olrr jfcf mi 3ktrr jlrriir thuiuloav novumuhlt 50 1d3h rilk itoctowk with i llkr in talk wllh hurlnrss hanker dud wlui lrrk and i ran iprnd n pleasant hour wllh any mnii uho works i llkr u tii i it willi luwynro ami with nrtlli miu and then hut nllll i tlilnk im fondest or tain class of ineu i think nltttotikh with any man im glad to nhare a jiit tlm tloctom tirr thr onra i really like to talk to ikhi the rtortnrj lni o much to trll wn 1 1 know about i llkr to hrnr thr mrgeonn talk of what theyve tnkrn out the brains tinl lunar that tlay rejnov ed from vmn ami train men anil all the marvellous things tliey done to make tliem well again it may ho i am strange in uiu hut i can sit all day and listen to the wondrous words doctor has to cay whim comes my doctor in to me to sit ihftlde my bed aluinugh ive called him in to work i liope hell talk instead i like to hear the things lie known the tilings hes done and seen lir i am curious about this flesh and blood machine and tlioiibh lui ia a busy man i make him eam lla fee jfly tetung him to sit and talk an hour or two to me now bankers talk of money and artists of art and theres a sort of wisdom hi the knowledge tliey import rut doctors talk of life and dcaui the causa and euro of pah and theres a fascination in thalr speech i cant explain i llkr to talk wltli doctors and i ittrt thler friendship ureal dut i hope theyll never cay to me i guess well operate kdgor a quest letters to the editor proiiicrnon and tiie wet preso ifr editor tlie pro- liquor advocates keep up their nropocanda to defeat prolilbluon in uie united qtates and to bolster up the i c a in ontario last wek i ontario wat liad a quotation from chicago stat ins that prohibition clouiea itself in lofty claims of moral purpou to deceive itself its inherent nature of bigotry la oppress and trample down dissent tlilnk uiat u a fine description of the attitude of the wets when o jiad a majority of 70od for uie o- t ontario who uwtsailt4 to ummple mutt ytoi suiunil lo relialoy inluwncc mb- crtl wie attorney ovnenl publicly called a utile tyrant a little weasel and a little rat it is now the temperance peoples turn to dissent but uiey are npt manifesting uielr cocalled bigotry in using the press to coil opponents rats and weasels ttie wet press is very severe on any one wlw dares to voice his convictions re government gale and it will becami more ao for uie legalised liquor traffic is ui mast cruel and tyrannical system ever uirust upon a civilised people 1 does not hesitate to trample down dis sent in no uncertain way a few years ago as various states were noosing pro- liibltlon uils pernicious morsel appeared in a wet paper down with prohibition bullwhip it down bowleknlfe it down if it should be passed by uie pesulen creatures liavlne it in charge if the prohibition people triumph uiey will read uie price of their victory by uie light of uielr bumlnt business houses ballots cannot defeat prohibition it will he defeated by bullets what about uie inherent nature of bigotry in uut cose x trust that uie many who were deceiv ed and muiled in ontario will soon us their error and cut loose from uil legalised mile of strong drink total amrnnenca london november 30 1031 a lucky uec6llection experiment is one of the but olds to teaching for uie average man is more certain of a uilng which lie lias tried himself a case hi point is uiat men tioned by uie philadelphia ddluun a man was working on uie aide of steeply sloping toot when suddenly his foot fcllppod on a patch of loe and lis began to slide slowly down toward uie edge as lie slid he cutdied wlui tense angers at uic tin but it was smooth it offered him no hold and his speed gradually but surely increased as in a sllung posture like a tobog ganer the man continued his deadly slide tie began to pray in a loud angulilied voice memory as if in answer to his prayer fisslied across his brain uie words spread out the man instantly lay flat on his back spreading arms and legs to their widest angle making himself as much as pos sible like a starfish ills speed at once decreased the additional frlollon surface acted like a brake a few feet from uie edge of the roof lie came to anchor helpt he then shouted hut uie slight movement of snouting acted like a push and lie slipped down a few indies more help and again lie slid a llule but uils time help came a rope was thrown and uie man climbed back la safety lie wiped uic dews of terror from his brow uy boss in my apprentice daya lie said told me if i ever started sliding down a roof slope to spread out and it would stop me i didnt believe him but lie was right the man smiled and sighed musing on ids ions dead bau then he crawled back to his dangerous work on uie steep slope of uie roof i saw her when lifes tide wan high when youth won hovemg oer licr brow when joy wan dancing in her and her chert blushed hopes crimen blow i taw iter mid 1 tktry thronrr she seemed uie oaycit of the gny i raw licr lightly glide nloiir neaui bcautyn cmlle and pleasures lay i naw her in her bridal robe tlie blush of joy urn mounting hlnh i marked her boroms heaving throb i mnrkid her dark and downcast eye i eaw licr when lirr mounriovc asked at her hand a mothers enro qlie iooked an angel from above hovering around n cherub fair i saw her lastly cold and pale she slumbered on death icy arm mc rone had faded on bar check her lip had lant 1l- power to charm thai eye was dim which brlghuy shone that brow was cold hint heart was cull the witcheries ofuiut form lind flown tlie lifeless clny had ceased lo feel i caw her robed fit for uic grave her burial robci were nlgn of death and a cr her pale cold brow was huna the damp scpulohral icy wrcaui on earth cho udufjlu the baviouro crucc on earth hc loved eil name so now she seen ills bleortd face and tiajdtjore ur lamb in 1iih coftke jt u iileosant lo see innocence estab lished by uool means even when uie lawyer in tlie cose arrives at sucli a wult involuntarily now sir i hope we shall have no difficulty in betting you to speak up said uie barrister in loud commanding voice thus begins a story related in an exchange i hope not sir shouted uie witness at uie top of hu lungs how dare you speak to me in uiat wayt cried tlie lawyer tucause i cant speak no louder sir said hit hostler jiave you been drinking yes sir i should infer so from your conduct what have you been drinking t coffee lioarsely vociferated uie kulsitt of tlie stable v tiling stronger uian coffee sir dout look at roe like uiat took at uic jury sir did you liave sameuilng in your coffee slr7 yes sir what uos 117 ougar tju- man u no foul my lord lie ij worse stormed the counsel now sir lunilna to uic ultncss look at me wlial uislde eugar did you uike in your coltic uils munilng tiu liootler colllcud his forcis drew a dhp brcaui and in a voice uiat could have bofii licard tulf a mile away bi-1- lwwl out a iuion a diioui un nouiln cbcl that won a hupps release which como to my venerable and esteemed friend mm nancy somcrville on uic lotli tnnt i think her record is unique lor j question if any other person bom at aqton has lived for ninety yearn oid over at or within sight or her birth place nancy brown ive been acquainted with nancy from my early boyhood days i can see her yet coming with her father oqulro drown to sunday school in uie old farm sleigh and bringing kindling wood and hardwood fpr tlie fire they were uie nrst to arrive in those oldtime cold winter mornings mr brown was superintendent of uic sunday school in uic old methodli church uhlch ntood on the lot where mrs charlie spclnht and mr ebcnczcr bcswlck now hove their homes as i said ur brown won uic super intendent was uic first one lo arrive at uie church and he built uie fires in the two wellrcmembcred bo utovefl u warm the church for uic sunday school and for uie preaching service which folloaed later in uie day and while uie place was getting warm nancy woulj do the dusting get the bibles and hyi books distributed and the place furtablc for uic service i sliould have told jou but llu no too late yet uiat nancjo fauier squtro brown helped to build uie church with hta own hands at uic various bees in 1844 and 1045 no one was more in terested than- ur brown and his family in uie new churoh and its services the squire wan a member of esqueslng town ship council- at trr umc uie church was built the council met in uic tavern at etc u art town for its sessions and uie mcuiodlst minister who preach ed at acton and aoorgctown and other appointments lived nt stawortlown sir brown reported to uio p readier how uio new church building won progress ing land when it was ready for the openlns he visited the minister and ar ranged with him for ihc opening services mr brown was uie first superintendent of uie methodist sunday school in acton as i have said he was for eighteen years in this position and exercised wonderful influence upon uie members or uio rising generation who attended i used to visit uiat old sunday school in uie early days and i can recall mr browns earnest and convincing tonca of voice when he was impressing the lessano and appealing to uic scholars to choose uie right path and live up right helpful chrhllnn j1vc3 win li nanc waj in her teui3 she be came a teacher in the sunday school always rctcrcd by her class of girla w ho appreciated her kindhearted inurtst and her constant effort to help them she was also a member of uic and was a very fair ulnger in those days her brothers itlchard and wil liam were also membcrn of uio choir and when uie family was at liomc uioy made uic welkin ring wlui uielr whole hearted singing or familiar hymns and songs william had a tuning fork and usually ntarud ilium oil this was be fore the era of uic melodeons or organs in uic home ttie only musical rctd instrument in the community a uiat time being the lltuu i1u1 at wood mclodeon jn uic mcuiodlt church mary thar tell who uflerwurd became a daughterinlaw of mr brown and a lister- in law to nancy was the organist she played with tiklll and had flue musical ability stic married alex brown jr and was the mother of our esteemed young druggist alexander thurtcll bruwn who is now superin tendent of uie sunday school of tlie unite 1 church which oloo established by lib grandfauicr eightythree years ago speaking about the lurlodcon in the d mcuiodm church being uic first uslcal instrument in a church or public place in acton umt one said to me one day why liow did the mcuiodtats ahead of the prcsbyterlanu that way in the early dayi well bless you said you evidently dont know your forebears and their very decided opinions jiark uic re a lialf a hundred years ago und more our folks hud absolutely no use whatever for thr kbit o whistles tn the lords house it would be rjicrllegc to think of hupb a thing the psalms of david could only be iiing with the inning fork ur the prwtmtcr jlmmjc miaw or william oordon or llolxrl jluy why it w not until nvu- hirty year ut r thut u musical in iriiiiicnt war ultlw- d in in prrachlng vrvke of our kirk whin ur j w hut- tami- he llrot net k dt d in ha lug un orgun socurrd for ur- tlundiy tlchool unltt- but for years aflrr that the urguti wm en at un churth scrvlcia it was putiied out into tljr rlusn room utur lunduy tichool htrvlcc and rnmulncd jtrn- until the mxl mulun of the bun- day ucium the fullowlug sunday but finally burled our nlj ov nunti ra in jiullci i and now our churiii has a i rial pipe oiuun the bi t in touu now i inut come back to my old uiw irjrnd waney ilrowti k arrt think ing jiiiit now of hrr ichool dayn ut tlm public ichool you know mr llrnwiiu hoiim thin wa nu um ioiflheuit romi r of the farm jimt across the highway from tlm preen i llunnnckhiirii llchool old houi0 was iwulde uie two old iiull standing near tlm conn r of n y iliuljayr farm thomi ufcoi have iwi ii thrre for nearly w hundred mr itnttay i twllevn told urs rvllle u number nf yearn ago when tiny were talking lour tiler ubout the old farm that he would never cut down thmc trecn as long as rhr lived hut the old riniinnckhtirii qrhool whlrh nnney attended waff not located whi re the prcmht nrhool li it stood foi yinrii o nrnt frame building 1th u cottne roof in idn the gateway if mr john gordons farm which wr called annlon halt where mr a a clar- rldge now llvei nntl calls the place brnokdnle tlilti wnr the rcllnol which nancy brown attended and hrr rchnolniatri were thr mannn and the onrdonn uie warrens and the mcdonalds thr mc leans and the mlllern the ijawsonj and the knnnedyn the coles and the lambs the ohawo and the war derm and uie waunnu and numbrrn of ouiers it was a good ok nchool and it tjrned out many fine ndiolars well in the course of umc nancy got married llkr several others of ler uls ters and brothers thomas bomervllle the son of an esteemed neighbor won her hand and heart they lived for yenn on their farm on the fourui line only a few lots below mrs unmervlllen birthplace spent happy yeani at both her homes when single and when mar ried and always revered both tliet fnrmstesds mrs somcrvlllcn children all rise up and cnll her blessed no better mother was ever more beloved by her sons and daughters no resident of uils com munity was ever more sincerely esteemed well her going mcann much to me and mine wo were warm friends always feci that i have lost the oldest oldtime friend on my long list of oldtime friends of this community bhe was a friend indeed menu tiiiils ktiptti fur nnw and nuvrl illiiheu iuuuliiu kdctw mi j kuxsntlunii selecting the buekding male ii may socm a utuo early in uie season to talk of dclecung next bpringi breeders but uils in of ouch importance that it must bo borne in mind early in the season if best results are to tu secured early in uic growing season uie poul- tryman should have marked for thi block all thano chickens uiat had shown the character tfor slow feathering or any constltuuonol weakness there will thui be reserved for breeders only cock erels from high laying damn uuit focggf i lion in the size or the egg where selec lion has been followed for high produc tion wluiout due care to also select for ohie of during the latter part of uie summer and early fall it will have been noticed uiat there were some cockerels uiat had developed sexually very early these cockerels almost invariably finish up an ponies in other words although they look large early in uic season they be come set in their growth and do not make birds of normal size at maturity cockerels af uiat kind should not be re tained an breeders as uielr offspring will have a tendency to mature in uie same manner they will lay early before they reach proper body growth ond conse quently lay email egga throughout life to summarise uic breeding male ahould be the eon of a high laying largo egg hen he should be well grown of good alec for his- breed and above all b- vlgorou3 wlillc vigor may be denoted in every part of uie bird uie broad backdeep body the well set legs and genera action and in the nervous force uic paramount requirement in an egg breeding male is indicated by uio bright prominent piercing eye set in a clean lit fare s the kind of male that will iults experimental form note one who an amusing llluc incident of her irecr as lecturer was related the other day by a brilliant woman who is known american audiences from coast a coast like all lecturers she has had to steel herself to endure a wide variety of blundering and dlstatcful introducuons the flippant uie foolish uic fulsome and uio verbose 3omotimc3 she declared thoy used lo say awful uilngnl in my first season it used o seem to me that i simply couldnt face an audience to which i had been so outrageously overpraised but wlui time i became hardened to it often i did not heard a word the chair man was saying after his inevitable pre liminary we arc fortunate in having with ua this evening one who unul he closed with uio utterance af my name but i was absentminded once too often at a convention a few ycarfi ago there were two women speakers of whom according to my remembrance of the programme i was uic second wc sit together on uie platform one or two- men made brief addrossea then tlie chairman turned gallantly in our direction wlui a bow and smile and begun an wiual among us today ladles und gliitlemeu i am happy to pcrcclvo wllq le was a fluent and rauicr prolix gentleman as i knew and while he talked i let my mind drift where it would i hud satisfactorily decided uiat i would not need a new gown before the season wad over if i had a new hat to freshen my present costume and i had mentally purchased the hat trimmed it with an old feather renovated and half a yard of smokegray velvet and produced an effect of parisian elegance when my nughbor t elbow dug mo sharply in uio ribs riuyre uniting she whuiered riidritlrally dont alt staring at me get up and speak i pull yourself to gether i did but with a shock uiat jerked out cf me the distracted exclamation o good gracious i ulought it was yuur turn am i the one who the front rows heard me those be yond con 1 1 sec and guess and uio re was a perfect gale of laughter applause and laughter as i came forward to the dcik afterward my frhnd told me uiat lie chairmans one who had ushered in a eulogistic recapltlutlon of my every achlrvt ment followed by an ornate and tioqueiil tribute to my character and ebldtli shu had wondered at the ad mirable poc uiat jmabled me to listen quite unembarrassed and smiling a sweet agui ti in lie through it all of course i hadnt heard a word i was trimming that hatt never since however have i dared to kl my mliidc wander after uie words one who uy 1 telly ihtrclty puuni whip delicacy 1 package of orange junket i pint milk 1 egg white rup sugar 13 cup prune pulp 3 tablespoon i lemon julco prepare orange junket according ut irtcllon i on package and set away in will brat egg white until stiff add ugir gradually uillil thoroughly blended dd prune pulp prepared by rubbing ejnkrd prunes through a nlcve and iljor before serving heap the glatcrn of junket with prune whip and garnish with sections of orange if desired banana ganoid 4 bananas 2 oranges a slices pineapple calad dressing berrien or candled cherries wlui a sharp knife cut a eecuoti of skin from the concave curvfltir the bananas and carefully take out the fruit leaving the skin in the shape of a canoe pare oranges remove unctions ana cut in pieces mix wlui plifoapple cut in pieces and an equal amount of banana pulp cut in pieces phi canoes with fruit cover with msyonnalse or pyemli dressing sprinkle generously wllh paprika lay on bed of shredded lettuce and garnish with berries or candled cherries oltanoe and peanut salad i banana 3 oranges j cup peanuts lettuce french dressing itcmove skin from banana scrape and cut in quarters jdcnauiwlsc apd thirds crosswhe and roll in peanuts inely chopped pare oranges cut in slices crosswise stamp out centre and in tor i a piece of banana uiroig l eadl slice arrange on bed of icttuc and serve with french dressing ilice with dates 1 cup rice 3 cups boiling water i teaspoon salt 1 cup dates wash rice and add to boiling water add salt and boll minutes cook in double boiler 30 minutes add dates cut in ploco and cook unul rice in tender and all uie water has been absorbed serve hot or cold with milk or cream ynlrth tmfji-si- oun-aaely- c hopped han or bacon 2 tablespoons finely chopped parsley 3 t tablespoons butter salt and pepper cover uie bot tom of a wellbuttered baking dish and arrange little nests into which gently break an egg allow an egg for each person sprinkle buttered bread crumbs over the top and bake in a moderate oven until the eggs arc cooked but not hard no opening for uiu morning govnor in inquired confidentlooking stranger of a young man wlau was weighing sugar in a uiriv- ing village grocerystore yes sir umm advertised for a manager i believe yes uc have present manager anywhere about im a c tine in uiat capacity at pres ent you arc well then you can give a yp as la what kind or a codger uie govnor isanyway old7 no about my age whats your trouble with him close- fisted some people think he is thats the trouble with mast of cm but trust me to jet uie worth or my out or him one way or another a wink just give him my card will you im engaging the new man if youre applying for uio place returned the other you are well now do you think you could come to an immediate deci sion if i made it worth your while with another wink and drawing a bill from his pocket shouldnt wander ah chuckled uic applicant illcut- ing uie greenback across uie counter thought uiat would fix it when shill i show up for bis why i dont believe youd better show up at all for business here replied the other qutcuy pushing uie money bark to its owner you see i happen to be uic governor myself and i dont be lieve youre just the man were looking fusfiiom for the snuart woman 4tauuwiw unusual neckline tlie icart effect is portend lot continued awl more diarmhig use- si the winter season nrogreiiet ill ttl model id design original and un- mual the scarf end being cut in one whh the diagonally pointed cotur if ii very smart to have the frock of fl printed silk and the collar and scarf- em of a plain colored crpe a plest at tit left lide where the front lap gives a chic iliouldertoiiem line ttte pleated lection is inierted n the night uie a narrow belt of tlie hock material accentuate the low walif line tlie ileevei are long am one- pircc it ii eaiy tomalre fashions for the smart woman w 4570 liloi tiii iiioticiiriis htmm cmar ihkiii ukiama uvahimvt inngwiiidd ynnru if and ml- how i yil jikc it jid jadutiiil rrhd tlm lilurk- filnitli fwrgftlk ally in in- toi ul u horse- i food i shoe into tlm corner itliiinti no wonc ill j ihiin you arc if iks us bud unci i dont j pur you or iuijliody c h u v ry qmtwoalal iivivw childs lingerie it ssemi ai hough the joung girl was never too young to atari her de sire for tlie loveliest of loc things in underwear for her alone this clurmlng little combination has been ruiigned it may have a round neck front and hack which mil cle on tke left sliouuur tlie camisole effect ii however deurable the under arm seams arc left open pari way elaitlc is inserted through the hem at the lower edge made in crepe de chine or rayon it ii lovclj the applique is very i mart and very joutli- for good morning sir i tilmv 1 hauactmt cialkiks the man who liabltually kuvi i the op olf hu touuiposle or chaung c renin and 1 u nhow you tlie man uh will kuvo hi watch in the wuhrotm hl nupun on he floor lib ignition ky tu uic cur his coat ut the teunlii i ourt and hu wife wulung on the ccirm r fur halt un hour hhiw nu- tin young woman who lutrls for work in the morning leaving hci mm in in prct order and 111 stiow you tho woman who will make tlm besl lllui ulfi but uk ii- uin t no lurh annual ixttpt in jlcuon to why ravo like uiu losing tiie dass drufcl now dont you leave uiat bass drum on uic train when wc gel to uic tcrmln- sald the conductor sliarply as he puuclicd the ticket of a stout colored who with his drum was squeezed into uie seat at the forward end of the smoking car of a citybound local indeed boss i alio wont do dat responded lhe owner of uio drum camps uv do many cplc leave bass drums on uicse trains asked a commuter as the conductor reached far his u elect its a regular thing with uiat fellow replied the conductor tcsuly he llies up near itoscmerc and once a month he cornea down to uie city to play n in a band ho doennt need tlie drum until evening so to ovoid carrying it round jui day or paying for checking it on uio train then ulong about fl oclock he culls tor it at uie lostartltjo room in uie station when the train reached uio city uie cndihnr left with uie rirnt passengers a i he approached uio bate however ho uiought of something he hod for gotten and turned quickly toward his train which was now almost empty as he did so his face reddened his eyes cnapptd angrily and ho ntartd on a run for uie steps of the amamng car from which the owner of uio bosi drum looking furuvcly fruni right to left was descending wheres uiat bans drum or yours demanded the coiuliictor as iic runhed up to him well doggone me et i untut fo- gcttln dat drum again l was tue in nocent response i sholy thank you capn i oholy do dey aint no danger de train movln back cf i goes lno dc kyar to get dal drum is dey lie added ill hold uie train here for an hour if necessary replied the conductor but get that drum out and be quick about ul gemh of thought be brief that uie mind may catch uiy precepts and the more easily retai tliem horace to be patient under a heavy cross lo no small praise to be contented la more but to be cheerful is uic highest pitch of christian fortitude bishop hall heaven is not merely a beauuful some place into which we go but a beautiful eomeuilng which comes into us the kingdom of qod is within you the friendship that docs not reach you in your hour of adversity is lituo worthy of the name pair weather friends ore after all enemies in disguise learning puffeui men up words are but wind and learning in nothing but words ergo learning is nouilng but wind swirt uft uiysclf up look around and see bomcuilng higher and brighter uian earth earthworms and earthly darkness luchtcr item ember you are at uic door of eternity and hove other work to do uian to irlflc away precious umc hor- atus bonar hlarlfrii hln rhiirarter und hundlnip hli prosperity not in my uhopl ihc neighbor in mimi not at nil run- i n srli nrrslrkkan but he did look in wild- i rrrd why ulmt linrm win i fayinvl he drm an did i v moren a plenty uan the prompt ntrnngrr ii gabby feller nolxidy pays much alt ntlnn to oh i know what ii meant mid ye did not mean nuy rurh thing but all the name youd wronged hthan in one of them jwiky little wayn unit theres no righting its funny he blacksmith lidded reflectively if you nliould go around telling that i win n thief uirrod be plenty of folks would itlck up for mt- i could gel lack nt ye uio hupiorliig i via too lawabuun to knock your lirad ofr i could sumiwnnn ye into court and make ye prove it or othirwlii hut you junt nay ilucklebyn long- winded and you lei it go at that you dont charge mo with any crime i cant sue yr i rnnl prove i nlnt longwinded and my friends dont think it wiith while to contradict hut flrnt thing wo know your fooj saying has thread like a cane of the iuh and its rapping me betwixt the eyen every twentyfour hours in the church they say yci brother ilucklrby would be a uood man for deacon if it wasnt for his notorious bad habit of overlosuitg talking and discounting like as not uie same yum keept me svom getting to lie selectman and annclluy a feller from the porcsldc comei along wlui a hurry job uiat bothcrn him con- sldable and he sayn to hlmrolf driving in bucklebys nearer but they say his tongues always going and never gcti anywhere and i havent got any putlcm today to hang around and hear talk so ill take thin to the blnckimith up t un comer and co i gel dished cvciy way geo uio point do yo i dont take much stock in uiat old saying dive u dog a bad name always nccrned to mu uiat if a man is downright slandered he can stand up and fight the hlng and lick that doesnt very often happen inyway its these nasty little clurn uial aint really meant to hurt anybody junt idle talk for the want of eomeuilng else to say that make uio most trouble wed ought all to pitch in and help utop em of lu- mirprllng thlilid ubout that many id ihu nio1 henllhful lire yoinpord of k lativi ly liu fiifldi unliti one got jn fur liiboruu- miliiil un- iulnd dlil i trouble signs for those past 40 iv i but nttlr i i hit the pamlly herald and weekly blur of montreal with its wonderful improve ments has no peer as an agrlculftfral paper on uils continent the bet can adian farmers know that knrwas aacuixiodk rnill riiii lire ipi xpi n- illiuiiual fruits lirr lnrlndid- li ildom done i xrept for ipii- int cubbut riidlilu iittiue n li n nully tin urn not expi iriki- wh 11 jou ilgure tin loii pi r pound und louipiiic it with tin roit of tiiik or inmb rliopn fjii fruit and urnn vcgeliitilii raw hi uttr n iii pouilbli- clny after day and jou may f 1 1 iun- that your lumlly i itcurlun ii well balanced diet ijm- i rung i raw cnhtiijf grated raw carrohi and rnpberrlrn wliliuvei you it un opi nliin for ihi m for un nc nn- four fiuidi ilinl will mure uian repay in luiilth nny ixpuiic or effort you milj no to a uicnndcrlng ntrcam uiually nick tin path of the irani resistance a man who follown that pnth li likely ut tuke on the chirr characteristic of the rtrmm which arc shallowness and crooked ness i rniiienl imlufiil srjlily firtlugupnlhlu liil miikiianri mid it n- lliifidir wrukiu i ofiu ft i if old au- i tho v lil to h in tin- vi ry prlnii i i thoirand pirhiip leven nut r folki mat niiddli life arc pith id vlilni of ilcirdiichi i nitvoiiiiiisi iii i in b ilk and down ihriiiigh gnilrin fmiiin but i only and painful iirlnn- ii n ji utiuiupnlihti willi irloiil if imblrrtrd it 1 1 ordlll- i tily a impli mutti r to relieve thce hjuiii i by tin- pirn nut home uf of ul umithuorthi uuatauo which have bun lrtiirloiii in uiuiraiuj or caci utter otliir in atmi nti huvc fhllrd no mutt r how irloin or of how long midline your rondltlon may br you can uulruy provr tin value of oratauu without rl of cost fur any copd drug- lhl 111 upply you on an ahruilutc gliar- unt c of rati faction or money hark if uhalaii brlnit you quick and certain mm f aid oii will lm grrally pleased if tin y di not fully nntlsfy their use will loii ym nothing try jiiataiig today and ir what a difference they make the oriige pekoe is extra good n clcanrhright aluminum rlinrehtthtrabn nta7fyiihtriio qt year performed his duties rtgulurly tlie old man had seen many changes take place in the church ond was therefore rather upset at the iu unction made by uic new vicar thai in consider ation of his great age he thought that it wan umc uiat he retired and put aside hln work loakcc here rlr replied the old man cheerfully i won born and bred in this place and in mc time i ve men five vicars of the parish dead and i would like ui make it hntf a dozm befurt i give up myself ono of the commonim cornpinliil uf infants is worms and uw mint flcllv appllcauon for them i mulliir aruvua worm exterminator listen in monday nights starting december 3rd tiie voice of 800 p m eastern time ovfcr till itld nctwouk 41 stations hear something new n i prising difterent is piece orchustni internationall known soloists male octette the latest uqd best in radio entertainment spoiimirfd b the matcn of firestone gumdipped tires most mills iiii uollait optometry ita value to the public i1y a d havagl quelpn ontario tiie khicient pluson must zca comfortably he can not be harnessed by hcadaclies or an unstable nervous system or inability to concentrate and those come from errors uf vision uncomfortable vision it to thus glastc uiat restore com fort and help the individual tu llclp himself larn tiere uie condition of your eyca to ite con una nd next wttk mnj mi laiin j tunmninnunn i r jjh imn niirniiir hutnimnnilini ffiiimiiiiiij iminmiiinniimjhijiiiiiiiim ih ni icintti aniniim rn nnniz jmrn prrjiitxiuimmii ajjiu luiilimi jninin r did you ever stop 1 o i mi uy eds0n it waite shawnee oklahoma d that people -an- well hold on the ad- vantacb nf iiiyin from persistent adver tisers thai fiiulity and advertisinj pull to- uelher in an intelligent way that steady iv business advertising leads to ii keeps old customers thai pei customer for more sislenl advertising brings s and causes them to come thai inisiness concerns who have tlie hcsl in mialily and service advertise and sell them a ftw momenta later the cummuter saw uic owner of tlie drum sitting dejectedly on one of the- benches in the station as the drum again uicd beside him it seemed like ly that for once at least the owner would have ui curry it with him through thr day or cl ihrck it in the parcel room at tin usual rate hut on hln way home that evening un commuter stopped al uio lotartlcle indow to inquire for on umbrella uiat l wife hod lift in the station uic day before much to hbi grauflcauun lie i found it i aa ur jlundmit hunded uie- umbrella out to him he ht km a voice over hi nhouldrr a sonirwlml familiar voice plalntlvily inquire may npn did youult find a liaj drum in db hcuh lotion uls mawtun acids in stomach cause indigestion utlhbi bulhoritlm dtato hot nsarly ruin ciiihn or tti a casoa of aloiuauu- itiiuiih linucabllan suuruass bumliur bu llmtlinr namn otc or- tu u l x v m i hm i 1 toarh llnloif la rrlluliul lljinullon l 3 ronil ur raualiis th tua which nvery stomaab sufferer mti ll ulkulnl dlvutants ro not nodd in inti urn ami ma tettl uariu try lajlnc oiuu all dlciko ft d ln- lr n ally soma bihittiiful or powdnr or four tatiluts in wutur rloht aftfr oatlng- thl wool- ivf r tho fornva- i thorn la nu mr- nuiitd sltgnasia iiny rns ir puln ut iowlor v till r iiiilu la barmim to ibtoivuij nrh r i a fr inmaob u who iijoi iiialr luoola with ujl nu fvor ul india stluo v idverlisin inspires confidence ifters protection to buyers and thai because it profit- lo sellers that advertisin tor ii it- aid no business can siiccec i the building of business tremendous fac- wilhout that the right kind of advertising of the right kind of business or service will always bring better business that advertised lines are in demand unknown lines are not profilsare made on sales not on shelfwarmers when a merchant makes a dollar on well a dvertis- ed merchandise and loses a dollar on unknown merchandise it should not take him long to find out which is the more profitable to handle iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiwiiiiiiiiiffinimi nil lutrijmiiiiiitiiiiiimiiiiiulijiiiiiituiiurriniinjiiijuuitmiiuamjmuijhuumiriihiimiliii miiii t h iifijii ihjjui tru- 1 iniuijiriimik2litiijmijmj l