may result therefore uils sen- kluveuofis of uie potato tuber sltould always be carefully home in mind when transporting potatoes during uu late fall and winter monuis to prevent frost damage tills con be readily achieved by shipping potatoes in cars properly provided with heat two types of in sulated and heated freight cars are now in general use uie adapted refrigerator with suitable heaters introduced from um outside at each end into uie compart ments occupied by uie brine tank units and uie eastman heater a lined car provided with a heater located under the car tlieso types are attended to and charged at junctioy points by uie railway staff when heat is required ileat should be applied to all typas of cars six to ten lioura prior to loading during prrtoda or extreme cold wcauier pre cautions nliould always be taken where applicable to ensure uiat the falso floors and floor racks pro thoroughly cleaned that the uiraal to the bunker space u positively open to permit froa air clrcuht- wltl ltopovan s-suvllsiukfl- viii i utko um ixprrauj ut tlui junc tion at i j u m btutittd hilly danvent uji iw tliixltirourly stint urtlur of wearing nppurrl inlt- on ojvn mil train mi tlia n arrow luh of his trunk in one of uu llttli rhurkii of tlu reclamation camp ut olnar wiur dniti by aorgti it will 1m- tlut hitit jhunksglvlng ive fiiknt home foe live yrsrhl how long ant you hooked for uie old luiitnuiuttd act nuked orutliem pervli- td on the extreme edge of a littered table twentyfour liourn fortyfive mhiulrj and fl flyhe ven seconds grinned why humph i grunud crutlur do you mean to tell me uiayour wlllhia to get up at a o clock in uie morning and travel two days and two nights on stuffy ovnrland for a lckaloo visit like uiat cure mlkal exulted billy and im going to get um full worth of my money too walt ull yu llnten to uiu wlui boyish ageroea he twik out a htue memorandum hook from an inner pocxlt and twlnkllngly read arrive at station 7 10 met by uia governor and kid hrothnr wlui maud 0 hal hal interrupted jim oruuiera ha uiere n a girl iii uie case uhucks nothing doing disdainfully retorted wily maud o is uie name of our car after tlie celtbraled race horse you know 11 s see wlutre waa x oh yes met ut 7 10 by dad and lawrepoa edward familiarly addressed as tad pole arrive at family maiudoil flq waiting kid sular julia prances swing ing on front gate uie mater and ivggy on uie porch steps and nan flying down stairs to open front door curl paper hi hand beycil twentyone breakfast liomemoile sausage buckwlieat cakea with real maple syrup uiree cups of coffee wlui cream genuine article no tin cow business wlui a beautified expression billy gax- cd into space between dreamy puff of smoke prom 0 to 11 family questionnaire and informal neighborhood reception tie re- eumnd prom 11 to 13 rubberneck lour of town escorted by kid brouier iiupect- lnff all improvements and investing worthily in tin horns 13 lunch popovent waffles doughnuts maters mixed pickles during uia afternoon uie entire family including car maud u attend football game cllx to 0 thanksgiving dinner gravy cranberry sauce heaps of bath uie real thing sixteenpound turkej wlui the maters mixed pickles pumpkin pie mince pie glngersnaps and flay billy protested oruuiera you neednt rub it in wlien a fellow hasnt any liome sweet liome to go to sorry old man contritely apologuud billy but didnt you nouce x left out uie nvvesond salted almonds and the plate or homemade divinity fudge- now ive lost my place nine p m to s tub dress shave 6 so to pack suitcase 0 45 to 7 40 breakfast fold turkey drumstick maters mixed pickles cranberry tort waffles buckwheat cakes wluv maplo kyrup doughnut ginger- snaps four cups of coffee wiut accom paniments 7 40 to 751 farewell to family and neighborhood group on front lawn 7m to 7 05 ride to station 755 to 757 train held v validate return ticket can you beat it wlui uie scientific exactness worthy of a young engineer billy daovers ac cording to schedule left uie reclamation camp in the wee small hours according to schedule speeded across uie continent for two days and a night between ac cording to scliedula went serenely to berth uie second night and dead to ida world slumbered and dreamed happy savory dreams of his first thansgivlng liome in five years but instead of being called by uu porter in that tlianksglvlnb-of-ttiankk- givlngs dim dawn billy danvers awoice to broad daylight and 830 in a panic he got into ills clothes and in a temper rang for uie porter what was uia meaning of lus not being called in time to gut oif at centres he demanded in forcible unmistakable lan guage of wrath tlie train must at stop ped at once and arrangements made for him to be taken back by an engine an automobile an airplane or ha would know uia reason why a purson cant stop a train that aint agoln boss grinned tlie porter uncle joe done let you sleep child causa this hero train aint been movln on its pre destinated way far uiree liours or more tliere was a frelglil wreck ahead and a wrecking crew to clear the track liad just arrived on uia scene xn b tamper billy darners wsnt into uie dining car and ate breakfast temper walked out to uie wreck and saw uia slow headway made and came back again in a temper smoked umw cigars read smoked two cigars tried to take a nap and couldn t and uian smoked a sixth cucar than- ha flutter out or tha pullman stood scowlliur at uie wreckage and began to walk up and down uie lengui or his train good niomln mister a voice of uiln ahrillncs broke uia allanoa hello son tlie gruffness of uie lietlo softened in uie son for looking up scowling donvera discovered that uie boy who liad lngly smiled wily r ii fix all that in uiort nruw m mliiutt luirr um two entered tlut dining cur t and nut down opmudi rurh ouu r ut oiih of the tlltlri ublus with us whlu clolh bpurkllilg glass and glinting ullvir i ho itoy luce sliltlng with tmlw and rleunllnsii rdoqul wllh houlthl soup his ultrrt ttyti watch lug danvfint ovtry movement opening and carefully spreading in his lap uie nupkln uiat in all probability was uie nrut hi had ever seen well nolonel what shall it he usk nd delivers after slowly reading aloud selected items from ui menu uolemnly woulfully uu hoy llfud hu eyrs how much are you lolng to put up itw inquired rariirstiy buly daiiver bit hu twltchlllg lip knoutfh for uu liome and wagon and the jltuji ynllow dotf utidor the wagon he sobefly replied aoto it son late that afternoon when tlie delayed eupmw was again speeding from car to cur a eertaln young man with uiought- ful eyeii and a daydreatity bmlle kept walking to and fio the trains length it wan buly dativers training capacity uiat lie might do justice to a lecond tiianiidvlng dinner but tha uioughtful look in his eys uia day- dreamy smile liad tiouiing to do with turkey and cranberry sauce and mince and pumpkin pie they came from mental calculations of uia approximate coot of giving a boy an al education and blgbrouirrbig him generally r dont care if x do go broke declared billy danvers to himself as uia loco motive whistled for uia next stop a centres by george uia lltua tike going to have his chancel red roa oranne polcoo sihm bsilriied the patronage ukld good will of more tea drink- era than any other high- quality tea in canada judge or good tea gladly s ive rnore for red roue irange sekoe because they know that the value they re ceiver xa- worth many tlme the few extra cents they pav cleauino auction sale townohip op nagflaoaweya pa im stock and implements thajvitatntiiler whl is tn n suddenlyappeared outof nowhei llvfiig plant stem is very aensluve to it was while miss crimp rluiued on u uiat tu bulkheads are closed ught- obout conditions ui the hospital hex 111- v evenly against uio bunkers or ncss and loneluiess that an add idea 1 tanks uiat uio ventilator openings li suddenly staggered into graces brain 1 tl tanks ore opened to par- its neveroncedreamedof oppeoranca j mlt hatcd air unrestricted entry into giving lier such a shack that alia was at the cor that uia hand lioles in- uie once boui exclbad and afraid it u uie suddenness of uililgs uiat usually slvca fright one can gradually pat nnfimtn jlnt pn illlt nnnr nmi1rllr wlutietmdteflthlnastltiinitliahd oa uia days and waekx went by gmca rond liersalf clierlsldng liar idaa uu it grew to bo a matured plan ready to be discussed first wlui uia family pliycls- lan and later with aunt barah bottom of tha tanks are opened uiat uie tanks arc clear of lea and water and uiat uia wosliout plugs in uia corner of side ore wltliout fall closed and plug gd looaly from uia outside heavy slicauilm paper or pulp paper sliould be placed ovdr uia floor and aide walla and secured with iuia to a lialght he came on an evening of new uioon of t loast three fset bha shaau sliould wlui 1u bright comrada star just ui overlap at least su inches and b folded kind of night suitable to creauve plans aunt barali was on uie back balcony wlui a friend would uie doctor bo good enough to step tnto uu livhig- rooni- a fastbcuung licart nearly t piouiered uie words but grace liald to lier purpose die was ured of living up to mara pplcple talent qjie wanted to achieve auneuilng worui wtdle in tier ufa a peculiar advantage was liars hi having fuu ownertiilp to such a big rambling houa wlui an unusually wlda stalrcoih and lu benodlouon of big trees about ulie wondered alia could turn it into a liome for oorivalcscent loiieoiiia folk like mus crimp a small tiiortgage aould moke uia few iiaoawkary altra- tloiu and oqutiutuut to brgui wlui which could bu iuid bock when m turns rame hi aunt barali mlgbt ba pro- valld upon to act tut buiiuks iiiatiagur tlien wlui a groduau nura and orace licnwlf as dleuan um tuhuhmciit would graduauy lhrfect luelf did doe- carcfuuy over all corners and junction points of uia floor and aid walls in uie case of refrigerator cars liowaver no paper uiiotdd be placed ovar uie end walls or cuilrul floor rack between uie side doors tlie floor sliould be badded wlui dry hay or straw leaving tha bunker ends free and exaroulng due core to prevent its alufung undvr tlia racks or fabo floors place blda racks or scant lings to piivtiit uie load from touclihig uui uiles of uia car and in order to provlth an air channel tha doors of uio car fihould be curofully fitted ajid protected on uia ouulda around all uia warns by building paper batteiiad wlui latlis hut nsw refrlceralar car aqulxv- nitaiit of uia rauwaya u generally of very good coiistyuctlon and wall tilsulaud driving lulls uiroutfh uu car tloor walls him was on crutclicit gee im glad i got here in tunc i beamed tha youngster i was terrible feared atied be gone where do you coma from colonel prom uia other side of uia ridge a small finger pointed to hills uiat rolled up in uia misty distance you bat it was some hlko all right ha boylalily boasted not uiat i cant set over uie ground as good as anybody if you give me urna enough tie hastened to add but i never heard teu about liar twin here till a couple of hours ago for a ume uiu boy stood tense his gaxe riveted in awed rapture upon the train before him ooe he said at lost 1 didnt now a locomotive was anyuilng like as big as uiatl do you mean to say youve never seen one before dure i vo sberrem before but only whsn they ve been gotn by llcketyspllt gay mister do ou uilnk the bass would cara if x took a peep in at ana of uiem car winders as dan vers uioiighuutly gased at uia bov rn crutches who had coma a two jrc tramp on a clionce of saalnjt or hilsslng what he wanted to seeat his uiln underfed body uis poor leg tliat did not match uia face eager wlda awake wlui eyes ilka lighted torches lomouilng snapped inside his head or inside his heart and billys bad tamper was gone and in its placa his old buoy ant good nature coma hooding back instead of peeping in tonv lie pro- posed liow would yita like to go aboard pttlday november 23 loifl at ona oclock slurp uie following horses bay clyde mare 11 years old xuy clyde mare 13 years old bay clyde gelding 7 years nld cowbwlute durham grade cow due december 3 ited durham grade cow due december 1 1 fled durham arade cow calved 3 monuu grade ayrshire heifer milking well bred sep tember 10 grade ayrshire heifer due at lima of sale grade durham heller due at ume of sale yodno cattle 3 steers 3 years d 4 heifers 1 year old 3 heifers and 1 steer last winter calves rotlltry 30 hens 9 young geese if not previously sold pigs 5 chunks xmpiiemento maueyharrls binder 7 foot cut- in real good shape prost ac wood mower 5i foot cut sulky rake matteyharrl isspout drill with grass seeder masseyiiarru spring tooui culuvator masseytlarrls disc 3 sets of harrows hamilton walking plow verity walking plow pleury no 31 walking plow masseynarru seuffler nearly new 340 lt scales pulper btoneboat bags hay rack wheelbarrow bain wagon good as new wagon box hay rafk and block rack combined tud- hope- anderson sloop bielglu set of log bunks rubberured top buggy in good repair cutter dalaval separator no 13 new milk pails porks hoes shovels chains etc harnetto set of breeclilujr harness set of plow names bat of single har ness collars blankets etc hay and grain 15 tom of tim- ouiy hay 3 tons of alfalfa 300 bushels turnips 15 bags cobbler potatoes 10 bags dooley potatoes 150 bushels ban ner oats 150 busliels buckwlieat 300 bushels mixed a rain barret and 10 aallons of molasses n bsserva as uie preailatar is giving up farming terms 15 00 and under cash over uiat amount 13 monuis credit will be given on furnishing approved joint notes 5 off for cash hay grain roots and poultry cash roy ihndlky auctioneer it it no 3 acton ptiona lsrfl erin plank clark ll3 tit utvihti urn i i h tiuor in kudu it kltutlm h ili is u lltlt iruli who prldio hltuir in iruui llu n iniliill ii iwv wii uiul i liiuliiulii iiiiith ilk t ih uor in llu id i nry wiki klllul lllni ut on uw i iijliimih ly ihln knluljl nf uu iilrwrjj tins ii nliin uu moriiluu mm murphy u uu- toiiwr mihrul llu ilio iuid lliillnij hi tailor bin y wllh pdirll tiiitl pup r mlid hint what im wiiji dolint i m uiukliiu a hit uv ilk iiln mi tllt block who i run llik nld h wtiwuj y have ye murphy ii inline- dwn iik- ud she muriliy htadh tin iu1 wan hu reply mn r p i iy hurrld iiinio wllh um i mid ut murptiv f vn 1 im vlh fin in lil i y r mrs buylow makes a discovery rw a amd wlm hn hbv iu wl ku carroll jtoar mj ll il- j u iiilriidiij i 1 you 1 r f lu jvy ki hi cfroil lu w4l iutuwu v cy tmow lluf save mtoey foy braying at carrolls s campfydw astrlj soups tinx3 soaps chain balk macaroni x5 usm oa orayeatsruity fuy qvltj corn starcfa xl ssjis3 rsrs o iu c surprise 10u49 4 inpawra dexjckt ptlt 1 41 u xt ayirrnr banj tomatoes vr peaslfcj corn 225c quaker omu 9c 2 inur cora trny fitztin 4 no t si v t run dntf hmmf sftcuj w j pw v2 g jvm cheese teas tumr si 0j oltnuk fvmt mil tulhj fancy rapidtooling tapioca 65c 7se 1w new tzxzaut cjtor apricots penche i f 29c f 19c sunma1d o ott raisins p1 27c uu-kwiara-sujaw- blanch j saltcj virginia peanuts tlia tour of inspection was uiorougb from locomouve to observauoii car first call to dinner li uia dining car i a dramatic climax o qhb af uia mos satufylnb liours or his ufa uia words fall on danvers ear as ho aud his beam ing companion finished uie rounds and gave him a new nlsplratlon a tiuuiks- glvhig dinner for and u a mlglily lone- nome uilng son he smiled ouppoe lay and at it with mo tliat is li adiird uvliig uie boy on crutcles hrsltate if you haven t a previous en gagement far thanksgiving dinner with your own folks at liome tlie youngster shook his head we don t have jiuuiluglvlng dinner at our lioiut not generally aluaya uiat is onci uiough wd did ha added proudly i lie 1 iiojiksglvln uiroe years quo whan pop won a turkey in a rattle at uie store over at uvq oaks his face red dened tauit tlia provus engstfnmant its uiam tw exhibited a very dirty pair of luuids and my hairs rumpled someuiliw fierce an j in danvern gave liltn a long look lllngti ilmlroyri tha uifculatioii buchj lhe jouiuiuir liad not uiought of lus practtods csunot tut condemned too apu aranu unul lie had been taken anvrly and ui slilppam and railway ipsliios sliould ooopvrsta to saw thia high gradd fajulpuiild j tor uuulo uihik lia cuuld atttr though lant ihiuuilogut pidarieton mclsod n u uirough uie train a boy as obrvlng as uiat as qukkly rpoiislve to sur roundings might make anyuuua of him- salf cuiau wjlh uu um tmjouxttg- cleabino auction sale hamooa houses 42 head op cattle 40 pick lupucmentfi lftm uus1ieis oats 50 tons hay tlie undersigned has recclvod instruc tions from pstank day to sell by public auction at his form lot concession 7 eromosa ludfway be tween itockwood and acton on tuesday november 21 1928 at 13 30 oclock sharp uie following iiorbes drey mare 11 years brown more 10 years bay mare 11 years cattle roan caw dun may 0 loan helfrr due january 37 hereford heifer title may 0 37 pec din tf steers 13 ptedlng he hers llooo iteoiotetted yorjcs boar 1 year bred by ottawa experi mental patrol tleglsterad sow with s pigs eligible for registration flow due pcbruary a young bow dua ptibruory 0 young bow due pabrusry 13 0 young sows- 3 youhtfsowa kllgibla for regis tration lioob artadefl york bow wlui n pigs 4 chunks 8 chunks impuajentbuajayharrls binder 7 fool cut masayharrls mower 6 foot cut mommy- harris hay loader mossay- harrla drill 13 lioa mosiayharrls corn culuvator with full equipment mobey- hsxrls drill plow masseyiiarrts culu vator 3 horco cultivator 3 liorse mos- seyharrli luteal itaka twoluirse dtso bain wagon good as new bain box btock and hay ltock combined wlui 1pjn box pniftkwbtfoii oidiiona3 or ilectluu narrows rudlioiw no 31 plow ploury no 31 plow turnip sower masayharrls pulper qcuffler pord vat truck wlui stake body and stock hack chevrolet touring oar truck beolas plat hack com rook harrow cart loading chute cutter blelgh wisconsin 13oegg incubator brooder chicken coops- urates and hoppers u t car bunga pullays 150 peel hope oriuditono stonoboat louden hay pork lioad drag 15 oata and anclior jwbt 30 ptnce posts uarrels porku hocu filiovnb uie usual parm equip ment most of tlu uhavp implements are tn nrttcuuia condition and offer an orlunlty t tall prices harness 3 coluru peed etc 1000 buiihuts o a c no 73 gala 35 bushclii good pou wlutat to tons mixed alfalfa hay a piw loads of tltraw 30 bags dooley potatoes household eppkctn maxwell washing machine perfection pour- bunier coal oil atove wood heatar thih sale must positivlly ktaut oiy time tkrmb 1j0 00 and unddr cajuf ovor tliat amount it moiillu crtidlt will hi si ven mi furnishing joint nolas nnpmved y a local bank o oh for cash o j kkiul awuomw i 3fl acton out c o 1lanic ckrk hjj bets team ifanieju lrliatajll imji giwatsuna from little s gmw- let us put free press quality into your christmas jprintingl and incidentally save you money too our quotation arc always coiimsumii willi the jnality of workmanship exe cute on every printing order we exercise th aiiiu care in printing ciivularb or any f our jirinting orders iur we do in printing t lie newhjiaper that you are now holding in your hand- tlie importance of good jiriiiting can- ii e overemiiuiiied lt is to a circular laklet or liaudhill what clothes are to the business man shabby printing wreaks as much ill as shab clothes tjmv both- fail to make a good impression we are all set to do some splendid christinas job printing and liave verv good ideas on the subject just come and talk it over with us we can do good printing reasonably for you on any other of your requirements also hand us your work and forget your printing troubles the acton free press just real good printers phone 174 afjltst l

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