Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), December 27, 1928, p. 3

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t11k hour op ii artmt jihm praia mrmuff c111ii111 wrcllr new j per aixulati mrmlirr srln id town vyvrulic l ontario till actlln i it hi iiiss mlliiirl tvnr tliumur rfmii jl llir irrr we iliillilinu mill slierl atm oitarit i c mlli nplion price i jj r rr m awam -amic- ii cltargnj liluhna l hum in rhr unilrl stair ilic htr in wlm 1 nl riplloni arc paid if initlrkrl nn llir iii 1cl a diiis illl i recreation ccntreu nix a ncc amity tkitrnonis imitirbl ami lit itriliencc in liii kpucch at toronto recently judjje liuidtfi tll c7h1- of 1iiulm1idnni made jjrcitt plea for the plfiyjrniiiuhi nnd rqcrention centres for the children he miid its u crime not to riv a hoy 11 cliunde to play lies hilinj clieuijdt ict him piny youve muile spfeiulid- provision here the women jtrc he- hind that too mothers re1l7e the value of a plriy- irouml kids cant jct into the iinmc trouhle when theyjre busily occupied with a jjnmc keep them off the street out of dnnjjcr then they enn po to a hij riimt see fine plays and its n case of hero wor ship thats one fine reason for keeping hall as clean ii possible and the cities arc not the only ones ttiiir iccc to provide recreation centres und places tor clean healthful amusement- the towns too need to look toprjividinj the proper facilities for the fcreation of the youngsters the development of the body as well as lie mind is important in the proper upbringing of the young people t m sunday school lesson you hiinday ofcckmllkk 30 hie world chrhtfla paul vnnlerwhii talk the milton reformer in answer to our query of who will be warden for 1020 in n couple of articles fully answers by its odmonition ot watt and yet on the other hand if there had been see kind of one of those mysterious santo claui onlden text lir me to live in christ phil 1 31 devotional reading pft 130 the mlnlnlry to the aentjlen pauln monumental achievement wan the inln- ifltry to the aentllea not that lie for- fumltlie jewh there in nouilnff more pathetic yfil herntc tlian lila attempt to itlve the jewfl every poudble ndvantaue tint aftrr every rncounter paul was forced in turn to tlie aeutllrji there were cnouh converts from the jewlfih point or view to lirlntr into uic new church an clement that would keep it continuous with wlmt wan eaintlal in uie older faltli in history uiere ore very few clear breaks between periods kvcnu do not work up to a certain crlnlu and then break with a cleancut cdirfi oomctldna of tlie old ilneeru over into the now and lies tlie new to tlie it was lncreoblnfily clear uint tlui main moss or tlie converts of uie new church must come from tlie aentllefi loalui hemic of uw ckxulaiju medical akaocutiom lulucalion vaytt throughout our country wo have under tlio provincial uhverniiirntk prnvlcum for education- in moiit pliicrn lducutlm in mm hi 1 wiry thaliiw lnliitf un nicprefuiloi o public opinion that vducatlan it de- nl ruble not only for the individual child but for all children if li dealrable that all bo educated and i nil arn taxed to pay for the rducatlonul nysum rctfard- iriui of whrtlutr or not they have children or of tlie number of their children after a- community bus completed uw provision of such fiervlcc tut pdre water cafe milk uml food mid fell thn otlier health rxrvlccn vhloh protect ui from dlseane there rfmalns the equally larfie nnd equally lmpurlotit oueatlon of tier- ronal bytflne tlie health of each in dividual will depend fully ax much upon hla own actlouit upon his proclice of rwrnonnl hygiene as upon the protec tion the community health services afford him if personal hyulenn la to be known undirrtood and practised the individual mint be tailitht tlie ouesuon we mlflht aik ouixelvea hi does lieallli education pay y durliiff the pojit few years uiere has occurred in many places n treat reduc tion in the number of infant dauut nmenff the converli tlie break i reduction has taken place in those with uil- jcwuoi uiouela mlit iwvo j communiued which have made provl- nnsucrs the reformer says in one of the items been too complete paul rmut have rttm r til et of mouiem an to our esteemed contemporary is again concerned ns sffj zttlh thr cnrc of uelr ana whlch lftvc octwecn jewa and ocnlj i but in provided a anfe milk supply the reduc- o who shall fill the wardens chair during 1929 it these turnlnsn now to tli one and ntw j tion of sickness amono infonu ngnin suggests that rlevc mason of acton be honord j jl juwllontquiiilunclilt b ifa r neteentlalilcrnpravthrtlldttndtmstructln8 the motliers- tlie fact that ed with the position reeve mason wc arc quite new loffether fewer babies die la not a matter of satisfied would moke a good warden as he has imd t r i ci it ulta from a cause and tha jew but went u w accepuu caube in education thin is an example highest prices paid for butter fat ivrc us a miai ikone ni halton cream butter co milton and acton h wltmer manager of acton brand time tables- a acrron thursday evening december 27 1028 m6m considerable experience as a municipal legislator i ciirbit tiiere was nothina- disloyal or 3oun how- bod in he villnnc council and n the county coun- isssjoftlssi f fto cil and is therefore well versed in procedure ever essentials of hla native faith as paul will r ih the newly beted member isstbseltsl sssfltzs of the county council to make the selection and if j jews foutd not bear that anyone should tbev think reeve mns0n is entitled to the position oh ulu and ttuy becamb furious and inty tnnik isetvc maon is ennueu to me position rcclclcilb lmtnd ut u visited on no doubt he will get it no brother were not so him wlio dares to depart from what la terribly concerned but you see in this northern jsits il5is5ssv sjl jest all you sec village wc have our municipal elections eoecntlahi is very difficult to understand over but it has always been so even a unppy nnd prohpermw new year the year 1928 draws to n close and on tuesday next we will usher in the new 1929 full of promise and with the expectations of profiting by our fnilures of the past years the old year passes into history hut for all the joys it brought for the continued rppreciation of fitrr prttss readers and advertisers and nil whpm we hnve tried toscjvciluring wistaru months we dcsiietix express ojjrjfpprectation tu wpffi v i can and will be the gainer of this display of inex pcriencc m7e could elnborate in many words with the possibility of nn unintended deletion on our old year appreciation and new year wish to you all but oming from one of those class of journals that a certain wouldbe politician named gordon has term ed a onehorse weekly wc will use the horsesense greeting of wishing you all a happy and prosperous new year the good newspaper section mr hugh tcmplin in his reminiscences a week or so ago of that inside page of the fergus news- record has an interesting comment on his contem poraries he says to the north of us and in all that broad expanse of territory from lake huron to lake simcoe there tire many weekly papers and wc believe that innny of ontarios greatest weekly newspapermen have been developed in that area and that mnny of the best and liveliest weeklies of the present time are to be found there mnny of the brightest weekly papers in ontario come to the news- record office each week as exchanges and wc study them nil they ore not confined to the territory wc mention but it is surprising what a large proportion of them come from that district which is bounded on the east by ftarrie on the west by kincardine and the lake on the nortli by winrton colhngwood und georgian bay and on the south by a more indefinite boundary which might be fixed by a line drawn through acton and st marys in thnt district are a number of papers which are noted for their readable editorials many of the towns have much in common ind often a problem will be discussed by several editors fnem different viewpoints it is one of the delights of our work to reiiu these exchanges und many nn idea has come from them how little the milton keformcrcvhknuy found much food for comment in the columns of tut full pitiss of december 13 commenting on the dinner sponsored by judge elliot referring to in our columns as a news article of that date the reformer says tun acton fpci press was a little out last week when it stated that judge elliot had given a banquet to a number of halton lawyers nndafew friends at the milton inn recently the facts of the case are thnt these lawyers were attending u session of the equaliration cf the county assessment commission und his honor simply invited themto take dinner with him nt the inn thats alt there was to it as to judge elliots retirement from the bench wc understand the government is desirous that he continue on for the present we ore sure this would be very satis factory to nil concerned should his honor accede to the request it doesnt so much matter whether it was a banquet or dinner or whether it was tendered or given but it will give a feeling of general satis faction to know that possibly judge elliot will not retire from the bench at the present time most haltonians would like to see hjm occupy the judge ship for u number of years yet we have known of a lot of very eminent persuaders who tried to change the judges decision at various times without avail and possibly we took it for granted that on ibis occasion persuasion was futile should tlie govern ment succeed however in persuading him to con tinue on it will certuinly find favor in every quarter of the county and we trust he muy be persuaded io accede to the request we find in the article we used both words dinner and banquet and according to that source of information it i sometimes neces sary to turn to to settle an intricate point wc find websters dictionary says thnt a dinner is tlie prin cipal meal ot the luy eaten by most people about midday but by muny between six and eight p ui also a formal repast or feast answering to this as one in honor of some person or event and as to banquet the same uther authority says a feast often u complimentary or ceremonious feast follow ed by speeches we fiave no available higher iiuthority and we appeal to the aliltnu reformer to show us to just how much we deviated und were a httle out about a month ago and we naturally look forward to ifonaecnitod life as in paul cose seems h to count for notlilns osalnst uie fierce the next step in municipal politics stll wondering who will be your representative in next years county council wchnve that issue all decided were just like you we think mr mason would moke a good warden and we would like to see the county council have the benefit of his presiding over the body well gladly leave the matter in the handb of the county council for 1020 and feet that their decision will be duly considered and ably while you aro- hatred of those whom he dared to go beyond tn his religious faith there are two things that truth demands of very coulito accept it wlien it is declared and to allow outers to prejtfl on to tlie discovery of new truth conformity is bood but truth la better loyalty to our group la laudable but the hlffher loyalty in always to uie dad of truth an appeal to tlie life wc can bcitt appreciate pauls contribution to chris tian i ly when we consider ids autobio graphical sketch as clvcn in hi farewell add rem in vffhu i til wkdomot ince u- ljaai jot paul to twenty years ago from the issue of the free preoi of thursday december 31 1008 owing to ceveral accidents and abuses of prlvlleffca tlie reeve lias- prohibited coimunk on the ut recta in towro wrtrtbi cervlee will he held itr h rftlhrtrthji fthttnriv tnnlpht tflmaiivtrwniantdnsvertciiairct tfient lie had to bpeajc of himself of the magnitude of his sacrificial love yet in doing co he only told uiem what they themselves already knew paul made no no explanation he opened up his more than a social function the dinner by reeve mason to the council and officers of this body official nnd unofficial last week was indeed a most interesting event in municipal i life to view thnt was enoujjh we hve been mending he council proceed- jj sstzf wltt ings for only a matter of ten or eleven years so service with paul the labor involved possibly in history farther back such functions were usual but of late years they have not been the getting together around the table where the social side of the various men was brought out from a different ungle was the feature it is said that the most direct route to a mans heart is through his stomach and possibly this was the reason that better understanding was had around this table provided by mr and mrsiv mason councillor thctford summed the matter up in his very concise speech and reeve alason in reply possibly showed the other phase that made this event rather important the group of men had been together in regular business session throughout the year and yet an entirely new phase of cuch individual was shown in this social function which is bound to make for a better understanding throughout 1920 and reeve mason pointed out that the opinion of his associates- often at variance with his own views were none the less respected and admtrod and usually opposition and a careful study of the question revealed weak points the getting together at the reeves home was more than t pleasant social time and undoubtedly better under standing of the municipal work and of each other will be the result of the evening so spent acton will be better guided as a result of the development of this social side of its legislators editorial notes these christmas times are jreat developers ot friends yoii didnt think you had theres one consolation anyway the average run of people are broke just now the same as you and 1 the improvement in the health of the king will give a form of rolief throughout the christmas season o all parts of the empire many experiences many joys and many narrows it meant profitable teaching and pleasant visiting it also meant tears trials and irksome duties but what ever tt was it was serving the lord and so could be done without shrlnklnn and without fear when paul speaks of repentance toward clod and faith to ward our lord jesus christ wc have the eospcl in miniature pauls contribu tion to christianity but his creator gift in hla own life for as he speaks the words they thrill with all the clffnl- flcancc of his tervlec they gather to themselves with strength of his strength and are warmed with the warmth of hbr heart for farther ducdsslan where- was paul bom what were his social and religious antecedents and training ww was pauls early attitude co hostile toward uie christians what elements of leadership were revealed in his character before hla own conversion what was the main objection which uie chrlsuan jews had to paul at first what qualifications did paul hve for evangelistic work what cbcct did hla tills in on example of wliat has occurred in other fleldfl of health work- unit have been approached by education the human race in civilised countries in today more free from disease and enjoys a longer and a liealllilcr life than cer before tlie reason for this is tlie application af modern scientific know ledge to combat dkeaso and to preserve health never before have uie masses paajicrcd uie knowledge they now have concerning health it repays the in dividual to improvalils own health know ledge it repays hfm to see tliat educa tion in health ln given to all questions concerning healui addressed to tho canadian medical association 1b4 college street toronto will be answered personally by letter uiauauujmatll3air4r falrvlow cemetery has a larger pro portion of fine monuments than most of the cemeteries and another was erect- i a week ago on christmas afternoon the junior hockey team went to erin to play a team of that town this wafi the first game of the season for the acton team tlie score was 75 in actons favor married woodrufpciiapman at ber- alnm the residence of the brides parents on monday december 281008 by rtcv j qote mr ernest woodruff st thomas to alice m eldest daugh ter of w j chapman main btreet acton gamblehaw at the homo of the brides sister ouelph on wednesday december 30 1008 by hev j m olauiford captain charles bandneld o amble son of mr james q amble crewcoim comers to miss lillian theresa haw of nossogaweya died hemstoeet at milton on tuesday december 2b 1008 richard ilem- strcet in hla ootli year kale of effects im years ago the difference between tho chattels dliiposcd of 100 years ago and an auction sale of tho present day is shown in tile following extract from uie flies of on old newspaper having cold my farm and leaving for by ox team will offer on november 1 1030 all ox teams t i colln zip and pol 3 milt cow i ox yokes 1 baby yoke 4 ox carta 1 iron plow wlui wooden mold board 1 50- gallon soap kctue b0 sugar troughs 3 uplnnlng wheels 30 pounds mutton tallow 1 large loom 3 scythes and cradle 0 wooden pitch forks 50 gallons of cop terms of sale cash in luuid or nolo to draw 4 per cent tarsus have on his convictions about the o en tiles in what sense was he a world chrlsuan in wliat respects was he uie greatest of the apostles how much did he contribute to uic early christian literature are you uilnklng about building let uic family herald and weekly btqr montreal help you write to uic farm buildings department the prevalence of so much sickness in the homes of the community and vicinity made many a home luck much of its christmas merriment where do the old years got prny where do the old yearn go mam ma when uiclr work la over and done docs somebody tuck them away to sleep quite out of uic sight of uie sun waj there ever a yoar thnt m a mis take and fitayed when its time was oer till it had to hurry its poor old feet when uic now year knocked at the door i wish you a happy new year mamma i am sure netfr udngs are nice and this- one comes wlui a merry face and plenty of snow and ice but i only wish i had kept awoke tui uie old year mode its bow par what it said when uie clock struck twelve i shall never nnd out now margaret e bangstcr flic return to penny postage to great britain by the dominion government- was u splendid form of christinas gift for the people of canada ilic announcement that the provincial parlia- i it vil n t its scsiflon the last of january brings en puvnicial politics pretty close on the settling up f ruiiia limners for the year putit and postmasters everywhere had the happy role during the past week of playing santa ciui to their entire community mid the pqstmaster it ac i td his staff wore just as jovial over their ljjivy tasks iih the jolly old st nicolas time has tested il dr thomas- icc- lec trie oil has been on uie marked up wards of nfty years and tn ttu time it lias proved a blessing to uioiuandi it li in high favor uiroughout cauuda and iti excellence has carried its fami in- yond the seas if it were double the price u would be a cheap liniment head off colds coughs bronchitis with this fine old herbal remedy right from the heart of natur ward oft oil tlio cold weather ills fiot yourself o lioltlo of gnharfierb indian lung remedy it will mako and koop you henlthy hen1 up inftamrd tiafluifi and rivo your blood and body new vigour iconp tins rok old lurluil remedy al ways in tha imuiifl tako it after ox- poaurn to wind rain rhill and crowded pvinliulcn iiltimh you can ret thin and other mllnrhrr herbal ilmuieliuld ilcmedtco now from 50 a t brown acton w b browne co mhlero nnd grain morcharitftnorval ontario national nottval v6r vumlry kings choice canadian wonder vor llreatl bran shouts middlings chopped wheat haricy nnd chicken teed at lb mill anadian nationalrailways luiiduy only dully except dally ivintpt daily except dally except dally except uunday only dally except dally except dally exeept dally except dallyrcxcept vlolnf wt otinduy munday uunday uunday uunday gobi vmui uunday uunday uunday uunday uunday 1041 atn 7ss tt tn 1043 ptort aia pm 800 ptai 017 tua 700 vjau 704 fcoh 1187 tun y at pin b1s yia canadian national kimctwto uaixwayu dally except uunday 755 bw dally 055 uxt dally dally daily dally dally dally dally 115sk i s3 pm sbk pjttt bss pq 755 pta 055 p jri llliiw look for pltlzes in our flour f coffee national groceps compant limited wkolcalc durrlbutara the new year 11 lttm ly ixhmlri of l7 t 1iom ill sides locally one of the best christmas imjii of yciiu tins been reported tlie chrimmas fiidc or nil the merclmnis seems to have been fully tip ami in most ciihej records have been bettered such wu the nnswer to all to whom the casifjil in quiry win hiked how was the christmus trader wlmt ih reported us the largest shipment of farm tiaetoi iiuide into one point arrived recently at caltfury altierdt it was a tniinload of 12 cars on which there were 2h tractors or distribution to wirions points in alberta this indicates very con clusively the jjrowih of our agricultural in turrits in western caliuda truv ill- l you hi 1 imvl uln th mar tl in ul w urn il upn 1 4 ml il ulwi j iiiiwiii 1 iiiil hu jur tlmk ncy in llin 11 i- n pa ll tl iw fill lib rirwunl hi2h mil utune mate and venule help wanted earn 25 to 50 per week pufllttons open in city and country towna lie an expert earn part time while learn inc we quarontee teachlnu following trades house wlrlnr industrial electricity garare work battery weuliir vol- canuinjr lljlckuyuuj mil ur tag lurherlnjr and lulr irulijf employment tervlec from oaut to coast ula demand write today tor tree catalogue to dominion trade gcliooa limited now managing and cipratinii hemphill trade etctioola of canada und u b a both dominion government chartered companies dominion tltadt hc1ioolu ltd head otricr 161 klnx hi w toronto kaalum liranchca uuulun montreal hamilton ottawa 11 tin in hi ok il wli not ju 11 it 1 t nj m uhe ihirkkn ut 1 ulll nil w 11 it th n v ir l a ii 111- to mi lu 1 miluil nui that will i- k 1t i ll til pih nc iv- tl l i itt i ctl vi i r- ki l lint llu th mit th t lli- 11 ll 1 ul j uh in- hi foi iviul w hrully 1 11 mil itii hivtli itfly a 111 if th- ai niarly all children arft tuhject to viiruu und muny are bom wllh ttiem liiuirc thrill liiiltitliiu by ualng mother oravua wurui kx terminator an execj- unt tviuudy optometry itll value to the public uy a l savagk iuelnh onuirto facto it y j wohkkuh can do more and better work if thry tvc uu they btiould their woik ifinanda all uiclr cnurny they cant afford to let dtflluill mehig rub them ufiorae of it when thuy wo better uielr yio- ilictloii ui more accurate and puutrr in volume co they ft kin mi every count when they ln- ionif rulpied to iuc well und comfortably our uervlcu prom- im uuui reculli to oo caauiiuej nut wiik bank of montreal establuhedlslt assets and liabilities 31st october 1928 assets cash on hand 933s706111 deposi ta with and note of and chequei on other danlta 67 m j deposit in the central toid reserves ajrooocxooo call and short loans on bond debav turea and stoclta 1781102500 dominion and provmcul government securitie 79704os70 canadian municipal secunfce and british foreign and colonial public securities other than canadian a6oj48oa- railway and other bond debentures and stocks ilgoi quick assets 47389828256 loans and discounts and other auti y19 bank premisea j t ii50oooaoo lubihties of customers under letters of credit as per contra 1111711661 total assets 87378252362 liabilities to the public notea in circulation 4606757400 deposits 73 348 17993 letters of credit outstanding 1311510661 other liabilities 17t4 total liabilitiea to public uio7a6668a8 excess of aseta over liabilitiea to public 6305585474 dally except ounday tj81piai dilly ds7 aa daily lmyaju daily lij pi dally sjtpjj daily 6s7 pm dally tj7 pan daily ojt vxa dailjrntrr7 ivsspsc trbnta termlaal ku rtrt and rl culr awhm kreudit delivered by bpeclal expr freight vrelfiht nicked up at any od- drets in toronto 3 leave acton tor tlie west 1010 a m 410 p m 700 p m and on saturdays ounday and holidays tlmpm leave acton far georgetown norvsj nrampton toronto i jo m m- 1135 am 735 p m and on qaturdayi oundays and i loll dsya i0j5 p- m paintinand house decoration grnlnlnc o speciality prompt attautlan satufacuab qumrtmlmd rmnf qlvn 1 richard h blanch j nox s50 aeton 1 dont do it cut temall nave him un blrhbu unequalled couli nwduua catirrh head cold and horn throiu absolutely ouarantecd e j iiatard- dry french cleaning par tlio convenience of our many customers in acton who have bsen tending their work tous in decree- town we liave opened a ohop in acton in uie stqre next to the baptist church hours from 3 p m until o p ra aoods left hi otiier hour may bo lumdd to un j u oavaee f b margellus cleaning piwuiitt repalrine savage company jewellers china silverware lower wyndluun sl phone 571 guelpii tlie old and reliable granite and marble works we aro manutacturern and dixsot 1m- rtem of all linda of monumental uul headstone work we cell direct to out customcra at wllolrsalo prlosa thus uvlag our cuttnmcra 40 per canl w ui ui brat appllaucen and tlie only in tlie dominion who can oparata xau matlc loola properly we can give rf enccit from hundreds of our rutniiw ia toronto and ouinr placaa wlur otsikau have to have law suits in order to ooluot wc have the largest and but tfitk tj granite in uie dominion or mors than any uirce draleru in uia west ws tmi ultimate dealers and employ no xtiu and do not annoy ol l ciutoius w bcndlnu out lanoronl aaenta aoueiuiiif nrders wc employ only mschajilas ui4 defy compeutlon hamnton sons ouulwt oni

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