i mi itomi c ljr artmt 3vtt tem i 4 rtml n ait uji j rl fr i n w n a 1111 acids i 11 i i it i ss i i t llll rl rr j tl rl r k 1 ricf rr i rr ii 1 lm mill el a i dinar tit- lrllio prl e it tlix rr j ljr r lolliuf i ur allm j i n r li u r unllr i sttr tlr i tr t ii 1 i trill n art tail in 1 jlr i i r a t lf ut rl aivhtimn hans 1 r n jii mrlan fr alvrrtntri n t ill tl cr i mi ll r air will lr i i i lira i i i lm i a il i s lditor a i i r i rirl r ii i i i muni s ldil i a i krai in rr i lit mitlhtjl atlvouitc wlncli lut wloic coltbrntttd it nitty ninth miniver nry lij a unique po ilion anion iilw juipu it i till at ixty nine year of iii c undlr tilt iniiniiftinint anil control of iil same family that founded it mr ii d dnvi- the pre tut ditor i a on of the late j i liuvii who with hit inotlili w u dhvi rounded the pnper to thr pie cut iepie entiiiive of tn family of journnhst h have made the advogute so iticccsftil tin fin i i in offers hearty eonratulutiom on this nnmver nry neeifiimi ah our neighbor sera ufl a united states financial pnper ha the following fnitifyinj stntement to make rcpcctinp canndnj pre ent position unpnriilleljed prosperity in cnnndn pronu e to well the earnings of it people ubstan tiolly this year canada enters the second quarter of the year with ineren in activity in all phaes of trade and industry the first quarter of 1029 elo with eneral business enjoying nn even higher rate of neliviiy ihiiu was predicted ns a result of the nus picious hcjinniiik of the yean all fnctors point to niereasm activity dlirinj the second quarter thursday i vlning april 18 1020 march siiowh lmploymcnt gain there was a moderate cam in employntcnt at the beginning of march according to monthly stntcmcntb furnished to the dominion bureau of statistics by 0 422 of the jarfjer employers of labor in canada the wo r riffnfotccsjpf tfa ese fi rm s ng tr r c c q tfldjlltjel monhi thfi inrjrnr nf m nrty ff the index number based upon the average for 1020 as 00 to rise from 1 10 5 on february i to 1 1 1 4 at the beginning of mnrch as compared with 102 g on march 1 1028 the largest increases took place in manufacturing but improvement was also indicnt cd in construction communications and services while logging mining transportation and trade were seasonally slacker the trend was upward in the maritime provinces ontario and british columbia but in quebec and the prairie provinces contractions were indicated the national wcnltli of cnnmln a survey of he nfltionnl wealth of canada for the year 1021 has just been completed by the canadian government bureau of statistics this survey places the aggregate wealth of the country exclusive of un developed natural resources at 20 l9 1 482 000 equal to about 2 812 per head of population in five years the increase in total wealth htij iecn nearly 1 00 000 000 that agriculture s the most important factor of canada s wealth is shown by the fact that the largest item in the total i 7 817 718 000 credited to ogneujture or 20 28 per cent of the whole next comes urban real property at 7 081 375 000 or 20 53 per cent steam railways account for 2 800 000 000 or 10 83 per cent tangible value of the forests 1 hnfi 013 000 or iklo per cent ontario ranks first in regard to provincial distribution of wealth with 0 ho 18 000 or 112 per cent of the total quebec second with fi i56 108 000 or 24 0 per cent and sas katchewan third with 2 920 730 000 or 10 9 per cent while ontario led in absolute wealth the western pro vinces came first in per capita wealth british colum bia held first rank with 3 844 alberta second with v108 saskatchewan ihirtf w i th 2002 for anrfrffrr nnr t qfffn ncighbprhood news r humid jtlnlnici of owen ftnillld nihil willi his hiiut mm o j mclcuy jnnl tl rlilny mm clayton ifiirlbut unit diuiithler dorothy nf joronui visited with frldidn in georgetown lant week mr mid mm john i lien ton of jniilu- llt id alui nre vlfiuinu nt mr voider drain n ninth line frinucnlntf mr janie i honey n ninny frlendi am plrancd lo rcc him able to bo out araln nftir hln recent severe operation minn m flcnbble of the ulrutford ncltooj fltaff vbdled at the linnm of mr and mm u miller innl weekend a cnll hnn been rxtonded ui itnv mr itumlry of mordrn manitoba to tw- enmr pantor of deoruetown united church kov dr dlckln havlna rcslffned come- wrckn ago in the unttrd church lant ounday m irnliitf afur thr- iirwiiine devotional cxi rcliri n handiionik balden oak pulpit prrnenud by mrn w a ijallcy in uifmnry nr tier latr hunband wan un- vrllrd und drdlcaod rev dr dlckla in ncccjillnf the memorial on behalf of ciinjjrrtfatlon npoke hlffhly of uio ilrcp intcrrnt the nu- mr dnlley had iwityn tnkrn in the welfarr of jiurch hi raid bnlhcr hamilton lui utelr tiiey help the home i oiks wc sometimes wonder if those old boys and girls away from the old home town know how encour aging these enquiries and the interest shown in the place of their former residence mean to those who have stayed at home every celebration or home coming event is undertaken with the feeling that success may not attend it that the former residents won t appreciate the effort sufficiently to come back for it it was a happy thought of one of the former actomans to suggest the publishing of the names of those who expect to come home to acton at the july 1 celebration the notes for these friends and the interest manifested by them m making the celcbra tion a success means real encourugement for those who iiavc the work in hand we have heard from many who haven t quite mode up their rnind if they can manage the trip the column opens this week wc woqld like permission lo publish some of these letters but possibly thut would be usurping ungrant ed privileges they have put renewed eneigy into committee members und we would ust here like to express our appreciation of them they cheer the folks at home to renewed effort to make your home coming more pleasant than ever well tul you all about it when we meet you in july tlie slmreholdere statement the auditors reports for the year 1028 have been printed and un in the hands of clerk tanner to every citizen who really wants to b informed on the position of his town they lire a mine of information in a very few pages lo study them one will apprcci ate the curefulness jind painstaking effort that messrs k iapp and arnold have used to give this concise report of the town s financial standing the important features art all contained in this booklet without any attempt to withhold the municipal busi ncss from tlic shareholders in this municipal corpora tion while man towns are debuting the advisability of publishing the names of delinquent taxpayers in the local paper acton has for several years been pub lishing them when they rightly belong m the audit ors report no municipal statement of uny corpora hon would hardl be complete unless the shareholders knew who their cieditois mlk but it is hardl necessary to publish the names jio the world at large at the end of the eur acton had a total of unpaid taxes und for ull years pievious o ij 5922il a lurgu i mount of this lias since been paid in und the most of the balunce will he paid pi ioi to the adding of the further penalty in muy perhaps the most interesting feature of the i cport and the one least perused is the statement of net debenture indebtedness it occupies only one pugc and yet in thut single page acton financial stundni- can be seen at i glance if the uvcrulc ratepayer would muke u study of that page it would save a lot of unnecessary explanation from town olllcuils and stop a huge amount of unfounded argument and what really amount to little in the end but just plain gossip the waterworks and hydro departments the public school boaul and the i rcc librury board all 1 ave the ork of the year shown in their various jcls in the book if you want correct information icgarding the finances of jour own eorporatitivi you ill hud them n tin hook i lerk tanner has i ruted siippl he wjll gl idly furimlt every rate payer with a copy as long as the supply lasts the c infill study of the book will give ratepayers a fuller ipprcciulumi of the work of municipal officers and employees and will make for more constructive critic ism and less of the dcstiuetive brand so often given specially it election time cut uithout foundation just plain neighbor ineas the agreement between ottawa and washington by which american federal officers may be allowed on the export docks along the canadian border is a neighborly move in helping a nation that has made the sale of intoxicants illegal there are those of course who think no such assistance should be given neighbor but if you hud a child whom you had told that there was something he must not do and the child committed the act he had been warned not to do and owing to the agility of youth and your rheu mutism he escaped to your neighbors yard before he was caught to be reprimanded and when you went ti get the bud child your neighbor ordered you off the property and the little imp stood there knowing you couldn t touch him and made faces at you and your neighbor also smiled if that were the case just what would you do with your offspring and just what would you think of your neighbors neigh borliness and common sense after nil nations are just a lot of people living beside each other with a line fence sometimes only imaginary running be tween them quarrelling und lack of common sense ins built many n spite fence between neighbors the neigh borliness of canada in assisting the united states to deal with its bad boy will commend itself to ull who like the atmosphere of a good neighbor hood gone up in smoke the return tabled in the house by mr culcr minister of national revenue in answer to a series of questions concerning the cigarette situation in canada is not without interest one question was how many cigarettes were manufactured in canada each year from ioi2 here is the answer and it ts reprinted in full so that u proper appreciation may he gained of the growth of this harmless indulgence pernicious habit as you choose in this fair can udu of ours 1012 783 082 185 1913 970200 407 1 1 1 4 i ibd 707 010 1015 1 088 8s8 05g 1910 i 350 80 085 1017 1008 815 380 1018 2 321504 533 i i 9 1 023 039 000 i 020 3 305 9g3 002 i 92 1 2 512 0j8 186 122 24011 142 192 1923 1084 043 182 i 92 j 2 4 11 hm 001 102s 2 500 000 s70 1d20 2 897 170 500 1127 11hs5i 110 1028 4oo0 498 075 guze at the fiuies ptve tunes more cigarettes being made and picsumuhly smoked in canuda now than fif teen years ulo note the rise in the figures when the boys were oveiscus and the slump when they came buck and then tho nteady incrense since 1023 lei s see wiisn t thut the yeur the ladles took up the cigarette habit in n serious way anyway it was around about thai time when the unwritten moral code dropped the clause which held that no lady smoked in public do we do the girls an injustice perhaps but yqn can t tell us thu the men alone are icsponsihle for the luilt increase besides lust yeur we ulso imported lb t7u pounds not puckages of diuretics brampton conservator pltlv n cli rllu and manili onto npent sunday nnd aunt hrrc r nnd mm hobcrt me inc and two children of mllvrrton ca j on mr mid mrn n w hull on tur lay mr nnd mrs wcalcy oray and two ii li luiin of new hamburg spent sunday with mr nnd mra w r ary mit llcrthn hamilton returned to her tfiluin tu lenrhrr nt toronto on sunday urttr bpi ndtiir tin vacation at tur horar ik re mr geo llddfll of lvtrolt michigan n turned lmmc after vlnltlng with frli ndn heic nnd with rrlatlvcn at jtenton and ar hm iiil congregation of knox presbyterian church grand volley have nlven i nimlmoun call to hcv 0 c oraeb o or nu and ho haj intimated hlo in ntlon to accept mm chan h smith returned to ht home hern loot weelc liter npcndlna a month wltli her aunt in norwich mm bmlth in much improved in health mr wm mclaren la uio pauiefiaor of a lllnck uuiffnhan hen which laid an me gjxfli inches biddy la tomo chpa hnvlna alaa won acveral prises at poultry nhowo advocate til fahrllng or rillr ll un k a i tin iiiohmitloii rialiiii in un united jtiil i lnwi jrrnmpll iki oini of lti major piirnnnii iwyond dljpiit u 1 t n ilmoiit tillinlniili il turimivit drliiklna jluro ur plenty of prnpl j liitht in u llliiic in what a uruil number of immiui uu rn thrn arr how rinny itlfbi there art bow terrible are hip pirtli throun by the youth of th day how wot tin ordinary convi ntlon in nnd wj i ad infinitum v ry little if thin can im- prnvld of ooune but rlnce the nverafte man n in no position to dlf prove it tlia ke vli wir- wlth nlnnn conuldern that he haj n clear held and makrn the trior t of it admitting nil that lie enja and jm- 08111 the fact remnlim npparrnt to nil mrn that tlin day of the drunltnrd ban nearly pnfuied hut wc do not have u reawin our yay to our cone bin loim we rim nee them where ban the town dntnlcird flone a few wlio not their nnrt boet before 1030 remain with tin not many where in the man whone children ured ui meet litm nt the door of hln place of imploymrnt on onturday ofternoonn no they could not nhonn before he oot lo a batoou7 there ured to be a lot of that in hnunton it ben t here now where are the wives who dreaded the home eomlnfl of liquor besotted bunbonda who lived in constant dread under the menace of alcohol who were dragged about from place la place an alcoholln htinbandn were able to get john which they could hold only for a nhort time there are a few left in houston not mnny dome years legion oriwh o rimiujiit qrure conien into thu ioiij uji the innm- big nun lutn tint world 11 rut u dawning tlun a unlit nnd at luiit the urn in ida full nnd kci llent lirllitnrmi c adomi i will urni rn my life nnd tliouglitji an if the wholi world wen to net uj one nnd to rtin the other fr what dom it nlgnlfy to make anything a jiecret to my nrlglibor win n lo clod who la uia jienrcher of our lunrtn nil our prlvaciei n open oeuera j he v would bun fit lib fellow men must uulk by fulth wtwing hln need in tin moriiliin nnd in tin 1 venlng with boldlnn not hln luind wbltller a fool indeed hnr rent need of a ui it bnrlirn nun ui mil him count r dnue and tlittn for hln pioper nnmr fool j crown iruvldid we look to nnd batlofy cnnrcle ncen mi trinttrr for opinion me clmervi will lbouih i bear ill den cca let 77 hlmft indllh hurling ton wiiere in thr ohop force dbsrupled every monday morning beaauno of uie wck- j end debnucli of some of its membcmm wheil lo the old lawyer or doctor drink lug himnelf into his brove7 where 15 the wnpnpcr office with u nvee present i qitotn af inebriated drinking their way toniin all thbi has vlrtunlly vonlaiied tlie great peril of liquor iioji been removed if thonr pioplb who tnslnt on gluing their eyen to the tblngi prohibition haa not nccompllnhed would iok for a while on tlicnc other tblngb that prohibition has nccompllnhed tlicy could understand bitter why there are plenty of people to maintain th prohibition regime in the united btatcfl houston chronical nnd herald an oriental liajwr having n engllnb necuon printed the following notice the news or tenglbill wc tell the latent writ in perfcelly ulyle and moat earll- ent do a murder commit we hear or it and tell it do a mighty chief die we publish it and in border lombre oean ban each been colleged and write like their names were uie kipling and the dlckcni wc circle ry town nnd eictortlonate not for id rtlnementn hani ffoo tip many of our lorul ormuilyjitlonk rueh ic burch roi u th 1 und lommunlty h i lorlutloiih imvi a jinn mtnlnry who 1 duty it in u it mi in a rlinrt h port of thilr iiuiuiign lo tin i il m wnpiip r uli iten h nil pxnlluit oni und tin reijnrui ura unimlly w cnnu d by ih editor hill newipnir ipnet 1 vdiuibb und tliere nn one or two p im tint tl lo lie olwi rved if die rehirt in to i u idare in the paper in thr nr t plnre the n kirt rlmiild be tint in wlilli it in still news nntjjurt tin mik hi r the nrxt monthly meeting nf hie n rl ty a rerond important win i 1 to rnnllili thr report to items that tin of 1 111 interent to uiu rtiadliift public it li nil necrwary to give the full minute in eluding the nunllier of tin hymn 1 win tin- journal argun h glad to publl li nportn or uiew community gntherlnjin ihroughoul thr dlntrlct but we would like prenn cecretnrlen to bi nr rieclnliy in mind that their reportn nln uld bi ocnt in while they ore frrrh and also kindly eliminate items of the mlnutei whleh are of no interest to tin ordinary reader ht mnryn journal argun anil thr trtlral mndltlons apply to aeton oji well business directory dk j a mcniven hyilelun ami hurgwxu i and henldence conim 1 and 1 igln fjtreel iioal ib nf 33 this ih no joici iii there dnyn of high cost of living the following btory lion n decided point the teacher of n primary clnwi what do you think in the moit wonderful thing mnn ever mode a little girl wbone pnreiitn w ere ob vlouily harnxmd by uie que tion or wayn and means replied nn w mny tin proverbial judge a living for a family r ii it not wealth nor anccbtry but hon ornble conduct and n notilo dlflponltlon i that make men great ovid the opinions of men who think urn i always growing and changing like living children hamcrton the iinest tea you can buy red rose orange pekoe made from juicy flavor filled leaves three days in bud every package guaranteed bb redrose p o iiox ai makolij nash rarmcr m a itarrlulrr bollellor noury rubli nnveyaneer i te il itltyman itlock acton out moni v i i nt on moittoaqks houni d 30 n m to 0 00 p m uaturdnyn 13 00 o clock t j spakiiam ilarrliiter solicitor ndtnry pvlilla ihonp 133 jit ilimill flttri et acton next to baptist church iloum 0 00 a m to b 00 p m dfntal dr j m bell d d s l d s dental ft u re eon oilicc milt ard prcdcrlck gtreeu phone 3d is good tea red rose orange pekoe is extra good lniloitlal notlfa i he limit the 11 u did wit i on f the rebuilt t ion striving to ndveriibiiil of funernl direetorb would uppcur to have eonie rather belated or tun it be that the regulation wus ncvei reully intended to have boon enforced the tool headed attitude that 1ieniler kinj 111 tendb to display owaid the united stutto und then iff polity will tuinmeiid itbelf to cool headed can adian- rather than the tlnp oi the shoulder btrnt thut oine pohtitiiids like tu parade canada exported over nine million dollar worth of milk and its prinlutts for the twelve months ended atureh i 2 an intrease uf three uiilluni dollars over the previous torrtspondinf 12 months thirty tliiee pti ettit is a very healthy intrcuae for thib iniponunt eointnodity 10 one year it is esliinaltd that there are about l th radio sets in ciinndj the uilloiity ot which aie loeaud in the rural districts k it r 11 1 tudioims have the ad vmitufrt over their city enusins madmith as the it tcptton is always better huvmj lesb eltttrjcal inter crenee in the country than 111 the tiry urla montlis mro louln walker who suffered from relapse recently la slowly recovering attain poatmanter r d ghent took over the pont office on monday mlm ttoloar of newmarket and mlaa mona allen have accepted nosltlonn as au3taeiuiea mm arthur truman leaves on tlluru day for new york la vlalt her dauuh mbw kathleen truman it n tr and mrs h j itofmann spent day nt prcaton and vlnltcd uie flood cd conditio nil at qalt and ilenpclcr the onk bank inn owned and manag i by j p mclclland haa chanaed hands uud to now under the manage ment of mr r t drckcllu of detroit who will carry on a lour in la home and cummer hotel iibllsh inno limited who are build inn a chain of tourist camps in ontario have purchased two acres on the toronto hamilton highway nt trafalgar line and have commenced to build on the pro perly they expect to be ready foi bualnca by june 1 oazettc opent the ld lands bo rough and spent sunday with the milton dr h k and parliamentary 1 family mr nnd mm children f quit mlaaes pord mrn j h peacock of toronto ls vbiitlnb her parents mr and mrs e p lurl here to day mrs scanlon of toronto spent sunday itli friends in town mra naomi iflll of toronto vulted trtenda here over the week end mlaa myrtle qmllh of i3unalo spent the week end at her home here emerson downs who left renfrew and went to ouelph recently to licad the city btthd there found the surroundings uncongcnlalthttt lie gave up the position after a fortnight s trial and turned to renfrew where lie ls again leading tlia band dandmantcr downs n former mlllanlan and a good musician champion mrs h scratch and ikul duughusr of windsor are visiting her parenu mr id mrs it e harrlion mr j xi mackenzie who tuu been laid aside fur a few days with a severe cold ls on the mend wc arc pleased to fm onnond of winnipeg and wilson harris of toronto students at picker iiib college spent part af uie caster hi llduyi with their clnwsirmte jack mac k nzle reformer oakviixt a uulu11 of torontti ijuvc an lllustraled address on photo engraving at the itotary club luncheon on monday evening miss oertrudc s turner was appointed second vice president of the ontario iiirtjca bolt hail- agenda ttu at u ual ineceliig held in hamilton 011 saturday last ncu11 r and mrs sam darner have re turned to town after spending the winter 1u15 in england r slight has come back from ills holiday to the old home in england while on bis way to attend the funeral of hln citumn the late oeorge m hendry lir nit in monday robert shook the best known fruit growers of cluiksou district and president af clnrktun 1 nil i growers association 1 uddliily stricken with apoplexy in cm record v uir plrusid this week to report t w alic chlsholm la grcotly im proud in uio lorunto hospital nnd it j xpected he will be permitted to return o i1i1 home tntxt week ti1l1 will be hrertul hcui for hla many friends oukvlllr sporting fraternity were pleas d to karu on monday last that one of their cltltinfl arthur hulmcr had been utiuiilini usly elected president of the ontario llascbull amateur association at the unnuul meeting held tn london htur oi hh value to the public i1y a lavage iuelpb ontario a okitl c t okitl i tion if hi glukts you are wt artng are a pn per a eonifortublc i rn it km yi it are not conselous hint yi 11 hnvt them on a vi ry unlit u lit rutlon ottt n 1 bungle i t 11 ml it lo minlorl if you imvi i tu to lomplulii tn this ii pi t ui might ih able to lm pn vi your turret tlm iteudy ut oiir c uivtiiluicc iitiuurd next week the tudor sedan dlfj h johnson pdslds dental rurgtu drflce mill street in uie ooopf dlock tclkpiionflb 43 miscellaneous francis nunan debblnder account books of all kinds mad to order periodicals of every dmcrlpumi carefully bound ruling neatly aa4 promptly done wyndhom otreet ouelph ottt over william qtore r j kerr perlenoe ligt yoor pnopkttty wmi us acton ontam20 the family car thl tudor scdnn is an ideal car for tht- family distinguished by its hut conchwork beautiful colors and low fleet lines new military type sun visor und crown roof narrow pillars and door loh btiuetive give unusual viblon hath front seiits fold forward giving easy aeecss to rear seat generous room for five passengers ample spice between frontind rear scats detp cushions kieh ioiij wearing upholstery i ull nickelled hiii are onsider the automobile require ments of your family then come 111 and see how 1 leally the 1 1 requirements ornpletely and cconom dor sedan fills these incc delivered in acton 5779 00 literate included 3v norton motors acton georgetown and norval district 1 ouu salls and scrvicl ijrivilniie tjrca lioa ou emltllnltcneu- i njf air phonl 09 aiton ijattorykeeiialirmjr vou will uni ouk iiml paymhnt plan most aitkac 1 1 vi if you have money to invest standard royalties ofleri one of the tafut and but dividend paying in re taunt dividends are paid regularly ivery month if you uont to know nbt ut it enquire of h w dawson p o box sb deahtton n r i ilipr iwntatlvp of mid coiillurnt hind corprtratlnn lid rwrlirm i have penlnes for few local news is spreading dom uit to coast that mrs oyblll hpahr f ionallllla is the most successful 11 inirty to tnat couflh dronchltls whooping counh coldjj catarrh gore lliruttti und tonsil ilia abcolutely juarnntced i- j iln earn 6 00 to 1000 a day loar o and larniwrr lima motor u a bas ics i laic 017 wofdlim vulconllnallou wlrlnd llrlcllaylnjl rumtrlni lurtnf i114i ilaufy ullurawork coaj pailtmu optri wrltoorcall 1 torn i mcrucilva book dominion charter lp schools it iwc west t010hto frmt antplaymmnt ro cooji ta cosat the public health citi7lnb altt ulquested to comply with the public iilaltii act nuuce l hereby ulven that all renideju of acton are required forthwith to clean their c llure drulna yards plff styes uaut clacli nutbulldtnipi and other premiss nnd removi therefrom all dirt iiuuun md otiicr aubstoncca which may ndutn i he public health and to hava h mtiu umiileted by tho elehui day i muy i t un which day the eunl- tury liiihcuir will commence a general pictlun und furtlicr lake notice that arcllou of tin hubllo health act pro- hlbltlng the keeping of hoffs between l imh f ffynnitriifctr of novem ber except tn pens at least to feet from any dwelling house und fio feet from a true l or lone with floors kept clear n all olandlna water and regularly cleansed will be strictly enforced all cluznh nre lamestly requested to ki cp thllr prcmlues constantly clear and thoroufihll disinfected amos mahon itc- v r the municipality arluii april ii 11128 it pays to use martin senour 100 pure paint and varnishes sf special product for every purposefor every surface marbieite fbr ftjnwooj floors neut0ne bk paint wooolilc shm br9ws ondfurnilural forsaleby w d talbot acton tpaint