Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 6, 1928, p. 3

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he jrtmi toi jlrrijis 92n dickmnrr ia8 m- 1m w vu w w i 1 4 k a y i i v 10 ii 12 13 u is ia 17 in iv 20 21 22 33 30 24 31 25 v v wlfjp 3fn rrnis lfiirt turjj mik ii aik attovir a wnnv a keforjv1ek rfkormfeu i1y qoiidon vi itu i oauiiutii iffils vaitlaiul hay vavuth during tint pnt f clnmny diclurui mr tl liinrlntf- j during tint pant fi w y am tho lnrae dnuld in hln book lluuind or rwk crop ulvliinn of lh dominion lprri i 1 uujjiiiii ly iwuth d in ml lnprt in tnmuil arm him in rllguu d null j j lllu tralum in ulli nil vu rl ma or tnu ivrly uimi or din rauu i if tin hi i own whil t jihinii ylng hy roll from variation in the dry math r of nraui 1 6tm r fjiiiilnulon for a thlrdirlaj i tlrki i what alii viu 1 1 hit toll in b yond mi raid mrn if you vi nriir made anotlier have a i ihiruhury not for the flrnt happlnr limp in life j tlmr- nil nhc ilnil hrr hurband if you va never h iped a brollwr through nnt iil break mat low could hla ntruuulc and hu strife j nvi hern nur ralncdmiccr vlttom ca and worn p ouwto 0w ram hend m wrimlnb will you tell ine what you ra here lor lnili nil iviry one of thm give in thin lovely land of morn china you d brtur give up hie ndver- i lining bunlnrffii howard anil atari a if you vo nrvt r made the pathway of restaurant wo vc not dlnhri enough 1 nrlhlior glow with tun mary diuurrci hrr hurband gently t mporc ynurrt if if y m wire n great iiiiliiuton for u third ttiuj owen and mppo lug that i hail not what x t jotd tarr ukunwtl into u third- rn i carrlai i on ihctx branch linen marly every one lruv h fourth ilcmr hurlilng the next itutlon only a mlln from olur lrnnlngtrn in fart uie in rpectur app urrd hah he i aid you have a fourth claim ticket and are in a ihjrd clam compartment the fine in u u raarkn i i explained and nlf red at once lo dropped a cup off the arm of my chair i into a fourth clan carriage or pay the other day and it louiiced wcntrcit th difference in the price of the tickets 1 vou havo j llmei before it it topped nrvit rvni rhlpprd it 111 have to npeak to mary about ci t tin if come of that allliniigh nomethlim tells me nhc won t tlo it ilavlnu jiilned valuable experience with hit flrnt lot of dluhfji mr thombury jot jilnng nlowly but without mlnhap with the lccnnd until the very lart then a heavy bowl nllpncd from lib flnaeni and fell back into the dlrhpan a i true that will not do thl law and mui t pay nu marks man innlnted tret out at owen and will the you vi nevi r brouuht a bubble come fellow a heart with fun mathematician like mi yo i could flmire wae immediately ri over tlu youvc trlno b b t once in jiiat i th pan idopprd mr thombury bout will you tell an what you re hero for ro ny wctldlnun tt in inevitable that the wolrt and flowed wetly dowj u in thlr lovely jand of rona u tno preccnln will ln china or linen collect finally in hit low nlun and in nail fojkn nr clothe horret it juot tho cuffs of his trotionj if you ve never made a comrade ficl mppenud that our ucdilhu was the all the uorld a nweotcr place china wcddlnfl while you ucrc bravely necuuic you vi lived within it and had inundation of diihcn come bride nerved it with yodr oraco if you vc never heard a woman or little child proclaim a blennlnu on your bounty you re olit in california was colon into raptured over an avalanche of electric- flatlrorui anothrr in ilorlda was thanklns her irlends for a tableful of parlor lamps ntflomnre sun nn other in kannan therr there howard no doubt you nre rtuhtl out anyway i don t like it we could act alontr with very few dishes juit the two of ui and lliere are ever eo many other things we need i m pew yearn ago a strong mail felt the afraid that i prefer the common varlc approaches of incipient disease and eon- gated prenent wedding suited hb family physician tlie doctor tiif coultagl that can facf iailuiue looked more grave than he expctcd and artcr several office vblu suggested a visit to a specialist he also looked grave and tho patient said you needn t hesitate to tell me the troth what a tho matter with me and what must i do to get better you are not likely to be any better replied the speeallst i can only con firm what your own physician hoa fear ed from the first you liave only a lew montlm to live it was a blow to stagger any man and most of all a strong man it cant bo true doctor i he said why see how well i am except for this little discomfort i have always oh im not so sure returned mr ihornbury airily there n a goad deal to be said for the single color effect in wed ding presents why wouldn t it be a good idea always for friends to get together and give a complete set of nomothlng pumlture for example or rugs or a ceuon supply of coal it strikes me tliat would be far more practical than diving a miscellaneous lot of articles that pro temperamentally unfitted to associ ate with one another high falm tin voice full of the tremolos of deep emotion mr rhom- bury sang throw me a life llnel throw out the life line a vigorous pounding on tho no ol the apartment above notified him uiut hb music wan not well received my friend he said solemnly address tng the colling if you were aware what a volcano of revolts rumbling below you you would be thankful that nothing worse than a little song penetrates your floqr after a sonlowhat ineffectual attempt to dry lilmuelf mr thombury worked wearily but warily at hu third and last lot of dishes in spite of hb care howcuer u plate collapse weakly when it sim from his fingers into the porcelain sink plnally there was nothing left to wash except the frying pan or two and ten days accumulation of milk bottles he scoured with aching arms at parts until they were clean and then attacked tluj milk bottle a dlffl cult task far tho amateur slipping a small piece of soap into tho first one mr thombury admitted to the elation m artcr p ahrmalten tmid i did no tin fin i nix markn nid the official ixrrmptorlly hut raid r i dimnmled a third clarj ticket and vat given one for which t had not a ked thh wat an over nljcht on the part of the clerk you should have examined your tick et the station master instated the train wan delayed five minuter while we thrashed out the question on the platform in great detail and the other pauengem craned their neckn out or the windows of the carriages and listened with lively interest at last reluctantly the station master yielded but i must pay the difference what is 117 i asked one penny e in fact continued mr thombury arming lo hb subject a way that j j or wobbr clapped hla hand e had no matter what the subject over the mouth of the bottle and shook why 1m t there a chance here for lt vigorously tho air within the bottle eat reform let ua organise an suddenly expanded by tho heat of tho been well i have had no much health f clauon to promote the intelligent wnur bnot a bl of suds through i liavcn t known what to do with it dvlnn of wedding presents every mem n thngen and into hb eye you must bo mbtakenl bcr il wu1 bc pledged ta collaborate mr thombury was too far gone to but the silence of the physician told ulth othcr mbera n giving wedding d anything except groan him more than argument and he sat itcatnts to mutual friends mary its i nv t milk bottles he wild bit there with a sinking sensation as the n brcat dct i crly who would suppose that a peace truth slowly forced itself upon him during thc mxt fiw dayn mr tliom able looking milk bottle would turn when ha me to go he turned faint and ry took occasion several times to tn savagely on the man who look lt and reeled large upon hb great idea hb wife gave it a homo corry td trouble you he said as lbtcncd patiently until at last tho ur- 1 if anyone had seen mr thombury im going to adjust myself to it i have mrs thombury a mother hud been taken had all thc nerve i ve needed hitherto suddenly hi and that mary had bettei but i don t know how my courage will eomo home hold out with no tiling to hope for don 0 worry about me nafd mr to face death calmly when life has thombury 1 11 get along all right ebbd out and the pulse beats slow li i h cat my luncheons downtown and not remarkable a test but to foci well set my brcakfants and suppers here i m and strong and yet know that death a pretty good cook you know b inevitable b quite anotlier matter to mr thombury was right about hbabll- fight for life while hope b hanging in ity to cook he had lltue difficulty in the balance in almost instinctive and preparing hb modest breakfast and sup uve struggle brings its own supply of p but there wan something that began desperate courage but to wait calmly trouble him after two or three days for death while full of all the joya of r that was thc pile of unwashed dblicn living calb for courage of another order that slowly accumulated in the sink lib first thought was of hb family it did not get up mornings in time hb next of hb christian faith he said lo prepare hb breakfast and to wash to himself if i jjave any religion thb tno dbhea too and after supper he b the time when lt ought to be an asset clt so tired and so much inclined to he began testing hb faith at a new rest and read that each evening he place to sec if it would bear hb weight nu off washing uicm until the next day it held after supper on tho fourth day after the test was not on easy ono there n wife had left he stood with hb liar do uere impulses of hot rebellion there hb pocketn surveying the heap of were days when he doubted and ques- dirty dishes to which he had just added tloned dut thc comfort grew of a faith those that he had used that believed that god still lived and there a no doubt about it ho mur- was good i mured to himself those dbhea ought the signs which the doctors had seen lo washed mary would bc scandal were not long in sliowlng their full lae qtin he went on an he search meaning he had scant time to adjust a rny of norc won t be baijc hb buslnften and set hb lunise in order or ten days yet so i vo plenty of time then ho lay down to die i lf do them before she comes courage lo face a hopeless issue thai as lie spoke hb glance uantlorod was what he prayed for faith to be through the door to the china closet in strong when love was at floodtide and tlie dining room the world looked beautiful and inviting why i vc hardly made an impretlon tllb waa what ho sought he shut hb eyes and looked in lm agination up and down the street and pictured himself uie activities or hb neighbors and friends uien opened them again and saw tho four walb and re membered that he was naver to move outside of them in the long waking hours of night hb mind went by leaps that seemed to compass hb whole life in a single boimaand then came back lo uie invariable bsuc in thosa nights there was a verw from one of the old prophets that ran through and through hb mind it song itself to tlie air or a cantata in which he had sung wlien a young man tlie first part had a tender melody of trust tlie hut a strong and confident movement where tho soprano flowed in an even tone and the bass rose attii full and increasing volume thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whoso mind b stayed on thee because he trusted id thee trust ye in the lord forever for in the lord jehovah b lasting strength that a ilglil of iucli stem ltotaaiw tlon could gleam in thc eyes of a man so physically jaded working rapidly he placed every piece of china and silverware in tlie- china closet to bc sure they were not exactly in the order in which mrs thombury usually kept them but at last he got them all in then after standing for a moment in deep thought he took out one cup one plate one cereal bowl a knife a fork and a rpoon thoff he placed on utc dining room table and then carefully locked the china closet he next carried thc key to hb desk in the library where he sat down and addressed an envelope to hb wife in it he enclosed the key and a short nolo then he went down four flights of stolni to thc street and mailed hb letter in a box on thc corner two blocks an ay wearily he dragged himself back weakly he climbed thc four flights of stairs and tumbled into bed exhausted it waj then one o clock not until some time after mrs thorn bury came home did she succeed ir eliciting from her huband tho painful explanation of the note that the had received with thc key it read as fol iowa dtur mary i have locked up thc china and am tending you the key keep it if you wbh to save cither me or uil china you may bc inter crttd to know that i have organlz ed an aoclation to prevlnt tho glv lng of sets of furnbhlngs of any kind for wedding presents i am wholly with you in favoring thc variegated present utdding yours wlcr and ladder howard a man old time he sang tt through to himself a hun drod tlmas a hundred yet a million l steaming- hotljr- it sccmad to him and it expressed hb growing calmness and rblng faith ho died at last cut off in the midst of hb years mourned by a multitude or friends dut hb life which had been pure and strong was crowned by those closing weeks in which he not only learn ed but uncansclousjy taught tlie lesson of a faith that gives courage both for the fight that may be won and for uw sorrow for which the only hope it in the life everlasting on them yet he said brightening per ccpublllly lucky thing we had so many given us after all now that they ve got ahead of me there a no hurry 111 kt them go as long as i can and then wb h them all at once that will be better ulan messing round half a dozen i timer with a utile dab lot thereafter each evening after suppe- he flxed an apprehensive cyo on ihr china clowt aiowly its contents went ry stood vacant for the pariah to join thc pile in the sink until uieie wlia prlly wllhou a rector the camo tha night wlien there were nu hqwcv coinfortablyumui more clean duhcs ed aown to ulc vcrv dct d mary wont be able to leave 1 cr f cvc a frly tod piano it mother for a week yet murmured mr we y uiat a convenuon of thornbury as ho faced thc foe in uil s kind brau a uu number of kltohen besides it wouldn t be fair tol a wcro ark her lo come home and tackle that i ca pvalc famil es but it seemed pile of dbhes moreover ive got to fldvl on to eat until she comes home there seems i n ovcrflo over to be nothing for it old man i flo ln lnalancc consisted of three it was uien eight o clock wr thorn- s s benue bury found the dbhpan filled it two i wlth klnd mild cyca ttnd dccp mclodl thirds full of water and set it on the om volce3 but fuly oblc to thclr gas stove to heat while he waited i anccd wcrc nvl he sat down to read the eventng papers t tm t when he anally remembered hb dlh 1 at ulu banouct invfntion and appetitf comeumct uie ability to meet a pro longed and highly prod uc uve mental strain b curiously linked wlui the ability to digest a hearty meal which b anotlier way of laying that great thinker are seme times great eaters thb may be especially the cane where great uilnkeri have really had very little to eat thb story b told by a chicago paper evidently on uio auuiorlty of mr tesla himself of a comewliat amusing expert ence which nikola testa onco had when in mr lilbons employ mr edbon had a laboratory ln parb and to uib establishment when a stud cnt nikola tcsla went to ask for work th- laboratory was in charge- of a fore man named pulton who told tesla that he would employ him but only on uie condition that he would work tcsla nald he wau d and he did to such pur pose that far two days and night he did not cloe hb eyea al thc end of uie unit fortnight he had not hod forty eight noun of sleep the foreman here intervened and trdcrcd the joung man to rest- wc have both been under a strain he said let us go out and get a good orderod one oruiblggcx and uilekesl ste ikntluil could be bought anywhere it was enormous with it there wero various gambhlngs which made for uie two men a hearty meal dut when uicy had nnbhed it tomethlng ln thc young students look led mr fulton to say is there anything elc you would like ycu arc out with me you know and i wl h sou would order anything you cnt tr- a lo ked nround vaguely a moment t if mnknig up hl mind nnd uien said mr fulton if you don t mind i would like another tcok willie lnifucally all tyi forage plaiitn wi re iiweulgiiu il llij pre nit remurjoi will rifer largely td tli used for hoy purnnwi the nnirnerllvc purrlm cr of a ton of red rlnver or nifalfa hay cannot lw induced vrry readily to buy an equal amount of pure grass hay he known that uin clover hay b nuppnred to pon sinn more of tho high priced protlen that he in anxious to feed fewer people seem to lh nwure of the fact uiat there may lm more variation in the protlen content of oithrr red clover or alfalfa hoy cured in different ways than u ual ly exbtt between clover hay and timothy hay the investigation of thc forago plant dlvhlop indicate that the weather con dlllomt at harvertlng time and thc mcth od of curing the crop havo a very de elded infl lenci on the value of the resulting hoy thb b particularly hi the rose of uio hover hays with the c latter it h neldom that at least ten per cent of the leaf growth not in t handling when the leaven brittle may remit in thc lonn of an much an sixty per cent of the leaf growth unfavorable weather at harvit time not only addt to the leaf lots but also renultt in thc lo s of valuable plant food corwtltuentfl by leaching in addl uon in thc lorfl of leaf and uirough leaching it hon been found uiat the more rapidly hay in cured the more of thc valuable food conntltuents will it contain tliln appears to lie conslnt- cntly true wlui all types of forage plants in purchasing hay of all kinds tt would appear to be the policy of wb dom to make nure that tc majority of leaven nmaln and that the con dltlons under which lt wan cured were a favorable an passible as indicated by a bright green color experimental farm indian sign language when americans frenchmen italians and tjhtncc meet in ocrmany uioy show their ignorance of each others language by failing completely in uiclr ellorbi to engage ln con vernation hundreds or ycarsv ago wlui no news papers books schoob or colleges the representatives of different indian tribes in thb country were able to converse in uhlgciiuy through a medium of indian sign language even though uicy did not understand a single spoken word of each ouior a language thc sign language b remarkably easy lo learn in fact wc make ue of dozens of thc signs constantly without re alls inu uiat uicy an old indian sign thc etuoked fore finger beckoning uie two jejr old b uie indian sign for come a pointed fort finger means you height was exprcscd by rabtngj uie right hand a certain dblance from uie ground something that fcc often do un consciously uoy bcouls arc taking up thb ian gunge from one end of thc country to uie other oliould you see a couple of uniformed chops making rapid signs and laughing un dors tan dngly do not t them for deaf mutes they arc merely talking in american first language and demonstrating one more occompluli ment of uie boy scout personnel to asthma sufferers dr j d kel loggs asthma remedy comes like a help lng hand to a rlnklng swimmer it gives new life and hope something he has come to believe impastflble its bene b loo evident to be questioned it b its own best argument itn own best advertisement if you suffer from asthma get thb time tried remedy and find help like thousands of others bibissaibbbiadia mio aaiqf iisa syrups for coughs colds 5 0 and bronchitis j bffll managers tiji cliwilituia you will kara iplttmlui opjwwttjittty lo crt ivtw i rttullup4 ly rori lu talitl junlfly w ksv tpfcrl tia nwt lo luputy our star willt itut cltoicit kst ilk mrlt ofura our uslittg frulla you ch rfcnmtimj lo lk limit wa ltvow utal ik quality ii vry lin will iklufy your inott tmrtleuur cuftoiuar cwri lk fmit importd frotrt i rnc cryullj plnaapcj tu from fri fiimspu si cm not from cstumtl li li nrojuci of llta mat i uiimui lnsiuh mlr and so an through ilia lilt our low prlc muilia lha vu wotpjrlu nw itnaa of quality will la ikiktj lo you as quickly rcivci inomt yur cuatonvcra of our wlila itotli of ckrlaltnsi ciacucn vaicy frulla csfwlaa nula in si tall al and pvpar for an axcaplionxl youra for dibb bualnaia wm carroll finest christmas c three t ocrupbilta al the rectory raougnbed an all tho better he aoid to himself irllnd ln thc mun eltun opposite ivo often heard mary ijy qutf uu7l y hell cried he gmllhlg hotter the water thc easier the washing m he slipped as many dbhes into the i mu3t t a11 ot l you how do you do ten years nlucc i vc seen a fulfilled tiiopiikcy at the umo or uie boom in fiouuiern california a gcnucman who was about to start for uie golden land of which to much was said and who had a passion for ouaung uio nible whenever it was poajilbla tcbgrapjicd to a friend already resident in uio west ln uio following words read uie second epistle of john twolfui verse tho friend looked up a verse and read having many things to write unto you i would not write with paper and ink but i trust to some unto you and speak face to face that our joy may iw full tho friend was also a student of uio illule and from his beautiful liome in one of the lo voiles t of california tauns lie sent barkjhnuqxdj pan as it would hold found thc soap and thc dlshrag and dropped them in aba then be rolled up hb sleeves and whbtling cheerfully plunged hb hands into the water he took thcpi out at once and danced around uie kltchovi uavlng them over hb head in the cool lng air i i never knew that mary had patertt obtston skin on her hands he said when ho came to the rational part of hit dbc luroc i n have to look into it when she cpmrn home icrhaps i can contribute an article about her hands to thc medical rcvuw ills eye fell on the dbh mop and h- tilild it eagerly maybe thb will hi ip he said if it doum t pcrtali from mttn wlth ttn cauojlv lubluve coin the heat v panlon approached uio rectory and it did help no longer wan it neccs i crl ttiuuly uirough uio shrubery nary to put hb hands into the water wufl a bould ot vclry within for ho could poke uie dbhes out until two louib men hop fully press hi could grasp hum with hb left hand tt c l ulc wlllllnw nd looked nnd wash them with the mop h be l to mc what was going on it b returned drown i vc been hoping all the morning to gel a word with you well i ii tell you how to accomplish it i m baching it with crane and kuggles here at uie rectory como up tonight and wo 11 just have a high old tune thb invitation was overheard by a young member of uio brotherhood of st andrew who grow instantly curious lo know m rt of thc high old time hosrital foe sick children c7 coiufe st toronto z ont december 4 1020 dear mr editor for omc yearn part the work that thb ho pllal has been abb to do for uie children of ontario has been serious ly cramped through lack or cpacc a point waa reached where thc trutccs hud lo decide whcuicr its service should be restricted to uie utmost number of sick kltb whom lt could provide ulth costs or whcuilr lt should add to it room there arc muny youngsters suffering from aflllctoiu of uie spine and jalnb ilhom only many long- months can store to health and strength medical will help but what they principal ly nled b rrcsh air and sunshine hluierto thc hospital for qlck children has looked after such children ln an institution close by a city playground here more fortunate boys ond glrb en j iy uioir sports imagine thclr jillflht lying monui after monui ibtentng to uie shouts and laughter or other hll drcn in ocu bcr latt uil hospital for aick the happy merchant never before in the hintory of tho world hau it been pos- eiblo for a merchant in pood credit to do co much bumriesa witli oo ifttle capital locked up in otock ono importnnt rftnon for tho present pronpority io tlint in- ctead of havino to buy a big clock at the beinnlng of cncli ceocon he in now ablo to buy email otocks and re- tlcnmli thorn promptly by ong diataneo eeop your cuntomera for mile3 around coming to you for whatever they ned in vent ways of inducing them to viait your otorc or to or der from you by long dio- tance and they toll uj you will not be seriously bothered by competition- long dlatanco fs making hnppy merchants in dome towns dont overlook ita great possibilities t special 5 fiit export quality 5 friranjrj firm s k s iia1sin sunmsid htar 15 os 2 ji 27c dl monte ccclleti 13 oi 2 tlt- 2se tt 1 2 pais 25 8unua1d ihjffed raifilna in bulk tkyka tkitt wajt muscat flavor butter eggs cheese 1 hju mtkr n bacon ii- j s ctj lb cottage roll ii s ocd lb bread iiltd per loaf 3lb pail j 3 lbs 35 canuiura s spec1al- 5 fancy virginia lettbce motloutc i tcdi j rolled oat 8 fa ie sib aj 90 flour tlpcr found 4 slfl i aitrj- j4 ibi fancy sliutil f j3aw5c batu blcird coloin hallow jtti3- minccahcay oil tnsl ih jiu he l sunlight soaj io bar sjo 8urtfm 10 mam 4 cart s0 im 4 v special uhbyt scnimr lar s un j t special h o brand r wt kraut 2v gtsat sums from utile savings grw cleaitlng auction sale rownbhip op nasaaoawcya hay jolly old fellows were planning children ownrd itu country annex de to havl for he rather liked a high old time himself about un o clock that nljhtfthc younu delighted to lusar it izcad deutrr onamy eighth chapter seventh to teulb vcnlc tlie mckuigu traiulated glvea uie nobl est detcrlpllon of wliat iu araloful ln liabltanu love to caur ond a country kir tlie lord thy ood uringath thoe 4nto a good land a land of broolu of water of fountains and doptlu uiat tame more cheerful i maldc a wonderful invention he said lo lh holred clergyman named hlmwlf probably edison had lo wash brtm wun d hla wrinkled the luihta once and scalded all ihe skin awltxvbr1 old nngcra ouuiproad over uil rr hu hands the way i did and so yn of tlie pllul0 uetdncl him stood eat right down und invcnfd thb use utlc a iour wlth thrlr tul mtlfl nuerumeiil lleautlful instance hcba lnrou11 back w sno of artlon and its reaction on thc lnv b ya with all their honest soub tlvi mind and wltn vcr evident enjoyment mr thombury thrust the dish mor forcibly down into a tumbler flllfd wiui the l1 athlete in rubbing water a uiick stream of the hot soapy ulc athlete will find pr thomas lclcctrlc oh an oxcollnnt article renders thc muclcj aiul sinews pliable takes uie mircnesa out of uicm and atrcnguirns ihcm for rlralna that may voted lo yi uugstcra whose one chance t i i n uillr lunbs straightened or their o 11 built up must bc in some place where they have sunshine and rnjj air plus nursing cure and medical uulii tion on a lillght of land near weston away from thc murk of thc city chil drcn arr winning their way back to health in un environment of lunhtiic pure tirtiwo and quiet the country hospital at thiauetown la a ood bend for children wh nn lt will takr a long ihnc lo cure it a la 11 bcr aten a hundred cots in uie parent iiijii lutlon for youngalcrs who can be ct right ln a short time if quickly given constant attention bo the hospital foi hick children has now two doom u keep open day and night to every class color and creed for more than half a century the ii wpllal has dipcnilml for its very rx tstfner ujwjn the public response to its annual uppal which wing ln behalf of j children is appropriately made at christ null llm ior over ilfty years uie ii brrii enabled urmikc both ltcr nhot up like a goytar and pene trated his shirt sleeve 1 and reacu muttered iprlna out of uie valleys and hilu a land cft ono f ls altiirted arm of wheat and barley and vine and fig nnd nulck s eps about uil kitchen ul pj it shuids preeml donauoiu of its friends trflea and pomegrantafl a kind of ollw acuon bnn rfbcuo action and re nrnt for purpose and athletes whoi j uona ot wrnda and lioneytnd wiamn uiou fiilt 7 ho f- fty u tt l ca tou m n i ut tnr eat hirad without scarcwuw uiou aluu t inm j nld ma nowl lvalue as a lubrlcan l l not lack anyuung in it a und wlue t1 b thro pw itoiiea are iron and out of wliot hilta when he w colmor ho continued his tilt iuivii tgjd classls ro otd frlrndb hn f- uiou maycrt dig brau ww ihou es uln al0 a right l il mo ans it is toft and art f u uiuu si alt bur w of bwom on uie water a cockney angler thinking that his bccausi lo mat y of em s to bleuthe lord ihy ood for uie good h llm tl u wtt w8 cold i inland boatman u not treatng mm hid d in istl r gmwlnl ircltuia land lu lu 8 th s j w rf u oul wlth pct d to his stauun ex lpi yourtial it remind ud of 1038 flndji bills to pay for its tlie undersigned baa received lntruc tlons from v l flandi ks ol lot 34 concession 3 1 ownhlp ol naiagawcya in sell by public auction usx monday decemiuil 10 102h ut 13 30 o clock sharp thc following 3 iiorsl 1 ilay ilnnr g year id 1 bay uurc 13 years old 1 borrrl horw cattle i holteln cow due frebie nry id 1 llolslcln caw due may 10 1 durham cow due april 20 1 roan v due august 4 1 tiolstrlii heifer hogb 1 bow due lh eembcf 2j 1 how due in march blltm 1 shropshire uc 0 oxford ewes 1 leicester ewo 1 oxford ram ioultry uo bred to lay liamj itock imilcl occe nnd 1 oundcr imrixmentfa mascy miril hind 0 foot cut dicrlng mqwli j ih1 eul tiharp lukc miuuy harrls 11 tub dhc drill matsry ii irrls spring looth c il tlvatnr corn drill a quarttr share in a decrhih corn binder 14 plate dlc 4 tactic n mi rruw ocufllcr 1 i leury no 21 1 vi rity no 10 1 low 1 aim wngun wii in uux tiombliiutloii hay mid stock hack set ot ml ig i cutter 1 uuning mill d laval creuni far para tor 1 t it pulp r and slim ourd n dilll iluy huk cur rt p li ii and puiioj lmcry orlndcr hun 1 hi der 1ln rxtlniiul h r ut ill 1 lb srulr- it ill n oil dunn u quantity t 3i inch ceimnt tile miuveb llm 1 urku etc n qujnllty r stove w mm 1 1dj3 overland hiur ti urlng car i 1013 chryrulct spcidutcr harness set- of urccchlng harness 1 set f 1 luw harness l ul single harness poui ifly lquiimlni 1 mr mdcr lloue oxlj feet on slcldi i prulrlo state incubator 400 rgg al 1 ocorgo town incubatur lio cafl chu3 1 uuckoyo blue flame brood r 1 000 rhlck ilze 1 wishbone ilroikler 00 chick ln 1 col llin niv full brooder 15q chick kc hay and grain a quantity of alfulfa mlxid may 4b0 uiuheli mixed qralu some com lktdcr iii iimiiilllmlliliii illl mt3thm iii ii nil ifiheja xlilgl itt 1 ever nr irm hi lisn it wairu siuhiili okluhonui l- ic mow w o u tov t w xtuutui ihu i z irriui tt and kith kny wife ah that u lov wo h la out tliif kkakon 1 teen uud for thirty y ut asiytf t apend very mrnlutf tat luune y tutrf tuny m uib w th rt no niuturbd iwi lu- vblliurvd up uw lraplj uy iuicfctora have b eiitltlml i iiciiu wlit i ukd liuu wort of ware to bire l hr uw but two tluuiuiul i thy have in qulek lmien looms why i yearn v i tru t ltlmuulwl by a nw need uu laut two hundrtd uunnnl e u qf tlu ukks lw put more abreast of ibl uruiut ids faithfully y iune irv1no k uohkjltoon furnituri 1 cook stove 1 heater 1 thrrr buiiirr oil stove with oven 4 iran hods j belt of springs j mat- lrcl1 1 j dreu i n and counuodes 3 couches several chalm and i lock cm 1 high chulr a number of small tables kxti iiblun lble 1 sideboard 1 man oau lamp 1 hanging lamp and fleveral hand lamps 3 toilat sets a jlarrrl churn and uuttcr howl ouicr artlchs too numerous to mention iwiuvcly no uaurve as the 1roprlltor lj moving to toronto rut mo all suirm or 10 00 and undiir cajili over uiat amount ten montlii endit on furnuihing upproved joint in ten il per milium uir u r raj h hay urain i nultry tyumlturo and cars hu halo will ftwlilvly url oa tiiae u j ackukt auetloiimr 1 hoii jo aliod ont jjj tlutl lc air wcjl bold on the ad- anta s oi fifivinjr hom pcrsistrn advei- tliat jitalily and ddi itismg pull to t tin i in an intelligent nay adverlism leads to it k eps old t itoiim is that teady i ld v i la 1 i f ss id ill h llmm imllill i h 1111 causrs idvrrtisni limits uicm lo t onic mil limn ihc i i i i iil i mess oncciii- sho ki ir iliaiilv and scivici- advert isi an lh in iil i i lisiio nimtm i i oiilid in i 1 ii i i is iiiolci ion o imim is am s ls lull aihci ism is a in mentions hi in ik ii- 111 lt ildi in nis ein i l without clialruiun awual cumulus uoiillm clrk i lull the i ijilit kind in i ilil kmi of liusint aluas s linn lieltei hiisim lieeeetl ltlt i llslljr t s oi sen lt t w i i iidt ameiised inu s an in tit iuih piiki ihii lint s aie not 1iofits ue niadt on salt snti on shellwinneis when a merchant makes a dollar on well advertis ed merchandise and loses a dollar on unknown merchandise it should not make him long to find out which is the more profitable to handle j i llll ii ii iii i 1111 hlllllllllll ii 1 i 1 1 vs jzvs s

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