Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 31, 1929, p. 3

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jfffrrartimjffrrg rw jhu1ujoay januaiiy 31 iojo til mfn who hki a hot i dill remcmlwr older id n i kniw win n i was jiml a lad a lot of fdks hud money tlun anil ntlurr hl noultloiifl hiul hut tlirnc- arc not the mjii at all that all jirr long i ihull rrrsll the inm ftliai mrmnry brings ma joy arc turn alio ued in like u boy they wrn not many i could natna them quickly if uu tnilll vnra told the mi n who u in uik uie sattut to man and hoy in young and old thn men vhn never nlwvnd usul tim ihuc luj or hurt lilo pride for questions never did annoy riia men who used to like a boy i dan t recall tin great oxjiot aa greatnfis goes in wealui or place hut not ft man x have forgot of kindly speech md kindly face a man with time to teuuie truth to little ludjs to eater you tii wlinm many matters mlht employ and yet who used to like boy tliere are conic men that i admire but there are othrrn that i love some arc still hrrc come aging aire and come have bow to dwell above gome men i love now im ft man with love that way back there began wlum some would mend come broken toy tlie men who need to like a boy k menu hints ueelpm far new aud nfrwl dishes uakubfru ttm and sugg horn by betty taabcxjly a uairr dkaaiait 1 package lemaiv junket 1 pint milk pecans or any kind of nuta chop coarsely thn pecans or nuts and place in bottom of dessert glasses pre pare lemon juket according to directions oil nackase pouring over pecans be fore serving garnish with k few more pecans wild weot hklidii 3 daun sweet cucumber pickles sliced 1 pound puffed raisins 1 teaspoon whole aluplce h ounce stick cinnamon 3 cups brown sugar vt ounce celery seed vinegar to cover itaoe atllngrcdwiu except xibfs4 vinegar a o i hourwar a mftddwtgfumawliftn w rmovoiii awothcnpnibhixjonhiomh ntnuui add celery need put in sterilized jam and seal as for canned fruit tlus will make 3 quarts or more of relish depending upon the eue of plcklas used pehnqvlvakia cole hlaw put two pounds of firm crisp cabbage uirouah tlie allcer add a dreulng made from 3 eggs beaten light 1 cup elder vinegar 1 cud water a scant teaspoons sugar gait to cesan butter sbte of walnut cook slowly for few minutes until thoroughly mixed eur tablespoanflu hour thinned in water into mixture and cook or ave minutes over slow tire cool thin with cream then pour oier allced cabbage and mix uiaroughly yinelychopped cabbage may be used in stead of allced oyotehb with cocktail bauce 34 oysters on half shell 3 tablespoons lemon juice 3 ta tomato catsup 1 tablespoon flnelyclinpped onion 13 drops tabasco sauce teaspoon gritted horseradish salt 4 unions cut two sections from each lemon ie- biove juice and pulp leaving baskets vllh handles ulx lemon juice wltli other seasonings adding salt to tsste put mixture in baskets and place each one in centre of a deep plate of crushed ice arrange six oysters around each basket and serve for a first course oiunoe toast 1 teaspoon cornstarch 1 tablespoon cold water juice 1 orange i cup orange pulp pew grains salt ougar cinnamon utx cornstarch and cold water odd orange juice and boll stirring constant ly far five minutes add orange pulp and salt pour over buttered toast and sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon otuffed peppers 8 green peppers average sloe 1 cup chopped celery 3 cups boiled irlce 3 cups canned tomatoes 3 tablespoons butter or other fat 1 teaspoon salt v cup grated cheese cut off the stem end of the green peppers and remove the seeds cover uie peppers in cold water bring the water to the balling point and cook them far five minutes cook the celery until tender lllx the rice the to matoes the celery the fat and uio salt and fill the pepper cases stand them close together in a baking dish sprinkle the tops with grated cheese and pour a little water or tomato juice in tlie dish to keep them moist b until the cheese is brown and tlie pepper cases uioroughly tender when poppeni are not plentiful two or uiraa may be sliced and used flavor the whole dish tul olv nan itt or ma cl0cx1 mi- tkuiq on tiil kciioomioukf a hounds crow in thi yrnrs to when our trecn come poep over the schoalhousc cuvct a lori in their limber branches a laugh in their ru tllng leaves when uiey twinkle and top at your win down a rhtne with the morning dew o lories and lads at your dirks wtuiln wo planted the trees for yolil when a million tendrils tannic- and cling over grounds then blank and bare when fluttering wings and dancing leaves olvc the rummer jx welcome there years hence when our lesons nnd play are done your lessons and play to do remember us iium and lads to come wc planted tho trecn for you i when the nhadowy grace of its verdant veil ohall co f ten the noontide glsrt and wreath on wreath for yuxa dayn thoy garland your school grounds fair your bright flag blossoming out of the green like a flower of triple hue o lacb and lads of the yearn to come wc planted the trees for you thg subject of this appreciation mr samuel q wordcn assisted in planting the majestic maples which now adorn the old cchoolhousc grounds these trees afiraplflillulhmuflmisafrtblmly4iainage lilt tamilv ixxtolt wlyit in iidinlnthhi liii u tu i ion wiin gimid tilil family loctorl ln umlt rnuunt not only tin hi alth but tho luihitjj unci rhiirnru 1 1 of i vi ryi iu in the cohimiinlty hit lilt radund i vi ry mi injur of your family inlo tla vi rid he wan rathii 111m ml of lilr dnikk ixc iilvoly w r it hi i in u dny hut 1m wan mn mon jiu rul lvlri and liu inictlon vlien you hait a dluu ho know tin tnrlglr ot it uhat wan far morn im portant he knew your temneralurnt ami constitution ju t what treatment would rult you and how you would react to it and hit was ofti n mucli mom uinn n mere phynlclan he won nn lntlinntd confrrjior and counsellor who dlugnored trouhln of thi soul with rtklll and tendi neil1 and who in helplnu them helped thn tody also now the family doctor u dlroppearlng nrcer nrlly thn lmmrnrn ranu o modrni medicine munt npllt into special tlen and tho specialty remilrcn tlie rpoclallst into whoso handt wo dally fall more and more tho nyntern has its un qik i lioiiauil ndvantngen tlie t pfclnllsl und n lands hh particular organ and its diseased and cures as no acnrral prnctl tloner can if we have a tangible dc finite malady he can often relieve v with an pose and a permanence ui it in the old doyn were impossible but there are drawbacks you havlf a vague complaint thn local doctor thinks tho trouble may be this or thin or this you had better see a specialist you do after walunacmo liours in o crowded on lec wlun you do not feel like waiting anywhere the rpcclallnt mil his eyebrown at uic local doctor a nuggentlons but 1 not much more definite hlmiclf you had better bo x rayed all over you hnd better have come teeth extracted it never does any harm you had better da other things perhaps you had betur sea another specialist and the bill is large and the iwneflt may lc so it goen ihe specialist in necessary to us and gives us priceless help wc cannot get along without him but he it always in a hurry and the worst of it in that to him in such a hast or canes every patient is a patient rarely an individual flr even a human being if you arc still fortunate enough to have an old family doctor stick to him he will call the specialist u he needs him and he can give you what tlie specialist cannot svr- iotoeinq through snowdrifts pram now until the end of winter snow u likely to occur at any time at least in most sections a weekend trip begun in worm weather may finish in a drifting snowstorm old drivers know lw to handle drift that has formed in tlie roadway ond causes tlie wheels to spin around and around new motorists may liavo nod no chance to learn their lesson and ore thus likely to attempt to force their way through the drift wltliout pressing out uulr clutch tlu olulolt will soon bum out com pulely if this method u practiced tin only way to force your car through uu small unullxlng drift unless you wish to get out and kick tlie snow away la to pres out the clutch as you strike the drift if you do not got through bock out in your tracks for ten yards or and again charge uu driftspressing out your clutch at tlie lost moment a few charges of this kind will put you on the homo side of the average small drift willi tiolhlng to worry you except tht slight delay wo uk work is uic foundation of all business work is tlie fount of all prosperity work u the parent uf genius work li tlie salt that gives life its savor work laid tlie foundation of every fortune in uu world pools hate work wke man lov work work u roprvsented in every loaf of luwid uutt comas from uie oven in every train that cross uie oonuneiit in every newspaper u oq from uia prmu work u uu uiouiar of democracy all prognss prlngs fruin work i in the natural order of events it will be only a few years more until all uie friends of my boyhood days will have passed over the river to the home bo yond monui after month uicy an dropping one by one tills week x am mourning the passing of one who was a very dear and lifelong friend bam wordcn samuel d war den was blessed with a worthy heritage fverybody in uils community held in highest esteem his godly parents mr ai d 1hrs john wordcn who spent t married life on lot 32 tccond line esqucslng less than a mile from uic corporation limits of acton here the parents lved industrious frugal lives feared ood and honored their fellow men raised their family of four cons and two daughters and finally fell asleep in uie old homestead i uiink sam was uic first bom the youngest prank and one of his sisters predeceased my friend sam so that now uierc ore but uiroc remaining alonosa and magglo on uic old homestead and john who la in business in fergus tliey have been a very affecuanate family and got together as often on possible last yoar my friend sam loot his wife who was a sltcr of postmaster ucder mid of doorgctown after a long and tedious illness many monuis or which were spent in ouclph ocncral hospital jut now my uioughts go back to tho early days when sam wordcn and were schoolmates attending tho c village school with mr lltuc as our teacher sixty years ago we were boys together and somcumes cat together in uie old school in thoc old dayn uic warden farm grew abundance of cherries in uie summer umo and the apples trees fine apples in the fall sam very often brought cherries and apples to school in his school lunch basket and generous to a fault he distributed them to uie boys and girls for their delcctauon sometimes on saturdays come of us lads who were favored wlui a warmer friend chip with uic wordcn young folks than others were invited up to uic farm and many a good feed of cherries wc stored away there when sam left uic old farm in his prime or manhood he settled in ocorgc town and for many years he was one of tho moot industrious cluscns of that prosperous town he was for a long time and up to uic time when he becamo in capacitated for further manual labor and was obliged to go to uie hospital last summer in charge of uic express delivery af georgetown always alert punctual paucnt and obliging ho handled the ex press parccli of uic laun when they came in large volume and when uuy were few with uic same conclcnuous prompuludc he was a friend to every body and always was cheerful and at tcnuve as i parsed through ocorgctown quite trequenuy i nearly always caw my friend samuel i always looked for him and he seemed to have his wcalhcrcyc out to see me there was invariably u cordial grcaung always enquiry for the home tolko at acton and quite fnqucnuy our convcrtaunn would glide into events which transpired in uiosi long past school days bam wordcn was an honest upright christian man of surllng character there was never any compromise of principled you knew where to find him always nn all moral lstiei he was a good man and will bt grmuy rnlcd bay i in beginning to tlli ion uumc sa few of my yuung day friends arc left but mary and i art spand together and tor uils i urn eternally thankful note my country rimlnucncc5 appear u have attracted the city man af uic tor onto telegram twice wluun the past three weeks has he quoted paragraplis from my humble weekly articles tho mumjui from a kins story was glvrn a ironilncnl plan on om of thi bl pjgru of uic city daily q cvluiiiu edition one day lost wwjc the week before part of hiram wallace s storlrs or ploiiler hard ships liad uie plurr of honor 1 ho telegram admits uiat the old mans rcinjuuceiires arc interesung t o m pointers in nitooden man agement experimental work conducted by thi poultry division of tho central experi mental parm ottawa shown that chicks when fed even as early as from twenty- four to thirty nix hours after hatching were subject to no greater mortality and iw it t r it- v m v tuj n i i ri otterhjrtcmflit tcrqrauciugjrtr tn bno experiment mortality was can- sldcrcabiy lower in uie early fed pens in anouier mortality was olighuy less and wolght gains were equal it would therefore seem to be paanlbli that the chicks ability to go for a long period without food which makes pos bible shipments over great distances l merely a fortunate circumstance rather than uic proper method of cluck man ngement certainly the matter of length of starvation period far chicks lends itself readily to abuse with tho result that chicks oomcumes auftcr from too lengthy a fast and mortality is ex pexlenccd from lnpncllon caused by straw shavings or ouicr litter material picked up in an effort to find food work has ol o been carried contrajung two methods of feeding chicks which arc commonly practised namely that of leaving dry mash con tlnually before uic chicks from tho start and that of restricting the amount of mash consumed at any one umo by closing uio hoppers tor different periods during the day in one experiment can slderably greater gain per chick and slightly greater mortality was experienc ed when mash was left before uie chicks continuously in anouier experiment or one week n durauon tho chicks having the mash always before them mado double uie weight gams with lean mor tallty to three weeks of age than uione birds receiving mash six umca a day far half hour periods in ouier words the practice of limiting uie feeding perl od of brooder chicks for tho purpose of controlling overeating was determined to heal ui and growui rather than advan tageous when uic enormous amount of extra umo and labor required are taken into consideration it is without doubt poor economy to use tho intermittent method of feeding experimental parm note t f sports and pastimes in obundonce then the exotic scenery of piurldo i tho- marvellous culslnel the tropical atmonphorcl you 11 never forget nor regret a florida holiday any canadian national railway agent will help you plan an itinerary clvc full lnformauon- and make rcscrvauons for you a 02 grading of seeds for the post five years uie trade in farm and garden seeds lias boon regu latcd and carried oh according to the regulation of uic federal seeds acu which have prlvldcd for the proper grad ing of all classes of seed cold to the growcra changing conditions more par ucularly in the producuon of cereal grains has made it necessary that uie act be amended in certain parucuiars in order to conform more nearly with present day requirements tho act with the changcj has been issued as acts orders and regulations no 34 of uie department of agriculture at ottawa the development of uic producuon of seed classed as registered has led to providing of extra grades in thr original act this class of seed was cover ed in two grades only namely rcglstcr- and lxtra no 1 these have been changed to the registered no 1 reg istered no 3 all of which are uiorough ly reliable for seed purposes but uic ipwcr grades have been provided to take care of pure varlcues af seed dam aged in appearance by weauicr condi tions without imparlng its vitality by this modification large juanuues of per fectly good seed that would have other wise been last to commerce has been pre served anouier change provides for uio re funal of the minister to issue a license new varlcues of cereal of inferior quality tlie act among ouicr uiings names thl many urlctteo of uio weeds that re regarded us noxious in the intcrprc lutlon of the act experimental farm note calhoun i a hound canadian growing in numiu u tlie famous re sort clues uie ocean beaches uic mountains the fascinating elcturt reuirts of cullfonilu combine to moke possible all uie diversified spurts and entertainment dear to uie heart of a summer lover there uro various routes two of the moot popular arc uiruinli clilcago or by uny of llrilbih columbia and uiu i aeltl coml many urruilge to truvd to call forula by one uf un l routes und u return via the ouier in this muniier uie biautlia of boui canuda and the united utuus arc scui during uie round trip complete information ngardlng call fomlu fares aceomm idatlijn und hum turn may be ubtulind from uny can ijun nuuoual ruilwuyti agent ju j what is a plat phut what would you call a uilng that has thlk brown fur webbed feet duck n beak an otters body no ucth tpur on its heel lay a eggs like a bird und fetdj its babies milk there 1m 1 1 tmch un animal indeed tin 1 1 li und many thousands of them they wiin in the rivers of australia uimi i llki uu auk rlcoji mole and hun th ir 1u1l1 hi uie ground with uift grass jut like u bird would do wljcn their mb i re hutched the young ones arc pi ic i in u iiouch on uie tindcf part of tin in illi r body and while n uiat loueh thry arc fed with milk like many iuu lt nn stlc anlijmls with which we ore well acquainted ihii unusual freak of nature is called n plutypiu or sometimes the duck billed i intypus on account of uio shape of lis beuk although its feet uro webbed it hm i long claws which uld in its bur- i iwlnli 1 ir it sometimes tunnels uimugh uic lroiiiid ft r ft rty fout or more before making 1l m il the inouut of uie tunnel is uudi r water but a second tunnel li burrowid to thn surface of uio ground o that escape may be mada in ith r of tw dtreou ms on i uld aim wit cull uu platypus u iiumiuul or u bird but it is really more imry u rt puli than eluier it is one of mture ii in u t pronounced freaks iltalltii hi but wisi c mliiu r llamy she uemed like a gooel seiulble girt lliukcmuii lh nry yoh she wouldn t pay uny atteiitlun to mo olulcr jpiushaora for irlic tiiisiinri woman 4636 rem school it is often very hard to find a de- urii f c r i littlt iris elre i llut is jrirhslily simj ic i nr no mitier h w minll i kirl she may lie she lui a full llcilprd sli re of tile linivcnil ioiiuiuiia eleti la ho cl this m hici however a n t ma itotli requisites in t elelii i tful iinimer i leati ire anv iik tlie i iti st mylc n itca and when ihey tre stitched down part way ns in this frock they ire very youthful and trimly till ml the qiiarc olc is ynirl mil eer little fjirl i t inre ihe tin cilloped cot ar ind cuits i men an i pique in plain nr printed crsiotis ire suitable fabric r i sclux i f r cl if made of film r i need v it i tl e c liar and cuffs f pique iiowcmt it cm be worn uithout a coat on ujrm dayj toit wintlil holiday try ilonida this ii the riorlda social soacon trains from almoit every part of uio continent arc bringing uicir quota to this famous winter resort country who wouldp t spend a fow weeks or months in florida dayn of sunshine nights of music lights and laughter link fqr thf- fto courts fe till lutamon- wiiv a crowd hud kuthircd in tint vlllmjo i in 1 1 wiitrhliiu u 1m or diinc mr orovr un morrkmiwr in j lnif luiiuhid ut tlm lieiir nodded to his in ighltorn but wmt n hli wuy say groti i thoiihd aim iaki loi and itok at thin ou never raw uiiythliiii fiinuli r in your llfi i am too buiy sul 1 a rove as he hurried on abo who wns plowing a field for squire umllh followed thn imar anil the organ irrtmlrr thniugtt tht tnurir pitching pennies to ttirm until his pockets were rmptled i m a poor man but i can afford to pay tor mil funl ho hragaed tlioren uiat skinflint orovn can t waste half nn hour or a penny i at the end of uio day however wlum he went to the squire for his wugen hn us enrngrd because he received only i half dayn pay you followed uic bear all tho morn inil raid his employer dryly abe n wraui was increased when a nn nn nt later he met mr grove driving i ut with hli wife in a comfortable car riage tho oqulrn of the vlllnge hap- p ncd to he passing nt tlie time and lirard abe cull down vengcanao on bloated aristocrats and miners who were rolling in riches and hoarded every penny nnd every minute hold up uiere abe said the squire orove in no miser ho gives awuy more than you earn but ho taken ills amuse ment when his work is done did it ever occur to you he said meaningly dint orove is nblo to livo in a comfort- itblc houic and to drive in a carriage because ho and his forefathers were in- durlrloiis and careful of their money aul uttwr atd uialrjwuaieiwwttfee iinthir-mdrt-erriclrnt- you and your fathers waited both abe was silenced but not convinced there are people in every community who art und reason like abe they know that uioy would enjoy riches and the pleasures which riches bring and mil against providence as unjust for withholding uiase pleasures and against the rich man as unworthy because he hoe uiem in uils country where uic chances are no many and vast uio man who has good health and reason and yet readies middle age in want must hi most cases be in come measure himself to blame wlie frugality and steady perslatent in- durtry rarely fail to place a man far above want a poor man is not necessarily woruiy because he is poor nor a rich ona a miser and tyrant because lie is rich in no country have great capitalists used their money to wisely and freely for the benefit of uielr fellowmen as here wl err the monay gained by almost every rich man has been by his own personal effort for stomach purpose it i ured by thousands of people who enj iy tiuir meals with no more fear of indue tiou tilavfl tilt comfort way to winnipi g tiiavil thl national route th national l the popular train to wlnnlprr and the weat the travel unu mnn h u found it so women and women with children glvrx it pre ference and with good reason specially attentive service is offered hour of dcpnrtnrc nnd arrival is con venlent equipment on this train compart ment observation library buffet cars radio standard sleepers tourist siccpcrti diner and coaches the national leaves toronto every ev ening at 0 00 p m for winnipeg via sudbury arriving 10 00 a m second morning full information from canadian na tlonnl agents 30 3 gicadis in good manners all yood manners arc important but joiic good manners arc more important th n t th rs the girl who would not for worlds eat with her knife may bo guilty of correcting her mothers gram mallcal slips n public in comparison wlui ruch un iitragcaui breach of the proprieties the faulty table manners uim nothing ut nil ono may possess superficial good manners complying with the requirements laid down in books of etiquette and be guilty of gross discour tesy do not undervalue uie superficial politeness for that is an important brunch of your education but do not put good table manners above uie kindly spirit which avoids hurting the feeling of another as it would avoid a crime tongue a young woman who had undergone a disagreeable experience in a depart ment store announced to her brother her intention of reporung uie offending clerk to uie management ni only cam ment was i suppose that doean t hap pen often i should cay not im in that store several umcn a week and i never had such nn experience before tho clerks arc always courteous and obliging i wonder said tho brother diffident ly how often you ve written the mart ngement to say so with that he walked ofl and left her to do some thinking many of us besides uils girl could profit by this suggeauon when some thing doci not please us how quick we arc we to and fault to make a fuss when everything is satisfactory haw turn to take it as a matter of course and to say nouilng it would mate a big difference in this life of ours if apprcclauon were an valuable as dls satlsfacuon when we have to when a fire alarm ntarued the occu punts of a new york tenement house a loung girl picked up a crippled sister nearly as large as herself and carried her down two nights of stairs later she was asked how she was able to do it and she answered in two words had to she was not uie first to discover how much one can do when one must a westerner who has made n fortune was askod by a guest at his dinner table how without any capl tal wlui which to start he had made such an unusual success the western er made a sweeping gesture that took in the children seated around his table six boys and five girls and replied i had eleven reasons there they are some young people avoid responsl blllty because they arc afraid they wlu not be equal to it they forget how much all of us can accomplish when we have to the finest tea you can buy red rose orange pekoe made from juicy flavor filled leaves three days in bud every package guaranteed es redrose t atis good tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good sllu uu llmiryfcbuf qallt- how to make better pastry tn txfifrt iyt vte your favornc ihoncning mix it in thoroiiil with purity flour using level sblcipoon more of ihnircnin but uilnjr two tableipooni leis per cup of purity than of ordinsry naiiry or soft wheat jour then li ju enough wsier so that the dough will crumble together when rollma out sprinkle with httic flour io keep it dry purity flour a dough iihvy with wtfcf will not flake up in the oven nt too much moumne pxrvems quick set ion of flic heat the lively si met crum bly dough made with purity flour flakes up beautifully snd makes the kind of posuy thai mcua in your mouth punty flaur plain pastry 3 cupi pufhr flour ei ipoi all 1 cup lortaaias vi cuj ctjj wtr ill hour oj till cull ns l ilt thaftcaluff until lip ti llui li i k im iutl ills iimiidusi ir with lb vtlir ilgu nul ttnn kfuo li lorougur lry tl i will rail trait lor i wo pica pol axlia rich faalry uu kali butter uj kail laid pwfty flur lt lui ur j1 vaur lllui uui tj4 lit bj lruj ci aaek uu ymmf jlf tuf cva ilwi mmlj fr sgc movv lt hllx i if yen rnlhrt thi i mln y ild th print r 111 civ yuii u ruiulvr j h 0 uu prlnli r u unl hqi nt lh young niiih ri tiinu d in h ill i u h nt with uu mon y how did v ii i it it h i id 1 uild him mild the i unit in n unit if h clldn t p y in i w uld i ii nil his otlur en illtor tint h i d ill no htu np ol his u her t rohl lluntlli d i ly you n frh nd of the iinxm ihe lady n iiuiimm i ut brides molher acids in stomach cause indigestion medical authorities mute unit in iirly nine tentlw of the en n of i lomnrh trouble indlifei lion miurm tnirnlnji gas bloating nausen tc ur due to uu excess of hydrociilorlc nrld in un stomach tin delicate itomuch lining in irritated dleillnn i d la l nnd food no urn cam lug tin dl i gn rnbli symptoms which t very sfmnrh luifenr knows ko wi 11 artificial dljkstenu nn not undid in such casci and may do mil harm try laying arldn all dlgertlve uld and in atiod n t from any drugglit rnmc lit ur ated magnesia and tnki n ten poonfiil of powder or four tablets in water rl lit after eating tills rweclens uu itomnch frevents tlie formation of exec ucld bud here is no knumtn n or pain iii urated magnesia in powdi r or tnbh t form qftver liquid or milk l linrnil to uu stomach inenprnnlve to take mark every grave nouilng li more lasting or nioii appropriate to eommcmorntf the memory of loved ones who have gono before than beautiful erunl well- carved with our prccnt rqulpmrnt nnd facilities no plant is b tter prep ir cd to offer better values or a belter stock to choose from than can lie secured at our plant you owe it to yourself to see our stock and get quotations on monument- marker or corner stones before placing r order anywhere special quotations prevail on all orders placed before hicol rncrsi is- conti power farmings chooj great day for a fariners to ii held at guclplt wwlncfwliy feiiniary 11 iamoun ilumoly nhort coumo in operating ndjimtinr ropnlr- ink donlrn and construction of powr f mini iik binary imirihrcadcrklnvirnthttrnttnnrnfnlttir rlttifirtjftlittl inn intorcnting inntrnctivo movlo limn hih liranlxod with locturon bponsorod by itumoly nt huj i o t hut coming fres to farmers of this community wo un r rlimli luduid in nocurliik thlu troat a rnro onportuulty to 1 i t know your powor farminr machlnory ilrin tho liojit and hlrnd lialp too corao early uioy irt three sessions morning afternoon and evanlnrj opeclal movioo tnkon in ii i 1 como nnil boo your iiuiliio ri li tliu 11 write for further lnformauon iianna bros showrooms guelph r will bo uliown r3h2ekbsli kkjct ctioaiibiwrj w b browne co millers and grain mercfiantb norval ontario wwlfmm fett ri pastry -variantfl- kings choice cnadian wonder tor bread bran shorts middlings chopped wheat barley and chicken toed at the mill consult our nlaulst dlaler invitation ib it n nirsday february 7th at 8 p m in wonderland theatre lucky number contest in eunneelion with the above dliiionstiatiun wl are tunninj u 1 uek nuiu liei diiilm uiuler ihe folluwing rules t very a dull itteiielinj dcmonsiratioti will lie jiven a e ird with u iiuiuher i mid on flllnil out eaid with he infuriliatioii retulied iheieou will ijualifj tu enter the on test i he 1 uliv nutn her will he chosen duniig ihe demunstiaium and will he nn nouiittd ut the eoneltisidti ot ihe show the prio will he 1111 ui rug valulioimi m w htcninira in atrlndancl j n oneill sc son georgetown

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