Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 1, 1929, p. 3

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mi iiomi or lt arlou jtw iribfl is mi r i w n a un al hin 1 hi i i hi ss111 i i c 11 r4 rvr i i llrircrli ii ii mill sirrei a i nn lit- i n i rc t r 4f l i r i l large i at i i fl i ll i sluteii llf i lr h ih i ii 1 pail i ll lr i tl r tt i irri i i h tlh l in i uljurati c a dm i s clhur a 1 iro rlrt thursday evening august i 20 inconu in ittjmhwlblc for the i luy i hut the brush nt tliu mile nf the rnntl where the rniluil icciilliit occurred oijil tunc no hu not htxn denied ii w ii y i uiuy a uinttcr ofi moiii ncihjciie nn the pint of iiuilniil i uckily no further accident hit n yd huppciilcl mil re flu- nfull item if turn miiij iiwu the hru ii to rve u heltei view w ultl in ike tine one look pretty enrekj if nil ncciduit hnppeii hefuie tin recouimcnilfltion of the jury i liiiiiui out j here nmy he omt nepotnition nixc at y hm whoever i le pon ihle tor the delay i tiikiiij n lonj ehaiiee now i the hcij ht of the motorinp en on on the hy ways a well n tlie hiphwtiy mow i ihe tmil when clear v ion of the tracks at all points should he had i very day it i ncplectcj omeoue is layinp thcmsclvcj liable for a hazard that ha hem pointed out very forcibly dovirnmcnl control defeats in i j undi cided ternij the province of prince i du jmi island lejccted the govornincnt sale of lujuor ystcnf hi every county- ot the island a majority was re istcred bome of tliobc who uphold the govern iiidit sale plan for prohibition claim of course that the ciiuie is that liquor is cheaper now in that pro vincc thnn it would be under the control law but this of course is just what it sounds like an exctrc and not a reason the government sale plin in thai f rovincc has now been tried to be foisted on the public both in politics and by a plebiscite in both eases it has been mot with overwhelming defeat prince edward island evidently knows when it is well off without jtimpinp at every new kind of bait put out by the liquor interests to increase their revenue tlicy have the advantage- of seeinfi how the problem works out in other provinces and do not want the government sale system neighborhood news oakvii i i mr jiilm jllitunr nf toronto tn a i nut rf mm w i colwcll in town munylown irhndi nf ih v j i- munro ii i went pic oird to lirur 1dm ugaln u1kh in pnttrlied at hotli iervlctii in ci john i church mi hominy lml dtputy itirvo uohlnwin introduced a brand lieu mikbrijuon nt the counrll niri unit on monday evening rlgnnl lllllitr en the highway ii ihc heart of llu town u control thr i wavy auto tralflp r peclally nn ualiirday nights hiv j ii mcllatn wtui at ii rifluj on tlundiiy occupying tho pulpit of thr united church there during august lie uiul hli family will occupy their rumr a ttiia at lake olmcoe and during that mouth the reverend gentleman will pn ich rueh hunday id ortllla itccord c c chapman made a lmnlnerii trip hy m ii r to new i ti hi ard thin neck tin ad udvniiecd in eleven rents a loat tn iiirlay dun u hlahcr price of wheat ri brick walls und roof of the new onimmell bullillni ur completed and the ton front tryott being put in cicll patltrum formerly of oakvlllc mid brother of mm dr duff wan ioloist in fit johnn church on junday in l lnt weolc mrs chan ll cros hftd an ii r fiiit itn mr and mm john ii crosr tin irtlnujjhter mrn i ii wallace and a ly or i jillndc phla friends wlio i i to mm real and puinu in qulii c htar a stcaily growth ffi crowifl not particularly intcrefitinp the editor of the milton reformer seems to be lieve that his constant reiterating of the fact that big crowds nrejn milton every saturday ntcht will tempt otl as-thcditpjofalusjquenaltq-ket-io- thc tendency of rnost people inihc towns- situated on a highway is to get nwny from crowded vehicular traffic no doubt tlints the reason that one saturday night a man from within three miles of acton went to the county town when the county town gets a paved highway on either side ot it such thing as a bunch of cars on saturday night and noticing a few amencnn tourists will cease to become news the problems will then be to free the highway from con gcstion and have the cars parkcj on the side streets but we ll be down to see you some of these days brother white prcferrubly in the middle of the week when the crowds nren t so dense and we 11 take your word for it thnt the crowds look big to you nnd predict that they will be bigger when the county town is served with n provincial highway running in both directions as milton should be so served a d none can say that the county town has not blii patient in tjiir respect as it is the last town in ihe xounty of any considerable iize to receive such n pro vincial roadway after n week of applications and interviews the school board tangle seems to be settled meetings have been held without secretary and with secretary without pi ess representation and with a reporter there some nietnbeis have been notified for meeting at a certain place and no meeting has occurred at that place or tunc but with a full board secretary and preas the culmination of the efforts were success ful in the engagement of a mule principal on tuesday noon it was noteworthy that the applicant comes to acton with the full sanction of the board as his engagement was sanctioned by every member tho conduct of the business throughout the tangle has drown our frank criticism and wc still maintain the same views that have found utterance m these editorial columns i hut a fully qualified teacher hus been secured for the position and that the standard of acton school will be maintained we are sure we join with all true citizens in beinjj truly thankful we hope that every success will attend the new prin cipnl s work in acton and that under his admiuia tiou tfic school will llounsh and continue to maintain its lood slundiug among the schools of the province any items as to bo ird procedure which have develop- ed throughout ihe controverts art we trusl ended until finally passed upup ut x propt r tunc wl welcome mr and mru lawrence to acton and trust l hut they will find congenial surroundings and n cordiflf place in the community life and educational activities of the town ktprobi and sympathy like the constable who in the couisc of doing his duty takes human life so the motorman who by ac cident or case beyond his control is directly rcspon sible for fatalities is too often censored by the public tor the mishap and given little sympathy loo often in hasty judgment these motormen are given the blame foi an accident whieh they regret and would i uvc ivcn anyihiiil to avoid last i ridny one of ihose accidents happened in alton on the t adial lint which seemed to be addnif the hnal burden to a motorman who has had more than his shaie dozens of witnesses stale that lie had th wn the wauling whistle and was sounduic ins coii a clear view of the track can be hud for hunditds of feel luckily t did not result in anyone bcuic hurt und tho dumiigu done was to the automobile anyone who rules the electric cm will lujui out tle toronto reporter in his htu tunc nts regarding tin iviui of the si mil at crossings ihc constant soundtui of the warnings make an annoyinc fcatuic to patrons riding mi this line and most everyone will iprce that they do not know ol crossings being missed without the warning being sounded any mishap or accident if rojjrct i hie the injured paily deucrven and receives much sympathy che othei ptuty alio deserves but many tunes does not receive much sympathy and usually i eti juries and a lot of questioning and yet is quite flui the most innocent offender and the least to blflinc for the huppcninj our regrets in the local case mentioned went to the auloist hut our sympathy ucnt to the luotormiiii who was hclplcs to do other than he hud done canada s total population stood at 0 70g 000 at unc i ii20 according to an estimate issued last week by the dominion bureau of statistics this is an increase of approximately 138 000 persons over the same date last year when the estimated populd tion was 0 qs8 000 the report covering the years 1021 192 inclusive further sjjows the dominions population had increased by more than i 000000 persons during that period in 92l thcensas rtuttrjmtupfhtt nucotntttot uie n joyed increases in population during the prince edward the vinccs twelve months ending june 1 lust island s estimated decrease was 300 persons yukon lost approximately 500 of its people ontario still continues by for the most populated of the pro vinccs the estimates reveal and along with quebec cnjoed a most substantial increase in populat on during the period under review proving ever more popular ontario seems to be developing its share of the tourist traffic it is estimated that to date twenty five per cent more have visited this province this year than last season during the past montjl the toronto convention and tourist bureau has answer cd u daily average of 27 letters from all parts of the united states us to ontario as n vacation spot lust week the ontario governments department of publicity answered 8 000 letters in the same vein last year it was computed 1 500 000 tourists passed through toronto these came by way of sarqia windsor tort erie niagara talis quecnstown and the eastern points of entry this year to date 100 000 more ears have passed over the peace bridge at fort i i ie than tranversed the bridge during the same period last year as an ideal place for the vacationist this province is fast becoming known far nd wide and each succeeding yenr brings its ever iiiei easing quota of tourists on pleasure bent and to holiday among the splendid attractions with which ihe country abounds a pacing torm of entertainment in this section of the country the garden party seems to be becoming a thing of the pust true there are a few each year but each season the number i dwindling a very few years ago there was scarce 1 a week available for setting a date for the holding of one of these functions during the sujnmcr months the reason is not hard to find for the decline of this form of suminci festivity the cost of tulent and the risk of bud weather made them very often a money losing venture and profits that did accrue when the event was successful were often meagre it used to bo a popular form of entertainment for the young people now it appears that the dance hall at tile summer resort is much more enjoyed by the younger generation it would appear that the garden party is fast heeoining a thing of the past i osuhly whon its revival is inaugurated a new lot of comedians with a new assortment of songs and kls will have developed and the present state of lethargy in which the garden puny seems to have i asscd will be followed by a greater appreciation of this form of entertainment editorial noriii that the waierways can extract more death toll thin the highways was proven by the figures of the 1 isl weekend aie at the destination as well as when on he way should be practised nurlinoton mr couan nf montana is iciitllnt a leu days with friends hi tow i mr and mm e morley arc ipendlnff a few ilnyo with friends in toronto mrs m haley and edward opent the pat week at london and port ulanley chief bmlth received ward here on bun day of the death of mrs dclarglc former rerldent of durllntjton at new york mr a w owluwr of atratford naa purclia- through a dudoy alton mrn bcolt n hlce home on durllncton avenue und li qeltlnb nettled therein on prldoy afternoon tho firemen were called to ex ungual j a gnuui fire on come vncant loir on woodland avenue the nn threatened houses in clone proximity but the boyn soon nmothercd out ji burn inn rhulb work in being rushed along on the aifdluon to the new illah school the excavation has been completed far the bnncment and work on the building of the willis wll be commenced at once 1 iil end wall of the nchool hao been turn uitt to connect the addition to the present cchool lhmnny frleniln tfrrtr tiijk sunday school lesson lolt suwtay august 4 nftc wt 1 be pleased to team uiat lie u pro ait firing natlsfaritorily mr and mm a w wallace and con allen of moose jaw baric have been liltnfl mrs wallaces sister mrs it a hall they made the trip by motor and left on monday to make the return trip gazette gtobgltown g foulb vlalllnff mr of port arthur and mrs r d loults the mioses rarrlcfl on monday for a trip to california rctumtnh by van mr mid mrs ed ptndley of buffalo bpent tlil early part of the week with mrs h kindlcy dr i pishrr nnd mrs fisher of to rente attended the funeral of the late ruuald mcdonald mr and mrs john a oca of holyokc ma 3 were visitors last week at the homo or mrs e 1indlcy miss drctta thompson nurse in train ing tn landon is holidaying ot her home in stcwarttown rgctown ball team won the bct borne of the season when they defeated oakvlllc by a score of 7 to 3 last saturday afternoon in the park here mrs g conic wallace and daughter dorothy motored up from plorlda and are vlsitlnff with mr and mrs william barber mrs w ii willxin of aconrctown and r harvey wlllon of toronto have tunild frum a pleasant weeks motur trip to new york city hint h crcclman son and daunhtcr and mrs dynes of winnipeg miss omc 1c v crlclman of brandon spent the crk end in town ml i huby lennant daunhtcr of mr jtd mrs tcnnant of btewartlown who has been a patient at the qlck children a hospital toronto underwent a further deration last wednesday and we tux plcacd to report she is proarcssuia favor- bl herald milton a sixty nn e year old widow wanted to go over niagara jails in n rubber bull m order to make ulluient money to enjoy some of the luxuries of life i videiitly she belitves tn high hying the last few yeais in uu ending ihcrn abruptly i ihe exhorhlinut prices claimed to be charged i ion st highway hosieries aloni the horder will hi means of mulshing a very profitable lcjitun ali business holiday st ckers will usually spend very i 1 1 ee jy but anyone objects sticnilously to being robbed in hi ad ihiylij ht i i iil lepoit of the appointment of a ncwjudge in ii ilt ri utility hit had in foundation m the wiui ion 1 cho was apparently premature and un founded j he milton kcfornicr has hud intimation i fi m on iwu that pnor to july 18 no uppointment h d been iniide i i he concessions toward the oolite rutin of the nun iridic between two bip cohntiits ate st small nd i in he nig conceded hut it lcs the i ippe ininec thut ncithei one is in great h iste to i accomplish the pin pse ttiat both would make b itvt wus tiymj to be coiisunimuied mm ir and mrs sycr have been vljtlnn lit live in wyoming mr and mrs wesley uddu and chil drcn of toronto rpent sunday at the home pf his parents here r and mrs w b clements tiai l rt turned from au enjoyable vacation of two weeks spent in muskoka ir and mrs it ic anderson left yeswr day for a two weeks vacation at micjtoka cmbly chautauqua summer intt ttjtc ljikc itaaeau mujikolca rs o a ilcmstreet and suter in am unch arc visiting mrs ilcmstre la r mrs pulk at bhanty bay he utw proof bars which were order d the windows at the jail here were purchased lnt week at a cast of 203 m iunton and his daughter m- jean left on saturday for a trip of bix wlle to winnipeg and vancouver h c u return via portland ore and bllllniis mont mts jean will put tn a manln di lnu research work at the pacific hlo luteal station at vancouver during mr pnnuin s atjscncc ic k yaca will t his de uty as county clerk and clerk at dlvlsou court champion mr it h pleinlng agricultural itepn mtatlvi fur walland coqnty formerly f milton wus ui town yesterday mr it b qulbrullh and children ore inj tying thimselvrs at uirlr summer ltuti at wasueo beach mr und mrs w bowcn or utlca n y are visiting at the home of lits biollur mr prank bowcn ml i i ury edlii uf bartanvllle is rpeiidlug a weeks vacation with hi r uaclc fi and uunt mr und mrs i homos cdtti rjoiniuirelal utrect mlsi i tin 1 andrrwa nurse in trulxiliu l tin cji nrrul 11 pltal cluelph has ben ix ndliiu u fi w holidays at her iioijr h rr mr nordi n hmilry prlnclial of tin high and publlt brhools combined at lligi ur hu k is fixiidlng his hulldaya htri wlui his muuiir mrs hanley mill olrcrl iteformar tlic friend of all sufferers ih man electric oil u a valuablu rrmedy o all thosi who suffer pall hnldt i ut hi j jt to everyone and realties ll by stilling suflerlnic everywhere it u u llnlmt nt that hai the blowing ot half a rintliunt it l un sale cverywticic und can be fuund wlirrcver enquired for msiiinu in gfoefilan kay pishing u che business in georgian bay ll irk buss fur uic rml and ealnum nr i ikr trout down diep hotels and comfortable stopping plurca affortt every farlllty at reasonable ratii mid canadian national hallways ofti r ti g ilcwuia vtx midland and puny ouiid with ltromer connectlurei from i u h to rt sorts und flshlna gnmnds lylnu tn tw n ak i ur nearest canadian natli ual aiiint fr the tiooklet tntltlid 30 odd i limit of tin thorium bay cloldt n 1 1 xt lli not drunk n with ulm ulunln ti riot i ph u in lrr on dun ii i 31 fiunday preliminary ui nd the entire chapter make the unijierande applications i line cup tun of babylon i o 6pp pliici bubylun thn chief capital of the pinilnn lunplrr monday 11m inlpuua i- taut v 1 hi ichaieuir was tho ton of nabonldiii the 1 ist king of tho ijubylon- tan empire placed hy his father in chunie of llubylon with thn title of king whlli hh city was besieged by tho army of oyrui king of media and pcrnla then ut u db tuncu extending hia con- qin ui illljliaazax wlio rliould have j n uien mart ut all on his guard wan in tin mldt of a vurt drunkin revel addlnu impiety to folly the king had brought to rrvt an drhiklnu cup the eucrcd vtchi capturnd by lebuehudnlzuir from tho temple at j ril ah in i 3 4 in that scene of ben hal lunt holy vi els appeared and wero em ploy d to drink to the lildcaun ldoln which the ilnbylonlans worshipped tuesday the terrlbl hujii aualntt tho plartered wall near lli- klnun candlestick suddenly appeared r of a mans hand no marc r tc a mysterious inscription mna mna tql piuj fl 0 in dlro dismay the king d his wise men whose business to interpret omens promising that wholvtr read the inscription should be the third ruler in the kingdom be brim the fccond nnd jabonlduu the first cary for the wise men to nee thnt the hecrlptlon contained tho names of three moncywclghtn the first being re pcaud for emphasis a mlna a minn a stick 1 u half ralna but that was as far a- tin y could go wednesday danui hummoiird v 10 ih quern of this verse was not ih w i- of belnhaxxar bat won prob ably till queeii motllcr pcrhap1 the uld of niburhadnczaar himself who would it ivc the best of reasons for recall lug d nlcl v 11 the hebrew has no word for btundfuther ur ureal grandfather and father may stand for any distant an cestor v 13 daniel was prorldcrit of the college of cages and cootlisaycra but would n it romc earlier because he would not hue hb clod inplrcd wisdom con luscd ullh clialdaan ignorance and folly txhur vliuvajf iiri w estern fair iomion oniauio i sept 9tli14th inclusive 129 a nrealcr t irrn i ilr i ntlrrl linn ed hi in lr ivllr n i rvtler erowd of vlulloru u lift lit d lie huililllifch i inn dlitil tyii wilt be inn rwr ll luillr ill u t iilnl lo lirii entry lb i of live moeu poultry grlrulnrnl iloduet rh new poultry iiiiimihk re lirfarrd rare rack ulcgrr auraitbnm in u 1 igger wny j10 00 00 in 1hii 4 and a rnla tionh are kill rrrirrcimmjt hiiyu unil olrln t ulf leading aiiiirtltlin f omplrte 1 aultry etitul flrjllnii wllh liberal prlum hi vi iai i kill i units show hrnl a lo 1z in the new arena srnd for 1 rive i lul nov liialiu date atie 21 lor further in format inn wrllc j ii sijniihs irellfiil w i jackson knisrlary i omlnii ontario all the goodness of the wheat in a tasty digestible form shredded j wnul ttoit uil widum which la from jell o va h could be bought v 10 it was a nt occasion to exalt the one true god who had been co dclply dlihonorcd in the idolatrous scene that had preceded v id 31 the humiliating experience cf the mighty nebuchadnezzar so much m re powerful tlinji bclsluuzar should litch a lectin to the foolish ruler whose i ride clruuiily needed to be humbled v- j- 1 llu knowledge of ood and t b dl nc to his word bring manliness puilty and temperance ond render 1m- ikluldli- i uch a tecne of debauchery as ilelthuzzur s feat that is why daniel i reached hl powerful sermon at thin 1 great dl turbancc it must have cunk home i rldaj the writing interpreted v i ihc signs of money weights hlch apieared on the wall daniel nilcd uut co as to moke words which mean numberi d numbered weighed and dlvldid the u in upharsln signify and 20 mlna the weight 13 nearly tune as the arabic word for num to number a thing implies that it li finished brought to an end and daniel thus interprets the word the aramaic word for the money weight the shekel is almost same as the word for weighed hint hllshazxar neighed in the balances found wanting was known by daniel throuch his insight into the weak kings lia meter v fl a half mlna pan in or pin rcmtndld daniel of perls hlch means divided and also of i ini which means ivrnlam and so c i t i ut i f the word a double inter null n saturday babylon fallj v j it wib hurdly worth while fpr dam i ui continue to refuse the honors the king paid him since they were to last t nly a fow hours v 30 herodotus tells us that the nuuri of the ltph rates which flowed thruuuh the midst of babylon were diverted by the persian troops into a rcsuyilr which they hod dug and the pi i lan pit access to the heart of tho uty ly marchlnff up the bed of the river uiidliu tile lntca unguarded the soldiers being iil ven ovlt to rovelry twenty yi alta ago 1- rom the luae of the free press thursday aueusi a 10d9 a brand new uifc from the tayli work ioronto was put tnlo pattenon s bulrhrr shop this week i he niliuberu of the prcbytrrlon choir picnicked at itockwood on tuesday what is clulmtd to be a record uamplc f ioli for tli la season was bruusht to i he phil pncs ontire on tuclay from uil furm i f wm brown ucond unc nic ntclm urr fttt j inch in length und xd quality mr harold nlcklln who has been the ujiicii n branch of the mercliants lijnl i lnct the nrst or chr year has bt iiuird to bt thiiiias where hr will ik ii tin lellir i cugi acton l ut one of its most pqpulai u dl ll ili ultk lli tin rtmiival of mrs j un i 1- lrtbrook ui 1 oronto tlvlc h llday n monday passed very ijulillj bt ui uuinerlta and glove fac t ry w n in ope ration tlurltm the day i h aelon pi re brigade looked quite nitty ui thilr white routs and hats when ii i y marched to the stall in on wcdncu duy to take tin mwclal train for 10x13 for tin bl flri mi n u cerlcb ration in tliat t un chltf w d anderson and bee ry li itydrr wiut up on monday to ml the n nvmtli a oil mi n day and day heat with all the bran of the whole wheat crisp it in tho oven cat it crumbled up of in biscuit form cover it with coollntf cream or milk rich in all tho food ele ments you need vitamins and oalta delicious for any mcol tire bargains all tl a oc ivmijuc jluod williwjl 1 03- 1410 startling values in new goodyear tires weve juat received o big hlnpmeiit of goodyear tireo prices nro low nnd goodyear quality was never higher we quote a few of tho prices here other slzea at junt aa great hnrguins theresa a goodyear tire to meet your needs of type and price including our bctvilc 855 75 530 12 55 h a coxe chrysler ik hoto ily mouth cira ihonl d acton ontutio supertwiat cords rnorm stretch than oldstyle ib ilachallenger has the right to tare h ll 1 1 j i b ll il a munkoku intli buch that bring 111 1 nth lii urray i pli uic joy ot llvink to all gulf mi six flue r 1 uri 1 utinli everywhere lawr biullng iilkia ltiroukh avi uiks of f l pnit c 111 or btcamrr trips uni ng the clus l ml lilnndi of thl lakeland arndue i ill in inutor boalli u und bathing llien diiollnii hi hit cool if uie lviiuii under i liul lotidluonv i ly 11 inn cunndlau national rail iys i v u u it ii y ui ih 1 11 apot 1 1 1i1u nnlrr i 1 phutitr ti iher uty c ittak u coi intnbl li ui ly wy one of tli rr rn llrunn mu kjitu wtiarf ituln 1urk ir luik j u ph wt ml all within 11 iiw it any pait at on j 1 mi 1 1 a k yo or m art st conudlan national infi niialli n and lluruturi tm unci 1l virlmi it orl h u i challenging variety at our color show cjme soq ot ourcolor show the beauty and vunoty o color wluch usscx offup at no txtra cout with its open challenge that excepta no car rwitl ita 21 ki power crciler heauty ailult- size capacity ridinc ease and economy ewuix ehtabllshea also an out- ntuiullni leadership in proven value lssex offers standard fint car equipment formerly identified only with costly cars available only at extra cost on cars of lssex price a ivluo choice of coior at no ifitfa ovt 840 and up all tic f u h wintltor hunt und u it torn llilliuuyi ct rn itimovt tlrtly nufe to uu- and ci factory in iut oclluu both yli id r whltli h t rtaln und ti 1 uyv willi r i worm imudem and uie i ttl t4 i in i uurnui la won ihtac jm u it 1 in l the morbid coiuliu ina 1 th tomurli which hurlih woruui ind th t d triittlvi paneiltr 1 cannot 1 l l ulur liny 1111 in contact with th in llrliit tin uirnis an 1 pecdlly aiijt d aith hi r ritie from the imu 1 m nndin a t linpurttri to th 1 t 1 111 and ih hiallh uf the ehlld iuadlly ulipiuvea acton motor sales at ion onlahio time tables a aoton flimdiiy only 7 13 dm dally fjtcept hunday 0 03 am dally except fiunday 13 01 phi dally ckrxiit fiinday 3 4 p lu dally except hunday ll if pjn dally except hunday 0 18 p m aalng wti sunday only 10 41 am dally except dunday 7 40 biri dally except ounday 10 43 ftjil dally except tumday 3 30 pin dally except uundaj 0 00 pjo dally exrept hunday 0 17p4h otopji only if patccngeni on board from toronto canadian national eucybjo itailwavh wbtbouud diily fl 17bjjl daily 10 17 0ju dally 13 hpm dally 3 l pjn dully 4 17 pju dally 0 17p4u daily 8 17dju dally 10 17pjn dally 13 17hjm dally except saturdays hundaya arul ilolldayo a car leavea toronto at 8 00 p m arriving in acton at 7 17 p m fiaturdmij and holldaya only a cmx leaven toronto at 8 00 p m and arrival in acton at 0 17 p m eftlbutul dally exceptrfnnilay 000 bjm dally 7 3040 dally 034 ajtt dally 114 aau dally 1 34 pm dally 3 34pjn- daily 5j14 pja dally 7j4pju dally 0 34 pm dally 11 34pjo tranla terminal km1 strt and st cuir avoti prclght delivered by cpeclal cxprw freight prclght picked up at any dreu in toronto wuums duo at acton dally at 8j5 a m 105pm 403pm03pm dally except caturdoyfl bunruy and holldayo at 10 05 p m and qaturdaya sundaya and liolldyfl at 13 05 p m euf bound duc at acton dally at 1135 a m 3 05 p m 7 05 p m 10 05 p m 7 05 a ra dally ccept sun days and holidays and 0 35 a m on sundaya and holidays only card co cuaiure aj dyra guelph ontakio an investment life insurance in an investment every young man and older people too should make protection la provided at no additional cost there are a number of policies to cult various purpoaoo there 1b one that will suit your needs and as specialists in ijfo insurance only it will bo gladly explained to you call ob any time no obligation op oouiu1b frederick l wright oeprceentauv imperial ia1 aaffuranea co of canada phone i03j residence main street acton aa an old esublhvhed vino w arc in a position to give yoo ut most uflcunt berrlce savagfe co jewellery lowlb wyndiiam bthxet diamonds 11 you ftequlrc one uenxcnibar d liave only oas quality thfc debt watches timet of per that yoo can uepud oiiyel mwleratcly frtced wat iiaian s and faukeu h una anp iuncila kcpainnjr and itcmodeliinrr done in our workroonu why a mirth ml to writt m atlirustimnt iijih 0 imve minuv umivk to uil iilintit hint is why it ayn to ntutly tlwwe iiukhaitvi ulnih lontaiu itmw of fliuinciul intcrcrit to you ofrometr itll value to uie public by a d 8avaqe aaelph ontarla changinfj lahsls how ofltu ijuiuld it bi done an lxamination every yoar is advisable no cluuigu nmy be urn wry hut 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