Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 23, 1929, p. 4

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d tilt- iiduk of t artnti 3xtt hrsii 1iii at ion j iii 1 tturux crnlnn at utt slrrrl ai advfutjmn- fid verllmrl ratr ill lc fo iuliuir1 rr im hull una a lill ls faille j hliom s thursday evening may 23 1920 nearly 11000000 for koatltf in the went expenditure on hiihwiiyi and roddi m mimitohu by the pfovnilinl government tiny year will total hie programme outlined calls for thecon- mrnctionrof over 30o irttteir of new iiigliwnys and ie mivracinj f hih mile- of trunk road- at a coit of 1100000 the balance of 1400000 will be spent in a variety of way to improve traffic routes the i o till to be pent on road construction in the four wcttrn province in t2 by the respective govern- moils i ndoo000 four leading items the four leading items in the total agricultural production of canada in 1028 valued in all at 1730- flbrsrrdtmi afiftttormmnrjrattr poultry and eggs ljuiu5l000 last year was the first year for poultry and eggs to exceed 100000000 in value since 1023 these have increased ig value trom 62000000 value of tarm animals in five years has advanced 72000000 wheat seeding completed on the prairies wheat seeding is practically completed on the canildinn pruines it is estimated that about 22000 000 acres will be sown to wheat this year about one million acres more than last year the seeding of coarse grains is well under way reports from all parts of tlwj great grain urea in the three prairie provinces manitoba saskatchewan and alberta- are to the effect that the moisture content of the soil is satisfactoryfor germination and present crop pros pects arc promising tell them what weve ilccn doing when the old boys and girls return home to acton in june and july i this year they vho have been absent for some years will see many changes of course there will be many races missing that were formerly always seen in the old home town and there will be the changes in buildings and locations there will be many inquiries for land marks that arent now where they were when the wanderers left home during the time from now until the home coming jet us who are at home be refreshing our memories on the points of interest that will be inquir ed about and be able to show the homecomers the important changes that have taken place during their absence just to refresh the memory we mention some that now occur to us the post office isnt new any more to us at home but be able to show the boys and girls of former years where the old building is and the one thut used to occupy the corner there arc a number of new industries and a growth of old ones that will surprise those who have been away for a number of years there is a wonderful transfor matron at the school property for those who havent watched it in the making for the past two years it is only eight years aince the waterworks system has been installed and many a boy and girl will be interested in being shown what flynns spring is doing now in supplying acton with beautiful spring water the highways and where they lead to will be more information that will be asked for and ap preciated if you eifn supply it readily refresh your memory he prepared to tell the homecomers what we have been doing while they huve been away and wbflt progress we have been making the level crokuing toll mounta the proximity of he level crossing accident last week just a few miles east of aclon brings home very forcibly the awful toll that is exacted each year from these menaces to the public safety the crossing at which the fatality occurred is known locally as a dangerous one where caution must be observed at all tunes it is a narrow country road i mining through u swampy truet of land with its usual thick growth on either side of course this growth is trimmed hack from the road the required distance ut the crossing in fuir weather a motorist hus a chance in the wet weather thut was prevailing nt the time of ttie accident the odds were against htm this roud would require the attention of the driver to negotiate his cur succt ssfully on the road li it bad no just lypicul of jimny u country road hat docs not carry u lurge amount of traffic there nrc many others yhere the hazard is very great it s one of the crossings where cither the motorist or ilie electric cur should come to a stop before pro eeeding to go over the intersection it is quite obvious which one could do so most efficiently by cutting the growth further buck along the road the view could be improved other improvement might so bo curried out us a result of the inquest and the verdict of the jury which viewed the scene human i fe bus been taken us the result of an acadent and a- mich the affair is very regrettable it will he deplorable it following the accident some measures aic not taken to mitigate the chances of a similar occur reiice 1 he loll of the level crossings has already been heavy this season every effort hhoultl be made on the part of railways and motorists to do il in their powti in prevent it from mounting highci crop conditions i he crop report ot the bank of montreal contains some very interesting data regarding conditions throughout the dominion and in the various pro vinces it siiys seeding is well advanced m the prairie provinces and is proceeding satisfactorily under favorable weather conditions the seedbed is in good condition and there is sufficient moisture for germination although the reserve is low and rnins would be beneficial growth has been retarded by cold backward weather but early seeded wheat is showing through the ground the acreage will be about the same as last year in quebec little seeding or plowing has been done owing to the cold weather and seeding operations nrc at least a fortnight later than the average in ontario in the maritime pro vinces the winter was moderate but conditions arc backward owing to n cold spring in british col urn bin spring is from three to four weeks late but crop prospects are generally favorable regarding on tario the report continues as follows some work has been done on- high light land but low lying ground is still too wet to be worked reports indicate that fall wheat has wintered well especially on lighter welldrained land but is spotty on some low wet ground and is in need of warmer weather several thousnnd acres of good land bordering on lake erie nrc now flooded and will be under water until too jate for seeding hay is of unusual growth for this tunc of the year clover and alfalfa fields wintered well and conditions are promising neighborhood news mjumnoton or o w owl mrn taylor have rc- ttirnril hrmir utter spending the winter in irxiiii a number of tlm loral firemen went ui 11 mil ui on fluntlny to join in the an- ji mil rhurch in rude of the urolith hrl- liadi white il work on tuesday afternoon jack larue had the misfortune to 1oja ttirrr flngrrfl on hfn loft hand wlirn it runir in contact with a naw hie dearee trom of the daiiglltra qf rjntrlnm motored to ut catharine lau tuesday and nut on tile detrree work nt a mater indue in that city ml dnlny licit r m of tho bauios and children n hospital cleveland ohio in not ndlna her holldayo at tlm home of her pnrcntn nt hamilton mi and mm c k peart and two dniinhtern llorencn and wlnillfred and mrn ii p mr winner motored to elm- wood over the weekend to visit dr and mm ii 15 peart mr w lions bhovrr lias purchased the brick rtorc nnd apartment an the corner of plnr and brant streets which he has been conducting his drug bunlneiui for sonic yearn the induction of rev o a mullln newly appointed minis ter to knox church hero will take place on wed nendny evening may 33nd at eight nek thli nmiounement wan read to i itlon from the pulpit on bun day mornliifc thr induction will be in charge of the hamilton pr ibytcry ontctte oakvilli empire shopping week starts saturday empire shopping week starts saturday may eackcdby national ounc otome otjflnfldnv impennl order daughters of the cmpircjcanadian girl guides association boyscout assqciation high commissioner in canada tor his majestys government of great britain canadian legion of the british empire service league retail merchants association of canada canadian chamber of com merce trades and labor congress of canada as sociation of canadian advertisers inc british agents association canadian association of british manufacturers canadian manufacturers associa tion the slogun of empire shopping week in cnnadu is empire buyers are empire 3uildcrs the executive committee of empire shopping week in canada holds strongly to the view that the type of civilization and its promise of development ns shown in countries of british empire n one that canndinns ult desicc to encourage for the sake of present and future generations an this it is conceived is in- limntely bound up with the economic and business ide of affuirs that plays so great a part in the daily lives of so many canadian citizens it is to stimulate trade within the empire that empire shopping week in canada is bcrny put over the underlying prin ciplc on which the empire shopping week will operate is that a natural first preference be given to goods that ure the product of the country in which the week is held in this case canada other empire products receiving the next preference produced in canada goods urc produced in the empire where m the improvement a fair index of the success of the liquor control act in ontario might be considered in the police court news of u lurge city on a day recently in toronto the toronto star carried in us column of happenings in this court and let us review the work of liquor alone us reported one man remanded for forging another s name to a liquor permit a woman sent down for her third conviction under the act and another woman sent with her for un offence under the act a bottle of wine in their possession gave two men 10 or 30 duys and a bottle of beer cost two more the same penalty a gallon can of alcohol in a restaurant cost another man 300 and another intoxicated man found lying in the front scat of n car with the engine running could only be fined for drunkenness and the owner of the car was drunk too another got 20 or 30 days for infrac fions of the liquor hiw illegal possession of a bottle of alcohol was a charge that could not be substantiat d against one individual 200 for a can of alcohol and 50 from a mun that had no permit for home brew were more cases in this court a first offender w 10 or ten days and u third offender three months at the juil farm and the final case was a drug addict and what docs it all prove lots of drunk enness- yes and in many cases old offenders what ure they drinking from that one days cases it is quite evident that cans of nlcohol enter quite often into the requirements for thirst quenchers and that deplorable home brew thut was the undoing of the ontario temperunce act is also a favorite and illegal commodity now just what part of the liquor control act has made for a lessening and improve ment m drinking und the creation of temperance sentiment j 1u is the question that the average individual who is inclined to temperance 15 asking cid it wjll tukc some politicians audi as we haven t previously seen exhibited to answer successfully editorial notes 1 lie man who estimated that lit would have some coul from his present supply for next winter culeujut ed his ussels before they accumulated the llalton county buscbalf league opened on suturduy with all the hiilton towns represented in the six team schedule muy it develop keen nvulry but end in peuce and harmony at the do of the season ontario is to have u new 250000 building erected in i oitdou i ugland lets see wasnt it just atiouc that piitc of building puichuscd us an embassy fui ull cunudu ut washington u couple of years ago thut treated such un outcry of cxtruvuguiice can- uda and ontuno can uffoid to be properly housed in any conntiy wheie representation is imperative the iclnc povlnu co ltd have com- enccd to pave randal btrect the water and light commission have jrcluuicd a new truck dlakelock bros have uie contract to erect the atorc nnd apartment for it w qrnmrnell it in expected that lord and lady willtnkdon will be at the appleby ocliool for their annual sportn day an thurs day may 33rd a number or the local firemen went to bronte on qundny to join in the annual church parade of the bronte brigade on wednesday morning a s poster chairman of the board and an ap pointee of the council tendered hla resig nation to the town clerk because he could nqt work harmoneoiudy with the majority of the membero of the board no he decided to give way to some one cine nows mr and mm w alec chlaholm have been visiting wi nlng falla trlrndii tti j tium art tii luce- lualtl al the abbotmearthui weddlnff ut icilbrldc and wore a frock of orchid taffeta trimmed with nllver lace and carrltd a- banquet of mauve awoet pea rev j ii mcualn lout week resigned an minister of the united church and thla week the hamilton preabytery ac cepted his resignation thla meann ilev mr mcbaln will remain a real d eat of oakvlijc and will occupy hla newly ac quired residence on douglas avenue iii many friends hope he may enjoy a pleas ant and lengthy retired residence in oak- vlllc star milton norman caskcy of winnipeg visited lili aunt mrs john oowlnnd over the k end trsirt x h todd and b w sprlng- itay of st cnlhnrlnrs were in town on tuesday mr und mn wni edge of waterdown visllcd wt tin hortil of vlcuir norrla on sunday rev nnd mm u w hann of icltch- ner pent tin weekend with mm hinm n parents mr and mm it j hare r and mrs ii a mccoll returned on monday in t tram n peasant trip to faanlliigo cnl whole they npent several 11 it k anderson m p who haa been attending u hli dutlea at ottawa ncnl the weekend at his home here mr und mrs john m card of ouelph accompanied by their con john it and mus phyllss bates spent the weekend with mr and mrs ic o agnew cham pion mr nnd mrs c d mcgregor nnd daughter of vancouver formerly of milton spent sunday with frlendji in town the musical committee of the old buys reunion aasoctatlan have engaged the oalt untie band for july 1st oil dny and evening maurice mlchnlck who figured hi a motor accident recently and waa taken to the hospital for rcpnlrp haa returned to town and la around na usual little the uoru for the accident one of the young canadian indies shortly to be presented at the royal court will be mus elizabeth campbell daughter of mm colin campbell of wln- ipeg formerly of palermo the people of milton hall with unlclffn- d pleasure the announcement that the high ecliool board have engaged j k rcellus u a nt present principal of the new llskcard high bchool 16 suc ceed mr hepburn as principal of the high bchool here his dutlen to begin nt the close of the summer holi days reformer lute a grip nt the throat for n disease that is not classed ns fatal there ti probably none which causes more terrible buffering thnn asthma alii p is impossible the sufferer tcomes exhausted nnd finally though the attack passes is left in unceasing dread of its return dr j d kellogg s asthma itcmrdy la n wonderful remedial agent i immediately relieves the restricted air posnauea as thousands enn testify it is sold by dealers everywhere lluruliiu the cmiclle at both ends is a iwir way to throw light an problems of life is your moneyearning 10 with safety plus profit possibilities if you would like to secure particular f a company with a con tinuous monthly livi- driul record for the past 9 years fill in and mail the coupon below no obligation british international skcurit1ls co uhittd 030 bay sliwt toronto without omlsukn kh m ilruun ol hvr kit in mini itona flnilth of hamilton upeut the whkriid with mrn h iheolmld meu rn hurry and crosier icrys of jtoltnn were fjundiiy viultorn wlllufrl iuu in town mr wulter flcott of orlllltt npent bun- day with hu parenty mr and mm a t ncott c mrs jamcii murray a many rrlends will in sorry to learn that she la a patient ut the ouelph oeneral hospital mr win davidson was in toronto on tuesday consulting an eye nneclallit wo trust he may get nptedy relief mr and mrn john itamsbottom of walker ton are visiting wit mr and mrs tteorge uaineubotlom and other datives misses irene bjui icahiecn walker and master kddlo brock of toronto weri ounday visitors wltli mr and mrs james hamilton ir and mrs nuitnell nrodle and mr and mrs duke mclaughlin and babe of toronto cpent sunday with mr and mm u rider mr and mrn a j3 ruff ouelph visited inst week at the home of the latter n parents mr and mm r w campbell here friend here liave received the newn that mr austin pines ocotoguard basic nnlahed sowing 100 acres of wheat on may 3rd tile west is ahead of the cant thlfl year advocate oiollcetown mr and mrs j m moore and mun allecn moore ipent ounday with frlenda in icitchencr mr and mrn w a mathews are visiting with durham and owen bound friend this wcelc mrs j a wllloughby sailed from quebec on friday may 3rd and will spend two month abroad in the football game at reservoir park last baturday georgetown tsam was defeated by northumberland and durham mus margaret mcdonald of dolly vardcn visited with mus marjory and laura hall at acton pn ounday mlsa mary firth was among die graduates of mcmaster university at the exercises on tuesday evening when she received her fl a degree at the annual meeting of the horti cultural council of the dominion held at ottawa last week mr b kirk of do or ho town floral co won appointed a member muts pearl bessey who waj operated on for appendicitis at ruaholme hospital last wednesday is progressing nicely mr and mrs george mann and mr juut rjnycawlcrjaf jirouto jkccc- wkendvli tyawlyl islwlthmrandmnfrqgo wr irk len worth mr anantn two children and mr reg wright of tor onto spent sunday at the home of mr anh mm alfred watson mr bam mackenzie left on friday lost for chicago where he haa accepted a position with one of the large lumber firms of illinois herald trouble signs for those past 40 bladder weakness nervousnraa head aches frequent palnftil scanty urlnstian getting upnlxhts pile embarrassing annoyance and inulnc mtiery of bladder weakness often brings discomforts of old age to those who really ought to be in the cry prime of life countless thousands perhaps seven out if ten of folks near middle life are pitiful victims of headaches nervous ness pains in back and down through in o ins frcuqently but scanty and pain ful urination octting-up- nights while serious if neglected it is ordi narily a simple matter to relieve these troubles by the pleasant home use of dr couthviorth s uratabb which have been victorious in thousands of casas iftcr other treatments have failed no matter how serious or of how long landing your condition may be you can quickly prove the value of uiiatabs without risk of cost for any good drug gist will supply you an on absolute guar antee of satisfaction or money back if uratab3 bring you quick and certain comfort you will bo greatly pleased if they do not fully satisfy their use will cost you nothing try uratabb today sec what a difference they make kecwrofic tea comeg direct to us from the finest tea gardens then utraight to your grocer brimful o flavor and freshness every package guaranteed redrose tpeul ood tea red rose orange pekoe i extra good original com look for the redandgreen kellogg p y ypjl- cqrn tttesfrrlsfellrssffic original corn flakes the flakes with the flavor that cant be copied the kind youll surely prefer kuoggs corn flajta tr dallciodi for lunch and dlnnar as wall as brawlcfast sarva wit it milk or crsim and add fruits or bonay giva tliam to tha clildran for auppar insist od kallogga cora flakaa at way extra crisp and guy to diffaat som by all grocara sarvad by hotala cafatcriaa on dinar mada by kallo- in london ontario- ovarali twenty year fcxperieue ucbt your property wmi uk cton owraiuo corn flakes ttakes every feature of the ford car makes for safety protection to driver and passengers has been a vital con siderution with ford engineers the body is all steel and the windshield of shatterproof glass a fully en closed six brake system grips with silent puwer under any headway three juurttr irreversible steering responds to the lightest touch while the steering wheel remains rock irm and unaffected by rough road con xl it ions a onepiece gas tank is separated trom the edetnodya solid steel dush come in and arrange for a demon striition you will know then that u really line mr is established in the light ur world business directory dr j a mcniven lbyaloun atid hurgaaa office and itiuddenc comer howe avemut and klgln btrocl lugal ijiojje no 33 p o llo sail harold nash farmer m a itarrlalfr holuluv nalary fuuu ikltuyman frtdck acton oh uonky uorr on mortaaohtd ti hour 0 30 a m to 0 0d p fcd bfclurdays 13 00 oclock f j spariiam llarrlater solicitor notary ivblu piionk 133 office mha gtheey actom next to baptist church houm 0 00 b m to b m p m dental dr j m bell d d s l d s dwtal eargtm oivjce mill and frederick btrml puone 30 dr j h johnson ddslds daulal 8utael office mill btreet in um ooopar block telepiiong misceixanboos francis nunan account books of all idtuu isuuu to order periodicals or every cwctiquoa carefully bound itullnff nuy aj promptly done wyndham btreet aualph odt over williams btore rxj0ekr ttiirttelfteihidkmhaitbw card co cleuura aaj dyr guelpii ontario notice durtriff the months of may june and july the pure bred percheroii btalllun vllly 130471 imported trom prance on wednesllay and thursday of each week wul be at the stabus of mr k l davidson lot 31 second una esquealns for asr- vlce calvin campbell mof fat owneh if you are looking for any in- vslmrnt for your money tiik midcontinent bond oon- poratron offpra geoond standard royalties one of the safest bccuritlca to be had safe as a bank and pays rood dividends every month information dladty riven for the asking without obligation to you h w dawson p o box u bkalttyoh district representative have openlox for a laeal acvct 4 vrti norton motors acton georgetown and norval district loltl kauis and kekvick ihone cd acton tirwlone tlrea jail oil lxide iluturlut hattlry itecliarkhik vrco air ouk iiml iaymlnt plan is mosi att ii active season 1929 wanted wool it it narbour lllllsbuni buyer for oiulph wiirsted and up inn inn co will be in acton at uie c n it buttlon lo buy wool on the follow in u dates june c june 13 junk 20 in rockwood at aoanonh iiahness shop illuhest market prtco will ua paid iarmcrat market your wool dbwcl a tbe mills optometry its value to the public y a d havaqk goalalk ontario hxcfcsmvk kttnohh of vision thosi- wlu have tllcu very likely know about them and have had them attended to but what of the thousand whew errora arc relatively small yet harmful that is tha crowd to whom our talks arc especially directed and of which you may be a member a vudt licr nluht rtuit in urcat benefit to you conllndcd next wk- m sulhcripunna for all maixlim taken at tlio kree pfta olllce

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