Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1929, p. 4

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3hr art mi jiwr jlrwta if i i 1 11 s a i vti s i in il i t lical ii i m ihtnl s suvlrulwtcks afi thoiuoiirl to ac a nmiiiti tlik hiathritbjkd hov komic iukht ttimon mot lontf btfo u itrlilirniktl nf ckve land vimlvc tt intuir froni hlu ltiwy r iwrtwrt t4 1 lucvylxiy mild liu on in rtiiiti towm m tin comity prnclmnilnji tlmy i j i r tl- y wulnwihcra jifu roum not rd u word of it hut c flu hii a t own nnywhuru mid pointing out the would probably h u niun pujdiitf with iiumiiiit tut irhwiw iih wife who hd ucl ihul flocked lcc centre it w ni i w ilvrrynnr in tho hawkins ainlly imuuii- jn t a difference of idea iii to wlmt form ii crowd j nrruri w the youni iho t one f tht l towiio lum week a triiil of n youiir mir nrt to him wo vm yenn olitor i j i t hi rl liun it eujiy mild jack one diiy ludy wn held nnd reported from another of the ihllk ot llloliwr- i uu uo ln hcti ciowded centre in the dmly prcs according to the until jui tlmn to hurry off to irhnoli report the court room was crowded there were au 1 v cncca 11 icndy for u to drlnkl laughed mary ncunlly njt hve pcrions at tile court proceedinn i ifl hbr tmo wll t0mtf juxn i r rtly the estimate of ii crowd at these centres is very ctiouuh nnld mr hawkins lai him m i i lake llfff euny when he can sniiill and now ice abnormal fntherinis that hap that indeed wan the attitude of tho hholo family jack imlped herbert mow ibr lawn jane helped him with hlu arithmetic ntvl relieved him of hu task with uqh regularity can he understood ditthwloii on nonparty ht the canadian weekly newspapers association placed themselves on record ot their convention in i ondon of being in favor of a distinctive canadian flnr the resolution rend whereas we believe it is dcsirnblc to ndopt a distinctive dominion flag for onnndu the dcsijjn of winch should include the union jock resolved that we appeal to the parliament of canada to treat this matter on n nonparty basis and we further appeal to all canadians irrespective of race creed or origin to co operate toward the solu tion of this vital national question other questions of equally vital importance would be discussed on a non party basis and in most cases very favorable disposition would be made of them once or twlro imtforrt deciphered bul hand writing for him could tin un uml tank it homo with him hu wlf hud no b tier lurk thunlii why dont you tukn it ovrr to jim mithon tha druuulht film nnld riiry any he can read anything lie knrtw it rnorrd to an important law mutter and wan anxloim nlwut it go lm put on his hat and overcoat and wont over to lutf dmu ntnra cnn you make thin out lie ald 1 he dnijiflltd took it and flauced ll over he took it in the nrnrt kitnm nnd looked it over aaaln after a lonu icnitlny hn marched to tlie luck of um vpvluinakndlnblandv8intftp bn1 plared behind a partl- con tlnn the uentleinan thought that very tiiuksi imning july 18 1029 pyov when ilertjert enunad high school iho work proved difficult for him nod he pcrvuaded hi father to let him gc to n preparatory acliool one of thfl truster a claiumate of mr hawklna made it jkumlbl jy ccttlnff him a scholarship i certainly am lucky he told the hoys ln the hlflh school i ve had a lot of uilnua come my way wltliou jo much no tiimtnn my hand you re lucky all right tno boys agreed it vaa n very plrnanitt uwugut to dwell uj- tii had b en bom undtr a we wish many jlcl star lnnt 1v aome chanco all ihe pleasant agreeable thlnsa u uld c me to him herbert liked the id a tu url that he kept his thoudhta fl- i upni t until he believed that no mu fortune no failure could come to him he took five years ln tint preparatory school instead of four he moth frlendj in hla easy carefree way there was no question but that he wis on agreeable companion he was not even concerned babson the famous com- frythlnb would always be all 1 right 1 he was lucky among bis friends ln school was a big ivcn beat a most extraordinary statement was made a short time ago by roger w mcrcinl statistician in his announcement he says that he broadcast an advertisement by rodio at a cost of niph potter wliase father owned likely he had gone to get a magnifying glaiu he was gone a little wlille and thru enmr bark with thr letter in i ham and a good slaed buttle in the oilier thr re you are ald the drtlgglat what a thu inaulred the gentlr man why your tonic who cald anything about e tonic 7 whjujwu handed me the prescrip tion prescription yen here it u whotl rosred thr othrr did you think that was a prescription it a a letter from my lawyer abiit a sultl mr went out chuckling with delight thr cleveland paper does not tell liow ever as it certainly should have told whether or not the tonic wsji a good one business directory mi m at m mllwl fjihtfr auirnw id a wt of ll ilfiw costly vtnt to anoee what tlie looking pretty aii meana all liberty uilji law is not tstkcn the editor ol the ciiiciilo northwestern advocate makcb an udmibsion hiyhl creditable to the british isles in an article lit urtte the other day on prohibl tion he mtei rotated l nliihrtcn with this question over and over uguin vchj is there no bootlegging in england in ripl he suyb every time i got a puzzled stare and then we never heard of such a thing it ihn t done yuu know continuing the editor snys lngland hut n good den of prohibition in spite of the fuel that the bale of liquor goes on everywhere had the bright tdcfl of dropping into a pub ordering a bottle of lemonade and getting the publican to talk there was nothing wrong with the idea except that all the tuloons cloe their doors at three o clock p m tnd will noi open again until six and all mtnib all if prohibition produces boot legging wh is tlilfc no outbreak of bootlegging all over england riitrt is no one answer but the biggest answer of all whieh eun b given is that no man in england who value his liberty takes liberties with the law the very eonsidcrablc amount of pro hibition which england now hus is thoroughly en forced some infercutink comment from kincardine last week the kincardine lieview reporter had the following interesting editonnx mr j j hunter former grand master of the orange order in ontario west is the editor of the kincardine paper and a newspaper man of wide experience he says an incident occurred in a neighboring town recently that las caused an editor to write some plain comment a reporter fruin the wcekl paper was refused admit mice to a meeting of the board of education he was simply told that the matters to be discussed were iiot for publication and that his presence was not wanted unfortunately the reporter left the meeting we gay unfortunately because any newspaperman or any citizen of any municipality has the right by law to attend any meeting of any elected body nor can any person mi wishing xatlfnemj such a meeting be excluded uiiiici j j jietext whatever as we say that applies tu l tinmen us well as reporters and the law lielurthci ihan that a board council commission in imi the r body of persons elected to public ofliee eiinnnt pieeril unypite from attending tlioir intetitilb i eguiar ir einnrnittee and they cannot withhold any in loi million eoneernning public busi iilss fruin a neusj i ei ni in or citizen and this applies to publil olficiuls v h it is more any opinion el pressed or peecli miivle on public business can be taken by a ncwspapci man or eitizeu bo when any public servant in ikes the statement to a newspaper icportct that such and such ii thine is not for pub lication he should be aware of the fagt tint tha question of whethei it is for publication or not entire ly depends upon the opinion of the reporter and not that of the puhlie seivant ihe law takes the stand thn1 public business is just what those two words signify business or in public and the public has every rijju to kimw just how men they have placed in oflce mc coiidiietinj the business relative to the office and their icisous iu positions taken on all matters ujat i quile a logical thing rcgurdless of tile fact that the law looks at it that way and any public body that is doini things or discussing things that ore not for public vtion or in other wordj whicbthey don t want the public to know about are either doing things they should not be doing or arc ashamed of their actions and ufraid of the condemnation of the public any person serving on u public body should know that what he does and siys in connection with public humqr i open to public knowledge even us he would demand il he were on the outside looking in if any man doe n t like that aspect of public 1 fe he hould coiisidcrwt before he runs for office tremendous height an advertisement that is road in the newspaper set frequently well illutrated journalargus a simple 1 lung tlmt might help another level ciossing accident on the electric rnilway has snulted out four lives and brought deep sorrow to two homes it seems the crossing was known to be a dangerous one rfle jcports snythc t heapproach this is the second fatality where possibly a trimming back of the trees would liavc averted a trngedy does any accident have to happen before this is done at every crossing why not make them nil ns safe as possible before the fatalities occur or is human life cheaper than a few days spent at fjiis ui rk along all railway lines there arc enough accidents caused by the carelessness of motorists iciy precaution should be taken to prevent those fat ilities which might be averted surely it is not asking too much that the brush be trimmed and kept trimmed to afford a clear view hello cried jones matter with your you i blue yes growled his friend i was com- 3 000 one recsvcd sxtccn inquiries nd two orders sjti sssnsis iktsk i n clordy i bo inu tlie siiops and learn the business i boy on a blryrle crashed into me and ovrr as a result a couple of days later he printed his he suggested that herbert who wan then j went advertisement in five newspapers in different cities at tt shouia bo with him nnd tuck said the other sym- r v pother will tafco you ln if i speak to pathetically a cost or j 000 and received 4000 replies the radio him well get fair salary enough i trot n gave the little devil advertisement cost him i6g 00 for each reply where to keep u uwrn wou h a clout n hcrd bnd chuckcd lla blke v chance to work up dad means me to into th middle of the road and jumped ai the newspaper advertisement was only seventy lv uuee charge ot the business as soon as i on it cents a reply roger babson is one or the most alert am ahle there a no reason why in time that ought ti liave relieved your t i j sbouldn t be nupcrlntendcnt tlie feelings business men on the north american continent and fellow that there now gets ave thousand well in the ordinary way it would his opinion on this matter will undoubtedly have doiurb tt 1 a now model of hu but i found it was my boy and the new own every year j plve thousand a year and bid own carl the newspaper set up in an attractive manner and 1 prospect was enticing j canadian nationai ixiiibiiion toronto ontario the 1929 gimdnn nationil exlilbition the fifty first celebrate empire year and the brilliance of the entire two weeks presentation will provide a magnificent inspiring and long- tobe remembered spectacle for the more than two million visi tors lev ml i by rail and luul aimj ommmhue duln sftvl lor muttratrj ixwiwl tutcrog entirt emfhrf yjr clhoh h w watbsa fotirlu vtiglfy marat in im iuiiii in uy i wf a t r a for huri mvul umiri o ummeit j tart for tit world rftjfm mi th p aul sfo ooojhttirtl t brrtji tit ittitmatiena ivwt ijifttad cmntutaht dljtlrty turt in all hi b of apr trott shj tacftatutmtt fmuldri bitit sncuty futurity ihicrtutlmwii qtuioar i motor ltu httflita mul tv t jwi cntrnmrnl fts ll if finally nvry dm n try gtand uarul militm vagam li tunm u j a alcnivln 1 liyhlruii anil siirfviu ii i hi idi nri corner dowif mm 1 ii in i ipd i i gal n 1 o uox 330 koi i sii altmi m a lurrutcr sullrllur nut try iulllo lonvryancrr i lr htltvhan iikkk a ion onx muni y i i n 1 un murttaaalu 11 ur 30 ii m i no j m uuturdayit- 12 00 i tl tck 11 ntal f 1 uoru arul kami mutrrr i7 ljooprrf mmirwldi largttl itrtb sui 0 10m minor cat modu pittt slliwul aircraft show and oar nlvalafthtsh 4 corti by 3000 von em uutio cwui j bicycle i gave him for hu birthday ith up to the town j im gotngto arrest svu announced the traffic cop on tlunee charges speed ing passing a red light and falling to j mm im katph introduced him to the foreman herbert is a great friend at ours ur page he said we want him to learn jjf nlew my whlstlt the business w he can work up rhe offcndlnb torut paled vulbly the foreman thought he understood- dut before lie could offer any extenuatlon- a friend of tho millionaire owner that q n conduct a lady leaned over from for he d if i irj drunk she said cosily there is considerable comment gome the rounds meant ittlng the boy do only enough the rear seat rt r t 1 1 to ma u aspect of holding hu don t pay any attention to my hus of the state press as to whether or not the auto and job he made it u easy as possible for hand officer the good roads have not sounded the doom of the iierbert nothing was said when ii i n cttinc uiu ulc matter waa ignored small town says the lone prairie minn leader it i he stopped work a few hours early seems to us that this is a matter tor the town to i ordcr to b out tlw country club it a wab an cu luxurious life for he was decide it it is a live town with a bunch of goott quite at home in the mullonalros family merchants that hustle advertise and give the kind of in a few months the foreman mads a i scrvee that pleases the uto wll not hnder growth and prosperity however if the town 19 the secret of coolness is in light easily digested foods shredded with all the bran of the whole wheat with whole milk doe not heat the blood or tax the dlces- tlon it ii njt only cooling but arjifyinc laves kitchen drudgery and expense readycooked ready to cat he patted himself an the back ho was lucky he hat been lucky all his life he dead one no posh no process poor and ncompeen snl fitsfjs merchants then the auto and good roads will- err position for life and besides his way tainly hasten its end easy and rapid travel are ihe uvlns dfira ever e rt herberts life was 00 easy that his making or a good town people like to trade in muscles jnew flabby and huumhul almost such a town and the good road is also used by them hten th entire sclieme of hu life was to keep that easy position to get nway from the poor town it is all a matter of the town itself if the trade is going through your town to get away from the poor town it is time for you to get busy and wake up the rest of your mer chants and business pcopla pon t knock the autos and the good road make use of them we believe that there arc some business men in lis towel who do knew that lie could do it as long as he nos a friend of the fotterm uncon sciously his efforts to keep their friend ship grew into toadyism he flattered and complimented he agreed with everything ralph said and did ralph meanwhile married a very sensible wife who looked for character in her friends qhc had opinions of her own and was direct and blunt in not renlize that the good roads can bring business to ahort time she saw that herbert with jils ideas qf on easy life aa the end our town as well as take it away as far as big town competition is concerned there is little for a live town to worry about if ft does not go to sleep some of the brightest and busiest small towns in the country arc almost within the shadows of the large metropolitan centres our towns are what we make them listowcl banner editorial notes these arc the days of the picnics and re unions both family and town and after these will come the fall fairs we surely do a lot of visiting throughout the summer time the united sattes tariff revisions are vtiy un likely to be what they set out to become nations like individuals cannot1ive unto themselves we ric each dependent upon the other fellow the trafalgar assessment protest seems to have petered out when all the assessments were confirmed a realization apparently that this method is as good as any of paying tor the expenditures that must be met in new york recently a speaker appeared before the rotary club in the latest summer attire for men he merely left off his shirt and collar the incident made a pleasant diversion at least from the usual talk about the bummer styles of women a new rust resisting wheat has been developed by the department of agriculture now if a variety tould be evolved that was drought resisting and would also not be affected by over moistening there would not bl half the chances provided in the wheat market and aim of existence was not a good influence with ralph qhe herself was interested in accomplishing not avoiding and she soon inspired ralph with the idea of making life worth while the friendship between herbert and ralph gradually weakened until they met only now and then ptnally ralphs interests made it necessary for htm to move to a distant city a now superintendent who knew nothing of herberts and ralphs old friendship came to the works he was looking for efficiency and he coon rid the works of every man who was no willing to cam his salary at the age of thirty herbert lost his position many a man at that age can begin at the bottom and build up a business and make a success of life but herbert iiad lost the power of appltca hon of steady effort he had no will power no tralnod mind or muscle he hall fallen on feather beds up to that time now he had fallen on cobblesto les and he had no power to rise fii1st lessons the first two leasons on board ship arc perhaps obedience and the learning to keep things shipshape in accomp lishing the latter task there mui be no waste economy is as requisite as order a writer who calls himself yankee sailor tell in his reminiscences entitled on uany deal the liory of ills intro duction to marine discipline he says my first job was to acrup the brara work about the wheel and acrevsleerji 3 gear the steamer being now there was a dial ot work to do about the rigging which had stretched ail out of shape on tlie pga from pah haven to new york on this my first day they bad been setting up tlie lower rigging and titu decks were very much uttered when the mate ordered me to sweep up first i went round and gathered up o handful of shakings that is odds and onds of rope yams and with them a brand new piece of uiohand ahalf man 1 11a rope about kla or seven feet long which hod been cut off for some purpose oupposlng thu to be or no value where there was such an abund ance of rape of all sorts i carelessly uicw it overboard the mate- was on the poop and hear ing the uplaah looked to see what hod caused it down he came on the maln- thc hcavilsl death toll by accidents of a week cud in ontario was recorded this week twenty one per sons lost their lives through accidents on the high ways and at summering places many more were tlec d asked me who had thrown the seriously injured surely double care should be used p overwd in the week end travel on the highways and at the destination too after llfty four years of connection with the edu cation department of guelph dr wm tytler has resigned principal emeritus davison also had over fifty year of service in the educational institut on of guelph to his credit this city ceratinly must ap prcciatc the faithfulness of its officers in educational circles to attain two records such as these we have received a number of very kindly com ineiiis on the report of the celebration and the old hoys and girls home coming we- appreciate them very much but desire to share the honors the col- lecimg of tlje data was mad possible by the help of the committee in charge a loyal staff and valuable assistance froni the foriuar editor it was not a one man effort and we want others who assisted to aliarc 111 tlie praise that itau been forthcoming i did said i and then i got a lecture 11 economy so emphatic and so punc luatod with abusive epithets that i have never torguttcn it ho told nir i was tlie most useless fool lie had ever came across in a long and varied career and threatened to throw mc overboard after the rope when the squall waa at its height the captain came over the gangway whats the matter ur johnson he ojjeed oh this boy a made a good begin ning was the scornful reply why what has he done only thrown half a coll ot new rope overboard so far i dnnt know what hell do before lie gets the decks cleared up i did not sold i coming forward i only threw over a little piece i dldn t suppose it was good far anything or i wouldn t have done it ihe mate looked daggora at mc and the captlan said to seemly that i uovcr forgot it let me tell you something boy never contradict an officer never speak unlesii you are ipokeu to and always say sir to your mijterlom or you 11 get into trouble iiiovi whl my lutloiu two tu one ibiy george wade and his corn huskers broadcasters over cfrb toronto playing at edgewood park eden mills wednesday july 24- enurcly new programme featuring sid jackson piano accordim cxpcit who will mng and dance for you dancing 30 p m to 1 a m old and new dancus nu j m nri i d d s 1 d s dental hurgetin of1 icl mill ard itcdcrlck olrecm phone 30 i j h johnson dds lds denial hurfean tllll mill hind in the cjoopcr ii lock tl 1criione 45 m i s c hxanfo ts tkancis nunan hokblndcr ace iint ixk ki of all klndi made to ordi r itrlidjcnh of viry description carefully fcw untl itullnu neatly and promptly done wyndham blrcct cjuuiih oal over wuhumfl blorc collections only r bruu ur 4l i i nlv rmry vi ccnrlu i i pr ci nf our livl jnlucuir er iu lach llutt our buslncj u tr as 1 in olunu mjcci fully hand j fan d n if jou are looking for any in v tmi nt for our money he mid con ini ni bond cjr i oltal ion oftir stcond standard rovaltits oi f the nfcit sicuritu- u bo iu j safe ai ii hunk and pays l mkj dhldnids everj month ii formation bladlj ttlvln for the ukln ulthuul obligation to you h w dawson i o box 38 iiilamiton district ittprcccntauve ilar opening for u lew local a ten la speaking of you sir when you interview a resjieeted patron mr bubincj man or a firms representa tive you naturally endeavor to make a pod impression you are punctilious about your general appearance of course you are its good business then why he satisfied when you eoi- respond to allow a poor piece of paper in differently printed represent you to the heads of tli firms or to the same patron alter all the stationery is your paper self interviewing your business associ- wliy not keep it dressed properly ales too the gives printing ject free press job department intelligent study to every piece of tliediess is fitted to the sub- phone 174 and consult us about your printing problems acton monument works f art ltl t 1 tub during the h il 111 rn tin ii 1 d pr 1 11 r f il libit 1jii nt i si alll isi1lu in acton in j i air drallnc and dood wurliimai ftliln urr merhiiie hacli yw a ijr iluslnrw fur uu john nicol taits registekld oitometrists makf satlbl actoity glasses 350 f iu11u v lamination ire nn uw too difficult krauiu guaranteed tait optical co nxcluttlvl oii icianb 110 wyndham street iliono 3 108 j cxt to lobun b gullph notice to oillo iihip r 1 wn 1 t wu d l cd itl 1 uitu dura and prikif- ii 1 i tl un 1 nlt1 1 oilru llltli i it t aupi t 1uj0 i t th iv li mill lx dla 1 1 1 utl nitiu 1 three 1 l i 11 h ultima as shall imr 1 u ll 1 u if r aid maitlun unsij y l1aulh ailmlulariitrht ii 11 n ilrimr at tin ontario hr h 11 ii j 3 j iiii i tv nolicr to creditors lh 11 tut ri r ih ma- ii njaoiln wullud int i th i unslil if nut liawryu 1urin r uhn dl d mi tho llijlv- timiith y if muj 1 ij ur itjutrrd to nd l lh tun tmniid ihcu r lliclr lull iiuiu id in uid d nil ltaiiii lull lurthulii if th lr tlalini at 1 the nutiiri of th wturltii if any h by tin in and ihu luitln biinjt iihui n punu in f t tl i 1 f th iruhta act it i o ij chujur isu notlci li lur in kin ihul n und ulti r tht nlni l nth day if auiju t 1j3 tho 1xccuu ri utll iimi d to dl irluult tin uataofuio aid ui ma llinjumln wullnri amonu tin mirtli i ii nully i ntltlud thorilo and tin j will nut b tl jm lulhlt for any iluiiiu of uhlili tiny huvi not then uctlvt i initial datttl ihli t lilitiiiith day ot july loio iaha1i i ullil mia walxacl mid 11 ouol wai iaci txtuitori hy 11 n iurnnr acton onlurlo their h 111 i tor 33 sulwrllioiih for all mmraahtea

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