Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1928, p. 2

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utyr axhiu iflrr tmfl iiniiumxv novkmiikii j3 loaa 3h nowmllul 192h p- h v ww jfcl 1 1 4 a 1 7 v 10 11 11 u in ia 1 in iv 31 11 23 71 it ib 36 2 v 2v h a lauov i am ninnarrh of all i uurvey my title no fair one dlnpuu in the o uoluiklti whrro are uiy charms that bach lars have iwn in uiy face better dwell midst domestic alarms limn reign in uibt liorrlhle place of wedlock i m out of the reach i must finish my journey iilaiis never liear die sweet music of speech itom tin itcaullful wife of my own the tlic birlfl thai- parade through street my rorm with indifference tee ihpy amllo no at others they meet their coldness la shocking to me fiaclely wedlock and love divinely bestow d upon man o could i find one to approve how noon would i join in uio plan cimistmas tubes about seven million trees will be uud in norui america uils christmas tlie question immediately arises aw we dc vaung our forests by brightening up uie iwmes and making million of young sters happy at christina timer prominent autliorlties such a dr c d howe dean iculty of fcorestry uni versity of toronto in canada- and wm o howard ouperlntcndeut or fltat porsts new york atate in united olates aaya mo dean howe says an area of tlilrty square miles if set aside and man aged for christmas tree production would supply uie present demand for each year for all lime the average slsc of uie christmas tree marketed in uie gtaten is six feet a spruce tree of tilts size pan be grown in uie nursery inside of ten yora and in uie forest in fifteen mr howard cayn- trlea are for use and there in no other use to which they could be put that would contribute so much joy to mankind as their use by children on this great liollday ia furtlier states in our state a large pro portion of christmas trees are cut from pasture lands where they are a nuis- cuiee or from other lands which uie owner desires to clear for farm purpose so that tha trees would be out in any awsnt and uuflaarkeunff of ujsejt fo christmas rives uie owner seme return 1 i ri i woched 1u highest development clirlst- mas trees ore thinnings which am cull- d out of tjie forest which practice oeluojly improves uie forest hence uiero u scarcely a hut dweller who has not hu clirtatmas tree in canada uie canadian assoclaunn would advocate uiat in connection wlui forest plantations uiere sliould be plant ed some spruce and balsam for christ- mas trees then wlien uiey reach the proper else the owner can cut uiem out and market uiem and suu leave uie umber tree to mature for crop this source of supply would probably bo sufficient to mpply the liome demand- for export trade plantations of spruce and balsam should prove a profitable business two uiomond christmas trees could be crown on one acre thus on a ten year rotation ten spuore miles would supply 11 million trees for all ume at a plantlna oast of leu uian one cent per tree here is an opportunity for nterprlsuijr communities townships or individuals to uulue soma abandoned farm to good purpose tills year in hew brunswick alone thar u a demand for three million christmas tres vac uie present hflwevsr certain rulos of conduct siiould be observed to cuttjie top off a perfectly good umber tree and leave the body to rot in the bush is criminal waste unworuiy or a self ruspacuns cltuun to take a christmas tree from private property u plain uieft and a question of public morals uiat should not be tounited by any community wliy not rauier select your tree from pasture land or if se lecting in the bush dioose cedar or bal sam which are prolific reproducers uie uuilsalion or whjch would do little harm canadian poroatry assoclatlovi note lyr 3flrrr ipmm gljort tnrij the piibbing of spruocland cliurrh 11y joiim ml iivin hull m m x wuii ti imiiy day in the year 1000 when thu upruchnnd church wss ral ed i ho around floor wui already laid and tha grrat frama of riillrl umlwiri lay in sections round about 1 very ablnlmdlad man in tlm paruh i lootl by cncli arnind wlui a lonff i wile having a uhnrp splko in the und of it are you all ready ankrd deacon joel hart thp master carpenter ah ready answered the deep oicrji of uiu men utid thiy thrtint the apiiiln into the umbers ihfin all topcthrr in the nnmi of the lord lit up commanded the dra- con olowly but canlly obnylnn the mluhty mutclrs of theco sturdy men tlip crtnt frame race till every baam unci rafter was in place und fasten nd by strouu wooden pins then klljah warner a boy of twelve the yoiinfiest member of the church stood in the dooruay of his f other a barn mv blew uie conch rhell to call tlie men to the bountiful dinner which tfio women bad prepared it wan a day of solemn joy in the new church when uio congregation met there for um nrat tjmiln public woralilp the luiuce was of no style of architec ture ever named but it was solid ample and the people themftelven had built it the pews were nearly square imvlne hinged seats on uireo sides and a swing ing door on the fourth a goodly night o1itepa led up to uie pulpit and above ivwas a great clamohell soundingboard a book rack ran through uie centre of the house and on cither side of uiat uie nlngen oat the sopmnoa and altos facing uie tenors and basses at the close of the first service cider manley gave out uie hymn israel dodge sounded the key on ida pltehplpe and the singers and all the people joined heart and voice in singing to the ancient tune of moar i love her gaten i love uie road the church adorned with era stands like a palace built for aod to cliow ills milder race prom uiat ume the church became a centre or interest in uio community many strange solemn joyful and even amusing events took place uiero mtt long after uie dedication -aima- wsucurt khtwdlihf iikrpfuuic to maet- intf lit full malum ftniid sat uirough idle mrula fl tlat m 111 1 m ii canaalam fakm ktkph out ah a rtluchahtu otf motoiu1 tui hh tractouh kl- ad y utter w bvji maje in li two vrsotlri now nml lut top cn utu t r omiuushlf iimrnuod hit in klvn vr lrlh b loplu lth imcm lerr lun la tha xluluj klt tdm hiui liii tuihlnd in tw opcrmlloi bf uolw ilu rat klrlujn hel u nw ne it set ins highly pnjbuule that by january 1 i020 this nation numbnrliig approxjiiiately ten million ulll own oni jululon motor vehlcl a yin other country of comparable aloe at length mdni- manley dlhd hptulr tonic aiiywlmra nrur uu ttuure kvon ned happily ui a florlmui vision wherein the united tltatci with o vast and highly he saw the ehfirch mind with old and protected liotne market wlui a quati- yomig as in former days and lienrd uielr tlty production which enables cars to be old and operated at inucli icum cost ulan n canada does vtiry little belter at all triumphant soimu after the death of klder mauley but idtc betsre uie church but ho nevcv told wbal he uiought of the whlujmana uorslilp of uie a rent fjplrlt tliose were uie days of long prayers and long sermons this was desired and expected by uio people hut uiere were limits to the endurance of the body the dear as now and so ue omer neonhf w m for being so und and con- now and so uie older people were allowed to stand up occasionally during sermon ume to rent uncle peter putlleld did uils one day and leaning on the door of the pew ho fell asleep ouddenlyuie latch brolc away and the old man fell wlui a great clatter into the aisle oull more disconcerting was uie in cident of shubael orow this man washed sheep all day long on saturday in uie cold waters of the brook and after seventhly on flunday afternoon lie fell asleep and in his dreams lie null was waslilng flhecp one acuvo fellow was about to escape when ohuboel jump ed up and clawed uio lr and crying rkltedly whoa nuckl whoa buck fell upon uio opposite seat in uie pew it is said uiat even elder manley was a trifle embarrassed an uus occasion m process of umo elijah warner de veloped a tenor volco of wonderful sweet ness and power and at length he became uie loader of uie choir moreover israel dodges pitch pipe gave place to a noble band of playcm upon pipes and stringed instrument luther hutchinson and mark dutter- flejd violins obed taylor and ouneon baldwin clarinets edwin outtersan fiute otis pleld and mlcah btlckney boss viols oh grand and inspiring was uie ser vice or praise in uiose days of oldl and few men ii nun wenr held in tlie old church one by one the original memb ers died or moved away until tdljafi warner wan lite only one left wlio had been present ut uie ruining of uie church his wife had long been uvd but lie lived on hto old farm with lib son joseph he wau nluuty years old frail hut active altliouuh at times his mind wandered with hbl long lialr and beard lie looked like a prophet whose name ho bore ouddenly the old man announced uiat there was uolng to be one more meet ing lu uie old church before lie died he was not tn ho turned away from hli idea and so the ume was appointed and word sent round it was a cold november afternoon when tlio people assembled a mere brok en remnant of former days tlie old castiron stoves word rttd liot and uie meandering stovepipes snapped wlui lieat but the lltuo company shivered in the empty pews once so full of life and song nut elijah warner was on uie plnnacli he looked upon uilngs hot seen r how amiable are thy tabernacles o lord of iioslm ho sad i was lxtl v hen they said unto me let us go into uio house of uio lord tflien a change came over uu old mail with erect head and clastic step ho walked down die aisle and paused a minute before uie pulpit what god hath joined oaeuier let not man put asunder he sold vcrygenuy uilnks irene is wth him whispered aunt polly plold who could just remember elijahs wedding in uie church lot us pray for uie peace or jerusa lem said elijah ho was gifted tn prayer and at uils time a special grace won given to him every heart was touclied and every listened so attimuvely uiat it was not noticed uiat any one come into uie room when uie prayer won over elijah himself was uin mili opc was not swfiffsvto nee hit slt- tlng wnong uienl flrsthornj r tjj qui ktiiitdom for such a ume this bpeak unto us of all uiut bjn thine heart the hall middleaged man came for ward and laid his ami lovingly upon his father a shoulder oldcratc to father i ran away from my business in uie city uilu morning to make our folks a htue visit when i got to the old place i found uiat you were all here at father s request and so i came along to uie cliurcli you feel sad today as you uilnk of uie old and prosperous umes perliaps you would be encouraged jf you could realise what an influence far good uie work of this church is in the land today tliose that have gone from here are among uie best cluseiin and uiey are proud to refer to uielr early training here in a trip i lately took he conunued met herman baldwin and alanso ouclaicy both mayors or clues as you know and all uiey wanted to talk about was old times in apruceland in denver wont to cliurcli one sunday morning where a noted preacher was to speak the house was crowded i did not recognize him at first but when lie held uie audience in tearful silence as ho told of his childhood liomc among uie hills and paid such a tender tribute tbnla mothers training and uiere alio sits among you it flashed upon my mind uiat it was dr oteplien field they that sow in tears shall reap in joy said elijah with trembling lips but i confess continued benjamin that we who liave gone away have rive vn growth in the ave y ending 103 the nunilwr of cam registered in canada increased by about iu0 uie greatest lncriie being registered by uie western province led by british columbia wlui a rate approximuung 130 canada growth in car ownership during uie hve yearn mentioned was much greater in proportion than uiat of uie united otates in 1d37 canadian factories prp- duenl 167 253 motor vehicles or over 13 ooo more uian uut combined total for the years 1031 and 1033 and ooooo more than uie total number of cars owned lit canada in 1016 jtfven in uiese days one ntlll occasion ally wmu someone wlio thinks or uie motor car as a national debit instead or a national osul to such pessimists uie trade ngures of uie dominion during uie five years under review must come as a tliockt ravhuf increase the five years under review have seen uie greatest increase in uie savings of canadians yet recorded tlie period lias auo seen a record increase bi uie nuirtr ber or inventors in canada and the amount invested bank debits to in dividual accounts uie value of buildings erected total trade arid employment have each and all touched new high levels iho great increase in the nation s savings in face of uie great increase in the purchase of cars and the growui of installment buying has provided econ omics with an intercsung problem uuiu credit a lsuat tttimjtj if you r nvr m fortunate tut to visit our national capital ut washliistoii you will hud muiiy thlnu tiem to thrill you bill noun porliaprt as hfclrrutg ah oiw plcluro that hang us a parmatirnt gift to uicj american people and u rutin a tribute to one of uw tnul ilortou drnds in all our nation s proud history 7 his woudtrful picture iwari the simple title wh and us ilfl numn uiiuuomu duplets the gallant hjuht of coloml ctutrles a lindbergh fiom hew york to purls uie fijuht that thrilled the world and gave it probably its most loved liero or all time and the best part or all this jt you can have u handsome copy or wk printed in twdvii oolors and measuring eighteen by twmty four indies to liaug lu your own inline you cannot buy the picture at any prjtxf it may ho had only uirough tlie youuis companion as lu free gift to jou with a years subscription to uie magazine in its new form as a monthly hug- kliia tlie companion iuf has more to offer uian evr before a full book- icuglh novel complete- in each issue fie rials and sliort stories feature arucies editorials conltuits ptikxls poems re commendations of books and motion pic tures and special departments for boui boy and klru covering uielr own favor ite activities in ordur that every american home may ftnjoy uie insplrauon of ijie fatuous picture wk we make tlie following ilber4l offer 1 the youups companion 13 big monuily numbers and 3 two extra numbers to new sub scribers ordering wluiln 30 days and 3 a copy of wk in 13 colors fram ing also lfix34 inches all for only t2 the youth 0 companion a n depl boston moss bubscrlpuons hjklved at uiu office clllsens of to day are far better leh jlnswhiieiyrpiiii wajpic a7wuse thutaetortrnwiselytjutaiever if pece1t ob rxaumkf dinner or herbs where stalled ox and hatred setter u love is uian there ul it was uie gtandinouier wlio read these words to four sweet children gathred about her at eveningurne tha mother and fauier were away for a long trip to uu coast and uio grandiaouier wliom uie children loved dearly had corns to core for uiem they wre very proud of their liandsome grandmother a noble and intellectual woman of gracious man nr and genue voioe orandmouier has a face full or in teresung stories said uie youngest girl to her mouier one day and these lntcr- urwitlnb stories were tlie delight of the children as uiey were also of uielr elders bo uio children turned to her naturally for entertainment or advjee they hadimpllclt fsjui in her judgment for site was uielr ideal tliey liked uie quiet reads wlui grandmouier as uiey muiered round on open are tn uio plesuntjlvlng room uiey liked her in teresting explanauons of uie bible words and her gentle comments tw mother and fuitr had not had much time of late to read wlui the cjjll- drrn and explain uiina tlwyfwerw busy with many outles and pleasures uit grandmouter always liad ume better is a dinner of lurbd where love u slie rad and expuuned uie passage aud as slia read and spoke uie cmaut boy of uie family looked and lutenod intenuy it uos an affocllonato family a good bouaaliold and yut to kooii observers like ehiulrtii it was aouiaunumi pukallng know just what were uie most desirable tbkigd at life wnfe uwire too many comments on uie money valua of desir able udngs was ouiro too knuehulk at uin breokrost table about meutods of quick money makuig too many wishes expressed for uiat sort of rlcliast truly h is more uian preccipt and the children in thjsmjiyftulottockcil owhoyislenedwoiidorlub to the wiutli of the oojwi book ai uiey fell frdut grandinouier lips a good name is rather to be cliacen uuui rct rictus and loving favor rauier tlusti sllvnr and gold slie read again bud whn uid reading was fluuhcul onh ui simple praysr nndad tlie buiali bay till sat pondering was ha trymg to reconclls wliat he hod heard tor many a day with the wards uiat hod just imaii read was it dutieult to draw a conclusion r ap parently it was for lie presently looked up and asked gravely well uin grauu too wlildt really u bat tar tnoiiey or low them lsiriiuiy a liduieliald where uie ehlldrwtj ard observuig keenly uncon sciously thty are setting up ideals and ioruuna judgments lluy may not rad wesldciit cliol a address on uie deslr- fevblo udtupj of life but uuiy nouce whert uxt nipliilfl 1j placitl in the imuseliold of whli h uiey form a iiart as t liey loot and ibitcti day by day fo uic family lift and u family talk what conuuidon will umy draw what saiwtr will tliey make to uie snmll lhy question whlrh rtully u 1m tlr numey w lor was always remembered wlui what n i cafl uirllllng power uiese melons played vlt s tt u the dead march in saul wlien deacon joel hart uio blaster carpenter was carried forth to his burial when the dingers stood up to sing elijah warner stood face to face wlui irene ouuerson beautlhil and gcnu wlio sang a marvellous good tribbu tholr voices blended in delicious har mony uirough uie church but it was situation likely to lead to concomienc ea and it did too late to begin hrst or all i pmmlm you uiat before anouier season a little chapel aliall be built at dadgevule and you can have services there through uie summer at least lord now lot test thou uiy servant depart in peace i cried klljah exultant ly brethren and sisters we will no go homo for i want to vbdt wlui my boy ana it aid at rolllnl joseph warner awoke hi one iummer niomlnc them was a loa l f 3 of expecuuon on every face as uie r- x cawl vice began after uie opening antlum i d elijah and irene stepped out from their t c f n v places and liand in hand uiey walked a wlnd 8 about stinging flurries down the long aisle kider manley came tbo bumml u m clown from his pulpit to meet uiem h d l and wlui solemn and tender words made j flr hem husband and wife then thev bulam glowed against uie darkness i per cent of the care purchased arc to mhitn thi and whcn n coila fmbcr fell a million replace worn out vehicles two days before uils article won writ ten motor buses ntted wlui sleeping berths commenced to run regularly be tween london and newcastle england ctortmwiselytjutaiever in liistory lias uie percentage of losses been lower a une expert in 1037 uie dominion cportod 3p0a0 passenger cars valued at 2xh0 000 and um motor trucks worth 0270 000 together with motor parts which brought uie total up- to 3i 803403 these exports went to about 3 different coun tries and in several canes represented canada s chief export of manufactured products to uiat country apart from uie fact uiat the manufacture of thirty million dollars warui of motor vehicles provided regular employment for many uiouaonds of canadians uus exportation of motor vehicles from canada has prob ably done more to create a national consciousness of uie value of export trade uian any ouicr factor trade in empire oreat britain uas canada b best customer for automobiles purchasing over five and a hair million dollar worth in 1537 tlie british west indies came second with 10 377 000 and aus tralia third with 3 353 000 guch htufl known countries as iraq 65 cars and trucks peru 730 velllclas and uru guay bought 431 passenger cars rus sia turkey switzerland and spain were almost uio only european countries not buying canadian motor vehicles and it will surprise many readers to learn uiat 33d canadian built passenger cars to- geuicr with a number of trucks were exported to uie united states fashions of today or the total number of passenger cars made in canada in 1037 73 per cent wcro closed care this trend towards closed cars lias been steadily increasing fat a decade in 1030 uie proportion was only 10 per cent in 1039 it was 40 per cept n 1030 s5 per cent and but year 73 pr cent in uie united states it is much hlgbert uie average fat canada and uie united states combined being s3 per cent in 1037 pour and rve passenger cars are easily uie lost popular about so per cent of all ears produced in canada in 1037 being or this alxe two and three passenger cars worn about 13 per cent of uie total while seven passenger cars account for about 3 per cent or the total nearly 0 000 automobiles are scrap ped in canada every year hi uio united jatcs aver fid per cent of uio total numbers cf cars sold an to replace old rrs here the canadian business ite larch bureau climates that about formed uian uielr predecessors uiey have fewer limitation thousands of can adlon fiuiillleo own motor cars for every family which owned n borce and car riage forty years ago and uie breaking down of uie jlmltatlana jnjliat direction has also enabled uiem to break more down in other directio h uiey iuivworrlo artrtctea tanxf mannkuh probably uiere is no people in uie world to uncivil bd as not to liave among themselves a cade or manners more or less strlcuy defined mr bishop while on his uiousand mile walk across souui america was impressed wlui uils fact he describes a rude meal which lie shared a 1th a company of cartdrivers aimoit savage gauelios tn wliase company lie wax then travelling we encamped near a swamp and supped upon sliced pumpkins boiled with bits of moat and seasoned wlui salt the meal was served in genuine pampa fashion one irort spoon and two cowj liorns spilt in halves were passed around uie group uie members or which squat ted upon uielr haunches and freely helped themselves from uie ketuea even tn uils most uncivilized form of satisfying hunger uiere is a peculiar etiquette which uie most lowly neon ft variably rnirrrnii mm tliiiii nllni of wj 1euu ul tiiouain whoever looks for n impnrfreumis will ii vi i sriktt wo lovi t ii r h faults ntiil wi oiiifht l hi the like inuniii r fruind wit nut find whit ht i ullh all our lovi our rhiuu if u mull dun tut la p h i with hh companion it iniy tu lit t h hi ur u ttlhwint iriiiuiiwr ih nun it in nit myliik ii my homy ih it swetiifhrt nmnlti into ih in iijlliorl fctitul provirb pear is contagious be briivi for otln r if you will not be bravo f r your it what la there hint uin juntlfy tini and lameiitailajis ijnying or buddlin the icultlmatc aim or rrltlrbm i to direct otunllon to thi cmiilnt the lui will dig in own uravi and ihe ihiirrfeet mny wifely b li ft 1 1 that final neglect from ulilili n miuuntof present undeserved popularity can res cue it ilovte excessive dlfltnnt of othern li not i hi hurtful than 1w oppoilt mi l mm become unless to him uin li tmwjllluic to risk behi i deceived vuiivu aruiu millers a worm powbekg hsusimrnghxotiriuinomoitiqm iiiiauoiirrih iivtiii ininicieat wotius amu mutomi tiil cllltu to ijoilual 111- am h o narcoticaplkasant a sugar f j cadesky j or tononvo 1 1 yi skin speciamst will iii mat iihoh v ii k iiiukl moitr acion 1 yp monday december 3 s jn nj i hiifr rl ii fr m pyn i vv i tr ili n r iu vision or i j v v m i in 1 ii l iif t mlfi j tho 9tl il jiill nr n utllik thin v 7 nfe 1 ht 11 t apiouu v y p ii i ii n ij 1 til wltli mr i v t ur vn ir inl n f i nsin i i io i hi r offcs hour- 0 o m till 4pm bv gcocge ittodeviatooiettrlrtttirtrqricrtt by observing uils rule each person eats wltliout interfering with his neighbor being ignorant of uils custom i dlppkl my liorn into uie mess at random and flailed about for some of uie nice bits my companions regarded uus liorrld breach of politeness wlui scowls of im patience they declared wlui came warmui to uie cook uiat gringos did not know how to eau and as uiey lived upon dags in their own distant country uiey came to the great argentine re public to get food and grow fat on uie gaudies i apologised as well as i could and endeavored uioreafter to eat according to gauclio etiquette fleets the dominions place in world motor circles ha other country of twice uie population of canada stogoa a motor show having such a large number of car exhibits or visited by so many people business both at uie toronto aliow and at uie many excellent motor shows in other canadian cities is expected to touch new high levels this year never before lias it been possible to obtain in canada such value for money spent upon automobiles as to-day- phil j ouggan bales manager durant motors of canada ltd utftbityiiig lly ueorgcflr wiah pel iwuglil u rotfere myself invariably uiey ore tliooo who bought uio first electric rnilio they ifli- gmttiei to ae- without comparison with out investigation hater on flucb men hear flic rogers-bolicry- ieafl in action m sonic friends home they learn tluil it was first in the field thnt it is lutclcetl by a foiirvcnr record of proven per formance tlmt more rogersbattery ess radios are bold ihmi all other electric acta combined i and uicjr regret ia unmistakable the moral ia plain i dont buy any new eloctrtc radio without first hearing tho pioneer rogorabatterylgs we will gladly arrange o fraa demonstration in your home any evening you name come in or phone us went back to their places whilo tho ng or birds arid fragrance of clnna r fwt upward man roses were home by the summer demy the i brother heard a voice brecse through the open window wnere j ln wn- x squirrel sat and laughed at them for v n f lqn very joy crny nalr ann ard tossed hi uie wind and so uio years went by in proa l t revcrentiy to pcrity and harmony for nearly hair a i u hc it urch century uie only dissension recorded took t makc hll ft plts his place when stoves were put in to host a flsmlng ire 111- church but uie next winter came great storm when half uie con- israel i he said tlie chariot and uie horsemen uieroofl grcgatlon were bockaded in uie church cuulwrmalned there all night and uie they hurried him gently into uie house but the chilling wind had done its work firekept them rrom tooting- after a l bumln8 church that all wcn agreed uiat c was proper noker n fcl1 p of uie old to have ulaven in the houscof ood man f iovod u jniwl to him wlio in 1847 uio rallrood was built coming tmvc within seven miles of rpniccland at chcstortown and about uie namr dlst vnee at rlverdalc young jool hart win inh rltcd all muny nc arc inost crippled wl i his fathers mechanical genius was at conui uut r nordlc1 suherlng which mverdale when uie nrst regular train cndei wiu hollowaya eamo in tlie next thinday noon not o cmovcr only tho men gathered around htin but the women also and kldor manley hlm- celf lingered nearer to hoar tho talc uist ooemetf loo wonderful for belief i tell ye said jowl it was a night u soe that train came up the mountain j choo chout rhoo chool jest like uiat and dny when c entered ilia steom ojid smoke a rollln ttttav vou lawyer ho atkeo in dii it aii ami rtcan lawyer wan silling at his away and they stopped there come ume and i gut on board uie engine uhen it went ii up uio track to pump water into ho bllor and proudly uie ingineer he ait me start her once and ring uio belli thtn klljah wanicr stood forth aid iftcd a sohnn finger of proptinry kruinds and ncigbori he said when our young brouier ruhg uus bell on that ere steamdugine he tolled uie funeral knell of opruceland church yid so indeed it provud 1 he first one to go was joel hart hc tot a plafo as fireman and was tocu running an engine over uio moun tain laijah warners son ltenjaniln went into business at luverdalo did well od out went to boston and thero built up one of uie hutucal dry goou trodos hi the city all uu younger people were oger to be near uu rallnwui in one tear a dojam fanilllns niovtd to htverdaw the whole range of farms on least hill won abandoned avslrel yca wluitmnvlotiswir yrugood lawyer i hope so h w much you chargu ir one china nmn kflliiiii nather chinaman to get ll in r a peiwuv oh i ti ui j30q to deisnd acciwod o murder hi mo days later the ohlnamsn return- d 45m ta in nus britain was the pioneer user af motor buses but it required rn item or tha above character to awaken uiose wlio live outside of uio british isles to the extent to which motor vehicles an dominating tha flld of una trortspor uuon the sleeping bus service recently inaugurated li planned to run every night leaving london close to midnight and arriving in newxaauf in ume for breakrasl tho sleeping berths arr arranged in mllar fashion to uiat com man in canadian railway trains and hi fare la jmiwhat inwer than uie rait fori llsbi not arrurate hru u no dflulte informauun as to uie number or buses now operaung in canada because in certain provinces uiey are included in ths tcgutrauon lists wlui taxis onurlo had only 480 and quebec 470 in 1037- so that it is obvious uiat the dominion does not use anyudns 11k- the proportion used in either britain cr uu unllid otatrr ihs reason is of couraor th lower density cr popuatlca busesji4vo to be opera djrirjcnj2lynupulatcd areas to te profitable farmers iii- flayers until recently tho canadian fanner had n t rcmiiard vlry tavorably w ui his contemporary tn uie united olates as ajrintoribi tjnl hifng tlm pant ur ycara ih canadian rarmcr as a claia luis llgurod vary near the top of tin lint us a buyer of cam and trucks on rheumatism no part of natures plan she offer m ft cr healing herbs ia stop suffering wlien amerva vaa wildenuyti imlutna wcro ujuno iwrba ueeeartfull lrom tlie itodnwn fto ytviru ago jamea gallaglier losmivl hrrluil fcerreln and eampoumlrtl oallnfjlier a herbal ifniuie- liold keuwwlteo j ha fninmis kidney llenied lias hclpod manyk icafarcr from kheumntiam this fine tmwtrvml rtimodj rtiawn from tlie lieart of nature hrnla and eleanses kidnoyv quulily ulopa imck- aelie dissiuaasond other nngrinf kulnry and bladder ailment try it lor aalaby si a t rrown acton get yours now tie demand for uie new 1029 kogrre ilatterylcss models u so ftrcat uiat uie factory w approximitcly ooo seti behind in delivenca therrforc if nu ire planning to urrl isc a rogers nalterylc radio for chnstons choose ti e m idel you want how pay a deposit nnd let us uuer tit sa at cbrutmas ume rogers fourninety console closd a superb new 1920 modtl or those ujio want the utmost in radio trcrption s nglc dial tun inr uilh il msnaifd dial auto- m it c i ijee control rugerj output niter phonograph plui in ji improved uectro- dytimic speaker genuine l ol nu cabinet by 1 tlcoltn price complete 9130500 tjie ji k four fiekty tabu d i thr t itiur liwn uboie his i lly t sane runt equip trr li it ler nee cam pieteexfrt ecu 1 x 27goo h ac coxe garage main street acton ontario ovou a i rid lit hc said i klllum oui y1nq ountus a iilgro soldier in uie american army was on senunci duty for uio first ume in his life a dark form approaclicd halt lie cjld in a uireauug voice wlkbure you tl offlrcr or tha day advuiuel hie ottlcir advanced but betori- lu th i had i rouei led a hair dozrn ueis the u coji4rlaauoii wntry ujaln crlnd haiti thnv rhurcli uu dwlndl d llavr manley now bown old this ij uu wcond time nu haw plain preached to empty peas oar by yar halted nu said the oifkor what art i uu dipletlon continued uweovur thu you fining to do itestr i cwntro ur uia dbnuujlwd papulation ntvcr jou mind what all i nolng to um changul to dodgivillii ou u olibsr- tin mat ush orders are to mil halt canada hill at uin tiadlaiiha7ii own road fur from uk cliurclu uuvu uoie dl shoott kshlbluoa lonms vtrsusj re rormer canadian farm publluitlii tcccntly round uiat 75 per wnl or its luliscrlbers in ontario possessed one or mare automobiles and 14 per cent owned a true tor in the prairie provinces aver 37 000 motor can and trucks were told to farmers between l31 and lojfl and sales during 1037 and 103a greauy exceeded privlous hlh levels in 1031 34 000 pralrlu fanns had tn cuire uie govlnumut ruisui of 103fl ulutv d over r0 000 tractors in uwi on same f urn is und more were sold and 10jb than in irui pre ji irn abi ut 45 p r tuit of the i farm r canadi ponid ur uutoniuuili in 1037 the nalluiul hliuw nati nul aui mobile jhow so far and yet so near i munt enll jolm by lonfif d iota n ro nnd jet him know i cot lioro all right then neither of ua will be worry injf its wonderful to bo able to visit you hue thin ondyflt kiirrbirvidho tofteh wjth liome no if i ucrr thef wliat must it liave been llko in the old days before long distance mojlo it poasiblot til placouioeoll for you wltilo you are taking off your wrap that will be fine just ask for our number 124 00 111 flat uia cliaapor stauon to- 5tauon rate in a couput of days ill colt up offain in the evening tin i can have a fw words wlui uie children too tha evening- kat aitar 8so la really vry low througstout your whole grocery justaw advatt- tge g- you to profit by mou wotoaa coase a shop around whsn usay fiaj carvolts quality ouinlsuisd at th bisksst ttoad- jcpjtcs uniformly lower ssvintf iut simply oh oocosumisj itama but ngltt dowa uumilt tb cracsry lut save money by buying at carrolls pes toastlee 3- 2sc xve fancy ifiorija grajiefrult is- 3 ssc quick quaker oatsitrafre ayttttcr sifted peas iise u bsll tshphohe it a lohff dtiluneit sldftoii st ckartt kfe lze fus smytna sulsrmaeitl raisins fbt uuj sujj crauvil to tlm uial asset tsjjsl bey hv 5 s quality lust bisets lite tuuwaunia of di- u crudnaitur wotiuiii uiamnulurr 5 kismw crudnaitvg woioen ota sunzasids forvry 1 tiaif purpose suniitaid seded 2se q m mud jwu 1 ue- a hacon 34 x4 nqtaifi 1j aya aytmar pun strawberry jam 40 o jar pjf th cpreal for t ri8gjjlalrh iaehaa roinan fsme meal 3sa ghlil macoojtja cut aixw pl flour tk rwj wau rml no 2220 luwauaiumwt bread t surprise soap ao- 49c ammonia washing soda peatline gold oust sxxse paltrta importij worcester sauce pr btl casscos pur orang mssrntsalade 40 01 ja ailji groit from little savihas grou- kjskuiawia4sjjj k

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