Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1929, p. 3

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qfyr axf ntt 3ttt jimu iiiijithlmy luiyntimo a 1h1v h i iv vli l ry thiit roiiuln hoyn ik way yon put up uu llhl pill timl you ho linyn i yi u inivpl it rlulit i i il at lh top hoys 11 il win n tin jolirury in u i ii vi i lp oiv the road til i mows half conn i i il 11 rvtu henry helcher to 1m tlu ildid critter that tried to jet uny u hlobc of the wlddor clcmrnt in n trade wlm n bciti try in u twit the wldder in n trade inquired mr pcowlcc with lively intcnnt i nhd hope anyi in ii uml in rr filu has it hard noiiuh crntctiln to ffct alunu if she bets all hint b i iiibi to her i dldn t nuy nnyone had been try in ui bi flt hir returned mr dclclier placid ly i wun jet n punln ier a i know the wldder t not nil that b limp to her mid if nlk uln t i ixt taint her fault how n unit mr peanlce- questioned pernlrlrntly well i uaf ffolu to tell ye if you c vl nie tlmr wild mr llelcher in his leisurely way f cut a lot of will c tilrrh in- 1 wlnti r for spool timber and tin r vn i mr stuff left in the woods thnt unnt fit to haul to the mill tops and llnih unit junkn with knots in cm tlmt wiui all rlnht for firewood and nothlnu rli i hnulod them home all i uintid of it but there wan one utile plii thm f mdn t rcc till after die snow wan uon o i dldn t bother with ii you know caleb tliat white birch ii alinunt doze in two fobv nights co you can t bum it any more n no much rrccn iwnplcr i hntid to tlilnk of that good nood spollln co the next time i hup pened by the wldder clement a i told her bout it i ffot a half a cord of oood wood s i that i aln t ffot any use for and i thou oh t i cays tliat mobbe i could haul it down here and leave it in iour yard where you c d use it rather n have it lay outdoors and bo wasted a i well a he took up my offer prompt iiouah after she found out i want cain to charge her any thins for it and filie p tnted out the place where shi v anted it piled bo one day uic flint of this week i sot the wood and hauled it down to the nldder a i dldn t tec any t hi no of her round the house but i piled it neat just where she told me u and went off juhtipbwln u ml mill iianci mini hath n wenry pllfrrlmnn aj through the world in wi nd on lvcry stage from youth toage dtill dl contiiit nttrjridi with heaviness hr cas hli ryr upon the road tnforc am btlll remembers with a sigh i he days that are no more to sduol the little exile goes loin from his mother 0 arms what then shall soothe his untied a little wryly i was drlvln dawn that way when i saw the wldder start tods the road slf she wanted to hall mo so i pulled up and waited for her bhc come puffin down to the road and took a holt of the wheel sir to keep mo from get tin away i wanted to see you bout that half a cord of wood s she well a i dldn t you find it right tain t that she says lookln in the eye real firm i found all you left i guess but you oald there wan a half a cord of it and there aln t it foils short of that cnsldable ben shaw as coin post here yesterday she says and hoi a sworn surveyor and he had his rule with him so i jest had him come in and measure the pile and he dldn t make a half a cord of it by pretty nigh a foot so i jest thouaht i d men tlan it to you she cays and then you ad moke up the half a cord if you feel like doln it or let it go and we ii cay no more bout it well caleb mr belcher said dozed y for a minute i wan so s prued that i scurcely knew what i did want to do after i a made her a free gift of the wood and hauled it to her but never mind that what i did was to uim that hoss short round and go back home and there i loaded in two libra feet of wood and hauled it down there and piled it off i hope the wldder satisfied tliat she s got her full half a cord this time luu wrshytiriatl nm thu unirui pnti of imr rhurrh ut that hum t met mr llihliman tnvrri1 llmiwt tlkrtl him very iniirh ills olilc wun tit no i jordan fltrid lnfonto i in hln introdin unn lo the flmt volume whlrh wiui nil tin hi brown ilev mr cnnu rou i u id hoping chat um follow i ilf a will be p ruu d lit the iplilt i rnmmiml tin in and tin reader to ii in vh is able to inntnn t uu n unto i vutlmi jams and jiiiiih iv jiki 1 by bauhaua 11 iihoou i oonr arc the days when the kltili steamed nil day with boiling jelly l li all avatlablr tablrn were covrcil wi i iwiltlei and jars when thl icily mnl hrrnrlf came to the cud of thlo impcrft day htalmd hot and tired i he 1020 method in u make a f blonses of jelly or jam at a time cook quickly neal it jind hide it from the family so that it will lie ready for the lean fruit montlin ulx or dulit b aviet or jelly will not tin any odl u id made on several days during each special j jrtilt il safion will net a result which docs h oil or to any preserve closet among the bent fruits for jelly arc curtuntn red raspberries slightly nndtr ripe grapen and opples and crab apple i otlirr fiulti can be uncd by combining thrm with u juice rich in pectin or by using commercial pectin 1 look the fruit over carefully dj a small amount of water to juice fruits urn cover the hard fruits such on rpples cook until tender and strain through a jelly bag without squeezing do pot attempt to use more than two miarts of juice at a time use a ten earlier j n kettle boll the juice rapidly for five minutes add the sugar and stir until il la dissolved usually two thirds of winn novilty hath lo t its charms condemned to ruffer through the day ruitrnlnt which no ruwarda repay cu ot du ta cnch c j w111 b and cans wlurc love lion no concern a j o t right consistency noil hone iinguiuio on nhc counts the rapidly until the jelly lest is obtained two drops which oom together and sheet fiom the spoon pour into clean hot glosses when cool and set cover with hot paraffin jelly is nerved as a spread far bread or hot biscuits as a garnish or relish with meat for jelly cake or jelly jumbles here are recipes for filled cookiei and jelly mufriiu jklly cookies 1 cup butter 1 cup brown sugar 3 4 cups flour 3 cups com pukea 2 teaspoons baiting powder i teaspoon salt up water cturn i 1 rom hard control and tyrant rules llu unfeeling discipline of school in thuuifhl fi loves to roam i and ura will struggle in his eye- wiiiil he nmrmhern with a sigh the comforts of hla home j yi uth comes tin tolls and core 0 hfo turnntit thi nrtlesa nilnd i when shall the tlnd and harassed heart its c nsolatlon find i hen la not youth as fancy tells 1 lfi 3 sumimr promise of joy ah no for hoc3 too long delayed i and feillngs blasted or betrayed i in fabled bllaa destroy and youth remembers with u sigh the carrlew dnys of intmldv smart woman captivating chic no one can n mplain lint there u no point to nomcii f itlu ins hun summer tlierc in almnthnrc if points i fw tiered fii uuer were ic claimed in early sprint n mf f the most important dcvili pincnti in style and points liave li nj held in unmi peacliahle position when ihc li are allied hie rcitilt h a ctinniit frock inch an is shown here the cape collar not in lw outdone gncs in for points alio and the lie ends form a jrraceful imw cahlfi from rnuti neiitat and rnpltnli rcsorm report that women nf fashion arc weiring frocki llfh t iits in lovely orange yellow print -fashionsfor-the- smart womaxt nf m pfvvl si 10 1 ill 4607 lijp q i m ahrhwhatiom i little i hlldren rrylnic mi uttli rmiu nt 0 1 i pill ht if tin f n in matottnrnhnnooa ilow arrl v cs and othir thoughts came on hut with the baseless hopes of youth its generous warmth la gono cold calculating cares succeed the timid thought the wary deed i he dull realities of truth back on the past returns his eye itiniimbcrlng with on envious sigh tin happy dreams of youth so reaches he thi later stage ot this our mortal pilgrimage with feeble atop and glow new ills that inter stag await and old ixpirlcncis kani- too lau that nit is vanity below life a vain delusions all goni by its idle hopes arc o er yet ngt remembers with a sigh the days that arc no more southcy valulp literature at low prices jcuy nr hn imh- milt ii m ctlwfffl imivuuut lias been sifted with the baking powder and salt then the water and ast the corn plaices roll the cooky dough thin and cut into rounds spread one round with jelly and put a second layer on top pressing the edges together bake in a moderate oven 375 degrees pali rcnhelt for ten to twelve minutes jelly cornmeal mufpins 1 cup cam meal l cup flour j teaspoon salt 4 teaspoons baking powdlr 1 cup milk 1 egg 2 tablcspoona shortening jelly mix and sift the com meal flour salt and baking powder add the milk gradu ally then the well beaten egg and melt ed fat pill greased muffin tins one fourth full put a teaspoon of jelly an a ci assic costumt the iciurate skirt ind blouse have nc hack strongly into favor a fa in i licy form such a dunning alii nice that ihe old stigma of slurf wiist and skirt la entirely removed moreover such two piece costumes have hecn riven added impetus hy hie cnthikosm accorded sleeveless hloiis and lightweight wool or cotton sweat ers one smart skirt therefore forms the basis of many attractive combina tions a distinctive costume is illus trated here the skirt heing modtshly circular with a yoke which permits the luck in and the blouse lias a ftatteripg jalot treatment i pttt a caliuifu in morocco ihr rural free delivery system in this country la the outgrowth of many years experience u comes as a late result in the process of development in moroc co on the other hand it seems to imuji basis of a system yet to be formed only there in one respect in which the two methods differ that of our country b maintained at an expense to the govern men i but the moroccan system la source of revenue according to the fol lowing account glvn j t rr tx-fwgn- f the following interesting epistle xromj v thc p0ch c0v formlr resident now living in toronto conn in the ldltors mall the other jay the editor handed it to me tho flrst time i called 1030 onr oi- takson haven 8 fights one af the most beautiful and thrilling iiarratlvcfl of james havens the original of the flub lint parson magnider who lluurcs in mr ldward egg lea ton a ctr cult rider has not been told by that author it was related at a recent con fcrcncc by uti old companion of rev mr havens indiana was full of violent men in tliuse days who thought it a fine thl ig to disturb religious services especially at camp meetings and the preachers cami times had to defend themselves and pro tect their services by main force porai n havens though a man of peace and wonderful gentleness was a redoubtable antagonist when attacked by ruffians of this stamp while tlll a young man havens was once eattnu his breakfast at the eauln of an old couple in a thinly settled regions when the doorway was cuddenly dark encd by a big and mfflonlylooking taxn who demanded be you havens the flouting preoch- rr my name la havens and i an preacher said the circuit rider well i reckon you d better get through your breakfast right nmurt i m iiotn to give you a good thrashln well returned havens i don t remember to have seen you before and if i ve ever crossed your track it wun be cause you were up to some mischief that called for discipline hey you pushed me over a high bank an i got my face scrauhed up i vc ben lookln for you some time on now i m goln to lam you very well come with me down in the liollow sold havens and if youre determined to thrash me 1 11 give you a chance but let us get well away from tills cabin where these old people won t have to sec or witness the trouble the preacher started out with the ruffian down toward the woods they went part of the way in silence the nifflan now and then glancing at the preacher and seeing no sign either of fear or bra ado in him presently the man cold bee here havens you d better go back i m a hard fighter and 1 11 hurt you bar oh no said the preacher if you want u fight yi u tl better pot stop on my nt and reached the srclu w when they got then n and elder i tell yoi i they wlnt oi sloii of the iiolk till ruftlun said iitt i turn i in a pretty i well iris nit diwn here a minute llavriiii ird the way to a log and loth sat down on it i hen with a little talk the prcaohrr dr w from the fellow a confession of the wild life he had led and aixkc comforting words to htm in a little while both men were on their knees with faces bowed upon the log and thr woods resounded with prayer luch ea few but this pioneer cxhortcr could oftpf the old people back at the cabin heard it and knew what tum the fight hod taken they came down and joined the meeting and before long the fighter was one of haven s most promising con verts toronto july tl dear mr kdltor i pm you these few lines to soy that a abort turn ago i got a copy of d b cameron a sermons on the ephesimis i was umozed to sic it in a yungc street bookstore and as fresh and mw as if it had just left tin prias i was still more ninnjud to find that the price asked for it ww only 10c and for a vol- umi north several dollars as 1 tiud luard u gnat dml about tin buolt whin it was flrt publlihcd whin rev mr cameron was mm t- ur if kn x church acton i ex pictid u itrmt ami from its pcrus nl but i must iuy that it is beyond my ixmctatlous llu writer ocema to have a complete mastery of his itubject and u wonderful knowledge of the scriptures how uu pnachura of that period caiiu to my mind lachlau cam eron j w roe hugh a mcphcr son of the presbyterian church richard hobbs joseph edge jacob e howell of the methodist church and many more of the preachers of the long ago then lhcrc were john sjlghs w h storey edward nick lln and many more of those early day folk came up before me again there were ako the campbells the mcgregors the mc ravishes the mc klnnons the mccajins the oordons and many more came to mind as i road this book of d b cameron a d b cameron was not such a good preacher as lachlau cameron but as a scholar and deep thinker hi was far superior to him to my mind j w line was more eloquent than either of thun some years ago j w roe preach ed in acton and i wiu carried away with his eloquence i made the re mark to u very intelligent man that we iad listened to a very fine iter mon and the reply i got wiu that mr line bilongcd to the old school all i have to uay to that is i wish wi had motl men of the old school i think ftomi m oaid u john mclaughlin priucjnd in the mom lug and l b cajinron in the after noon and 1uchlun gamiron at night in thi prisbytirlan church what inrgi longregatl ma uure wuuld be i fancy i can an the dead of long ago coming to hear them such tjllfi how netting just a word about boolut if you can git guod book- for 5c or 10c each i may well sny wlio so poor ua to bi without n library many really good boolts may bi liad for n l mon than ijc one of the last bot ks i purchased woo wall s on the world to conn and it cost sc a thousand oemn by uuiryward ucechcr oust loi sincerely c robcruou jelly with more batter and bake in hot oven 400 degrees fahrenheit a desk and a ciiiu s nott the old fashioned mahogany desk was insufficient ground far a family quancl but it threatened to brink about oni when aunt anne died without a will llcr two nieces eunice and caroline each fancied the desk it was thi ouly valuable piece of furniture tn the nous moreover its claw feet and brass knobs its pigeonholes and secret drawer had the pi canon test of associations for lirls who had played in aunt anne a sitting room all through their childhood eunice was sure aunt anne would hav w an ted her to have the desk beenu she was the older caroline was equally iurc tliat aunt anne would hove given it to tier since she was named carollni anne the ulsters discussed the matter for a month with steadily increasing bitterness and finally while caroline was out of town fur a day eunice bore oil the desk lo her own house tlierc she began to explore its contents it was stuffed with all sorts of things from recipes for cake and jelly to obitu ary notices and the family oofltn plates in the secret drawer that wonder of childhoods days she came upon a not- on a tiny yellow shecf of paper written in o chlldlah scrawl she touched it ultli a thrill of surprise it was in her own hand in a nosh its history came to her caroline had once gone to visit aunt anne and had there been selxcd with scarlet fever pur weeks eunice had not been allowed to sec her little obiter both had been nearly heart broken over the separation in lle midst or it eunice hod written this note and despatched it with a bulky parcel to aunt anne a house now tjic read her own childish words dear sister caroline i am so glad you arc better from the fever i hope to see you soon please lake my doll blanche i don t core tf nhc does have lo be burnt up afterwards she u tho dearest i have and i had rather you had her than me your loving sister eunice argument could not have persuaded eunice to give up the desk but the warm loving words from her own ten yearold heart broke dqwn tile barriers or holiness with a burst of tears she came to herself when tho next day on cxpreasman left the disk at carolines door she found in it the brlcfisl of notes it ran dear caroline i nend you aunt ann- s desk i had rather you had it than mc your loving slater eunice caroline never quite understood what coiiir over eunice nor did she chance uo notice the queer grammar of the note bui one who knew the story might well revise tile uxual judgment that child hood la selfish and that middle age at ways betters it ui sacrifice for the- good of others and might soy with words vorth heaven lira about us in our in fancy swinging along at a jogtrot a native courier a barelegged and bareheaded fellow with a pair of coarse slippers thrust into the liood of hla ragged cloak and a wallet on his back approaslied our party and halting leaned upon his long ctaff while he informed us tliat the head of old melood a oppressor adorned a gateway in the principal marketplace of marakcsh mall trains and native postoftlces be ing nonexistent these- hardy letter carriers represent the whole postal system of morocco superintended by a govern ment com mission or a corps of couriers as trustworthy as they arc indefatigable to be found in every town reody at an hours nntlcc to under take ihe longest journey perl taps through disturbed districts always over miserable roads generally sleeping in the open air the courier has been known to do the double tip from mogador to klarakesh about two hundredond seventy mllco within nvo days and a half the fee of which a small portion goes to the gov ernment being just eight shillings this it shoijld be borne in mind is the pay of a special courier on any additional cliancc letters he may carry the charge is something under a penny thrtt arti tlm villi thi hrut in ii lltrrt will kok after thrm urchins brought n juiitid imwllderrf mluhbiiru in f n u wurkri cniild reach ii strut imi his illon n vialrd thin r lory lh in uirr tin nipportrr of thr family hud bun m h d to the hmpltal llu re uau n i oppirtiui itty for hex lo consldi r tin rhllilnn vltli the rmill that thry were left to thi lr iuu i renurces i it wan not curprliliig tliat tin ii yi were- crying the condition of tin rj i m i they occupied was appalling it nrcomn clntrd all til lr funiltun i hi kllrh n rl jvc tiie only means of cookhiit hi id the temperature which ordlnarly would have been unbearable da you wonder that the thought of ruing to ihr country mm n iii net d tin robbing a few telephone calls com pletrd arrangements for an outing op n farm and the discomfort of prtxeql surroumlngs was uion forgotti n in the excitement of making preparations for thr trip unfortunately it la not always po ibk ui find such a happy solution for these rniergencles enough invllallonn an never extended to meet the needs of th under privileged children of the ct y c f toronto could you open your home to two lilt b r or boys for a period of two weeks this summer although no remuncrn tlon can be offered transportation is arranged and a free medical examination l given efcch child before leaving tin elly earuv lioetesa la asked to state hi r preference with regard to the tex and age of lier guests if you can consider tills matter favor ably will you communicate with v n stapleford oeneral secretary neigh borhood workers association 22 welles ley street toronto enclosing a letter of reference from your minister fae ljae7aer a eal critic an amusing story was told recently by ii r h the duke of york it seems that one day while he was at the royal naval college in the lie of wight lie was overtaken by a dpor fog while out riding alone and com pletely lost his bearings co uii uvci uiuni iooku1q mr n au tldln bout for quiu- a while howtlie small merchants in looking in vain for some familiar land mark lw at length espied a rustic alt ting upon a gate turning his horse a head touardr him lie asked my good man li ihl uu way to ityde tlie rustic surveyed him critically for come time and then told a cu8tomeu won i have often wondered said who rambles all over town looking for bargnli the streets off broadway manage to make hhcir living i know something about it now a year ago i went into a little tore in greenwich street to buy an article uiat cost me 12 cents when i rinally got il ihxjlrst- lima i md wywmnb fawirl kimttheortieieincliouah it waain ills line he thanked mo for calling his attention to it he supposed that it would not do me any good but lie would get it for uie cjiances were that some one else would ask for it i did not call for several days and when i did i went out of my way ten blocks he knew me as soon as i entered hla atore he said he ordered the article and expected it any day he asked me to leave my address saying tlmt he would icnd tho article as soon as he received il i went into hla place several days after still going out of my way in doing so the arucle was ready what was the result i have been going out of my way ever since for any thing in his line just because uu mer chant had been so obliging we became very well acquainted and one day i told him how i had became one of hla cus tomers why he replied that is uie way i get my trade if i dldn l try to accom modate people who come in here i would have had to close up long ago i suppose that is the key lo the success all uie htue merchants in the off streets it pays to be gracious new york sun i-tms-tacf- challenging s rlety at our color show conic sec die beauty and vnriety which essex offers at no extra cost in every other way open to proof jespcx has proved its right to dare it cliallenges the performance the style the luxuri ous comfort or any car at any price no other gives you back so much for every dollar you put in a uim choice ut color at no ufliia cost 84 o a bta adult size six i me to inojc at roomy and comfortable asupi ii six motor challenginir up to 70 milea an hour hydraulic shock absorbers 4 wheel brakes radiator shuiicn and air cleaner arc ctandard add up yourself the si 00 in cxrrai tliat essex provides at no extra cost your prcacnt car will probably cover tho prcacnt car will probably cover tho tmirt limt pnymi rni ir f y j1 jtic m whatdelcolight means to women l delcolight brings yon daa electric ligltt for working sewing reading running water in the kitchen laundry and the bath room and for the stock beat of all tireless electric power that supplant hard manual labour use it to run the washing machine the churn the vacuum cleaner use it for the toaster fnn electric iron let mc tell you what delcolight will do k ha1xajntyne distributor far oelco light product gulltu ontario gjiliiiiiiii il the more we are together ttie merrier well be thus goes ihr jolly f ihr oow kh low ship hrothrihood i mam siinplr folksy nonls hut much truth is rmhodied in them uulrss we hang togethri murh ouijiiuuly prospriity is lost to arton loiisiuvi tw priiitei he j doing his part in helping along in home town hj huynig as mm h a- posihle theie yel much oi the woik he can handle goes outside ilonu ji haudhllirh itrmciurm r vmy buck when cvtry will- nut uiuturl t wore bobbics clermont irrsa and the outfit was not complcttntsr out a linen dunter coat and a thick luprohe crtuis city news and every time you started somewhrrr you got c lulled and somebody yelled uii it tuirse florida tlmu uutdn loitiy ylaiu3 ago wtll w1l lu forty ycum mjt ihu summer aliicr mir old minister of the i kirk llrv l u cummin brought tits iwi books f sou iwaui each on cxihwitliii of uie cplhtlc the ephej liuin iihtl was quit a furore about it it idii t mlih jkijiblc tluit a busy in lai in r i old rind timi for such u division n t lw txmfca contain elulily iilur urniuiib on tin lptiuluu nd the licbr ws every one or which hc iirttttlud in knox church w lhtrpnl to or perhaps tiny were beiiitf dlllvcrcd proud of our minister uclnp bought copies or tlie wkjii iu mr cunieran put in acton i wiuu t as ny frhnil ml j nobcrton nun limn 10 ctnu in tw voluiiks was i and nvr d illars oplrn ami mliil a doll- oiiaueu think acton a skpt whllr i was so an uutht r tlm two bikl thrm on u rtuii it fi r thi y dollars for cuillirius p paid hi in f r my not ai nihtlri as my frit ml s ropy as i mid 10 j of thumblntf u twuk be c it ndi to rub on the a trump kn ckd ul a tucheii door and said ilroac kind lady i in a nick man 1 lie doctor ulmitic uiu medicine but i nerd uomctliliib to take it with ihc lady was ready to help poor fellow stir aald do you want a spoon and a if lass of water the tramp answered no mum w uldnt trouble you llu i thla medicine hantir be uutk lyctttc meals have you bot a meal handy t t t wo a k k k i nd print r a lluw ukkn wn pruutd by c iliac kclt itoblmujii wlio publlilicd tho cau- uie reply ii h how f f far to it to h barlmvcn tlu u litlemuii asked a traveller in tho ftmuker thr man stood up wltliuut a rd and went back to his chair car another jiuurniiir anuwerrd the question tin n uiubht out thi- uufrtuidly one why dldn t you answer his question jiiflt then i d do you want m m uu to u bet my t f fikil luaif kn n uoeked off was come in and test some tire cords yjteve got a mighty interest ing machine here that wo vant you to see and us it teetf tiro cords shows tlie mffes ence between them it lets yon actually moo why the supeftwist cords in goodyear tires add greatly to goodyear mileage why they reduce blowouts and urotrouhle come in and make some cord tests for yourself anytime h a coxe chrykllf lie sxiu plymouth cars ihoni 5i acton ontaiho caij rota m 1a0 lt0rar bfundiu aaj orillnary tonit sapthji no ixnrfit l ltvll ii pi mini i k on have is derived ron liinis who ome you pay as lo wait lorn c v im ii oiiiill miik ii won selhn for the il on lie no c lidik e to examine it until the imiisim i v irk comes hill anil then hi le is the a o i i anl ahoe the stiai iloiif willi expn rhl in the ajri to l i e ompaie this with the seiviei ol llu liil piuilei show linn what on want and ik ii five yon just that imi know eaell y luit the woik will cost is oik hed i hen helo clian delnei nullum es e h made lled o you can e the fi piomptk the s i vi mak uil i iitoie il ininoi pi lntm loo- and ii ml i local i all ou stand to gam hy tan handle youi work not loi et that his active suppoi jv v on and youi hiismess iiciiiiki ln youi friends aie my liiemls iid my inciids are youi friends the more we are toelhci the merrier well he yhniliniiu uiyinim in inuiuuniiii igipm fit in i mm m i j iji

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