Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 14, 1929, p. 4

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illdun urrt-r- ivtl- r ww rtirl foe tel lir ll lr jllttn 1fi dadkliummily ut 111 hoiiw wrllltiu- lon lllrit arlnn on lullirtluy frbru- ury l luitf thfimtf dudi- ymm mnolaik at hi home lot llnr krln to win up nil iriiirnlnu lanhmary u 10jo mlnclalr in htn jjml your acton and district mtln uii uie oukvillu uuii gltib uul lrliluy nlitht h m liiilth thuuly mln i it r of iliifhwnyit for ontiirin dhurml tlml w w klhtf un oakvllln i uultim r ibj hud lat yrul l ntulillullrd u vurlilri ciirl ror huu in liiilldlnir roiirrnui hjuhwuyri mr iciuu liiil ho wuitrd roitiplitcil ono 7 nliiui ttll iip qua r lor mllm of con m to nac- archllwld mrutfordomli rich itoiul in one wefk a nrord nrvrr ih fimi rluullfd in flrntrlnuf road hiillillnu mr llmlth lcinaniluuv at thjinar lot 37 eon- j brllnvrd jt wum mr king whtj con- rrlon a tbftflriiwyt township on ntnirtrrt the cement roaduay and curbing wcdilrmluy prbruury is 1030 mlah kingsbury hi iu oslh ytmr kn mkmobkau iiamfhiaw in lovlnif memory of our motlur utirtli haiiuhaw wtut paium away imiruary 13 103t in memory a itally thought in liurt a silent wirrow ijully mud by dauairreiuf fihp alton tw itoflgfl tiiuruidav hkdituaitv 14 1020 bl just six wefikn until edjtar and tills u ol valentin day the slelghlne u of the very nut this la ot valentines day yourn yfctcrday was aah wednesday and tlie flrat day of lent i will apply uio golden rula in dealing with man or beast bhrove tuesday then au wfidnea- day now the xntn season u lure tlie sidewalks havent bn quite so treacliorouj ahtca tlie fall of anow tlie coal bins aw now laokinft tho woru for tt teason constant ahovalllna this last half of tlie wlntar lum been real wintry with aero weatlier and snow aplenty tlie co ltofuw united church observed dhrovo tueaday with a pan- cakr cupper tliey were well patronised not to be outdone by toronto guctph hu now aome election irresularl- ues wltli the consequent retlenlnj or aldermen at uw mraduata nureea dance guelpli general hospital lost week ufum t1m auction aalm hw becitpfctitlful in tills vicinity till season tja pass paaas u uie best mean of keeping in touch with these events tiu valentines are now even prettier than they used to be although some 0 thoce ualy oftcecntera are still consider ed amuslmr by come people tna psaa vtxoa is always pleated to have items of news sent in and uio pleasure u intensified when we secure news items early in the week n winter sport rabbit tracks etched in red hunters must be fed rabbit tracks printed in tlie snow heart blood la dropping everywhere tliey go tin advertisements contain splendid buyutliome argumenls acton mer chant are quoting prices that make buying in acton better thin elsewhere one of oskvllles oldest residents lias never eaten in another persons liome in 30 years evidently his wife is a good oook or else lie is very fond of bis own com party knox church acton luu forwarded 5fi 60 as a contribution to uio olobes for uiu needly relief was taken up at the fcrvk last sunday moln utrert acton iiriiaii lo l otiutr tho annual mrrtlnfl of hallon county t o u was lu id at milton on oatjr- day wor llro cordon chljiholm past county uasur priwldlng i he following urn the offlccni tor 10 jo w m prfd norton alflnwllllamn d m it truax juurjlnaton chaplain d illnkley hornby it u c ueolty hornby v a il illtftilo acton treasurer v iiradley hornby lecturers john ilobert campbellvllle and j patteruon ilronlc marslml w mccready milton auditors if london and c chlnholm milton c a made mllloii jalld at ctuelnli on oeplember 0th c dmadc milton won arrested on a charge of vecklesn driving and on the proinbte that lie would appear in police court on the following morning was alloucd out by chief of police riatf ire didnt turn up next day and for four monuut police have been eearchlng for him on qun day he was located in milton and ar rested on a warrant by datceuve hauck ho-plwuled- fciii uy monday tnornlng uri a was nned t50 and coats or three monuui in uio county jail ho took uio uiree monuw tlie charge wan laid by qtl- tnrlo trahlc officer bond asked ir he wlsliod to ulvo ovldcnco in ida own de fejice cmade said its no use ulr im at your mercy pl l o u officers peel county l o l lield uuur annual meeting and election or officers in brampton on tuesday resulung in uie following slate worshipful master howard mccort- ney bolton deputy william harris brampton chaplain w embllng brampton recording decretory hoy lavory pai- dravo financial sccrotary cecil doyle brampton treasurer wilfred norrls mono road lecture r pattereon palgrave and mervln mccortney colodon east marslial herbert black brampton this years walk uie lodge decided will be held in georgetown neighborhood ncwh mjiurw on imduv evmiiiig january vs tho dublin ulwl ciiurrtpoti hnld at uw m hool a iplindld prourumme wajtwvim coiuktlnu of drlllij reel tut bum tile by tclumil lilldri u onhrfilru uumbriii dm itjj dumlnu by jack uud uoim mc- oi urhle und u mouth nruan wilo by jlmmlit meclimrfile a play rnllund rile rug carpel cutting llttn wail ulvm much rnillt in dun to mua young in ho ralninit the tuhon children on wrlday nvniiltiif vbniry the dublin literary uocloty met at the liomr of mr and mm jon aiblhmin llin meeting onenejljii ftlnglng of uie mnpln iitorflvcr after uie baiil- netui part of thn meeting u nood pro- framing was put on tho flrat item wan a piano nolo by mururet wuldle tlilrt wau followed wltli a reading by mr wdwutr muuule and jistis at uie oolden oate tlie meeting was uii favored with musical ninnlmtru by john and annie black and plora buyern ub younff then save a recltauotl tlie deacon u couruhlp bernlcce and c litis bracken uave a duett tint lnvera quarrel tldii wait followed wlh i miartetto from down coutii tlie null ing clofied with tho sinning of uie watlon- al anthem a vote of uianks was moved to mr and mm aibbons for uie use of uielr jiomc lunch followed and an excellent social time was cpent ldkn mulls on baturday last the home of mrs r mcalplne was uie scene of a large wedding wlien her cecond dsughter iflobel was united in marriage to robt cccott nsvovaroiuuti janasorfloiat ing after the ceremony a sumptuous dlnnor was served to almost 100 guftta a lively time ensued lefore uis bride and groom left for windsor on uielr return mr und mm beott will resldn on uie home farm of tlie grooms family mr bcott repreenung uie fourth generation in posiftalon of uio came liommteod on monday evening a wry large company- friends find helglibors took pocseniilon of mr jon husbands home to do lionor to uielr only soii31aa and hln brmyjuhen uiey went presented wiui a miscellaneous shower tlie quality and quonuty of the shower testified to uie renpect uu young couple hold in uie community after uio presentation uie evening was spent in games and manner of social fun tho young couple have uio hearty good wishes of 11 wlio know them on thursday of loot week qulle number of uio ladles of uio united church attended uio women missionary society prcsbytcrlol in chalmers church ouclph on friday mrs john wright returned homo from a trip to detroit and bl tiiomofi her friends ore pleased to see unclau8ipicd small advertisements uouhtu wilt haik 1 1 uin od brood marea and coll ior purllculura nliontt 05r3l aeorrdtown 11 vawnattvll 1111 itlftflul notick any person having iltoek or implo- ini nlfl or articles of any kind to sell lllk urrunuementr with rusiuitl john son acton it r no 3 or plions osrfl phaia tend lt ma in by ivbruury 10 rn they run iw printed un we will liold ti hide nlwnit msrrli 1 dont mltfl uils ihnnce and you will be uued fair and upiarc j ttnnvus ivantki tendtni will be received by undernlgn- rd for a half to thrwquurlern ton truck licprcm body prewnt iord model t oneton truck to be considered in urtiuvr all tenders must bo received before monday ivbruary 35 tu owtst or any tender not necenrjirlly accepted bkrtha ililpklqit cecrctary treasurer public uuiiuaii com 333 dairy vakuh for ukmt pann 1 ss ncren brick houce bank barn silo water bowls milk liousa ucliobl acrooa road radial atop wllhjtl 75 yards of bam pliassnt ploc to live churches uunday uchool 1 mil brampton 3 miles act quick if you want uils rami for a term of yearly apply to r incrb slurnq on provincial highway j3-3- mrnmt plsasant mr strands wilds wlio has been incapacitated for work uie past six weeks owing to on injury to his hand received in uie machinery at watsons bakery is recovered and was able return to work this week w lisva appreciated uie prompt response of subscribers to our subscrip tion accounts regularly sent oul an ltetn addressed to delinquents is getting too personal to pen for uie press uiese days mrs c il harrison entertained about twenty or uurty or uu little friends of beui and margaret at a slolgbrlding party on baturday lunch was served the rollicking crowd follow ing uie ride to uie country the colt and tuxls boys groups of uie united church held an enjoyable sleighing party last evening following uie ride uie party were tioa- pilably entertained by mr and mrs g ii swiuer at uielr home on main street consideration la still belmrgiven thp establishment of a provincial govern ment radio station premier ferguson inumated yesterday in uie legislature in uie course of uie speech of r il kemp progressive lincoln tlie object in establishing such a station he cold would be to broadcast market reports collected from international courcea for uie guid ance of uio farmers of ontario ncgotia tiona are being conducted uw prime minister continued and it was hoped uiat a definite announcement might be made come umo this year in an lntcrvlow after uio rising of the house uie premier sold that nothing dcnnlto had been worked out although many en- clneeta reports had booh received pre liminary experiments had been conducted uirough uio medium of a london radio station but oxcordum to uio engineers the best results would be obtained from a station located about lake blmcoe possibly at orlllla consideration was being given uie enlargement of the pre sent scheme eluier by uie construcuon or uie acquisition of a radio plant if the station were located in orlllla it would bo under remote control from toronto and possibly auelph where uio ontario agricultural college is situated the chevrolet- demon 3 tit axiom uockwood boy scout news mjf- i acton bulldog troop iur the acton bulldog troop has now two organised patrols boui being oamposed or former ocouts whose loyalty and in terest in uie organisation lias bun well tried thanks to uie beardmoro co uie troop lias uie use of a club room uiat will be uie envy of bcout troops for rouaa around willi bcouting is beginning to play an active part in uie boy life of acton uuire are tome friends of uie movement who would like to see a cub pack formed alo before going aliesd wiui any plans for cubbing uie bcout ofiiclsjj in acton would like to know if uiere ore enough parents and boys of cub age interested in cubbing to merit tius formbig of a pick information on cubbing will glad ly be fumuued by w o mason on re- tlie bcout leader tills week gives uia news extraordinary of uie provin cial commltteos plans to sand 64 cjlrdsa best smuu to uu jamboree in sdigund wiui all expenses paid tlie local troop u in district mo 1 which includes all oalt pruton milton acton osorketown narva oakville bronte port credit parkhuidi laicevtew new toronto wiuowdale east york ooor- borough wexford islington and bramp ton troops safety fihhy t1iy wore supduig at uie front gate woit you come into uie parlor and sit s luua while charlie uar wwi i guess not replied ctuuile hesitatingly i wlji you would uie girl went on h4 awfully lanwome uouier has gone out ahd father id upulrs groaning wltli rhcunmtiiuii hi uie lcs uoui 1ck47 asked oluurlle yea boui ujt2 lhfn ill conic in a little while prom uie ramoun bluenoce fishing fleets of lunenburg and uie iron mines of bydncy to uie logging camps of british columbia is o far cry yot uie several hundred pooplo wlio were for tunate enough to gain admittance to uio special chevrolet chassis lecture and demonstrauon lield in wonderland theatre but thutsdsy nfaht viewed these scenm and many more from uie lengui and brcsdui of uin dominion uiustrauve of the nations vast natural resources and scenic wonders chevrolet across canada la uie uue or uie highly cdncauonal moving picture which wan specially taken for uie clievro- lct motor company of canada and was shown hero under uie auspices of j oneill ju bon local dealers chevrolet cars and trucks were seen playing uielr part in uie nova bcotia fishing and mining industries or doing uielr bit in uw building of good roads in uio prairie provinces oauiering the nations wheat in uio canadian west the same sturdy vehicles were shown beside uie combines loading groin for speedy transportation to the elevators thrills of another kind were seen in ontario where numbers of chevrolet trucks do- serve as fire engines a fire truck was pictured making o record run and fighting and putting out a real live are a horrible railway accident won narrowly averted uirough uie efficiency of the car s four wheel broken mast of uie principal canadian cluca visited by the camero man were shown on uie screen in montreal uie audience caw uie large fleet or chevrolrt cars and trucks in the service or the bell tele phone company at toronto were seen floats of two doxen canadian national and canadian pacific expreai trucks starting out on uielr runs the towering rocky mountains pic tures of bonn and uie placid watcro of lake louue the tall umbers or british columbia and bauilng scenes at english bay vancouver were among the scenic pictures of the chevrolet film following uio moving picture film an interesting and lnstrucuvc description of the inner worklngn of uie new chevrolet bxwos afforded uie audience by means or an illustrated lecture delivered by mr c a blmmons or oahawa chevrolet expert tho winner or uie lucky number contest mrs j alexander of acton was the recipient of a beautirul motor rug tlie music rurnlched by uie mason orchestra was very much appreciated boy uindleys bale oaten february 23 herb quarrlo uardcn uvo stock and implements february 33 leach farm town hail erin february 35wm mccartney ouelph live stock february 37 weo oroliam erin cloarlng farm bale february 39 dan mctavlsh otprlngc clearing farm bale march 1 hector plnkncy erin clear ing farm bale march 4 mi howelllng mimosa clearing farm bole march 6 w brecec ouelph cloar lng farm bale march 7 mrs herb klrkwood oa- prlnge clearing form bale march 8 roy woods krumoui cuuur- ing form bale in hut weeks corrcspondenco in con- necuon wiui tho late robert thatchers funeral uie name of mrs a c boyne of the o a c ouelph was uhlortunate- ly omitted mr wellington smith representing btorsy oiovo co acton left on monday for an extendod trip to cornwab pros- cott and ottawa congratulations to two wellknown young people of cramoca wlio were unit ed in marriage last week by uie rev w j gallagher m a b d of ouelph after uio wedding ceremony uio happy couple left on a trip by motor to cats- torvllle welland niagara falls n v and auior places the contracting parties were mr ellas you art husband and mls sara isabcu hyde several ladles from uie wamcns mis sionary society of uio united church attended uie uilrd annual meeting of the ouelph prosbytcrial womens mis sionary society of chalmers united church ouelph last week messrs t a uutcheson ii l royce and albert amy attended uie annual meeting of uie ontario plowmans as sociation held in toronto last week mrs m p barry and son orauan spent a couple of days in toronto last week miss moo watson spent a day in tor onto uils week a few who were here for ute week end mr johnston hewat of blmcoe miss edna m pcanm or dundas mrs d barrio and son donald of mimlco at mr and mrs win torrances bovcrol from here attended mr hugh blacks live stock sale hut week oood prices were realised on uie slock sold notice to creditors tlie creditors of john mann late nf uio township of erin farmer wlio died on or about uie twenty- flfui day of december loan and all ouier parlies liavlng claims against his estate are required to send to uie undermentioned solicitor uielr full nainu addresses and desctiptons full particulars of uielr claims and uie nature of uie securities if any hold by uiem and this notice being given in pursu ance of section 51 or uie trustees act il b o 1037 charier iso nouce is hereby given uiat on and alter uie eighteenth day of march a d 1030 uie executors will proceed to distribute the tuxets or uie said john mann deceas ed among uie parties legally cnuued uiereto and uicy will not be responsible far any claims or which they luive not uicn received notice dated at acton ont this fourteenui day of february a x 1030 joseph hart and henry philip moore executors by h n farmer acton pnu uielr rplmtot 33j tiik ci llllcif uelwi iu much cnfptuudm ta nlveii to uui fet that uumwi prominent in church jtirohw aumeurnosgft wrong that it is worui whlbi bi call ultrnumi to certain ouni relnuxl imclm a wrltof in fnibtd mrxlnfl bald rurnttly utal it now york jiicihi has hnd luring hu term of offlm 4 000 raw of yiuui mulrr twnttyonu barged wiui rrime and only lhlruni of uiem htlemlrd hundayscliool out of uie 4060 cast 1002 wrrrt ulveki mu- priuled srnbiiirra and commanded to utund church or ilumuiyacliool only ulxlytwo of ummi were brought hark ror violating their parole tlure are some hyphcrltes in tlie church of counut tliem are tnnro wesk- llnga who mean to do right but are not u mstch ror hniptation young people wlio riauy want uie bent associations wlio are cocking tlie influences which produce uie fluent type nf men and women liowever will mid uiem unong church people in developing cluiraeler every one needs uie lielp of uie ehurcll it i take care or my character my reputation will take care or ltuilf imtttiainm in usedfarm equipment a u v 3 h i 4 u i llillkuoanucic filg lie ini tcrtwa i ional icnuliu iondon 1 iiuhn wirik kngini tin hand i 5 u p john illllli 1 niflnu r n n i iitnikitcanticic rnjdni 7 j h v iowdon l-jiglili- h 13 ho mauieyiiauuib bud drill 013 tooth maosnyhalluib spring tooth cultivator 10 no 10 dk laval cnflin be par atnr 350 bn cupurlty 11 no 13 dk laval cream lepar- ator r ibn cnparlty 13 no 15 dl laval creuni fxpar- ator 750 ibn cupaclty 13 no 17 dl lavalcniim lciiar- ator 1000 ibn capacity pioneer rujuiphietll coritphlty tlrpliue isd id welwleh klrfl curlpli ontario highway grocer bread flouu 2va lb bog for royal baking powder for bcelustpurehoney i lb pnilr for weekend specials 0 x granulated surnr 3c with ordcri tolb 21c choice dates 2 lb pkt iulx 13c 53c 19t wilh ordcri tttlba ol c barton bnrtlctt pears no 2 size tin for excellence brand libhys snucrkraut lnrrc 2yi lb tin for gold medal pure coffee i lb tor gic l lb for 33c 18c foleys fancy blench- j r ed sultanas lb idc squirrel brand pea- j q nut buter toy pail loc good size okanges per dozen housewifes deal 1 large ll b ilor cliallenae boa p isc 1 clothes line 30 feet 30c 1 large chloride of lime 15c 34 dasn clouies jv 15c 1 packet handy amiuonla 10c total value 75c ai for 9 highway grocer w nes11itt proprietou ybunp stret acton pltourt b phono 19 nouce to grerfitors the credltorn of albert edward nlck- jin late of acton commercial traveller and insurance aent wlio died on or about the thirtyfirst day of january a d 1030 and all other parties having clslms asainst his estate are required to send to the under mentioned solicitor uielr full names addresses and descrip tions full particulars of uielr claims and uie nature of uie securities u any lield by them and this notice bclnir given in pursu ance of section 51 of uie trustees act r s o 1037 chapter iso notice is hereby ulven uiat on and after uie eifiiit- tccntji dny of march a d 103d uie exe cutors will proceed to distribute uie assets f the said albert edward nlcklln anions the parties legally enuued uiereto and they will not be responsible for any claims of which they have not uien received nouce dated at acton onl uils pourtosnui day of february a d 1030 minerva dora nickxjn and harold btorey nickxin executors farmer issitll i its for the lenten season fresh water her- f ring per lb xuc whitcjlsh by fish per lb 16c british columbia salmon whole or half per lb 16c hound shoulder roast of beef per lb choice rib roasts of beef per lb four sons the pietara to be shewn at wsnderland theatre on i- rids y even his this week as in a dream i saw the moalc screen the tole unfold qrlpplns my soul as each swift vivid scene its story told then faltering and etlll qnawake i souaht uie day prayinff for some sure hand my own to take and lead uie way i prayod for faith uiat by its mlflht would lead mc on away from doubt and btophib nlflht into uu dawn for love i cried that from all sorrow runs on wlncrs elate that led the whitehaired mother of tour cons to conquer fate for that brhjhtvlalonld hope i prayed which i had seen wiui mystic nrt and uirobbinff pulse por trayed upon uie screen throuah ctarm and stress as you fared on throuch sorrow and despair to ha pp in out john oteven mcoroarty a ubxt3y tar earache to liave uie arache la to irdr torture th ear a delicate orjiau and fw core to daal wiui it coiudruih it work for a doctor dr ttuuniu kolctrio oh offers a slinpla rcuiady a few drop upon a piece of jlnt or medicated oottan and placed in uio oar will do linuh lu rsuevlng pain acton agency mrs wni hall has secured uie acton and georgetown district alien cy for uplrella blio will gladly call and five a personal demons trauon of these ftocda at your own liome pull line of sample models to demonstrate miis w j hall mioiurm malu bu aeloa unreserved credit auction sale in the towna of erw farm stock implements etc tlie underslffncd has received lnstruc- uons from d s mctavisn to cell by public auction on uie premises lot 13 concession 3 on the cecond line in uie township of erin adjanllns qcprlnke on thursday february 28 1829 at one oclock sharp uio followlnij horflea brown oeldlnb 0 years perchcron bay oeldhur aged clyde brown mare aired esxruuze oood hi all liamess catttjs red cow 5 years bred in august black cow 5 years bred in aucust roan cow fl years farrow red hclfcr rtsuib 3 yearn red cow fresh calf at foot roan cow due april 17 durltam heifer and bteer 3 years snort keep feeders 3 steers rising 2 years heifer rtalnff i year piob york bow bred in january york bow not bred 16 chunks yorka poultry co rock hens rock cockerel 3 rock roosters 1 year old 3 geese and i dander iiarneos bet brass mounted breech- ins harness set oencral purpose har ness set plow harness 3 bets blnale harness bet double carristfo harness collars lines blankets robes grain 50 bushels seed goose wheat 50 bushels barley household effects 3 wood heaters 33ace burner lawn mower churn orcon happy thoucht ranoc kitchon table dozen chairs bedroom guite couch carpets ueiotte separat or toronto separator now implemento malflcyharris binder g loot cut in tood warklne order massey harris mower e foot cut bleel rake 11 foot hay loader naxon culuvator disc culuvator proit st wood 14 disc drill eood as new flrury scunter 13- foot harrows uteel roller drill plow mccormlck manure fjpreadar potato dltrscr 3 flcury wolklns plows pcirln 2rurrow ruling plow turnip bower 3 bets binder truck wheels hand gut- tins bos pannlnff mill tollon pulpcr and bllcer combined cockshuu pulpcr nearly new 2000 lb wason scales 1300 lb truck scales cyclone boeder sretlon orlnder opraycr dump xurnlp bo hay rack block rack wheel barrow buffoy pole cutter pole forks hoes blioveu chains truck woffon jackson wason wiui box and spring beat complete get of woffon bprtnss 5 000 lbs capacity democrat bobslctah llfiht bobs utccltlred open bubay ioruond cutter open buggy wire wnecl pneumatic urea foslurely ne rcrve as lbs- proprutor 1 olvhir up faruliui terufloroin poultry furniture and sums of 10 00 and under cash over that amount 13 monuis credit on ap proved joint notes 5 of for cash roy ii ini ley anetlanssr r r no 3 acton phone lbrfl erin home rendered lard yif 3 lbs bulk only for tdc home rendered dripping 3 lbs 18c to 20c 20c or 07c these specials for friady and saturday saturday delivery on all ordehb given for saturday we will mute delivery beef by the quarter and ilojrs by ute whole or half can always be promptly supplied by us pattersons cash and carry meat shop mill street acton in leisiiman i1lock stock taking specials boys mackinaw coais all wool bird- miickinnw double hruiiliil slc- jit 211 2li 10 12 good vnliio ut tilcnil tin- week menk iieavy kiiiiiei undeitwealt i ilr hrniiil blurt- mill drawers all sire in muck ootl gallic at i20 bpecnil this wtk mens sweater coats all pure wool without collnr a trwl lou for wonr- nif in the limrc or uniler top cunt special thii week mill ends ciiin1 ard wide lliec chintz ale wurlh isc anil hie yard special this week at per yard mo yahds milieni towellini all pure luicn 10 to la inches wide stripes a at 25 less than regular 150 yards prints mill ends lirht and dark good quality ar reduced prices english cotton fouijvrds new spnnn roods 30 inches wide tust coloru hrt t per yard duc 375 150 225 25c nd plum specials in grocery dpt frank ford tomatoes 2 large tins for a jaa1 t lb tin for choice prunes per lb 25c 45c 10c small okangcs pet dazln tancy lilbtuits 1 lb for maple- for leaf bran y 18c pc c extra special i corn starch i lb tin custard powder- i pudding dish all for 40c mclean co mill street acton ont footwear sale ov winter footwear no old stock rargain prices come in w tiny ui4 sll fr gfcb q h arrison s for sale iiillcrest a comfortable miuurhan liome con taining to roonvi hot water haj electric light walerworka and tele- phono iiirrp sens at the lincat or harden und fruit growing soil an orchard of apple pear clierry and plum trees barrel sue cprayhuj oqu fit complete with try material for uio seaeon quarter crc of straw herry vlnea poultry home for 600 blrdi inci- imtora hsoodera tiap nesu ajul colony lioiuea ham and drive bjied with ju ntccumry itnplenirnul qrccnlioute atis square feet of gau tlllfld with spring stock hundred of pots uiree bench wit water heated for furtlwr narlculan amdy to j l martin owner rrmovuui from tuwu mm these are the specials for this week 2 shortening ibn for qo jo kipper snacka ooc l tina fur pure clover honey hh 5 lb4aufor j dc granulated sugar 10 lbs for 59c n peas tina for 25c cabipbeua tmato soup z tiim for 25c 15c 2x pisli sjirdliiki tina ior jzc sonvs 1 tnfor 15c chicken hiuhlie 1 tin for 22c our own baking powder 1 lb tin 19c acton cooperative store mill street acton pione 10 eeklna opeciais february 14th i5ui ictli for j jutland sardines for 1 albcrt bath soap regular 15c 2 lbs honey finger cake for 2 lbs ginger snaps for 2 lbs cut macaroni for 1 large grape fruit for i peck potatoes i lb extra large prunes for 1 lb fray bentos corn beet sliced iu lbs granulated sugar for 2 head iceland lettuce for 23 10c 35c 2lc z2e 25c 15c i3c 25c 59c 23c nelson co mill street acton phone 37 superior stores we sell the best for less our affiliation with the lurgest und strongest cham of its kind in canada makes it possible for you to save money by dealing with your home store run b home folks where the manager ib the owner rendering personal scrviix and attention we are offering special values from day to day in additictn o these und the superior store will appreemtc our orders peasno 3 seive reg size 2 for 33c fiiney red cohoe qy sai mon 1 s tall olc best grade pink salmon tall 19c seeded raisins 2 lbs for 25c clarks pork and 0 beans large size- cioc butter hacon ani eggs smo may offer cheaper crudes hut e uii i sacilllce qual ity for price- we soil the best for ksi corn syrup sago 2 lbs tor 23c 2 5 lb tb size size for for 15c 35c lapioc a 2 cocoa nu i i xtrac1s lbs per 2 for tor lb 23c 23c 17c tomatoes large 2v2 size 2 for 27c s1leni matches oq- full count packages ujt ki i ns mustard i i s je l 2s 53c 7 bars p g nupthu soap and 43c cukes castile soap all for red raspberries in heavy syrup 2s27c each posts iiran flakes and shredded wheat 2packugcs for 25c pure orange aturma- huk hi 0 me cueh 1x7c 1uie raspberry jam id 0 size- foi 23c finest granulated sugarwith order lolbs 59c phone your order to hills store phone 117 acton grocerieh ut itcduccd ivicch friday saturday lehruary 15th anil lmh dont forgetwe deliver a-

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