Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1929, p. 2

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iiiuiliiav july in mail mi i iii llflln i ik bill i anvii r tint m i mititl itiuulu ihi 1 t of ogiim and of mi cl it of it uoililn unn l d iiiiitininii unci nrriil t mi df xillu if tr ilit f rlilldiu ni of thr imir devout nil tjf clod a mi rry rlundi r lo arh hmvy blow iiimniilty n drmnndi on it nteudlly aiul jjl 3firvv jlmui gjjmr tnrtj tllji closed jxkk chronicles of ginger farm wrlurn sprelalir lor the i rrn irr ia by juoy ogltady hy nli111 knap y- 111 ul wil u thud of f v uik pnpi ni 111 tin y bli morning rnntrlbul i ii f fulling leltcrn imilmnn l f itlon nt mn iii rd th mil allwrt iui h it from under tin nt whlrh tin twi murray n id ni nil mother xe li pulled lilr long li ii ill breukfnu uibli e acute d i a oli nunnd cejllege utulngur h rnimiltiil in he tort nil the wruppi i i i hi fnolbull li nni in t yi ur win i i dandy nevi r brak n unci i lint lxiy li i kir i mil if you w it i tlim yuu romr nil right nihif go to the rr i l hi fooltih it t anon and i hin door if you dun hluk li uld nt u 111 thr li till lrd ii kddle wllllaii dun l belli u f hndn t hoi ould havp name in die i 1 1 i diiiir ha1 rhungid bulldlngi an jul tin rami hie tin iilr li delightfully f rhupil i th only n w out dom cum urb u u p mr ay torn now it in pulcd and tontlnud hi i alb rt lhb hi your nni with rem wul brilliancy fat r n mnrlui window i think ii hlijjjiy wltward i hi r m e nrmiiit i in the air tin iv i kim reluctiuit to nln d rlty of moods ixuum i n k rrhia woinlirful of the faculty to i rather after he hud been linrmb r by mother nuluri at tin i olid thr ali u and thin break forth with in i luightt t mill in though to atom fur in r pa t ungrucluu wnr but nln tier tiipihliii in mi ofterrypclli disaster in day for instance practically evi ry fariik r in tin dt triet i inn a quantity of liny ju t waiting to curm in and now it mu t b liiiind out and dried and win n j ull ii 1 1 finally nudy for the bam it will ulllt hi of wry inferior quality hawrv r j now in ulwuy what wl josi on tin iwingi u muk on tin round a bouts and llu ruin which has soaked our huy will do infinite it i hid tn the crops and a lor tin potutoi i rooli mid garde n i al nii il i mi kl wi ur they hav grown up pieilubly within tin last two hours oik poor lltlli chicken got i art hi in torui i found if afurward1 cold niul till in llu urui1 near th houni in all appi uruiiu it uui and but know liik from pol xjx rh nu unit a chicken t in likik ihi duidnt thlnfl that vijr died and ja wilh uitl u tl luircd to lift- i ii mid tin poor drowned lit lit iboct nrid hrftimht 11 to tlia houw into mollu you i t hut hit i xp nu uouu r in i ximii i huvi a job now i am thankful for ivtry penny you n but i want yuu to nim your money a rolli n courtc at olenwood sun mother i want to no to olen- ii ui uu iuiubc into u 4jjt ktt l iutjj rnin ahlflfwir unit hliki u ua ylpplnu in half an in ui it mi libit to ilt mi and uim iniurl hiunit and in tuo hours it win runulnit uround oiicl more with i havi alwayn planned to but h ti t nn an wc can t do anything i llnl ill a mother plan to go i ii think about it ily tin way howard lamb l plunnini to k to oil u- thli fall i am glnr uit unit i that jimki yotii nrk hnrdir a lurlnui tlttk i mill puckt red hli lip- a allurt inilluted about r plying lliiuiird iiunti had blcn hln ht i friend ui ihrouuh hluh school hi uas tht- ik phew and ward of charkn lumb the pinlr nl of the llncotnvllli bavlnifj hulik ii nni thruuiih llnwardi intlu nc that allxrt hud oblulni d bin jjrtliit jioaltlon an clerk in the bank xo ilia motlicr wn- iiurd in pjjjjltual- ttir r t if alb rt dou till b t kuiik of till tleki t i will ihul t in qulik muil it tli n i nib not eomhik in a mom nt ilnunrd wan in a put mood wlthiiil a ihouiiht of th mat tin t eoiui qui nei i ik uat tin door a liny pin j am yoi pmli i lit dour with i li perf ctly ollen b a pn tty poor i n- liliiktu and woiid rfirkjneehanlnni rlooed klucutlon ullh hlith iichool with a bang junt i vadlnn a frantic leap f i jittli liunlnci talk with mrn for tin knob murifly yieurduy i found that her af- llir cliiiilii of tin door which madi fnlr te not in nucli bad condition an albert murray a prl inner in the black lluiuht with a llltli betti r miui- ilepthi of tin vault brouulit howard niinncnt nic ought to have a fnlr income ijimb innlniitty to a realization of what hi wan talkliur about rome tock which hi hid i nr i he door wan a modern nhc thought uorllile jj but nho wnji wrong uni jock whlrh could not bi ojienrd tin n she mild if nhr could only ocll intll levdi th in xt mnrnlng to lifo that nln eould mnnngi albert n collegi mrh n oftici in ruihed nun pr ildint ijimb wiui itartled ni tin i bought out all in r itock at a price night of hli ncplkwii while face whutn thai inrprlnd hi r it did ni too wlttii the motti r now 1il rhouted befon tile i think about it but i am glnd i did it pantlnir boy could npnk pnll enough for that itock no you and oh unci itn the wont kr i havi nhall hnvi to cut of all unneccuinry lorktd albirt murray in the vault rllln for thr next few yearn no don t u ii me yuu havi dom that j nrle charlie wan the quick reply i i have mibuid howard ihin munt will l ro ironomical at college that you minn roiiiblnollon that will opui l v111 bi b rrglnit niu lo upend a nickel mon hi fori tin year ii out don l vaiit to go to tollrgn lliiji year whiith uiiit i tlinught you wrro vi ry i iithiirlinillr iilniul hjliiff rnptaln of tin ti mn ul jlnnunoil i i did want to go uiul i hop d i might play mi a hum or do iniiii thing in nth- 1 llin but you j now undo chnrlli i r mm i v hiirln r allurt murnij uuuh in go o ulonuonil mi kut uoinnln nirw hi him i in trying to iiivi i nougll llt ru on ioiui ofjiixold onkvllli i dou t think in uill evi r niaki it on n frluul i lu town lii bunk h rk i alary ih ought to go mrn cli rtnuli ia may w ho r 1 1 hi dud wui uti of tin big proii urn from tin high j hool i tulf j lb n and wili worth qult a bit of a position i inouiy whin in led but he mid liln taff inollur have had u lot of rotten luck j councillor 1 ii jnrvln hiui n nigni d nlnr linn hay ijnrli churlh if i f the offln of pri ildcnt of oikvllle tuyid on and worked here don t yon i no iu canadian legion tliitil u could lit him go on my nl- i niinunl picnic- of knox phfin li lomfud id id ilk aim now to inaki nuixluy heboid wiui in id yi iterday nft i up to allnrt for ihul tlmi in the vatlll ooii tin party uolng by mo tori lo i think your plan in nil right ljiilj i nfjnlli pork it cord il will not uork i hnvi known mir mr a hull had thirty nvo chic km i murray u long tlnu and i lmw i he ntoleu tin otln r night iiiuilcl never allow you to do hla ihlng col ii o cox and mm cox an 1 limit think afbi rl would iippiove thin w 1 k i tl v fjandrrnon principal or gi ntr nl glvl llu 111 1 dinner in hool had flfly pupil 1 writing tin c 11 i bi llevi i rould put irnncc xaminiitlon awl fortynun pn n kj if jou glvi your cuntuit i 1 til- in n hard record to beat n r it tbi erond olih agiln t th minting w diimduy th lolh an oflii ir miurfllon and i would j j munl li buing taken of the tnilli if i let you iloji your i i t oundiui highway and ncvmu inti meqtton jm ii mi its ivid by ihi undrnlkiinl r iiqli laying water main mh in tin rhool june nily jj idjo partlculam i mmhllrntlofn ma in hli i mcplwruin tin- 1 upply tin- pipe llu cb r not necrnrarlly ac- n i altmkit cirrk red rose orange pekoe tea is truly economical a half pound makes almost as many cups as a full pound of cheap tea costing 50c to 60c iiiv mr croiirtoii of fjchombcrg and formerly of blxtedi ol upied tin pulpit of knox church on uunduy whlk kcv j i wcdderburn wan prrnrhlng in uchoinbcrg mlno ilenslc itci died quite udrinlv in the toronto qcncrul hoipltul f h wiuj in in r uminl good hen th ulun rb wui taken 111 and had to u l iki i i turonuj in tin ambulanci 8ur aibrt uraciy him n turned horn vliltlng with frlmdn in uiinolo is good tea red rose orajvge peko a good mr a h no thm wai with tin old one but itwjth till how could you ever have lone miclmr thing i don i know i ik two w n down 1 llu vault now tlk bajikij carefully xamtidnu tin door a faint knock in u nim within ahowld that albert wcu muk lug frultk i effortn ui mt out wi mu il gi t him out npented howard ovir luid ovlf whlk the banker wru ttlll fulug with the knob the boy durti d upitairii mid lo thi ti itphone 0i i hli li tin l hicolnvilli having hank wi tiuvi a man in the vault t nd i vi ry pliimbi r you havi uu the duibli hniint wc limit break into tin hfrtm sicrnrfwiqrinirf tirothi b iy 1 ur wloh could i d iiccijul with all the icnth li but ala purunr upluiud him thl wait with th then half llu timi juji then tile lock on tlil in until truck lightthirty iixl albi rt exclulned i imul hurry the day wan warm and nonichow it p daily long to altut as in und lying a ifor of knots that ulll protmbjy nrvi r uu dmint tuk cog nl7iiiui of modern i inivliiinicrn k tel plume will curry a miiiagl fnoter and niun rouvi nli nlly thim flag nlgnali and with 1 i i x rtlon and a match can be ti in k fnntrr than even tin b nl scout ean iiiuki a iln by friction dancd uiwii sorry li u nc r all ui him uut call up your mm and get uuuu iiqwns jdoii t ypiu cm- tni3crftntl- it kin i y of i uron to rpcntj nd with mr and mm wnj whulir hlnktuim mr and mrn 12 nolik and mr and mn k wllbi of cleveland ohio wire gin ili of mr robin hunter lat wuk mrn m licit ham rclurnid to in r lumn it i oli do ohio nflir pen ding a moiilh ii huiholm inn mr t j dunh rum a number of work- jii n iiigiigid in r niodilllng hln hoou umn to dgnal f compleud will be quite with llugi mnklng finu by rubbing ntickn ul mpi1 a iron of knots tlmt i is scoiitinc imiitactical tto outald of th bay hcout hi iiuch uat bcclnj1 1 luntial i ijcoutlng p to uppdir why the young man who much thm liarning to nlgnal mr i h mi of ogu hu keilipaiul ur v lilting i di laney and with mr and mrs win othi r relatlvei mrn hinry of cheltitihnm mm ilccvcly of uramplon mrs morrl on and mr cecil uiycock of toronto vbilud with mr and mrn it u wilkinson on i rlcay lnil i luadlli chickm li 1 r uicluitlon lunded thru h li gittlng 1 whig l healing nicely i how much improviinint id n j ml all hopi llu llttk quili tuilu but he doe n in flying bonutimi wl la him out o hi- box in tin lunroom and hi man ii lit lo get u llu window alii whin h alii hop about and chirrup to thi bird oul kb hi do not make any fu- about being c tuih and haudkd and uft n il on hli pi rih and watchci ui quit huppily with hi bright biudy eyes iin t it hurprlilng lin influence u cluuicu rumork can havi ycj tirduy u in libor cum i to vl it and as wc look id ot tin gurdm hi wui wl in wander at hi protrm my garden lufi hod mad whin wc want carrota and bee la hull know win re to come nhc nald and ai for uimuum and cabbage your arc nwuy uhcud of oura i dldn t my gurdm uut until jtini 3rd about uini tnki inler than my neighbor but i don i know uuil i can luke any gnal cridll for the way il has gone ahead true i iiuvl hoid thinned and ecu but i iirtalnly huven t broken my buck ov r it el vlrythhig i planted hai grown untl rowo w ii ycsttrday wl pu uit a fc ui quite ua much to knp th do oil iu tin chlckeiia as lie had ai annoying habit of running right ucr tin garden t n routi to the road to bark at llu putiuig rura my neighbor will her ii nt rou iio li lull loui rciiiorka gave iiil fruh imrgy o that i attaclccd with mi llu ledloin tajt of thinning out the curioli etc for the lonl time i hli wnk i hnvi been particularly i luler for wild rarpbirrici arc once mon in mil on and oh joy to have 11ml ji quantltlii of birrln with sugar and r renin is blks hide d of courac lt plik llu in and ii bometliriea pritty rough work hurt li old wood to fall nvi r iuiu in w and old lo scratch one nrini and rubblt or noundhog holca hid di u in uu i rui or lin bushap that can twlit a p ruin ankle i in lean time thuji it luken lo uil i his morning be ing hoi 1 thought runpberrlm und cnun would be mon in order for diflsirt that pu or pudding o i put the new potnlnc iiii to but und tin ii slipped oul to tin ninri t in die unit in juit a utile whlk i had enough b rrl s for duincr whin i got bark to tin houe i found th p luiix i had boiled ovir and put th oil nlovi oul ki our diniu r for once won not ejull oh puiiltuul os it should hnvi bet n houivir it dldn i much tnalte r k a tl started in to ruin and purtner wan i not in any great null to l out partner l ai a rule k fairly good umperit an mm no but mil if 1 want to keep pj uc in tin family i dou t lake a chance by ke iplitf him walling tor mealn thai i find ii uluiii t a crluii i hen an n exit iiuatlng i lie umiliuu i for a woinai no inutlir what nim i mi lu do or win- hindrance tin re liavt be n tht avi run mall tiitiiki th dinner rhuuld allll il on lime of toiiri if he hon a job lo flnili that ii nn tiiimly dlflcnnl m lwl vtl an lu doe mt uilnk to let mi a ul1 l u ncr about tli nillur expected how u lid l the bank niur carrol uu of the boy ith alb rt ttirtild t howard call d up oltu r plumbing c llnhmmln but found everywhere the name condition i he men were through with work and away in the fourth place he found two men doing overtime work but mu fouling li teaching boyn u be iw rl mt if k mc i to erin where ttulowf it li only fair though lo i fl mr j e austin rrin time trurk wan gone und tin electric drill ut letter win vltl too heavy little utrlngj him and u ki d where i nmb loduy7 how ihouli i know i have no n him uniwlrid alberl 1 1 anlugly j replied in a volci uough io lhat ull the nun in the mid in ur murray had a little lamb tli flei r wan whlti an miow and everywhere that murray wi th lamb wui huii to no what inakei tin ijunb luvi murray cull- murray dun hli uork look here joe i inn uboul fl tnehu tullir than you und i weigh more it you don i want a vlry une ve n cra yon ban me out eif your poetry laugh at tli ik n ply of tin older mm coiitlu id for joe i purodlii but il is a shorn i wii howard minks oil and leave ull hla work fur ome one else to do pnildent lamb li on much to blam the boy he ought lo know that i tin yi ar old lad with a new cor mu porkrls full of money would nettle n in re to work like in codgcra who i know when our in xt meal la coin wc quit spoke up anion and neci ury uppuralu to bring by hand i lo tin ihop howard rushed in hli car and biought buck tin two men und tin drill on hli return he found a curl jiii crowd mirrouiidlng the bonk near he front door wa uu umbuluiicl which hl uncli hud i ummoiied from a near loud by hopltal room a white coati d doctor was jut gllllng out of tin ambulance here young man lu eallid to howard gtvi mi a lift w ith lliii i an of oxygen i w r u hav a drill i lu thing to do li rl u lioli ihrough an inch in dlauu l- whlle in mt u u n baturlug uwuy oncrit und gettlni a larger hole through i can be pumping in oxygen lo ki p the boy ullvi lly thr time th liny hole was drilled dou n plumber w n then from elf renl i lubltihuieiil ull willing to work but dlf ft rlni iu ui tin lxst method of dure ai the men pulli d out the d hli ear liixj- to mi il l only fair though to judge the bcout movement on the rertilln it obtains itecc nlly uwiit ii oordcn carter noted writer wrote a letter of commindotii lo i boy seoul who hud done the scouts reply to th tim you hi njeh for your it tt r io otily dolni my good i urn the oay jack 1 idman of pod ima niw york city uid thut thi good f urn umountid to win leiied mr j c austin n rerldcnci join with the cl litem in welcoming tin to the village when bloating in connection with ro work on the fifth line crln lost wee heroic ortrn dlncovercd what might be u t iaifge mica depoiit the blajt turned out many large pie cci of rock from whlrh very good amplts of mica could bo tripped in nln els whither or not tin mi irking iiuaiitilli revolutionary in 1924 still more so today r jt was tncvitdblc tfidt chrysler should dttrdct d degree of scientific interest accorded no other car in the past fifteen years i fngmeerc naturally were first to appreciate that cjirysler while adhering strictly to soundest principles of dizsqn is a distinct departure from previous motor car drftctice and kgh mm oerf rormnce the recognize in chrysler an- advance dutomoblle advcrtumnt april 19 ipfu while if it ls of any mi nol say advocate trial mlm could how has chrysler done it when an unknown mofr kuitlinfton lr cl mccord uf wrctde vlhitlng rnucs in unrlliiku rlct ir mid mn j w itattmb j in rmp ix you know thnt the twilight base jl gumi beglui hi just lwiniy minutes who t goliu shouted joe i i cume u chorus i in uye seem to have it nald joe ing a di cp vulic how about it albert are you going huiy answc red the boy without look ing up then rtay here and be u fi sil if you ut to old grump in men be gall putunj llielr iy ai jin eanu out jf the ilopped to admire the varloui elec iricitl ceintrlvuiicea on tin inavy door uu you know ihl vault l mi tufc that he company that put it in will pay our ink a reward if ii la broken into blop your talk in it and coliit on joe rlid amos we iluill be late how i an mxii an albert wan left alonr in the f room he brought out u she uf uf late i uimiti which vtre due thnt duy it wu uu lost eif tin lonki which hud bit u u ilgned to the beiys an howard hud bin nwuy albi rt hail dom his own ulloumn in feire now on he workid away on tin x writer a feeling of n ie nuiu nt fillet him if in was nol a null and a sneak why eld lu wast hli tliu und let other ii hli work ii uui not i hmiurd of idioeil day had lino good puli alway shurlng uitl wot k and play biiddenly bbi thoughts were interrupted i a pleasant drawl come on man lis pait quitting llitu i buw th ri i l hie bunch down tin strut inuded loi tin lwlllghl turn my otli we d be lire tun rv nn of broutllig contii biuuls who h flclitilly hi lime aemrdliik to tin i willi h prepun prutlral wh n pllihmnili wh wb i whh i wuid ju ii timed d purutory to uullsla rcimy 11 albert vt i with hli lent up am hi tile bunk an talk i ihirk ih v nn v luu ig hot poluloen imnh n ge tubli h rt ady for the tub utn of uu man of lhc imu e lu ii be lure in a minute ill no gum starling anything no potle ri about nioven thin mi tlu itov and does nothlni liulur a tin pn clous mliiuu 1 pially thi kki man saunt r in i l h r i lu rfully twirry i m 1 il r but i had to iliilih lhal job xiui mi leii ik n iiionitrutc per up in a iiilld kind of wuy but it ii ally rillni u i li o ll iri nn thuil ilk uni hliii in ltiniul child for unlnl n nil ml hli t i assinm nl wh lit e fo fkiiil i iiiln but in w ll thliik1 id el i ill ill k thi t eo the will d id r ady 1 did hum i gi l good ilul howard m your uncle charln wunls llu m oul uu time chuck tht m i bay and come on 1 will do nothing of lin kind itiee 111 on lies uu uolng lo u 1 nhull think yoi would wiuil to pie use your bucle i iiaile pile of the clamor of velci eemld hear bnuihiug within hi r ail right i uu i hmr hlui briutl exclulmrd young laimb und lhn i u n llcved note in ids voice he doctors iinowir brum lu again th pallor to hl cllee ks yes in s ullvi but his bre uthlng is mighty labor id h l unconiiloua now ihe oxygen will rtu miim gone bill you can i tell how long l1l hli hi art will stand lhe strain i i or two hours urn plumbcm worknj aide d by ull the bunk clcrkn who hud mine hurrying back irul ua hclds a simui ic the u ws w occident iiuehed llieln ilrsl tlic- on crete was biaun down with hammcra with drill and torch they worked tlixough fifteen inches of bulllidilp steel tlicrc were imu s when only u fe plunibcrs dou id work and thm the clerics would gather lu llttli groupi and whisper howard i kinw by th glances which were cal in j books his dinctlou that lhe men were talking vault i about him eler i once out from uu of tin moot ix cltid groujis a singli word reached hut i an he turned hli head dtllontly nil r thut direction h would nut allow llu boy lo nuy inch thin it wua an uccldnjt hi would make that joe cilttui take it buik llu n hli uugei left him as quick ly on ll hud eoiui and lu itn placi a loathing horror seeind ui fill him if albert hud etli d in that block vault htt hud lu dim haetn t the boys a i light to lull ll murder hi bank into r i i i hair and wivind hli face with hii luinils it did mil mutter now what any i i in itild ihty could nut think am i i of him ihan in thought of himself ll tt en mil h filt u hand laid on til u mldi i uid ail rt i intithir wan t peak i know how hari tht is for you ward you dldn i mean lo do it i i txrrrful tin ti ou wouldu l huvr hunnrd my pi rtn i in u ir more than i would myself tiuiiu how in tvrry botllr i i an though tht good iird lji l gei irlc oil f irmtuu lo lei any liorin couit of it the leiul lliilnniil i in lirtliih albert oul tue if you j of iiuui muuy t help j ju ulluylnu puln he rk n bore the ibnp unciiiiscliui i rrrlify thai hie my through the hulnd crowd uiul i ll il wiutditiul dimly km w whellie i to weep or cheer by th ninull iili n till iiglu of thr pallid fuce pcrhapi i h i nliii i person to all lhe throng i mr mm ray ai idle climbed into in aiiibuiaiu btilel lu r miii al 111 ho jilt i tin re were more hours i i ixloui walling hesldcs lhe efli i i ii phyjeiu albi rt alio suf ie rt d from uit u slrui of tht brulu i hrre wiu u dug ii railroad in tie- o i sn ur k il jamulru itay thr tjcou w n iinn 1 1 boy fall from a raft tin ft truck him knocklne him uncon f mi i hi bcoill dived eif the ire lilt n cijn 1 uu boy on lib fir l dive ind di i iulil hlui to short rhi n nungldh mr iuiu h adiulnl tend artificial rcipirj fiunlli u- mil i uiidl iluy nuchi el the vichiily of i alb ho jjltul an umbuluine wn num mr unci mn larl blmmoui mil by uu seoul but by tin hint it of hufrulo l nt tin 1th of gained rou frlendn hen i ici he turned the mrs it w dingle lift teir the scout went for hrownivlll qnebee lo i the funeral of her brother in law s may b imprucilcal ft i alfr d morrlmi rt pronilmiit re ildi day but tin wuy they can thai place vntniicrll l burnt thing miss he bu clallow m it ucout i idman i work land it holidaying i nut i lie honor roll mr and mr d j john on of akn of thousand- ohio are the uihl of mr and mi victim had thi in tin lr die themii hlnk nuut ihuriduy iv- hreiuli rmeud ju liik rgency motto iy an an im really btudy their ab rulh li whm yth thr baiei full jack oraham ovr loo chlldrt th opportunity to central bchool mr john culp huflalo n y w id mn hurol when an unknown motor car as chrysler diei to graip ihc ie nlcrslnp of a great industry and w itji the speed of a meteor sweeps to a foremost posi tlon in popularity md sales it must posses s extraordinary ejualily andability when the first lirysler ear wis plaeed on exhibition tut yearn ugn the whole industry looked in uu izement it what waiter p hrysler hid accomplished within four years i hrysler had leaped to third place- in the- industry how has chrysler done it what is tht secret of this success simply that chrysler have in the beginning each year since has given increasingly and today gives in still greater measure not only a finer grade of basic quality but a higher order of performance beauty style power acceleration safety comfort all at most reasonable pneeu such sweeping success must prow inevitably to the buyer of a chrysler car today that he can count on the most advanced the soundest the safest and the most satisfying motor transportation his money can command let us prove these facts in a demonstration clinysuil 7 10h3io1050 eight body style chkyslill vi5 j13j5 to li60 dy siyle ail pntct fob vtiujttr onirt plaint- whit iu i r miller 1iurt of detroit i nl llu uf july holidays he n with hi parents on lue day u gang of uicli under button commenced leurlng up tin radial tiacki al tin rudlal tatlot pre purutoo to providing accommodation for tin bun i lu the radial siutlon yurd on sunday morning lait ui mr h c hjminlil armudu nnit uua laklllt caull ucr ull highway opjminlte hli farm a enr drive n b j c gray of 1 orouto ntruck and killed a four year old eow vuluid ut e tin key imid and uu iujt wai damaged to llu extent of about jjjo 00 tht front b lug iniashed on monday evening jiuit the contracts lt m tlk to build llu iitldlllou lo the liurllngtoii mh li sthool wer uuurdid by th uoarel wing i a iliuhi i iin lh uujl tl u llll th am unit of 377 odd vol d by llu i bin do j iu iiiwujs ll in tttl rtl t 74 u jo m id up f fill 240 gemml mu0 jiiliniblli und iltulllik 7h ll iltctrleul in i s an hit tilral feel being j b b0 iiliikei u vi lu k h i wllft ui p with lh l nde ri rectived and chairman fret man iwuyi tuke a elji on u pri h 1 yratitudi that tin hoard w n ubi to ik tin ei nlrui ti wlllil i iiiuti i jazt tu hi ulphubt t li ti v i c h r y s l e r motos oduci h a coxe itmiie uf mam street clmi lhi can v i i a n illah lj i i ch r y s t i r for c a n a d ians tntlul ii ton ulral il t ir thomas le l one of thr nioj1 b in jl ly m i i liun i filllade tphl mtlly i till- wolismir ol- hitch hikths mlas 1 thel audit w il clin iph cieuerul f ure flptiidlii tj nl wu uiago h ue h is mnli1 melnleiah p dn 9 spcta cjitrou own butteb 4 c fancy jumbo salted peanuts p- lb 25c crtunri cheese ch juo mi of iniunj baj ctby bacon th nwiim fund oj jlul m furtk 28 lb 3i coffee tun upmiw il he i llu mii of hli head inv fulhn i th vuult kl ugalu t m lf tllc grope el his way uboul in in ueujue uncnnicloai you im i sjndleal lug ml jiii to m e hurlllt r iniilru t i hpup i urtle bee i hi mdr l it old i cud i in f my p itxd if i did uttl whll i lnit ho pailiu unit till olik ii utuud to day gut ui in j i ut all th prruchliu if thonr f tatenitiili hi send lh m jlv about jlllliull iullllui bry fr i dllor hut i cuii i eiun l explain why iublk iiuiiroviu lilr 1 amlly iliyj nil u b nk ward grubbt d g him t if al im uwuy ut a he hud lukm tlunpi la tti iw writ 1 idmuld ilk prlnttd it u lh lo work jl ge ttln t si be albert lu lal i auiuiucr job and now tin men ut tin bunk and even albert thouttit lu ought to ktip hln none to llu griiulilont every minute ihrrc woj l nothing fair about it a uid hluyrd on in hie llttli which i j ned uilo aibertn room unnolic d in sal in hla room 1 and wutihed alberts demr i llu mu hue begun lo fill llu room with llfchl whtomts mtlrruy dlcovnr i im thin ou ikhii boy have yuu at in ti ull night in the durk ne vet mind uu i am all right how uvi albeit llur li not any thaugt h is uu a and mm nun but hli luurt ue tlon la lod ugan mul uieri h hop on homi utid lel u hi 1 it i llitu lp bfn you tiuve to txgln work iu tin hi hi bank i will t i pluio ilh fu lki ur photograpii in if piibllcullons hike ignore lh pit belun seek jl flying field wlur iiuiudth bird of the ult tl for a tilp lo africa h i a la ot australia while lh intrt pld alimen an getting n ally for th ir dun ft g runs rllitht ant e uiliug anlde urtlt les a lhat weigh a jiouud or two in thut more flit i may b toudi d nil uk lilikii tht ship and muk yoiuielf known when lund liu1 be i n it rt behind llu y will not i vliltl corghia buirey uev j vv alklin wu iiilit kutlnus al fat iimi i ussiuilliii hit pasum 1 d llvi r d two ihi uf j l sutherland ti shore y s residence enue und m j 11 1eee spltul ha i d by i lilted clu hi 1 fcmnduy plali foad r- slmo oo n i lit jt timing in s huoimi i lb im ufli m roi w y in lit be llu cl d to take il whll letlln t nldliik ut the t anudu alubuillu to plum lur nun i i hllni threi i mllum on uuturcuy aft in mi laiggiiii ugd jo of 1 man ltd was lruslu d bitw ears and reerlved inurnal id tin 1 vuuabl nlol t il till you but k i mil aked jiopurd ifral ihtpiui of th til in tin u fee li mk tl j worm nt f uul uayi poubl u mi u dw lnr you wuu hlji i urh 11 i mu ls 11 ul ot ri v ijr lhmu i ii win h i woiki iiii r eicliu liillainiiiutory pain uul th bnli mit ii pit em of uu ninely illy nudliiiu n iuvis may had l th lea t bit of change llowurd thunktet mn murray und then went out liilo the fnshnci of lhe early morning i will phuuc yod at lhe bank lu said lo hlntulf he felt wiuk l l i unci ilik and tin last pluc in tin world liuck in the vuult alberl wan filing h wanted lo u wici tei hut bunk bud way a bunch or luncellid checks lleeinily a nt w htiwurc born hi ihl night uld have li fl thim until morning but if nintilng see und to speak lo him his ad them on an excitic ui eljuork and alberts uia wullliiy for him if howard a nlghl 11 eld not vant a i r ith hiui to uu gunn i tun if he inr went anywheri hl frit ud nt nln d die tin double veiik mill hue nil in lie o alliert mi iliu if ulllll i afti r albtit rtlutnrd to t uiul wi ut to his utuli n prlw unite charlie lui began plan i in will m ly thlim that kerpy 1b villain of the flisl wrtu fuel tl y didll i know you klaiiti ring uie livt s of others ill tin medal eif lirrol m rv t btuls of uu dumb hrav iiutn will b imrin l altar f l hitch hiking i lel hard h hond was taken to hie eif ijiudon champion mlj lily mclugut it n if ni w voik is vl itlng relutlvei lu town i mr and mrs i lobe rt mejuuiull uie vliltlng ie latlves in lxlrolt mr and mrs walt r kou rl walker mllum aiiiioiliue lhe e nuiu mi nl of the ir j hi litter duugllle r marlon aunu to ml i cleirg cllfloid hill only sou of mn hill i und tht luu mr ch urge hill of mllum uu murrlagi to tnke pint early align t llu oli ae pensions hoard of ilallon horlriy ouiity nu l at hit court house tin ut day for ortuiiljitliii w h morel lrafiiliir wan eleded cl it ut vt llltilu of milt llnl lud f lh uiwiiiieiu w h mordtn t wallliib for him itw f i cut a tbartyid dltrmlnd young man vv and ixprnuiei nurfhrn know j j n mlltim hun did dnt laamb saw ul lhe d k that wnn uni hi an ixibl d will j t n n p villi iml ihrouh ull that dnudful wek a and lo tlmili applying 1 ll usr 1 1 of uuilhil llowiiel dlf tin double wiik mill i wonn ilwel a no t httivt nti uhlih h liuet iitiilee m uiiilij elat mimlfuin it 1 ub oiuti in e li an all at it t thin viii rt mn in ave the door uloiie i llu dihu im dun t jou kiiuv uoithy won exteiiiihiutor ilyin iltttiv lug thi t ih ul liu h tin hid or hop i must tru i- jft iclaj cdilir que i olives canned muii li libbyt colj iuci iii ttmj ilnl- ii- o i4 bo di cl p h 17 fwar oak n pttki mui iv- jl lulbrt mulvllcf i ua 1 clol i mj inn 1 ii i ia1 pmh lh- p g while njplutue soap s bars 36 e glumes ale sji ciai hnfilano famehm b p sauce u z3 1 1 mons rmjal lt8 vjdu tlown mc vai i wclfi ohangus svwi jutcy goad sriviai i ui iji uuuni pur 47 lard 3lb pail summiib sausagu f or uutdk iluicil lb sii1vi1 1 ilaa imjjl tod isiulcr ulll mai z coitn fanfy ejualay no 2 ua sit ia1 qwutc wbtiugrali jii rice ilc 3 nts mf whappud ubi ad c on i4m im cokn hlakhi carroll p- i piig 23 posts aran tlakiis j pig ji sphcial aylm u qudi 1iicial ay lour ouurc qtiiluy tomatoes 3 j conn starch dutlum mm i z ji1ijy powolks d luu omul q puddings meum- us siicialuplon aufmlr sinwurrr fs2c 2 pg 23c z ehlldn inuny 4xo mjmmeis dbiniu- pujmii onijj putuli at f lll b i iiuluatoi i miltl uu 1 ill mothr mill street w actoni ontario

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