he jrtim iiprn rt m iiioiuinay mauc1i 21 iv10 j purling do ami qiul said to thr 1 lnu f winter ior mrti ore weary on and bring promt i in empty branrlus ir set them fir wliilrd tarry iiln praise joynuily rhey tiulll in meadow anil tree in liarn and croft they carried thr word of love afar nlnfl tucy ut re colored hkr flowers vrry wine wan point i and balanced anil strong a marvelntn thing darllngi c od kali u llir birds on now 1 1 another place mrn ccoec to hornier at last at any grace lcftvp for awhile and then after barmi daye our robin shall make their hearts awakr to praise qo all the singing btrda ijftcd their wlne to e they found a path in the blue high way they know only the chickadee clayed to sins in the annw louis drbxoll in uio new york times letters to the editor tainted money and old aoe pengiono dear flu- last week you suggested it would be con to pay old ace pensions out or liquor control i will explain why i do not approve of that kind of revenue in my mind that would be too much like ten din a oialgnmenui of tainted meat to houses or refuge it i won to receive an old ace pamlon and i knew it came from a clean source and kind hearts it would bo like handling a bunch of roses on odor ot sweet fnlgrancc i think that to pay old g pensions out of liquor sales would give great en courogement to the liquor trad and make it vastly more difficult to regain prohibition to encourage by paying old age pensions out of liquor sales would be to my way of uiln icing like saving precious oh at uie spigot and letting it run out at the bung hole x would suggest that the best to raise the revenue for old age pensions t lullllil liosnltabi and children aid aocieues and liocpiuiui for uie sick and wormed chil dren thanking you for publishing uila letter i am yours sincerely j nrjrlwaiiau the fikst citizen of watt uenfobt miss betty was small and wrinkled and faded nobody knew liow old site was tliere were men and women in warren- port who remembered her from uielr chlldliood as tlie same old little figure wtui uio purpleribboned cap perched on top of her ragged brown wbr and kind eyes peering through lieavy old-faslilan- cd apectselea yet luul any stranger shown amusement at uus tatty ap pearance he would speedily have been made aware of his mistake for in all warrcnport tliere was nobody mo warmly loved as this came little wrinkled old woman wliat did she do fllie would liave said in honest surprise nothing at all 1l was the one sorrow of her life that slie liad so utile to give but well far instano when jim parson passed her house one morning ills young face set and hard over the struggle to live down a mulake lie luul made and win back the respect or ills neighbors uus betty liappened to be out in her garden and went to her fence to speak to him you certainly are growing to loot like your grandfather jim site sold was a grandfather to be proud or and i u warrant if he knows lies proud of the fight your making i jest want to cheer when i see you marching by with your head up that way and jim whose head had not been up before lie reach ed tier gate went on with different look and a manlier step then little mr davis came down uie road wlui uia baby and uie other baby in their carriage and stopped to pour out lier discouragement because the could not wlui one pair of hands keep both babies immaculate and uie house spotless order massy sokes annabel davis 1 ulss betty cried what do you expect ain t it enough to have two or uie lianpleat healthtou babies in uie village without striving for a iiousekeeplng prise be sides i dunno how many times yvc re buked me thinking of all you accomp lish luve you really uie utue woman cried her tlrad face brightening mm betty you do help sol wlu me uus betty protested bless your heart child i don t do thing its other folks that arc always doing uilngs for me its uie kindest world annabelle yea lis annabel cold smiling down at the other baby a round face i never see ulss betty one of her aid gusituybchodl pupils a middle aged lawyer once said without thinking of uie woman to whom christ said qreat is thy faith be it unto uice even as uiou wilt tliere lsn t a man woman or child in uils town who wouldn t be ashamed to disappoint mks bettys faith in him she is post master in uie art of encouragement because she believes tn us spiritually considered ulie la by far the moat influential clttxen in war renport gkowinroi d u a iltue more tlrrd aiclore of ity a little lew anxloiin to have our way iltue icsji ready to rxold and blame a utile more can of brother a name and u wo are nearlng the journey n cr whore umi and eternity meet and end a little more lave for the frl ntls of youth a utue less val for eitahllslicd iruui a iltue more charity in our views a little less thirst for uie dally news and so are folding our tenia away and pasanig in silence at close of day a iltue lees care for ban da and gold a utue more ift in the days of old a broader view and a turner mind a little man love far all mankind and no nc are faring ad own the way that leniin to the notcj of a better day a iltue morn iclurc to nit and dream little more real uie things unseen httlr nearer to those ahead with vfsloni of those long loved and dead and to ui arc going when all must go to uie place uil living may never know orowtnq old artaciousi y tliat anybody should recent uie ad vancea of years while exempt from uie infirmities they bring is cry foolish because go futile the one foe wlio gains every battle the- one friend who never fomakca us in weal or woe la time querulous in manner often oirr-tcnci- tfgjftrjl ttutft wdbf ihn wiui very itroud of uwjii- ho wt i ki pi uwuy from umt itrmr and tint vim gr w und liloinoiiifd and uw rid ihnwul in in w plurtn i v ry day i he hlrdu illdn t ucm ut all ufruld of die lljiin fruit mwl nli ull they wanl l of it i om duy in itu turly fall my uncle cnnif rmn nliigura 1allit to make un n vl it when ha went out in the hiinli il he ntoppod in rurprlw why mury whiil flnn tomato vlneo you havnt hr paid to mother where did you get them l w cnll tin in love applen mother raid and thrn she told him how tlie imdtllcr brought the seeds hut wluit my tinclo found that we were afraid to en i in in he had a hearty laugh at tin and tin ii hi thiiucd motlirr how to get loui rcndyilj upper tlnd that won my first taste o tomato johnny grandma said and you nhull have some the lame way with en a iii and uugar for supper oraudmit ii enved the seed from thrne first tomatoes grown in acton and as wr were near neighbors and warm frlendn mary got a share of uie cced and planted it in our garden uie next spring that a uie way our tomato patch started in our garden and we don t bother much with uie seed of uiem now the green houses mmply well de veloped plantn now early in uie spring uhen the danger of frost id over and the vines begin bearing much earlier than when tomatoen were flrat introduc ed i conflss to you i dldn t care much for love applet whpn they were first uui lard for food it was indeed several yearn before 1 cqllld tallsh uiem but finally i became very fond of uie beautiful cphorrn and can to uila day go out to uie tomato patch and pluck good fat ripe fellow and down it with real appeusing pleasure wluiout salt or other condiment uary suh makes sport of me for my fondness for uiem and gibes me about uie wry lnccn i made in tlie long ago when i first tried them tho garden stakes at last cummers tomato patch which i gazed at uie other day created a momentary loving for uie fine fruit i lioped would be forth coming again in uie summer of 1020 menu ttjnts urellirk fus ntw mtul navel nultm llaululd vdeam and hubtiuuu iiviiittv hauoay ijiouhand ihi and drtzulina i eup mayonnnlrn 3 hard rooked rutin 3 lulilefl poplin tomato calriip j abler kii in pimento stulfed ollvi 3 uiblenpooiii chill stfilcn j tablespoons pickled niiloiin d tilt mayonnaise add ull of tl it ingredlinln finely chopped macaroni with oyotviiu or vihii fl ouncei macaroni 1 teapoonfui salt i 0 teorpoonful pepper 3 tablnrpoonfuls butter or a substi tute 1 pint oynlcn cook the macaroni until tender fii iwlllng salted water drain then season with the salt pepper and butter oil a baking dlnli and put a layer of uie macaroni into it then a layrr of oystem more macaroni more oysters and so on until the- dhth ift full pour ihc liquor from the oysters over the top there should be a cupful of thin liquor- if uicre la not cifough make up uie de ficiency with milk bake twenty minutes in a moderate oven 300 degrees p nnd serve with tomato catsup cold leftover fflsli may he bubsuluted for uie oysters if desired using left over unuco or milk yor uie moistening in place of uie oyster liquor too 8weet everything la gain well think goad ncss said mlso pamela dyson briskly though ir you d asked me only yester day mary do you know we found we wercn t even sure of thejrroundsi of bhj m i ili ans mtrrv ftr jr did you evett stop to think bex b kennedy editor or the whlt- uer california news says that uie revolt of youth la largely n figment of i lie imagination of uil older generation we arc measuring youui today with uie same tape used forty years ago and uie system measurement has changed the crime statistics which implicate youui reflect entirely changed conditions brought about by increased population and grrauy increased criminal codes must of tlie men of fifty avoided uie courts during their boyhood years be cau uie present criminal laws were not then enacted that forty years ago we were not spending more fur an automobile llian wc did fur a home and we novcr left t5 000 worth of easily removed property u on the streets and in uia auto parks that forty years ago uie church did not face uie competition of uie radio uw motion picture and oountlau maga- kinea and hill are and banta claim wre still artlelos of tolui tliat if youth still measured up to uie standards of forty years ago uie re would be cluuis in uie present age financial stability of uie country depends to day tn uie demands of youui tliat if we could bring back uie wood pue uie family chorea uie barefoot days for youui we would bring fuianclal ruin wlui uiem youui today la tlie logkai outgrowth of iirenent day lumlluwu no better and no worse than middle age it is tike be garden rote removed to ulc hot ii u brighter and gayer imt rlill a ri kuwui it- walt hliawnee oku- liotiiacoyiujht 10j9 tliclr juniors and are a burden to them selves do impercepubly we clip froro- onc part or life to anouicr uiat it passible to keep uie summer warmth of a young heart under the wintry white of snqwy locks henry u pi eld when over eighty years old said i have been young and now am old i have had experience of life at every stage tram youth to the noonudc of manhood ull now i am getting into the twilight of age perhaps you would like to ajik haw it seems to be growing aid i know not how it t- with others but for myself life grown richer every day s i get into uie higher altitudes it i as when i was on uie alps from uhlch i looked down into the valleys of switzerland or far away to the plains af india a boy again ah yes us oweet to dream these ctorlci o cr of days gone by and ever lost except to memory a store well uiats enough of the sedate for uils week i vt been rather saddened in my reminiscences for lcvcral weeku haven t i circumstances took me over to uie realm ot uie parsing of fnends and naturally uie lorcaclls to life long friends was rather sad tills week i think i shall put in come- uilng mors mirthful in my weekly story a tomato story was taking a walk around uie garden uie other morning and notlc the stakes up which tlie tomato plants acre trained uut summer a story about tomatoes popped into my old head instanter you know i can remember quite wul when tomato growing introduced hereabouts and most of tin people found it necessary to culuvatc an appcule for uila pretty ptn flcihcd garden fruit before they had any hank ering for uiem tliln is the story i spoke about and it exemplified conditions which existed in the early days very vividly and oc curred in one of our homes right here town tiavc another tomato johnny said grandma as she saw uie last red sllpe disappear from johnny s plate i think you like tomatoes i do said john i like them raw and stewed and baked and most every way wonder if you would like uiem the way i ate uiem last summer in the west cousin may said there were not plenty there and wc ate them like fruit with cram and sugar well johnny bald i d just like to ry them that way i why le the child t grandma said tvc ii hav wmi for supper that a ths way we aiunya used to cat them but here tn ac ton its gnnr nut of fashion now dldn t you like tomatoes when you were little grandma7 johnny asked as saw grandma looking at hb plate with a smile in her eyes uo grandma mild but uiat a be rau- i was a big grl before i ever lasted uiem i nevi r saw any unul i was uilrtcen years old i can rcmrmber it to well i a ped tiler who came by our farm once a month brlnglnu bum ns and uircad and buch utile lhluic to mil bruught the slcd to my mother he ucd to carry eds and cuttings plunts from oik fanners wife to next and thry likrd to set him come hr could tell all uie news too torn up the road and down one spring morning ho came and after mother had bt ught all shr needed from his red pcddlar s wagon and ho had fed lilu horses and was sitting by ulc kitchen firr waiting far dinner ho began fumbling about in iilt big pocktut in march of someuiing finally he drew out u vt ry small package and handid it to mouicr i ve brought you some lovt apple sccdn hr raid i gut uiem in uie city and i gav my sbter half and saved 1 alf tor you thank ou kindly niothir bald us she looked at tin utile illow cdi im right glad to gd them what kind cf plant it the iovl upph well said the jiefldli r the man ho uavi mr uw mih hud lit plunts lait yiur in a minny iinci euriier tin fluuin ure bmull but th fruit bilght red mid la vt ry pn tty among the dark gnru uiavii you cunt tut uie fruit though its polonoui its mulilng ncu lh man who uave me the seeds got them from tho captain of u sllp from tw nth aiutrtcu ihey urow wild there tlo motiicr plantnl hr r love apple d in a wurm rtinii r and uuy grew and tin tittle yellow blotunis camr und ulkr thrm uil prftty fruit wl children would go and look at and talk about it and uumlsr if it would hurt us if we taud it one duy mother luurd uu talking ub ut it mill tin ulld u uuuy and tm u j that if we mult n i u fiuitled ut link ut ul prttty fruit ultluut uunt lug to iut it hh uiuld have to pull up hir uive appli vims and throw tin m away w iuiiw she viiiild hull ui do tliat f r no uni ilw about had uicui und mftfca uie bapusta had uiem engaged for picnic uio day before and of course uiat wouldn t do because we d liave to get uc lighting orranrcd and everything up hot to menuon a last reliearcaj on uie spot and wc couldn t possibly manage at all in the morning of uie great day wc simply bad to go on our figurauve knees to the baptists to change uielr date arid if uiey hadnt behaved like angels about it i don t know what we d have done but miss pamela i thought babrlna moos was on the committee of arrange ments surely she never she was sick and her team mate well uie re arc always some people who don t pull even and young mrs varley unfortunately one of uiem biles about as efficient as a wisp of chiffon pretty and pretty manners and all uiat but no earthly use and doean t try to aracefuily shirts her troubles on to other people s shoulders you know uie kind as well as i do bhed ex pected to have the glory and let bab rlna do uio work i never did have any use for anybody with that awceuy ap pealing please be good to mo express just a convenient cloak for selfishness mercy mary my cars due good by letty and betty came in wideeyed from the veranda as she departed mother what did she mean demand cd betty indignantly why geraldlne varley is lovely t sties uie sweetest thing ever all uie girls think no ira sure it wiwn t her fault the old baptists planned uielr picnic on the one incon vcnlent day out of three hundred and sixty five i and i believe uie grounds here secured and the man had forgotten unyuay he had kept the date open iiadn t he i wouldn t have believed miss pamela could be so unkind mother hesitated a moment- pamela and i are old friends die spoke in confidence with no idea that she was overheard shea not unkind betty her tongue is sharp and shrewd but it never cruel and if you girls don t re peat her words and or course you cifai t honorably do so there s no harm done but mother it seems to me uierc is protested letty weve admired urs varley tremendously bhes been nice to us too and we thought wo were almost sure pretty soon we d be really truly lnumate rriendn and now rwell mother if miss pamela hadn t run for uie car what would you have said you don t agree with her do you some how you looked as if you did i believe i do said mother quietly uiough i shouldn t unasked have told you girls my opinion i could sec you v cie capuvated with mrs varley a prctu- ncu and soft eoaxlng way but i liuited her to disenchant you in umc a first its m compliment and a pleasure to be leaned upon you were caught through your own good qualities uiats the strength of uie appeal of selfish uiakness especially or weakness con t1 lusty emphasised and veiled with chaim but you ve common sense both cr you and with umc you d have seen behind uie veil o drnri sighed letty i don t think i ottiu ui i don t like being dlsen ciiunt d mrs varley lias audi a dar ling miillc and says such sweet uilnga und oayb them so swccuyl and ahes never rude or crude or in too in i- f hurry t in agreeable and biles tu to t virybody uie mast unlikely i up like to do uilngs for her just to h nr her say hank youf mather laughed in ouier words an i in good new england phraseology she tn ilea as if butter wouldn i melt in her mouth or in the uords of an old ng and villager hhe m so carrrul sweet rh cilia ecu the pigs pretty dears to k ti her uinguc in practice mcllur cried letty and betty m c uirrrl and then uiey laughed hi bpcll is broken pronounced betty eolimnly dcraldlne varley is a witch the bewitching kind but uie enchant ed prlucrssa an released coplke desoeut witt cartel sauce 1 package coffee junket 3 tablespoons sugar vt cup- balling water prepare coffee junket according to ill- rcctlona an package put sugar in iron frying pan and sur constanuy over flnn until melted to a syrup or light brown color add water and boll alx minutes cool before serving over lee cold junket economy pudddjo bauce 1 tablespoon cornstarch icw graungn or lemon rind j cup sugar 1 cup boiling water 1 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons lemon juice pew graungb nutmeg pew grains salt trnafante wfuubttu qw mlnules rerruulafram turnttxrtrrfaiatihv add lemon juice butter and season- fngs raspberry oirajtlotte l package raspberry junket 1 pint milk lady fingers raspberry jam 1 egg white 4 tablespoons sugar cocoon ut spread lady fingers with jam and line dessert glasses with uiem prepare uie raspberry junket according to direction on package pour into glasses let stand in warm place until firm chill serve with topping of meringue made by beat ing egg white unui suff and adding sugar sprinkle wlui cocoanut mutton baiced with apples and onions 2 lbs mutton cutlets from neck 4 medium bleed apples 1 onion salt prepare uie meat by removing the bone and superfluous fat season with u and lay in a baking dish cover uie meat with finely sliced apples and finely chopped onions bake in a mod crate oven unul uie meat is tender which will be about one hour ut u sotiiod a young ti uei r wlio bun hud greul mirrjut ullli a rlu of llttli ragamuf fin in th worht uurler of u large rlty was u ket ut u uhool buchei imrtlng o t ii noimlhmu of uu m tbod by which tint bud transform d the law leiui rtreet urchlnn into rtfcpeeluhlo llttli iltlxena in so many cnun i huven t any mrtliod n ully raid the voting woman mode tly h in only that i try to make the iwiyn like me und i ray dan i jurt ah seldam ai i minn i lily can in my uurk with them thry had learned to he steal and fight but truth linnefcly and courtesy were unknown terms so i begun by telling them a story every morning ulwul some hoy wlio had done a brave honest or kind uilng snd held him up for their admiration and after awhile i arkrd tliem in rave up food tlilngu they had seen nr done to tell at uirsr morning talks thrlr ragrr nrjt about it and pride when i was pleased with their iltue incidents sliowed me they wvre being helped there was just one wlio seemed to me hopeless he was apparently indifferent ui every thing sat for wee la during tlie morning talks with a stolid expression and never contributed anyuilng to uie conversation i had begun to reel really dbxoursg- cd about him when one morning lie rais ed hti liand as soon an it was limn for the talk tn begin well jim what is it you have to tell us i asked encouragingly man a hat blew off as i was comln to school i ran an picked it up fer him he jerked out in evident embar rassment at finding all eyes fofiteiicd op him and what did uie man say i asked hoping that a thank you had rewarded his nrut attempt in uie right direction yoll young scamp you d liave made off with uiat ir i hadn t kept my eye on you i said uie boy in uie same jerky fashion and what did you do uien i asked in fear and trembling dldn t do nouiln but jest come along to scliool said the boy soberly i reckoned he dldn t know no better prnb ly he hadn t had no sech teachln as ivc got and he lapsed into silence wlui an olr of perfect satisfaction i think he had a pretty severe re buff but he has told a great many pleasant uilngs since uiat day so you see he was not disheartened some people would say i know uiat ought to tell uiem how bad stealing nd lying and fighting are and yet as long as they will it ten to me while i nay do be honest do be truthful be kind i shall not keep uie other things before their minds the young teacher sat down as mod pllvm th lmtl rtinn v tntrtfrf kfhinfj waitm say ltd fallow it ii lining in ie you going round in that old lljht nit thu chilly wrath r whllo your vlfi ii vrarlng a it well in vt fur coat well ull i huv to il h think at hfr fur rout und immediately i i urt iwrnplrlng internal and external pains aro promptly relieved by db thomas eclectric g l tiuv it imh iiccm not r roit ni- jtntv rinrvviah aut ik tohav a tllilallll llllltl yhaij kvui acfoiu in a yrtitiu7l4ial ihay mi akii i om itu wuueltfuju cumativl- utjaltyllo said far other- meuialrlicni whleh-he- dld not even call a meuiod had cam mended itself icnow thy work and do it cays carlyhr- and work at it like a hercules one monster there is in the world an idle man valut o iaum lan os ir ut official estimate states uiat uvi rugi vulue of the occupied farm luiidi f cunailu as u whole including both improved and unimproved land as i ui duelling liuuwn barns stalika and otln r farm buildings is returned 30 icr acre by provinces uie uvlroge utl irlncc edward island 44 nova scotia 134 new brunswick 31 quebec t4 ontario 1j manitoba 27 katrhewuu 37 alberta 2b british cehimhlil toq the average values in 10ji1 of orrhurd and fruit lands includ- g buildings ite in uie prlucliaj fruit gn wing iltrlcta ure esumatid to be li vu scotia 110 on tar lo 151 briush inibla 31 must havb tompany tiil rolf of sunlight in tiil normal growth of chickb lxpcrlincnal work during the past few years has drawn particular attention to the importance of sunlight in the suc cessful brooding and rearing of chicks it has been definitely shown uiat unless special supplementary feedn ore red chicks cannot be ralsod satisfac torily in the absence of sunlight since many early hatched chicks particularly wharc cold winters ore uio rule liavo not uie opportunity of getung out into uie sunlight it is essential to supply same form of subsututc for the sun a rays to avoid trouble from leg weakness or rickets experimental work carried an at uie poultry division of the central cxpcrlmenal pa mi ottawa has defin itely shown uiat in spite of the complete absence or sunlight chicks may be healthy and make rapid gains if given certain supplementary reeds of these crude cod liver oil is uie incut efficient and when ted at a rate of 3 per cent or ulc mash consumed or about one lablcspoonful dally toemchr fifty chicks will give complete protec tion against rickets since cod liver all b laslly obtainable it is advisable to feed this material rather than the pro duct known as cod liver meal since the latter has given rather indifferent re sults in experiments conducted here i b just possible uiat the same uniform lty in quality is not available in uu case of cod liver meal and that 1 uicreforc is not at the present umc at least as dependable as cod liver oil certain physical agencies in the form of ultraviolet ray machines special glass subaututes will alo give uie desired eflcct the former method of supply tug the suns rays lnal uie present quite expensive and in uie experimental stage its practical value not having been dc- flnately determined most glam sub stitutes are not so durable as common glass and allow only a certain propor n i uio suns rays into the house j once the chicks can get into the sunlight or windows can be opened widi their usefulness is cfidtd cod liver oil la much cheaper and will carry uie chicks over mull such time as uiey can reap full benefit of the tun u rayn uxperl mental parm note s forget the blues leakn atiiftiwng auto maclianle klftcui ear hjnljlpb ltt- ry or widliir kx parts ilouia wlrlnr urlcxlayliur dil 1fisurinr auo llsrbarlnv andxadus drttla- eara jg to 10 pr vr wmks roqolrcd to learn kxiwrt ituirurnn fraetlcal trnuir ills imaiand iarl now far blnnr my stul hrishtfiitnrs wrlimornui for ilpaolal war aadjrco hooks domiaua trmda sc1mi i i rj klar fltroo ost torcjj we dare to timill have you any distant relatives yea two brothers who have just graduated from college bclected tcachrr and just uilnkl one of iu may be prcaldiiu wime day ah of you who would llkr to be prtaldnt pli aw raise all rune lxcrpt utue willie well willie whuts the matur wuuldn t you like to be 1nildcnt wuhc yia in b but i cu cancan l tlueiar why not wlllr ilecaue because im a d dtniocrat pathfinder the editor was rludlng over tlie copy handed hi by a new reporter you suy uier were 4 0jb eyes fixed on uie ilieuktr at the uirrtlng why 4 000 yes why n t put it in round numbers well ri plied the rcjiorter i should have said 000 only i noticed uiat a in uie crowd was blind in one ryr lx lrlij wu dl t tirugrd i hud been uklng uu tilt liu u i hk unit and uui you tvrr play with bad ui not util what h d i niedieint utile btj wlllu onyuuy hi juikrd willi yd auntlt i my unci drrlvid a lot of guotl from auntti lin hiirprlmd why dmi t ditig rtpiltd hb frinui fvrritt you play with good little lkiyu7 in what way willie ilillr iiiouicrs wun t lot nit lie uiu u dnilull in ice box cookies 1 cup butter 2 cup sugar 5h cup purity flour 2 eflsi 2 tea spoons bakimi powder fixvorinn 1 cup nursnd raiuru dioppcd optloaal male tha doab la roll mui kp u hkv ovmbjht in tk let box or a apla teftft skw ouklona- stmj30efir mp 700 rjapt cuk bijl v do you buy stocks by the map of course you dont and nobody docs because there is no geography in the in vestment of money like water money always flows to its easiest level when the bell telephone company needs new capital to extend its service it must compete with american utility companies which offer their new shares to shareholders if the canadian company is restricted in this canadian investors cannot be expected to refuse greater attraction abroad and canadian money will not stay in canada 77i monthly rata paid by tmltphona tiamrm tn ontana and quibma arm tha lowemt rata tn ths iforld for comparable murvtc the dell telephone company op canada pj idjs mu- cosuau abts vonaa tlt buinc r- nroaf ul at e umi ttlwd itaama ftuainisr xtwig uoju to conned fltandanl quality i und rid uul raftar n qfwubta aol tlad oat about out km loajlwttlykl gitttu wya tm 01i dl eastertt steel jrodoris pheston ont monfraal if stomach hurts drink hot water neutralise stomach aridity present hood tcrmeiitation stop indbjrstipn if uioe who sufler from uidlgemloii gun wind or flutuhuce suunuch acidity or souniea gastric catatrh hrurtbum etc would take a tuapooiiful of pure uluruud magnrla in half a glus of hot water immediately after eullug uwy would noon forget uiey were ever uflllcted with stomarli trouble and loctors would ivr lt look euuwherc for iatlenu in planatlon of uiese words a uell known iw york physician atatcd uiat iniot fuiina of atomaeli troubles arc due to huinach acidity and fcrnicutatlon of uie food contents of uie stomach combined ilth uil lutu file lent iiiimki bupply to uie t macb hot water lncrraa uie blood uppl untl 111 u ruled maeiu lu ulucti run im rra illy i blulnrtl at any n liub e it hie in i fiber ublelt or pottdtr 111 tuutly iiliitrulli uu xrale tom ucitl and tup food f rmeututlon olublnull n ii tlw tun tlurifurr iielug murlli uidy tuttriul and dt lliudly pnfirable to the uc of arunciul dif luul llmuliintt r mrdkltitn for liidluitlluii did you ever stop to think uy li1son 11 waite stawneo oklahoma tluit nilliout tin aid of advertising no miniilaclurin business can succeed no nuittei the juality or jiriee i recall a concern who knowing tlie constant and everincreasing demand foi a certain piodutt planned to market a product that would lead the held in quality and set vice no epcns iv as spared to reach that standard the finest materials procurable weie used men who weie specialists were cmplomd mith emiy modern mechanical aid al ilieii si 1 vn e they made a product that halli u i omparison it was an a omphshed fact thev had umu- uk i est they filled their ware houses with manufactured products then sent out a niimhei of good salesmen at ev iv hand the dealers answeied the sales men nevei heard of youi piothiets tin demand is foi those advertised and we anv only pioducts that aie athei used it took this tn lit one veal to wak up lo tin id that you laift sell a p rot hit i without ad eitising and when thev did it was too late thev were m the hands of theii letlitois ii ou havi sunn ihing woith selling it is worth adveitising it takes adveitis- ni ol ipiahly lo put von on the load to slice ess quality advertising is the free press kind fllisiaialinl limpi i i ip niliinailiiiiiiiihiiinihiiiniiiiiiiiibiiiiiiirniiiiii iniiuii