Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1929, p. 1

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jvrfjftti firtyhflli vciir- no 3 hiuksday evening july ib i2 acton ontario canada thursday evening july 18 102 six homeprint parca five cents jslftirrlf swnirpb hmiru dlurrl iw oluiiubu acton mhiuur itrvrc u vault itl purnonntfljwlllaw utreet 10 00 n ra sunday ccfiool lesson eiukiilb vtrlnn of hope 1100 n m thr mlnlntrr subject kcrplnu thr door of our lipav 7 00 p m thr minister subject danlrvn tnit in jehovah thursday 7 30 p m italnr and prayer gervlcc bveltyilody welcome llrfnlujlrriau icnox church acton mlnuur rev a c stewart m a 10 00 u in sunday school ekleli vision of hope 11 00 a in tlir minister the unfailing qoc 7 ofl4 m thr mlnlitr r thr cuuror of conviction prayer meeting thursday evening at 7 30 p m strangers leaving ad dram with the ujdicnt will be called upop by the pastor macdonalds july clearance sale these special features arrang ed for the last two weeks of the sale clearance of coats and dresses at cost it fucilitiifc alterations and a change ot policy in our ready tqwear department after inventory we are now mak ing a thorough clearance of hundreds of smart rannenth- clearmj them out nt cost nnd less than cost all our best couth summer frocks silk dresses and even our most exclu sive french room frocks are included this means extreme savings to you n wonderful opportunity to secure the smar- est merchandise at almost tinhchevnhly low prices coal roups- 195 mid up i silu drchhoa 195 nnd up j summer dreksei j19h nnd up iycnch room frocks 1995 i nnd up sale mens suits 15 20 25 huge reductions it each h sujls of jilain blue nndrilfim crcfcwfrateribt english tweeds in smart models and sizes from m up well worth investigating half price sale of wallpapers a most unusual price re duction to reduce stocks bo jiicgjttyemmx- a pneed papers included get two rolls for the regular price of one values alu over the store equally as sensa tional anj gratifying it will pii you to come in und make a complete shopping- tour of thi4 rig store youll snve your travelling expenses mun man times over nnd he delighted with your purchases as well d e macdonald bros ltd guelph ontario our motto quality and service the communitys general interest news another application social side of life si aiii3ii foiinrinamon for the prineipalship various newff items l alliano clmrrh conflnnntlon the jjjjhnp of niagara will ndmlnltrr vwilont lo anil from towii nurliifrh- r ci alhnn v chunit tonliiht july 11 at n 30 p m iipw reredos wluauo i- dedicated iclronic the inl week an gleaned iy the frcrrift drown arc holiday- mr und mn in it nt midland of stratford visited hn dr clruy und ml hollduylng ul godcrlrh wr and mm f 8 blow holidaying at wasnfiu bca ur and mr hnlldnylng hki alndyfi iluflmnn of toronto i r ihiii iyt nl h r home here tiro hmimrrn son appointed li w lllllmcr win of aeorgc iim- ncr m i i- for llnlton county has iii upiolnlid collector of customs for hi- town of oakviljr he succeeds w i ferruh who rrilgncd mime umr njo i not denlt with until further iii formation in secured re- i yarding qualification thr regular inonllily meeting of til school liourd wan hold iniit evening wit iruileri mm ii m wllvin mm a i ftavlll k ilcwlck und ti rt ine present and chairman geo ill pre siding jail for srlllne liquor of milton wan charged six mniilhu jtril hhip ijj provincial cnnnuihle cookman befon roller mnulfltrntr ii i moore at thr court hnuie milton with selling liquor on june 22 shunhrrd wan ronvlrtrd nnd rrntrnrrd to f month- in jail for hln off nn- a rcund one ii nerved four inonthi ini i year for a ill in 11 or oflcncr puhlic utilities commission meeting llminl itinrtcrly trnnsfcr of 1000 repnim nnd rcnewalu lo syhteinfl ilcing arranged e j hnxrurd and family t wujiniia uracil i tat daya jiiil- ajuclation held tan day under lbr the co mi entli eporl if the ill at n lonuneiided that 11 if folium ncioiiiil be paid 1 tjenycd deparunrnliil kx- amlnatlonn uid mm alfred wrluht vlilted acton frlrndii lant mr and mm ft ft arnold irrt nrr holldaylna at wavnr mlvi ilorln johnstone of vlltliih with arton relatlvw i marn- trur llllli flu- iiyal 1rnr u very rurrifiil uptrvfilon of the d d cj m a numlxr w d andrrnon rcpnlrn of una it- were kept busy for the two jan ijyinnn nuppllrn and repair- dayn and the uiwnrpcoplc very willingly oeo rltchlr teaming coal rtc reiminded to the call to help the little knuntlnr mff co ciippllrn oiphui at itlrhmond iii11 j mall and empire lulvertlilna olubc advertising m mccutchcon frcluht ami ljrllrlpilrd in griirertnwi crlrliratlon at ton i o i partlrlim oruniie wnlk und eeli hratlon ljun in- l krlday on arton iiyul tnie illm the by the at the public milium commknlon nirrtlnit on tucuday evcnlnn ilcovr makiiii wan prrent nnd clialrman l o itlnif preildrd acrountn wrrr ordered to be paid ai folio wn hydro accounts hell telephone co accounts iriday inomlnb ilore at ollcnm noodllht le paraded j hymoii nuppllrn oriner nt ororite- lleetrle ltullwy ntatlon headed qeo cowlc maud mciialn in npcndlna a week with frlendn in coolcsvlllr and tor- family arc cottnjir on mr nnd mrs enicrt woodn of alnm fprnt cindny nt thr homr of mm itobl i iairtl normal school bxantlnatlonn cartunr a ftc i aiiumit tin dtudenta who micccaiifuilyn delorcnt toikli i tndon in poed their normal school cxamlna- ilpi j coal cuke co and frlendn tlonn which uerc announced lout week muruarrt orlndcll dauahtri 1 40 71 10 canadian frelirhl national ilallwayn and pram hand of the i hey purndd in the oranni m ulk n t iroriituiwn in the afternoon mllli tin- rife nnd drum hand new parish miifaalnr a new inrlnh mnuuilne liiued by st altiaii i churrh inulcrii 1u appearance thlo week it in romplelc with lul local church in- mii irct ion nnd iiitumulnr depnrtmrnt nnd in liberally patronized by the local uppllrf alex mclnaac wcldlnn i mccutchron nnd c n r ex prciui i mccutclieop frclrht l o icliltf convention ciennrfl 1 jo jo do uds i fto 1 00 3 03 570 00 00 of mm etta orlndcll acuin and m1jii k chmtcr duty and entry 1 ituniell and manter orunt ipent jiunduy at the parental mary klmart dmiuhtcr of the late w ii nnd mm stewart of milton formerly o acton hath these yciuna ladlcn re- cilvid ilntrlaji traclicrn cert 1 flea tea himl lumber man wu horn in llallon l laidlnw 1rcildrnt of the it i mtb i co died ut hln home 111 lin lb iiirne street toronto k in hln d2nd year he wu llallon co acton pullc ulllltlln ctnmnlnuon water and lluht luuhway oarare nupptlei und re- palm ralph ilois departmental exum- inutloui fcrtlnen rdlted by tin i til it v the 11442 waterworks accounts acuin public utllltlrn hydro dcpt ower at nprlnu 3p 40 acton public utllltlcn hydro dept opera tlonn 31 4b 111 doubtlew pre mrwrniflt to tin church pancr in canadian ii r ana company oup- rev p a hawyrr l- quite a connreita- pllea 24 b0 too mr and mm arc ciilo tipi nt sunday i robert ihuw thli u ijildluv nppolul ullelph primary city com supplies iinniel and mm ijir vanntter of milton sunday with mm robert bennett i cecd j r hooth of ottawa an ilon- i orury prtildenl or the canadian lumbcr- mani avorlhtlun he wan also intcresl- nv c hfthe dominion sunr co chatham mr and mm jume- ii reed left thlfl nh v a ift r m salary of z500 murituret mucdunald d a the the report wan adopted sppplle- reipilred for the room wen- to be cured by tin nty in 1037 in what committee nn li u- tin scotch block mr a letter from mli moor reiucited t4 lluliii d dominion- wide proinln- that thr hoard dlsciimi the mnlter of ti in hl biiiilihsa and wan selected to rccurlnii a caav for the uchixjl trophli nt mudcali competition won in the lion mm ilnvlll umk exception to the rate paid the prcnldlim officer at the exaniln- ntloni ui not in ncrord with the tatuten in her ptwcumon fcjhe iilst wanted- to know why the idphk new industrial cammusloner w icirkputrlck of hamlluin wan 1 industrial coinmbinloner of npeebil meet inn of thr ulled to connlder a rcjwrt hi- r li mi cement by thr ommlttei jlli ualary will be a yeur with truvilutm expennrn u appointee corn to ouclph highly nnded and held a nlmllar parltlon llluin for ii yearn he will com- hli dutlen ulmat immediately proof liars for tlir llallon jail huluin county hulldlnm corn- met ut the court house in milton nd mudf a thorough innpcc- mm prank sundcrt pnrlfl lion been teacher deposed froru the position of jicac lllbhkchool did mit uone the name day unn o uw jul u reflllll vlilttnir nt thrltomif of mr and mrij f1 fr- 11 nrhnnli afcthiipubuouil un- muvjmmrtiamf l pilfteweo tm aruwwuhnittnunr hniyrnytiimc gfegkirggqggttfitft m 4thrrvthr r irvftiiw ana mothj ra r about ien dayn tcachlnn in june i i oeoriictown were sunday vlnltoi home of mrs itobt bennett mhw iiftbel lantu in npencmnir hrr holl- j dny at balu munknka the gurait of mr und mm v j lylo toronto mr wm cooper in attendlnij the aa- nlon of the masonic ornnd lodge of cuiindn nl ottawa thin week ffitr mitj mrs j a llndnay nnd babe iited nt the home of mm lindsays pirinta ut iroquoh thli week mr wm hlnuham and son thoinan of humlluin were vtsttorn nt the homi of mrs robert dennett thin week mr and mm fted shaw and mr john currle buffalo n y called nt a c currle i hrock avenue lunt week mr and mm harry orlff of oodcrlch visited nl the homi of mr a a and ml dora worden during the week pntmutut one mm j c malthewfi rrtumed home on monday from their honey m win trip u denver colorado uf the jitll as u result it wnn trojiitiii lghborlnit county at the initial cut- about ien dayn tcachlnn in june bulldjns in which ury of ja500 mias macdonald had rot thr secretary rcod the provision in thore churned with oftencea under the upphed to the board there for encaai- hln oancnnlon calling tor 10 dayo in criminal code are imprisoned several j people of acton oflcr thrlr june the examlnatlonn were arrunued prljintii are wultlnrt to be transferred to onurutulnllou- upon thin splendid out- by the department and he could not klnuiton penitentiary and the ontario co 0374 upon motion the secretary was in structed to tranjfgr to the corporation si 000 from the waterworks account chairman klnff rave many interejitlns points that had been brought out at tha hydro convention he gave a full report of the uctlvltlcn of the nennlorut and thanked the commltnlon for the prlvlleflo of attending superintendent wilson ttave a report on thr condition of water meters and improvements that had been consummat ed on uyrtem nnd repairs made during ihr past month the clerk was instructed to write uis coiincll rrgnrolnn the gravelling of the loadwny into the spring property the superintendent outlined the re- palm and renewals that were contemplat ed this yrar as coon nn thr agreements mere received from the bell company and the- hydrocommufilonto uaw- of hrhiti mict nd proceed with the work the clerk wan instructed to secure ten icw water me tern for installations and allow re pain of meters now out of come dy the way the principal of the rhuol mukiiu tlibi overture to miss mac donald who held the position inm year wnt u mali teacher mesmerized by uypslc 1 to have flimflammed wu- uii u bradtjvir of the mnc- ud co und h n icnowlec a emu taker out of 24 luhar luid maria prank qypalen were 00 luid coau in police court at dei itro fined s- ipply any further information mlns nephew had not received her check until june 14 mlvi mucdonuld hud been paid at the end of the month mr beswlck asked what the date of tin htatutcs were thai mr- havlll was quollni from thr nply uil- lola the supply committee were u arruiibe mi the construction or a uituble cao foi ihe trophlei u bi tnadi by mr n mcleod the becretary then read un appllcu- re for n a ory m or mix wm li tlu ildlni u w it net id nt mil uu- hloi i r nl m ini n und mr wanted at once exficrlcnced edge htluzher and ex perienced vamper oood wagci steady cmploymrnl apply scrooains shoe co ltd 33 ottlt lok sal ob kent comfortable tr- roomed house on hner avenue eliclrlc uuhls nnd water apply mrs aiice mcpherson prrivrlrk street lost a sum of money between main slreel nnd bcardmore crescent on baturday july 0 ilnder kindly return to ruth oiuson 10 crescent cahi1 of thanks the ofllcera oiid members of the maple leaf l t d no 300 wish to extend their npprectnuon of tlio frencrous sup port received on their too day mrs lappin w m mrs browne r b tendehs wanted tenders for bridge in noumea wcy a will be received by the undersigned up u council meeting on july 30 at 1 it clock for uie bulldlntf of a bridge at lot 27 between concession 1 and 3 10 foot span 11 feet wide plans can be cecn at reeve campbells residence the lowest or any tender not necessarily nc- 33 john marshall clerk shoes wn carry a cam pi t jn aj men heavy and fine uluui bay vour mlioe litre nprf have frtam j5 to 38 maple leaf economy store wonderland luiiuv july id while the city sicp hlurrliiu uui chuiiey the mun of a ihtmiand facra as u plain clothen nfllcer in drama uf new york uangsur lire ctnnedy wtiut a night itnbbii cartoon satuuoav july 10 anylmdy hero seen kelly rtoln uie held- of prniice u the bide walks of new york tarring tom moure huiry no 1 tlir fourth collrjpjiut kx ncwi- thesday julv cs tito river pirato melodrama starrliig vlrtor mi iglrn no o of the final rttknulug comedy creation k i- ullkuoiiy son this weeks specials nujfll oo j puckuls for la ok zcumiird powder op iltlkctb fut ltoq quick pudding pnw der 1 1nckets fui 1c pobt brnn fliikeb piilkelb foi 25c 2 nice krispics o 1ikkcib for uuc 2kin bkan jt iulkctb fur lioc 10 lbs s for 53c 2scrvti5 tomatoes oa tins for uc 25c olives large jai for choice luack leu pq per lb ujt 2eukic brand milk or 1 iiis for otjc 53c 15c viione i fur sionfless dates per lt lemons large size 29c doz 2 fry cocoa ip in fo lidl wa ilk class pci in 15c 2sauek kkaui np lnib for lidc shoe polish 2 shoe f tins for 25e hay hfntos 9c 21umikin op lui foi coq fltlish fruits and wjiitahies of all kinds at lucst imftsilllh ikkes cain red white sto j v ionios acton ont mlts grace baxter of lfamllum da pending holldayi with misses laura and lhl wn hud attempted to tell murjorle retd young street acton mr and mrs a l hcmstrcct of mlluin vkltcd mr and mm w a muriuy at hiue spring pnrk last week mr nnd mrs thus orr and little joyce of st catharines are spending n few tiuyh nt the leillc and pearen home wi dnrsday on charges of tlon for the prlnrlpalshlp ut the can ihcfl allnii tnted he was accosted on tinuntlon school from mr w m her- the fenuiloru itond by a number or rlnguin of downeyvllle hi- ab read u uyplri in un automobile who naked it iter he hud been instructed by the him ui w ii them cakci he refused chairman lo w rite nkjni him for fur uhinupon he declared a woman waved tlier iuxtlculuri as lo hii qunllflcutlons u cloth befori lib fuce whlcti hod the and alary rhin had been no reply us effect of ntupcfylnu him am causing him jel to do hir blddinii afur they had left trustee agmw reported that nl the he dlcovcrrd he was 15 00 short rcqu u tin- chairman he hat tcle- kuowlia usserlrd timt he mliscd 0 1 00 p u the nppllcanl bul oulng tti his baenct on holidays lit had been unuble stcd u kcl uiuch with him truster mn havlll produced u number ol newspaper clippings from rwo bouqueti from a locul viicntlonlnt fortune byprovlnciul imllcc up on icreubllorn itaod car in uhlch they were mill uf ti r figuring in an luo other a uto mobiles on d a ihort distance north lrn john 1ulr of fergus 1 mm archie smith of iiiilulned severe cuui and hwalble internal tnjurlcn f the auuu driven by jolin fair inti dlnit toward- ouclph and uu to puss a cur parked for iwneii hj john w woods of mi- oeorge reynold- u visitor rum the united buucs driving a car uwned by john w scott of ustowcl iituinplt ti to pavi at the name time police lute with the result that smiths car lolllded ulth the parked machine and luriud tin 11- on the pavement the top ai i ntne j demolished mid the front uu i one uli- were battered in the secretary was instructed t wrlta the retail electrical merchants u meet nl the next commission meeting to dis cuss together the problem of providing nervier for the consumers uiull another level crossing accident collision of electric car md automobiu ivrrck car anil almrwl instantly kuia occupants read- i ulhty fachool pupi m win j mcdonuld arrived home tueiduy from a months tour to urlt- columbln und the wcsurn province- a c currle und family lth relatives in toronto la stnylng for n few holl- mr und mn i pent sunday miss murguitll days mr und mrs nell mceachcm and llltlc duiighltr of waterloo arc visiting at the liuinc or her parents mr and mrs wm mulllii mr robert j mcphcrson and mrs i wm mcpherson and miss jean nrc nindlng n few dnyu visiting friends in toronto j ihl si ihiiiik u copy of some foi it phui of over eight thousand i us fi el all the more proud of our piiper i he other from n nub- t iii renewing hl mihscrlptlon us ulun vvi rt nd these lines i lululi you on keeping ilit frex up ui sutti n hluh suuidard you il ul hlh water mark and i hopi- nuy ulwuyi keep it there i have it hubtcribrr nlure the dayn uf h i lucking the f minder i never ui nilvi a number and we thnnk i georgetown joili of yuu and the editor and in tlt ists dealing with the ndvlsu- f tiavlug u male principal in high i she quoted from a number of ir the idltlcullmii of the uouid another of uu te llen reft rred to the ulthholtltnij or the nuuut mil tlelullt in ioiitkctliii with lontrjicu being in go- laud until ufur their ttimplellon the secretary made referent e ui the niter miss murconald had received this week lo replace u mult- principal on the stall of u high school ul uu lucnuid r alary und alto quoit tl uli experlenct in dlsctpllne thai wiu being hud in u hen- three niuh ti nt her high school stan the ubdui duughtir when him lie r hilary for abduction mill u truck driver in the i itirontoquelph express hhl before police magls- l tlic court house milton tin trial on i lie cliorge uf or the nrtcenye i u orgetow n home eud u month prcvloi another level crossing fatality with u toll of four lives occurred on sunday afternoon about 1 30 when the electric i i- on the canadian national electric railway which is due in acton at 3 it struck n motor car at the burnhamthorpc uoad crossing about a mile and a quarter wulh of cooksville john cox aged 43 of b51 qladxtane avenue toronto his sons jack aged it uid kenneth nged 1 5 and jack ulgg aged 10 701 olndstonc avenue toronto- wen- all fatally injured when the light touring car in which they were driving ui toronto was ctrucjt mr cox his son jack and uie rujg toy were almost instantly killed whllo kenneth cox died later ten minutes uftcr reaching st joscpha hospital old toronto ac- three hundred and twenty measured p the truck the quelphbound pas- nd spent the interval in the stiigrrludcii trolley tumbled the auto- evldcnce has been shorey ru- homc at miss doris anderson who visiting mr nnd mrt l turned on sunduy to nitpunec miss nellk- e hall who in taking i elementary cuursu in music at the it onto normal school was home over t mr u u arnold spcul a few dnyt n montnut lust week mm arnold and it v jrly u ho have been visiting there i- turned home with him staff make another resolve to endeavor m ui niiiinuilu the standard of tux fuse und pdesi nml warrant the kind comments lntli w genitiiuily given hud impbellvllle fatality pu iluvlll had secured a legal opinion expru tordlng to this and her bilcrprc- stored of uu matter miss macdonald the tl t been dismissed the term for stiiltn tucji she liad been engaged had tormln- unllui j uted she referred ui the motion cover- vrrdict an campbellvllle fatality mg lnu tyi published in 1 hut he nunc to his death as the the pate 1xtsn und the repetition of if being hit by a c p r train dismissal an responsible for the public it trucks near campbcllvlllc dttltudr when according to her inter and that the fatality was j pre ta lion no dlunissul had oct u red wns the gist of the thc rdltor objected saying that the rdlct brought in by thr jury empanelled mollau had not been publbhed in tut free pbei ul ihe bonrds request mm iluvlll replied thul rimcthlng womn than ihe motion hud been published ilie influence that the federation of had brought to bcu milton w ihut he had taken thc i irurk from georgetown ere he took her to his lord titncl locked the her there until next day j ihr police were niter girl ui the oil ice of lhc where hhe wns c p uccldei m und mm cooper ui d mr tlllugt- dcnny and mrs peter hlltx dpcnt ti u lew duys over the weekend visiting uuln torn friends in aylmcr and st tliomns clcur and engine mi or oiorgi cil thai li to enquire into the circumstances in connection with the death of william rnr who diet in uie oencral hos- pluil ouelph on july s the evidence it- 1 id eil ui show that fruscr who was on i hb wuy lionie half n mile from the i tcb uniblle nnd its tccupants an automobile top und seal found al the point of the impact indicates that tor one horrible moment thr occupants may have seen the trolley rushing down on them leaped up from their ueats ant thus permitted lhc cushion to be jostled out of the car but from thc crossing 300 feel northwest to where thc trolley halted with the puniils who had gone to wreck of the automobile wrapped around her mcoanu was lun front vestibule and caught in the ram in kingston pent- utrbrnkc gcaragc the radial track was littered with automollc parts and pieces the remainder of tly nutojdoblle was bruken and turn and twisted almost be yond rr cognition as an automobile wreck jceuncth cox was thc only one ol the quartette even momentarily to survive thc tcfrinc smash when removed from thc wreck he was unconscious but life thc lad au lingered and he was rushed to st record for j hospital toronto where he died imost immediately uftcr admittance rlgg thc pal of tlie cox boys may mr mill mrs ernest ipndlcy and son und daughter buly nnd vrral of land is boik flxpt uie weekend al the home or mrs itoheri bennett lake avenue wulklng along thc rullway hud apparently heard but hud foiled to is hit by the tuner on thc liilug very serious injuries carter campbell vl lie stat- imd been called to attend mr george a poole of norwich and j i poole principal of thc public thai school at norwich arc visiting rev jc i poolr nnd george nt thc parsonage 1rumr ul ihe rullway statlun at ouclph juiifllon on july i at uiat ume lhc un wns conscious tic said r time of uie accident he was ulkitin alnuk thi nd mm mrs it of n 3 ii wntorhouw of ro melcod mnrgart 1 1 v jersey spent a f of mr e frank ken- wtio lias been 111 fur r so is gradually i ubie on sunday even- bund toticcrt of acton mr wm hulcheon of toronto and tin 11 unk hunt line beatrice graham iil llttli ilaughtern betty nnd frances f wlnnlp g vlltd with mr and mm vui joliiiloiii uutl uthtr friends hi uiun track and thought wm loom ui pass between a tie iibei tit whlrh were scattered- along i lit hi of way and the rolls iiilillraud situation in thc llallon j tuunly ltaxllo u mrtlliiu of ihe ilalton county ie held ul onkvllle on tuesday ui deride pluyot dates several rn uhlih ulficted the standing of liains mot the mattc inattcr was fell to l- n consldt ruble handicap in solving thc problem i the application und its disposal mere tuld over until the applicant return- fri in holidays und has un opiiortuulty i uf replying lo the letter i irusltu ague w took exception ui the i fuct that tut fncx pbkss hud not inade publlc nixilogy us promised regarding thi rl tun tlon that had acurrrd in regard to the rcslitnatlun of miss a mucdonuld lhr ediuir replli d hint inquiry und i ihe ufli i uf u personal upulogy ui mk mardnuuld iiud revealed the fuel tliut 7 he im presi was not to binni- for liifuuuiug miss mucdouitld uli tin- inelii- brm of thc board who hod inirvlewtd her he therefore hud i thlng lo umltgtec for a lelter from ml- j a mucdonuld was linn read by ihe set retnry rt qucliiig ihe decision of the board in urlllug us atir hud heard nothing from them fol- tlloutng the publlculluu of uu information a ilrlclil vounj itoekvood student mas tor melvtn brldgmon elder son of mr and mrs harvey bridgman itock- viood r r no 2 und a student of guelph collegiate institute has been suc- ussful tu passing his recent examina tions in lhc- flmt form hui create something o hluielf huvtng started to attend a rural himil ul the age uf six years and lias passed from his first year at ouclph col- jvc lruped to his feet and tried to jump liglutc ul the ace of twelve years he cica uut through some freak of the also has the honor of never having t he was found hnlfway down n lulled jn u nnal examination up until 30foot embankment west of uie radial the imtbrent of mumps in ouclph col- track while thc automobile wreck with hglult in february ih lad liad nttond- u other victims wns carried on past id nnul miumii and collegiate for the y poi iu mhoved a little to the post ihrei yeuri und one month without eaa un uuiiil day he was formerly u purh there are m living cyewluicsscs ex- nl mlsn jcv1 undsay lenchcr of cc thc rndlnl motormnn frrd old- illoiihuiy b s no d nus3afluwcya to nr ji mary street ouclph albert uhuni great credit is due for uie lads noskcr s3 foster avmur ouclph was sue rut she having put him unough his t conductor 1 lilid ilimik limrlh litwik anc entruue irk uli titili of a hos period of frliuds join ll jlkhl wlslll i the ouug stut of tw in yeara ingratula- ieoikjetown mavok seriously hurt on toronto police athletic team constable alt bishop son of mr and mrs a 11 bishop acton is a member of tw toronto police athletic team that is competing in uie police games and b ports nt montreal yesterday lie won third place in the flmt heat of uie 320 jurd race le ti a mciribcr if the tor- 1 onto unuxryelny team also pilgrimage to martyrs shrine old i rt c imnrie jemiit mnrtyrw iruvtm linu putt imm f la rev j i mtnully i d ilblmp ol uninlluii canadian national railways special train li hi kcriiihiikiita scivcd low kale r jhui miiii fiiil linc atimi iiss u in siimdatd lime sunday july 2h olunn high mwu win 1 cthbiutid iukiii aijivol of 1 ruin ul hhrliie sjiefiiil train ititunih sunday evening s1c1i11l llkili lallil i hum n it station tickit atilnt alion dmaultl piriy mi 111 y mil mm jus dobble si mr janus xiblt- jt und musur have buen spendliig the putt ks on u motor cuinplng tour to irk cily and returning throuui e of mautc uid mrs chus merrlloeo und of chuthum and mlu kathleei rllev of dayton ohio made 0 brief but tit day gu vhlt ut the home uf mr aid m vlni ent in rimlr uiuic fropi u v frhfidn in ottawa und litiitrlcl 1 muijistruu- mihmf wio ui vlac-prcfil- 1 dent if uie mujrbtrutro aasoclntlon or untutto la utleiullnk a meeting uf tiic 1 ixitutlvc at uellevillc which b preparing i the prtigramme for the annual convention i to be held ul barrle in september mrs wlllliim clinmii and mrs alfred iilllln of iupilngton vlilted on bundu at uu home of mr w ii walkers ih y n tinned home on monday unr hu vlni vliu d two wn k with rrlnllve 1 in at ion und vlrtuity und ubio with rein- ilvi 1 in erin ml murjoili hope of detroit form- t riy of acton nailed last week by i hn duiliiss of bedford for england whrrc nhe will ipiiid two moiitiui visiting her biothir mr william c hojie ut lijir- iiiur ilford miss hope intend icinuln- ing in purli for the winter returning to m uu tieul ui january tin at ton ttuni und may pluce 1 in on l p of tile ladder b the i of eligibility of hull and cur io plu with oeorgetown after pluyi d ullh at ton und not bring 1 1 leam tl 1 in 11uguc drclded i wui u mutur ihut con i c nol bo by uu m until such tline us u us glvin by mr snider prenldcnt ontario llusebull amateur as- ii ai things stand ut pnsent the nltuulloii b a tompllcaud one i- u urns iiu lulling alton bunch- in lup uni uiiihliir can be dune u the pluyhilfn llulil afur uie if mhteu tlefefttn aotoii hat reengogcnieut hud bt en ollered uli tilt public school teathem und did mil untlclpuu thul her position would b tilled wllhiiut ilrsl 1 imsullliiu her sht i thanked the hoard or ihe 1 onjldcruliini clruady given her during hei long 111 peun 1 moviid by e bi nwli k st cinidei by o it agnrw that the mieretury bi and 1 is hereby instructed to write mlsa aunc i muefjtdiuld otutlng thai the liourd b willing to have all the tupply work given to hir u nhe u able u accept same all ol uorget 1 ilia to apply for thi next school yeur tin auy liunn currud i at mhun and 1 he hi errtary was intlruuted to 01 dec 1 kuy llalr ilnnrd beneath heavy car whltli dvrrturnrd and took flrr sunday marnlnc a inn ucildi it 1 ccurred on the wlllh in nil 111 nduy morning un no llllthw t a- 11 esuit of which leltoy dtile m yni iii t eorg town b in si joiph f ho pltoj out ph in u very irllliul t mil lion ihe uccidcnl 1 appell nl uttiii 11 liuntlr d yards cast or the suim 1 hill oue 111 111 c hlghwuy ltlwln llouu wn 1 dri lug the c ut and jack 11 dial tyuc jr und f lot i letters to the editor the humecoming ldltor puce phesa deal sli in the hue bull iiluy any chut oe thul the ui boys huv l if into the pluyofla is nidi 1 no 1 al 1 id tin e tin sle is looked 111 u th li k a id it i up 0 the whole town to luy hoi ie and eh it thr loys gllllll lltlll oil ini ullini seliih the question of i and- banking tin s bj tin liourd rhr liourd udjoi mint is aiiuoimied of agnes uighur pf mrs maimuihtc jam s mucmurchle of riu to john pltminj mahon in ol the lull- ml und mrs nf abirfnyle i lie marring u 1 quietly on buturday cltiiuin till evknlntl meal dkl siml id mn nni ma all 1 luibliisot of lort of mon- ito mr i mr- aiuhtu 1111 and fuiuliy of mi vulliy mki helen rohon of miipi r mi und mm e irke mid las of lunksmllc und mr a huhicr rin iph wm- visitors with ml and hiuilluu 1ilcu over uui vucikeiid lollowed the main as limit timing the un shrll hole thry fou or twelve tit rmaiis inlly uiissetl by the woll mild titan u folglil aid from u party unihig to gcorge- niuig various lhttaiiu of the acildint nrc- gtvi 11 uilr i bi inn thai 11 blown lire caused liu car louudi lo takt ui tin tuuh ii tun along in ihe iiussid inch for uihiui fitly feet and ntruck o huge urt just inside the fellt r und ovrr- i 11 clock i turned tin un lmnndluuly umk fire 1 all thi 1 of uu 01 cu pal its except mr i i llih wile able lo il oul but lie was piiiuiil bmcath the car a pusslng wrvtce uiul luiklly iiuiiu along und holuo un- lar fiiim hi btkiy p mi dult wa terrluly binned ubtiul buth arms hi rlcht leg and both feet ilutiil hi lilt aim mn luokili aiil tie huftrred it had mt ulxml in liuad- ill- boots were vestetn bin 111 it ill hi ua- attended by a 11 lurge 11 mgi ttiwu physhluii und removed to of ten til jtneph n iltuqillul al ouclph uppur- in romimiiilcutlon wllh ihe hoipltui jl 1 ih fore going ui priss i lib morning hit em tin follualtig iiptirt on mr dale s -i- 1 iliu111 was uli in he hud pusett u fulrl up atipxitl night hi t nnilltlon was just about aake th siiue and hi is in u wry m rinus lilidlllctl lo une so fur removed bul un eager render or the home coming report thr uccuunl given could hardly be received without vurhd fee hi up olad to sec that ui many had responded to thr cull and absrti in thr ycnernl wurm wcicoino of hie coin pan y of cath other and there wen- ubo things wlikh would mobton the eye and bring thc throb to tlic tlmial in realizing who many of uioc were the distances uicy had come and the oud recollections of the vanished hands und the voices that were still there b no room to rully particularize those but i am uro it was u fuct touching indeed was the tqieclflc lu- t glvtui by the old mun of uir melons eonipllini nt u the honored ex- jiindiifusttr jtihn hill one or the most nndeit and rrnrillff of men but a grand iheli umi uu uppioprluuiitss of the txl and uu- theme of ihe irruuiu at tlio ink and hut under the- described luuiu ituiues of revt rruce and quiet i might rsu 1 1 in inily ll nil wu well worth the reading nd unrlliy of the publuht rl yours ixuslvely john ti cohnnui iuwu ioini wuconsln

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