Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 22, 1928, p. 6

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tilil v c am i i f lci mam ut tin mt wlnix ml t i iirli mr rial mauuiu iikuimiuct i allll imiuooic at mil- lnn di wtdnrrday nnvnnilwr 14 10j1i alfrcil i hcik irrrt u mill ijomi i llmior i in u rhrook mi i alian at tin fiinilly home lot 7 uilrd llnr rrln inwnnlilp on ijuncloy nu- vfinlwr in idjh john allnnon 80th yrnr omiiyvh i 1 j at lirr home mill olrc t acuin on ijnlunlny november 17 1uj1 nancy llrotin widow or the mt llim ebuntirvlllr in hnr out year miiown at peel memorial ilmpnl llronlpuln nn mimdny november id 1038 prunrls joseph urown aucl 70 yers brother of mrs james urown los angclm gnllfomlft mctnklty at hln lioinn lot m ninth line iccqucniiik township on tlum day november 15 id3b pavid fife mchncry brloved un of mr and mr- david i mcrnrry in hu 37th year iujr a u irv jirib tiitjiiuday novemileit 33 102q g and thai lea than flvc week until ohrlnt- our phone number u 174 oend in your local news items its almost too late to do your christmas shopping early now tlio snow nliovels bt uw runt wore off with the flurries of uiiji week for safety most motorists will reduce llielr speed on the ley pavemenu now uony from here ore attending tho rtoyal winter pair at toronto uicea dnyfl tuesday evening was the last regu lar aeiuilon of council before- nomina tion and this week brought a touch of winter and covered the ffround wltli a white blanket census takers estimate uiat fl 134 ears per day pass along the highway at durllnston beach walkertona new confederation arena in 1u unit year of operation showed a profit or i soooo motor radiators have had their first real testing this season with the pre- valllna frosty neighborhood news ps ilyrrmnn wi nt up nawhaflawi a ilun ell 1 lulry unci id word of moirnt mid party who lorlh diir liuntliiu n turiml hoini on monday of liist inli with five nuc drir from tliilr hunt thry it mrt din dir not loo pit nllful in tlio din trie i thry wiro in r wo urn having a lunto of winter uouthrr thin wi rk llio tlirr h ni an nrnrfnir tlio closn or thrlr rruionii work uoma will flnl di thin wrck mr alcix clark of nnsniiifixweyn had n very mtceciinful nal of ulock inut lrlday mr and mm llrarklnh nlahllnaale of port credit vlmtcd rclallvn and friends at kuntchbiill on jiuiday i imi iiousf mr and mm owllicr norvnl u visitors at the home of mr minn over the week end miss flda tnmwell an homo over the ueek end mr arthur don tan npcnl bunclny with friends in caledonia mr dam olsby spent bunday in cale donia where in rarm in the prcnuyterlan church wo are ulad to know tjint the iliflo kllnn arid stone quarries nre continuing work so nundlly this fall mr and mrs dnvln and dnuahter of toronto spent the holiday with mr and mrs j meredith mr james orant who has been quili til in improving mr charles meredith who has had his tonsils removed in nlmont fully re covered mr jos olvcn is able to he around wain after an attack of la grippe rau inat ad tnia blue lodge attended uie banquet at toronto last night tzof xcfotf rhvfbw uodiufery acton ttui dndallatuwhlciwenrln bloont lost week were apolled by tlio cold weatlier of uiu week tur w j ilall picked a splendid muquet of pansles from lier garden last cuildsy november is the sessions of the municipal bodies this week haven t had much of a just before uie battle aspect tlie new lurdwood floor laid in uio electric railway station makes quite nn improvement in uie premises ontario county is contemplating uie pissing oy a bylaw making it illegal to transport poultry after nightfall burlington school hoard will request uie council for t w 000 to build and equip a tenroom addition to the high ochool burlington will vote uils year on a proposition to secure a supply of a tar lieaunjf and llghung purposes for uie municipality the city of ouelph is planning an ttubarale banquet to honor its famous nauva son sir edward johnson world- famous unor noyal welcome given premier of canada future rosy for conserva- tlvi in canada all on uie same page of uie same- paper the feauiery snow storm last night gave a very chrlstmasy aspect to ill outofdoors the trees and shrubbery have been as attractive as any fairyland today tlu ley roadways uiu morning were dangerous for uie delivery horse wat- ean bakery delivery outfit was held up on uiu btreot wheq uie harse fell but wan gotten up again without damage to wagon or liamcu this community was engulfed in the dcpuin of grief by the sad and tragic panning of david pyfe mcltncry fifth son of mr and mrs david i mcenory which aceurrod last thursday novem ber 15 at- his homo lot 33 concession 0 eaqueslng the deceased was in ills twentyseventh year and has lived all his life in this community and was highly respected by all who knew him which was shown by the floral tributen of the nelghbora and the words of sym- pauiy expressed by friends of the family he is survived by his parents and three cistern mrs david russell of erin mrs john nelson of ulchan mrs wm evans of acton also four brothers robert of frtn cameron of acton hay on the homo farm john of tho went tha funeral took place on sunday afternoon from balltnafad united church uie pastor itev m c dandier preaching a sermon of warning and unclaotjllled small advertisements ontlnuod frnni lau oni i oh mam oni i ixtulie llndl hot romi ictoly equipped rind installed at 1jg01 a rial linruiiln for imniediot nnle apply 1 a ic1no acton out pohtionrft haip owing to bad weather last monday the- i ive black bale which was to iw held nt wm lentcrn jimt south of kdeii mills ban hem postponed until tuesday noveiubi r j7 kh aair clievrolot bcdan taken in exchange for new rai tills car wan purchased new april 1d37 has been driven email mileage with boot of can and proper lubrication will be sold at rea vshic c u nwacicuavicn villa of ac ion kw hait a lliiilurt number of acton bonds tenons dcnlrlng to purclione namo are ad vlntd ui apply promptly tor further particular apply to i ii n paumrn treasurer j lift lltfltnn t durational atumttlatlon will hold th lr uuuuu otiveiillon in mutim high nhwil in ijh lur day d- tiiutxir 1 all tlkin luunidtd in tducit- t inn ul muttt ni am vul ti d h ulu nil aoenth wanhii one man wanted in each eoun j to appoint men and women to sell wahio washen clothes without rubbing ci am everything like moglc different neit seller orcat repeater nothing luo u 100 weekly rnny sample free waono alexandria ontario carp or thanks mrs john allan and family desire to acknowledge their approclauon of the neighborly acts and sympathetic words and deeds during the illness and at tlie umo of the death of the beloved husband and fater of the home tlisa many thoughtful actions will evcrbc gratefully remembered and wore indeed deeply op predated eolation frdm isaiah 01 xjilsjprvlca hc hpodublln bldefoad on atffom tho deepest sympathy uoea to al those who hvcanffcr tlir nli csii nemyt bsrrrnrncliu ieddio oldhnm cuiyton sinclair and earl mckay iiepy tfenry hill eden miixb gl albans w day december 1 a bataar batur- la csslpb jail for tbr uaauu william corey of acton wlios wife left him saverol nionuis ago and went to ouelph wlui her children to reslds after being cruelly treated by him wlien in one of his drunken sprees is now in ouelph jail serving thre monuis he had gone to ouelph and wlien under uw liihuerjc of liquor had vlsltd the houm vhene his wife is now residing created a disturbance smasliad furni ture and aot entangled with uie police at tha police court on friday lie was charged wlui vagrancy and wlui damac- hn property magistrate watt sentenc ed him to utree monuis on eadi charge uw untences to run concurrenuy uulud citureh vutif paua tha weekly meung of uia young lvopio society of uie united church ws iield on monday evening it was citlscuiulp night and uu meeung wj li chmrg of tlw invincibles of which 0uig r poole u uie leader tlie subject for uie evening was uie oovem- faumts of a real britain and her colonial oearge poole spoke on uie oovoimiiioilt of a rest britain mrs u o ovttiiolt on cfnadaj oovemment and lira j adaiuson on uie oovem- tncrtt of australia ouier numbers of uw group gave sliort accounts of the other colonies miss lottie usson rend rtvd a comet solo accompanied by mus hiukel usson kvery editor an expert tlie de partments of uu family herald and wwokly bur mon i ej practical experience and nation uldo fame uiats wh its first hi public rsteeiu tlie subscription prlcl is only 91 a year or tlirce years for 3 on thursday of last week uie women a missionary sylety of the united church held a birthday party at tho home or mrs bcv r march invluuoru were extended la tho arkell ebcncxer and women s missionary society of the presbyterian church a largo number availed themselves of uie pleasure of uie occasion mrs hume of arkell favored tho company with choice piano selec tions mrs plummer of rockwood sang in her usual pleasing manner accom panied by mum joillfto a dellghtruj buffet luncheon was served a hand some sum was realized for the benefit of uie society mr and mrs mcpherson of toronto visited at mr j a ramsey s over uie weekend mr and mrs j a ramsey and friends spent sunday at nprval mrs camochan daughter and friend visited mr and mrs oeo ramsey on sunday mr and mrs bert wright have moved into their new home having recently bought uie old homestead on sunday uie service of the presby terian church was conducted by rev 3 stewart or acton on account or the illness of the pastor rev mr oos- tclln rev mr robertson of barrio 21111 preached in the united church sunday evening mr marsh being absent aklng charge of a service at moffat mr george mcparlanes auction sale held last wednesday went off well high prices being realized for cvcryuilng cle alt in a auction sale in nassaoaweya townqhip i- arm stock implflafnth y grain and household jffeora tho undernlgned has received inotruc tlons from lfo motuxy to sell by public auction at ids farm lot 33 concession 7 nassngaweya on at one o clock sharp the following dance ai line niav ryanauditorustm gvnwn every hatdk eveninc ijxiuii 33c mr tax kxiru elllottn 8imcce orchwrfni come with yeur party nlm mi iow vaul to iiii hovai winlfit fair loronro vla ianaoian na1 uinati uk i rio iiauivavh diiilnu iloynl wlnur pah ut iikiiio n ivmm r jl 3d canadian natlhial 1 i tic itullwuyii liiiiuiiinu ilfidlvii nov ii- iwr j uu fidlowliiu iidiind ran i 1 i lornnln niul rnliirn fnim tlllilh ii h i hid u mill i lino aoton 1 m flioru- t wn dftd war ux ixlru tegular two hourly nirvli in jf u i jlekits on nilit ill all ngi in h ik pmkk 1 hfhh cirlumii rh lli l proving vi ry popular vt u will l w tl udvl ul to oni r mrly amazing results find fiilk nil t ll flimlii in llltl r i w omul ctr i ilrdililll u t ul irrti i n ii ihr nt fry i r i i uu iii optometry hh vnluc o the public dy a o havagf guelih ontario tup iaoifs complain ttiat tho eyen in their needles get smaller and smaller with the years these are middle aged ladles once they could thread tho smallest needle with ease now they look for the neodlo with tho largest eye tho cor rect glasses overcome tills annoy anec wo can eoulp these com plaining ladles so iliey may again sew or read with pleasure to re cautlnurd next wek santa claus toylartd headquarters in ag ion 1 1 in on gift shoppu turn it fine n lomnunt of lay fit cni iinni and novuticn fr cluutnuiu nraneiut f tvtryant lint illcction of i ujili a tid guild wrjni wnlilit lint mmi nnd gin n purker wutcripim and hiifflinlt jmintriiri itn i f rr rich lory loilfctwnrc clockn fliul silvcrwjirc juv your clinlhtmah mfm in a nn f eok low pwtcm hint on 8 gift shoppe mill sired acton onuirjri rockwood xh kkuus list op oaleh saturday november 31 mrs a ui yavuli mill btroet acton oslo of houulmld kffecta wednudsy november 30 william crlfd orewions carnerg cuaring salq of vnu black and implements wtnfday rxermbrr 5 weslsy plc- fcatt otidlph road darbyvllle bale of ilnrd of jersey cows thursday dcembdr s leo uorley tt 33 concession 7 nasiagaweya sale of vrtn block and implemenu wdiifaday ftimwr 13 provincial whiter pair ouelph fuieds and roots having mild my creamery biisluru la tlw i la urn cream l ilutur co of uuhm i uuth to takftihb opportunity ot uunklng my many patrons for uieb kbid nuuonjfio h mo during the past nuniur or yjara tho hal lin crloin ac uutur co will curry aa uiu builneta litiv afur doctmiur i and i wbdi to killlt oanuuuaiitw of your plraiiau fw ummil y j owlt owing to on attack of tonsllltls satur day evening rev l e oossclln was unable to conduct uie uual surday ser vices tlio ounday school w is observ cd at uio usual hour tlie many friends of mrs wm tor rance will be pleased to team uiat sho is somewhat improved during the last few days and was able to be brought home in uie ambulance sunday after noon a nurse accompanied her and is remaining for a few dayi the regular monthly moetlng of uio women s insutute last thursday even lng took uie form of a social at the home of mrs o r marun some uilrty ladles were present and a pleasant time was enjoyed by all tlie dance which was set for last friday evening was somewhat lnterfer- red with by uio inclement weather some hlrty couples were present at uie annual uiankoffcring moeung of uie women s missionary society of the united church held last week mrs orlando jolllffc or china gave an inter esting talk on chinese customs lind mis sion work among tho chinese people mrs or btokey of angola africa was presented with a sum of money to pur chase a portable organ for use in mis sion uork congratulations are extended to a well known couph mr andrew mclcod of ouelph and miss eujcl wcathcrston of uils village wlio wore united in marriage this village who were united in marrloge on thanksgiving day at the parsonage and mrs andrew mclcod will reside in ouelph weekend and ounday visitor in our midst miss idna m peareti of pundas mr clarence lynch and mr leon ard oardlner of ouelph and mrs malcom mcnabb of asligrove mr harold bi mr and mrs john uurnsldo and f umlly of a rand vulliy mm john hunttr spent a day or two last week with mr und mm albert oung of tin townlliie of urtir and era- ni asa 4yemoittiblng3teatsairtfdtuir brown cows roan cow due april 14 dur ham cow due march 30 durham cow duo april 20 durham cow duo may 3 ayrrhlre cow duo february 4 youno cattltj heifer durham 3 yearfljold btccr durham 3 years old 1 flpriijjf calf 3 summer calves pigs i sow g chunks 1 young bow bred november jo poultry 3 qccze and 1 gander 30 hens 30 pullets harness 1 sot breeching harncoj 1 set plow harness 1 set single homes now collars illnnkets etc hay and orain 20 tons timothy hay 7 tons alfalfa hay 17g bushels mixed grain co bushels o a c barley 300 bushels new market oats 500 dushcls turnips 10 bags doolcy pota toes 10 bags irish cobblers doos collie pup 4 monuis 1 bitch purnjture 3 wooden bedsteads 3 kitchen tables 0 kitchen chairs 1 oak heater bums coal or wood 1 kit chen stove 1 barrel chum implements manseyharrls binder 0 foot cut massoyharrh mower 6j foot cut masscyharrls hay rake mossey1 arris llsnout drill wlui grass seeder cockshutt cultivator 1 set 4- soctlon harrows 1 hamilton walking plow 1 pleury no 31 walking plow cockshutt bcuffler masscyharrls tur nip pulper hay rack wagon wheel barrow fltoneboat bags wagon box turnip box cutter open buggy 1 set bench sleighs bet or log bunks oar- dan seeder primrose separator new 100 peet hay pork rope hay pork and pulleys buggy pole iflo cedar posts hoes forks bhovcls chains positively no reserve k tlu farm is sold terms ah sums of slo 00 and under cash over that amount 13 monuis credit on furnishing approved joint notes a oir ror cash grain hay fowl and furniture cash r j klur auctloner phone 3d acton c o plank clorlf 313 notice to creditors in t1i mattut o tih hulk 4ai 1 m act and in till matt1 r of till- acton cut ami uy take notick that 1 j o nell who has bwn carrying on business in the village ofxacton in the county or hulton under the firm namo of acton creamery luis made u sale of rrcaniery business including futures and chattels to jhuum creani a uutur uimpuny of milton all partlrn claim ing in nnk on creditors f uie laid i f o noll or the acton creuuury mune mr tlwlr rlulms with us on or hwow novunur jo 1djb after uhlth date m hull hctrlbiil tlio proem ds of tno witr having rigurd only to tlwu claims uf whiili wc have riulvod notici daikd at milton his iblli day ol novuuw iuj8 uurchinilon t eluop1 ml mm ontario i bollulliiv for uie ptuciulhrs hills this weeks specials brooms good quality each old dutch cleanser 3 tins for 39c 29c save 50c to 1 00 on uio new foil lines of shoes farm pnctory school nnd pint tootwcnr just in also full line uf new rubbers nt the very lowest prices jyljujhrtisori stop look listen thnt chriritiiioh suit or ovcrcqnt you tire thinklni of cttink kktra mlclall ivjday and saturday november 2t ind 2a two pants suits 2450 anil made to vnur individual measure fit guaranteed h c floyd dominion inn sttom ovt orders tlaced now may be speclilrd for any delivery inside of si manutt the imperial life for the pro- tccuon of ito policyholders has placed wlui tho rccclveroeneral of tho dominion of canada a larg er government peposlt than that of any ouicr canadian company doing solely a life assurance busi ness tht3 is n evidence of a determination to make policyhold ers eourlty the first considera tion frederick l wright acton reprlbcntative imperial life assurance co of canada dance every rriday nlffhl at uie new terrace lardeiui elliotts orchestra onelph dancing till 1 o clack min 30e ladies z5e ploor manager robt borthwlck secretary-treasurer- it j robson specials j for this week granulated sujrar 10 lbs for 57c catsup lnrcc hot tic for 22c lihbys pork nnd rearm 2 tinn for x riffh sartllnefl tino for 22c chicken hacldlc 1 tin for 22c v g laundry soap 10 bara for 40c sodas i lb for 32c 2 rnclinkm for tea 1 lb for 58c pastry rlouk 21 lbs for 89c campbells soupy i tirb for 25c 3 vanilla uottlcfl for 25 specials at the mclean store vails ll 1 iii i i r tut il n mi buy virn yet flu in l ll if i i j v f ii rn inp r yirn our wtifiuni or i i fr rn ir j i i irirtcj j the nmker vi folk hi mill i 1 n iii v uliit ur i hue anil lluillur ni i hi kin uc i t frr 2 mknh uuiimu i swimi ui r uun m inittm aliiiill r tliiiun mm sli n sli ii i i rr rr a jf minn lllhlrwfrtr w rfh i t i i n irh wlj 75c 100 44c vfkv4 wool- knit lvf r-min- wwtl knit iiet sf it hi tit prr fimr fiv tu k1mo iii ffllif nnd iwn- mud lnl ir r ir i flout pi r y i rrl 1iiutw rrv 1 iii v fw ii arciir ir h ffir i h i if qn il r ai titl villus nt f spci tl if q mkmn tttiv wofrijftt mm iiij all wool sock- jii t 10 in llli jt lot wrtl v tli r c v ft 2 i dc specials in grocery hepi implied i tomato th f ir kirr soup 2 fip tor cjdc o it sirtill swcrt i ijoen for 4 spanish onions c ths for cioc sirtiu swcrt orinprt ft c r mtai i it 1 1 n i i r w 25c 25c 27c our special fllickl and m i t ucuar fic for prr rh 55c mclean co him sthekt tom ovr 4coi cooperative store mill street acton phonl id millers and grain merchant oral ontann national orval for pulrr kings choicl c vnvdian wonder for bread cash prices uran ton s3z- shorts ton szij15 mlddlinca s4025 rer ton clioppcd wheat barley and chicken feed at tlui miu look i or prizes in ol r i lolr announcement i wish io annouhlc tin i rtiunf of our btorc on alum street acton with u stoek of gents furnishing ladies and childrens readytowear ood viiltic nnd satlsfaction ouarnnteed or our iune hefunded h lepofsky m v1n strcet vctov ontvrio biiiimiimm fflmmdmii liimw ii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii mriridi iii mull mnf uji m 1 1 1 wj n uf 2 ay liner tomatoes oe tins for ctuq aylmcr catsup 12 oz bottle for 4 jelly powders packets for pumpkin choice tuulny 2 tins for nciilesa j packets for 21c 25c 25c 5c ajjcncy for ontario bakeries guelplt krancli urcitd cakes aiu pics fresh duily oruti taken for chnit mas hirtlidny and wedding ca kts hills mill si inrtt acton plunu 1 17 irtliidiuuoirr trtfdrj that will keep you warm and will look good on you at areahsavmg you know that our expenses are smali nd thats wiiv vl an save you money we deal with the best tot makers in the coumin and are satisriel with a small proitt conic ticrc if you want to save some money special sale of ladies dresses this week 349 pcuil tlm wlck foi ladics i lannll dursslb ngulur volucsfio cucll labiit tlal crtpi dliesscs wj5 up a new shipment op heautii ul party dri sslis jllht auitlved come in now and choose yours mill maple leaf economy store srillft acton ontario tibiij i iiim i hi i ii jiiuiiriii m iiluiiuiiiiiimi i imiiiiiibliiiiiiiiijiiiniiuiiifeail airnoiiiicing the ojieiun of vctons latent liuiikss fliition cash and carry meat shop on friday tomorrow november 23 at noon i in iiii i i imiman 1iiock mil l siklii acton i i j 1su the store and see 1111 uk s u ins vou cn j make on your meat pllltc 1iasi s quality and low cobt our prico will j tell the story kesl pattersons cash and carry meat shop eei41iman i1lock vcion

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