Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 18, 1929, p. 6

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x- an i iwalm neighborhood news llali knavai on fiutiinliiy jul 13 ioao north uhnrlhiunip rhimtl ijihilaw 1 llrotrti work million qlrd yuir for nlo acron wink fltom hltoniii 1113 leslie clan uimjnion mlwi iijuliurn vfiunir who wiu my lilt loiiltnii 1 1 up nnd around nualii j hi in pc ihiiiiu her win h ihe ihlrl mrllit win iuy will m rl mlhuil in iurl llrri next saturday for tlii voral hplnitlll julhi rlnt illiil i munliy luh i falunliy njoyiililn limit ffllli warn 3m tyrwa ijiultljdav july in 1030 uriitlnn at her i rank wnnli ihr ladlilof a limy thin the p itik u maw i mli i iculllirm vlnlllnu with in r fltlftoii i rn mr mid mm ill haw hud iclci dncorat- r or waterloo in mm peter fcr- civic ilolldi holiday will lie the neat public iianvoc kiiiltn nl hull tuuii wond tin ir third row uliui they di fniti hnintc w itinlnut tin ifiuni hi inn rnlli d ml hi run i ur rnlu uliin tlnmli uai lit hid in tin ilhth m tin li u nl llulrlild in in tin mvinth tin hiiim hoyu ptayid uood li i haxehull ii ml iculey lutd thr only two hi rrmru hut tiny uin ixru alili un jllll inn had n had hand which haiidlriippid id i linim 1iik hut ii runt i wm off rotor 1 in i i hi iielr llildinu iivlnn llpmli how i ihoir puplh who win iiurrrfiil in tin promotion cxam- inntloin at iliinnorklmrii ioiiraucr mntjoil cmi ada bprowl 1 henlor third in junior i oiirth doro- tlvy clurrldur honiini j ir cnw rtnlph r wm mcdonald lout a mare laat wmnj ion trlall from lork av i junior ililrd to senior ihlrd uurt watson ion trlnl iimi whi junior ben ml to senior hecond llrlty clarrlilffc annie mcculloiikh on i trial urn lor prlnii r lo junior i irnl hftrold gordon honors i li d jamrn clmcr ollilioii hill hill i tllllu iii wall r wheat cuttlnr has commenced the lower ruction or the county aplrndld hayhik eek or more ihr ro plirrry crop in pow ripenhi nlcdy and rives promise of a ann yield ihr i all pair will be thr next big rv nl lii town september 17 and 18 orr the da lea i new iiolatocn are now being enjoyed by those who have given tlui liome brcen due attention the t arc thr dayn- for jolly numrnrr plrnlco and they are numerous both prlvatn and community dm junior erlnii r lnim wntnnn lome crrt jnin ucoll clifford mcdonald i dllh denny hi t tor xlrdoimlrf jean orr teacher wrlitht ullh thne lilt hat whlln chi v each lor acton the nrlimiik fuitun with a uniit riuinlnj catch in the nvinth lnnlnu on lulurdny tin in a icludtilid li otiui jninr kill br plitjiit with tlil li ojun irndern milton hi 111 tin oppom nl an i a good iianil la proud- id for the hum t wltncji ijiton n all it ri id a i 1ollock p a 1 0 i i cudmort lb if i n j to t maybrrry i ii dor land rf mxl 1 b dorlnnd rf ilori a with ixnlitlul i n hiuiirdiiy july i r tli ir ii r al i limit y jurk 1 rln annul i inn ii pri rul- niul uijtiyid nliijhi hum jucri from tlf- rt or tilftndti anil tin unllid ii jht iilhili wil iirriiiid nml mi he d by tin ln id nt mr joel w 11 at lou mid i lit uiihiury irm- n i mt 1 i i t iiii norvtil nr i ttd h loinitilllii of tin locnl rilntlvi i al li r lin ili iiil luurh nt no in lln i iii pt nt in boiitlui btilhliik horn i i plii hini- and rum l aft i in jliiiu n followlim pro minim putht muili mid rcclln mm wa injoyidhj all i j lrnlli of i iidiui oiliiphd tin llnlr i i d i uilj of fin knuton propujrj i i tit to tin klin followid by tlu i in i r th nutli mil anthem d on it hi of i qui hut projvonrd l hi limit to our country followed by tin initlnie of i in mupli u nt i or 0 id ilrilop olllcrt wright mncdon 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 30 j d 31 7 10 widmday of ur noon july 10th the ihulnr monthly mccllng of the eramoa j jc unlor women a institute wan held at ghn ah it 11 to a l i he homi or mha clcua aynott x tym vin ladlca prrwnl the meet iua conducted by the president mra final scheduled home bmw or rj and opened by nlnglng the uir ain will be on out ur day in the park hrre when acton and mulon meet innlltuu ode followed b the mtnut h of the prcyloun meeting an j adoption the roll call wan annwered to by a riddle or a joke after the bunlncan liod been disponed ot a good programme was given ilono cola edith hamilton lu porta of district annual murlu ijur- lop and grace jicnhom colo mro alex ander paper mfn c dujilcld on poui- lhetr monthly meeting on tuesday ic johnson an all canadian iict piano nldu nolo lorctta culp the mcclulg claied in the usual way followed by a coclul summer necdables arc moat econ- hour for all and a musical contest wan ilcally purchftird after flrct coruiultlnb ahu held at the close of the programmi i he few loads of gravel distributed about the roads to level up the deprci- loiu have made a corlsldemble improve ment mr ii p moore police magutrmle addrrrd the liana club at nurllngton 3b m oku lei 2 b holloway 1 n olbbena tyler cf wntcrhousc chalnirru j i olbttni 1 i 1 ntn of the local mer cll two local leama are practicing horce i hoe pitching faithfully thexe nlfhln for jp the barnyard golf tournament at acton i all pair this year miss liclh harrison elder daughter of councillor and mrs o ii harrison luis passed her elementary piano exom- jn mui iranccs llcrron ajent last week holidaying in auclph mr and mrs o jcstln anti mum emma nnd mr newton uorkcr attended the ion held hi stanley park i hrln lost wednesday mr and mm j thompson of quclph i wrrc week end visitors at tht home of i mr and mrs t d mccutchcon miss mlnnlt hamilton of ouelph un1 atiior parani ijid 3d 0 9 31 11 j hummury- 2 bo c hils chew tyler cudmorc macdonald double play chnl- mcni to holloway to v oibbciu struck out by clmtnilra 4 by ioliock 10 base on balls off pollock 1 left on bancs acton 0 jjrontc 0 umpire nicholson of toronto it u e bronte 100 020 03 0 10 acton jj2 000 0 j called end of the 7th rain i fcon u t in ordrr to produce hood poultry block it is ncccary lo induce u continuum growth uirouifhout thn ijrowlnh 6ciwhj 3 jorfiihlr mr 1 lhoiup in of aitnwlllltiiui loii vd tin ton i to tli u illi clui i hit h un n ipoud ii lo ly mr loel hi alton mt k i le illi norval mid mr i i u lb n irwil glntlon in 1 1 uiiii hint duitl wi rt glvoi by wilfrid nnd i lojd l hi viola dick iiiuirid tin iinllii rlut with a piano rolo and mi i c iii mp on and mr verm i hi mi on mini n duett afti r a rcclta- miui by ml i icnnor tihook of loranto mr ueonte hu hliiu played a piano nolo a did ml- fvilm ounii following iiatlnif by mr irleker ol ioronto flu mmij ntallvi win indi cd pleased to htivi pn ent mr itobcrl johnnto of at t u tin oleic a member l lie clim mr jolinituu has been jn nl nl oil tin pnvloiii re unlont mid all hope to hint in r pri icnt again when tht chin mi at the bu hu in ll tin i it won decided to hold a ri union again in two yearn mr j w u lb or acton wa ekctcd ln sldenl mid t l ir ille of norval jtnlloii iu faterttitry inn urer i in un i llni clo i i by ringing ood h with you iiii we miet again hit ia hi clan mre of flemish titock jn tin yi ir 1177 they were granted a charter by klnt william the lion lo ittli in tin purl h of u lie aberdeen hlri firothiiid friim when they eml- jfrnt d to dllli n nt part- or lhe world aiool si i i inc as a tiladr belling blood for ironfusions u the lute t thhik hi vocutluiu this strange projection i lhe i ubji cl of an article by llcrtrrl u llarlun in hygcla chicago tiiiyii mr harlan in nubntuncc holiday and vacation footwear big fihtpmtiil of ii imlii ilj ii for mun woiiu u mid w have rnrt ived li nml itiiuiilug flhou all chlldnn minn on ford ilyltn rnpi nnd nibbi r lolen 1 00 hoy nm women ii rnpi ojid niblier ioiii 9110 mlrit and chlldri n n oxfordi and ntraiwi hoc si 00 oddi and i rnlu of fmliirr oimhi all hlm in liautlain iltlcth y ami hll for uli flood i ooiw wft poiuillde vrlcta harrisons ft cloud of tmoke ilonday afternoon brution of the orangcnn on the form of hugh wilson oevcnlfl n priday lhir trafalgar townuhjp m and mrs p murray quolph town ship were sunday visitors at the latter a put on separate fields rxtwfatdtnvccie ana abulidanccbf water i al ocorgolown al the central cxperlmcuuil iarm ottawa the crow in j rtock is cared for an follow the pullets and cockerel an if clover or alfalfa yna nirt tra ln acton cltticns hand gave anolhcr home w liavc been tree of poultry for ul splendid concert on sunday evening at col and mrs head and mr and leant three nc annus during which lirne u the park on sunday afternoon next mm d h parker and colin motor f ncrlca of crop rolntlonj have been pruc they play at stanley park erin c lo hamilton on sunday and opent the ua when possible thu range of mic day with the latlcrs mother mra mllla culent green food l generally locate j ihurcday afternoon the evcrton beside a held of com or runflowcr or an ji chard win re llie cluckiii con get i jttra niomi mcmillan with about thirty bnc rood and grutu and lmt lol or ladies present the vicepresident miss uinde during hot daj i hi movubli jean mclean conducted the meeting range houic one thai keep lhe bird which opened in lhe usual way followed j cool and comfortable during the wjrm t nfu roll call answered by a caltc u sullry cvcnuits li o coiilrucled ui trim iteclpe the minutes were read and ap- u make freah ulr the limiting factor t ied a number of items of buatncfln plenty of roosting space la provided lhe j th puplj ere dlcused and dispensed with follow u utemld arc placed hi the hade jncl i iblln 1 by a programme conslnllng of music i near uie selffeeding hopiicr- plve tool b who recently moved to qeometown lias mru mcmillan reading mrs t stewart double hoppers partitioned for muti uhlil successfully passed her high school en- reading pearl llobcrtcon report of uie bra cll and grit an coiiveiiltntly 1 the ten n li courts and bowllnti greenn o the acton athletic association are busy wo nt iht home places these evenings with their scores ol enthusiasts playing the came 1 he exterior of tint pm piiij building u still being treated pain tern young men with cream trous era and white shirts need still to bewaie miss hazel waldle a former puplj of mls l l young s trance with lienors district annual mra q o itabcrtsun the meeting closed by the staffing of mr wm norton baa been making lhe national anthem followed by lunch several improvements on the interior of the lion lessen were mrs d ii purjfer his newly acquired residence on mill mrs j btewart and mrs j alton plrcct since removing his family to miss grace damplcr haa ffono to oak- acton rrom toronto vllle for several weeks lo pick fruit i mr and mrs j hepburn and family a couple of young women parading of toronto were sunday visitors at the mill street yesterday afternoon in their home of mra it u slmona mra shcp bathing coetumea apparently had a very herdwm returned with them literal cancepllon of the old song i mt ubry watson of loranto and donl oo near uie water mui3 kathleen of arthur miss annie mr j hudon who is painting the dun of acton have been holiday vl- rxterior of tin pmke pbuls building tan al lllc oefl of the synott famllleo- lo giving many artistic louche in the tea mary young townllne and dorlo dccorouon scheme which are the subject man o acton are holidaying at lh df much favorable comment delightful trout dinners were proa vldcd last week lo several of their frlendm by messrs c h harrison and i dp arnold as a result of their prowess on a i fishing expedition at sundrldgc loco tod lhe grow in ff mash li composed of bran middlings finely ground yi how corn and oat flour equal parli 1 jitr cent fine table sail 1 per cenl cod liver oil and on good range 5 per cenl animal feed inlxlun- of ground meat scrap banc meal flah meal mill powdir and cod liver meal the animal feid is varied according lo uil lcaon or tli rate of sexual development required i hi grain mixture consist uf cracked coin and w ileal equal parts and one lialf purl of plump oats thli method of feedhiil avoids waste one minimizes labor ii ou ever if sparrows ore qullc uumerou k 1b good economy to cloc the whole grain section of uie hopper and practice hand feeding the walcr vessel and hnppits arc moved tq fresh ground occaionali a copy of dull tin no 1 poultry i ua and feeding should be in every poukr keepers poaeston it may be obtained under uie auspices or the women s tllc from hie publications liranch le i association ofuio united church a sue j paruuent of agriculture ottawa onlarl a note from mr pred bmltb garden party was held in exhl- i j mcconnell central lxperliuei banto domingo cuba cay garry tstotworeacbt trans fee ion he mu l rubmlt lo con- i lcemble dl icomfort however he must live on a icllnttflc diet of bloodproducing food mid mu t go through life with i on arm hospital keep records of avallabli donor i according lo the four llfn of blood unfortunately all blood 1 not alike and utile i that of the patient i like thai of lhe donor the two bloodi will elot whin mixid lvery donor li li terid a bi joiinlni lo one of four 4 when a irurin fuilon 1 1 met ai r advlabli a donor bi longlntt to tin ame group aj the patient i callid in wilhuul delay or ei nfu ion tliert are ltto nil thodj of trim ii rrliu thr blood in urn known n un pi rey mi th 1 un incl ion hi made f th pulltnl and a tilmllar u um of uie dohor tlu ivtd by mi an of a lube i liuirtid into the path nt i otlii r method on anil highway grocer ivekkkni spicciaks tangi i i oot 10 granulated liugar pah1hy plouh i lb hug lor durham corn btotcll pi r pncki t pi hutti it 1 oy pall lor i shredded i packets for 53c 95c 10c 18c 23c ji nni s mapli quart for 3 in 1 shoe polish jxr rin ayi mkr pure rasp iii ury jam 40 ox ohv caitnation milic toll tlnii for prune mrdiu millionaire tina lor 12c 35c 25c 25c 31c highway grocer w nesbitt propnietor voimr street acton phone 189 j robertson home rock wood igulatn blond a nt i t be mixed wllh or blood uffer no hi arm li allghlly up lo 111 uuul en ir two i in blood a wnk or tin daya not lo overwork or of developing tuber on anotllht trip able lo b home for the celebration liope it was successful in every way it will be over ere this reaches you to avoid hltung a pedestrian when he was iiaxslng another motor car on faalurday eveninjr a toronto motorist look to the ditch on the highway just west of acton he suffered some bad cuts about the face and the car was sllghuy damaffed a motor car with the radiator end pushed part way towards the car centre and the body badly wrecked pasted through to toronto to tow ot a service truck it took on its present shape it is said when a doctor from arthur fell asleep at the wheel of the car and it ran into a tree bltlon park last thursday evening when lhe old tyme village quartette of tor onto put on a varied programme which was much enjoyed by a large gathering the sacrament of the lords supper was observed at ulc presbyterian church on sunday rev mr montgomery con ducted the services preparatory services were held priday evening when itev c g jones of nassagawcyu addressed lhe congrcgauoji the kly camp from ouelph closed today and win be followed by uie ilo- trldilu camp of girls for the next two weeks a number of hoy scouts from george town are upending a few days here the women a auxlulary of st julius church held a successful afternoon tea and solo of home made baking al the purm ottawa ontario the boy scoutb jambohek tho following notes from aeorgo utile who is attending the day scouts jam oree as a representative from brampton troop will be read with interest by local ocoula and all interested in scouting commissioner john a stile in charge of lhe canadian jamboree party has expressed hlrnscir as being more than pleased with the scouts chosen to repre sent canada at tho worlds jamboree recently interviewed ho said uy officers and myself are hidoed gratified with uie exceptionally high standard of the boys entrusted lo our care their characters are ol the best and their eagerness lo make good and be a credit lo canada is commendable home ol mrs prcd mcwuliams when famlul no ulsponmiiility a mail named smith sayj uie argo naut made u financially successful mar rlagc only lo find that in other repecla i the union was not satisfactory mi smiui repeatedly n minded her huobund that she owned uie silver uie furnltuie and oo on unul famltli almost wlhcd he had married u poor girl the other night mrs smiui awike and heard strange noises in the lowt r part of the house vigorously pushing her husband in the ribs she culled john gel up i here are burglars hi the house eli inquired mr bmlth sleepily i uurglarsl downstairs hhucd mi hln ml luuilii in bwllzi rland and 11 an ui hi t lliiu in unl bi en out of h i u tlvi land and lie wa beginning lo 1 inn 1 i iiiioilnr ight f lh old home to wu m 1111 vi r sh asked quej tloiis about in a ly 1 t rythlng lhe uw lln where did li101 bin oekj eonie r un h liuiulnd nt 1 t r guide rl 1 11 hi 111 haul dow 1 from tin in unl llu ixplulmd tin tithe r who wa in m 1 i illi what lltlli put i net he hud iii 11 w inn huvi lh gin 1- gum u e li 11 xl query oh tl 1 guldi n phi t wm rll they til n i uie bnek ultt r u ew more rocks i m ll will 10 was rcallicd on sunday after noon rev c a plook asslstanl rector ac st oeorgca church ouelph was uie siicokcr mtss margaret rhomus and miss helen posinore are dclegales from lhe united church y p s c e to uie summer school ut rycrsoii beach nonnondalc ontario the many friends of miss watson will be pleased lo hear of her successful com pletldu of her course in designing at toronto mr prank oav postmaster who was recommended tm j p by ulc village council has received ids official appoint in ent mr roy young who lias been with mr pred hamilton highway overseer for uie post few years has taken over the rural route no 3 iroin prank parries j mr a it martin of the ituyul rank i l uuayjan his holidays al southampton mrs martin und family left previously for lhe same destination mr r h mcdonald of ouelph la relieving moil agcr mr and mrs hugh ldwurda of mount forest were recent visitors ut uie home or mr and mrs win o edwards mr mid mrs tjuiii ramahaw ol de uoll mich were visitors in lhe village la1 week and mrs j a wylle und sun ol jii ur holiauyhig at lhe ham of id mr a l lalng and famil and mis kuuierford lie wat mid burglars over well tun do you icnow 1 hat lherc arc 0 wild and woolly westerners in camp almost enough for a rodeo and stampede that prince kdwurd island has uucc of lis foxes in camp they are neither silver nor llack but brans i hat far distant yukon turn its dek gate to camp that the scouts went an a bus tour uround ottawa last sunday i hat they paraded lo church inal m and mrs j a wvlle und sun of sunday in their iilw unlpjmis and they uigi all looked flue dressed alike mr that uiey were roviewed on tucidm w by ufe rt hon william lyon mackcnxic 0o r mlinlco arc visiting at uie home aril king on parliament hill of mrs isabel hewot week that the girls say what pretty knee i mr robert croft of ioronto was home isn t he handsome un t he cute ojia all i for lhe weekend the way from vancouver mr johnston hcwal of qlmcoe was all we need here now u an eskimo j home for the weekend and a polar boor or two mr clarence lynch of ouolph was home for the weekend mr and mm dice lately of ouelph and occupying tho iiousc on valley ltoad loknfc school from junior fourth lo benior fourth douglas ouuirlc dltu bwuckliunn r ion yeur a work senior ihlrd to junior fourth hi wood johnslon honors robert bu r rltl sheila olbson grace gibson lyh crtpps ton trlalj orucc graff ion trial prom junior ihlrd to senior ihlrd wllmcr ouvldkm rojs swackjiauit r mary crlpps ion trial ueatrlec urah on trial dora dt nny ion trial prom junl ir becond to hi nlor beeoiid norman audi rnoii clifford blerrllt prom tjtmuor 1lr tl lo junior oeeond alslnu gibson i 111 ri lllllli btcrrlll honors lylu bvani from junior first lo binlor i irst olorglna lvaiis from senior prlmir in junior i irst fdlth warren luunn jerry gulhrli audrey mrarthur names tlndfks 1 lvd by un mitli r lg r ill 1 mi lnncli inylng wau r m id rilllni ln nrli hi lhe ichool li illi lutrfla july j ltl parliculura dlstauci mid inclllculloii may be lured riom chli f mclturson i hi irjiorull 11 rill supply the pipe tin w ir any tmdtr nt in ciwirlly ol pled 11 n 1 aumeit cbrk lion july 0 i09 3 j m und r wanlrd ll lin tluy ived by lh july jj in 1jjd f v11 m llur t iiochir nassaijawlya nlghthiuuli 1 f knatchbull lal bin t 1 nil jh i i1i 1 jtd llllill tllllll mrphr 01 by lh ct until thl jul 0 1uj 11 n 1 aumeu notice nik doctor were uitroduced to dr 1 he boy derson and were all surprised when uiot j rcccnuy vacated byrirs genial gentleman informed them that he returned home monday eld not thhik he would have to operate after the first meal ln camp he said they were a fine hcaluiy lot after many trovelllng thousands of miles ijlood last sunday tlie 100 boys are now all eagerly look- out of o class ing forward to uie great boat trip and the glorious tlrac uiey have to store ln eng ltiid they arc all taking singing lessons at normal scliool and practising pyra mids square dancing etc wlui over a hundred in fancy costumes for enter tainments over in uie uouiarhuid good luck and a safe journey to our fine lcout represuniauves at tlu worlds jamboree prom king ooout ci or little a weeks oullug up tho lakes a largo number of picnic parties from 1 places wen at tho park on valley mi au mrs n irinan weber nut family of likevliw limmlo vljtud rcift lives mid frlendi ul icuulehbuu over tlip wsck end mr and mrj john g king of milton visited rclauvet uiid friends in nussa gaweya over sunda mr mid mrs hurry king and family k j ucaujot i of luwvillc visited mr and mrs w p ilng from over darby of knatchbull on uunday in ll in hi ll 1uii aeli urtilny july i lln mum h iiduk ui ihj un hi yiidltati will i iiuiii ii handier nf ttr lass of eleven candidates of hook wood imbllc school for entrance to conilnuatlon ucliool eight succeeded in passing uiclr cxamlnauuns considerable uiiurovanicnts ore bfllng nmdc at uie front of ur herb q dyers place suicc mr aeorgo lover ty ho cquj- plctcd his now garage mr v t smith has had ills premises treated to a coot of white paint and 1 now iwvbig uie frunt of 11m bullduol lotterud which will ahow up wall on uie newly painted wall fanners arc in uie mlill of tht i haying at pri rent there are some real good croiu bring harvested quite a iiuinbt r nf orient im 11 from nasugawiyu attditsd llu ctltbrutlon al georgetown on friday mr k y polt of knatrhbull is undi r the doctors cure at prcuut mr wolluee king of campp uvllli visited mr and mm w v rviuby ot kusichbitll on bunduy tlie fall wheat is going to be a very good crop hi tllti section and li eum iniiiiclng to ripen ilui heather ululoti uoild ol the kbviiuur united church nn t at mrs d lulbotb huluc un wcdnculay aflcnjoou lid u it 1 the lnterj- liiigi lllrul to foi ni till 1 l lmltt tl l ompany ion mvnihk alanaftr niy itti iuj fix1t shop l4iun mower nfiurpfiuil on idenl iruider ruriiiture mill tcnernl hoithchoid kepaini made promptly pi moohi hi thn lmnlsea formerly oiiuphd by u j btuejir mil i strut ac i on jtojnejcilleclrjl beep i hick rib blef per lb 23e ho siioui dlr roast per lb site round roafat bcei lb o rib roabt bedf lb sac pork smoked bide bacon piece lb 20c smoked cottage rolls lh 33e bhouldcr roast pork 25c a full line of cooked meats we nn supply ah your grocery needs fresh slock nt lowest prlcea orrie lamb ihonfc 1 15 main street acton this weeks specials i at mcleans i iii i sll k 111 ulllll ollll diiii c llu wi 11 i gl r mt iiklc dm s mi 1 tl 1 1 1 pllu iadiis mik llloomiks i ivy lhnil ll iucl link i in m ai fyn spllinl tin week tnr pi 1 1 in tbluu iadius and tlllls llllh iii lll l lllll fll tllll jim j1li mil ill 11 j 1 11 w ivljtulnrjiulpctinl tin 4bc cikis sii s dimi i y hi oomi ks ll q lor itr pair ooc iunciiuin sins all purl linen with hint trlmmjii 1 1 tl i t f iiiliil sul witii i servilltc ki 111 j uu iinin tahli loiili ilili vtj hint nml oiilil hiiiilc all in jhi llisll i iticm heculni 100 sp el ll lor oluvl ijnds of towcliim illi hill spell is haul on lovelliiii s week enels of i men towelhni the hest lot e ll iu nt shown in enels ot i yard 2 yards 2 yard i 2s i ihin reirula lints specials in groce uf- 2kubbcr jar rihrs f- k s k dozen for idc i mlxtll swcci llliluits i lb for 25c hi hu s l ll it i illi taiioca per lh 10c 3 ink 1 two kpixiais l i1kooms nn i our soc bkoom for no 2 our isc hkoom for 25c 15c 25c mclean co miij street u ion onfaltk continuing our summer hardware sail lhe valuer offued in our summer cntulogtic have bixn ap- preciiitcd b the buyers of acton nnd vicinity the values were bo outstanding and seasonable that they were bound to npptnl to the careful buyer vuu can mill lake ndvnutafje of these offerings uhtll augum 15 when the sale cloea us v 1kb cat more specials not enumerated in ouu summeb ik williams fly oil per gnlloii i akis gkeen per lb akm nate ot i ead per 16 king hug killer in 20 lb bags nt tllbsb silt 1ais i ok this wlek only aixue ur i3c 8tc talbots chain hardware store member of ailnce cham of ilanlwureh mill ano main hthkets phone 70 attoi men women the entire stock of mens boys indies and hildrut ljr of the maple leaf lconum stort i order sold big- sale starts friday july 19 at 9 a m be here when the door swings ijen nith il held huk i verythinj goes limn or shine imikt i ut i i i lhe maple leaf e store friday morning july 9tfi nexl doui lu lien c infetl free free 25 parcel will be cuven a i abst lurth 1 ki l nh 50c purchase or uir s s specials for friday and saturday surprise s ai f rars for 2 25c i tnions i m 1x11 n 29c hlul ilioil i1ak1nc fowoi it foi 5 t mill al shi 1 iluttle fo 18c 25c 9c kkimhjtrs rn klakeb 2 foi 2h r 19c announcement to ladies of acton and vicinity wh now seix thl simillt 1t1 dkiss lvrilkns piitltrns in slink i5t week- end specials i ihs oiiiiiulatttf sueur ihuisdiv i i id i liv with otlur orders unl tur i 111 u jill ktj or grten hum jam 1 i k 1 s il hjfut it i ini l snais fo i lh i an dln nl 1 sl tln i i it s si nish onions loi i iti him i i an y aki s l i il iii i ana haisins f 57c 21c iv j elson co mil i stkeet acton 1iioni 17 akiioiv boot cakl 8 1 it 28c bw tkt mifd ficklfch 15c tant 1 lakjs 25c 23c bon ami powder 2 for 2so amsoitlmi n i of i u 1rrlly imltenii fruu dikheh caki a1fm bon iiont fcjptflnl at each 59c mlll sntlxt phone vour order ui hills the specials for thiis week smokli mius mum i ham ulnilt i h ill ti ii slll hal on li tht putt pti lh i ll ki ll oil ac koi is i lh hixi ii in hoiini siioui l l roasis pit it i uk k ll roasts pti h mil hoi i pel h iii kit t i k nid 2l i si l 3le iliiuit 117 sinc i unl attons oldiist stoitl miioiminintr i it iallb domisik slfokii nint in vk i hush kasiltkii will he on 11 m mils wik new potattllis and ikun vlll mills pattersons meat shop vte deuvek pkomitiy phone i7s

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