r murrluur a i hfll a r ut t- f it wlilu rat- i fllvl man at ilurllnub 11 i 1riday miv nibir n 1d4u murunrrt mathrnnn bilftvtl ulf f a i vvxl im run n iiiuiitdaymovj min it m loan dss chrlntmna i 111 lin the iirxt holiday not much appearance of winter yet fiend tn your nnws items aa early in the week an possible indian 3 immer han aurojy been doi hflluful and prolonged this fait the oiiow shovelling nctlvltle have remained off fairly well tlila all the holiday weather made the m ut popular pastime of the day ntaylna at home many from acton nhd vicinity are tnjoymtf a few weeka hunting lit north era ontario just now 1 to morrow in tax day and your op portunlty to help with the tonic of ictep tuff acton bhipalmpe the merchant who advertise alwayn must have a mcnuage for his customers ft fli worth while to read them t1iqgo brief but frequent hydro power lntenruptionij tliln morning were rather acaravatlnir an prena day with christmas leu than nhc weelcn away it la time to order your cluist- maa oreetlns cards from tit pmkz pbiih if tills weather continues it will hard ly be necessary to envy our friends who have the luxury of apendlno the winter month in the south for the prompt renewals or fsk rnuui subscribera we are very grateful tlie response to the regular accounts sent out makes un believe tiik pexjc rauu u an appreciated visitor at uie momum morvlce of the pros hyterlan church at georgetown last sunday mr rocs cameron presented to uie church a baptismal font in memory of hu father and mother rev and mrs cmrort 3em- traelr demettstratlau there will be a tractor demonstration on uie farm of mr ii darvell just east of jlctan on friday tomorrow after- nooit november 10 at which all w aro interested are invited to attend evpulnlnr the tebphut co commencing in this week a usue tj fkk vtm nd continuing for several weeks uie ilell telephone co vlll in a aeries of advertisements explain and acquaint uie general public with uie workman of the teleplione system tha flret of this scries is headed ie works wlui uoglc and will be found on page thtee tliey will be found interesting alike to telephone users mid uu general public a haptry family us unlan last bunday mua uamle masales en tertained all uie remaining members of iwr immediate family raaldnnt in canada at her liome liere this liappy occasion kv uie member an opportunity of aaylng farewell b mr and mra bander- aoa of toronto wlio are leaving in a fw days to mataj their home hi lo angela california friend wore pre sent from toronto gl cauiarlnes and bellwood and a very enjoyable family party took place jr j o jo e- has rrfauttnt guteu tlie lakeside oliapter of uie l o d e at uia meeting hut night at uie hotrte of flas marguerite flyman luid on of uie banner programmes of uie year which waa featured by two address ft from national and provincial officers ur c it burden vlceitegent or uia provincial cliaptar of uia i o d k of toronto gave a splendid addre on the dull or members of uie l o d dealing particularly wlui uie work uiat the daughtera of uie empire carry on in thu province mia mccartney educa tional bocrdtary o uie national cliap tar of uui i o d it in her addreu dealt particularly wlui uie work being carried on in northern ontario along education al lines mua prance hurst contributed a reading and uui jeaale anderton vocal nolo a contest on thing our oranmothers did wluiout was won by ulaa vera hurst following uie pro gramme a delightful lunch was served and a social liour spent a mejjday ahallag aceuent on thanlcbglvlng day while pn a luintlng expedition on uie form of mr joa lnalle jr john qprone a boy vultor from toronto had uia mlafor tune to accidentally shoot himself the boy with his parent was visiting with mr and mrs aylea who 1 employed on uu farm of mr leslie throe lads joljn macklc john aylejj and john bprone on uie afternoon of uie- holiday took a 33 rifle and went to uio acids to hunt for small game in sonic manner young oprone discharged uie rifle while in his own hands and uie bullet went through his abdomen he was brought by uie boy to he house and dr nelson waa called from acton who advised his removal to toronto to allow an x ray examination to be made ho was re moved by ambulance to fll ulcliaels haplta toronto whnro an cxamlnauon showed that the bullet had lodged tn uie wall of utc chest reports trom uie luupltal indicate that lie u mdklug as talufactory progress aa can be expected utklovltl tar ntfw puu rev and mr j it drown who have boon stationed at rlmbey alto for savral years have received a call from consort alto and hava accepted the following item froth the edmonton journal will be read with interost by ut pesos readers tlie prechyjcr ot lao6nibliiee in the ttulledchurch foil oka thursday evening november 1 with juv w h cantelon presiding among otlurr biatuirs was a roll from the con grgatlon of conuirl to uu jiev irown of rlmuey this call liad been recelvod by the presbytery of atottler and was forwarded by them to uio rev il b layton to present to the presuy tery of lacainbc it was received aa i regular gospel coll and placed in uie liand of mr urown wlio accepuid il jlev 13 h l howarui was appointed to look after the interests of uio rlmbey oliarge during the vaconry which will brglii lifter the middle or novembo d m layton of ickliart spoke of uie aplcndid work done by mr urown during bid min u try in rlmliey and tjd uiat thbra would be much rgrt at hli leav- log ouur tiiemberh of uid ptptbyury vowl umlr tvgrt fcild jt wu luaond on uk rfxwdci uut uitf irtzbyuty enjmod their apprnutuoti of hlii work and uwilr ktitroi ut hi ivpmtiuf mr urown wa very auvtr in young iwoplo u uuivn tueilu and hm cuurrled un uucceasiul ciimiuinn all s0c1civ amiuul mnaitif hrhl ut mlluu luxt wu ifflern t llf fi- c iliu vrur v i hi atinunl metlnu f tl i clilldrrni aid dclty wii held in tin cord n hi me mllum on monday veiling mo vi it hrr r the i tc idi nt j m i3eny jl a in th rlnlr itn tiumynu uan nji hi d wllh pmy r led by rev canon ni tel i hi inlnuti of uio pn vldiin mr ting w n had by the decretory mrn j j llrovii mil udted iiil pre ldrnt in hln addreui fiokn highly of the efficiency and activity of ih nfftcen fi ellng niiro that everything in on inlerrnt of dljiendent and ueg i wti d rlilldnn wan moving along very natinfnctorlly ih ulno called attontion o thr oirtvllpnt nhelur and the splendid way in which it un i being managed llegret uu1 ixprtrjid that we are losing mr 0 ii htunrt ulio in moving from mllun and who han been a painstaking treasurer of thr boclnty for many yearn reference wan made to the fuct that mrs peaqock w valuable and regulnr attendant at the nuollnus win lion leave i f alineuce for a time ojj nhc will be living in toronco for a part of the year upon which we havi entered mrn qorham convener of the hoiire committee in her report stated that thin year there had been no epidemic in the shelter out there were a numlier of operaiiono qhe said that the swlngu i llden and other mrann of amusement placed upon the grounda thin year have given the children much pleasure a room in uie ahcltcr in wlich to hold a clinic han been offered to uie health nurse minn iloblnrjjn mr w ii ate wart local fluperln tendent gave a comprehensive report of the work done during the year this allowed ail incrcanc over the previous year in come respects lively dlncuuilon took placa regarding the organising of a social aervlce coun cil to be composed of a represents tlue from each or the different organizations for thin purpose a committee conslsung of e f earl canon nalcel and mrs oorham was elected to present uie case to the town council soliclung their cooperauon officers for the year 103030 were elected as follows honorary president judge elllol president j m denyen d a ivoasurcr e p earl secretary mrs t j urown honorary solicitor crown attornoy w i dick alter the losing of a lengtjiy and very lnteresung annual moeung refresh menlo were served by uie ladles on tiuyiday evening november fl the board of management met in uie gor don home t w duggan in the chair ttuutrcasuror mr o u qtuort pre- neighborhood newfa jlaii inaait mm mvllmlcitin of inroilui vlrlt hi frlrndn in th vlclnlt lort week minn ileiink illnnli f toronto teach ing ntuff rnent the liollday at uie liomn of her i ar nui mr and mrn prank lilniili i hen ht julte a nuuilw r of peouit lul 1 up with bad colds mr jaelc flnow in r inflnrd lo lied wllh the fl i he is under the doctorn care mr wm ulinrtlll hi id an unction sale of hi i farm stock and implement and intends moving to arnrgetown in uie ntar future quito a number from here attended tllo fowl supper in uin united church i rln on monday night dill i uin sgiiooi iu raily the following is the r wilding of uie nuplln of ditlferln ochool u u no 10 lu miming for the month of october in order of merit jr iv oraco plintoft verna joe ivme lo tonelll ugo tonelll jr iii mobel page flla oakley vn- gclo tonelll or ii hilly merrltt jr h charlen mllln melville uonus laura uonu amelia tonelll jimmy mountain tlgln donun sr i john drake joan wall ileatrlce merrltt hilly fountain lr pr qilhii tonelll jr pr camfi uonus clarence uonus denotes examinations mlued ji e jlall teacher nockwood uie unanclal statement but r not being sgtliy nient allowed a substanuoi balance for the year 103a 3d the following officers for uw year 103 20 were elected president t w duggan 1st vlcepresldenuc ii stuart bnd vice president mrs oorham 3rd vice president j p utue 4ul vicepresident j m dcnyes treasurer e f earl secretarj- mra t j drown house committeo mr t j brown mrs aorham and mrs ramshaw property committee tim wardens and jne ouier member from each county auditors w d clements and mockrldge letters to the editor self aacrificina loyalty editor fii pbkso dear otr at uie armistice day memorial service nn monday nt the town hall one of uie speakers mentioned uiat it had been suggested by same uiat uils annual com munity aervlce at uio hall at uie sol diers monument and uie decoration of uie graves in uie cemetery here be held on sunday instead of on monday aa at present discussion of the question was invited therefore offer my view in relation uieroto the reason given were uiat a larger attendance might be secured on sunday and uiat monday would be then left free as a liollday m y for ten years hi ruacenslon uils lm preaalve memorial service has been held wlui uie manifestation of a keenly loyal spirit by uils community on armlsuce day which lias always been observed on a weekday what more seejnly and fitting function could be suggested for the observation of uils great historic event the proclamauon of uie prune minister of canada requests all good cltisen to commemorate armlsuce day on uie day proclaimed on each succeeding year acton town hall has been crowded to capacity by veterans cluscns and vlsltorn excepting nst monday tfnd the large attendance then was highly creditable considering the downpour of rain prevailing some other towns and cities have tried the sunday plan and found it far from satisfactory the services at the sol dlers monuments and at the cemeteries hfivo invariably been held on sunday afternoon tills has had uie effect of demoralising uie bunday schools and in tame places there has been a lack of that spirit of reverence which should character lee the day and the event i am strongly impressed wlui uie fact which lias been the rrsult of ten years experience and observation that the two hours devoted to uiis very fitting mem orjal and decoration service on armls tele day morning man if eats a higher iplrlt or loyalty and reverence than if it had been held on sunday the sacrifice necessary for the man day morning sen ice if it bo a sacrifice la well worui while when uie object n view is thoughtfully considered ii p moore cton november 13 1038 the communion of the lords supper won observed at the united church on gunday morning a large number of com- munlcanti being present preparatory services wero yield on prlday evening jlev mr marsh or eden mills addressing uie congregation at uie morning service in uie chu relies here the two minute silence wan ob served and thanksgiving permons were much in evidence in connection wlui armistice day special music was an other pleasing feature which helped to make uie services more impressive borne of uie liollday vlsltora wlio wire hero miss m mllcoy mr fred posmore mr john r watson and con toronto mr leonard lovell and mr james hanson of oahawa v- mr johnston hewat of slmcoe mr and mrs r d richardson and family of vlneland miss marlon jicnabb of ouelph town ship mlsa pnarl rlciiuulson mr clarence- lyueli mr leonard oardlner of ouelph kkamoma mowmns as- hoclatfon ilrld twenty tiln hi coot mm ton at vr of joint alton tin thursday iut1 rruipttltlnn in the various ventu at tin tucnly ninth animal plowing match i f the 1 rami a i i iwmcun association ik i i in the furnt f john allon conces 1 1 n 0 larl thursday wan keen the rmnpelltloiin lie tug followed wlui interest by n large nrowd of spectators the remits were an follows open clans n o jcleod oalt jos oakei hockwnod leonard ord pus inch william cilltiin mitchell rest wn n o mcleod uest finish n 0 mcleml clusn ii open to uiace wlio liad iievt r takin first prluj at any previous natch weston uherk ouelph albert royee itockwood o c robertson oil rlnge howltt carter arkell alex ord ouelph rent crown w olicrk rest lnlsh albert iloyce clans iii open to boys under 31 yearn in sad r c nrown oalt alex austin hack wood rarcuy yornythe rockwood henry leachman puslinch ilest crown r o nrown bent finish alex auuin class iv iloyg under 18 ntubble austin nairn muiiro it r no 1 clark grant arkell c austin itockwood an gun dicklecon orton rest crown a nairn rest finish clark orant clans v hoys under i fl in stubble albert alton itockwood bert robinson r r no 1 ouelph went flnlflli bert robinson uest work of boy wlu luid never plowed in match a alton neatest land hnd for classes iv and v clark a rant charles ausun sweepstakes in stubble for d to 1 ton cup albert alton class vi men over co oeorge jef ferson moffat william oray ouelph joseph harper rockwood heat work by boy under 31 for w e hamilton cup u o nrown sweepstakes in sod n o mcleod oall si ql uj- line eruljuid rnmown the ctaff of uie continuation and public schools were away to their home for the holiday miss lovena richardson wlio ha been teaching in a summer school during uie past she manuis at magnetawan return ed homo recenuy her many friend here in uie village will bo pleased to aee her tlie many friends and acquaintances of mrs wm torrance wlu regret to learn uiat she is not at all well and on sunday was in a critical condition die tn at uie home or her daughter mra d uarrle of mlmlco mlsa jean torrance of slmcoe has been summoned to her mouiern bedside rev l e ooaselln una down saturday evening to be with the family wlio arc togeuier mra w j qulld of rockwood is also uiere employees of uie hydro electric con mission are busy stringing up wlrw in the vicinity of uio village for uio uenefl or farmers wlio arc having electric ponrir installed on their farms mr v t qmlui u busy fixing over come porta of hi prcmucj for living quarters and on saturday boui he and mrs smith moved into uielr new hoinc he olsb has uie radio installed mr and mrs aruiur e rudd and family wlio have been occupying one of uie brick dwellings or harris ac co ltd for some lime are now in uie house just vacated by mr and mrs v t smlui mr oeorge laverty 1 making eonalder able headway with his new garage which wlun completed will be an improvement to thin property on uie site of his former residence owing to uie inclement weauicr uie liollday was rauicr quiet here and a few were out of own for uie day taiwfcllh tfaciifrs auidl 1020 tarbcll teachers guide the helprul volume for the sunday bcliool teacher lu out for tlie year 1030 it gives tlie usual interesting digest of uio lessoim for uio coming year in a manner which iffords uio sunday ochool teacher ample information for the successful teaching of tniuis of uio lessons to their scholars r frum oriental life u historical and cagruphlcal baak ground 1 com pre hen slve and very helpful it b n volume of 433 pagis and imls at all book stores at 3 00 till 1aitiii ul servant in the corner of au old neglected iligliuh churchyard uu following epitaph was found on a moss covered weather beaten old grave stone uflcrtd to uie memory of ebcn harvey ulio di parted uils life suddenly and un rxpctdly by a cow kicking him on uie 15ui yif svpumber 1bs3 well dona uiou good and faluifu itcrvaul italton liberal associa tion lhvcu officers at the annual ueeung at milton last thursday paul pbber of narllngtan is prcauumt the annual moeung of uie liberal aoclauan of hal ton county was held at milton lost thursday evening dr ii mccoll of milton president or the association was chairman officers were elected an follows pre sldcnt paul plshcr durllngtan vice president a a oalbralth palermo 3nd vicepresident mm m e oowland muton secretary treasurer j il pea cock milton the speaker or uio evening harry slfton of toronto said uie ontario hydro electric commission liad agreed to xport 50 000 horsepower to uie american trust company at buffalo jfc also discussed uie invasion of uie american power interests in uie bruce peninsula hon nclon parliament liberal orgur izcr for ontario was also present and addressed uie mecung on organisation a resolution won pavcd hcaruly endure tnr the leaden hip of premier king and pledging loyal support to hln pallclc and eglulatlon a resolution of confidence in uie leadership of w e n sinclair auo psuued save 50c tn 1 00 on the new ffcll lines of shoes tutm factory school and fine footwearjusjt in also ifull lint or tw ttubbert mt tlie very lowest prices h l harrison fact number 26 sf ssassiw n all imperial pollclca wlucli pro vide for distribution of surplus at uie end of each five years further provide for payment to uie beneficiary of an interim dividend alinuld uie assured die at any j intermediate date after the irst policy year no method of dlstrl buung surplus in more qullable than uiat employed by thi im perial frederick l wright acton fiepkehentatrve imperial life asaurancc co of caiuda dance we are announcing uie conunu- atlon of our old and new dances at uie new terrace gardens rockwood every friday evening commcnclno this friday novlg replacing uie saturday dances at eden mills and we are inviting all our edgowood friends of uir- post summer to attend elliotts orchestra guelph danclnr till 1 o clock men sac ladils tic floor manager robl roruiwlck secretary treasurer r j robson ovevlod1 bunnluxf bwnl uw it atxiunl on monday two young ladlnl wcro iruvillliitf wiat on uim highway near uui ruth him when they pujiwd uuotlu r in u tint from oooritnlowii grtlug in thtt mini t dlrrrtloii riio rulung in motor had lh running uiurd loadrd wlui lug- gng and just afu r iiauing a htrga parcel diojwd into the roadway lo uie mouir- kt h mowing the bundle loiked k a liuniun lielng fallen from the car and in order to a vol 1 rtrlklng the nhjrct thr ororgi tow t motorist took uio only olluir nltimalivd or going into the ditch hu car was overturned and considerably damaged although lie eccarwd without nerloua injury dancel al nil ni w ryanauditorurn rufu evlhrv satuil lvlnin idhh 3sr mfih fou hliotth kpieco qrchuilrn c6trt wllh yotfr party quality qnd price when you buy a litrontuinc tur you are assured ot pcttini the lowest pneu consctent with first clas juuhty tvcry enrment thnt leaves our work shop is punrantccd to be perfect in workmanship lafontainesfurstore pltactical mtg fuitlilklts 95 qucimsc st cast cfltabltolwxl 1198 gueuh ontpiione 122 announcement wc wish to announce that wc arcyopenine our store on mom street acton on hrfaytnbvjm mber lt wfljbllluluen x chiudkens reaoywweak good values and satkfacuon guaranteed or your money t refunded h lepofsky acton ontario specials at mclean co itlack midiuss siik i nil 11 mchc wide all pure silk with ritli siitm itni h good vnliic nt the rtj ulnr price 1 7s tin rfj oh lln week nt per nrd p uoli prooi iiosl one hundred pair ih ilk nnd h le all hades ttf lxtra i ood villuc at hsc specuil this week jvc linfin towli linc stripe crash nnd plmn linen wtlh red nnd blue ed e ot al per ynrd lidc mill ends 1 1nln towklijn i nds i men towcllinj at 20 e s thnn rejulur price mill kniw of mnmiams very suitable for aprons and house dresses at 25 kss than repulnr price specials in grocery lrepl ncy datts lbs for valencia uaisins per lb per lb 25c 15c 10c apiiicors per 1b 23c lemon and ohange pci 1 mixed lb for 3 sago ft ihs for ildc jory so or 15c 6 guest ivory soap 0 cakes for zdc mclean co mill street acton ont pre christmas clearance wc must make room for our christmas stock now due to rrive and the best means we know of to clear the shelves ij riving our cusionitrs tlie opportunity of taking advantage of teal snvings our store space is limited wc must have tho- room yours will be the borgains wc quote just a few of iht values offered men s strong work shirts double stitched double yoke breast pocket good fitting and made of a good quality of aq ilannclette sizes 11 to 1 regular 1 25 value for uoc mens guaranteed moleskin pants made of the best material tivc pockets bolt loops culf bottoms sizes 32 to 44 4 00 value for men s leather milts wool lined special at rer pair alen s leather caps with fur car lugs just the ight cap for winter all sizes at each boys heavy bloomcks sizes 25 to j34jpcr inir boys caps all sizes in the lot special at each boys all wool swpateks pullover style colo navy and sand special it e ich lvtra splcial children s coats fully lined just a few left to eleai at each indies flannelette nlflht gowns with long or short all jies at each many mokl is aim a ins in thl storl come in and make us prove it the maple leaf economy store auction sale high class jehsfy cattle puok ihilij and gltadeh also iioksfh h1hi1 ih3 itc hit- umlcrsicnrd iibu been instnletrd by alexander dark will hold a blcaruijf auction saia of block and ianifcaowu at lot tll tio0 naauawya oti srlday muftmbot 10 at two o clock h j kerr aueuoow u jl ukuitu lint ov kafjlri yilday liovmiir 111 hir ajakandir jlrk lot j4 4ui una naimmtawya oliurlutf tuil of rmrnl btikk alul lmtl3 lutnla iutday novcmbur jo wank pay lot 3 coitotiudtui v itibjiitu cuaihint mid ut titockaud liuplkniinta wlricday wovumusr sb willuni crlyi orwaoiu conwrt olearum tudo c ovc ttlltt ug itf pndi 0uiok and itnplcmenu cr till un buiikalile ppw wtxlnoaday uacaiiibor 13 mvlmui 1 hkn nctch wlnur rlr oueuih thwda aud hoot wlu itoiumoon cuark qoa11am mcnair to ell by rnbllc auction at lot 1 con cccrlon esqucslnc llasc lln an wfdnfsdav novkmhtlt 11 1siji at out o clock aharp uio following v cowb itcalstcrcd jtraey cow hrcd in march 3 jcruy caws frati calvod jciipv cow jjicupcqruaj3llx jaraaj cw intel imiruary 10 jersey cow bred april u jcriioy hclfcr lmd april 0 jcib y hclftr bnd april 0 jeremy cow bivd april 7 jersey cow brod uay 13 j jlisoy llflfcrs brtd may 3s opottcd bled may 33 jersey cow bred i jeruy cow bred juno 15 jersey con i rtd june 34 jersey cow bred j in u jorey c iw bred aufpjst 1 1 j it j- c w brtd ucplrmber 13 jo nicy llilfrr brul october 4 jcreey hcllur bicd october ii itcauterod jerecy llclfn l yciir 3 jrnvey lldlfcra 1 year 3 hpriiijj calves iteuutered jersey hull holtheh aruy horse 10 yeara 1 300 ibn dark orry 4 yeart i 400 iba duik orry 3 yeam 1 300 lbs clrey ihr clun it call 1 year tig kbrood ouw wlui 10 plfla uiood ijow with 0 jljia 3qlltffl 5 numtlu oiil1 1 il oxford ureedlnff kwca 4 two lambs 3 wither lambs kagutrred oxford i tarn rouiijly3 oreae gander imiilmjnn uilll uumi a i 1j whit aih iunuu3 no uedrrvn as tu irunuiiu li galas t of tlw italy liuuskm if wiat liar lj ununiou th kau will u 1iu uud cvar ricleltl ah auuu of t3m arid under 11 moouw international dill w 111 jill dlij- lliiujy and hickory wu n ollili 3 this weeks specials 2 soda wafers 10 packets for 1ic uni dinah molasses a per tin c 2 rice knspics oe fockcts for ijc clurk s boups ex oefa ccpt chicken titfs tjjc clark s pork and jo beans imd size 2 for ujc 4palmulive boup a cake for z9c squirrel peanut but f q tcr toy pails for loc fancy quality del h monte peaches in su hills mut st photw 117 acurt wtf ltiulumlwr trajcj 295 49c 145 98c 49c 98c 198 98c acton ontario pedals for this week 10 lhs for dlc ijckk star vntmnnia its fr 25c 43c rrnrtmoc juiclt niptlia soip oe iitp 1 piicknjit jdc ye bz iis iur zlc ooc i ioudir 1 lilt icir lifc hqf 1 1 c mn 9c uifl- i aj piuiuinth for 6jt acton cooperative store mill sritekt acton ihonl ic